SC: Where Kids Don’t Count

Children in South Carolina – already facing an uphill climb given our state’s dysfunctional, anti-competitive government and abysmal public school system – are staring down even longer odds now, according to the 2013 KIDS COUNT data book. According to this widely respected nationwide survey – conducted annually by the Annie…

Children in South Carolina – already facing an uphill climb given our state’s dysfunctional, anti-competitive government and abysmal public school system – are staring down even longer odds now, according to the 2013 KIDS COUNT data book.

According to this widely respected nationwide survey – conducted annually by the Annie E. Casey Foundation – the Palmetto State slipped from 43rd to 45th nationally in overall child well-being (behind Georgia and Alabama).

Driving this decline? A precipitous fall in the area of economic well-being, one of four categories measured by the report.

“South Carolina dropped from 34 in the nation to 44 in a single year,” the report found, citing 2011 data.

In educational well-being, South Carolina slipped one spot to No. 41, while the Palmetto State slipped three spots to No. 44 in the report’s health category. In the “family and community” category, South Carolina remained stuck at No. 43.

While this data would appear to be another indictment of S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s lack of leadership, the South Carolina group responsible for releasing the KIDS COUNT data actually praised the first-term governor.

“We are hopeful that the success of Gov. Nikki Haley has had in brining (sic) new jobs to our state will provide the relief and financial security our families and children need,” said Sue Williams, chief executive officer for the Children’s Trust of South Carolina.

Hmmmmm …

Williams’ hope is misplaced … remember, South Carolina’s labor participation rate was at an all-time low as recently as this March. Also the vast majority of jobs Haley has “created” are being purchased with Palmetto State tax dollars – a strategy which has failed demonstrably in recent years.



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Elfego June 24, 2013 at 9:38 am

Government slaves are no different than Plantation Slaves!

Ralph June 24, 2013 at 9:38 am

Which one is Big Grand T ango whatever?

Finius Nullis June 24, 2013 at 9:50 am

Saturday afternoon Big Grand Tango was asked to leave the swimming pool because he was observed peeing in the pool. BigT told the lifeguard that everyone did it. The lifeguard replied – “From the diving board?”

Finius Nullis June 24, 2013 at 9:38 am

What are the individual criteria for the elements of this survey?

CNSYD June 24, 2013 at 9:42 am

Come on now. You know better than to question any stats from Sic Willie. They are always Gospel. Do you think he would cherry pick?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:44 pm

It’s a libitard study by libitards intended for a libitard audience.
How much money for the schools is enough?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:23 pm

People who insult mentally-disabled people by using terms they and their parents have politely asked us (over and over and over) to *please stop* using, are another example of the crass disregard for humanity, outright prejudice and hatred that is the problem in this state. Obviously, Frank thinks anyone with a “tard” suffix is inferior and needs to be put in their place, and he would LAUGH at the very idea that a “retarded” child would need to be educated. And of course, “libtards” are inferior, goes without saying.

He is a proud bigot who only believes in educating the people he APPROVES of, not everyone. And he makes this clear by using insulting, prejudicial, vicious epithets.

Thanks for the demonstration of why conservatism is morally bankrupt, Frank. Excellent job you did there!

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:26 pm

So, after your rant, I would invite you to answer. How much is enough? How much of my money do you think I should spend to send your child to school? Simple question for anyone willing to have an open discussion.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:39 pm

As much as they spend in Iowa. Can you not read?

Or: come up with a national average, and that should be the figure. WHY are we spending more and more to accomplish less and less? THAT is obviously an internal problem, and it seems a conservative should be able to SEE THAT CLEARLY. Your prejudice and superiority is instead standing in the way.

As I said, in that case, STAND ASIDE and let the rest of ushandle it.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:47 pm

And how much do you say they spend in Iowa?

johnq June 24, 2013 at 7:02 pm

The same as every other taxpayer.

Some who have hever had kids. How much should they have to spend for your kids minimally adequate education in this shithole of a state.

Now that your kid is in college you are ready to opt out?

The answer is Frank, the same as everyone else pays.

Frank Pytel June 25, 2013 at 5:29 am

No John;
I’ve been ready to opt out forever. I went to private school for the first half of K-12 and to public for the second. Worst experience I have ever had in my life was going to public school.
Iowa’s per student, SC per student, and every other state varies greatly.

So the question the libitards, don’t know if you are john, won’t answer is give up a dollar figure, percentage of GDP, percentage of earnings. Give up a number of some kind. Otherwise your just blowing more smoke up the lemmings asses.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Whatever the criteria is, it will be slanted so that the blue states come out on top. This is the AEC Foundation we’re talking about here.

Elfego June 24, 2013 at 9:38 am

Government slaves are no different than Plantation Slaves!

Ralph June 24, 2013 at 9:38 am

Which one is Big Grand T ango whatever?

Finius Nullis June 24, 2013 at 9:50 am

Saturday afternoon Big Grand Tango was asked to leave the swimming pool because he was observed peeing in the pool. BigT told the lifeguard that everyone did it. The lifeguard replied – “From the diving board?”

Finius Nullis June 24, 2013 at 9:38 am

What are the individual criteria for the elements of this survey?

CNSYD June 24, 2013 at 9:42 am

Come on now. You know better than to question any stats from Sic Willie. They are always Gospel. Do you think he would cherry pick?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:44 pm

It’s a libitard study by libitards intended for a libitard audience.
How much money for the schools is enough?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:23 pm

People who insult mentally-disabled people by using terms they and their parents have politely asked us (over and over and over) to *please stop* using, are another example of the crass disregard for humanity, outright prejudice and hatred that is the problem in this state. Obviously, Frank thinks anyone with a “tard” suffix is inferior and needs to be put in their place, and he would LAUGH at the very idea that a “retarded” child would need to be educated. And of course, “libtards” are inferior, goes without saying.

