Mark Sanford Could Still Win? What?

For a brief moment this week, former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford’s political comeback appeared beyond resuscitation. Trespassing allegations leveled by his ex-wife and a reversion to the chronic narcissism that compound his previous scandals had soured voters in the first congressional district against his candidacy. Perhaps beyond any hope of…

For a brief moment this week, former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford’s political comeback appeared beyond resuscitation. Trespassing allegations leveled by his ex-wife and a reversion to the chronic narcissism that compound his previous scandals had soured voters in the first congressional district against his candidacy.

Perhaps beyond any hope of him recovering … which is remarkable when you consider Sanford seemed on track to win this special election just last week.

“The narrative was going his way,” one Republican consultant told FITS. “Then an incident took place and it reminded people of why they hate Mark Sanford.”

Meanwhile national Democrats stepped up their attacks … and national Republicans pulled the plug on supporting the former governor.

Late this week it got worse as an independent expenditure group announced a write-in campaign on behalf of fiscally conservative S.C. Senator Larry Grooms – who narrowly missed making the GOP runoff against Sanford last month.

Ruh-roh …

Facing a nine point deficit against Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Busch – with momentum continuing to slip away from him – Sanford appeared to be on the verge of getting routed.

Then he caught two key breaks at a time when his campaign had – and we mean had – to have them.

First, he received an endorsement from former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul – the fiscal conservative, social libertarian Godfather who is able to rally extensive fundraising and grassroots support. Then Grooms emphatically rebuked the write-in effort on his behalf – and told first district voters to support Sanford.

Obviously neither of those two things is going to win this race for Sanford, but they gave his campaign a pulse.

“It bears repeating: We’re talking about a very Republican district where Mitt Romney won by 18 points,” observes Sean Sullivan of The Washington Post. “It’s a district full of country club Republican voters who will eat up the fiscally conservative rhetoric Sanford has been dishing out and look favorably upon his record on spending.”

That’s true, but Sanford is facing plenty of dissension within the GOP ranks – as evidenced by the lack of support he’s receiving from Curtis Bostic, the “Republican” he defeated in this month’s GOP runoff.

Can he still win?

Yes … but in addition to running a mistake-free race over the next ten days Sanford is going to have to find some way of undoing the damage he’s done over the previous week. And that’s going to take more than putting up homespun signs and debating cardboard cutouts.



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BigT April 26, 2013 at 9:48 am

FITS, at his most IGNORANT is co-opting the definition of GOP voters as per The Washington Post.
Also to question Bostic’s Republican credentials, when FITS (Sanford by Proxy) BASHES the GOP Daily and often is Laughable.
Sanford, like FITS, is a cheap hack, who sucks blood from the right side politically, while he is a Primary Agent of the left.
If Sanford is elected is DAMAGES the GOP. Busch winning puts the seat in enemy hands for 15 months. And then a CONSERVATIVE will take it back.
If Sanford wins it, the MO)ST Embarrassing face of the GOP is put on national display and Sc is a laughingstock.
Sanford is Bob Inglis Part II. A career unethical pathetic politician…who brings NOTHING to the table, but EATS us out of House and Home…

BigT April 26, 2013 at 9:48 am

FITS, at his most IGNORANT is co-opting the definition of GOP voters as per The Washington Post.
Also to question Bostic’s Republican credentials, when FITS (Sanford by Proxy) BASHES the GOP Daily and often is Laughable.
Sanford, like FITS, is a cheap hack, who sucks blood from the right side politically, while he is a Primary Agent of the left.
If Sanford is elected is DAMAGES the GOP. Busch winning puts the seat in enemy hands for 15 months. And then a CONSERVATIVE will take it back.
If Sanford wins it, the MO)ST Embarrassing face of the GOP is put on national display and Sc is a laughingstock.
Sanford is Bob Inglis Part II. A career unethical pathetic politician…who brings NOTHING to the table, but EATS us out of House and Home…

Stinkbait April 26, 2013 at 9:56 am

Character & integrity are supposed to matter, but Sanford continues to exempt himself. What a shameful disgrace!!

Stinkbait April 26, 2013 at 9:56 am

Character & integrity are supposed to matter, but Sanford continues to exempt himself. What a shameful disgrace!!

