Lindsey Graham’s 2014 Challengers: Who Will Emerge?

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) is confident a credible challenger will not emerge against him prior to next year’s Republican primary election, several of his top supporters tell FITS. However that’s not stopping them from opining on the names floated as potential primary challengers … FITS spoke this week with three…

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) is confident a credible challenger will not emerge against him prior to next year’s Republican primary election, several of his top supporters tell FITS. However that’s not stopping them from opining on the names floated as potential primary challengers …

FITS spoke this week with three prominent Graham supporters – and texted with a fourth – and all but one of them agreed Graham will coast to reelection against token opposition next June.

“Too much money, too much experience and no credible candidate is willing to run against him,” one of Graham’s biggest supporters told us. “That spells an easy victory for us – 2008 all over again.”

All four politicos were granted anonymity so they could speak freely about the upcoming race.

“(U.S. Rep.) Mick Mulvaney could have given him a battle. (S.C. Senator) Tom Davis could have given him a battle,” another Graham advisor told us. “But they looked at the money and the numbers and wisely took a pass. What does that tell you? He’s unbeatable. He will draw another Buddy Witherspoon and dispatch him without breaking a sweat.”

But is that the dynamic that’s really unfolding? Or is one of Graham’s three presumed challengers capable of giving him a run for his (mountain of special interest) money?

One of Graham’s advisors took a decidedly different approach to the coming campaign – arguing that Lowcountry businesswoman Nancy Mace poses a serious threat to his reelection bid in the event she emerges as the “anti-Graham.”

Nancy Mace
Nancy Mace

“Lindsey Graham should be very, very concerned about Nancy Mace in my opinion,” the operative said. “If I’m him, she’s the one I’m most worried about – for a couple of reasons.”

According to this advisor, Mace is much better equipped than Graham’s other two presumed opponents – S.C. Sen. Lee Bright and social conservative Richard Cash – to take advantage of a uniquely “Palmetto” phenomenon.

What’s he referring to?

“Namely, the environment of the craziness and the flash-mob political identity of South Carolina – that I can prove to you as it relates to Newt Gingrich’s win in 2012 and Nikki Haley’s win in 2010,” the operative said. “There is something in our psyche here – Republican voters, we’re unpredictable. We’re emotional. How else do you explain Gingrich’s victory? Or the fact Nikki Haley is our governor? It was an emotional response.”

But why would these attributes accrue to Mace’s benefit more than the other candidates?

“In my mind she has the sense, the savvy, the political acumen – and she’s different, which makes a difference,” the operative explained. “Nancy has that Nikki Haley swagger – she’s got ‘it,’ she’s got the story, she is the package. She commands attention – owns a room. Lee Bright is not going to be able to walk into the offices of the Club for Growth or Freedomworks – he’s not going to be able to walk into those places and convince them he’s their guy – Nancy Mace is.”

“You combine her, her story and a couple of million bucks – that’s dangerous,” the consultant said.

Graham’s other advisors agree Mace has the potential to be a credible candidate – but they doubt whether she can overcome what one termed a “total lack of political and campaign experience” in time to make a run at Graham.

“She has a future – the question is does she have a present,” one mused. “And the bigger question: Does she have a present at this level – against arguably the most skilled politician in Washington, D.C. The United States Senate isn’t something you do on a whim. And Lindsey Graham isn’t somebody you challenge without expecting the fight of your life in return.”

But what would Graham’s forces use to attack Mace?

“You,” one told our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie), a reference to her prior affiliation with this website. “I think the church-going, family values image she’s out there cultivating in the Upstate among other places will take a hit when people realize she peddled porn in her spare time.”

FITS is porn? Really?

Interestingly, the advisor said Graham likely wouldn’t have to raise that issue on his own.

“There are two strong social conservatives running for this seat – and their enemy right now isn’t Lindsey Graham, it’s Nancy Mace,” the advisor said.

Wow … buckle your seat belts, South Carolina. Another brutal GOP primary season is about to unfold.


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CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 11:29 am

Well June is almost over, so Sic Willie had to hurry and get in his little Mulvaney and carpetbagger Davis plugs for the month. Just a few more days before his mortgage payment will be due, so he better get something from Howie in or he may miss a payment.

CNSYD June 27, 2013 at 11:29 am

Well June is almost over, so Sic Willie had to hurry and get in his little Mulvaney and carpetbagger Davis plugs for the month. Just a few more days before his mortgage payment will be due, so he better get something from Howie in or he may miss a payment.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

It looks to me like Ms. Lindsey’s AIDS, and I do hope it does, is catching up with her.

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:58 am

If Lindsey is a homosexual, I have NO problem with it. I DO have a problem if he is lying about it.

Boz Martin June 27, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Well, um, if he IS, he is clearly lying about it. Right?

Boz Martin June 27, 2013 at 12:29 pm

So I say you got a problem.

9" June 27, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Hello(as they say)?

