
Lazenby: “Do Not Rape Your Fellow Soldier”

Earlier this week, the leader of the U.S. Air Force’s sexual assault task force was arrested and charged with committing one of the crimes he was tasked with preventing. Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, was charged with sexual battery on Sunday after he allegedly got drunk and grabbed a woman’s breasts and buttocks in…

Earlier this week, the leader of the U.S. Air Force’s sexual assault task force was arrested and charged with committing one of the crimes he was tasked with preventing. Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, was charged with sexual battery on Sunday after he allegedly got drunk and grabbed a woman’s breasts and buttocks in a parking lot in Crystal City, Virginia (located near the Pentagon). Krusinski – who heads up the Air Force’s “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office” – was dismissed from his post on Monday pending an investigation.

Back in April 2012 then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta ordered that local unit commanders must report charges of serious sexual abuse to “a special court-martial convening authority” and instituted other initiatives aimed at ensuring that sexual assault cases received “high-level attention.” But he left in place the existing structure that allows commanders (who in some cases are also the assailants and who rarely have legal training) the discretion to investigate or charge rape and other sexual assaults.

The case of Lt. Colonel Krusinski illustrates the problem with that existing structure.

In January, then-Secretary Panetta made the decision to clear women for combat by eliminating the 1994 “Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule,” which generally barred women from assignment to units below brigade level when the unit’s primary mission was direct ground combat. Many argued that allowing women to serve in combat roles would destroy unit cohesion. Yet despite this ban, and others before it, American women have served in the military since there has been an America to serve.

This service has included positions that exposed them to danger and death.

But as the New York Times‘ Gail Collins wrote back in January, the most serious safety concern for women in the military isn’t enemy fire – it is sexual attacks from fellow members of their own service.

Because this crime is so underreported – which follows the trend of underreporting of rape in society as a whole due to stigma and fear of not being believed – it is impossible to say how many women suffer sexual assault while they’re in uniform. The Department of Defense estimates roughly 19,000 sexual assaults occur each year within the military services, and just a fraction of those – 3,192 in 2011 – are reported.

Collins argued that allowing women to enjoy the benefits of serving in combat positions might make the way sexual assaults are treated in the military better for them. Why? Because it would mean more women serving at the top of the military, which inevitably would mean more attention to women’s issues. Military women are even less likely to report rapes than civilian women, due to their desire to achieve in an even more male-dominated culture than the one that the rest of us live in.

The use of date-rape drugs is prevalent in the military, as is the refusal by superiors to believe rape charges. Reporting a rape in the military can easily end a soldier’s career. The pain of a military rape is exacerbated by the fact that it is committed by a person that a woman trusted with her life in a dangerous situation, only to have that same person assault her, threaten to end her heard-earned career if she dares to speak up, and call her a liar in front of her fellow soldiers and superiors if she does.

Prior to Panetta’s directive in January, however, things were still getting worse for women in the military.

Krusinki’s arrest came just two days before the Pentagon released its own survey Tuesday revealing a 6 percent rise in sexual assaults from the 3,192 incidents reported in fiscal year 2011 to 3,374 reported in fiscal year 2012. But even those numbers do not reflect the true reality of sexual assault in the military. The Pentagon estimates the real number of assaults, including those that were not reported for the reasons given above, to be approximately 26,000 – up from 19,000 in 2010. That estimate of the total number of sexual assaults is based on an anonymous survey of service members.

These numbers clearly show that most victims do not report criminal sexual assaults to their superiors. Additionally, only a small percentage —238 of the 3,192 reported incidents in 2011 — resulted in a conviction, which is also a deterrent to reporting.

Responding to the Krusinki arrest and the new Pentagon report, President Obama said at a press conference on Tuesday, “Bottom line is, I have no tolerance for this. I have communicated this to the Secretary of Defense. We’re going to communicate this again to folks up and down the chain (of command).” Obama also insisted on real action to address a problem that is by no means new to the U.S. military. “I expect consequences,” he said. “I don’t want just more speeches, awareness programs or training where people ultimately look the other way.” The president said service members found to be responsible for such crimes should be stripped of their positions, court-martialed, and dishonorably discharged.

Obama’s new Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, said on Tuesday that “the frequency of this crime and the perception that there is tolerance of it could very well undermine our ability to effectively carry out the mission and to recruit and retain the good people we need.”

He’s right. The military – at all levels – must take this problem seriously, believe victims and  prosecute offenders fully. The credibility of our armed forces is being undermined, and there are untold numbers of qualified women who would like to serve but are undoubtedly reluctant to enter this culture of sexual assault and coverup. That is shameful.

I am still hopeful that with the inevitable increase in leadership roles for women in the military that will come with the recent directive clearing them for combat, there will also come a change in the paternalistic, boys’ club culture that discourages women from – and even punishes them – for reporting sexual assaults by fellow service members. Preserving unit cohesion is not an excuse not to report a rape; preserving unit cohesion should be a deterrent to rape. It shouldn’t have to be said, but it must: Do not rape your fellow soldier.

amy lazenby

Amy Lazenby is a wife, mother of three and small business owner with her husband who splits her time between South Carolina and Georgia. She writes with a liberal world view on most issues, but enjoys exploring where the liberal and libertarian political axes intersect. Follow her on Twitter @Mrs_Laz.


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9" May 9, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Most people love being ‘sexually assaulted’.Feminist bullshit.But, from all the straight guys I’ve met,I know how frustrated they are with their wives.Many of the women in SC think sucking a guy’s dick is sinful,and can’t suck cock worth shit.That’s fine with me…

A Friend May 9, 2013 at 10:59 pm

Really, I get that you’re trying to be funny and all, but on this topic?

Sure May 9, 2013 at 11:25 pm

There’s a time and a place, man. This ain’t it. These women are putting their lives on the line – they shouldn’t have to be worrying about this shit while they’re dodging bullets.

9" May 9, 2013 at 11:50 pm

I have three married male friends in the military.When they come home,they see their families,and then they see me,too.


F(l)ag waving Patriot May 10, 2013 at 7:17 am

I thank you for your “service” to our country.

9" May 9, 2013 at 10:49 pm

Most people love being ‘sexually assaulted’.Feminist bullshit.But, from all the straight guys I’ve met,I know how frustrated they are with their wives.Many of the women in SC think sucking a guy’s dick is sinful,and can’t suck cock worth shit.That’s fine with me…

A Friend May 9, 2013 at 10:59 pm

Really, I get that you’re trying to be funny and all, but on this topic?

Sure May 9, 2013 at 11:25 pm

There’s a time and a place, man. This ain’t it. These women are putting their lives on the line – they shouldn’t have to be worrying about this shit while they’re dodging bullets.

9" May 9, 2013 at 11:50 pm

I have three married male friends in the military.When they come home,they see their families,and then they see me,too.


F(l)ag waving Patriot May 10, 2013 at 7:17 am

I thank you for your “service” to our country.

Thomas May 10, 2013 at 12:58 am

You really sicken me, Amy, with your convoluted perception of the world we live in. Your research conveys not only ignorance of the subject matter, but also an arrogance preceded only by your gullibility to allow others to think for you. I will use an example of a well written anthology of the subject, written by Thomas, rather than pick apart your false argument where your conclusion is not warranted from the premise.

