Vapor Tax Flip Flop
Days after stating that a proposed levy on e-cigarettes (a.k.a. vapor cigarettes) was not a violatioYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Days after stating that a proposed levy on e-cigarettes (a.k.a. vapor cigarettes) was not a violatio
A relative handful of e-cigarette users against the pharmaceutical machine wanting their competition gone, and the tobacco companies wanting the same thing? Not a fun spot to be in.
And what exactly is a “proper rate of taxation” for e-cigarettes, considering they put absolutely no burden on the state — quite the opposite, actually? It sounds like they’re thinking of something more like the tax on smokes, which sounds pretty damned improper to me.
A relative handful of e-cigarette users against the pharmaceutical machine wanting their competition gone, and the tobacco companies wanting the same thing? Not a fun spot to be in.
And what exactly is a “proper rate of taxation” for e-cigarettes, considering they put absolutely no burden on the state — quite the opposite, actually? It sounds like they’re thinking of something more like the tax on smokes, which sounds pretty damned improper to me.
Wouldn’t hospitals want fewer people sucking down smoke and tar? And exposing others to second-hand smoke?
Rules of Acquisition, Rule #23: Nothing is more important than your health … except for your money.
Wouldn’t hospitals want fewer people sucking down smoke and tar? And exposing others to second-hand smoke?
Rules of Acquisition, Rule #23: Nothing is more important than your health … except for your money.