Civil Disobedience On Gambling

Earlier this year I traveled to Mount Pleasant, S.C. to cover the dramatic conclusion of the first congressional district race involving former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford. On the back deck of the Liberty Tap Room – as Sanford supporters celebrated the completion of his political comeback – I was approached…

Earlier this year I traveled to Mount Pleasant, S.C. to cover the dramatic conclusion of the first congressional district race involving former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford.

On the back deck of the Liberty Tap Room – as Sanford supporters celebrated the completion of his political comeback – I was approached by a FITS reader who engaged me in conversation regarding the upcoming college football season. Specifically, this reader – an avid Clemson fan – expressed supreme confidence in the ability of his beloved Tiger football team to dispatch the Georgia Bulldogs at their big season opener on August 31 in Death Valley.

This game – which will be televised nationally on ABC – is a sure-fire Top Ten showdown, a key early test for a pair of programs with legitimate national championship aspirations (and Heisman Trophy candidates on their rosters).

It’s probably the biggest game Clemson has played in a decade …

Personally, I think the Clemson-Georgia showdown is going to be an incredibly close contest (and unlike certain college football “experts,” I had a pretty good run last year when it came to picking scores).

Accordingly, when this Clemson fan offered me “Georgia plus 10” (a.k.a. a bet in which Clemson must win by more than ten points in order for him to collect winnings from me), I took that action.

That’s right … I placed an illegal bet (for $50, in case you’re wondering) on the outcome of the Clemson-Georgia game.

Why did I do this? Well … beyond the faith I have in my prognostication skills and the fact I have $50 to spare?

Easy …

I am sick and tired of government at all levels telling me what I can and cannot do – and then depriving me of the fruits of my abilities.

Which brings me to the second part of this equation: Assuming I win this bet, I will not be paying taxes on the $50 I earn. That’s right – I’m going to break the law not once, but twice.

And so should you … repeatedly, if you want.

If the government is going to continue to run its own gambling operation – while at the same time declaring private sector gambling illegal – then free citizens should feel no compunction whatsoever in claiming these rights for themselves.

I certainly don’t …

More fundamentally, if government is going to continue to do everything within its power to suppress our ability to make a living, the further underground we must go. And while I will certainly never “make a living” off of gambling, people should not be prohibited from doing so …

And those who wish to engage their bookmaking services should not be prohibited from doing so either …

This isn’t the first time my website has advocated civil disobedience … and if government continues to hypocritically monopolize entire segments of the free market to sustain its own incompetence and inefficiency, it won’t be the last.


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Kirby July 2, 2013 at 11:10 am

Brett Parker will give you odds on whether the LEOs reading this site will pay a visit to you regarding this post…..

Curious July 2, 2013 at 11:15 am

Please get the Missus to take video of the encounter if they do.

Kirby July 2, 2013 at 11:10 am

Brett Parker will give you odds on whether the LEOs reading this site will pay a visit to you regarding this post…..

Curious July 2, 2013 at 11:15 am

Please get the Missus to take video of the encounter if they do.

Smirks July 2, 2013 at 11:18 am

SECTION 16-19-40. Unlawful games and betting.

If any person shall play at any tavern, inn,
store for the retailing of spirituous liquors or in any house used as a
place of gaming, barn, kitchen, stable or other outhouse, street,
highway, open wood, race field or open place at (a) any game with cards
or dice, (b) any gaming table, commonly called A, B, C, or E, O, or any
gaming table known or distinguished by any other letters or by any
figures, (c) any roley-poley table, (d) rouge et noir, (e) any faro bank
(f) any other table or bank of the same or the like kind under any
denomination whatsoever or (g) any machine or device licensed pursuant
to Section 12-21-2720 and used for gambling purposes, except the games
of billiards, bowls, backgammon, chess, draughts, or whist when there is
no betting on any such game of billiards, bowls, backgammon, chess,
draughts, or whist or shall bet on the sides or hands of such as do
game, upon being convicted thereof, before any magistrate, shall be
imprisoned for a period of not over thirty days or fined not over one
hundred dollars
, and every person so keeping such tavern, inn, retail
store, public place, or house used as a place for gaming or such other
house shall, upon being convicted thereof, upon indictment, be
imprisoned for a period not exceeding twelve months and forfeit a sum
not exceeding two thousand dollars, for each and every offense..

Willie wins $50 bet, now has $100, gets fined for $100. I’ll admit, I’d laugh.

Curious July 2, 2013 at 11:35 am

30 days would suck, though, especially if it was during football season.

southmauldin July 2, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Rouge et noir? What is that? Sounds like something Earl Capps does.