Ken E. April 26, 2013 at 9:57 am

Oh good, a Ron Paul endorsement. That will help. I still think he will win, BTW, but only because of the (R) after his name. It will have nothing to do with Ron Paul.

Ken E. April 26, 2013 at 9:57 am

Oh good, a Ron Paul endorsement. That will help. I still think he will win, BTW, but only because of the (R) after his name. It will have nothing to do with Ron Paul.

Smirks April 26, 2013 at 10:00 am

The GOP candidate is this sorry sack of shit and it is still a close race. Is it any wonder that the shittiest politicians in this state never get voted out? ECB should honestly have a two-digit lead percentage-wise versus this ignoramus, and quite honestly I don’t find her all that remarkable.

Philip April 26, 2013 at 12:43 pm

SC needs Sanford so that it can stay on the bottom of the river with the catfish. Compare our state with Georgia and NC. Lord, we hate ourselves.

Toby April 26, 2013 at 6:14 pm

Amen !

Smirks April 26, 2013 at 10:00 am

The GOP candidate is this sorry sack of shit and it is still a close race. Is it any wonder that the shittiest politicians in this state never get voted out? ECB should honestly have a two-digit lead percentage-wise versus this ignoramus, and quite honestly I don’t find her all that remarkable.

Philip April 26, 2013 at 12:43 pm

SC needs Sanford so that it can stay on the bottom of the river with the catfish. Compare our state with Georgia and NC. Lord, we hate ourselves.

Toby April 26, 2013 at 6:14 pm

Amen !

Right April 26, 2013 at 10:01 am

So Sanford needs to run “a mistake-free race over the next ten days.”

Yeah, good luck with that.

Right April 26, 2013 at 10:01 am

So Sanford needs to run “a mistake-free race over the next ten days.”

Yeah, good luck with that.

lowcorider April 26, 2013 at 10:04 am

Has to fight to win a gerrymandered republican district that voted Romney by 18%. Gets a tinfoil endorsement that garnered 6%. Beaufort mayor endorse ECB.

Lowcorider April 26, 2013 at 10:04 am

Has to fight to win a gerrymandered republican district that voted Romney by 18%. Gets a tinfoil endorsement that garnered 6%. Beaufort mayor endorse ECB.

Manray9 April 26, 2013 at 11:01 am

Of course Sanford could win — remember this is South Carolina. This is the place which kept re-electing a politician who made his career as a race-baiting segregationist all the while hiding (and paying-off) an illegitimate daughter who was born of a black mother. The enlightened voters of this state kept re-electing him until he was a 90 plus year old vegetable who was the laughing stock of Capitol Hill. Then they replaced him with Lindsey Graham!

Manray9 April 26, 2013 at 11:01 am

Of course Sanford could win — remember this is South Carolina. This is the place which kept re-electing a politician who made his career as a race-baiting segregationist all the while hiding (and paying-off) an illegitimate daughter who was born of a black mother. The enlightened voters of this state kept re-electing him until he was a 90 plus year old vegetable who was the laughing stock of Capitol Hill. Then they replaced him with Lindsey Graham!

GrandTango April 26, 2013 at 11:02 am

Will (has) Joe Riley endorsed the democrat????…He’s a god to the blue-blood, drunk-by-brunch crowd on the peninsula.

Ken E. April 26, 2013 at 11:15 am

Sanford reached the pinnacle of narcissism when he took an ad out in the paper saying that it had been a rough week. I assumed he was talking about the bombings in Boston, the explosion at the plant in West, Texas and the attempted ricin attacks on the president and others. However, he was talking about himself and the troubles his campaign had that week. Clearly he has a personality disorder and cares for no one other than himself. Please don’t re-elect him to the House again, SC.

toupee on order? April 29, 2013 at 10:38 am

He changes his hair part more than anyone I’ve ever met. Is that narcissism revealed? Now what is he hiding? Check out his pre-debate photo on The Patch. Even Trump knows that once you make use of the comb-over you stick to the same side.

