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SCDP: Nikki Haley Hypocrisy Alert

This morning, Nikki Haley showed that her memory has more holes in it than the state’s cyber security did in 2012, and her hypocrisy on accountability knows no bounds. SHOT: In a meeting with her cabinet today, the Governor had strong words about passing the buck off to others. [The…

This morning, Nikki Haley showed that her memory has more holes in it than the state’s cyber security did in 2012, and her hypocrisy on accountability knows no bounds.

In a meeting with her cabinet today, the Governor had strong words about passing the buck off to others. [The State’s Adam Beam, 8/20/13]

One year ago, after learning of the hacking, the Governor kept it secret for 2 weeks, before holding almost daily press events full of misinformation and blaming others for the failure. [Post & Courier, 11/12/12]

To this day, the people of South Carolina cannot get the full story on what happened or an apology from Governor Haley. Actions speak louder than words.

With her reelection announcement just six days away, Nikki Haley is working overtime to whitewash some of her biggest failures. But the people of South Carolina remember what really happened. That’s why Haley’s approval rating is still stuck in the 40s, and why she had to call in support from 3 out-of-state governors for her own reelection rally.


Governor Haley waited more than 2 weeks to inform 6.4 million consumers and businesses in South Carolina that their tax information had been hacked under her watch. [The State, 1/4/13]

Instead of accepting responsibility and demanding accountability, Governor Haley’s first instinct was to blame everyone else. “When the hacking was first discovered, Gov. Haley’s office waited more than two weeks to inform the public — nearly a lifetime in the age of instantaneous information and online banking. Then they told us the hacking was unpreventable, only to later admit that the Department of Revenue refused an offer by the State Information Office offered to monitor their system. Then we were told that only Social Security numbers were stolen, no business records were stolen, and that the Internet wasn’t used in the hacking attack. All of those claims turned out to be false. Haley’s office also tried to blame the Internal Revenue Service for not requiring states to encrypt Social Security numbers. However, the IRS does encrypt SSNs on its own system — and recommends that other agencies do the same.” [Palmetto Public Record, 1/17/13]

Governor Haley flip-flopped back and forth repeatedly – unable or unwilling to be straight with the public. “As the investigation into the hack into the S.C. Department of Revenue progressed, some of Gov. Nikki Haley’s public statements about the breach necessarily evolved. But concerning the preventability of the hack and whether the state or an employee enabled it, the governor staked out positions at the beginning that she has now fully reversed.”[Post & Courier, 11/12/12]

Governor Haley has repeatedly refused to apologize to the people of South Carolina. “On Monday, the South Carolina Democratic Party released a video calling on Gov. Nikki Haley to apologize to citizens for the Department of Revenue cybersecurity breach last fall.” [Patch, 5/7/13]

South Carolinians still don’t know the full truth of what happened, because it’s buried in a secret report. [The State, 6/5/13]

(Editor’s Note: The above communication is a news release from a political party. It does not necessarily reflect the editorial position of To submit your letter, news release, email blast, media advisory or issues statement for publication, click here).

Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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Jackie Chiles August 20, 2013 at 11:55 am

I’ve got problems with the Dems, but this was dead-on.

shifty henry August 20, 2013 at 12:12 pm

This article was louder and more effective than my Bug Zapper!

nitrat August 20, 2013 at 12:12 pm

WHY is the report ‘secret’?
What are they willing to make up to justify that secrecy?
Does anyone ever ask…just to see them squirm?

shifty henry August 20, 2013 at 12:22 pm

The Governess should be the poster girl for Borderline Personality Disorders.

shifty henry August 20, 2013 at 3:10 pm

And THAT PHOTO is the one to use….. it is PERFECT!!

Centrist View August 20, 2013 at 1:09 pm

“With her reelection announcement just six days away,….”

Will there be a Nikki Haley Reelection Announcement Drinking Game?

Examples, every time she says:

“Great Day in South Carolina” – Take 1 shot

“Tuberculosis” – Put on a surgical mask with a small hole over the mouth. Insert straw thought hole. Drink 3 ounces of orange juice with straw.

Fraud Alert network August 20, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Fraud Alert Network release.
Nikki Haley defrauded the people of Lex. Co. elected as a true conservative.
Nikki Haley defrauded Wilbur Smith and associates out of funds.
Nikki Haley defrauded Lex. medical Center on her job application.
Nikki Haley defrauded Will Folks and Larry Marchant out of sperm.
Nikki Haley defrauded DHEC out a knowledgeable and competent board and director.
Nikki Haley defrauded the employees of the State claiming to be fair and knowledgeable.
Nikki haley defrauded the B&C Board with the appointment of Elinor (Bitch) Kitzman.
Nikki Haley defrauded the Tea Party claiming to be a reformer and conservative.
Nikki Haley defrauded State Retirees claiming to appreciate their service and benefits.
Nikki Haley defrauded Law Enforcement claiming to appreciate their sacrafice.
Nikki Haley defrauded the GOP claiming to be a reform minded conservative.
Nikki Haley defrauded Ports authority with her appointments and Savanna River sellout.
Nikki Haley defrauded the voters of South Carolina claiming to be honest and competent.
“Join the movement” vote out Haley!
It will be a “Great day in South Carolina”.
Then “South Carolina will be just right”.
This message brought to you by the Fraud Alert Network and WE APPROVE THIS MESSAGE.

ELCID August 21, 2013 at 6:40 pm


Manray9 August 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm

After the Savannah River Sellout and the DOR fiasco one would think she would retreat quietly into retirement with her head bowed in shame. Not in SC, instead she’ll win re-election. She’ll get the magical “R” beside her name on the ballot and all the sheep will say “Baaah!”

Guest August 20, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Speaking of hypocrisy from da Gubner, did you hear her whining about too much rain and asking for a US taxpayer funded agri-business bailout?

ELCID August 21, 2013 at 6:39 pm



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