Equalitarianism is a myth perpetuated by white, middle to upper class malcontents who have difficulties homogenizing in our evolved societal structures. Bring back failed constructs that have destroyed past civilizations is your war cry. Let me hear your war cry….”I am not comfortable with who I am in our evolved society, so I demand pagan idolatry!”. Yea, no we are getting closer to how you and your ilk thinks.

In 2010, 50,000 male veterans screened positive for “military sexual trauma” at the Department of Veterans Affairs, up from just over 30,000 in 2003. Male on male sexual assaults and rapes are vastly under reported. Even homosexual activists refuse to talk about this because it tarnishes the homosexual image subliminally planted by an organized effort to equalize homosexuality as acceptable. The straw man argument is rape is about power over the victim. Rape by men against men is a homosexual act. An act that can not be accepted by the victim, only rationalized. I would even say the unnatural act, of either male or female homosexual rape, is always criminal. Where the actor betrays their conscience in either seducing or forcing themselves on another will always create an unwilling victim who subconsciously submits, then rationalizes, often identifying with the perpetrator.

I am not finished.

Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, a think tank on gays in the military. “But male victims will be a little bit less reluctant to report their assaults.” Belkin notes that it’s not just the military that avoids the issue: even gay-rights organizations are wary of it. “We don’t like to talk about it because it makes rape look like a gay issue.”

To read the military definition of rape or sexual assault shows that what I have said is true.

“(21) RAPE.
a. Text. “Any person subject to this chapter who forcibly or with coercion or threat of force wrongfully invades the body of a person by penetrating, however slightly, the anal or genital opening of the victim with any part of the body of the accused, or with any foreign object, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”

b. Elements:

(1) The accused wrongfully invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in
penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the accused, with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body;
(2) The invasion was committed by force, threat of force or coercion or against a person incapable of giving consent; and
(3) The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with armed conflict.

c. Comment:

(1) This offense recognizes that consensual conduct does not give rise to this offense.
(2) It is understood that a person may be incapable of giving consent if affected by
natural, induced, or age-related incapacity.
(3) The concept of “invasion” is linked to the inherent wrongfulness requirement. In this
case, for example, a legitimate body cavity search could not give rise to this offense.
(4) The concept of “invasion” is gender neutral.
d. Maximum punishment. Confinement for life.


a. Text. “Any person subject to this chapter who forcibly or with coercion or threat of force engages in sexual contact with one or more persons, or causes one or more persons to engage in sexual contact, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”

b. Elements:

(1) The accused wrongfully engaged in sexual contact with one or more persons or
wrongfully caused one or more persons to engage in sexual contact;
(2) The sexual contact was committed by force, threat of force or coercion or against a
person incapable of giving consent; and
(3) The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with armed conflict.

c. Comment:

Sexual assault or abuse is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by
use of force, physical threat of force or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot IV-17 consent. Sexual assault includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling), or attempts to commit these acts. Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender or spousal relationship or age of victim.
d. Maximum punishment. Confinement for life.

No one wants to consent to homosexuality, they are coerced by the principal or subliminally seduced by a malcontent subset of the population.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 4:50 am

While the level of his writing is far higher than 90% of those who visit this site can digest, the TRUTHS of Thomas premise are undeniable.

Liberalism is getting close to collapsing upon its own weight of foolishness and impracticality.
We just have to decide: Are we going to fall with it, or extricate ourselves from the rotting and failed ideology of a godless, immoral and doomed people?

Smirks May 10, 2013 at 8:50 am

No one wants to consent to homosexuality, they are coerced by the
principal or subliminally seduced by a malcontent subset of the

Cool story bro. Homosexuality has been present throughout history, including in countries that execute gays for, well, being gay. Were they too “subliminally seduced by a malcontent subset of the population” or “coerced by [a] principal?”


jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 2:07 pm

what, precisely, does your diatribe against equality for women and gays have to do with the simple message of Don’t Rape? don’t you think the same message should be taught to all soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines regardless of whether the “object” of the sexual assault is male or female? it seems a pretty straightforward message to me and actually isn’t liberal or even feminist in its agenda. just end sexual assault and the culture that promotes it as being, somehow, just a natural outcome of the male psychological makeup. end the culture that tends to blame the victim and apologize for the perpetrator. end the culture that makes reporting sexual assault as traumatic and devastating (and potentially career ending) as the original assault itself was.

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:19 pm

So you think rape is OK, then?

9" May 10, 2013 at 5:23 pm

I love consenting to homosexuality! Wanna blow job? If it’s big enough,gag me.

unclewillie1 May 11, 2013 at 7:57 am

Excellent job of diversionary hand-waving.

Thomas May 10, 2013 at 12:58 am

You really sicken me, Amy, with your convoluted perception of the world we live in. You have indubitably accepted the manipulated zeitgeist. You find comfort being accepted by other victims of this groupthink, trapped by dishonest academics and falsehoods. Your research conveys not only ignorance of the subject matter, but also an arrogance preceded only by your gullibility to allow others to think for you. I will use an example of a well written anthology of the subject, written by Thomas, rather than pick apart your false argument where your conclusion is not warranted from the premise.

Equalitarianism is a myth perpetuated by white, middle to upper class malcontents who have difficulties homogenizing in our evolved societal structures. Bring back failed constructs that have destroyed past civilizations is your war cry. Let me hear your war cry….”I am not comfortable with who I am in our evolved society, so I demand pagan idolatry!”. Yea, now we are getting closer to how you think, or rather how you fall victim to other malcontents, essentially being the victim of dishonest omissions.

In 2010, 50,000 male veterans screened positive for “military sexual trauma” at the Department of Veterans Affairs, up from just over 30,000 in 2003. Male on male sexual assaults and rapes are vastly under reported. Even homosexual activists refuse to talk about this because it tarnishes the homosexual image subliminally planted by an organized effort to equalize homosexuality as acceptable. The straw man argument is rape is about power over the victim. Rape by men against men is a homosexual act. An act that can not be accepted by the victim, only rationalized. I would even say the unnatural act, of either male or female homosexual rape, is always criminal. Where the actor betrays their conscience in either seducing or forcing themselves on another will always create an unwilling victim who subconsciously submits, then rationalizes, often identifying with the perpetrator.

I am not finished.

Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center, a think tank on gays in the military. “But male victims will be a little bit less reluctant to report their assaults.” Belkin notes that it’s not just the military that avoids the issue: even gay-rights organizations are wary of it. “We don’t like to talk about it because it makes rape look like a gay issue.”

To read the military definition of rape or sexual assault shows that what I have said is true.

“(21) RAPE.
a. Text. “Any person subject to this chapter who forcibly or with coercion or threat of force wrongfully invades the body of a person by penetrating, however slightly, the anal or genital opening of the victim with any part of the body of the accused, or with any foreign object, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”

b. Elements:

(1) The accused wrongfully invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in
penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the accused, with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body;
(2) The invasion was committed by force, threat of force or coercion or against a person incapable of giving consent; and
(3) The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with armed conflict.

c. Comment:

(1) This offense recognizes that consensual conduct does not give rise to this offense.
(2) It is understood that a person may be incapable of giving consent if affected by
natural, induced, or age-related incapacity.
(3) The concept of “invasion” is linked to the inherent wrongfulness requirement. In this
case, for example, a legitimate body cavity search could not give rise to this offense.
(4) The concept of “invasion” is gender neutral.
d. Maximum punishment. Confinement for life.


a. Text. “Any person subject to this chapter who forcibly or with coercion or threat of force engages in sexual contact with one or more persons, or causes one or more persons to engage in sexual contact, shall be punished as a military commission under this chapter may direct.”

b. Elements:

(1) The accused wrongfully engaged in sexual contact with one or more persons or
wrongfully caused one or more persons to engage in sexual contact;
(2) The sexual contact was committed by force, threat of force or coercion or against a
person incapable of giving consent; and
(3) The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with armed conflict.

c. Comment:

Sexual assault or abuse is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by
use of force, physical threat of force or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot IV-17 consent. Sexual assault includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling), or attempts to commit these acts. Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender or spousal relationship or age of victim.
d. Maximum punishment. Confinement for life.