Not envious April 29, 2013 at 11:36 am

He did and still has beautiful hair, if he is a narcissist he would be going to High Class barber shop instead of Super Cuts w/coupon. John Edwards did and got a $400.00 haircut. Mark is too cheap for that and not narcissist enough to enhance his appearance.

Ken E. April 26, 2013 at 11:15 am

Sanford reached the pinnacle of narcissism when he took an ad out in the paper saying that it had been a rough week. I assumed he was talking about the bombings in Boston, the explosion at the plant in West, Texas and the attempted ricin attacks on the president and others. However, he was talking about himself and the troubles his campaign had that week. Clearly he has a personality disorder and cares for no one other than himself. Please don’t re-elect him to the House again, SC.

toupee on order? April 29, 2013 at 10:38 am

He changes his hair part more than anyone I’ve ever met. Is that narcissism revealed? Now what is he hiding? Check out his pre-debate photo on The Patch. Even Trump knows that once you make use of the comb-over you stick to the same side.

Not envious April 29, 2013 at 11:36 am

He did and still has beautiful hair, if he is a narcissist he would be going to High Class barber shop instead of Super Cuts w/coupon. John Edwards did and got a $400.00 haircut. Mark is too cheap for that and not narcissist enough to enhance his appearance.

time has told April 26, 2013 at 11:36 am

Much like his former wife was accepting of his quirkiness as an innate part of his personality (until she and the family got scorched), the voters of SC-1 are willing to accept Sanford’s foibles as part and parcel of their perception of his role as gatekeeper to their wallets. Unfortunately SC did not become a better place during his tenure, but no matter. This time it will be different because he told them so. Even Anthony Weiner is employing Sanford’s successful example down psychobabble trail and feels comfortable in now admitting that there may be some more pictures floating around out there…. Well thanks Tony for the “heads up.”

time has told April 26, 2013 at 11:36 am

Much like his former wife was accepting of his quirkiness as an innate part of his personality (until she and the family got scorched), the voters of SC-1 are willing to accept Sanford’s foibles as part and parcel of their perception of his role as gatekeeper to their wallets. Unfortunately SC did not become a better place during his tenure, but no matter. This time it will be different because he told them so. Even Anthony Weiner is employing Sanford’s successful example down psychobabble trail and feels comfortable in now admitting that there may be some more pictures floating around out there…. Well thanks Tony for the “heads up.”

Antoinetta C April 26, 2013 at 11:39 am

We are acting the mistress in servicing the ego of this man. We think we are benefiting but we are just returning an alcoholic to his corner bar, where his greatest accomplishment will be to reorder his next drink (getting re-elected.)

Antoinetta C April 26, 2013 at 11:39 am

We are acting the mistress in servicing the ego of this man. We think we are benefiting but we are just returning an alcoholic to his corner bar, where his greatest accomplishment will be to reorder his next drink (getting re-elected.)

haveyouhuggedahuguenottoday? April 26, 2013 at 12:27 pm

The main accomplishment of the Sanford campaign is how many people got to learn a new word – narcissism. I alteady knew it, but wasn’t quite sure how to spell it. Was that right? BTW, WRT to the drunk by brunch comment – as you were, white trash – one has to be sober in the morning first. Truly blue blood must have a minimum alcohol content of .1. Now then, tug your forelock and return to your assigned tasks for the day while I prepare for afternoon…tea….

haveyouhuggedahuguenottoday? April 26, 2013 at 12:27 pm

The main accomplishment of the Sanford campaign is how many people got to learn a new word – narcissism. I alteady knew it, but wasn’t quite sure how to spell it. Was that right? BTW, WRT to the drunk by brunch comment – as you were, white trash – one has to be sober in the morning first. Truly blue blood must have a minimum alcohol content of .1. Now then, tug your forelock and return to your assigned tasks for the day while I prepare for afternoon…tea….

RCK April 26, 2013 at 1:21 pm

For me, it’s not complicated. My requirements are conservative values and integrity. Mark Sanford has the former but not the latter and I can only support a person who has both. I will be sitting out the upcoming election.

forestbeach April 26, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Unfortunately, if conservatives don’t get out an vote then Obama wins the seat. ECB is a liberal and is acting on advice to ‘talk’ like a moderate to win.
‘For me’ the goal is NOT to give the seat to Obama.

dooly davis April 26, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Congress is already controlled by Republicans,makes no difference if Colbert Busch is there for 12 months……Sanford needs to go.

