Charleston Welfare Director Ousted

The leader of the Charleston County, S.C. state welfare office was ousted from his post earlier this week. Frank Oakley was reportedly fired by S.C. Department of Social Services (SCDSS) director Lillian Koller for unspecified reasons. He has been replaced on an interim basis by Enid Jenkins. “The pattern with…

The leader of the Charleston County, S.C. state welfare office was ousted from his post earlier this week.

Frank Oakley was reportedly fired by S.C. Department of Social Services (SCDSS) director Lillian Koller for unspecified reasons. He has been replaced on an interim basis by Enid Jenkins.

“The pattern with Koller is to get rid of people who have the most experience,” one of our moles at the agency tells us. “Anyone who questions or suggests options is attacked. She replaces the people who really know what is going on with YES men and women. She has created a real mess at DSS.”

We don’t know about Koller’s hiring rationale (well … that’s not exactly true) but that last point is painfully obvious …

Looks like S.C. lawmakers should add another name to the subpoena list as they probe this troubled agency – which is part of Gov. Nikki Haley’s cabinet.

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? September 11, 2013 at 9:00 am

“Not only was I the director, I’m also a client.”

shifty henry September 11, 2013 at 9:29 am

Very strange that another white man is replaced by a black woman. It appears that this is Haley’s continuing program of entitlement and equality

Same ol' Same ol' September 12, 2013 at 8:55 am

Yes, there’s the agenda.

shifty henry September 12, 2013 at 10:52 am


Smirks September 11, 2013 at 10:31 am

Makes you wonder why he was let go. Insufficient corruption?

Curmudgeon September 11, 2013 at 11:04 am

He was fired because he stood up to Koller and Haley. They don’t like it when people disagree with them.

ShutupImtalking September 15, 2013 at 2:23 pm

You got it! Koller talks to the community like she has compassion, is interested in the welfare of the citizens of SC. But when the camera isn’t rolling, her true colors shine – she swears like a sailor, is abusive and unconcerned with anything other than how she’s perceived and what makes her look good or bad. Haley brought the concept of Capet Baggers to an all new level!!! Our illustrious Gov couldn’t find one South Carolinian who is smart enough to run the Agency??? What an INSULT – Koller’s following suit with all the non-residents being hired into upper management positions!

jimlewisowb September 11, 2013 at 11:03 am

Definition of Getting Fired from State Government

Letter of Termination sent by courier to be delivered at fireee‘s residence precisely at 5:32 on a Friday; by 9:30 AM following Monday firee will have retained services of Ben Took II, Esquire of the Order of Screw State Government; fireer will likewise retain services of outside counsel from the firm Findem, Feelem, Fuckem and Forgetem, LLC; opposing counsels will reach settlement; fireee will be paid a bucket load of taxpayer’s money to keep mouth shut and be given a glowing letter of reference to go get a job in Hawaii; both law firm’s will bill the State for a wheel barrow load of taxpayer’s money for their services; the fireee’s former position will be filled by a person with less job related qualifications but with greater political connections

And that folks is why Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and a quarter and Jill came down with $2.50 cause they didn’t go up for water

Gregory Geddings September 11, 2013 at 11:15 am

Wait a minute! Are you saying that Jill jacked Jack for a buck and a quarter? WTF is wrong with Jill? Does she have a peg leg and a glass eye?

shifty henry September 11, 2013 at 11:33 am

Jill came screaming out of an office. An executive asked her what was the problem. She didn’t really know.

He explained, “The company has to cut back on expenses, and we received a directive that each element of each department must fire 50% of its employees. So what happened in there?”

“Well,” Jill says, “Oh, now I understand. My boss told me because there were only two employees working for him he had a serious problem. He didn’t know whether to lay me or Jack off!”

