
Evil Empire

‘The future’s not what it used to be …” A friend of ours uses that line a lot, and it’s applicable in a lot of ways … assuming we understand what it means (which we might). But while the future may not be what it was back in 1776, history…

‘The future’s not what it used to be …”

A friend of ours uses that line a lot, and it’s applicable in a lot of ways … assuming we understand what it means (which we might). But while the future may not be what it was back in 1776, history is repeating itself in the United States of America – a nation that has truly come full circle.

The great “shining city on a hill” has become a cesspool of scarcely conceivable corruption.

The last bastion of the free market has become a crony capitalist welfare state.

And the last, greatest hope for human liberty has become its most formidable foe.

In the span of less than two-and-a-half centuries, America has become everything it was created to oppose – a sprawling, unsustainable, oppressive and malevolent tyranny focused on denying prosperity and liberty.

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance,” Thomas Jefferson wrote of the British crown in the Declaration of Independence.

Like we said … America has become everything it was created to oppose.

To wit …

  • It prints trillions of dollars … in perpetuity, without our consent.
  • It lends trillions more dollars … with no transparency or accountability (again, without our consent).
  • It spends, spends, spends and spends … adding $10.7 trillion to the national debt over the last ten years (ballooning the debt from 59 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product to its current level of 105 percent).
  • It incentivizes joblessness – and attacks productivity.
  • It effectively took over health care – which is costlier now than it has ever been before.
  • It became the largest provider of education – which has left our students falling further behind their international peers than ever.
  • It has spent billions of dollars on corporate welfare disguised as “economic development”- which unfairly raises and shifts the tax burden on the rest of us and kills more jobs than it creates.
  • It has exploited tragedy after tragedy to further erode our unambiguous right to bear arms.
  • It has permitted the murder of 55.8 million of its own people before they drew their first breath.
  • It has spent $1 trillion and incarcerated more than 1 million people in a failed “War on Drugs.”
  • And it has decided – in a secret session of the U.S. House of Representatives several years ago – that it has the unimpeachable authority to spy on any of us without a warrant.

These are just a few of the more overt abuses and usurpations that we can recall off the top of our heads … there are obviously many, many more.

But wait … how is all of this happening in a “free country?” What about the Constitution – the inalienable and defining statement of rights appropriated to each and every Civus Americanus?

Sadly it’s no help as politicians (and more specifically the federal judges they appoint) have twisted and cajoled the language our framers put down to the point that nothing means what it used to mean. And just this week we learned that groups which formed with the goal of reminding Americans about what the Constitution really means were targeted for persecution by the Internal Revenue Service.

None of these things are new developments. They didn’t happen overnight. And obviously that means none of them can be laid exclusively at the feet of U.S. President Barack Obama (although he has exacerbated their impact – and the fiscal toll they will take on future generations of Americans – to a truly frightening degree).

No, America’s transformation from “land of opportunity” to “land of dependency,” from “freedom’s home” to “warrantless wiretapping” – is the responsibility of Democrats and “Republicans” alike. Even moderates like Bill Clinton – who oversaw one of the greatest economic boons in American history – helped bring about the implosion by mandating trillions of dollars in home loans to people who simply could not afford them.

Of course we believe “Republicans” – like George W. Bush, Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich and John Boehner – deserve the lion’s share of the blame. Why? Because they were supposed to be different. When they were in power and had a chance to loosen the vice grip, they chose instead to tighten it – all the while being every bit as fiscally reckless as Democrats.

And when the Democrats swept into power as a result of that recklessness, Republicans rolled over and played dead … not unlike our fourth estate when it comes to the excesses of both parties.

On March 8, 1983, former U.S. President Ronald Reagan gave a speech sizing up our nation’s Cold War adversary – the repressive communist regime of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). In that address he warned Americans against “the aggressive impulses of an evil empire.”

Well, today we have met another “Evil Empire,” one that’s well on its way to becoming far more aggressive – and repressive – than the Soviet Union.