Polyphemos July 2, 2013 at 5:18 pm

That’s the ticket! I’m going to open a Draughts Parlour! Donations only. No betting. However, if anyone desires to articulate the probability outcomes of the winner in bitcoin, well, that’s their private expression.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 2, 2013 at 11:02 pm

Liquor up front.

Poker in the rear.

Smirks July 2, 2013 at 11:18 am

SECTION 16-19-40. Unlawful games and betting.

If any person shall play at any tavern, inn,
store for the retailing of spirituous liquors or in any house used as a
place of gaming, barn, kitchen, stable or other outhouse, street,
highway, open wood, race field or open place at (a) any game with cards
or dice, (b) any gaming table, commonly called A, B, C, or E, O, or any
gaming table known or distinguished by any other letters or by any
figures, (c) any roley-poley table, (d) rouge et noir, (e) any faro bank
(f) any other table or bank of the same or the like kind under any
denomination whatsoever or (g) any machine or device licensed pursuant
to Section 12-21-2720 and used for gambling purposes, except the games
of billiards, bowls, backgammon, chess, draughts, or whist when there is
no betting on any such game of billiards, bowls, backgammon, chess,
draughts, or whist or shall bet on the sides or hands of such as do
game, upon being convicted thereof, before any magistrate, shall be
imprisoned for a period of not over thirty days or fined not over one
hundred dollars
, and every person so keeping such tavern, inn, retail
store, public place, or house used as a place for gaming or such other
house shall, upon being convicted thereof, upon indictment, be
imprisoned for a period not exceeding twelve months and forfeit a sum
not exceeding two thousand dollars, for each and every offense..

Willie wins $50 bet, now has $100, gets fined for $100. I’ll admit, I’d laugh.

Curious July 2, 2013 at 11:35 am

30 days would suck, though, especially if it was during football season.

southmauldin July 2, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Rouge et noir? What is that? Sounds like something Earl Capps does.

Slartibartfast July 2, 2013 at 5:18 pm

That’s the ticket! I’m going to open a Draughts Parlour! Donations only. No betting. However, if anyone desires to articulate the probability outcomes of the winner in bitcoin, well, that’s their private expression.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 2, 2013 at 11:02 pm

Liquor up front.

Poker in the rear.

jjevans July 2, 2013 at 11:29 am

Government will take everything it can if we let them. Line their fucking pockets and waste it on worthless fucked up programs. Fuck them.

jjevans July 2, 2013 at 11:29 am

Government will take everything it can if we let them. Line their fucking pockets and waste it on worthless fucked up programs. Fuck them.

GrandTango July 2, 2013 at 11:41 am

If you bet, and did not get arressted, WTF are you whining about???

It’s like Homosexual marriage. You can get married to a dog, for all I care. Go corn-hole a tree, if that’s your sickness… There is likely some perverts calling themselves a “Church” who’ll do the ceremony…

Be honest: You Liberal-Tarians and Liberals, just want us to Bless you immorality…because you HATE us for not being miserable, as your sin renders you…

Act like a stupid child all you want…just STFU about it…Why do I have to condone the trash you wallow in, to make your stupid @$$ happy????

Curious July 2, 2013 at 1:34 pm

“You Liberal-Tarians and Liberals, just want us to Bless your
immorality…because you HATE us for not being miserable, as your sin
renders you.”

You seem pretty miserable to me.

GrandTango July 2, 2013 at 2:33 pm

That’s because you’re a F*#king idiot…I get off on kicking imbecile @$$#$, like yours. It’s a tremendous relief…..and after I bust the $#!* out of you, I just laugh and laugh and laugh…

Polyphemos July 2, 2013 at 5:09 pm

The perverts are called “Pissed copaliens”.. They believe in making everyone in their denomination angry with them.. hence the name.

I know of an entire denomination that doesn’t believe in exiting their homes on alternate Wednesdays.. they believe so strongly in not gambling, that they don’t want to CHANCE getting hit by a bus.

Carl Hiassen July 2, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Just don’t kill your wife and so forth. Things get nasty in the Bible belt once the lead begins to fly.

Carl Hiassen July 2, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Just don’t kill your wife and so forth. Things get nasty in the Bible belt once the lead begins to fly.

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 2, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Today’s Tuneage suggestion:

Beavis & Butthead covering Judas Priest’s Breaking the Law.

Heh.Heh…heh heh heh heh….

TontoBubbaGoldstein July 2, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Today’s Tuneage suggestion:

Beavis & Butthead covering Judas Priest’s Breaking the Law.

Heh.Heh…heh heh heh heh….

hack July 3, 2013 at 10:29 am

They are going to come get you Will!

hack July 3, 2013 at 10:29 am

They are going to come get you Will!

GreenvilleLwyr July 3, 2013 at 11:22 am Reply
GreenvilleLwyr July 3, 2013 at 11:22 am Reply

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