Haley To Announce Reelection Bid

Six weeks ago, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley made national headlines when she told a sympathetic interviewer in Florence, S.C. that she could “absolutely see not running” for reelection in 2014. Our assessment of Haley’s comment? “She’s running … no doubt about it,” we wrote at the time. As usual, we were…

Six weeks ago, S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley made national headlines when she told a sympathetic interviewer in Florence, S.C. that she could “absolutely see not running” for reelection in 2014.

Our assessment of Haley’s comment? “She’s running … no doubt about it,” we wrote at the time.

As usual, we were correct. Haley is “no doubt” running for reelection as governor of South Carolina – and will make her intentions official at a campaign fundraiser in Greenville, S.C. on August 26, the Associated Press is reporting.

Despite abysmal poll numbers in the wake of her disastrous first term in office, Haley still enters the 2014 race as the favorite – barring the entry of any third party candidates into the race, at least. How come? Because South Carolina is “Republican” – and any candidate with an “R” behind their names (no matter how terrible they are) enters the race with a built-in ten-point advantage.

Moreover Haley’s Democratic opponent, S.C. Senator Vincent Sheheen, has stumbled badly in the early stages of his candidacy – endorsing the expansion of Medicaid associated with U.S. President Barack Obama’s socialized medicine law. As expected, the S.C. Republican Party is already hard at work cranking out the “Obamacare liberal” narrative against Sheheen (here and here) – which we expect to be wildly successful.

We pray for the entry of a credible third party candidate into this race …

While Sheheen is indeed an “Obamcare liberal,” Haley has morphed from “Tea Partier” to “Republican in Name Only” in record time – endorsing runaway spending growth, embracing failed crony capitalist “economic development” policies and engaging in habitual deception and hypocrisy regarding her administrations innumerable pooch screws.

Furthermore she’s sold our state down the river (literally) in the name of her own selfish national political ambitions.

If 2014 winds up being the same old choice between a liberal Democrat like Sheheen and an establishment “Republican” Haley – South Carolinians should expect to continue falling further behind the rest of the nation in every measurement that matters.

Where are you on the 2014 race? Vote in our poll and post your thoughts in our comments section below.

Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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Frank Pytel August 12, 2013 at 11:07 am

Uggh. That profile. Have mercy Sic. Have mercy on us. Please Please.


Will Folks aka Sic August 12, 2013 at 11:18 am

that’s why I never hit that from the side.

Gregory Geddings August 13, 2013 at 5:47 pm

Will and Frank are like two 8th graders at the end of gym class…running around snapping each other’s butt cheeks with wet towels.

Frank Pytel August 12, 2013 at 11:07 am

Uggh. That profile. Have mercy Sic. Have mercy on us. Please Please.


Will Folks aka Sic August 12, 2013 at 11:18 am

that’s why I never hit that from the side.

Gregory Geddings August 13, 2013 at 5:47 pm

Will and Frank are like two 8th graders at the end of gym class…running around snapping each other’s butt cheeks with wet towels.

a face in the crowd August 12, 2013 at 11:08 am

Haley is running on the stooge ticket. Ignorant voters will continue to lap up her political blather as they proudly vote against their own interests. They will then act shocked when an incompetent crony appointed to lead a state agency endangers the public welfare. Pitiful.

a face in the crowd August 12, 2013 at 11:08 am

Haley is running on the stooge ticket. Ignorant voters will continue to lap up her political blather as they proudly vote against their own interests. They will then act shocked when an incompetent crony appointed to lead a state agency endangers the public welfare. Pitiful.

Tommy August 12, 2013 at 11:23 am

Of course she’ll run, and win. She’s a pretty girl.


Athena, I had no idea how much I’d need her
In peaceful times I hold her close and I feed her
My heart starts palpitating when I think my guess was wrong
But I think I’ll get along

She’s just a girl – she’s a bomb
Athena, all I ever want to do is please her
My life has been so settled and she’s the reason
Just one word from her and my troubles are long gone
But I think I’ll get along

She’s just a girl – she’s a bomb
Just a girl just a girl
Just a girl just a girl
Just a girl just a girl
She’s just a girl…

Sam August 12, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Pretty girl, on what planet?

Tommy August 12, 2013 at 11:23 am

Of course she’ll run, and win. She’s a pretty girl.


Athena, I had no idea how much I’d need her
In peaceful times I hold her close and I feed her
My heart starts palpitating when I think my guess was wrong
But I think I’ll get along

She’s just a girl – she’s a bomb
Athena, all I ever want to do is please her
My life has been so settled and she’s the reason
Just one word from her and my troubles are long gone
But I think I’ll get along

She’s just a girl – she’s a bomb
Just a girl just a girl
Just a girl just a girl
Just a girl just a girl
She’s just a girl…

Sam August 12, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Pretty girl, on what planet?

