Stomp On Flag, Get Paid

Last December, this website broke the story of Scott Compton – a rabidly left-wing English teacher at a South Carolina government-run high school who has a thing for stomping on the American flag. As we reported exclusively, Compton was suspended from his position more than five months ago after an email…

Last December, this website broke the story of Scott Compton – a rabidly left-wing English teacher at a South Carolina government-run high school who has a thing for stomping on the American flag.

As we reported exclusively, Compton was suspended from his position more than five months ago after an email from a parent alerted school officials to his flag-stomping.

“During (Compton’s) lecture, he removes the flag of the United States of America from its mount on the wall,” the email alleged. “He throws the American flag on the floor and proceeds to stomp on the flag of the United States of America. He explains that this flag is only a symbol and his disrespect of it has no consequences. He repeated this action in all three of his English II Honors classes.”

As we noted, we support Compton’s First Amendment right to do whatever he wants to an American flag – but the setting for his bizarre brand of “instruction” struck us as highly inappropriate. Of course this is the same school district – Lexington-Richland Five – which made waves in October 2011 when its leaders attempted to remove the Pledge of Allegiance from its classrooms.

Anyway … what does habitual flag-stomping get you in South Carolina’s worst-in-the-nation public education system?

A nice pay day, apparently.

According to WIS TV 10 (NBC – Columbia, S.C.), Compton is making off with $85,000 from Lexington-Richland Five as part of a deal for his resignation. That’s in addition to money he’s already been paid while on leave. Not only that, the district has incurred another $30,000 or so in legal fees as it braced for a possible lawsuit from the soon-to-be ex-teacher.

Wait … what?

Astounding …

“The district’s attorneys advised the district’s insurance carrier that a lawsuit was going to be filed by Mr. Compton,” a Lexington-Richland Five spokesman told the station. “Based on financial considerations related to anticipated legal fees to defend such a suit, the Insurer made the decision to make a monetary (payment) to Mr. Compton.”

So to recap … bleeding heart liberal teachers who stomp on the American flag in South Carolina government-run schools are entitled to an $85,000 payout?

Get ready for another barrage of embarrassing national headlines …

UPDATE: Oh look … embarrassing national headlines.


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Mark May 8, 2013 at 10:56 am

He should have his ass thrown on the floor and stomped. This is a very broken education system with no backbone to stand up to anything. However they do believe in zero tolerance for students. What a joke.

Mark May 8, 2013 at 10:56 am

He should have his ass thrown on the floor and stomped. This is a very broken education system with no backbone to stand up to anything. However they do believe in zero tolerance for students. What a joke.

CNSYD May 8, 2013 at 11:00 am

Sic Willie leads a cloistered life. Most large entities do this all the time. It is a well known and well used lawyer scam. The entity does not really care as their insurance carrier is paying and they not only avoid lawyer fees but perhaps escape some revelations that they would prefer to not be public. Go spend some time in Common Pleas. Sic Willie wants to believe it is unique to “government-run schools” but that is not true.

CNSYD May 8, 2013 at 11:00 am

Sic Willie leads a cloistered life. Most large entities do this all the time. It is a well known and well used lawyer scam. The entity does not really care as their insurance carrier is paying and they not only avoid lawyer fees but perhaps escape some revelations that they would prefer to not be public. Go spend some time in Common Pleas. Sic Willie wants to believe it is unique to “government-run schools” but that is not true.

scsince60 May 8, 2013 at 11:04 am

Can you say “bad Karma”? It’s going to take more than 85 grand to buy this guy a life. Good luck, you dirtbag.

scsince60 May 8, 2013 at 11:04 am

Can you say “bad Karma”? It’s going to take more than 85 grand to buy this guy a life. Good luck, you dirtbag.

jurisdoc May 8, 2013 at 11:09 am

No personal involvement, but from what I’ve read, the payment was likely due to the fact that they slandered him on other issues – including making up things to say he was a less than satisfactory teacher so they could fire him. If they had just suspended him until the school year was up, then failed to renew his contract, all would be done and all they would be out was his salary for the rest of this contract period. Instead, the school district thinks it’s a good idea to make crap up ……… They got some very bad advice.

And by the way, the very people who rant and rave about flag burning, flag stomping, etc. probably can’t name the 3 branches of government, their state house representative, or the members of the supreme court. Their “patriotism” is limited to waving a flag and calling people who protect their freedoms and rights “nazis” and “terrorists.”

