
Manning: They Found Jeff Spicoli

Fox News discovered the poster boy for decades of social experimentation and a welfare system designed to take away any stigma of dependency – Jason Greenslate – the slacker’s slacker. The twenty nine year old is who the fictional “Fast Times in Ridgemont High” character Jeff Spicoli would have aspired to become…

Fox News discovered the poster boy for decades of social experimentation and a welfare system designed to take away any stigma of dependency – Jason Greenslate – the slacker’s slacker. The twenty nine year old is who the fictional “Fast Times in Ridgemont High” character Jeff Spicoli would have aspired to become – a guy who mooches places to live from family and friends, surfing every day, partying, and playing his guitar with zero pressure to do anything else.

And Greenslate thanks taxpayers for providing him with $200 a month in free food through the food stamp program.
No apologies or embarrassment, Jason Greenslate revels in taking advantage of the system which provides him with sushi and lobster money. You can almost hear him yelling “suckas” at the 144 million working Americans whose taxes he spends as he screeches off burning rubber from his very nice truck down the streets of La Jolla, California.

But to Jason, he is making the rational choice. If the government wants to give him food, why shouldn’t he take it? If people, who presumably work for a living, put him up in their homes and enable his party til you drop lifestyle, then why should he get a job? If somehow his truck insurance and beer money magically are provided by someone else, why not be a bum?

With a government policy to redistribute income from those who works long hours to be successful and make a life for themselves to support the Jason Greenslate’s of the world, it is fair to question who is the fool?

Is Greenslate wrong for taking the free food offered by the government? Is he wrong for mooching off his less enlightened friends and relatives who trade their time doing menial tasks in exchange for currency, when he gets money for nothing and the chicks are free? Will he be wrong when he signs up for California’s equivalent of Medicaid to cover his Obamacare expenses?

After all, America is telling him, you don’t have to work, we’ll take care of you.

Rather than screaming at Greenslate for wasting his life by taking the easiest path from birth to death, America should be ashamed that he represents exactly what our cradle to grave welfare dependency state inevitably produces. People who make the rational choice to be a bum because nothing more is expected of them are not the problem, they are the consequence.

(To continue reading this piece, press the “Read More …” icon below).

Rick Manning (@rmanning957) is the Vice President of Public Policy and Communications for Americans for Limited Government.

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Jay Ellington August 15, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Watched the entire special last weekend. I love burned out shitty musicians that don’t possess enough insight to know that they are a shitty musician.

The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli August 15, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Watched the entire special last weekend. I love burned out shitty musicians that don’t possess enough insight to know that they are a shitty musician.

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 15, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Hate the game, not the playa…

TontoBubbaGoldstein August 15, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Hate the game, not the playa…

Gregory Geddings August 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Another small fry gets fried by the right wing press. He sure makes for a whole lot easier target than the demented sociopathic crooks on Wall Street. I bet Mr. Manning is one of those folks who stands in line at the grocery store and ridicules and demeans some poor, pitiful soul who pays with a food stamp debit card.

Its pretty obvious that Fits is a small player in the effort to perpetuate and exacerbate the fake left/right divide. Let’s all hold knives to each other’s throats while those at the top laugh their asses off.

Gregory Geddings August 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Another small fry gets fried by the right wing press. He sure makes for a whole lot easier target than the demented sociopathic crooks on Wall Street. I bet Mr. Manning is one of those folks who stands in line at the grocery store and ridicules and demeans some poor, pitiful soul who pays with a food stamp debit card.

Its pretty obvious that Fits is a small player in the effort to perpetuate and exacerbate the fake left/right divide. Let’s all hold knives to each other’s throats while those at the top laugh their asses off.

Jan August 15, 2013 at 6:36 pm

Lets see, how much money have I as a taxpayer, put in Jason Greenslates pocket? Now how much money have I put in Mark Sanford’s pocket? How about the Haley family’s pocket? How about Will Folk’s pocket? As moochers go Mr. Greenslate seems fairly unsuccessful at his job.
Heck, I’m not even that mad at Mr. Greenslate. His antics at least entertain me. That’s more than I gotten from any of the other moochers I’ve named.

Jan August 15, 2013 at 6:36 pm

Lets see, how much money have I as a taxpayer, put in Jason Greenslates pocket? Now how much money have I put in Mark Sanford’s pocket? How about the Haley family’s pocket? How about Will Folk’s pocket? As moochers go Mr. Greenslate seems fairly unsuccessful at his job.
Heck, I’m not even that mad at Mr. Greenslate. His antics at least entertain me. That’s more than I gotten from any of the other moochers I’ve named.

eildonaus August 16, 2013 at 2:45 am

“America should be ashamed that he represents exactly what our cradle to grave welfare dependency state inevitably produces.”

I am ashamed–truly–ashamed of the handouts we give corporations and corporate farms, to the rich via tax expenditures, to special interests (as you listening SC?). Ashamed for unfunded tax cuts, for giveaways to Big Pharma for Plan D, for to wars put on the credit card. Believe me, the spending for consequences of these wars will be massive for the next 2 generations, at least.

Mike August 16, 2013 at 9:52 am

I believe you should have learned in kindergarten that two wrongs don’t make a right.

eildonaus August 16, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Clear as mud. thanks

no quick fix August 17, 2013 at 11:36 am

It’s the system as you describe that makes a guy like Jason say hey, “why not, the big boys get away with it?” And it’s the system as you describe that made loose money, poor education, and no personal responsibility or ethics, the norm. Everyone looks the other way, because they can’t look themselves in the mirror.
Without an overarching incentive that society can embrace as a whole, we look only to a totalitarian government to “fix” our problems instead of looking from within.

eildonaus August 16, 2013 at 2:45 am

“America should be ashamed that he represents exactly what our cradle to grave welfare dependency state inevitably produces.”

I am ashamed–truly–ashamed of the handouts we give corporations and corporate farms, to the rich via tax expenditures, to special interests (as you listening SC?). Ashamed for unfunded tax cuts, for giveaways to Big Pharma for Plan D, for to wars put on the credit card. Believe me, the spending for consequences of these wars will be massive for the next 2 generations, at least.

Mike August 16, 2013 at 9:52 am

I believe you should have learned in kindergarten that two wrongs don’t make a right.

eildonaus August 16, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Clear as mud. thanks

no quick fix August 17, 2013 at 11:36 am

It’s the system as you describe that makes a guy like Jason say hey, “why not, the big boys get away with it?” And it’s the system as you describe that made loose money, poor education, and no personal responsibility or ethics, the norm. Everyone looks the other way, because they can’t look themselves in the mirror.
Without an overarching incentive that society can embrace as a whole, we look only to a totalitarian government to “fix” our problems instead of looking from within.

Polyphemos August 16, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.. ummmm..

Slartibartfast August 16, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.. ummmm..


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