CVSC Announces Supporter Survey
Recently, we announced the launch of an important online survey that will help us in our campaign toYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Recently, we announced the launch of an important online survey that will help us in our campaign to
Dear Ann Timberlake,
By the looks of this comment section, what are you doing wrong..?
Think about the title of this article…?
Where is your face….avatar….landfill picture…..or something…?
What kind of link banner is used to highlight your survey link for readers to tickle..?
Ann……you obviously understand why to send this article to Fitsnews in the first place….do you not..?
Ann, look at me……sit back a second or so and think about you statement here…
“As employees, voters, volunteers and contributors to the communities where you live and work, your voices and opinions are extremely influential. Through this brief survey you can provide information on the issues that are important to you, the stakeholders within your network, and the level of advocacy you would be willing to undertake on our behalf…….”
How “scary” is this statement …how scary..? Ann, you need to understand that when you walk into any room and meet anyone at DHEC or our state Capitol…..that the ground beneath their feet will quake. You obviously know our trash is ENERGY…do you not..? I will let you think for a few minutes…….
Ok Ann….now that you have thought for a few minutes, I just followed the link to this survey and to no surprise….there is a problem. (Naturally)
It linked to a “completed survey” web page…..maybe its my browser, but I doubt it.
Ann, we believe that your a fine lady just doing your job. This statement is very illustrative…”By understanding our network of relationships with members of the General Assembly, we can build advocacy programs that help advance our positions on issues that directly impact our state…”
Ann……..anyone who works for “Waste Management” would not care or even be aware to realize how someone in your position actually reaches under any conference table in our state capitol and gently squeezes..?
Guess what…….Wil Folks and Nancy Mace and Amy Lazenby understands ….that …I….DO…!!!
So, Ann……..what “entertainment” are you going to provide at your next meeting with anyone at DHEC…!?! ….or the Post and Courier….?? ….or the Department of Defense..?
Ann, the next time you go to your trash can and take it out to the curb………how do you get Bobby Harrel to “hear” me laughing in your head for every FITSNEWS reader to see…??
Think for a few more minutes…..
SO….my dear Ann…..have thought some more?
Lets hope to god YOU have…………..
We understand that Jury Members love a good puzzle and love also love a great story of Robin Hood or Little “Gloria Allred” Riding Hood… they not..?
Ann…….do you understand what a Bees Ferry Landfill has in Common with SM&E Engineering and Walmart and Contamination at “Fort Bragg” and the ‘”Burn Pits” in Iraq and Afghanistan and Djibouti and …..SYRIA…??
A LOT ….of…….OIL…..!!! ….and Google Earth….!! …and this FITSNEWS website comment section…!!!
Ann……you need to think a little….MORE…!!
Ann… that you have spent a little more time thinking…….
Watch this video and try to figure out WHO ….I am…?
I don’t have Boobs……
Nancy Mace ….DOES..!!
Mrs Wil Folks…..does…!!
My Daughter…..will…..!!!
The question is … YOU understand how to forecast a Hurricane coming ashore on “Assembly Street”…..!?!
Ann… does the good “Sea Coast” Lord use this comment section in a humble voice…!?
Ann…..think a little more……
Ann…….do you think I am enjoying this….??? Watch this….
The question is…….will the SC Legislators you show this Fitsnews article have the understanding of why I SMILE back at them….Picard Style….??
Ann…….thank you for getting Wil Folks to post your presser……..
We wonder just how long it will take you to laugh….and respond in this comment section.
(We are laying wagers on you…to “act”)
Finally …Ann……
Have you read this article and comments..??
Considering that you failed to offer your “thoughts” in the comment section, we wonder just how many of your “friends” you will send this article too and get their feedback..?
How would your actions be …”verifiable”… be shown to a jury..?