Richard the Long May 8, 2013 at 11:53 am

I was with you through the first paragraph. Nice of you to be so judgemental in the second paragraph.

Brigid May 8, 2013 at 12:24 pm

“And by the way, the very people who rant and rave about flag burning,
flag stomping, etc. probably can’t name the 3 branches of government,
their state house representative, or the members of the supreme court.
Their “patriotism” is limited to waving a flag and calling people who
protect their freedoms and rights “nazis” and “terrorists.”

Really? Are you really ‘jurisdoc’? Because I need to tell you that lawyers are all criminals themselves who break the law all the time, protect and cover up their crimes, are actually at the low end intellectually and academically of all the professions, and are actively conspiring to destroy the United States. GENERALIZE MUCH? Is this an indication of the liberal bullshit they brainwashed you with in law school?

A Friend May 9, 2013 at 10:03 pm

Did you just accuse someone of generalizing while you yourself were generalizing an entire profession of people? See, one thing lawyers learn in law school is logic. Whatever school you went to apparently failed to teach that to you.

BrigidBernadette May 10, 2013 at 7:09 am

OMG, you cannot read for comprehension? Read the comment again moron, maybe you will understand the intent of what I am saying about generalizations.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 12:31 pm

Nope. I totally got it. You are consistently making illogical statements, and when you’re called out on it, you call someone a moron. Cute strategy, but it doesn’t work with smart people.

SiliconDoc May 15, 2013 at 5:19 am

A Freud forgot about a sarcastic attack used as a lesson.
Oh well, that’s proclaimed smart people for you.

rwwllms May 8, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Oh I just love how there are those ‘Americans’ that are in favor of stomping on or burning the US Flag because it’s nothing more than a piece of cloth but then these same ones get all hot and bothered about the Confederate Flag. Typical liberals trying to have it both ways.

Now go ahead and call me a racist.

jurisdoc May 8, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Brigid, yes I am a real jurisdoc. And maybe I was a little too generalized, but my experience has been that the people that get the most worked up about flag burning, etc. don’t really care about the rights the flag actually represents. I like all of our amendments, including the 2nd, and my job is to fight for those rights. I even fight for the rights of stupid sob’s to put whatever comments they want on a silly message board.

rwwllms, I could give a rats ass about the confederate flag. it’s a symbol, of what is to be debated. Leave it up, take it down, burn it, put it in a museum……I’m good with it. I hate that we let it divide us, and I hate that we allow it to keep us from prospering in many ways. And “in favor of” isn’t exactly right, it’s more like “willing to protect your right to do so.” Can’t ever say I’ve burned one, other than in the proper manner of disposal of a worn or tattered flag. I do know how to properly fold one, fly one, etc. thanks to my boy scout days.

And to both of you, call me “typical liberal” or “idiot lawyer” or whatever you want. I promise you I’m not on the low end of any spectrum and I promise you, if you ever find yourself in the need of an attorney, you want one like me who actually gives a shit.

Richard the Long May 9, 2013 at 4:24 pm

Ah, lawyer, now it makes sense.

Lawyers, politicians…………..

Jackie May 8, 2013 at 4:32 pm

You hit it right on the head with this District (which is the Board) which is run by Robert Gantt and Bea and Ed White. That’s what they do. “Make crap up.” They acted hastily on this. They are used to bullying people, including teachers, and getting by with it. Then when some people questioned their actions they tried to say well he wasn’t a good teacher and blame it on some role he played on a school newspaper. They go fishing for things and frankly make it up as they go. This is a bad situation for the kids, taxpayers and personnel .We so need some good people to come forward and clean house on this Board.

jurisdoc May 8, 2013 at 11:09 am

No personal involvement, but from what I’ve read, the payment was likely due to the fact that they slandered him on other issues – including making up things to say he was a less than satisfactory teacher so they could fire him. If they had just suspended him until the school year was up, then failed to renew his contract, all would be done and all they would be out was his salary for the rest of this contract period. Instead, the school district thinks it’s a good idea to make crap up ……… They got some very bad advice.

And by the way, the very people who rant and rave about flag burning, flag stomping, etc. probably can’t name the 3 branches of government, their state house representative, or the members of the supreme court. Their “patriotism” is limited to waving a flag and calling people who protect their freedoms and rights “nazis” and “terrorists.”

