Democrats Blister Nikki Haley On Jobs

South Carolina Democrats wasted little time in pouncing on a lackluster employment report for the Palmetto State, mocking Gov. Nikki Haley – the incumbent “Republican” who has branded herself as America’s “Jobs Governor.” According to data released by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW), South Carolina’s jobless rate…

South Carolina Democrats wasted little time in pouncing on a lackluster employment report for the Palmetto State, mocking Gov. Nikki Haley – the incumbent “Republican” who has branded herself as America’s “Jobs Governor.”

According to data released by the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (SCDEW), South Carolina’s jobless rate remained stuck at 8.1 percent in July. Meanwhile the state’s labor force – already hovering at historic lows – shed another 4,000 workers.

The disappointing data comes as Haley prepares to kick off her 2014 reelection bid.

“When I became governor, I made a promise to the people of South Carolina that I would eat, sleep and breathe job creation,” Haley said last week. “I could do this because our great state has all the tools to be successful. Our jobless rate has dropped to a new 5-year low, we’ve announced 36,000 jobs in 45 of 46 counties, and South Carolina tops the list as one of the fastest growing economies in the nation.”

Of course Haley hasn’t addressed all the jobs South Carolina has lost over that time period … as evidenced by a spate of recent bad news.

A report released earlier this year ranked South Carolina as one of the worst states in America try and make a living. Other recent reports showed the Palmetto State as having a terrible business tax climate as well as zero upward mobility for its citizens. And while Haley has been more than willing to throw taxpayer money at large corporations, a recent analysis of private sector job creation among America’s governors ranked her No. 34 out of 45 (five governors were excluded from the study because they took office in 2013). However one of those five governors, North Carolina’s Pat McCrory, recently signed a massive $2.5 billion tax cut – which will only further diminish South Carolina’s competitive position.

And while Democrats aren’t embracing tax relief, they’re giddy at the governor’s poor performance.

“One week from today, Governor Haley will announce her reelection campaign,” S.C. Democratic Party spokeswoman Kristin Sosanie said. “But bad news for South Carolina and its self-proclaimed ‘Jobs Governor’ keeps rolling in as the reality of Nikki Haley’s poor leadership continues to hit families and businesses hard around the state.”

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Smirks August 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

If she actually had to eat, sleep, and breathe job creation, McConnell would be governor pretty quickly.

Smirks August 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

If she actually had to eat, sleep, and breathe job creation, McConnell would be governor pretty quickly.

CNSYD August 19, 2013 at 1:22 pm

and Democrats are expected to say good things about her?

CNSYD August 19, 2013 at 1:22 pm

and Democrats are expected to say good things about her?

L I'll Be August 19, 2013 at 1:26 pm

And here I thought job creation was a private venture, who knew it was government’s job?

L I'll Be August 19, 2013 at 1:26 pm

And here I thought job creation was a private venture, who knew it was government’s job?

off color Fraud network August 19, 2013 at 1:56 pm

press release from South Carolina Fraud Network.
Nikki Haley has been correctly identified as the “JOBS GOVERNOR”!
It is the defination of jobs which has been incorrectly identified.
Jobs, not in the sense of employment of the people of the Great State of South Carolina!
But, jobs in the definition of the girls, at the strip joints allegedly frequented by Nikki, Haley and others of our infamous legislature! “Hand jobs” and “Blow jobs” would be the correct identification of our “Jobs Governor”.
This not unlike Bill Clintons deposition where he determined he was not lying about Monica Lewinski. It all centered on the definition of what “is”..”is”. And he was not addressing Monica in regard to having sexual relations, It was Monica’s Mother he was referencing! So, you see he was being truthful! He never had sexual relations with Monica’s Mother, only Monica. And the questioners were not specific.
Nikki, I’m absolutely sure was referring to jobs not related to employment! I’m sure Mr. Folks and Mr. marchant along with the girls at HeartBreakers and Bottoms Up and many others could attest!
There now, we have cleared that up.

Nan August 19, 2013 at 2:39 pm

With her lies and self serving agenda, she has certainly done a job on the people of South Carolina and the Republican and Tea Party!
“Join the Movement” do not vote for Haley in her effort at reelection!
“It will be a Great Day in South Carolina” when she is defeated!
South Carolina will then be “Just Right”!

Susan Waterman Adams August 23, 2013 at 9:24 am

Governor Haley isn’t a Tea Party supporter; FYI. Before lashing out with nonfactual comments please verify statements. And please verify with facts your statement of lies; cold hard facts.

Susan Waterman Adams August 23, 2013 at 9:21 am

You are projecting and seem to have nothing but unfactual comments about both Bill Clinton and Nikki Haley. Even if you are unhappy with said elected offical; have a conversation about facts; it makes you look small as a human being. I feel sorry for you.

CharlesDikkens August 19, 2013 at 3:23 pm

Government doesn’t “create” jobs. This is another Statist myth that the MSM and most politicians (and voters) are too stupid to see through.
The private sector creates jobs, through growing and investing its own capital. Government does not have capital. It only has revenue – big difference. To get revenue to spend to “create” a job, Government must take that money from somewhere else, thereby eliminating a job in the process of creating one. This is a fundamental economic law that we can misunderstand, but sadly cannot violate.
Unfortunately, big R thinks it can in fact “create” jobs, just like big D. If Ms Haley is going to hold herself out as a job creator, then she needs to be judged harshly when the economy over which she has no control, does not deliver.
Governments can, in fact, facilitate job growth in the private sector by repealing laws and regulations that increase the cost of doing business, or by cutting taxes. If you leave the money where it belongs – in the hands of the people who earn it – and let them spend it and invest it as they see fit, you actually encourage job growth.
I dont see NH doing this, or even really understanding it. Sanford, as flawed as he is personally, does in fact understand this basic economic law, but even he got sucked in(pun intended) to seeking the mantle of “job creator” by taking credit for Boeing. Government spending on Boeing or BMW or any favored industry can not “create” a single job.
Deregulation and tax cuts enable real and lasting economic growth, caused by private sector investment, increased efficiency and increased productivity. That’s it, folks.
You can’t get around it – if you coulda, you woulda, and you didn’t. So, Gov., wake up and quit shooting your mouth off about job creation.

Ben_Kinlaw August 19, 2013 at 6:40 pm

When comparing unemployment numbers, typically you look at the trend and you look at comparisons; month-over-month and year-over-year.

Additionally you review the regions or district for comparison. There are a total of nine regions, here is a link;

For true apples to apples comparison; in my opinion I think it is beneficial to review data from our neighboring states; i.e. GA, NC, SC & TN.

The year-to-date unemployment numbers reflect three out of the four states are showing a downward trend (GA, NC & SC). Same time frame reflects TN with the lowest unemployment rate at 8.1% followed by SC at 8.3%, GA at 8.5% and NC at 9.1%.

These four regional states unemployment rates beginning in January and ending in July are; GA began at 8.7% and ended July at 8.8%, NC began at 9.5% and ended with 8.9%, SC began at 8.7% and ended with 8.1% and TN began at 7.7% and ended with 8.5%.

This data can be accessed at this link;

Elfego August 20, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Who are the Democrats to blast anyone. Their leaders booed the name of God. Clyburn in pushing us over the brink with Obamacare and on top of that there are millions missing from his own piece of history. Obama has has put us in debt over a Trillion a year and all the Democrats are still marching in lockstep including Sheheen!


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