
Wire: Scandals, Secession, Jobs, Etc.

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We get lots of tips, comments and questions about stuff we write … and stuff people want us to w
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BrigidBernadette June 12, 2013 at 9:13 am

Between this and DSS’s Koller I am seriously afraid for vulnerable children in this state, and anyone who is right now a future victim of someone on probation or parole, if the officers admittedly cannot keep up with their whereabouts at the very least. Public safety is a core function of government and things are off the rails, we are all in danger to the extent that city corruption and chaos, county level gambling and illegal activities, state scandals and inexcusable behavior, all of this amounts to a dangerous level of violence and mayhem and gangs on up to public officials engaged in criminal conspiracies. No wonder Shawty has PTSD–I have PTSD, from living in Richland County! From voting to going to an ATM, we are being traumatized by a lack of order, just across the board. I wish someone could come along and clean house.

Brigid June 12, 2013 at 9:13 am

Between this and DSS’s Koller I am seriously afraid for vulnerable children in this state, and anyone who is right now a future victim of someone on probation or parole, if the officers admittedly cannot keep up with their whereabouts at the very least. Public safety is a core function of government and things are off the rails, we are all in danger to the extent that city corruption and chaos, county level gambling and illegal activities, state scandals and inexcusable behavior, all of this amounts to a dangerous level of violence and mayhem and gangs on up to public officials engaged in criminal conspiracies. No wonder Shawty has PTSD–I have PTSD, from living in Richland County! From voting to going to an ATM, we are being traumatized by a lack of order, just across the board. I wish someone could come along and clean house.

EJB June 12, 2013 at 9:51 am

I’m wondering when someone is going to propose “FIGHTING” for something. Everything is “cut and run”. Bad schools? Pass school choice and run. Don’t like the way things are going in DC? Secede and run. There are bad schools in this state that need fixing and should be fixed but forcing all schools to suffer for the few seems like overkill. Same with this whole secession thing, it would never happen, but it is indicative of people with a character flaw that would rather run than fight for something that is worth saving.

The whole thing with the 200 drop in jobs advertised, first wouldn’t that indicate that people are getting back to work, a good thing. But if one wanted to buy into the premise that it is a bad thing we are talking about a change of .0035%, that’s right 35 ten thousandths of a single percentage point change, come on, there are far better things to complain about, aren’t there? If not I would say we are doing pretty good and are turning over some mighty big boulders looking for things to complain about.

? June 12, 2013 at 10:56 am

“but it is indicative of people with a character flaw that would rather run than fight for something that is worth saving”

Well, that’s the whole problem. To many people the system is not worth saving. Even further, the “line” between what it would take to start over versus “fixing” the broken and large bureaucratic engine in terms of time/money/energy is a simple judgement call.

If you want to characterize those that choose to spend their energy more wisely(in their opinion) as “character flawed” don’t be surprised when those same people characterize you as insane.

It’s all just a matter of opinion. The fact is though, secession is simply an expression of freedom. In fact, it’s the most basic freedom-

It’s saying, “I don’t want to be abused in this relationship anymore, leave me alone.”

Trying to prevent it is similar to an abusive husband trying to prevent his punching bag wife from leaving him.

EJB June 12, 2013 at 12:14 pm

I acknowledge your point and understand that those on the other side of the table from me probably think worse of me than I do of them but secession proponents are much like Ron Paul supporters, not a lot of them and they don’t have a tremendous impact on the national stage. Not trying to irritate Ron Paul supporters, I like some of what he puts out there, but they just don’t get much done.

? June 12, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Sometimes “getting stuff done” is simply pointing out the truth, especially in an environment where you are the “minority”.

I have no doubt that sometime in the future the various apparatus of gov’t will collapse in on itself.

No empire, gov’t, etc. has lasted forever. The ? is when, not if.

2 years? 20 years? 200 years?

Who knows.

EJB June 12, 2013 at 9:51 am

I’m wondering when someone is going to propose “FIGHTING” for something. Everything is “cut and run”. Bad schools? Pass school choice and run. Don’t like the way things are going in DC? Secede and run. There are bad schools in this state that need fixing and should be fixed but forcing all schools to suffer for the few seems like overkill. Same with this whole secession thing, it would never happen, but it is indicative of people with a character flaw that would rather run than fight for something that is worth saving.

The whole thing with the 200 drop in jobs advertised, first wouldn’t that indicate that people are getting back to work, a good thing. But if one wanted to buy into the premise that it is a bad thing we are talking about a change of .0035%, that’s right 35 ten thousandths of a single percentage point change, come on, there are far better things to complain about, aren’t there? If not I would say we are doing pretty good and are turning over some mighty big boulders looking for things to complain about.

