
“Brazen …”

We missed this – and apparently so did the rest of the national mainstream press – but The Young Turks Network, founded by liberal host Cenk Uygur, did a helluva job last week bashing a fellow “progressive.” Specifically, the network went after uber-liberal Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton – who is…

We missed this – and apparently so did the rest of the national mainstream press – but The Young Turks Network, founded by liberal host Cenk Uygur, did a helluva job last week bashing a fellow “progressive.”

Specifically, the network went after uber-liberal Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton – who is the District of Columbia’s delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives. Holmes Norton has represented Washington, D.C. in the House since 1991, and while she is not permitted to vote on final passage of legislation – she does get to serve on House committees (and vote on legislation at the committee level).

Judging by a voicemail she left on the answering machine of a D.C. lobbyist, Holmes Norton is apparently quite eager to leverage this influence to her own political advantage …

Wow …

Now THAT is how “things get done” in our nation’s capital, people.

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Henry Minton August 19, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Find better “sources”. ‘This American Life’ did a story on this back on March 30, 2012! The episode was entitled “Take the Money and Run for Office” (http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/461/take-the-money-and-run-for-office). This wasn’t even the most egregious example. Quit obtaining and second sourcing soundbites and do solid research.

? August 19, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Yep, can anyone honestly say things like this surprise them anymore?

Let it all burn.

RHood2 August 19, 2013 at 2:07 pm

If this is the call I heard on NPR more than a year ago, she got chiden by her party leadership for not getting what he GOP heads of her committee got. In other words, everybody is at fault.

junior justice August 19, 2013 at 2:08 pm

Yes, I have heard from her. I had a donation mailed to her but received no reply – not even a thank you note. My second contribution, well, I just flushed it down the commode.

Dr. Strangelove August 19, 2013 at 2:15 pm

I’m donating my services to give her a facial reconstruction.

RHood2 August 19, 2013 at 2:15 pm

This American Life had the call a year or more ago in an extensive report on lobbying and money in politics. Same call. Handled the same way. NPR did reach out to Norton for an explanation. She had a degree of shame about it. But the thing I find interesting is that both shows protected the ID of the lobbyist.

RHood2 August 19, 2013 at 7:37 pm

I read the beginning of the transcript of this episode of TAL, and it says Breitbart had it out BEFORE TAL, which aired this originally on 03.30.2012. This is VERY OLD NEWS, senor FITS.

Frank Pytel August 19, 2013 at 2:26 pm


Frank Pytel August 19, 2013 at 2:44 pm


ScrewedNSC August 19, 2013 at 3:14 pm

Who was the lobbyist? Do your homework SIC.

Smirks August 19, 2013 at 4:38 pm

It’s OK, she’ll resign and probably be hired to a six figure job at some place she did get bribed from, lobbying to the people who got paid when she didn’t. That’s how it usually works, anyways.

Philip Branton August 20, 2013 at 12:22 pm

LOL……LOL………and just look at the fellow comments. ROFL…..LOL…!!

No one here realizes why Folks is running this article..? How is Wil twisting TYT and the mainstream media to give ammo for Mace to use against Graham..??


Heck how should Gilda Cobb-Hunter use this article to check the pulse of the Clyburn interns and their ability to return a phone call…??

This is CLASSIC……Bravo….bravo…Wil FOlks….BRAVO…!!

Philip Branton August 20, 2013 at 12:33 pm

Dear Jim Clyburn office “associates”………

We hope you understand the mega-ton size of the pressure that is being placed upon your Representative you work for..!?

It is really interesting that certain transportation dollars that were unaccounted for in the local media that caused such a dust storm here in Charleston is now coming back to leverage against you in the lobby forum in the Senatorial campaign..!? Do yo realize how this can be used in a debate to highlight the insight of both MACE and Graham and show what about any Democrat challenger..??

We wonder how “dredging dollars” can be tagged to ships going through the SUEZ Canal…!?

…or Folly Beach sand ….”re-nourishment”…?

LOL…….we wonder just how many interns understand how “grants” are used to talk to someone on the Charleston Airport Authority ….?

This is dynamite for a MACE….”offensive”..!!

Philip Branton August 20, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Dear SC Senator Paul “Campbell”…..

We hope you understand “brazen” information..?


When you read this article by Wil Folks that re-runs info tagged to TYT…..what message is Wil Folks sending YOU that Brian Hicks failed to do in his article..? How would Gilda Cobb-Hunter use this info to have a nice discussion with you about the number of BLACK beach goers that entertain themselves on Folly Beach..? …or concerned BOEING union workers buying property in Orangeburg County..?? We wonder how RAIL Service would benefit “brazen” donors to the Graham campaign..?

Hmm….how would the Mace camp parlay ..counter donations..? …or I-95 billboards..??

SC Senator Paul……….is MACE playing to win…or is she playing for a position on a board you have vision on…?

We wonder if Mayor Riley …”knows”..?

Bill Clinton August 20, 2013 at 6:13 pm



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