He is a proud bigot who only believes in educating the people he APPROVES of, not everyone. And he makes this clear by using insulting, prejudicial, vicious epithets.

Thanks for the demonstration of why conservatism is morally bankrupt, Frank. Excellent job you did there!

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:26 pm

So, after your rant, I would invite you to answer. How much is enough? How much of my money do you think I should spend to send your child to school? Simple question for anyone willing to have an open discussion.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:39 pm

As much as they spend in Iowa. Can you not read?

Or: come up with a national average, and that should be the figure. WHY are we spending more and more to accomplish less and less? THAT is obviously an internal problem, and it seems a conservative should be able to SEE THAT CLEARLY. Your prejudice and superiority is instead standing in the way.

As I said, in that case, STAND ASIDE and let the rest of ushandle it.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:47 pm

And how much do you say they spend in Iowa?

johnq June 24, 2013 at 7:02 pm

The same as every other taxpayer.

Some who have hever had kids. How much should they have to spend for your kids minimally adequate education in this shithole of a state.

Now that your kid is in college you are ready to opt out?

The answer is Frank, the same as everyone else pays.

Frank Pytel June 25, 2013 at 5:29 am

No John;
I’ve been ready to opt out forever. I went to private school for the first half of K-12 and to public for the second. Worst experience I have ever had in my life was going to public school.
Iowa’s per student, SC per student, and every other state varies greatly.

So the question the libitards, don’t know if you are john, won’t answer is give up a dollar figure, percentage of GDP, percentage of earnings. Give up a number of some kind. Otherwise your just blowing more smoke up the lemmings asses.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Whatever the criteria is, it will be slanted so that the blue states come out on top. This is the AEC Foundation we’re talking about here.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 9:42 am

Unfortunately this will lead to increased Gubmint funding, which will inevitably lead to the fattening of those ‘persons’ wallets working at and down the street from Arsenal hill.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 9:42 am

Unfortunately this will lead to increased Gubmint funding, which will inevitably lead to the fattening of those ‘persons’ wallets working at and down the street from Arsenal hill.

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 10:03 am

Until lily white government check-gobblers, like FITS and his family, call down the Race-baiters and liberals for their Failure…and MAKE Everybody respect the law and learn that discipline pays, and a lack of it punishes…we’re screwed…It takes Daddy and a Mama…not a village. FITS and the Liberals have polluted the village…

Here we see FITS takes the evidence of Leftwing Disaster to bash South Carolina…
Schools are NOT the problem, it’s liberals controlling them for so long.

Yet FITS, sits on his LAZY Stupid @$$ while Obama takes the HealthCare system, to do ehat they’ve already done to educations…

Until you ADMIT what the problem is and what you are, you are an accomplice. And Liberal-Tarians, who get used by the left, while trying to use them, are as Guilty as Sheheen, Riley, Benjamin, Reid, Tenenbaum, Pelosi, Jackson, Ford, Lourie, Smith, Rex, Cobb-hunter, Obama and Ott…

idiotwind June 24, 2013 at 10:12 am

avoid dressing up your sentences. just make plain direct statements. because i really have no idea what you are trying to say.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 10:20 am

So I can’t say n I g g e r and you can say “lily white government check-gobblers” (code for CRACKA”)

Kracker June 24, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Sure you can…go to the hood and see how well that works for you.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:48 pm

No moron. I’m not talking about going face to face. You see there’s actually very few people here, or anywhere on the net, that provide identifiable information about themselves. I have. Look around you’ll find it.
That said, there doesn’t seem to be a care in the world on the net for people saying spik, wap, wetback, cracker or many other racial slurs. But even disqus filters the word n I g g e r. Why is that. Used in context it’s a word like any other. If these words are improper then they are. Not just those used to describe one class of people. Those used to describe any class of people.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:43 pm

Of course not face to face.

In most places, they call that a C O W A R D.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Yeah, where’s your pic on your website?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 10:05 pm

Its right there in plain sight. There are two in the margins and one on my June 1st post. Are you blind as well as stupid, or what?

Oh wait, are you mixing up the radio show’s blog with MY blog?

Dumb as dirt. (((shakes head in amazement)))

9" June 24, 2013 at 9:39 pm

Wow.I thought you had something going,but you’re arguing with morons.

You’re lost in the dust of your own self-destruction with your stupid little hissy fits.Go get laid,bitch.

It’s cunts like you who made me gay…

Frank is sounding pretty hot,right now…

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Now now Frank, no reason to go dig up the old sockpuppet. That’s a sign of desperation if there ever was one. And I think expressing desire for oneself is called Narcissist Personality Disorder, not being gay.

I knew it was you by your epithets… n word, tards, now cunts. So predictable.

Give my regards to your boyfriend, Frank! And hey… hope you guys get your marriage rights soon!

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Now now Frank, no reason to go dig up the old sockpuppet. That’s a sign of desperation if there ever was one. And I think expressing desire for oneself is called Narcissist Personality Disorder, not being gay.

I knew it was you by your epithets… n word, tards, now cunts. So predictable.

Give my regards to your boyfriend, Frank! And hey… hope you guys get your marriage rights soon!

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:42 pm

But you just did say it, and I am quoting you today on my show, Frank Pytel. Be proud you earned a place of honor!

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:57 pm

Nobody Cares

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 10:07 pm

About you? Oh, how sad. :(

But that’s really not surprising at all.

Smirks June 24, 2013 at 10:52 am

In Willie’s defense, he isn’t a state employee any longer. The one feeding his “lily white check-gobbling” ass now is you.