RCK April 26, 2013 at 8:16 pm

Forestbeach, thanks for your reply but I simply cannot betray my principles and values and vote for such a flawed and self-absorbed candidate. It is unfortunate that, whoever wins, we will get what we deserve and it won’t be good. We had the chance to choose a reputable conservative candidate with good character and instead our district chose an albatross who is making us a national laughing stock. SC has never gotten much respect and, with Sanford and his ongoing soap opera, there is just more ammunition for people to take pot shots at the state.

Kuyperdog April 27, 2013 at 12:46 am

So let’s kill all the values the Republican Party has upheld???? Come on man, get Sanford finally off our political stage and we will have 18 months to secure and run a conservative with principle and integrity!!!
Don’t give Mark Sanford your vote, your trust or your cell phone #!!
He will betray all three!!! It is part of his pathology that he even considers running!

RCK April 26, 2013 at 1:21 pm

For me, it’s not complicated. My requirements are conservative values and integrity. Mark Sanford has the former but not the latter and I can only support a person who has both. I will be sitting out the upcoming election.

forestbeach April 26, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Unfortunately, if conservatives don’t get out an vote then Obama wins the seat. ECB is a liberal and is acting on advice to ‘talk’ like a moderate to win.
‘For me’ the goal is NOT to give the seat to Obama.

dooly davis April 26, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Congress is already controlled by Republicans,makes no difference if Colbert Busch is there for 12 months……Sanford needs to go.

RCK April 26, 2013 at 8:16 pm

Forestbeach, thanks for your reply but I simply cannot betray my principles and values and vote for such a flawed and self-absorbed candidate. It is unfortunate that, whoever wins, we will get what we deserve and it won’t be good. We had the chance to choose a reputable conservative candidate with good character and instead our district chose an albatross who is making us a national laughing stock. SC has never gotten much respect and, with Sanford and his ongoing soap opera, there is just more ammunition for people to take pot shots at the state.

Kuyperdog April 27, 2013 at 12:46 am

So let’s kill all the values the Republican Party has upheld???? Come on man, get Sanford finally off our political stage and we will have 18 months to secure and run a conservative with principle and integrity!!!
Don’t give Mark Sanford your vote, your trust or your cell phone #!!
He will betray all three!!! It is part of his pathology that he even considers running!

Martha Chavis April 26, 2013 at 2:56 pm

I feel sorry for him and would vote for him AGAIN. Ex wife is out to get him. Nothing like a woman scorned.

Ken E. April 26, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Yeah, how dare she make a stink about him violating a court order multiple times. The nerve of some women.

WTF April 26, 2013 at 6:17 pm

You have got to be fucking kidding me!
This is why we get total shit elected to public office!!

dooly davis April 26, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Nothing like a cheating husband that will use tax payer money to have his affair.

Guest April 26, 2013 at 2:56 pm

I feel sorry for him and would vote for him AGAIN. Ex wife is out to get him. Nothing like a woman scorned.

Ken E. April 26, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Yeah, how dare she make a stink about him violating a court order multiple times. The nerve of some women.

WTF April 26, 2013 at 6:17 pm

You have got to be fucking kidding me!
This is why we get total shit elected to public office!!

dooly davis April 26, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Nothing like a cheating husband that will use tax payer money to have his affair.

tomstickler April 26, 2013 at 5:08 pm

Maybe he should hire Judy Tenuta to play her accordian as a warm-up for his campaign events.

You remember Judy, dontcha? Her catch-phrase was “It could happen.”

tomstickler April 27, 2013 at 12:43 am

That boneheaded ploy of publishing the unredacted phone numbers of the folks that took him up on his invitation to call him won’t help.

tomstickler April 26, 2013 at 5:08 pm

Maybe he should hire Judy Tenuta to play her accordian as a warm-up for his campaign events.

You remember Judy, dontcha? Her catch-phrase was “It could happen.”

tomstickler April 27, 2013 at 12:43 am

That boneheaded ploy of publishing the unredacted phone numbers of the folks that took him up on his invitation to call him won’t help.