It’s our own government …

The recent rash of scandals in Washington, D.C. is only shocking to Americans who haven’t been paying attention. The real scandal is the extent to which our leaders – and the media establishment that’s supposed to be holding them accountable – have permitted a once-proud, once-promising and once prosperous Republic to erode.

As liberal rocker Zach de la Rocha sang two decades ago, “Land of the free?” Whoever told you that is your enemy …

So “know your enemy,” America.


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A Friend May 15, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Someone please call Mrs. Sic and remind her to give FITS his Xanax.

Sailor May 15, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Along with his Viagara??

A Friend May 15, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Someone please call Mrs. Sic and remind her to give FITS his Xanax.

Sailor May 15, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Along with his Viagara??

poster May 15, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Ok, little over the top but we need a great libertarian candidate for Gov. in 2014. I know, that would give the Dem a boost but it would send a message to GOP here that RINO world is not going to last.

poster May 15, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Ok, little over the top but we need a great libertarian candidate for Gov. in 2014. I know, that would give the Dem a boost but it would send a message to GOP here that RINO world is not going to last.

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 4:05 pm

FITS: Go look in the mirror: You, and those like you, are a the reason it is so F*@K#d Up.
You don’t know good from bad, and the corrupt use the stupid and core-less, like you, to muddy the water…

It was not so long ago, this country was in pretty decent shape. Conservatives did that for you.

The Contract With America, lead by Newt Gingrich, was one of the most successful initiatives ever perpetuated. Yet you HATE Newt, because the left hated him, and they tell you to hate him. And you’re so F#%*in Stupid, you follow their orders…

And Bush. Yes: he went along w/ the left on some stupid ideas. He was trying to ‘play pretty’ (like you often do) but he was a D@*n good president. Unemployment was low, and Bush had a SOUND energy policy. Revenues came in at record numbers, and household incomes were at record high-levels, too.

Bush also had to clean up the mess Clinton left for him, with the Jihadists. That was costly but he was able to plant democracy in the land of Islam. Liberals told him that was impossible.

Again: It’ is F*#@ed up…but rudderless idiots like FITS, who told us Bush is bad and Romney is the same as Obama are the idiots who got us here…

You need your @$$ kicked. I hope that the GOP when it gets back in, sics the IRS on your lame, stupid @$$, and puts you out of business. That would serve you right, Dumb@$$…

trango towers May 15, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Idiot. If they put FITS out of business, what would you do all day?

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 4:24 pm

Prolly go over to your crib, and slap the P!!$$ out of your Ignorant, sissy-punk @$$…just because you’re a Dumb@$$, country-ruining liberal….

To SLED, the IRS, DOJ, Big Brother Obama, and FITS no-privacy Filter: I’m speaking in figurative terms, of course….

Grand Dumbo May 15, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Didn’t you trash someones intellect on another thread for using profanity? I think they said something about you being an imbecile and a twat.

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 7:38 pm

That was ALL he did, you ignorant little @$$-Hole. There was NO substance, other than the profanity……so STFU and get the F^&* out of here…Dumb@$$…

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 15, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Sic ’em, GT!

You go, Boiii!!!!


China May 15, 2013 at 5:29 pm

You work for me now Cracker!

Newt and Dubya May 16, 2013 at 6:26 am

Grand Tango, we thank you for the vote of confidence.

Trout R Limited May 15, 2013 at 4:12 pm


Trout R Limited May 15, 2013 at 4:12 pm


sweepin May 15, 2013 at 4:46 pm

Where in the hell did that tome come from?!

sweepin May 15, 2013 at 4:46 pm

Where in the hell did that tome come from?!