No one wants to consent to homosexuality, they are coerced by the principal or subliminally seduced by a malcontent subset of the population. Everyone wants to think for themselves. Absent of honest research purposely disregarding arguments that expose the false premises and false conclusions, we are left having to guide people, good people, as you yourself was, whom have become victims of victims of victims.

Smirks May 10, 2013 at 8:50 am

No one wants to consent to homosexuality, they are coerced by the
principal or subliminally seduced by a malcontent subset of the

Cool story bro. Homosexuality has been present throughout history, including in countries that execute gays for, well, being gay. Were they too “subliminally seduced by a malcontent subset of the population” or “coerced by [a] principal?”


James Walker May 10, 2013 at 2:07 pm

what, precisely, does your diatribe against equality for women and gays have to do with the simple message of Don’t Rape? don’t you think the same message should be taught to all soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines regardless of whether the “object” of the sexual assault is male or female? it seems a pretty straightforward message to me and actually isn’t liberal or even feminist in its agenda. just end sexual assault and the culture that promotes it as being, somehow, just a natural outcome of the male psychological makeup. end the culture that tends to blame the victim and apologize for the perpetrator. end the culture that makes reporting sexual assault as traumatic and devastating (and potentially career ending) as the original assault itself was.

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:19 pm

So you think rape is OK, then?

9" May 10, 2013 at 5:23 pm

I love consenting to homosexuality! Wanna blow job? If it’s big enough,gag me.

unclewillie1 May 11, 2013 at 7:57 am

Excellent job of diversionary hand-waving.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 4:36 am

Another leftwing-dogma -hack piece, generated to
perpetuate liberal mythology and their ludicrous persecution complex. A silly, frantic and red-faced, hand-wringing plea in the Left’s war of Women against men.

This is an obscure incident and a common “dog bites man” story. People are going to behave badly sometimes. But it has tired and lame liberals thinking they have found some unique truth…to prove their uncontrollable panic is worthy…

If it’s not working, separate men and women in the military. National Security is too important to push liberal social rhetoric.

And all the while, this repulsive ideologue IGNORES a
baby-killing factory that she SWORE would be ERASED if we just enacted Roe v
Wade. You are a disgusting representative as a woman and a
VERY Sad case if you are a mother. I pray you don’t have daughters.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 11:19 am

“A silly, frantic and red-faced, hand-wringing plea in the Left’s war of Women against men.” This sentence nails it! Liberalism is a mental disorder, and here is yet another textbook case of liberal derangement. The purpose of the military, any military, is to train killers to defend the nation. “Assessing the prevalence…” Amy, you are not qualified to assess anything, much less the United States military.

This piece is at the level of an undergraduate women’s studies paper, po-faced sanctimonious drivel, because the world doesn’t conform to the deranged leftist agenda of victimology and the poisonous marxist ‘race-class-gender theory’ ideology that academia produces to poison our culture with the promotion of absurd accusations of ‘rape culture’ and coded racism and reparations through welfare and their agenda of totalitarian destruction of the individual. Not an original thought here, just conformist dogma, which I could parrot in my sleep, second wave feminist crap. Boring, predictable, and a cover for the real reason for this: the left’s goal of breaking down the military in the name of destroying American hegemony. They’ll LOVE it when we have Chinese forced abortion slave worker hegemony, or Islamic hegemony because we all know how they appreciate women’s rights, or latin style socialista hegemony.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 11:51 am

And you are… who? And you are “qualified to assess” what? With what qualifications, exactly? And your work is published… where? Because honestly, I’m sure we’d all like to see it if you have anything other than comments on a blog.

“Absurd rape culture?” Okay, because she made up the Pentagon’s statistics and all of those court cases. Whatever.

Chinese forced abortion, marxist race-class gender theory? What are you talking about and how is it related to this topic other than you apparently think that facts don’t matter in the face of your bizarre ideology.

You and Big T seem to get along quite famously.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 12:10 pm

If you can’t read for comprehension then I can’t help you.

Let me explain this part though: writers put their work online or publish it, and the reader reads it and forms their own opinions, which in the online world, usually means they are then free to comment on the work and express their opinion and feedback via comments. If writers don’t like this arrangement–readers having opinions on their work, be they reviewers, critics, other writers who wish to present a counterpoint, or simply the pedestrian reader (the man in the street voicing their opinion, if you will), then those writers SHOULDN’T POST THEIR FUCKING WORK ON A POLITICAL BLOG KNOWN FOR HEATED DEBATE LIKE FITS NEWS.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 12:14 pm

Where did the writer complain about you voicing your opinion? She put her work online and you are commenting on it. What’s the problem?

And you didn’t answer my questions – who are you and what are your qualifications? If you want to engage in comments, and your argument is to attack the qualifications of the writer, then answer the questions asked of you about your qualifications by other commenters. I’m pretty sure that’s how it’s supposed to work, given your explanation above. Also, ALL CAPS make you look as stupid as Big T.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 12:47 pm

OMG, one final time–I didn’t write the article dumbass. YOU are complaining about my comment. We are all anonymously commenting on a blog, including you, should I demand your resume and home address, as you are commenting on my comment which is in turn a comment on this writer’s piece? Jeez louise, you libs are thickies. I posted my opinion and I stand by it. The writer is out of her league–the piece is sophomoric and that may be ok for cafemom.com but it isn’t for me–period, end of story. I am certainly not going to give you my bio or CV or entertain your silliness. You have no counter arguments, so you are pestering me. Now bugger off. BTW, as you appear to be new to the internets, caps are commonly used when italics are unavailable.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 2:27 pm

You … ummmm … failed to answer what makes you better-qualified to spout off than Lazenby.

And yet you complained about reading comprehension.

Methinks your charges are reversed.

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 2:38 pm

When it doesn’t take them long to resort to sophomoric name calling, people just manage to lose all credibility.

Happy meal time for McFatty! May 10, 2013 at 3:05 pm


GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 12:04 pm

Bravo, Bravo. If FITS had one-half an ounce of business intellect, he’d offer you a job.
The level of ignorance and dried-out cliche perpetuated by FITS and his comrades is so abysmally weak, compared to your bright thought and sharp wit.
It is truly refreshing to know there are people out there with this level of perception regarding the left, and their hateful schemes.
Brigid, you inspire me. We NEED that more than ever right now, with the sad sate of our country, under Obnama. Thank you.

Sure May 10, 2013 at 12:11 pm

LMAO – I bet that’s about as likely as him offering you a job, BigT. You and your comrade “Brigid” make all kinds of sense. Keep on smokin’ that stuff, man!

? May 10, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Just to inject one, probably insignificant point to most here…but relevant for a few:

You can be pro strong American defense(and military) while being against American hegemony(militarily).

They aren’t mutually exclusive/inclusive(depending on how you read it).