John Salam June 24, 2013 at 1:23 pm

Please be honest, GT. Were you verbally or physically abused as a kid? Seriously, I can’t see why anyone would chose to came on this blog to get belittled on a daily basis unless they’ve experienced some kind of past trauma.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:12 pm

ME too! You forgot me in your roll call, I am so bummed.

Grand Tango, I will be mentioning you today on our radio show. 5pm in upstate SC, 105.7 FM and 910 AM. Also podcasted around the world. (We may have more podcast listeners than local ones, actually, LOL) Tune in, and please call. You are fabulous. People think we *make up* your kinda wacko down here, but I assure them you are real. Please call in and let them know how REAL you really are. :)

Occupy the Microphone is the show’s name… do not wanna spam, but yes, we are on the net, can download also from Black Talk Radio Network and Spreaker.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:16 pm

That’s the other half. BLACK talk radio. Gotcha

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:29 pm

Yes, we are covered by Black Talk radio, even though the three of us on the show are white.

Is that a *compliment* or what?

Wait, are you insulting BLACK people now? What is bad about black talk radio? Obviously not as good as white talk radio?

I am thinking Frank Pytel might be good for a whole blog post or radio segment. This is getting pretty interesting. Another St0rmfront sympathizer, huh?

I out St0rmfronters for breakfast.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:31 pm

What’s the name of the show?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:36 pm

Can’t read, obviously. This is MOST of the problem with conservatives. Illiteracy.

Its in my above comment: Occupy the Microphone.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:52 pm

Nah, just didn’t really want to. Then I have to read a load of drivel

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 10:14 pm

Then why did you ask for the name of the show? (???)

You seem very, very confused. Just sputtering, at this point.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:37 pm

What’s wrong with BLACK talk radio? I asked before and you didn’t reply. Is it just automatically wrong because (mostly) black people listen to it?

Can I quote you?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Well if you want a quote from me, how about this?
I do not say African/Irish/Polish/Indian/Chinese/Hindu/INSERT FAVORITE BS MONIKER HERE American. I say American or Commie Fucking Slut.
Howzat? Howzat?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 10:11 pm


I speak English, and if you don’t, leave the country and go back to wherever you came from.

As for the rest of your comment… well, I speak English, as I said. I have no idea what you are saying. Some trashy sputtering from a spoiled, sheltered little high school brat, is what it looks like to me.

Either a high school boy who just saw porn for the first time, or a middle-aged pervert freak who really should know better by now.

johnq June 24, 2013 at 7:28 pm

I’m honored that you took the time to come and kick around these knuckledragging conservatives with us Daisey. I do it just for kicks just to watch T have fits. Tried finding your podcasts but had no luck.

Thanks for stopping in and please come back regularly poor Frank was reduced to sputtering tears and T, well, he was put in his place.


I’m sure his adequately for South Carolina educated kid will treasure his comments here when he to has a family and the search out their gramps on google.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:52 pm

They are here:

Didn’t know if it was okay to link, but there are other links here so I guess its okay. (Some bloggers get really upset over that.)

johnq June 25, 2013 at 2:28 am

Found it and listened. Heard you mention Frank and T. You should do a longer segment on commenters of various conservative blogs so people can see just how disgusting and superficial they are.

Nölff June 24, 2013 at 10:06 am

So handing out our tax money to companies is going to make our children brighter? Sue Williams is probably on Haley’s crony list.

Vanguard16 June 24, 2013 at 11:30 am

When are all those Wal-Marts that Queen Nikki said were coming to SC? We need more corporate welfare since a Wal-Mart in Wisconsin costs taxpayer over $900,000 for its employees to draw food stamps, Medicaid/Medicare. Wal-Mart has over 4,000 stores nationwide!

Nölff June 24, 2013 at 10:06 am

So handing out our tax money to companies is going to make our children brighter? Sue Williams is probably on Haley’s crony list.

Vanguard16 June 24, 2013 at 11:30 am

When are all those Wal-Marts that Queen Nikki said were coming to SC? We need more corporate welfare since a Wal-Mart in Wisconsin costs taxpayer over $900,000 for its employees to draw food stamps, Medicaid/Medicare. Wal-Mart has over 4,000 stores nationwide!

Jan June 24, 2013 at 10:33 am

Its all here,

You can bet Big T and the Republicans are not going to like the results, regarding the overall well being of children 9 of the bottom ten states are run totally by Republicans while 8 of the top ten states are Democratic states.

When it comes to education the result is even more stark. All of the bottom ten states are run totally by Republicans. While 9 of the top ten states are Democratic states and the 10th state has divided government.

But hey, I am sure the study is biased, unless you are trying to use the statistics. Here is an idea. Republicans should stop trying to dismantle their state’s public schools and make them work. Instead they waist time and resources trying to help rich white families send their kids to private schools.

Jay Ellington June 24, 2013 at 10:39 am

It’s “waste” time.

Jan June 24, 2013 at 10:45 am

Yep, and there are probably a couple of other typos as well. Doesn’t change my point.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 12:10 pm


I am neither Republcrat or Demlican. Clearly I can see what has been happening, in both types of states, is that more and more and more money is thrown at the failing schools of the US. While this is occurring the graduation rate, grade point average, SAT/LSAT/ AT’s have lower and lower scores.

For how much longer, and how much more money, must be thrown at the schools to make them improve? How many more people must there be on welfare before there are enough? How much longer will the few have to support the many before they become capable of caring for themselves?

Jan June 24, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Well I can offer you some hope, but only if you will stop listening to BS propaganda put out by Republicans, FITS News, and Faux News in an effort to take money away from public schools and give it to people whose children are in private school.