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 11:37 am

It looks to me like Ms. Lindsey’s AIDS, and I do hope it does, is catching up with her.

Marie Harrison June 27, 2013 at 11:58 am

If Lindsey is a homosexual, I have NO problem with it. I DO have a problem if he is lying about it.

Boz Martin June 27, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Well, um, if he IS, he is clearly lying about it. Right?

Boz Martin June 27, 2013 at 12:29 pm

So I say you got a problem.

9" June 27, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Hello(as they say)?

Gimme a break June 27, 2013 at 11:39 am

Mace is a joke and so is this ridiculous article. We all know that Mace co-owned this site, which is why Folks is peddling this nonsense. Graham’s people are not at all worried about some idiot who has never ran for elected office and promoted a site with porn in it. Next….

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Ms. Lindsey is very worried. The only ones that aren’t are those that receive a paycheck (or direct deposit :) ). They get there’s to show they are not worried.

Gimme a break June 27, 2013 at 11:39 am

Mace is a joke and so is this ridiculous article. We all know that Mace co-owned this site, which is why Folks is peddling this nonsense. Graham’s people are not at all worried about some idiot who has never ran for elected office and promoted a site with porn in it. Next….

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Ms. Lindsey is very worried. The only ones that aren’t are those that receive a paycheck (or direct deposit :) ). They get there’s to show they are not worried.

? June 27, 2013 at 11:43 am

IDK, if Mace does run against Ms. Lindsey does his crowd really want to bring up the topic of sex in any way, shape, or form against her?

I’m no political strategist, but I see problems with that particular strategy.

? June 27, 2013 at 11:43 am

IDK, if Mace does run against Ms. Lindsey does his crowd really want to bring up the topic of sex in any way, shape, or form against her?

I’m no political strategist, but I see problems with that particular strategy.

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 12:07 pm

“You,” one told our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie), a reference to her prior affiliation with this website. “I think the church-going, family values image she’s out there cultivating in the Upstate among other places will take a hit when people realize she peddled porn in her spare time.”

Boom. This is what I’ve been saying forever. Can’t wait for an outside group to send out some NSFW mailers or emails about Mace’s association with this website.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:10 pm

If she cops to it, it would only make her look better. No one doesn’t know that Ms. Lindsey is clearly in the closet.

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 12:22 pm

I’m so sick of this. If you have evidence Graham is gay, by all means, let’s see it. He’s been in public life forever, and yet no one has anything other than “every knows” or “I heard that this one time . . ”

Also, “if she cops to it”? This was MONTHS ago, not YEARS ago. “So I love Jesus and all, and thirty minutes ago I made money off of Will Folks’ legendary shamelessness and depravity.” Right, Frank. You must do PR for a living. In Greenville.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:39 pm

I live in Cola, I don’t do PR. I don’t make money off SIC. Clinton didn’t inhale, Obutthead didn’t lie. Bushy definitely didn’t violate the 4th amendment (or several others). Last, but not least, Tricky Dick is not a crook.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:40 pm

Lemme guess? You’re on Ms. Lindsey’s Direct Deposit program?

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 1:16 pm

I’ve never worked in politics, nor met the man. Anonymous gay-baiting–especially by the grammatically challenged—is classless and offensive.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Yeah, but baiting for reaction with Religion and Politics and Employment status is so CHIQUE PC TRES’ BON

Liar, Liar, pants on fire June 28, 2013 at 2:12 pm

“I’ve never worked in politics”

That doesn’t mean you aren’t in politics. That just reflects that you might be in the norm.

Smirks June 27, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Association with Will Folks is not in and of itself a nail in the coffin. Remember, our current governor got elected amidst allegations of banging Willie multiple times.

I do agree that it could be used to hurt her though, but ultimately Graham will win because SC loves it some incumbent politicians. Even if such an association claims 1% of the vote from her, she’ll still be down by multiple percentage points.

Then again, after Sanford got his seat back, you could argue that this may give her a better shot for the office. SC seems to identify heavily with cheaters, maybe they need a little porn to go with?

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Indeed, but allegations no one really believed. If they had, Nikki would have lost big time.

In the end, it likely won’t matter. Graham maintains a strong base of support in SC, and plenty of outside money. In 2010, Haley had enough Tea Party cred at a time said cred mattered a great deal, and she emerged from a pack of boring also-rans without any real distinction from one another. Plus, at least she’d held office before.

Mace running might be a smart way for her to get her name out there, though, even though she’ll likely lose.

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 12:07 pm

“You,” one told our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie), a reference to her prior affiliation with this website. “I think the church-going, family values image she’s out there cultivating in the Upstate among other places will take a hit when people realize she peddled porn in her spare time.”

Boom. This is what I’ve been saying forever. Can’t wait for an outside group to send out some NSFW mailers or emails about Mace’s association with this website.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:10 pm

If she cops to it, it would only make her look better. No one doesn’t know that Ms. Lindsey is clearly in the closet.