Richard the Long May 8, 2013 at 11:53 am

I was with you through the first paragraph. Nice of you to be so judgemental in the second paragraph.

Brigid May 8, 2013 at 12:24 pm

“And by the way, the very people who rant and rave about flag burning,
flag stomping, etc. probably can’t name the 3 branches of government,
their state house representative, or the members of the supreme court.
Their “patriotism” is limited to waving a flag and calling people who
protect their freedoms and rights “nazis” and “terrorists.”

Really? Are you really ‘jurisdoc’? Because I need to tell you that lawyers are all criminals themselves who break the law all the time, protect and cover up their crimes, are actually at the low end intellectually and academically of all the professions, and are actively conspiring to destroy the United States. GENERALIZE MUCH? Is this an indication of the liberal bullshit they brainwashed you with in law school?

A Friend May 9, 2013 at 10:03 pm

Did you just accuse someone of generalizing while you yourself were generalizing an entire profession of people? See, one thing lawyers learn in law school is logic. Whatever school you went to apparently failed to teach that to you.

Brigid May 10, 2013 at 7:09 am

OMG, you cannot read for comprehension? Read the comment again moron, maybe you will understand the intent of what I am saying about generalizations.

A Friend May 10, 2013 at 12:31 pm

Nope. I totally got it. You are consistently making illogical statements, and when you’re called out on it, you call someone a moron. Cute strategy, but it doesn’t work with smart people.

SiliconDoc May 15, 2013 at 5:19 am

A Freud forgot about a sarcastic attack used as a lesson.
Oh well, that’s proclaimed smart people for you.

rwwllms May 8, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Oh I just love how there are those ‘Americans’ that are in favor of stomping on or burning the US Flag because it’s nothing more than a piece of cloth but then these same ones get all hot and bothered about the Confederate Flag. Typical liberals trying to have it both ways.

Now go ahead and call me a racist.

jurisdoc May 8, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Brigid, yes I am a real jurisdoc. And maybe I was a little too generalized, but my experience has been that the people that get the most worked up about flag burning, etc. don’t really care about the rights the flag actually represents. I like all of our amendments, including the 2nd, and my job is to fight for those rights. I even fight for the rights of stupid sob’s to put whatever comments they want on a silly message board.

rwwllms, I could give a rats ass about the confederate flag. it’s a symbol, of what is to be debated. Leave it up, take it down, burn it, put it in a museum……I’m good with it. I hate that we let it divide us, and I hate that we allow it to keep us from prospering in many ways. And “in favor of” isn’t exactly right, it’s more like “willing to protect your right to do so.” Can’t ever say I’ve burned one, other than in the proper manner of disposal of a worn or tattered flag. I do know how to properly fold one, fly one, etc. thanks to my boy scout days.

And to both of you, call me “typical liberal” or “idiot lawyer” or whatever you want. I promise you I’m not on the low end of any spectrum and I promise you, if you ever find yourself in the need of an attorney, you want one like me who actually gives a shit.

Richard the Long May 9, 2013 at 4:24 pm

Ah, lawyer, now it makes sense.

Lawyers, politicians…………..

Jackie May 8, 2013 at 4:32 pm

You hit it right on the head with this District (which is the Board) which is run by Robert Gantt and Bea and Ed White. That’s what they do. “Make crap up.” They acted hastily on this. They are used to bullying people, including teachers, and getting by with it. Then when some people questioned their actions they tried to say well he wasn’t a good teacher and blame it on some role he played on a school newspaper. They go fishing for things and frankly make it up as they go. This is a bad situation for the kids, taxpayers and personnel .We so need some good people to come forward and clean house on this Board.

X member May 8, 2013 at 11:31 am

Just turn him over to the Maine Corps.

GrandTango May 8, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Great answer…
I’d love for Obama to quit pussy-footing around w/ the Ft. hood Shooter, and do the same to him, too…

cuvinny May 8, 2013 at 3:25 pm

WTF are the Marines going to besides wondering why someone is handing them a civilian and let him go on his way

X member May 8, 2013 at 11:31 am

Just turn him over to the Maine Corps.

cuvinny May 8, 2013 at 3:25 pm

WTF are the Marines going to besides wondering why someone is handing them a civilian and let him go on his way

Smirks May 8, 2013 at 11:45 am

He’s going to find out the price of free speech, though. Wonder how long it’ll take him to find a job at another school? He’ll probably have to look outside of SC.

southmauldin May 8, 2013 at 11:58 am

I find it funny that the people who rail so loudly against his 1st Amendment rights are the ones who endlessly defend their own 2nd Amendment rights.