Comrade1917 May 15, 2013 at 4:58 pm


Comrade1917 May 15, 2013 at 4:58 pm


jimlewisowb May 15, 2013 at 5:03 pm

“to further erode our unambiguous right to bear arms”

If you were an elected/appointed Washington cockroach, don’t you think the last thing you would want is for citizens have easy access to guns and ammunition

jimlewisowb May 15, 2013 at 5:03 pm

“to further erode our unambiguous right to bear arms”

If you were an elected/appointed Washington cockroach, don’t you think the last thing you would want is for citizens have easy access to guns and ammunition

Smirks May 15, 2013 at 5:10 pm

Evil Empire? I thought they rejected the petition to build a Death Star…

Seriously though, I’ve ranted too many times on half of the stuff you’re upset about (unemployment, health care reform, abortion, public education). No point in writing another essay.

Rampant corporate welfare, the war on drugs, the occupations in the Middle East, the Patriot Act, NDAA, etc. That’s something worth fighting against for sure, but the current crop of losers in D.C. won’t do jack about it, and the voters in this country won’t do jack about said losers. Too many straight ticket voters, ignorant voters, voters who just refuse to hold people accountable. There’s no better example of this than SC.

“Consent” is inferred when you don’t punish someone for doing something bad. America gives D.C. far more consent than most of us want to acknowledge. If there aren’t enough Americans voting against the assholes doing this shit, then clearly they consent enough to let it proceed.

Jihard On May 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Right on, Smirks!

Manray9 May 16, 2013 at 12:07 pm

The proverbial nail on the head! With “the current crop of losers in D.C. won’t do jack about it” you’ve identified the crux of the issue. They won’t do anything because they’ve bought into the corruption and cronyism that rules our political arena. The People can fix this. Stop re-electing the same malefactors again and again! It doesn’t matter if they have a D or an R beside their name on the ballot, the system is rotten. Cronyism and influence-peddling rule in DC and Columbia!

Smirks May 15, 2013 at 5:10 pm

Evil Empire? I thought they rejected the petition to build a Death Star…

Seriously though, I’ve ranted too many times on half of the stuff you’re upset about (unemployment, health care reform, abortion, public education). No point in writing another essay.

Rampant corporate welfare, the war on drugs, the occupations in the Middle East, the Patriot Act, NDAA, etc. That’s something worth fighting against for sure, but the current crop of losers in D.C. won’t do jack about it, and the voters in this country won’t do jack about said losers. Too many straight ticket voters, ignorant voters, voters who just refuse to hold people accountable. There’s no better example of this than SC.

“Consent” is inferred when you don’t punish someone for doing something bad. America gives D.C. far more consent than most of us want to acknowledge. If there aren’t enough Americans voting against the assholes doing this shit, then clearly they consent enough to let it proceed.

Jihard On May 15, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Right on, Smirks!

Manray9 May 16, 2013 at 12:07 pm

The proverbial nail on the head! With “the current crop of losers in D.C. won’t do jack about it” you’ve identified the crux of the issue. They won’t do anything because they’ve bought into the corruption and cronyism that rules our political arena. The People can fix this. Stop re-electing the same malefactors again and again! It doesn’t matter if they have a D or an R beside their name on the ballot, the system is rotten. Cronyism and influence-peddling rule in DC and Columbia!

Cicero May 15, 2013 at 5:19 pm

FITS is turning into Glenn Beck, except without hair or $50 million. If America is a “sprawling, unsustainable, oppressive and malevolent tyranny focused on denying prosperity and liberty,” why has the Evil Empire allowed you to shine the light of truth into their ill deeds? That’s what “tyrannical” governments do, right? Show us YOUR scars from your long twilight struggle against malevolence and tyranny, or grow the fuck up and spare us the histrionics.

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 5:46 pm

Nothing to do w/ Glen Beck…Obama is a Major F%^& up,…and you enable him by blaming EVERYBODY else for his FAILURE, but your Filthy lord and savior, Obama…

TontoBubbaGoldstein May 15, 2013 at 8:30 pm

It was different POTUS from Illinois who killed the Republic.

What was his name? I can see his face……..

Concerned Citizen May 15, 2013 at 7:44 pm

Seriously. I think Obama sucks and the GOP needs an overhaul, but this is like reading a memior from someone in East Germany. Calm down bro.