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 12:22 pm

I’m so sick of this. If you have evidence Graham is gay, by all means, let’s see it. He’s been in public life forever, and yet no one has anything other than “every knows” or “I heard that this one time . . ”

Also, “if she cops to it”? This was MONTHS ago, not YEARS ago. “So I love Jesus and all, and thirty minutes ago I made money off of Will Folks’ legendary shamelessness and depravity.” Right, Frank. You must do PR for a living. In Greenville.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:39 pm

I live in Cola, I don’t do PR. I don’t make money off SIC. Clinton didn’t inhale, Obutthead didn’t lie. Bushy definitely didn’t violate the 4th amendment (or several others). Last, but not least, Tricky Dick is not a crook.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:40 pm

Lemme guess? You’re on Ms. Lindsey’s Direct Deposit program?

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 1:16 pm

I’ve never worked in politics, nor met the man. Anonymous gay-baiting–especially by the grammatically challenged—is classless and offensive.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Yeah, but baiting for reaction with Religion and Politics and Employment status is so CHIQUE PC TRES’ BON

Liar, Liar, pants on fire June 28, 2013 at 2:12 pm

“I’ve never worked in politics”

That doesn’t mean you aren’t in politics. That just reflects that you might be in the norm.

Smirks June 27, 2013 at 1:54 pm

Association with Will Folks is not in and of itself a nail in the coffin. Remember, our current governor got elected amidst allegations of banging Willie multiple times.

I do agree that it could be used to hurt her though, but ultimately Graham will win because SC loves it some incumbent politicians. Even if such an association claims 1% of the vote from her, she’ll still be down by multiple percentage points.

Then again, after Sanford got his seat back, you could argue that this may give her a better shot for the office. SC seems to identify heavily with cheaters, maybe they need a little porn to go with?

Cicero June 27, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Indeed, but allegations no one really believed. If they had, Nikki would have lost big time.

In the end, it likely won’t matter. Graham maintains a strong base of support in SC, and plenty of outside money. In 2010, Haley had enough Tea Party cred at a time said cred mattered a great deal, and she emerged from a pack of boring also-rans without any real distinction from one another. Plus, at least she’d held office before.

Mace running might be a smart way for her to get her name out there, though, even though she’ll likely lose.

mph June 27, 2013 at 12:10 pm

SC is proudly the first state in American history with two queens as senators. We would want to change that? Our delegation is like Club Pantheon with cheap suits and power ties. We’re here, we’re queer and we’re in the closet!

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Cicero, are you admitting your Joe Wilson?

mph June 28, 2013 at 12:50 pm

You lie!

mph June 27, 2013 at 12:10 pm

SC is proudly the first state in American history with two queens as senators. We would want to change that? Our delegation is like Club Pantheon with cheap suits and power ties. We’re here, we’re queer and we’re in the closet!

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:11 pm

mph, are you admitting your Joe Wilson?

mph June 28, 2013 at 12:50 pm

You lie!

Gillon June 27, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Mace’s strategy could be simple enough:
Finagle an endorsement from Sarah Palin.
Claim that she is the victim of politically-motivated lies because of supposed sexual indiscretions.
Have some redneck politician call her a politically incorrect epithet.
Deny and dismiss any personal financial irregularities as “distractions.”
Pander to the Tea Partyers.
Categorize your opponent as a liberal-leaning lawyer.

Gillon June 27, 2013 at 12:20 pm

And I almost forgot the most important of all:
Rely on the ignorance of the average SC voter.

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Did Nancy Mace have anything to do with the articles on Fitsnews such as writing, editing, advice, etc other than providing the technical support to get them “on the air”? I’m not aware of this being the case.

Winston Smith July 13, 2013 at 12:19 am


Plus, I think we’d all much rather look at her than ol’ Lindsey Loafers Graham.

Gillon June 27, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Mace’s strategy could be simple enough:
Finagle an endorsement from Sarah Palin.
Claim that she is the victim of politically-motivated lies because of supposed sexual indiscretions.
Have some redneck politician call her a politically incorrect epithet.
Deny and dismiss any personal financial irregularities as “distractions.”
Pander to the Tea Partyers.
Categorize your opponent as a liberal-leaning lawyer.

Gillon June 27, 2013 at 12:20 pm

And I almost forgot the most important of all:
Rely on the ignorance of the average SC voter.

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Did Nancy Mace have anything to do with the articles on Fitsnews such as writing, editing, advice, etc other than providing the technical support to get them “on the air”? I’m not aware of this being the case.

Winston Smith July 13, 2013 at 12:19 am


Plus, I think we’d all much rather look at her than ol’ Lindsey Loafers Graham.