Mike at the Beach April 26, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Not “could” win; he’ll “probably” win…

John David April 26, 2013 at 8:01 pm

Then shame on us.

Mike at the Beach April 26, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Not “could” win; he’ll “probably” win…

John David April 26, 2013 at 8:01 pm

Then shame on us.

Legare Farm hand April 26, 2013 at 8:52 pm

The blacks on Johns Island and elsewhere in district one are up in arms about the phoney pretend-cheap Sanford plywood signs. Black crabber told me today his pastor was calling all church members to go vote for ECB, that Sanford is sinful. Crabber agreed, said he don’t like white crackers with lots of different wives anyway.

hoss April 26, 2013 at 11:33 pm

Legare Farm hand • 3 hours ago

Flag as inappropriate

The blacks on Johns Island
What a racist comment.

Postman April 27, 2013 at 8:12 am

It’s interesting, relevant and timely. What do you want him to write – african americans, negroes, people of color? Thank you LGF.

Santee Hunt Club 6 April 27, 2013 at 3:45 pm

We call ’em spooks, they call us crackers.

Where you come from, hoss? Wisconsin? Vermont? North Dakota?

Harper Lee April 28, 2013 at 2:38 pm

They’re also called spear-throwers and darkies, and white folks are also called red necks and Simon Legare.

Harper Lee April 28, 2013 at 2:38 pm

They’re also called spear-throwers and darkies, and white folks are also called red necks and Simon Legare.

Bubs April 29, 2013 at 11:06 am


Legare Farm hand April 26, 2013 at 8:52 pm

The blacks on Johns Island and elsewhere in district one are up in arms about the phoney pretend-cheap Sanford plywood signs. Black crabber told me today his pastor was calling all church members to go vote for ECB, that Sanford is sinful. Crabber agreed, said he don’t like white crackers with lots of different wives anyway.

hoss April 26, 2013 at 11:33 pm

Legare Farm hand • 3 hours ago

Flag as inappropriate

The blacks on Johns Island
What a racist comment.

Postman April 27, 2013 at 8:12 am

It’s interesting, relevant and timely. What do you want him to write – african americans, negroes, people of color? Thank you LGF.

Santee Hunt Club 6 April 27, 2013 at 3:45 pm

We call ’em spooks, they call us crackers.

Where you come from, hoss? Wisconsin? Vermont? North Dakota?

Harper Lee April 28, 2013 at 2:38 pm

They’re also called spear-throwers and darkies, and white folks are also called red necks and Simon Legare.

Bubs April 29, 2013 at 11:06 am


John Duncan April 27, 2013 at 8:30 am

He needs to hope for a low turnout which favors him and I sincerely hope he has some kind of turnout operation to counter the smear campaign. Considering he’s been living in the district for 20 years and won elections there I would think he knows what he’s doing?

I’m praying for him anyway and can’t believe SC-1 is ready to send a Nancy Pelosi clone to DC who actually supports gutting the expanding Boeing operation in Charleston which is something that will directly affect the lives of thousands of residents. I hope he makes this point over and over. Good luck. Save Boeing!

Marla April 27, 2013 at 10:56 am

What smear campaign ? He did have an affair–he did use tax payer money–he did have ethics violations–he did go AWOL from the state–he did trespass on his ex wife’s property–he did hurt his sons by having Chapur on that stage–he did say he believed in term limits–etc,etc…….What smear campaign? No Christian would vote for this man. Forgive him,but not vote for him.

John Duncan April 29, 2013 at 9:59 am

Pelosi is spending $1m+ in the district trying to buy the seat and smear him. Yes, he’s had personal problems but what’s that got to do with how he’d vote and act as a rep? She is a liberal who is being funded by Pelosi who wants to shut Boeing down in Charleston LOL, this will hurt thousands of residents in SC-1 and you want HER to be your Rep?