Gregory Geddings September 11, 2013 at 4:32 pm


The Unknown Comic September 11, 2013 at 6:25 pm Reply
RSC's Friend September 11, 2013 at 6:45 pm

I was fucked over by Prince Charming Mike at DHEC in 1992, long after he was convicted of “Official Misconduct” along with Ken Aycock. The bad boys won because of “Bubsy’s” friend the Judge, (a former Gen’l Assy friend of Bubsy’s Daddy who was Chair of the House Ways & Means Committee for several years) who sentenced them to pay all of $500.00. “Bubsy” resigned. Prince Michael kept his job as DHEC lobbyist (thanks to the “wishes” of our wunnaful Gennrel Assy) until he was “chosen” to replace the drunk that was chosen to replace Bubsy. I “retired” with 32 years of “service” [?”servitude”?] to the state, not because I needed to (I had had nothing but “excellent” job reviews until the last year, when “they” decided to fuck me over, and removed me from under the supervisor that I had served for 20+ years), but simply because the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.
I see a WHOLE LOT of this happening to competent and dedicated state employees even now. I shouldn’t complain, though – the Retirement System has paid me rather handsomely to “stay away” – which I have striven to do.

nitrat September 11, 2013 at 5:37 pm

I went to the DSS website a few weeks ago and was stunned to see that she is pretty much hiring county directors with no agency experience.
This truly is a disaster waiting to happen. There have been directors hired via political cronyism over the years…it does not work out well.
DSS is a very large agency with many programs I’m sure the majority of these new directors are hearing about for the first time. The learning curve for these people will be years long.

Known September 13, 2013 at 9:34 am

Check the consistently questionable child welfare practices of Charleston County under his leadership. A look at their county data would show you that Charleston County has THE LOWEST RATE OF REPEAT ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN THE COUNTRY along with several other key indicators about the status of abused children. In an area riddled with social woes and poverty, with one of the highest rates of abuse and neglect is Frank Oakley just this good? Or has he consistently ‘redefined’ and ‘rerouted’ abuse and neglect cases to keep himself looking like the hero while the children in Charleston County suffer for it? Investigate that.

hopefulinhell September 15, 2013 at 12:50 pm

“Known” you sound like the familiar rantings of Director Koller and her yes ‘man’ Bob Brimmer et al. The fact of the matter is there is no validation in your accusation. For years before Dir. Koller adopted the buzz words ‘evidence-based’ and ‘trauma-informed,’ Charleston, with the help of the community partners and clinicians, has referred families to evidence-based treatment services that are proven to work. Historically Charleston has kept cases open for behaviors to change; thus reducing the risk of repeat abuse. RATHER THAN following the suggestions of the ‘administrators’ to ‘cut the fat.’ The current administration preaches ‘safety’ but the true focus is numbers and numbers equal dollars. The county offices remember that behind each ‘number’ is the face of a child. Governor Haley and her administration – Lillian Koller, Jessica, Bob, Malik, Sandra, et al – have an agenda – WAKE UP. This State is taking giant leaps backwards in child protection under this administration. Frank Oakley just got in the way – he and the others who have been removed from their positions before him, didn’t drink enough of the right brand of Kool-Aid. ‘Known’ why don’t you talk about those fired by Isabell and her heir, Jessica, who are being re-instated, awarded benefits and judgments because of wrongful termination practices – and how much THAT has cost the state. Lillian and her appointees will be here long enough to be vested in the SC Retirement system and then will, as quickly as they came, leave SC. The front line staff will be left to clean up their mess while they get paid. Or better yet why don’t you talk about how few of the upper managers (Bob Brimmer and his peers) have EVER knocked on a door, conducted an assessment or implemented a Safety plan – just because you READ ABOUT IT doesn’t mean you know how to do it!

ShutupImtalking September 15, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Hopefulinhell you’re exactly right. Mr. Oakley is a respected member of the community and worked for DSS for over 26 years. He is being targeted solely because he did not go along to get along. Koller and company will not be satisfied until all experienced county directors and those loyal to the county offices are replaced. While the cronies slink around the county offices snitching on each other. What a joke! Hope Mr. Oakley wins a HUGE settlement that good ole Lillian takes out of Brimmer’s hide! Bunch of dishonest, inexperienced schmucks!


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