Letter: Double Dipping In SC Judiciary?

RE: “S.C. Chief Justice Improperly Lobbying for Staffer” As you know, earlier this year Chief Justice Toal promoted the election of her obsequious director of court administration, Rosalyn Frierson, to the family court bench. One of the knocks on Frierson was that she lacked any courtroom experience, save the lofty…

RE: “S.C. Chief Justice Improperly Lobbying for Staffer

As you know, earlier this year Chief Justice Toal promoted the election of her obsequious director of court administration, Rosalyn Frierson, to the family court bench. One of the knocks on Frierson was that she lacked any courtroom experience, save the lofty courtrooms of our appellate courts.

It now appears as though Toal has strong-armed Columbia, S.C. Mayor Steve Benjamin to help Mrs. Frierson remedy this deficit in her resume by appointing her an “Associate Substitute Judge” in the Columbia Municipal Court.

Here are my questions: Do the demands of Frierson’s $129,699 job running the administration of the state’s court system permit time for her to occasionally mingle with the judges she oversees in order to build experience for her future family court bid? Is she using annual leave, administrative leave, or “comp time” when she leaves ‘Job A’ for ‘Job B?’ Finally, what about conflicts of interest given her oversight role?

These are interesting questions, in my opinion.



sic speaking

Those are interesting questions. Of course by now allegations of corruption regarding Toal (and Benjamin) are so prevalent the real story would be if either of them actually did something that wasn’t motivated exclusively out of self-interest. Anyway, thanks for sharing your scoop – we encourage others to do the same.

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Invisible Hired Hand August 6, 2013 at 1:34 pm

“Of course by now allegations of corruption regarding Toal (and Benjamin) are so prevalent the real story would be if either of them actually did something that wasn’t motivated exclusively out of self-interest.” One of the most truthful sentences ever written on this website. Toal is off the chain. She is trying to take care of all her little Toalites before she is pushed out the door. It is out of hand up here. Keep looking…….

CNSYD August 6, 2013 at 1:34 pm

Sic Willie with the scoop. People doing things motivated by self-interest. First time ever in the annals of human history.

Go away August 6, 2013 at 9:37 pm

CNSYD, your posts are predictably sarcastic, negative and meaningless. Today’s is no different. Why don’t you give your thoughts to your wife and not clog up this space. Incidentally, I presume you once worked at the Charleston Naval Shipyard, which was well known for its tens of thousands of employees working at half-speed, jerking off, reading the newspaper, hiding from supervisors, playing cards, wasting our tax dollars.

CNSYD August 6, 2013 at 11:20 pm

I don’t recall seeing you at the shipyard, so I wonder how you got your “first hand” information. How in the world did all those nuclear powered ballistic missile and attack submarines ever get refueled and overhauled since, as you say, no work occurred? Since the maximum employment during the Cold War was about 9,000 during the Reagan defense buildup, how did you arrive at “tens of thousands”?

IRT my posts, sarcasm and negativity are required to attempt to make Lexington/Richland centric so called “Libertarians” understand that they are out to lunch. Meaningless is in the eye of the beholder which fits you post above.

If you think Sic Willie wants this site “unclogged” then you obviously don’t understand his business model.

Invisible Hired Hand August 6, 2013 at 1:34 pm

“Of course by now allegations of corruption regarding Toal (and Benjamin) are so prevalent the real story would be if either of them actually did something that wasn’t motivated exclusively out of self-interest.” One of the most truthful sentences ever written on this website. Toal is off the chain. She is trying to take care of all her little Toalites before she is pushed out the door. It is out of hand up here. Keep looking…….

CNSYD August 6, 2013 at 1:34 pm

Sic Willie with the scoop. People doing things motivated by self-interest. First time ever in the annals of human history.

Go away August 6, 2013 at 9:37 pm

CNSYD, your posts are predictably sarcastic, negative and meaningless. Today’s is no different. Why don’t you give your thoughts to your wife and not clog up this space. Incidentally, I presume you once worked at the Charleston Naval Shipyard, which was well known for its tens of thousands of employees working at half-speed, jerking off, reading the newspaper, hiding from supervisors, playing cards, wasting our tax dollars.

CNSYD August 6, 2013 at 11:20 pm

I don’t recall seeing you at the shipyard, so I wonder how you got your “first hand” information. How in the world did all those nuclear powered ballistic missile and attack submarines ever get refueled and overhauled since, as you say, no work occurred? Since the maximum employment during the Cold War was about 9,000 during the Reagan defense buildup, how did you arrive at “tens of thousands”?

IRT my posts, sarcasm and negativity are required to attempt to make Lexington/Richland centric so called “Libertarians” understand that they are out to lunch. Meaningless is in the eye of the beholder which fits you post above.

If you think Sic Willie wants this site “unclogged” then you obviously don’t understand his business model.

Jako August 6, 2013 at 3:53 pm

So, are you saying that when Toal calls a senator-lawyer and says if he doesn’t vote for a particular friend of hers to be a judge, then she will change his attorney reprimand from a private to a public? Nah, she wouldn’t do that!!!!! That’s not legal? Of course, it is – because she decides what is legal and what is not.

Jako August 6, 2013 at 3:53 pm

So, are you saying that when Toal calls a senator-lawyer and says if he doesn’t vote for a particular friend of hers to be a judge, then she will change his attorney reprimand from a private to a public? Nah, she wouldn’t do that!!!!! That’s not legal? Of course, it is – because she decides what is legal and what is not.

Jesus H. Christ! August 6, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Wow, a $130,000.00 a year court employee moonlighting as a judge? Even if it is part time, that just seems … wrong.

Especially with all the unemployed lawyers in this state.

Jesus H. Christ! August 6, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Wow, a $130,000.00 a year court employee moonlighting as a judge? Even if it is part time, that just seems … wrong.

Especially with all the unemployed lawyers in this state.

nitrat August 7, 2013 at 9:55 am

Don’t we still have a “dual office holding” law in this state?

nitrat August 7, 2013 at 9:55 am

Don’t we still have a “dual office holding” law in this state?
It’s bad enough that our “lawmakers” egregiously ignore this law in their appointments (and when they are in violation themselves), but when the courts get in on the act we may be beyond redemption.

Elfego August 7, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Queen Jean has enough on the politico’s in Columbia to still egt what she wants. You can bet on it!

Elfego August 7, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Queen Jean has enough on the politico’s in Columbia to still egt what she wants. You can bet on it!


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