Marla April 29, 2013 at 6:40 pm


Fool and scare me not April 27, 2013 at 12:12 pm

ECB can be voted out just like any other representative and in her case, sooner rather than later. But the continued pattern of Sanford’s abuses that are born of his personality
disorder, such as issues of judgement and “the rules don’t apply to me,” lead to his disqualification. If you don’t see them for the red flags they are and which have been demonstrated by politicians on both sides of the aisle, then we continue with a Congress that seems to warehouse these folks on the taxpayers dime. Smear campaign??? He messed his own pants.

John Duncan April 29, 2013 at 10:01 am

90% of incumbents win re-election. Once this radical liberal is in they will spend heavily to keep her where she is.

Marla April 29, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Once a decent Republican is in, the GOP will spend heavily to get them elected.Koch will throw everything he’s got behind a decent,honest Republican. Not someone like Sanford carrying not just baggage ,but steamer trunks.

John Duncan April 29, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Marla, Sanford is on the ballot next week so put him in. Putting ECB in would be a huge mistake and she’d be difficult to remove when in. That’s the point. Most incumbents win. She will get more Pelosi money next year in fact she will likely get millions as she will be seen as an important vote for the Dems to take back the House and then they will be able to enact their plan to shut down Boeing’s factory. Think long term…

Marla April 30, 2013 at 1:04 pm

They want to shut down Boeing,they want to shut down Boeing,they want to shut down Boeing——They’re coming to take your guns,they’re coming to take your guns,they’re coming to take your guns——-John Duncan,you must be a Fox worshipper,with a bomb shelter,and a ten year supply of food.

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 1:06 pm

And lots of overpriced gold coins he bought from Goldline.

John Duncan April 30, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Marla, the unions are on record saying they want those jobs in unionized Seattle and are contributing tens of thousands to her campaign… WTF do you think they’re doing? They want those jobs from Charleston and it’s clear as day. Wake up. If Sanford wins he joins the House majority and the Boeing factory will flourish. If she wins Pelosi wants those jobs.

This election will have real consequences for thousands of people. SC1 has to be insane to vote for this Democrat.

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 3:11 pm

If ECB wins, she joins the House minority and Pelosi will have no more power to take those jobs than she does today. On the plus side, we keep perennial joke Mark Sanford out of the news for a couple more years, maybe longer. The Rs aren’t losing the house until probably after 2020 thanks to the redistricting that took place after 2010, so you wake up.

John Duncan April 30, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Pelosi might have power in 2014. If ECB wins it’s hard to remove her. They’re investing heavily in this race and will do so again next year should she be the incumbent.

Trust me those jobs are going to Seattle if she wins that’s why the Unions are spending so heavily.

You dont think they do it for nothing do you?

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 11:07 pm

Sorry, I don’t trust anyone who thinks Alex “False Flag” Jones is “on to something”.

Marla April 30, 2013 at 4:03 pm

WTF do you think Mark being there is going to change…the Republicans already control Congress…get your panties out of a wad or at least use some talcum powder.

John Duncan April 30, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Mark can be an advocate and work with Boehner to keep the jobs there. She will work to ship them to Seattle.

John Duncan April 27, 2013 at 8:30 am

He needs to hope for a low turnout which favors him and I sincerely hope he has some kind of turnout operation to counter the smear campaign. Considering he’s been living in the district for 20 years and won elections there I would think he knows what he’s doing?

I’m praying for him anyway and can’t believe SC-1 is ready to send a Nancy Pelosi clone to DC who actually supports gutting the expanding Boeing operation in Charleston which is something that will directly affect the lives of thousands of residents. I hope he makes this point over and over. Good luck. Save Boeing!

Marla April 27, 2013 at 10:56 am

What smear campaign ? He did have an affair–he did use tax payer money–he did have ethics violations–he did go AWOL from the state–he did trespass on his ex wife’s property–he did hurt his sons by having Chapur on that stage–he did say he believed in term limits–etc,etc…….What smear campaign? No Christian would vote for this man. Forgive him,but not vote for him.

John Duncan April 29, 2013 at 9:59 am

Pelosi is spending $1m+ in the district trying to buy the seat and smear him. Yes, he’s had personal problems but what’s that got to do with how he’d vote and act as a rep? She is a liberal who is being funded by Pelosi who wants to shut Boeing down in Charleston LOL, this will hurt tens of thousands of residents in SC-1 and you want HER to be your Rep?