Boz Martin June 27, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Of course Nancy is a threat. She’s whip-smart, got all kinds of political savvy, and she’s a very attractive, fresh face on the political scene. Graham, for all of his political acumen/experience and his massive war chest, is now soundly despised all across the political spectrum. Given that atmosphere, this has got to be the year that Larry Flynt outs him as gay. Nancy Mace can win this. They should be pissing their pants with worry about her.

Elfego June 27, 2013 at 5:55 pm

Graham has to be beat in the Primary. I cannot vote for a Democrat under any circumstance after the Charlotte spectacle.

Boz Martin June 27, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Of course Nancy is a threat. She’s whip-smart, got all kinds of political savvy, and she’s a very attractive, fresh face on the political scene. Graham, for all of his political acumen/experience and his massive war chest, is now soundly despised all across the political spectrum. And given that atmosphere, this has got to be the year that Larry Flynt outs him as gay. The question might be, though, whether he will do it before or after the GOP primary. It will probably be after, but who knows who else might have the goods on him and could spring it before then. Maybe even Sic Willie …? Nancy Mace can win this. They should be pissing their pants with worry about her.

Elfego June 27, 2013 at 5:55 pm

Graham has to be beat in the Primary. I cannot vote for a Democrat under any circumstance after the Charlotte spectacle.

nitrat June 27, 2013 at 12:41 pm

“There is something in our psyche here – Republican voters, we’re unpredictable. We’re emotional. How else do you explain Gingrich’s victory? Or the fact Nikki Haley is our governor? It was an emotional response.”
No, dummy, you’re stupid and so consumed with genetic racism that you can’t think straight about which party has been on your side since the New Deal that saved the lives of your grandparents if it might benefit one black person at the same time.

nitrat June 27, 2013 at 12:41 pm

“There is something in our psyche here – Republican voters, we’re unpredictable. We’re emotional. How else do you explain Gingrich’s victory? Or the fact Nikki Haley is our governor? It was an emotional response.”
No, dummy, you’re stupid and so consumed with genetic racism that you can’t think straight about which party has been on your side since the New Deal that saved the lives of your grandparents if it might benefit one black person at the same time.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Why are tolls allowed to use multiple anonymous names and then give (shove) themselves thumbs up (them). It’s not fair and I’m going to whine. Tough shite.

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Who is doing this, and how does it work?

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Oh shit Finius? Were you one of the “Frank has an IRS tin foil hat”?

Oh Shit Jan. Hows that working for you now.

“”We found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘Progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention,” IRS Inspector General J. Russell George wrote in a letter to Democrats. ”

Read more:

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Frank, I was asking about your “thumbs up” comment.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Yeah I just feel like whining today. My divorce is over. 4 years, and now I have nothing to complain about. I’ve gotten excellent reviews at work so I guess I’ll have to catch some kind of disease to keep getting sympathy and the reviews.

BBBBwwweweahhahaahahahahaahahhah. Lets get DRUNK

I’m gonna smile for a fracking month of Sunday’s. Then i’m going to laugh
haha :P

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 2:45 pm

Frank, would this story cheer you up?

The man at the bar gets a bit amorous as the evening lags. He gets lucky and meets with a willing woman. They leave and later are having a good go at it in the parked car when a cop suddenly shines a light in their faces. “What do you think you are doing?” asked the cop.
“Well officer, I’m just making love to my wife.”

The officer says “Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

The man replies “I didn’t know either until you shined the light in the car.”

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 2:49 pm


Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Why are tolls allowed to use multiple anonymous names and then give (shove) themselves thumbs up (them). It’s not fair and I’m going to whine. Tough shite.

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Who is doing this, and how does it work?

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Oh shit Finius? Were you one of the “Frank has an IRS tin foil hat”?

Oh Shit Jan. Hows that working for you now.

“”We found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘Progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention,” IRS Inspector General J. Russell George wrote in a letter to Democrats. ”

Read more:

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Frank, I was asking about your “thumbs up” comment.

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Yeah I just feel like whining today. My divorce is over. 4 years, and now I have nothing to complain about. I’ve gotten excellent reviews at work so I guess I’ll have to catch some kind of disease to keep getting sympathy and the reviews.

BBBBwwweweahhahaahahahahaahahhah. Lets get DRUNK

I’m gonna smile for a fracking month of Sunday’s. Then i’m going to laugh
haha :P

Finius Nullis June 27, 2013 at 2:45 pm

Frank, would this story cheer you up?

The man at the bar gets a bit amorous as the evening lags. He gets lucky and meets with a willing woman. They leave and later are having a good go at it in the parked car when a cop suddenly shines a light in their faces. “What do you think you are doing?” asked the cop.
“Well officer, I’m just making love to my wife.”

The officer says “Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

The man replies “I didn’t know either until you shined the light in the car.”

Frank Pytel June 27, 2013 at 2:49 pm


JC June 27, 2013 at 12:46 pm

If Graham were to face a credible threat, you better believe he and McCain would just start lobbying for another war, hoping blind patriotism and nationalism will cause the masses to ignore his monstrous record on civil liberties and empire and cast a vote for him. Make a game of it, “Which Country Will Lindsey Want to Invade Next”? Perhaps Mali, maybe Belarus, hell it’s not like they care, so long as the MIC makes billions and Likud approves.