GrandTango May 8, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Speech is LIMITED when someone is paying you DUMB-@$$….Just like Gun Rights are limited….
It’s idiots like you, whom have NO Understanding of The Constitution, law and logic, who put $#!*-@$$#$ like Obama in office.
Go take a Government course, you Stupid B@$*@*d….

Comrade1917 May 9, 2013 at 7:34 am

Comrade Lincoln ignored the U.S. Constitution.

jurisdoc May 8, 2013 at 1:58 pm

You are correct, and that is how it should be handled. If he does something that offends his employer, they are generally allowed to can him – or at least refuse to renew his contract at the end of the year. I like to say the f word a lot, because I’m the kind of liberal heathen that ticks GT off. But I know if I do so at work, I will probably be ousted as a partner. The government can’t do anything to me, but the free market can.

Smirks May 8, 2013 at 11:45 am

He’s going to find out the price of free speech, though. Wonder how long it’ll take him to find a job at another school? He’ll probably have to look outside of SC.

southmauldin May 8, 2013 at 11:58 am

I find it funny that the people who rail so loudly against his 1st Amendment rights are the ones who endlessly defend their own 2nd Amendment rights.

jurisdoc May 8, 2013 at 1:58 pm

You are correct, and that is how it should be handled. If he does something that offends his employer, they are generally allowed to can him – or at least refuse to renew his contract at the end of the year. I like to say the f word a lot, because I’m the kind of liberal heathen that ticks GT off. But I know if I do so at work, I will probably be ousted as a partner. The government can’t do anything to me, but the free market can.

jimlewisowb May 8, 2013 at 11:51 am

A $100,000+ butt fucking of taxpayers by the School District is coffee jar $coins to the Board

They spend that kind of $coins just generating studies, paying consultants and gerrymandering county lines to silence any opposition

Word is that by 2020 every major intersection in District 5 will have a drug store, a dollar general, a 5 to12 and a school anchoring all four corners

feduptoeyeballswithdistrict5 May 9, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Yep. You hit the nail on the head and student enrollment still continues to decline year after year after year.

jimlewisowb May 8, 2013 at 11:51 am

A $100,000+ butt fucking of taxpayers by the School District is coffee jar $coins to the Board

They spend that kind of $coins just generating studies, paying consultants and gerrymandering county lines to silence any opposition

Word is that by 2020 every major intersection in District 5 will have a drug store, a dollar general, a 5 to12 and a school anchoring all four corners

feduptoeyeballswithdistrict5 May 9, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Yep. You hit the nail on the head and student enrollment still continues to decline year after year after year.

GrandTango May 8, 2013 at 12:20 pm

Liberalism is GREED based in taking money OTHER People Earned. When you Elect democrats…you Rubber-Stamp, Enable and Empower these Gluttons of GREED!!!…

I know the Liberals and the Liberal-Tarians would NEVER address the Approptiate source…..But his is the work of the Leftwing TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCAITION…

It’s why the Attorney Lobby gives mountains of CASH to Liberals.
Pat yourself on the back, if you are a liberal. This is you…and how your people roll…

Stinkbait May 8, 2013 at 12:21 pm


Stinkbait May 8, 2013 at 12:21 pm


amazed May 8, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Several additional points: Although I support our right of free speech, this case is somewhat different… besides being in a classroom setting, teachers are to be extremely cautious to avoid interjecting their own opinion until after students (in this case, 15-year olds – not seniors or college students) have had the opportunity to research the controversial topic on their own. It hasn’t been stated whether or not the teacher did allow that to occur, but whether he did or not, it wasn’t HIS flag that he stomped on… it was the school’s (property of the taxpayers).

But isn’t it hypocritical of District 5 (and board majority led by Robert Gantt and Beth Burn Watson) that once the story about the teacher stomping on the flag hit the press, which was almost a month AFTER after the incident occurred, they sent out email blasts, automated phone calls to parents and letters to the editors to proclaim their position: District 5 superintendent is going to stand up for what’s “right and good” (while in the public eye) and recommend termination, but just a year earlier the same board majority was trying to sneak in a policy change that removed the Pledge of Allegiance from their board policy????