Marla April 29, 2013 at 6:40 pm


Fool and scare me not April 27, 2013 at 12:12 pm

ECB can be voted out just like any other representative and in her case, sooner rather than later. But the continued pattern of Sanford’s abuses that are born of his personality
disorder, such as issues of judgement and “the rules don’t apply to me,” lead to his disqualification. If you don’t see them for the red flags they are and which have been demonstrated by politicians on both sides of the aisle, then we continue with a Congress that seems to warehouse these folks on the taxpayers dime. Smear campaign??? He messed his own pants.

John Duncan April 29, 2013 at 10:01 am

90% of incumbents win re-election. Once this radical liberal is in they will spend heavily to keep her where she is and forcing her to be a vote for Pelosi which will hurt Charleston and the Lowcountry as she wants to shut down Boeing’s factory. Vote Sanford.

Marla April 29, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Once a decent Republican is in, the GOP will spend heavily to get them elected.Koch will throw everything he’s got behind a decent,honest Republican. Not someone like Sanford carrying not just baggage ,but steamer trunks.

John Duncan April 29, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Marla, Sanford is on the ballot next week so put him in. Putting ECB in would be a huge mistake and she’d be difficult to remove when in. That’s the point. Most incumbents win. She will get more Pelosi money next year in fact she will likely get millions as she will be seen as an important vote for the Dems to take back the House and then they will be able to enact their plan to shut down Boeing’s factory. Think long term…

Marla April 30, 2013 at 1:04 pm

They want to shut down Boeing,they want to shut down Boeing,they want to shut down Boeing——They’re coming to take your guns,they’re coming to take your guns,they’re coming to take your guns——-John Duncan,you must be a Fox worshipper,with a bomb shelter,and a ten year supply of food.

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 1:06 pm

And lots of overpriced gold coins he bought from Goldline.

John Duncan April 30, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Marla, the unions are on record saying they want those jobs in unionized Seattle and are contributing tens of thousands to her campaign… WTF do you think they’re doing? They want those jobs from Charleston and it’s clear as day. Wake up. If Sanford wins he joins the House majority and the Boeing factory will flourish. If she wins Pelosi wants those jobs.

This election will have real consequences for thousands of people. SC1 has to be insane to vote for this Democrat.

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 3:11 pm

If ECB wins, she joins the House minority and Pelosi will have no more power to take those jobs than she does today. On the plus side, we keep perennial joke Mark Sanford out of the news for a couple more years, maybe longer. The Rs aren’t losing the house until probably after 2020 thanks to the redistricting that took place after 2010, so you wake up.

John Duncan April 30, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Pelosi might have power in 2014. If ECB wins it’s hard to remove her. They’re investing heavily in this race and will do so again next year should she be the incumbent.

Trust me those jobs are going to Seattle if she wins that’s why the Unions are spending so heavily.

You dont think they do it for nothing do you?

Ken E. April 30, 2013 at 11:07 pm

Sorry, I don’t trust anyone who thinks Alex “False Flag” Jones is “on to something”.

Marla April 30, 2013 at 4:03 pm

WTF do you think Mark being there is going to change…the Republicans already control Congress…get your panties out of a wad or at least use some talcum powder.

John Duncan April 30, 2013 at 9:05 pm

Mark can be an advocate and work with Boehner to keep the jobs there. She will work to ship them to Seattle.

Ralph April 27, 2013 at 10:50 am

Sanford announces in Jan he is going to run, breaks the law in Feb and doesn’t think anyone is going to find out about before the election? He is a fool.

Good 2 to go April 27, 2013 at 11:29 am

He was a fool to think that his ex-wife wouldn’t say anything during his run. She must have been so desperate to get rid of him that she would make him look bad in front of their sons and voters as well..

Ralph April 27, 2013 at 10:50 am

Sanford announces in Jan he is going to run, breaks the law in Feb and doesn’t think anyone is going to find out about before the election? He is a fool.

Good 2 to go April 27, 2013 at 11:29 am

He was a fool to think that his ex-wife wouldn’t say anything during his run. She must have been so desperate to get rid of him that she would make him look bad in front of their sons and voters as well..

