Obama Must End Keystone XL Obfuscation Now
By Craig Rucker and Duggan Flanakin || Four-plus years into the Obama Administration, the President You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
By Craig Rucker and Duggan Flanakin || Four-plus years into the Obama Administration, the President
Buck Farack
Buck Farack
This man instructed his followers to vote to exact REVENGE. He cheated, and laughs at those who are outraged.
Look at the unemployment rate and the deficit. Look at gas prices. This @$$-hole does not give a D@*n about the non-Obama drone….
And he’ll sell his minions down the river, to keep his champagne fountain flowing and the lavish vacation rolling…
Obama represents everything that every good American has feared. Even his liberal admirers have told us that government will become hideous w/ un-checked power and idol worship…Their master is proof of what they warned us about decades ago.
Obama embodies all that is bad in a corrupt ruler. He is the ABSOUTE example of an emperor that is rotten…
Must mention that the Keystone XL was Romney’s top priority had he been elected. It would already be in process now, with jobs jobs jobs and some real wealth creation.
Obama has said he wants high gas prices. He does not care if a single mother has to buy gas for work, instead of shoes for her child…That’s a casualty for his fame….Let the children starve for all he cares…
Liberals pontificate about theory, and their own self-aggrandizement among the elitist coffee-house sages…
Reality is irrelevant because it stifles the worship of liberalism and focus on its total failure….
Keystone XL will not affect gas prices. They aren’t even selling the gas that comes from it in this country.
If liberals did not have Myths and Lies…you’d have NOTHING….
Different day, same fucking idiot.
The oil market is global, so yes it will effect prices. Our dollar is being propped up by the oil markets, so it will effect a lot of things, like our currency value and our national economic security.
Anything that pleases the oil industry is a top priority for Republicans.
Prices, thanks to Obama, that are double market value has them grinning from ear to ear..along w/ Obama and the Ignorant Liberals…
How many times do I have to school you, the highest gas has ever been was under Bush.
http://www.GasBuddy.com/gb_retail_price_chart.aspx?city1=USA Average&city2=&city3=&crude=n&tme=72&units=us
$4.12/gallon, in 2008. Uh, umm… Oops!
Last time I checked, our cars still run on oil.
Way is that? Big oil lobbying? These fucks have been bought and sold for decades now. Notice that any “new energy” initiatiave is battled by oil. Just look who’s backing it. Goddamn fools…
>Keystone XL would cause no meaningful harm to the environment…
You’re shitting me, right? Imagine this:
Except that instead of tarring up some streets and land, it poisons the Ogallala Aquifer. There was a report that claimed this would be a “local” concern and not a regional one, but it inferred a small amount of oil being spilled, 42,000 gallons. The recent spill in Arkansas was 210,000 gallons. We are also assuming that the various chemicals that may also be present (which we don’t even know what those are thanks to “trade secrets”) are not going to fuck anything up either.
The American public is assuming a great risk so that oil companies can ship and refine tar sands to sell to foreign markets, but isn’t getting much of any reward. We’ll get -some- jobs out of it, but no relief to rising gas prices. Of course there should be heavy scrutiny.
Smirks: Need I remind you of what you liberals swore regarding Global Warming and the BP oil spill…????
You’re caught in LIE after Fraud…only the truly STUPID would believe anything you said…
PS: You also told us you would never use the IRS on political enemies, and you vote w/ integrity. You are Corruption personified. So quit lying and embarrassing yourself for an idiot…
I love how FITSNews can’t talk about anything except Obama scandals without you accusing him of “distracting,” but the moment your clown shoes self runs into facts he can’t counter, oh, time to bring up the IRS! Come on, let’s talk about Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Holocaust, Mao Zedong, and any other buzz words you like to spam too.
Come on, T, tell us how a report that studied the effects of a 42,000 gallon spill would protect us from a 210,000 gallon spill, or even worse. Tell us that the Keystone XL pipeline would never spill hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of gallons in a bad spill.
“Clown shoes”. A perfect analogy. Oh, and
BBRRAAAAAAKKKK! Liberals! BBRRAAAAKKKK! More caps lock yet I can’t bring myself to properly curse! BBRRAAAAKKKKK! Michelle Bachmann is the greatest thing since sliced bread! BBRRRAAAAAKKKKKK! Pulling figures and facts out of my ass! BBRRRAAAAAKKKK!