Also, according to the WISTV story, the teacher was given a letter of recommendation (seriously).

Charlemagne, King of France May 8, 2013 at 1:20 pm

I would include a letter of rec too, and tell them to use me as a reference so i could blast them every time someone called

Michael May 8, 2013 at 4:45 pm

That is what this Board does. They try to sneak in things. I bet they would never have made this public. I read The State got the information under the “Freedom of Information Act.” Why didn’t they send an e-mail blast telling the tax payers what they had done? Because they aren’t honest?

amazed May 8, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Several additional points: Although I support our right of free speech, this case is somewhat different… besides being in a classroom setting, teachers are to be extremely cautious to avoid interjecting their own opinion until after students (in this case, 15-year olds – not seniors or college students) have had the opportunity to research the controversial topic on their own. It hasn’t been stated whether or not the teacher did allow that to occur, but whether he did or not, it wasn’t HIS flag that he stomped on… it was the school’s (property of the taxpayers).

But isn’t it hypocritical of District 5 (and board majority led by Robert Gantt and Beth Burn Watson) that once the story about the teacher stomping on the flag hit the press, which was almost a month AFTER after the incident occurred, they sent out email blasts, automated phone calls to parents and letters to the editors to proclaim their position: District 5 superintendent is going to stand up for what’s “right and good” (while in the public eye) and recommend termination, but just a year earlier the same board majority was trying to sneak in a policy change that removed the Pledge of Allegiance from their board policy????

Also, according to the WISTV story, the teacher was given a letter of recommendation (seriously).

Charlemagne, King of France May 8, 2013 at 1:20 pm

I would include a letter of rec too, and tell them to use me as a reference so i could blast them every time someone called

Michael May 8, 2013 at 4:45 pm

That is what this Board does. They try to sneak in things. I bet they would never have made this public. I read The State got the information under the “Freedom of Information Act.” Why didn’t they send an e-mail blast telling the tax payers what they had done? Because they aren’t honest?

ripped off May 8, 2013 at 12:40 pm

$30,000 in attorneys fees! At $200 bucks an hour that over 150 freaking hours! BS and that’s not even the final bill! District 5 loves to pay attorneys!

Michael May 8, 2013 at 4:52 pm

You got that right about them paying attorneys. They are sued a lot. And these same attorneys helped re-elect Robert Gantt. Look at his contribution list. It is revealing how much money he got from attorneys and builders.There should be an ethics law against school board members getting campaign contributions from attorneys, builders, etc. who do business with the District.

migul May 8, 2013 at 6:34 pm

name them

ripped off May 8, 2013 at 12:40 pm

$30,000 in attorneys fees! At $200 bucks an hour that over 150 freaking hours! BS and that’s not even the final bill! District 5 loves to pay attorneys!

Michael May 8, 2013 at 4:52 pm

You got that right about them paying attorneys. They are sued a lot. And these same attorneys helped re-elect Robert Gantt. Look at his contribution list. It is revealing how much money he got from attorneys and builders.There should be an ethics law against school board members getting campaign contributions from attorneys, builders, etc. who do business with the District.

migul May 8, 2013 at 6:34 pm

name them

nobody May 8, 2013 at 1:27 pm

This is why I didn’t take honors English. Okay, maybe more so the reading of voluminous books and you didn’t get bonus GPA points back then.
Excuse me while I stomp on a Jasper John’s painting while wearing a ‘Mercun flag string bikini to make the universe right again.

nobody May 8, 2013 at 1:27 pm

This is why I didn’t take honors English. Okay, maybe more so the reading of voluminous books and you didn’t get bonus GPA points back then.
Excuse me while I stomp on a Jasper John’s painting while wearing a ‘Mercun flag string bikini to make the universe right again.

SadSack May 8, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Ain’t the constitution great?

SadSack May 8, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Ain’t the constitution great?

9" May 9, 2013 at 2:36 pm

If the flag touches the ground,though,you’re supposed to burn it…

patriotism is mind-boggling

9" May 9, 2013 at 2:36 pm

If the flag touches the ground,though,you’re supposed to burn it…

patriotism is mind-boggling


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