Manray9 May 16, 2013 at 10:58 am

Cicero: Very well stated!

paul clark June 27, 2014 at 10:07 pm

we are free to criticize america, that is a good thing, even so the country is clearly in steep decline, and light years removed from the ethic that made it great. there are great americans everywhere but they are scattered grains of salt in a sea of porno addiction, substance abuse, obesity, crime, divorce, mental sickness. every indicator of decline goes straight up.and the evidence is clear to anyone with eyes: bombed out cities, materialism gone mad, a countryside covered in tar, california bankrupt and burning up, failed suburbia, dominance of the automobile, plastic food etc etc. these are the scars and every american bears them.

Cicero May 15, 2013 at 5:19 pm

FITS is turning into Glenn Beck, except without hair or $50 million. If America is a “sprawling, unsustainable, oppressive and malevolent tyranny focused on denying prosperity and liberty,” why has the Evil Empire allowed you to shine the light of truth into their ill deeds? That’s what “tyrannical” governments do, right? Show us YOUR scars from your long twilight struggle against malevolence and tyranny, or grow the fuck up and spare us the histrionics.

Concerned Citizen May 15, 2013 at 7:44 pm

Seriously. I think Obama sucks and the GOP needs an overhaul, but this is like reading a memior from someone in East Germany. Calm down bro.

Manray9 May 16, 2013 at 10:58 am

Cicero: Very well stated!

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 5:31 pm

Here’s your D@*n Problem…Read: From an article in the Augusta Chronicle in April 26, 2004…

Will Folks applied for a position in Jim Hodges’
press office before joining Sanford’s campaign.

“Jim Hodges was and is an incredibly
nice guy …….,” Folks said. “Maybe he should have hired me.”

Democrat House Minority Leader James Smith
said Folks has developed relationships with Democrats.

The bridge building has been largely
informal – “he’ll simply talk to us” – which is reflective of the
governor’s style, Smith said.

Link: http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/2004/04/26/met_413498.shtml

Your Top RINO Whiner, is a %^&D@MN RINO!!!!!!

James May 15, 2013 at 5:49 pm

“Your Top RINO Whiner, is a %^&D@MN RINO!!!!!!”

I thought you liked Graham? He’s a goddamn RINO!

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 5:52 pm

Why are you talking about me, you F^&*in idiot???….

Are you James Smith???

James Smith May 15, 2013 at 6:05 pm


2big2fall May 15, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Below is a photoshop I did before the election. I agree with Ralph Nader (and so many others) that we have two wings of one party and that party represents…and ONLY represents…those who pay the money required to get them into office and to stay there.

Democrat…Republican…at the end of the day those sorry SOBs are all sitting in the same hot tubs with the same high-dollar whores, drinking expensive liquor and snortin’ and smokin’ pure drugs…and laughing their asses off while trying to figure out even more ways to keep us at each other’s throats in order to keep us away from their throats.

9" May 15, 2013 at 8:12 pm

‘only a pawn in their game’

? May 15, 2013 at 9:32 pm

“Left” and “Right” are simply two wings of the same bird of prey. -James J. Martin

2big2fall May 15, 2013 at 5:54 pm

Below is a photoshop I did before the election. I agree with Ralph Nader (and so many others) that we have two wings of one party and that party represents…and ONLY represents…those who pay the money required to get them into office and to stay there.

Democrat…Republican…at the end of the day those sorry SOBs are all sitting in the same hot tubs with the same high-dollar whores, drinking expensive liquor and snortin’ and smokin’ pure drugs…and laughing their asses off while trying to figure out even more ways to keep us at each other’s throats in order to keep us away from their throats.

9" May 15, 2013 at 8:12 pm

‘only a pawn in their game’

? May 15, 2013 at 9:32 pm

“Left” and “Right” are simply two wings of the same bird of prey. -James J. Martin

Soft Sigh from Hell May 15, 2013 at 7:13 pm

You couldn’t show “Star Wars” to a 20-year old nowadays without having him confused a bit as to who were the good guys and who were the bad ones. The good guys then look too much like the Mujahideen now and The Empire looks like . . . well, us.