JC June 27, 2013 at 12:46 pm

If Graham were to face a credible threat, you better believe he and McCain would just start lobbying for another war, hoping blind patriotism and nationalism will cause the masses to ignore his monstrous record on civil liberties and empire and cast a vote for him. Make a game of it, “Which Country Will Lindsey Want to Invade Next”? Perhaps Mali, maybe Belarus, hell it’s not like they care, so long as the MIC makes billions and Likud approves.

Sarah Piper June 27, 2013 at 1:04 pm

No one cares if Mace programmed this website at one point. I guess if you’re Lindsey Graham you care, but the majority of folks out there, I think understand, that nobody puts Sic Willie in a corner. I just don’t see how anyone can control him or tell him what to write and what not. And at the end of the day, who cares? This site isn’t porn and to say so is a stretch. But go ahead good ol’ boys. Go right on ahead. People are so sick of Lindsey they’d vote for their dog instead. Go get ’em girl.

Sarah Piper June 27, 2013 at 1:04 pm

No one cares if Mace programmed this website at one point. I guess if you’re Lindsey Graham you care, but the majority of folks out there, I think understand, that nobody puts Sic Willie in a corner. I just don’t see how anyone can control him or tell him what to write and what not. And at the end of the day, who cares? This site isn’t porn and to say so is a stretch. But go ahead good ol’ boys. Go right on ahead. People are so sick of Lindsey they’d vote for their dog instead. Go get ’em girl.

Jim June 27, 2013 at 3:05 pm

GOP needs to get act together instead of this “I know nothing crap”. My generation is laughing at the lack of organization and no direction. With just the confusion in Graham Crackers or who is running. They will try to organize at last minute like they always have. Look how the Gov Beasley second no term did not happen and screwed up all the way down. Never supported Mark Sanford but people vote him in on every election. No wonder candidates do not respect what got them office. The writing is on the wall

OK June 27, 2013 at 3:05 pm

GOP needs to get act together instead of this “I know nothing crap”. My generation is laughing at the lack of organization and no direction. With just the confusion in Graham Crackers or who is running. They will try to organize at last minute like they always have. Look how the Gov Beasley second no term did not happen and screwed up all the way down. Never supported Mark Sanford but people vote him in on every election. No wonder candidates do not respect what got them office. The writing is on the wall

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Dear Lindsey Graham……..(Senator)

We hope you find time to break away from the reports about OIL bribes in South Sudan (and how it is funding WHAT?) to stop to take a look at this article and …..THINK..! We remember your speech at the Citadel and the great moment you took to shake my son’s hand. The meal was very enjoyable, as well as listening to various conversations going on concerning various topics that you did not talk about that night. We wonder if Nancy Mace will be smart enough to actually talk and discuss issues that matter.? We feel sure that she may fall into the same trap of hiring “advisers” that will “park” her in a certain political mold that will be easy for you to “envelope”. In reality, all she has to be is a lot more transparent than you are. We wonder just how much of an international issue grasp she has..? Senator Graham….you do realize that Nancy Mace can defeat both you and Hillary Clinton with answering one specific question about Benghazi with a response based upon what..? Senator Graham, you would rather discuss the finer points of immigration reform when in fact you should be smiling about the FAIRTAX and educating Latinos about what..? Senator Graham…to an investor…..which land is “cheaper” ? Land in Mexico or Land in the USA..? How are you NOT teaching these Latinos to “buy LOW and sell Hi”..? Instead, it seems that all these “extended stay” Latinos are being duped into working hard and harder to buy “higher”..? You do know about inflation don’t you Senator Graham..? Well, the fine drivers in South Carolina understand how much the price of GAS has gone up….and its a lot higher than the raises that they have been getting.

Senator Graham, your NOT dumb, but when we manufacture GE wind turbines right here in our state and we do NOT have one turbine up anywhere on our golf courses, or MARSH Land, or our inlets and beachfront…it makes us ALL look like utter fools. Heck, why should tax payers fund a wind turbine research facility when GE has already spent ga-zillions on research and development before they ever decide to manufacture a wind turbine in the first place..? Senator Graham….do you not think that Nancy can do math and figure out how many troops have died from protecting OIL wells and pipeline routes compared to troops getting killed to protect a WIND TURBINE..?? Geez, how many wind Turbines have we SOLD to Iraq or Afghanistan so their not SLAVES to foreign energy or a “Taliban” dam..??

Senator what type of politician would defeat you? One with talking points or one with SPUNK…??

CorruptionInColumbia June 27, 2013 at 9:08 pm

I suspect that Lindsey has a lot of “spunk”, not all or even most of which was made by him, if you now what I mean.