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 6:43 am

Our newly PC bullshit society is part of the problem. When you put your women among young, cock strong men that are taught to the kill…which is the ultimate mission/goal of a soldier(which is also somewhat dehumanizing to start)this is what you get.

Great, now all the PC bullshit that forced this “equalization” on the military is coming home to roost.

Every single army on the conquering war path engages in rape, pillage and looting to some extent. There is also ALWAYS “war crimes”, because that is the nature of war.

What a bunch of naive fucks. Anyone who couldn’t see this coming is living in fairy land PC nirvana world.

Women are biologically to make babies and nurture them,(naturally there’s outliers),not killers, end of story.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 8:39 am

So soldiers should just commit “war crimes” on their fellow soldiers because “that is the nature of war?”
Because this is about American soldiers raping other American soldiers.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 9:34 am

“So soldiers should just commit “war crimes” on their fellow soldiers because “that is the nature of war?””

Did I say “should” anywhere?


All I’m saying is that our PC society has created the BS epidemic. When you put males and females together they fuck. PERIOD. Most of the time when its forced it’s the male doing the forcing. It’s exacerbated in the military by the nature of what the mission of the military is.

To expect that this wouldn’t happen when co-mingling the sexes in such an environment is stupendously stupid.

Y’all can “down” vote me all you want. All you’re doing is down voting a truth you don’t like.

Sure May 10, 2013 at 9:45 am

“Most of the time when it’s forced, it’s the male doing the forcing.”

So this explains the male on male sexual assault that happens in the military? Not so much, genius.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 9:51 am

No dumbshit, it explains that the “stronger person” is the one doing the fucking.

When that comes to a comparison between men and women physically, mean are stronger 90% of the time.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 9:53 am

change “fucking” to “raping”…you get the point, or maybe not

Sure May 10, 2013 at 10:23 am

So it’s okay for a stronger man to rape a weaker man, because that’s just going to happen? And your argument that this happens b/c of the “co-mingling of the sexes…” That still doesn’t cover male on male rape, and this shit has been happening since before women were ever in combat roles. All kinds of fail, man.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 11:18 am

“So it’s okay for a stronger man to rape a weaker man”

So where did I say that?

Jesus, the “fail” is in your reading comprehension. I can’t even argue with you on the basis that you can’t read.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 1:03 pm

“…the “fail” is in your reading comprehension. I can’t even argue with you on the basis that you can’t read.”

Amen. You gotta hold these cretins hands every step of the way and walk them slowly through every point, it’s exasperating and like dealing with a child. But may explain why they think the way they do–they ain’t too smart.

Cat Marcuri May 11, 2013 at 10:22 am

Brigid, you’re a dumb bitch who clearly never got raped, or you wouldn’t be so blase about it. Here’s the problem, YOU are the problem. The idea that, just because we soldiers (yes, us women ones, too) are taught how to kill an enemy who is trying to kill us, we are incapable of not doing other things that are intrinsically wrong, like RAPE, is a total load of CRAP. Bottom line: Rape is WRONG. Instead of saying, well, that’s what happens when you put men and women together, thus implying that women are to blame for their rapes because they chose to be in an area where “manly men kill other people”. Instead of blaming women for wanting to do the same job men do, how about we blame those men who think that women are nothing more than a life support system for a cunt? Instead of telling women, you’re supposed to be off having babies and nurturing them, we tell the MEN that they need to learn to keep their DICKS in their PANTS, instead of forcibly planting them in unwilling BODIES??? What a crazy, PC idea! Oh, wait, no, that’s not PC, that’s called NOT BEING A FUCKING RAPIST! Brigid, go fuck yourself. “here’s the problem”, you’ve correctly identified yourself. You ARE the problem.

BrigidBernadette May 11, 2013 at 10:26 am

I never said any of the things you are claiming I did. Another one here who can’t read. Reply to Thomas, not me. No where in any of my posts did I argue any of the things you are saying I did. READ. And take a pill, you are clearly unhinged.

BrigidBernadette May 11, 2013 at 10:29 am

Bottom line: Rape is WRONG.

REALLY> No shit sherlock.

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Don’t Rape. it’s a simple message and should be easy enough even for a Grunt or a Jarhead to comprehend. unfortunately, they keep getting taught by rape apologists like you that sexual assault is just what’s expected of them because they just can’t help themselves. after all, they’re not really human (because of being trained killers and all) and any woman who gets within arms reach of these trained predators “probably deserved it”.

we won’t manage to overcome rape culture until we can first overcome the rape apologists like you.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 2:28 pm

“we won’t manage to overcome rape culture until we can first overcome the rape apologists like you.”

This may be asking a bit much in the context of the quality of the responses thus far, but why not quote me above in my “justification” of rape.

Take your time, I don’t want you to make a mistake.

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Justification of rape……that anyone would even conceive of such a horrific concept….

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 2:38 pm

Yep, but look…he’s got 4 “thumbs up”.

All you gotta do is mouth platitudes or buzz words and the sheeple fall right into line. It doesn’t even matter that I never justified rape.

It’s why the electoral system will never be fixed.

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 2:56 pm

Well one of those four thumbs up is from me, because I agree with him.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I’m not surprised.

Toni Browning-Early May 10, 2013 at 3:45 pm

It’s really easy to destroy your entire argument. All that you stated was the tired and time-worn “Boys will be boys” argument…

What will it take for people like you to realize that YOU are part of the problem? YOU are the ones who overlook criminal and predatory behavior. Your continued acceptance of “well, that’s just the nature of men…” is a major part of why this continues to happen.

It’s very simple, but I’m not surprised that you don’t get it:

Don’t rape. No means no.

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 4:06 pm

“When you put your women among young, cock strong men that are taught to
the kill…which is the ultimate mission/goal of a soldier(which is also
somewhat dehumanizing to start)this is what you get.”

that statement, right there, is exactly where you declared rape to be the expected and justified outcome of putting females and males together in the military. the fact you can’t even see it is truly astonishing.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 2:18 pm

I guess I have a higher opinion of our troops than you do. I believe that they are capable of being functional human beings, rather than being no better than Viking berserkers.

Your view of the military means that, really, vets aren’t fit to be allowed back into the public. They can’t be held accountable for their actions, and it’s just the way things are.

I think you need to rethink your position. You make the hippies who called Vietnam vets “baby-killers” look like they were throwing a parade.

I’ll go out on a limb, here … neither you nor anyone you love has any military experience, right?

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 2:26 pm

My family has a long history of members serving in the military. All of them have served over seas, and several saw combat. None of them would have dreamed of assaulting either a fellow service person, or a civilian, because they all knew it was a horrible thing to do to another person.

However, there are some in military service whose behavior is anything but an asset to the nation they are sworn to protect. Just like there are civilians whose attitudes towards other human beings is of exploitation or degradation. Turning a blind eye towards these people, ignoring their actions, blaming the ones they attack, helps no one.

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:22 pm

“Here’s the problem” is one such example.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Here’s the problem. Nope, I served-and a significant portion of my family served.

“Your view of the military means that, really, vets aren’t fit to be allowed back into the public. They can’t be held accountable for their actions, and it’s just the way things are.”

See, that’s where you are wrong. They come back, some with PTSD, others with minor issues or non at all.(those intimately involved that is)

Not everyone is the same. You are making blanket statements in an attempt to fit your agenda.

I have a realistic view of the military, its job, and some of the realities associated with it. You have an unrealistic view, or you simply haven’t seen combat.