? June 12, 2013 at 10:56 am

“but it is indicative of people with a character flaw that would rather run than fight for something that is worth saving”

Well, that’s the whole problem. To many people the system is not worth saving. Even further, the “line” between what it would take to start over versus “fixing” the broken and large bureaucratic engine in terms of time/money/energy is a simple judgement call.

If you want to characterize those that choose to spend their energy more wisely(in their opinion) as “character flawed” don’t be surprised when those same people characterize you as insane.

It’s all just a matter of opinion. The fact is though, secession is simply an expression of freedom. In fact, it’s the most basic freedom-

It’s saying, “I don’t want to be abused in this relationship anymore, leave me alone.”

Trying to prevent it is similar to an abusive husband trying to prevent his punching bag wife from leaving him.

EJB June 12, 2013 at 12:14 pm

I acknowledge your point and understand that those on the other side of the table from me probably think worse of me than I do of them but secession proponents are much like Ron Paul supporters, not a lot of them and they don’t have a tremendous impact on the national stage. Not trying to irritate Ron Paul supporters, I like some of what he puts out there, but they just don’t get much done.

? June 12, 2013 at 12:29 pm

Sometimes “getting stuff done” is simply pointing out the truth, especially in an environment where you are the “minority”.

I have no doubt that sometime in the future the various apparatus of gov’t will collapse in on itself.

No empire, gov’t, etc. has lasted forever. The ? is when, not if.

2 years? 20 years? 200 years?

Who knows.

Squishy123 June 12, 2013 at 10:41 am

Why are college graduates applying for positions that only need a GED? Did Jr. get one of those degrees where people ask, “What do you do with a degree in _______?”.

shifty henry June 12, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Graduates ask with a:

Science degree — ” Why does it work?”
Engineering degree — “How does it work?”
Accounting degree — “How much will it cost?”
Liberal Arts degree — “Do you want fries with that?”

Mike Wallace June 13, 2013 at 5:31 am

I graduated with a B.A. in Broadcast Media with an emphasis on Video Production. I was News Director of the College TV Station, and worked 2.5 years for a news station, in the GSP area as an editor/photog/assignment editor. In any normal economy, I should be able to find a job in journalism, or some other video production setting. However, news staffs have shrunk, and I am competing with guys with 20 years experience. This forces me to turn to learning a new career or working retail, etc. jobs. Either way, I am in entry level positions. This is the reality meeting many new college grads. It’s not that their degrees are worthless. The market is just flooded with workers who have more experience, but are willing to accept employment at a lower level than they deserve.

Squishy123 June 12, 2013 at 10:41 am

Why are college graduates applying for positions that only need a GED? Did Jr. get one of those degrees where people ask, “What do you do with a degree in _______?”.

shifty henry June 12, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Graduates ask with a:

Science degree — ” Why does it work?”
Engineering degree — “How does it work?”
Accounting degree — “How much will it cost?”
Liberal Arts degree — “Do you want fries with that?”

Mike Wallace June 13, 2013 at 5:31 am

I graduated with a B.A. in Broadcast Media with an emphasis on Video Production. I was News Director of the College TV Station, and worked 2.5 years for a news station, in the GSP area as an editor/photog/assignment editor. In any normal economy, I should be able to find a job in journalism, or some other video production setting. However, news staffs have shrunk, and I am competing with guys with 20 years experience. This forces me to turn to learning a new career or working retail, etc. jobs. Either way, I am in entry level positions. This is the reality meeting many new college grads. It’s not that their degrees are worthless. The market is just flooded with workers who have more experience, but are willing to accept employment at a lower level than they deserve.

Vanguard16 June 12, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Dang!! When are they going to arrest Metts??!!

Vanguard16 June 12, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Dang!! When are they going to arrest Metts??!!

shifty henry June 12, 2013 at 1:55 pm

You have to be very careful these days. If you get involved with somebody you have to know their health history. The best way to find out is to look through their medicine cabinet. It tells you what they don’t have. With one girl, I opened up the medicine cabinet, and it was empty. I thought, “Damn, I don’t know what she’s got, but whatever it is, there ain’t no cure for it!”

shifty henry June 12, 2013 at 1:55 pm

You have to be very careful these days. If you get involved with somebody you have to know their health history. The best way to find out is to look through their medicine cabinet. It tells you what they don’t have. With one girl, I opened up the medicine cabinet, and it was empty. I thought, “Damn, I don’t know what she’s got, but whatever it is, there ain’t no cure for it!”


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