Nationwide average SAT Scores have remained relatively stable. For example the average math SAT score was 516 in 1967 and last year that number was 514. There has been a decline in the overall average scores in reading. In 1967 that number was 543 and by last year that number had dropped to 496. However that is easily accounted for by the influx of non-native English speakers and the fact that in 1967 very few minorities took the SAT. The reading scores of whites and blacks have remained essentially unchanged since 1986 when they began keeping accurate records based on race.

If you are seeing declines you need to look state by state, and while I have not done the research, I bet I can predict where the declines occurred.

The reason we as a nation are falling behind, is because other countries, are rapidly improving their public education system at the same time we seem to be bent on destroying ours. Republicans have been in a constant battle to cut resources expended on public education since the 1980s.

Public education has brought more people out of poverty and servitude than anything else in history.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Jan, You didn’t answer one of my questions, excepting those statistics that you proved accurate. Pathetic. The questions stands on all counts. How much is enough?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:18 pm

I’ll answer: Find a manager, not some politician HACK who just wants a GOVERNMENT job. Or are you admitting that Democrats manage schools better than Republicans do? Otherwise, explain Jan’s facts about other states vs ours? If you have no explanation, and she does, I’d say stand aside and let the people with ANSWERS and FACTS take care of the situation.

People who already don’t CARE (and are PROUD of not caring!) are hereby excused from this discussion. Run along, let the grownups handle it.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:24 pm

“Find a manager, not some politician HACK who just wants a GOVERNMENT job”

What the hell are you talking about?

No, I think the Demlicans and the Repuklicrats are equally effective at destroying public education.

As for facts, I happen to have done my own research. I have a college age child that I have to ensure receives what I consider to be at least adequate education. Not being rich, I know that will be the best that I can do. So I in fact do care.

Maybe your moniker speaks for itself as to your interests in the subject matter, Hmm??

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:37 pm

“Maybe your moniker speaks for itself as to your interests in the subject matter, Hmm??”

Am I speaking to someone too stupid to know how to use Wikipedia and find out what a Deadhead is? Apparently so.

” have a college age child that I have to ensure receives what I consider to be at least adequate education”

And I have grandchildren. Plural. So? And you *still* can’t figure out what to do about the situation?

Fine, as I said, stand aside and let the grownups handle it, if its too much for your leetle haid. Don’t let the doorknob hit you in your superior ass, dude.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:49 pm

It was a joke son. I know what a deadhead is. I’ve been around at least that long. I own a few Garcia’s. Beautiful ties.
You are clearly far from a grown up. Probably still hittin’ the bong a little hard. Lucy been busy at your house?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I’ll take this inane chatter to mean that you have no replies to either me or Jan.

Adios, white bigoted fake prolifer.

Guest June 25, 2013 at 8:07 am

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Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Lucy still busy at your house?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Me thinks Lucy was WAAAYYY to busy at your house.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Do you mean “too” busy? Literacy counts.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 4:10 pm

Really. Grammar is the only thing an anarchist can come up with to bag on the facts that you still haven’t addressed?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:51 pm

What did you think of what I said to you on the radio? I addressed you and replied to you BY NAME, dude.

That should be adequate, even for a conservative.

Guest June 25, 2013 at 8:07 am

Advertisement 2

9" June 24, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Up,but,The Allman Brothers were/are the only ‘jam band’ that matters;the best live band,EVER;-)

Jan June 24, 2013 at 10:33 am

Its all here,

You can bet Big T and the Republicans are not going to like the results, regarding the overall well being of children 9 of the bottom ten states are run totally by Republicans while 8 of the top ten states are Democratic states.

When it comes to education the result is even more stark. All of the bottom ten states are run totally by Republicans. While 9 of the top ten states are Democratic states and the 10th state has divided government.

But hey, I am sure the study is biased, unless you are trying to use the statistics. Here is an idea. Republicans should stop trying to dismantle their state’s public schools and make them work. Instead they waist time and resources trying to help rich white families send their kids to private schools.

The Ghost of Fat Greg Dulli June 24, 2013 at 10:39 am

It’s “waste” time.

Jan June 24, 2013 at 10:45 am

Yep, and there are probably a couple of other typos as well. Doesn’t change my point.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 12:10 pm


I am neither Republcrat or Demlican. Clearly I can see what has been happening, in both types of states, is that more and more and more money is thrown at the failing schools of the US. While this is occurring the graduation rate, grade point average, SAT/LSAT/ AT’s have lower and lower scores.

For how much longer, and how much more money, must be thrown at the schools to make them improve? How many more people must there be on welfare before there are enough? How much longer will the few have to support the many before they become capable of caring for themselves?

Jan June 24, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Well I can offer you some hope, but only if you will stop listening to BS propaganda put out by Republicans, FITS News, and Faux News in an effort to take money away from public schools and give it to people whose children are in private school.

Nationwide average SAT Scores have remained relatively stable. For example the average math SAT score was 516 in 1967 and last year that number was 514. There has been a decline in the overall average scores in reading. In 1967 that number was 543 and by last year that number had dropped to 496. However that is easily accounted for by the influx of non-native English speakers and the fact that in 1967 very few minorities took the SAT. The reading scores of whites and blacks have remained essentially unchanged since 1986 when they began keeping accurate records based on race.

If you are seeing declines you need to look state by state, and while I have not done the research, I bet I can predict where the declines occurred.

The reason we as a nation are falling behind, is because other countries, are rapidly improving their public education system at the same time we seem to be bent on destroying ours. Republicans have been in a constant battle to cut resources expended on public education since the 1980s.