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 2:37 pm

No you have your view, your opinion. You are entitled to it. We have the wonderful privilege of rejecting utterly any opinion that isn’t to our liking.

Here’s the thing about opinions, Everyone has one, just like everyone has boogers. But no one has to share either.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 3:33 pm

“Realistic” is a cute word that often hides a huge number of fallacies.

The idea that having been in combat makes rape inevitable is … absurd. I know a great many vets. Not one is a rapist. I know people who have committed sexual offenses. Not one is a vet. Many, though, cling to right-wing perceptions which they present as “realistic.”

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:20 pm

So you think it’s OK to rape, then?

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 3:37 pm

Oh Christ on a stick. Was there a massive sale on “stupid” someplace?

I’m not even responding anymore after this. But for those not able to read, “no”, rape is not ok.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 6:43 am

Our newly PC bullshit society is part of the problem. When you put your women among young, cock strong men that are taught to the kill…which is the ultimate mission/goal of a soldier(which is also somewhat dehumanizing to start)this is what you get.

Great, now all the PC bullshit that forced this “equalization” on the military is coming home to roost.

Every single army on the conquering war path engages in rape, pillage and looting to some extent. There is also ALWAYS “war crimes”, because that is the nature of war.

What a bunch of naive fucks. Anyone who couldn’t see this coming is living in fairy land PC nirvana world.

Women are biologically to make babies and nurture them,(naturally there’s outliers),not killers, end of story.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 8:39 am

So soldiers should just commit “war crimes” on their fellow soldiers because “that is the nature of war?”
Because this is about American soldiers raping other American soldiers.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 9:34 am

“So soldiers should just commit “war crimes” on their fellow soldiers because “that is the nature of war?””

Did I say “should” anywhere?


All I’m saying is that our PC society has created the BS epidemic. When you put males and females together they fuck. PERIOD. Most of the time when its forced it’s the male doing the forcing. It’s exacerbated in the military by the nature of what the mission of the military is.

To expect that this wouldn’t happen when co-mingling the sexes in such an environment is stupendously stupid.

Y’all can “down” vote me all you want. All you’re doing is down voting a truth you don’t like.

Sure May 10, 2013 at 9:45 am

“Most of the time when it’s forced, it’s the male doing the forcing.”

So this explains the male on male sexual assault that happens in the military? Not so much, genius.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 9:51 am

No dumbshit, it explains that the “stronger person” is the one doing the fucking.

When that comes to a comparison between men and women physically, mean are stronger 90% of the time.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 9:53 am

change “fucking” to “raping”…you get the point, or maybe not

Sure May 10, 2013 at 10:23 am

So it’s okay for a stronger man to rape a weaker man, because that’s just going to happen? And your argument that this happens b/c of the “co-mingling of the sexes…” That still doesn’t cover male on male rape, and this shit has been happening since before women were ever in combat roles. All kinds of fail, man.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 11:18 am

“So it’s okay for a stronger man to rape a weaker man”

So where did I say that?

Jesus, the “fail” is in your reading comprehension. I can’t even argue with you on the basis that you can’t read.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 1:03 pm

“…the “fail” is in your reading comprehension. I can’t even argue with you on the basis that you can’t read.”

Amen. You gotta hold these cretins hands every step of the way and walk them slowly through every point, it’s exasperating and like dealing with a child. But may explain why they think the way they do–they ain’t too smart.

Cat Marcuri May 11, 2013 at 10:22 am

Brigid, you’re a dumb bitch who clearly never got raped, or you wouldn’t be so blase about it. Here’s the problem, YOU are the problem. The idea that, just because we soldiers (yes, us women ones, too) are taught how to kill an enemy who is trying to kill us, we are incapable of not doing other things that are intrinsically wrong, like RAPE, is a total load of CRAP. Bottom line: Rape is WRONG. Instead of saying, well, that’s what happens when you put men and women together, thus implying that women are to blame for their rapes because they chose to be in an area where “manly men kill other people”. Instead of blaming women for wanting to do the same job men do, how about we blame those men who think that women are nothing more than a life support system for a cunt? Instead of telling women, you’re supposed to be off having babies and nurturing them, we tell the MEN that they need to learn to keep their DICKS in their PANTS, instead of forcibly planting them in unwilling BODIES??? What a crazy, PC idea! Oh, wait, no, that’s not PC, that’s called NOT BEING A FUCKING RAPIST! Brigid, go fuck yourself. “here’s the problem”, you’ve correctly identified yourself. You ARE the problem.

Brigid May 11, 2013 at 10:26 am

I never said any of the things you are claiming I did. Another one here who can’t read. Reply to Thomas, not me. No where in any of my posts did I argue any of the things you are saying I did. READ. And take a pill, you are clearly unhinged.

Brigid May 11, 2013 at 10:29 am

Bottom line: Rape is WRONG.

REALLY> No shit sherlock.

James Walker May 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Don’t Rape. it’s a simple message and should be easy enough even for a Grunt or a Jarhead to comprehend. unfortunately, they keep getting taught by rape apologists like you that sexual assault is just what’s expected of them because they just can’t help themselves. after all, they’re not really human (because of being trained killers and all) and any woman who gets within arms reach of these trained predators “probably deserved it”.

we won’t manage to overcome rape culture until we can first overcome the rape apologists like you.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 2:28 pm

“we won’t manage to overcome rape culture until we can first overcome the rape apologists like you.”

This may be asking a bit much in the context of the quality of the responses thus far, but why not quote me above in my “justification” of rape.

Take your time, I don’t want you to make a mistake.

allegro63 May 10, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Justification of rape……that anyone would even conceive of such a horrific concept….

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 2:38 pm

Yep, but look…he’s got 4 “thumbs up”.

All you gotta do is mouth platitudes or buzz words and the sheeple fall right into line. It doesn’t even matter that I never justified rape.

It’s why the electoral system will never be fixed.

allegro63 May 10, 2013 at 2:56 pm

Well one of those four thumbs up is from me, because I agree with him.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I’m not surprised.

Toni Browning-Early May 10, 2013 at 3:45 pm

It’s really easy to destroy your entire argument. All that you stated was the tired and time-worn “Boys will be boys” argument…

What will it take for people like you to realize that YOU are part of the problem? YOU are the ones who overlook criminal and predatory behavior. Your continued acceptance of “well, that’s just the nature of men…” is a major part of why this continues to happen.

It’s very simple, but I’m not surprised that you don’t get it:

Don’t rape. No means no.

James Walker May 10, 2013 at 4:06 pm

“When you put your women among young, cock strong men that are taught to
the kill…which is the ultimate mission/goal of a soldier(which is also
somewhat dehumanizing to start)this is what you get.”

that statement, right there, is exactly where you declared rape to be the expected and justified outcome of putting females and males together in the military. the fact you can’t even see it is truly astonishing.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 2:18 pm

I guess I have a higher opinion of our troops than you do. I believe that they are capable of being functional human beings, rather than being no better than Viking berserkers.

Your view of the military means that, really, vets aren’t fit to be allowed back into the public. They can’t be held accountable for their actions, and it’s just the way things are.

I think you need to rethink your position. You make the hippies who called Vietnam vets “baby-killers” look like they were throwing a parade.

I’ll go out on a limb, here … neither you nor anyone you love has any military experience, right?

allegro63 May 10, 2013 at 2:26 pm

My family has a long history of members serving in the military. All of them have served over seas, and several saw combat. None of them would have dreamed of assaulting either a fellow service person, or a civilian, because they all knew it was a horrible thing to do to another person.