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Dear Lindsey Graham……..(Senator)

We hope you find time to break away from the reports about OIL bribes in South Sudan (and how it is funding WHAT?) to stop to take a look at this article and …..THINK..! We remember your speech at the Citadel and the great moment you took to shake my son’s hand. The meal was very enjoyable, as well as listening to various conversations going on concerning various topics that you did not talk about that night. We wonder if Nancy Mace will be smart enough to actually talk and discuss issues that matter.? We feel sure that she may fall into the same trap of hiring “advisers” that will “park” her in a certain political mold that will be easy for you to “envelope”. In reality, all she has to be is a lot more transparent than you are. We wonder just how much of an international issue grasp she has..? Senator Graham….you do realize that Nancy Mace can defeat both you and Hillary Clinton with answering one specific question about Benghazi with a response based upon what..? Senator Graham, you would rather discuss the finer points of immigration reform when in fact you should be smiling about the FAIRTAX and educating Latinos about what..? Senator Graham…to an investor…..which land is “cheaper” ? Land in Mexico or Land in the USA..? How are you NOT teaching these Latinos to “buy LOW and sell Hi”..? Instead, it seems that all these “extended stay” Latinos are being duped into working hard and harder to buy “higher”..? You do know about inflation don’t you Senator Graham..? Well, the fine drivers in South Carolina understand how much the price of GAS has gone up….and its a lot higher than the raises that they have been getting.

Senator Graham, your NOT dumb, but when we manufacture GE wind turbines right here in our state and we do NOT have one turbine up anywhere on our golf courses, or MARSH Land, or our inlets and beachfront…it makes us ALL look like utter fools. Heck, why should tax payers fund a wind turbine research facility when GE has already spent ga-zillions on research and development before they ever decide to manufacture a wind turbine in the first place..? Senator Graham….do you not think that Nancy can do math and figure out how many troops have died from protecting OIL wells and pipeline routes compared to troops getting killed to protect a WIND TURBINE..?? Geez, how many wind Turbines have we SOLD to Iraq or Afghanistan so their not SLAVES to foreign energy or a “Taliban” dam..??

Senator what type of politician would defeat you? One with talking points or one with SPUNK…??

CorruptionInColumbia June 27, 2013 at 9:08 pm

I suspect that Lindsey has a lot of “spunk”, not all or even most of which was made by him, if you now what I mean.

Jimmy Johns June 27, 2013 at 3:38 pm

1) All three of these challengers are better candidates than Buddy Witherspoon.
2) Lindsey isn’t doing his normal tacking to the right. Instead, he is down right trashing conservatives

Jimmy Johns June 27, 2013 at 3:38 pm

1) All three of these challengers are better candidates than Buddy Witherspoon.
2) Lindsey isn’t doing his normal tacking to the right. Instead, he is down right trashing conservatives

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 3:51 pm

Dear Nancy Mace………

Well, obviously, Mr. Wil Folks did you no favors writing this piece. What a stab in the back. Making you out to be some “cub cadet” mom…! I am not going to stand for it..!! Nancy, do WANT to be a winner..? Do yo really want to serve the citizens of South Carolina..? Really..?

Well, being a Senator takes guts..!! SO…..where are you in this comment section to offer you unbiased “prose” of thought on the state of our affairs..?? You need to be where vocal members of the electorate are and not schmoozing focus groups..!

1) Nancy….GET REAL…!! Stop playing hide and seek and start being transparent..!!

2) If Gloria Allred wears red everytime she walks out the door…YOU need to be seen in BLACK for the rest of your life….!!! The only color any concerned SC taxpayer should see is the red pinstrip up the back of your black hose..!! Do you mean business Nancy…?? Do you…? Well, start doing WHAT…?

3) Immediately contact Mark Sanford by email and ask him to borrow his cut out of Nancy Pelosi and then record how long it takes him to get back in touch with you about sending you his “prop”..!! If Mark does not respond within 48 hours, then post a copy of your email to FITSNEWS and to every paper in the state and see just how long each Editor takes to post a story on it…!!

4) Pen a “Letter to the Editor” to all the newspapers in our state and opine about the need for a “Nancy” in the Senate who actually knows how to defeat a Pelosi…!!! DARE them to print it on Sunday July 7th for all citizens in South Carolina to read..!!

5) Get a video camera and candle and make a small 15 minute “fireside chat” to be posted to your YOUTUBE to discuss

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 3:51 pm

Dear Nancy Mace………

Well, obviously, Mr. Wil Folks did you no favors writing this piece. What a stab in the back. Making you out to be some “cub cadet” mom…! I am not going to stand for it..!! Nancy, do WANT to be a winner..? Do yo really want to serve the citizens of South Carolina..? Really..?

Well, being a Senator takes guts..!! SO…..where are you in this comment section to offer you unbiased “prose” of thought on the state of our affairs..?? You need to be where vocal members of the electorate are and not schmoozing focus groups..!