Public education has brought more people out of poverty and servitude than anything else in history.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Jan, You didn’t answer one of my questions, excepting those statistics that you proved accurate. Pathetic. The questions stands on all counts. How much is enough?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:18 pm

I’ll answer: Find a manager, not some politician HACK who just wants a GOVERNMENT job. Or are you admitting that Democrats manage schools better than Republicans do? Otherwise, explain Jan’s facts about other states vs ours? If you have no explanation, and she does, I’d say stand aside and let the people with ANSWERS and FACTS take care of the situation.

People who already don’t CARE (and are PROUD of not caring!) are hereby excused from this discussion. Run along, let the grownups handle it.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:24 pm

“Find a manager, not some politician HACK who just wants a GOVERNMENT job”

What the hell are you talking about?

No, I think the Demlicans and the Repuklicrats are equally effective at destroying public education.

As for facts, I happen to have done my own research. I have a college age child that I have to ensure receives what I consider to be at least adequate education. Not being rich, I know that will be the best that I can do. So I in fact do care.

Maybe your moniker speaks for itself as to your interests in the subject matter, Hmm??

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:37 pm

“Maybe your moniker speaks for itself as to your interests in the subject matter, Hmm??”

Am I speaking to someone too stupid to know how to use Wikipedia and find out what a Deadhead is? Apparently so.

” have a college age child that I have to ensure receives what I consider to be at least adequate education”

And I have grandchildren. Plural. So? And you *still* can’t figure out what to do about the situation?

Fine, as I said, stand aside and let the grownups handle it, if its too much for your leetle haid. Don’t let the doorknob hit you in your superior ass, dude.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:49 pm

It was a joke son. I know what a deadhead is. I’ve been around at least that long. I own a few Garcia’s. Beautiful ties.
You are clearly far from a grown up. Probably still hittin’ the bong a little hard. Lucy been busy at your house?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I’ll take this inane chatter to mean that you have no replies to either me or Jan.

Adios, white bigoted fake prolifer.

Guest June 25, 2013 at 8:07 am

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Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Lucy still busy at your house?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Me thinks Lucy was WAAAYYY to busy at your house.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:00 pm

Do you mean “too” busy? Literacy counts.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 4:10 pm

Really. Grammar is the only thing an anarchist can come up with to bag on the facts that you still haven’t addressed?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:51 pm

What did you think of what I said to you on the radio? I addressed you and replied to you BY NAME, dude.

That should be adequate, even for a conservative.

Guest June 25, 2013 at 8:07 am

Advertisement 2

9" June 24, 2013 at 3:48 pm

Up,but,The Allman Brothers were/are the only ‘jam band’ that matters;the best live band,EVER;-)

Squishy123 June 24, 2013 at 11:04 am

Blame the parents… they’re the one pushing their crotch fruit off on the schools and social programs to raise.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Crotch fruit? Nice! I bet you even call yourself pro-life with that nasty view of children, doncha? (Hilarious!)

Read Squishy and keep in mind: THATs our problem. We have narcissistic, self-centered voters in this state who only care about children who are the same color they are, and then only if their parents are married. Otherwise, why would they have elected this imbecile as governor? PRO LIFE of course!


Squishy123 June 24, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Would you prefer Yard Apes or maybe Porch Monkeys?

Now go drop some LSD and fuck up what few brain cells you have left.

Squishy123 June 24, 2013 at 11:04 am

Blame the parents… they’re the one pushing their crotch fruit off on the schools and social programs to raise.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Crotch fruit? Nice! I bet you even call yourself pro-life with that nasty view of children, doncha? (Hilarious!)

Read Squishy and keep in mind: THATs our problem. We have narcissistic, self-centered voters in this state who only care about children who are the same color they are, and then only if their parents are married. Otherwise, why would they have elected this imbecile as governor? PRO LIFE of course!


Squishy123 June 24, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Would you prefer Yard Apes or maybe Porch Monkeys?

Now go drop some LSD and fuck up what few brain cells you have left.

Vanguard16 June 24, 2013 at 11:27 am

TEApublicans olny care about fetuses. After birth, you are on your own!

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Then why have we taken care of welfare babies, and the mamas, for decades…???

PS: Obama has been persecuting familes who adopt, too…you Filthy Baby-Killing Gosnell @$$-Kisser…I guess you defend that, too???

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:27 pm

I thought you Christians believed in taking care of people because your Lord ordered you to? Want the Bible verses? “As ye do to the least of these…” is what it says. There are more, too, about camels going thru the eyes of needles, etc etc…

Don’t blame us… we are the ones doing what you are too hypocritical and lazy to do. Read your Good Book and get back to me.

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 2:35 pm

I DO take care of others. If you say paying taxes is taking care of people, Dumb!$$……I’ve been doing it for years…

What makes you THINK you are???…You ain’t doing a D@*N thing…You just tell the Ignorant SOBs who take the hand-out you are taking care of them…

Teaching them that self-reliance is a GOLD MINE is a gift. You’re feeding them your own Greed and Stupidity…so you can control people dull enough to give you their honor for a Food Stamp Card and a cell in the Projects…

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Its so cute when the conservatives “cuss” using #@(*%$^ just like in comic books! Tells you a lot about their intellectual level, that they are still quoting Archie and Veronica about the economy.

You don’t know SHIT about me, Abe Lincoln, so knock it off. Blah blah blah, and it still calls itself prolife. Yeah, I’ve seen you screaming your idiotic guts out at the women going into abortion clinics, because you loooooove them SO much! Right. Some scary shit already.

Is “food stamp” an automatic insult? As a child, I did NOT starve because we were lucky enough to get food stamps. Yes, you consider someone like me to be inferior on that account alone, and then you call yourself PRO LIFE… in truth, only middle class white fetuses matter to you, not the poor ones. Thanks for proving me right with the insults… just as Frank puts down retarded people and claims to be prolife, you put down poor children and claim to be prolife. FRAUD is what that is called, a PHONY and FAKER.