However, there are some in military service whose behavior is anything but an asset to the nation they are sworn to protect. Just like there are civilians whose attitudes towards other human beings is of exploitation or degradation. Turning a blind eye towards these people, ignoring their actions, blaming the ones they attack, helps no one.

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:22 pm

“Here’s the problem” is one such example.

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Here’s the problem. Nope, I served-and a significant portion of my family served.

“Your view of the military means that, really, vets aren’t fit to be allowed back into the public. They can’t be held accountable for their actions, and it’s just the way things are.”

See, that’s where you are wrong. They come back, some with PTSD, others with minor issues or non at all.(those intimately involved that is)

Not everyone is the same. You are making blanket statements in an attempt to fit your agenda.

I have a realistic view of the military, its job, and some of the realities associated with it. You have an unrealistic view, or you simply haven’t seen combat.

allegro63 May 10, 2013 at 2:37 pm

No you have your view, your opinion. You are entitled to it. We have the wonderful privilege of rejecting utterly any opinion that isn’t to our liking.

Here’s the thing about opinions, Everyone has one, just like everyone has boogers. But no one has to share either.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 3:33 pm

“Realistic” is a cute word that often hides a huge number of fallacies.

The idea that having been in combat makes rape inevitable is … absurd. I know a great many vets. Not one is a rapist. I know people who have committed sexual offenses. Not one is a vet. Many, though, cling to right-wing perceptions which they present as “realistic.”

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:20 pm

So you think it’s OK to rape, then?

Here's the problem May 10, 2013 at 3:37 pm

Oh Christ on a stick. Was there a massive sale on “stupid” someplace?

I’m not even responding anymore after this. But for those not able to read, “no”, rape is not ok.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 7:53 am

Hate Speech Alienates…And Liberal women only have a need for men if they can use them or attack them…

You leftwing ideologues are BAD for society, and the reason we are so polarized, with a president who uses REVENGE as a cornerstone to his crusade and policies….

Decent and just-seeking people are going to have to viciously revolt to change the direction of this country. We have produced far too many mind-numbed drones like Lizenby…to where contempt for traditions is the norm and incivility is the master of the dumb-downed masses…

I am a woman. May 10, 2013 at 8:29 am

I am not even sure how to react to the comments here other than to say they are pure filth and the authors should be ashamed of themselves. Rape is NEVER okay–whether it is between soldiers, civilians or husband and wife (yes–did you know that really happens? It’s also a crime). I encourage all of you to acknowledge that rape happens and it is NOT okay. We can all play a part in raising awareness (like Amy did here) and preventing this victimization from happening to anyone (male or female). We certainly do NOT need to turn a blind eye to this and allow rapist to continue to live and thrive in our communities.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 12:52 pm

“I am a woman.”

Congratulations. Do you need a hug for your heroism?

? May 10, 2013 at 1:19 pm

LMAO! I gave you a “thumbs up” even if no else can appreciate your comment.

9" May 10, 2013 at 5:18 pm


I am a woman. May 10, 2013 at 8:29 am

I am not even sure how to react to the comments here other than to say they are pure filth and the authors should be ashamed of themselves. Rape is NEVER okay–whether it is between soldiers, civilians or husband and wife (yes–did you know that really happens? It’s also a crime). I encourage all of you to acknowledge that rape happens and it is NOT okay. We can all play a part in raising awareness (like Amy did here) and preventing this victimization from happening to anyone (male or female). We certainly do NOT need to turn a blind eye to this and allow rapist to continue to live and thrive in our communities.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 12:52 pm

“I am a woman.”

Congratulations. Do you need a hug for your heroism?

? May 10, 2013 at 1:19 pm

LMAO! I gave you a “thumbs up” even if no else can appreciate your comment.

9" May 10, 2013 at 5:18 pm


GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 9:12 am

The sexual molester could easily be Lizenby’s Husband or Son..and the poor Victim my sister or my daughter..But: Liberal HATE Speech dictates Lizenby paint this horror with the broad brush that pits society against men, in general…

Pop Culture tells Lzenby she is an open-minded, original thinker, when she really is just a closed-minded, intolerant, man-hating Bigot…

Sadly: Lizenby thinks she has come upon some fertile new thinking, but she is really just planting seeds of contempt in ground that has been over-used and has been fallow for decades.

If you really want to touch on under-reported material: try Dr. Gosnell baby mutilation in the name of Abortion on Demand or the propensity of homosexual males (Sandusky, gay church infiltrators) to abuse little boys…. That, I’d LOVE to find out more on…That would be a REAL service to the public….

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Man-hating bigot … for being against rape?

I’m a man. I’m against rape, and rape apologists like you.

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:23 pm

So you think it’s OK to rape, then?

I think it’s great, though, that you use a comment about pushing an agenda to push you own agenda. Nice one there, slick.

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 4:46 pm

it’s worth pointing out that Dr. Gosnell was breaking the law in the state of Pennsylvania and is rightly being prosecuted for murder.

it’s also worth noting that the overwhelming majority of pedophiles identify as straight and that the overwhelming majority of homosexuals have no interest in sex with underaged males. but, you know, don’t let facts distract you from your soapbox.

finally, the author’s last name is Lazenby. do try and give her at least the human respect to spell her name properly.

unclewillie1 May 11, 2013 at 8:11 am

More distractive hand-waving.

Eme Crawford May 10, 2013 at 9:43 am

Thank you for writing this well-researched piece, Amy. To state the obvious–it’s NEVER ok to rape. Like you, I’m hopeful that the climate of the military will change, that sexual assault (against both women and men) will decrease, that soldiers will not be pressured to keep silent about sexual assault, and that those who commit these crimes will justly be punished.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 12:00 pm

How come you have zip zero nada to say about the rights of women in the muslim world? Do you not understand that the political, economic, military, and diplomatic support this administration is giving to islamic supremacist monsters all over the middle east and north africa is the real War on Women? American liberal feminists have absolutely nothing to say about the rights of women and girls–rape, beatings, sexual slavery, pedophilia, forced marriage, beheading, you name it, from you to NOW, nothing to say about any of it, you are incapable of touching the subject even when it is an honor killing on U.S. soil because it means you would have to critically examine the foreign policy agenda of the left and this administration. Your silence is complicit in allowing this evil to flourish. You need to read the many works of Phyllis Chesler, or the activism of Pamela Geller on behalf of honor killing victims. The latter is actually working to DO SOMETHING, rather than sitting back and talking about stigma and other bullshit. The AHA Foundation would be a good start. I challenge you to step up and write something about this subject.

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 1:47 pm

seriously? in an article about sexual assault in the US military you want the author to discuss treatment of women in the Muslim world? why? because you think since women have it so much better in the US than do their counterparts in Islamic majority countries that everyone should just shut up about maltreatment here? or you think anyone calling out one example of maltreatment of women must, of necessity, call out ALL examples worldwide or not say anything at all?

how about you stop trying to distract from a simple message we should all be able to get behind? Don’t Rape. we should be hammering this message home to all our men here in the US as well as in every country where we have any influence. Don’t Rape. there’s no need for name-calling or agenda derailing or any of that. Don’t Rape. it’s not a liberal message or a conservative message or any other kind of message but a human message.

Don’t Rape.

? May 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Wait, are you saying that we shouldn’t rape people?