GreenvilleLwyr August 12, 2013 at 11:32 am

From the Greenville News:

“Scheduled to appear with Haley at the 4 p.m. rally will be three other Republican governors and potential presidential candidates in 2016 — Rick Perry of Texas, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Scott Walker of Wisconsin”

Could there be a great assemblage of douchebags in one place? And why does it have to be in my fair city???

Frank Pytel August 12, 2013 at 12:43 pm

I wouldn’t put these guys in the douche category. Perry’s an airhead. Walker did a great job with the unions. Not sure about Jindal yet.

? August 12, 2013 at 5:54 pm

“Could there be a greater assemblage of douchebags in one place? And why does it have to be in my fair city?”

Are you trying to pretend Greenville isn’t douchebag capital of the world?

I keeeeeeeed!!!!!

GreenvilleLwyr August 12, 2013 at 11:32 am

From the Greenville News:

“Scheduled to appear with Haley at the 4 p.m. rally will be three other Republican governors and potential presidential candidates in 2016 — Rick Perry of Texas, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Scott Walker of Wisconsin”

Could there be a greater assemblage of douchebags in one place? And why does it have to be in my fair city???

Frank Pytel August 12, 2013 at 12:43 pm

I wouldn’t put these guys in the douche category. Perry’s an airhead. Walker did a great job with the unions. Not sure about Jindal yet.

? August 12, 2013 at 5:54 pm

“Could there be a greater assemblage of douchebags in one place? And why does it have to be in my fair city?”

Are you trying to pretend Greenville isn’t douchebag capital of the world?

I keeeeeeeed!!!!!

carrie August 12, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Will Mark and Jenny Sanford endorse her again?

carrie August 12, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Will Mark and Jenny Sanford endorse her again?

IMMAHANGUPPENLISSEN August 12, 2013 at 2:11 pm

She’ll run. She’ll win. And well, does it really matter?

American voters, particularly SC voters, don’t pay attention until these imbeciles show up in their cable ads, and because she’s purdy and says “just what mah preacher man says,” she’ll win. Voters will choose to forget about the data breach. They’ve already forgotten about the ports debacle. They don’t care that “mah kid’s teacher lady ain’t learnin’ mah kids.” And they sure as hell don’t care about what’s going on at DHEC. But those will be the issues they hear about– those and ethics reform (which they don’t care about either, by the way).

The economy will continue to improve here and across the country. Business leaders will continue to wade back into the water as long as interest rates are low. And the Legislature and Governor will continue to be meaningless in South Carolina. We could really do away with both, and not even know they’re gone.

So here’s to you, Nikki. Congrats or something.

IMMAHANGUPPENLISSEN August 12, 2013 at 2:11 pm

She’ll run. She’ll win. And well, does it really matter?

American voters, particularly SC voters, don’t pay attention until these imbeciles show up in their cable ads, and because she’s purdy and says “just what mah preacher man says,” she’ll win. Voters will choose to forget about the data breach. They’ve already forgotten about the ports debacle. They don’t care that “mah kid’s teacher lady ain’t learnin’ mah kids.” And they sure as hell don’t care about what’s going on at DHEC. But those will be the issues they hear about– those and ethics reform (which they don’t care about either, by the way).

The economy will continue to improve here and across the country. Business leaders will continue to wade back into the water as long as interest rates are low. And the Legislature and Governor will continue to be meaningless in South Carolina. We could really do away with both, and not even know they’re gone.

So here’s to you, Nikki. Congrats or something.

ThreePalms August 12, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Will, don’t give yourself too much credit for correctly assessing Haley’s comment about seeing herself not running. No one fell for it. She is just too full of crap.
She will be re-elected for many of the reasons pointed out by IMMAHANGUPPENLISSEN. It is both pathetic and embarrassing.

ThreePalms August 12, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Will, don’t give yourself too much credit for correctly assessing Haley’s comment about seeing herself not running. No one fell for it. She is just too full of crap.
She will be re-elected for many of the reasons pointed out by IMMAHANGUPPENLISSEN. It is both pathetic and embarrassing.

neighbor August 12, 2013 at 2:56 pm

There would be only one reason to be happy if she won…she and her family would not move back to Governor’s Grant, at least not right away.

neighbor August 12, 2013 at 2:56 pm

There would be only one reason to be happy if she won…she and her family would not move back to Governor’s Grant, at least not right away.

shifty henry August 12, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Off Topic — but where is Lazenby? Amy, I miss you, and retract that joke I made last year about your writing: now I read every word!

shifty henry August 12, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Off Topic — but where is Lazenby? Amy, I miss you, and retract that joke I made last year about your writing: now I read every word!