Prolife means EVERYbody. Yes, every one. Not just people who have never needed food stamps, you arrogant ass.

rwwllms June 24, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Someone has to protect fetuses from being murdered by the baby eating liberals.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 12:11 pm

There is no such thing as a fetus. Children are just that. Don’t let war mongers redefine humanity friend.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Wait, you just called people LIBTARDS as an insult? Obviously you think its fine to abort the retarded, then, correct? If you use the suffix TARD is an insult to denote someone’s inferiority? Right?

If not, can the insulting language prolife FAKER. You can’t denigrate huge swaths of the population as inferior and then suddenly claim you care about them.

Trotsky would have called that an intrinsic contradiction, and you remember what happened to him.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:37 pm

Oh. I’m sorry. You’re just a loon. I actually took you serious for awhile. My bad. Have a Great Day

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Ah, so caring what parents of disabled children (and disability activists themselves) have said, makes me a loon? Perfect!

This comments sums up everything wrong with the supposedly-prolife, conservative movement in a nutshell. They claim to “care” about children and believe in Jesus, but hey, lets make fun of the RETARDS… if they ask us not to use offensive language, SCREW THEM, right? Only a LOON would care what THEY think!

You believe that disabled people and their caretakers simply *aren’t important enough* to listen to, so the more they ask you to stop, the more you will repeat the offensive words and call people loons who care about such things. (PS: you therefore can’t complain when someone aborts them faster than you can say EXTRA CHROMOSOMES on the grounds that parents **fear having a child that will be harassed, bullied, made fun of**… do you SEE how your attitude leads to the abortion of disabled children? Or is “prolife” just coded Republican bullshit, without much concern about actually curbing abortions? FIGURES!)

Thanks again for the great demonstration of everything wrong with you people, and why you will continue to lose lose lose elections on a national scale. No one likes superior-acting, prejudiced bullies, and every single word out of your mouth gives that fact away about you.

So please, keep talking!

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:14 pm

Ok. Now I get it. You have a disable child. Well I’m going to keep using the term LIBITARD, REPUKLITARD, REPUBLITARD, DEMLITARD and all the rest for my entire life. If you don’t like it, tough shit. Similar to what you’re saying to me about my need to come out of pocket to educate your child.

That being said, we are not speaking of children here (in theory and easily argued to the contrary). We are speaking of political hacks that, again, desire to remove more of the money out of my pocket (that I would like to use to educate my child) to increase the amount of money that is spent on somebody else child. In the real world that, sir or madam, is theft.

Good luck with your child (grandchild?) that is disabled. Must be quite the job. I wouldn’t know, but I pray God give you the strength to persevere.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:24 pm

My daughter is grown and has children of her own. If one was disabled, would not consider that to be any kind of insult… my mother was the disabled person in our family. I worked at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation (has a different name now, dunno what it is) in Central Ohio many decades ago, where I learned to have respect for people and what they asked of me. Believe it or not, some of these folks became my good friends. No, don’t expect you to understand.

I bet you don’t use the n-word in all kinds of creative ways… its simple FEAR that dictates which words you use and don’t use, tough guy. After all, you feel like you don’t have to be afraid of any disabled people whom you might offend, since they can’t kick your ass for it, right?… but keep in mind, their parents and caretakers, people like me, are watching. Frank Pytel, I hope someday you say “repuklitard” (or some other equally insulting word derived from “retard”) to the wrong person. Hopefully, THIS post will come up when you are Google-searched, and you will lose your job and/or some or all of your livelihood. Life is long and the internet lives forever, so good luck. May God give you the strength to persevere when you are middle-aged and can’t get hired due to your offensive and backward ideas that are fast being consigned to the dustbin of history.


That was for the search engines.

As I said, keep up the good work.

9" June 24, 2013 at 4:09 pm

‘Just read the first line;it’s ‘disabled’.
Midlands Tech has classes…

Squishy123 June 24, 2013 at 6:07 pm

“you people”… isn’t that reserved for darkies?

In SC, I don’t think the Republicans are too worried about losing elections.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:56 pm

That’s funny, I just saw a rerun of “Eyes on the Prize” and someone said “In SC, nobody is too worried over integration.”

It takes time to rout ignorance and backwardness, but eventually the bad old ways die out and new, better ones take their place.

Look around, integration won. (And I figure that is pretty terrifying to the kind of person who still uses the term “darkies”…)

Rest assured, integration was only the beginning. :)

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:44 pm

How much money is enough Vangum?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:28 pm

How much is it in the north? Since there is a much higher literacy rate there (even with more immigrants!), maybe we should ask Iowa or Massachusetts?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:29 pm

How much big mouth? You’re in charge. Name your price? They’re already getting on the order of 12k per student in k-12.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:33 pm

No, I am not in charge, or I would confiscate property right and left (especially left) and get rid of the detritus. Be very glad I am not in charge. :)

Are you admitting that SC cannot do what Iowa does? Are they smarter there or just Democrats? Why don’t you study what they have been able to do and attempt to replicate it here, or is that too complicated for you?

Vanguard16 June 24, 2013 at 11:27 am

TEApublicans olny care about fetuses. After birth, you are on your own!

rwwllms June 24, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Someone has to protect fetuses from being murdered by the baby eating liberals.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 12:11 pm

There is no such thing as a fetus. Children are just that. Don’t let war mongers redefine humanity friend.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Wait, you just called people LIBTARDS as an insult? Obviously you think its fine to abort the retarded, then, correct? If you use the suffix TARD is an insult to denote someone’s inferiority? Right?