1) Nancy….GET REAL…!! Stop playing hide and seek and start being transparent..!!

2) If Gloria Allred wears red everytime she walks out the door…YOU need to be seen in BLACK for the rest of your life….!!! The only color any concerned SC taxpayer should see is the red pinstrip up the back of your black hose..!! Do you mean business Nancy…?? Do you…? Well, start doing WHAT…?

3) Immediately contact Mark Sanford by email and ask him to borrow his cut out of Nancy Pelosi and then record how long it takes him to get back in touch with you about sending you his “prop”..!! If Mark does not respond within 48 hours, then post a copy of your email to FITSNEWS and to every paper in the state and see just how long each Editor takes to post a story on it…!!

4) Pen a “Letter to the Editor” to all the newspapers in our state and opine about the need for a “Nancy” in the Senate who actually knows how to defeat a Pelosi…!!! DARE them to print it on Sunday July 7th for all citizens in South Carolina to read..!!

5) Get a video camera and candle and make a small 15 minute “fireside chat” to be posted to your YOUTUBE channel to discuss daily topics that Senator Graham failed to comment on in our daily press…

G44-Sees U June 27, 2013 at 4:00 pm

If you see Graham in public, spit on him. He is a corrupt lawless rogue sack of pig vomit. He does not represent the people. And that can never be refuted.
Go To Hell, Graham. You Suck!

G44-Sees U June 27, 2013 at 4:00 pm

If you see Graham in public, spit on him. He is a corrupt lawless rogue sack of pig vomit. He does not represent the people. And that can never be refuted.
Go To Hell, Graham. You Suck!

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 4:04 pm

Nancy……we have more for you…..

6) Grab a photographer and a tent and do a slide show asking voters of South Carolina to take a poll question concerning tents. Yep…tents. Then read from this article and DARE to have South Carolina voters VOTE which one refugees should have…

…then at the end of the slide show ….ask Lindsey if he has ever been to a refugge camp before..??? If so, WHERE…..WHEN……and to see WHO…??

7) “Operation: Can of Mace”……….do a web interactive poll asking a lollipop Graham if he knows the difference between a can of MACE and chemical weapons in Syria…??
Nancy….you know MACE..!

8) “Talk with Al”……….get yourself a mirror and have a chat with a “Al Franken” lollipop and ask if Lindsey is ….(well you know the SNL routine) …….then ask voters if they have ever heard Lindsey ask Al a question on the floor of the Senate about anything…???

9)……NANCY…….lets …GO…!!

Philip Branton June 27, 2013 at 4:04 pm

Nancy……we have more for you…..

6) Grab a photographer and a tent and do a slide show asking voters of South Carolina to take a poll question concerning tents. Yep…tents. Then read from this article and DARE to have South Carolina voters VOTE which one refugees should have…

…then at the end of the slide show ….ask Lindsey if he has ever been to a refugge camp before..??? If so, WHERE…..WHEN……and to see WHO…??

7) “Operation: Can of Mace”……….do a web interactive poll asking a lollipop Graham if he knows the difference between a can of MACE and chemical weapons in Syria…??
Nancy….you know MACE..!

8) “Talk with Al”……….get yourself a mirror and have a chat with a “Al Franken” lollipop and ask if Lindsey is ….(well you know the SNL routine) …….then ask voters if they have ever heard Lindsey ask Al a question on the floor of the Senate about anything…???

9)……NANCY…….lets …GO…!!

Raymond June 27, 2013 at 4:59 pm

She has tremendous potential. So do a thousand other people in SC.

Raymond June 27, 2013 at 4:59 pm

She has tremendous potential. So do a thousand other people in SC.

CorruptionInColumbia June 27, 2013 at 6:21 pm

I don’t care if it is Jim Clyburn running against Graham, I would vote for anyone but Graham. How anyone, can under any circumstances, vote for this hater of American citizens and taxpayers is beyond me. Graham despises freedom, he has nothing but contempt for American taxpayers and citizens, and he has got to GO!!!!!

Publius June 27, 2013 at 8:49 pm

I’m with you, I have voted Republican since ’94 in every election but if Graham is indeed the Republican nominee I will vote for his Democrat opponent just to try and get rid of him. Graham should just go ahead and switch parties now if he is so confident because his party has used what little rope they had left to hang themselves. The Republicans seemed poised to join the American Whig party as an obscure, irrelevant and forgotten political party. Welcome to one party rule.

CorruptionInColumbia June 27, 2013 at 6:21 pm

I don’t care if it is Jim Clyburn running against Graham, I would vote for anyone but Graham. How anyone, can under any circumstances, vote for this hater of American citizens and taxpayers is beyond me. Graham despises freedom, he has nothing but contempt for American taxpayers and citizens, and he has got to GO!!!!!