>Keystone XL would cause no meaningful harm to the environment…
You’re shitting me, right? Imagine this:
Except that instead of tarring up some streets and land, it poisons the Ogallala Aquifer. There was a report that claimed this would be a “local” concern and not a regional one, but it inferred a small amount of oil being spilled, 42,000 gallons. The recent spill in Arkansas was 210,000 gallons. We are also assuming that the various chemicals that may also be present (which we don’t even know what those are thanks to “trade secrets”) are not going to fuck anything up either.
The American public is assuming a great risk so that oil companies can ship and refine tar sands to sell to foreign markets, but isn’t getting much of any reward. We’ll get -some- jobs out of it, but no relief to rising gas prices. Of course there should be heavy scrutiny.
“Jobs and prosperity to hundreds of thousands of people in both countries”?
Bullshit ! While the environmental impact may be overblown it can’t be as much as the beneficial aspect of this pipeline is over-the-top ridiculous.
Any jobs will be temporary and 90% in Canada…waaaay north. The amount of oil (in 2030 in it was started now) will NOT lower any oil prices at the pump as it will be a mere drop in the bucket. No effect on World prices.
This will not be OUR oil. It will be Big Oil’s oil and the “markets” will determine the price.
This has always been about nothing/not much.
“Jobs and prosperity to hundreds of thousands of people in both countries”?
Bullshit ! While the environmental impact may be overblown it can’t be as much as the beneficial aspect of this pipeline is over-the-top ridiculous.
Any jobs will be temporary and 90% in Canada…waaaay north. The amount of oil (in 2030 if it was started now) will NOT lower any oil prices at the pump as it will be a mere drop in the bucket. No effect on World prices.
This will not be OUR oil. It will be Big Oil’s oil and the “markets” will determine the price.
This has always been about nothing/not much.
Is it me, or has this place becoming The Drudge Report?
When FITS gets an audit from Obama’s IRS, or the govenment starts reading his parents and his e-mail..we’ll know….won’t we?
Is it me, or has this place becoming The Drudge Report?
And for three years, they are still trying to cleanup the spill from this pipeline in Kalamazoo!!
And for three years, they are still trying to cleanup the 1,000,000+ gallon spill from this pipeline in Kalamazoo!!
When we get a president who cares for Americans, more than he does his hateful special intrest groups, is when we’ll see some relief..
Bide our time until Obama’s gone…Clean up the corruption and mess, Obama’s left…and Lord let’s NEVER make such a horrible mistake again..
It looks like the liberals are FINALLY on the run (Thank you GOP Congress)..but let’s not let up until we’ve beaten them so badly, they QUIT for Decades…
Dont you think you better practice your Hillary lines so youll be ready when she is sworn in Jan.20 2017?
Even some of the liberals and radicals are turning on you now. Too corrupt for even them…
Remember when that happened w/ Bill…we got Bush and 8 years of prosperity and pride…and gag orders on government funded abortion…
Looks like good times are-a-comin…if we can just get past the horror of Obama..
This article was bought and paid for by Keystone. 100% propaganda and lies. There is no way anyone could be dumb enough to actual believe any of the fiction put forth by Craig Rucker and Duggan Flanakin. Endless greed is killing the earth. It’s time we put a stop to the insanity. What Mr. Rucker and Mr. Flanakin need to do is go plant 16 trees for starters.
Go fuck a tree. Leave the technology development and advancement of human civilization to the grown ups.
Herb Burnah, you don’t have any problem smoking trees.
This article was bought and paid for by Keystone. 100% propaganda and lies. There is no way anyone could be dumb enough to actual believe any of the fiction put forth by Craig Rucker and Duggan Flanakin. Endless greed is killing the earth. It’s time we put a stop to the insanity. What Mr. Rucker and Mr. Flanakin need to do is go plant 16 trees for starters.
Go fuck a tree. Leave the technology development and advancement of human civilization to the grown ups.
Herb Burnah, you don’t have any problem smoking trees.