If not, can the insulting language prolife FAKER. You can’t denigrate huge swaths of the population as inferior and then suddenly claim you care about them.

Trotsky would have called that an intrinsic contradiction, and you remember what happened to him.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:37 pm

Oh. I’m sorry. You’re just a loon. I actually took you serious for awhile. My bad. Have a Great Day

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Ah, so caring what parents of disabled children (and disability activists themselves) have said, makes me a loon? Perfect!

This comments sums up everything wrong with the supposedly-prolife, conservative movement in a nutshell. They claim to “care” about children and believe in Jesus, but hey, lets make fun of the RETARDS… if they ask us not to use offensive language, SCREW THEM, right? Only a LOON would care what THEY think!

You believe that disabled people and their caretakers simply *aren’t important enough* to listen to, so the more they ask you to stop, the more you will repeat the offensive words and call people loons who care about such things. (PS: you therefore can’t complain when someone aborts them faster than you can say EXTRA CHROMOSOMES on the grounds that parents **fear having a child that will be harassed, bullied, made fun of**… do you SEE how your attitude leads to the abortion of disabled children? Or is “prolife” just coded Republican bullshit, without much concern about actually curbing abortions? FIGURES!)

Thanks again for the great demonstration of everything wrong with you people, and why you will continue to lose lose lose elections on a national scale. No one likes superior-acting, prejudiced bullies, and every single word out of your mouth gives that fact away about you.

So please, keep talking!

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 3:14 pm

Ok. Now I get it. You have a disable child. Well I’m going to keep using the term LIBITARD, REPUKLITARD, REPUBLITARD, DEMLITARD and all the rest for my entire life. If you don’t like it, tough shit. Similar to what you’re saying to me about my need to come out of pocket to educate your child.

That being said, we are not speaking of children here (in theory and easily argued to the contrary). We are speaking of political hacks that, again, desire to remove more of the money out of my pocket (that I would like to use to educate my child) to increase the amount of money that is spent on somebody else child. In the real world that, sir or madam, is theft.

Good luck with your child (grandchild?) that is disabled. Must be quite the job. I wouldn’t know, but I pray God give you the strength to persevere.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:24 pm

My daughter is grown and has children of her own. If one was disabled, would not consider that to be any kind of insult… my mother was the disabled person in our family. I worked at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation (has a different name now, dunno what it is) in Central Ohio many decades ago, where I learned to have respect for people and what they asked of me. Believe it or not, some of these folks became my good friends. No, don’t expect you to understand.

I bet you don’t use the n-word in all kinds of creative ways… its simple FEAR that dictates which words you use and don’t use, tough guy. After all, you feel like you don’t have to be afraid of any disabled people whom you might offend, since they can’t kick your ass for it, right?… but keep in mind, their parents and caretakers, people like me, are watching. Frank Pytel, I hope someday you say “repuklitard” (or some other equally insulting word derived from “retard”) to the wrong person. Hopefully, THIS post will come up when you are Google-searched, and you will lose your job and/or some or all of your livelihood. Life is long and the internet lives forever, so good luck. May God give you the strength to persevere when you are middle-aged and can’t get hired due to your offensive and backward ideas that are fast being consigned to the dustbin of history.


That was for the search engines.

As I said, keep up the good work.

9" June 24, 2013 at 4:09 pm

‘Just read the first line;it’s ‘disabled’.
Midlands Tech has classes…

Squishy123 June 24, 2013 at 6:07 pm

“you people”… isn’t that reserved for darkies?

In SC, I don’t think the Republicans are too worried about losing elections.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:56 pm

That’s funny, I just saw a rerun of “Eyes on the Prize” and someone said “In SC, nobody is too worried over integration.”

It takes time to rout ignorance and backwardness, but eventually the bad old ways die out and new, better ones take their place.

Look around, integration won. (And I figure that is pretty terrifying to the kind of person who still uses the term “darkies”…)

Rest assured, integration was only the beginning. :)

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:44 pm

How much money is enough Vangum?

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:28 pm

How much is it in the north? Since there is a much higher literacy rate there (even with more immigrants!), maybe we should ask Iowa or Massachusetts?

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 2:29 pm

How much big mouth? You’re in charge. Name your price? They’re already getting on the order of 12k per student in k-12.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:33 pm

No, I am not in charge, or I would confiscate property right and left and get rid of the detritus. Be very glad I am not in charge. :)

Are you admitting that SC cannot do what Iowa does? Are they smarter there or just Democrats? Why don’t you study what they have been able to do and attempt to replicate it here, or is that too complicated for you?

bogart June 24, 2013 at 1:11 pm

Republicans control these losing states. They don’t have time to worry about educating children,they’re too busy penning rule books for women and their uteruses……..which is hard for them to do with their heads up their asses.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:43 pm

How much is enough? How much money?

bogart June 24, 2013 at 1:11 pm

Republicans control these losing states. They don’t have time to worry about educating children,they’re too busy penning rule books for women and their uteruses……..which is hard for them to do with their heads up their asses.

Frank Pytel June 24, 2013 at 1:43 pm

How much is enough? How much money?

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Liberalism is a theology based on lies and myths, that preaches hate and bitterness, and results in poverty and failure (see Obama)…And the Liberal-Tarians enable them…

This is your handi-work…are you proud???

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:56 pm

Liberalism is politics, not theology. Not everyone is Christian, and theology is about the study of God or Gods. Technically, if you dislike liberals, you should be claiming they HAVE NO theology.

Really, you should stick to the comic books.

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Evidently, you don’t understand your own theology…
Liberalism is a religion…it’s blind faith, and in the case of liberalism, you believe, even after it has failed over and over…

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 3:14 pm

Ah, an Ann Coulter follower. She’s a deadhead, you know. Really, she claims over 68 shows, even more than me.