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 2:44 pm

I know right, gee, whatta revelation. Never occurred to anyone–before now.

? May 10, 2013 at 2:54 pm

This discussion here is seriously stupid for the most part. I’m ashamed for even having participated in it.

The stupid will overwhelm us, if they already haven’t, but shame on me for not bowing out earlier.

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 2:08 pm

If we want to set an example, knowing damned well that people look to us, and either copy us, or criticize us, you’d think that on this we should be taking the high road, and have the firm discipline of Don’t Rape. There should be zero tolerance when it comes to the sexual assault of anyone, who resides in our borders. There should be a culture that so wants to help women, that they actually believe one when a woman reports her assault, and then do all they can to track down, arrest and incarcerate the attacker. Then there should be broad efforts to help other nations adopt similar practices.

No woman in this country should have to wake up in the morning with any inkling of the possibility that someone would physically attack, demoralize and possibly kill her. Yet wake up with that possibility is real.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 12:00 pm

How come you have zip zero nada to say about the rights of women in the muslim world? Do you not understand that the political, economic, military, and diplomatic support this administration is giving to islamic supremacist monsters all over the middle east and north africa is the real War on Women? American liberal feminists have absolutely nothing to say about the rights of women and girls–rape, beatings, sexual slavery, pedophilia, forced marriage, beheading, you name it, from you to NOW, nothing to say about any of it, you are incapable of touching the subject even when it is an honor killing on U.S. soil because it means you would have to critically examine the foreign policy agenda of the left and this administration. Your silence is complicit in allowing this evil to flourish. You need to read the many works of Phyllis Chesler, or the activism of Pamela Geller on behalf of honor killing victims. The latter is actually working to DO SOMETHING, rather than sitting back and talking about stigma and other bullshit. The AHA Foundation would be a good start. I challenge you to step up and write something about this subject.

James Walker May 10, 2013 at 1:47 pm

seriously? in an article about sexual assault in the US military you want the author to discuss treatment of women in the Muslim world? why? because you think since women have it so much better in the US than do their counterparts in Islamic majority countries that everyone should just shut up about maltreatment here? or you think anyone calling out one example of maltreatment of women must, of necessity, call out ALL examples worldwide or not say anything at all?

how about you stop trying to distract from a simple message we should all be able to get behind? Don’t Rape. we should be hammering this message home to all our men here in the US as well as in every country where we have any influence. Don’t Rape. there’s no need for name-calling or agenda derailing or any of that. Don’t Rape. it’s not a liberal message or a conservative message or any other kind of message but a human message.

Don’t Rape.

? May 10, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Wait, are you saying that we shouldn’t rape people?

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 2:44 pm

I know right, gee, whatta revelation. Never occurred to anyone–before now.

? May 10, 2013 at 2:54 pm

This discussion here is seriously stupid for the most part. I’m ashamed for even having participated in it.

The stupid will overwhelm us, if they already haven’t, but shame on me for not bowing out earlier.

allegro63 May 10, 2013 at 2:08 pm

If we want to set an example, knowing damned well that people look to us, and either copy us, or criticize us, you’d think that on this we should be taking the high road, and have the firm discipline of Don’t Rape. There should be zero tolerance when it comes to the sexual assault of anyone, who resides in our borders. There should be a culture that so wants to help women, that they actually believe one when a woman reports her assault, and then do all they can to track down, arrest and incarcerate the attacker. Then there should be broad efforts to help other nations adopt similar practices.

No woman in this country should have to wake up in the morning with any inkling of the possibility that someone would physically attack, demoralize and possibly kill her. Yet wake up with that possibility is real.

Jennifer O'Shields May 10, 2013 at 12:58 pm

Gender inequality, gender roles and stereotypes have been around for centuries. I am sorry that those who made comments felt the need to be rude and disrespectful. I am also sorry that some individuals thought it was ok to become verbally abusive. You can always get your message out there without attacking others by having respectful conversations. What Amy is talking about is how as a society we need to change the way we treat others. Sexual assault is a crime whether it is against a woman, a man or a child. Statistically crimes against women (domestic/sexual assault) are perpetrated by men. Statistically crimes against men are perpetrated by other men. So is this a feminist creating problems or trying to manbash, NO! Are all men abusive and violent? NO! Are there other victims out there of other hate crimes that do not deserve what is happening to them? Yes! We all have someone who matters in our life and I would think we all would not want a terrible crime to befall them. We live in a cultural climate that encourages, or at the very least tolerates, relationship abuse, sexual assault, and the sexual abuse of children. We are all bystanders…most solutions to social problems such as sexual violence have to be of a social and institutional nature. It takes Leaders to help facilitate a societal change.

GrandTango May 10, 2013 at 12:58 pm

I wonder how these “oh-so” concerned women opined after Bill Clinton sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey on the day her husband committed suicide. Did you struggle w/ the challenges it presented to your female-ness when Juanita Brodderick told us Bill Clinton physically abused her while raping her???
My, my how that standard, and level of compassion, doth change, depending on the political agenda…Remember Clinton Slimed (smeared) Ms. Willey, w/ Hillary’s blessing, to cover his vicious behavior…Where were you????…where are you now on it???..since Hillary is going to run???

I have a feeling their crusade against rape, was a lot more silent, as our former Commander in chief obviously passed down his model of how the deal w/ women, to this rapist, who the leftwing, all of the sudden, wants to pay attention to for political posturing…Shame on you…

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 1:32 pm

Bill Clinton is clearly as much a part of the problem as are other rape apologists like yourself. Yes, you read that correctly. I called Bill Clinton a rape apologist and I called you one as well. I’m gay. I’m a liberal. I’m pro-feminism. And I cannot abide rape apologists.

Our society ought to be advanced to such a state that a woman could be passed out drunk, naked as the day she was born, on the sofa of a stranger’s house and wake up the next day completely unmolested and with no embarrassing photos taken by anyone. We, as a culture, ought to be aware that someone else’s body is NEVER ours to use without their express (and perhaps, enthusiastic) consent. Part of the reason we’re not at that stage of advancement is people like you who look for the slightest inconsistency in the highly diversified and non-homogenous body of people who are pro-feminism and use that to apologize for rape and sexual assault.

Your tactics to distract and divert attention from what should be a simple issue we can all get behind: Don’t Rape are sickening.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 2:48 pm

” I’m gay. I’m a liberal. I’m pro-feminism. And I cannot abide rape apologists.”

Another one playing identity politics. Congratulations on your identity being driven by your genitalia and your liberal politics.

“Our society ought to be advanced to such a state that a woman could be
passed out drunk, naked as the day she was born, on the sofa of a
stranger’s house and wake up the next day completely unmolested and with no embarrassing photos taken by anyone.”

Again, you really don’t have a clue how the world works do you? By your logic, our society ought to be in such advanced state that no car should be left with the doors unlocked and the key in the ignition and parked overnight in Five Points and the next day is still sitting there, intact.

Sylvie King Parris May 10, 2013 at 3:01 pm

I am trying to imagine myself in a room full of guys in various stages of intoxication and undress, and find myself without a single iota of desire of sexual encounter with any of them, much less rape. Maybe its just me.

By the way, I’m straight, liberal, an avid supporter of gay rights, pro-humanity which means pro-feminine as well as pro masculine and all that lies in between, and cannot abide rape apologetics either.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 3:36 pm

I’m male and straight. I don’t really consider myself a liberal, though with how far right the Right has moved, I guess I am one these days.