“I don’t get it. What’s wrong with robotic killers and invasion and death from the skies?”

Heck, a movie about the Swamp Fox might be confusing now.

Soft Sigh from Hell May 15, 2013 at 7:13 pm

You couldn’t show “Star Wars” to a 20-year old nowadays without having him confused a bit as to who were the good guys and who were the bad ones. The good guys then look too much like the Mujahideen now and The Empire looks like . . . well, us.

“I don’t get it. What’s wrong with robotic killers and invasion and death from the skies?”

Heck, a movie about the Swamp Fox might be confusing now.

Kobayashi Maru May 15, 2013 at 7:35 pm

If this is what you truly believe, then please, please feel free to leave the country (really).

Kobayashi Maru May 15, 2013 at 7:35 pm

If this is what you truly believe, then please, please feel free to leave the country (really).

GrandTango May 15, 2013 at 7:37 pm

Bottom line : FITS rode into OUR Governor’s office w/ a Self-Called Republican…and you can see from the article below, that he immediately BROKE HIS NECK to tell the Media how partial he is to Liberal Democrats…See Nancy Mace)….
When you Got S#!t-for-Liars like FITS taking a Paycheck, that WE gave him to be a Republican, then running a Website where the little Son of a B!*ch lies about what he is..and spends all day Bashing Republicans, is it any GD wonder the country is F&*#ed Up???
Conservatives, we have GOT TO Stick together against Liars and 2-faced Pieces of $#!* like FITS…and we have to make sure that Sanford Works like a Republican after he got elected as one…
No B#!!-$#!* crossing the aisle, like FITS bunked up and did, so the media would pat him on the back…and tell him how magnanimous he is because he kissed Liberal @$$…

9" May 15, 2013 at 8:13 pm

your politics and music are out of sync

? May 15, 2013 at 9:35 pm

RATM are fairly unapologetic commies, but their music is still good.

Further yet, now and then even the commies are right in their observations.

9" May 15, 2013 at 8:13 pm

your politics and music are out of sync

? May 15, 2013 at 9:35 pm

RATM are fairly unapologetic commies, but their music is still good.

Further yet, now and then even the commies are right in their observations.

Martha Guzman May 16, 2013 at 6:55 am

Sounds like We, the people need to Wake Up and get some real answers to what is going on…..is Obama and the other Fat Cats in DC for We, the people or not…….if not then We, the people need to get busy instead of all this daily whining, moaning, and complaining which changes nothing.

Mguzman May 16, 2013 at 6:55 am

Sounds like We, the people need to Wake Up and get some real answers to what is going on…..is Obama and the other Fat Cats in DC for We, the people or not…….if not then We, the people need to get busy instead of all this daily whining, moaning, and complaining which changes nothing.

GrandTango May 16, 2013 at 7:53 am

Again: When FITS is trying to pass himself off as your would-be sage…That’s most of your problem…

Unless USC just hands out degrees to those who drink the leftwing Kool-Aid (very possible) a philosophy – history major, like FITS, whose father is a university professor (I called that one, didn’t I?) should know deceit and lying lead to societal ruin.

But you are the ones who will suffer for following flawed and poor character people. That’s true in politics and media…

It’s what happens when people get so far away from morality and truth. And it’s a BIG problem w/ too many people….

shifty henry May 16, 2013 at 9:07 am

This is the girl who is double majoring in political science & journalism who taught me how to read GrandTango/BigT’s posts.

shifty henry May 16, 2013 at 9:07 am

This is the girl who is double majoring in political science & journalism who taught me how to read GrandTango/BigT’s posts.

kc May 16, 2013 at 11:41 am

Who is this hysterical fairy?

kc May 16, 2013 at 11:41 am

Who is this hysterical fairy?


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