I am not liberal, I am radical. I did not vote for Obama. (Well, I did the first time, but as a great modern philosopher once said, we won’t get fooled again.) In primaries, I have always voted for Ron Paul as THE antiwar candidate.

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Regardless of how you vote, if it’s not Conservative, pro-American you are the Enemy.
You are as responsible for Obama, and the damage to freedom and America as any of the Obama-phone users, FITS or the some Green Party Dumb@$$…
PS: Coulter was way after me on “Liberalism is Religion.” I came up w/ that analysis, long before she wrote about it. Most Conservative thinkers, who are right, use stuff I saw coming before they did…

Jan June 24, 2013 at 5:20 pm

Yea, we know, Big T you are brilliant. People are only joking when they call you a dumb, racist, redneck. They don’t really believe that.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 10:00 pm

Maybe you should sue Coulter for plagiarism? I would love to cover the trial. (But I guess Will would consider it HIS purview, since you obviously love insulting him so much.)

Phone users?

9" June 24, 2013 at 8:45 pm

’68 shows’ ? They weren’t a very good band.’American Beauty’ and ‘Workingman’s Dead’,were decent,but not enough to hang your reputation on.The fact is ,they were a mediocre band and their ,’improvisations’ went nowhere.

Somewhat like,arguing with the sick minds on this blog…

Don’t make yourself miserable.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 9:49 pm

If you didn’t see the band live, you really didn’t see/hear the band. You saw what was vetted for the public. A lot like the politics we see on display here from you, Frank.

Hope you liked the radio show today, I did a special shout-out to you and the Tango-lady.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 1:20 pm

There may be problems in other parts of the state, but here in the Upstate things are pretty good. 4 of our Greenville high schools rank in the top 2000 nationally.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Jason, true, but it costs so much to live in those neighborhoods… my daughter went to one of those schools and we were pretty outclassed… the kids drove BMWs to school. (One of the teachers told me the kids drove better cars than the teachers).

Also there was a lot of ‘augmenting education’ with special enrichment (out of class activities, private lessons, etc) and a *huge* number of kids on Ritalin, which was abused routinely.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Depends on what kind of house you want to live in. We live in a 1300 sq. ft. house. I drive a ’95 Buick and my wife drives an ’03 Ford. Our income is upper-middle class, but we’re not rich.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 1:20 pm

There may be problems in other parts of the state, but here in the Upstate things are pretty good. 4 of our Greenville high schools rank in the top 2000 nationally.

DaisyDeadhead June 24, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Jason, true, but it costs so much to live in those neighborhoods… my daughter went to one of those schools and we were pretty outclassed… the kids drove BMWs to school. (One of the teachers told me the kids drove better cars than the teachers).

Also there was a lot of ‘augmenting education’ with special enrichment (out of class activities, private lessons, etc) and a *huge* number of kids on Ritalin, which was abused routinely.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Depends on what kind of house you want to live in. We live in a 1300 sq. ft. house. I drive a ’95 Buick and my wife drives an ’03 Ford. Our income is upper-middle class, but we’re not rich.

attitude of gratitude June 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Yeah, I guess it is hopeless to think that someone or something will
impact the people to choose personal responsibilty, their children, and
the importance of education over false promises. The teachers of the
60’s that I know who felt a calling to work in urban or poor
neighborhood schools are pretty much disgusted by the lack of the above
concepts in the so-called parent(s) of these children. Maybe we should
have the poor of Cambodia, Vietnam, Pakistan, and some of the former
Eastern Block nations, who come to this country not even speaking
English, but manage to eck out an education in these schools and are out
of the ghetto within a generation or less, give the others a talking
to…. They usually have no time for the argument. The teachers that educate them tell me it is a joy to watch and it is revitalizing. Teachers enjoy teaching where the majority of students want to learn and why poor families
who value their children beg for an opportunity to get them away from
schools where one by one dedicated and good teachers flee. Those “rich,
white families” will soon be a minority. It will be interesting to see
the face-off between the educated immigrants to this country versus the
multi-generational resident deluded.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

BTW, do you really trust the liberal leaning AEC foundation to tell the truth?

GrandTango June 24, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Any data that blasts SC, FITS (and his liberal followers) just LOVES…

FITS is the epitome of a self-loathing brat, who sucked off the milk of a state-government paycheck…and thinks it makes him sophisticated to kick his home, while exalting the failed states of the left…

FITS would sell (is selling) his soul to be pop culture icons Jon Stewert and/or Steven Colbert… they are his idols and gods…

attitude of gratitude June 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Yeah, I guess it is hopeless to think that someone or something will
impact the people to choose personal responsibilty, their children, and
the importance of education over false promises. The teachers of the
60’s that I know who felt a calling to work in urban or poor
neighborhood schools are pretty much disgusted by the lack of the above
concepts in the so-called parent(s) of these children. Maybe we should
have the poor of Cambodia, Vietnam, Pakistan, and some of the former
Eastern Block nations, who come to this country not even speaking
English, but manage to eck out an education in these schools and are out
of the ghetto within a generation or less, give the others a talking
to…. They usually have no time for the argument. The teachers that educate them tell me it is a joy to watch and it is revitalizing. Teachers enjoy teaching where the majority of students want to learn and why poor families
who value their children beg for an opportunity to get them away from
schools where one by one dedicated and good teachers flee. Those “rich,
white families” will soon be a minority. It will be interesting to see
the face-off between the educated immigrants to this country versus the
multi-generational resident deluded.

JasonTromm June 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

BTW, do you really trust the liberal leaning AEC foundation to tell the truth?


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