The “identity politics” charge is pretty silly, but Brigid clearly has a set of talking points to use and that’s one of them.

I’ve also noticed the quotes from Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage. I think it’s safe to say that this is a person who’s pretty far gone.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 4:01 pm

Yes, this person who uses nothing but talking points she got from Fox, Rush, and Savage says Lazenby isn’t qualified to write this article – and she won’t comment when asked about her qualifications in return for questioning someone else’s. Weak.

John Keegan May 10, 2013 at 3:24 pm

So you think it’s OK to rape, then. Good to know.

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 4:02 pm

“By your logic, our society ought to be in such advanced state that no
car should be left with the doors unlocked and the key in the ignition
and parked overnight in Five Points and the next day is still sitting
there, intact.”

yes. next question? or do you want to apologize some more for how rapists aren’t really rapists but merely making the expected use of “targets of opportunity”?

jwalker_cht May 10, 2013 at 4:40 pm

also, you appear to have missed the reason it was important for me to list my affiliation with these political group labels. GrandTango was claiming that feminists and liberals were unwilling to take Bill Clinton to task over his sexual assault. I was pointing out the fallacy of that remark.

9" May 12, 2013 at 9:13 pm

Bill Clinton ? ‘sexual assault’ ? Who? Consensual sex is not rape,and is nobody’s business.This is where you people lose all credibility.

Ken Leonard May 10, 2013 at 3:25 pm

I loathe Bill Clinton and I’m glad that he’s more or less off the national stage.

At the time, I supported his impeachment.

I’m still against rape in the military.

Any other questions?

Jennifer O'Shields May 10, 2013 at 12:58 pm

Gender inequality, gender roles and stereotypes have been around for centuries. I am sorry that those who made comments felt the need to be rude and disrespectful. I am also sorry that some individuals thought it was ok to become verbally abusive. You can always get your message out there without attacking others by having respectful conversations. What Amy is talking about is how as a society we need to change the way we treat others. Sexual assault is a crime whether it is against a woman, a man or a child. Statistically crimes against women (domestic/sexual assault) are perpetrated by men. Statistically crimes against men are perpetrated by other men. So is this a feminist creating problems or trying to manbash, NO! Are all men abusive and violent? NO! Are there other victims out there of other hate crimes that do not deserve what is happening to them? Yes! We all have someone who matters in our life and I would think we all would not want a terrible crime to befall them. We live in a cultural climate that encourages, or at the very least tolerates, relationship abuse, sexual assault, and the sexual abuse of children. We are all bystanders…most solutions to social problems such as sexual violence have to be of a social and institutional nature. It takes Leaders to help facilitate a societal change.

vicupstate May 10, 2013 at 1:39 pm

If you don’t think there is a ‘war on women’ after reading the comments here, you must think like Thomas, Brigid, and Grand idioT.
They do not recognize any role for women other than barefoot and pregnant.

vicupstate May 10, 2013 at 1:39 pm

If you don’t think there is a ‘war on women’ after reading the comments here, you must think like Thomas, Brigid, and Grand idioT.
They do not recognize any role for women other than barefoot and pregnant.

BlondeScientist May 10, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Great piece, Amy! I am disgusted by the negative comments referncing sexual assault in the military. Regardless of one’s perceptions of the origins of and impetus for sexual assault in the military, sexual assault – in the military or other – is NEVER acceptable. Both women and men can serve as victims and perpetrators. This needs to stop. There needs to be accountability. I appreciate Amy’s insightful article about this issue.

BlondeScientist May 10, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Great piece, Amy! I am disgusted by the negative comments referncing sexual assault in the military. Regardless of one’s perceptions of the origins of and impetus for sexual assault in the military, sexual assault – in the military or other – is NEVER acceptable. Both women and men can serve as victims and perpetrators. This needs to stop. There needs to be accountability. I appreciate Amy’s insightful article about this issue.

9": May 10, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Nearly all sex in the military is male on male,and consensual,and is far more common than females being raped.Who wants to fuck a dyke?

‘there are untold numbers of qualified women who would like to serve but are undoubtedly reluctant to enter this culture of sexual assault and coverup. That is shameful.’

Don’t sign-up! Same goes for the naive guys.Getting killed because you willingly got shot in an immoral ,needless war,doesn’t make you a hero.You made a stupid decision.Wise up;doesn’t apply to WW2 vets or those who were drafted…

Sure May 10, 2013 at 5:22 pm

On what documentation do you base your first assumption? Also, your claim that all women who serve in the military are “dykes” is ludicrous.

And your “don’t sign up for the military if you don’t like the culture of sexual assault and coverup” argument is just asinine. Yes, those who want to defend our country should just accept rape as a hazard of the job. Please.

9" May 10, 2013 at 5:29 pm

‘Defend our country’? What happened? I better turn on CNN…

9": May 10, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Nearly all sex in the military is male on male,and consensual,and is far more common than females being raped.Who wants to fuck a dyke?

‘there are untold numbers of qualified women who would like to serve but are undoubtedly reluctant to enter this culture of sexual assault and coverup. That is shameful.’

Don’t sign-up! Same goes for the naive guys.Getting killed because you willingly got shot in an immoral ,needless war,doesn’t make you a hero.You made a stupid decision.Wise up;doesn’t apply to WW2 vets or those who were drafted…

Sure May 10, 2013 at 5:22 pm

On what documentation do you base your first assumption? Also, your claim that all women who serve in the military are “dykes” is ludicrous.

And your “don’t sign up for the military if you don’t like the culture of sexual assault and coverup” argument is just asinine. Yes, those who want to defend our country should just accept rape as a hazard of the job. Please.

9" May 10, 2013 at 5:29 pm

‘Defend our country’? What happened? I better turn on CNN…

BrigidBernadette May 13, 2013 at 3:15 pm


False complaints of sexual abuse in the military are rising at a
faster rate than overall reports of sexual assault, a trend that could
harm combat readiness, analysts say.

Virtually all media attention on a Pentagon report last week focused on an increase in service members’ claims of sexual abuse in an anonymous survey, but unmentioned were statistics showing that a significant percentage of such actually investigated cases were baseless.

From 2009 to 2012, the number of sexual abuse reports rose from 3,244 to 3,374 — a 4 percent increase.

During the same period, the number of what the Pentagon calls “unfounded allegations” based on completed investigations of those reports rose from 331 to 444 — a 35 percent increase.

In 2012, there were 2,661 completed investigations, meaning that the 444
false complaints accounted for about 17 percent of all closed cases last
year. False reports accounted for about 13 percent of closed cases in

Brigid May 13, 2013 at 3:15 pm


False complaints of sexual abuse in the military are rising at a
faster rate than overall reports of sexual assault, a trend that could
harm combat readiness, analysts say.

Virtually all media attention on a Pentagon report last week focused on an increase in service members’ claims of sexual abuse in an anonymous survey, but unmentioned were statistics showing that a significant percentage of such actually investigated cases were baseless.

From 2009 to 2012, the number of sexual abuse reports rose from 3,244 to 3,374 — a 4 percent increase.

During the same period, the number of what the Pentagon calls “unfounded allegations” based on completed investigations of those reports rose from 331 to 444 — a 35 percent increase.

In 2012, there were 2,661 completed investigations, meaning that the 444
false complaints accounted for about 17 percent of all closed cases last
year. False reports accounted for about 13 percent of closed cases in


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