Thomas August 12, 2013 at 5:52 pm

With all the (upstate, midland) jack Mayor Benjamin stored up with Bull Street development passing Council, and locally, the Richland penny tax, he could and should run for Governor in 2014. With Bacardi Sellars running for Lt Gov in 2014, they would make a nice couple in 2014 and 2018. Why? One, to send McConnell packing for Charleston. Two, to crowd out Alan Wilson till 2022, and three, make Gov Haley realize although she broke barriers, her real purpose is in DC as the SC-2 US Representative.

Thomas August 13, 2013 at 7:40 am

Why SC-2, currently held by Rep Joe Wilson? After being an aid to powerful House Armed Services Committee Rep Floyd Spence. Rep Spence passed away in 2001. An aid, Joe Wilson, won the special election and has held the seat since 2001. In 2012, Rep Wilson ran unopposed taking 96% of the vote.

This, gentle readers, is what we call a safe seat.

After a most turbulent period in American history contrasted by two markedly opposing US Presidents Bush and Obama, what have we gained?

For starters, Rep Wilson is not Chairman to any powerful committees. If we consider what has transpired in the last eleven years, we need to see how our elected representatives has filled his tenure and hold them accountable to the history that has transpired.

1) Navy Seals from Team Six, the brave special forces who killed Bin Laden, perished in a fiery helicopter downing. This crosses the desk of Joe Wilson as Chairman to Military Personnel, while also serving on the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.

2) The WH version contrasts evidence on the circumstances on the deaths of these warriors. No hearings? Not one House investigation? The very fact that the WH exposed this elite unit to the world, endangering military personnel.

3) The DOD repealed Do Not Ask, Do Not Tell policy. If there was one issue to stand fast on this was it. This is bad legislation that should not have passed the House on Joe’s watch.

4) unchallenged continuation of Patriot Act provisions that has led us to all American’s being spied on by our own government. Hearings, investigations?

5) Auto Sequestered cuts on our military personnel and readiness go unchallenged?

Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee. He has only been in Congress since 2005. He is Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee! For a safe seat such as SC-2, and GOP control of the US House of Representatives since the 2010 midterm elections, we need more forceful, powerful representation than what we are getting from Joe Wilson.

Thomas August 12, 2013 at 5:52 pm

With all the (upstate, midland) jack Mayor Benjamin stored up with Bull Street development passing Council, and locally, the Richland penny tax, he could and should run for Governor in 2014. With Bacardi Sellars running for Lt Gov in 2014, they would make a nice couple in 2014 and 2018. Why? One, to send McConnell packing for Charleston. Two, to crowd out Alan Wilson till 2022, and three, make Gov Haley realize although she broke barriers, her real purpose is in DC as the SC-2 US Representative.

Thomas August 13, 2013 at 7:40 am

Why SC-2, currently held by Rep Joe Wilson? After being an aid to powerful House Armed Services Committee Rep Floyd Spence. Rep Spence passed away in 2001. An aid, Joe Wilson, won the special election and has held the seat since 2001. In 2012, Rep Wilson ran unopposed taking 96% of the vote.

This, gentle readers, is what we call a safe seat.

After a most turbulent period in American history contrasted by two markedly opposing US Presidents Bush and Obama, yet similar in some respects, what have we gained?

For starters, Rep Wilson is not Chairman to any powerful committees. If we consider what has transpired in the last eleven years, we need to see how our elected representatives have filled their terms and hold them accountable to the history that has transpired.

1) Navy Seals from Team Six, the brave special forces who killed Bin Laden, perished in a fiery helicopter downing. This crosses the desk of Joe Wilson as Chairman to Military Personnel, while also serving on the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.

2) The WH version contrasts evidence on the circumstances on the deaths of these warriors. No hearings? Not one House investigation? The very fact that the WH exposed this elite unit to the world, endangering military personnel calls for a sonorous voice for their defense!

3) The DOD repealed Do Not Ask, Do Not Tell policy. If there was one issue to stand fast on this was it. This is bad legislation that should not have passed the House on Joe’s watch.

4) Unchallenged continuation of Patriot Act provisions that has led us to all American’s being spied on by our own government. Hearings, investigations?

5) Auto Sequestered cuts on our military personnel and readiness go unchallenged?

Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee. He has only been in Congress since 2005. He is Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee! For a safe seat such as SC-2, and GOP control of the US House of Representatives since the 2010 midterm elections, we need more forceful, powerful representation than what we are getting from Joe Wilson.

BTW, there is no justification to pass any immigration reform other than securing our southern border. There is no justification to support the Senate bill. When you have a safe seat, like a Jesse Helms or a Sam Rayburn, you must lead from the front, not stay in the rear with the gear.

We deserve better.

Fragpole August 12, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Darla Moore. Remember Darla Moore. Now let the hate flow through you… Vote anybody but Nikki

Fragpole August 12, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Darla Moore. Remember Darla Moore. Now let the hate flow through you… Vote anybody but Nikki


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