Publius June 27, 2013 at 8:49 pm

I’m with you, I have voted Republican since ’94 in every election but if Graham is indeed the Republican nominee I will vote for his Democrat opponent just to try and get rid of him. Graham should just go ahead and switch parties now if he is so confident because his party has used what little rope they had left to hang themselves. The Republicans seemed poised to join the American Whig party as an obscure, irrelevant and forgotten political party. Welcome to one party rule.

Elea Phat In The Room June 27, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Lindsey you have been had you fagot bastard!!! It’s time for your old gay ass to go!!!!

Elea Phat In The Room June 27, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Lindsey you have been had you fagot bastard!!! It’s time for your old gay ass to go!!!!

JFN June 28, 2013 at 12:54 pm

Hester Prynne in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter had a big “A” branded on her breast for adultery. Now Sen Graham has a big “A” branded on his forehead for “Amnesty”. From now on when conservatives in SC look at him the “A” on his forehead will forever be present. All the special interest money cannot make it go away. A credible candidate will get a ground swell of support that money cannot buy.

JFN June 28, 2013 at 12:54 pm

Hester Prynne in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter had a big “A” branded on her breast for adultery. Now Sen Graham has a big “A” branded on his forehead for “Amnesty”. From now on when conservatives in SC look at him the “A” on his forehead will forever be present. All the special interest money cannot make it go away. A credible candidate will get a ground swell of support that money cannot buy.

JFN June 28, 2013 at 4:33 pm

Hester Pryenne in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, had an “A” branded on her brest for adultery. Sen Graham for most conservatives in SC will they see or talk about him will have an “A” branded on his forehead for Amnesty. I do not think his exposure as a “tallking head” on national TV can mitigate the consequences of his leadership onthe amnesty bill in the Senate. I do understand he has a very large campaign fund which scares away thiose with safe seats in the house. But special interest money cannot buy the votes of determined grass roots voters. Mark Sanford proved that. A credible candidate with the right positions on the issues can beat Graham in the primary and then win the general election. Ms Mace could be that candidate. I have met her on several occasions and believe I could be a strong supporter.

JFN June 28, 2013 at 4:33 pm

Hester Pryenne in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, had an “A” branded on her brest for adultery. Sen Graham for most conservatives in SC will they see or talk about him will have an “A” branded on his forehead for Amnesty. I do not think his exposure as a “tallking head” on national TV can mitigate the consequences of his leadership onthe amnesty bill in the Senate. I do understand he has a very large campaign fund which scares away thiose with safe seats in the house. But special interest money cannot buy the votes of determined grass roots voters. Mark Sanford proved that. A credible candidate with the right positions on the issues can beat Graham in the primary and then win the general election. Ms Mace could be that candidate. I have met her on several occasions and believe I could be a strong supporter.

Bill Carper June 28, 2013 at 7:54 pm

First, thank you for the letter about immigration, I considered it nothing more than BS. Knowing how you voted was very disappointing and knowing you were there with traitor’s like McCain and Schumer was even more disappointing, I won’t be voting for you in 2014 my vote will go to Nancy. Sir, you are a turncoat and the people of South Carolina don’t need you, we can’t afford to have you knowing that there will be millions of jobs lost because of this law. I am originally from Southern California and I know The Mexican people, I hold nothing against them as they’re just trying to make there way but, illegal is illegal no matter how you cut it ! My ancestors came through Ellis Island and followed all the rules to become citizens and you want to throw all that away and give them free passage, Welfare and food stamps, social Security, cheap loans, cheap housing, jobs, no one ever gave me free anything, I worked my Ass off for what I have. Now at 73 years old I look and see my country in more trouble than it has ever been in since the civil war ! God Help Us !
F.W. Carper
Mullins, SC.

Bill Carper June 28, 2013 at 7:54 pm

First, thank you for the letter about immigration, I considered it nothing more than BS. Knowing how you voted was very disappointing and knowing you were there with traitor’s like McCain and Schumer was even more disappointing, I won’t be voting for you in 2014 my vote will go to Nancy. Sir, you are a turncoat and the people of South Carolina don’t need you, we can’t afford to have you knowing that there will be millions of jobs lost because of this law. I am originally from Southern California and I know The Mexican people, I hold nothing against them as they’re just trying to make there way but, illegal is illegal no matter how you cut it ! My ancestors came through Ellis Island and followed all the rules to become citizens and you want to throw all that away and give them free passage, Welfare and food stamps, social Security, cheap loans, cheap housing, jobs, no one ever gave me free anything, I worked my Ass off for what I have. Now at 73 years old I look and see my country in more trouble than it has ever been in since the civil war ! God Help Us !
F.W. Carper
Mullins, SC.

GeeGeeC July 3, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Mace has NO chance. Lindsey will win and will get my vote. He is very respected on a national level. And he has a lot of money in the bank.

GeeGeeC July 3, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Mace has NO chance. Lindsey will win and will get my vote. He is very respected on a national level. And he has a lot of money in the bank.


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