Need new politicos April 27, 2013 at 2:47 pm

I just can’t bring myself to vote for him. It’s all about him, not us.

Need new politicos April 27, 2013 at 2:47 pm

I just can’t bring myself to vote for him. It’s all about him, not us.

Ralph Hightower April 27, 2013 at 3:39 pm

How many of those country club Republicans in Charleston are on their third or fourth divorce? They’ll probably vote for Sanford.

Ralph Hightower April 27, 2013 at 3:39 pm

How many of those country club Republicans in Charleston are on their third or fourth divorce? They’ll probably vote for Sanford.

No more fags April 27, 2013 at 4:06 pm

I support Sanford because he opposes this gay marriage crap. Queers in the USA should move to Cuba. Go Mark!

Read this shit:

Post Courier

New conservative PAC urging Republicans to support gay


Associated Press

Posted: Saturday,
April 27, 2013 11:38 a.m.

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A national group of prominent GOP donors
that supports gay marriage is pouring new money into lobbying efforts to get
Republican lawmakers to vote to make it legal.

American Unity PAC was formed last year to lend financial
support to Republicans who bucked the party’s longstanding opposition to gay
marriage. Its founders are launching a new lobbying organization, American
Unity Fund, and already have spent more than $250,000 in Minnesota, where the
Legislature could vote on the issue as early as next week.

The group has spent $500,000 on lobbying since last month,
including efforts in Rhode Island, Delaware, Indiana, West Virginia and Utah.

Billionaire hedge fund manager and Republican donor Paul
Singer launched American Unity PAC. The lobbying effort is the next phase as
the push for gay marriage spreads to more states, spokesman Jeff Cook-McCormac
told The Associated Press.

“What you have is this network of influential Republicans
who really want to see the party embrace the freedom to marry, and believe it’s
not only the right thing for the country but also good politics,” Cook-McCormac

In Minnesota, the money has gone to state groups that are
lobbying Republican lawmakers and for polling on gay marriage in a handful of
suburban districts held by Republicans. So far, only one Minnesota Republican
lawmaker has committed to voting to legalize gay marriage: Sen. Branden
Petersen of Andover.

“I think there will be some more. There are legislators out
there that are struggling with this,” said Carl Kuhl, a former political aide
to former GOP Sen. Norm Coleman and Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom
Emmer. Kuhl’s public affairs firm is contracted by Minnesotans United, the lead
lobby group for gay marriage in Minnesota and main recipient of American Unity’s
Minnesota spending.

Gay marriage’s fate in Minnesota may rest with the House,
where support is seen as shakier than in the Senate. A handful of votes from
Republicans could put it over the top. Nearly two dozen House Republicans
represent more socially moderate suburbs and might be candidates to vote yes.

House Speaker Paul Thissen, DFL-Minneapolis, said he has
encouraged advocates of the marriage bill to round up Republican votes, if
nothing else than to send a message to Minnesota residents that it’s not a
partisan proposition. But that will be politically risky; the main opposition
group to same-sex marriage, Minnesota for Marriage, has said it will seek
consequences for Republicans who stray on gay marriage.

Part of American Unity PAC’s original mission was to protect
Republican gay marriage supporters with political spending on their behalf.

Since forming the lobby group last month, the group also
spent money to win over Republican lawmakers in Rhode Island, where last week
all five Republicans in the state Senate jumped on the gay marriage bandwagon.
Rhode Island is on track to legalize gay marriage by next week, which would
make it the 11th U.S. state where gay marriage is legal.

There are also plans to lobby federal lawmakers on gay
rights issues.

“We intend to work on this effort until every American
citizen is treated equally under the law,” Cook-McCormac said. Other wealthy,
traditionally Republican donors giving money to the group include Seth Klarman,
David Herro and Cliff Asness.

Though only one current GOP officeholder in Minnesota is on
record supporting gay marriage, a handful of prominent Republicans have spoken
out in favor of it. They include former state auditor Pat Anderson and Brian
McClung, who was spokesman for former Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Prominent Republican
donors including former politician Wheelock Whitney and businesswoman Marilyn
Carlson Nelson have also lent support and donated money.

Since it first formed to campaign against last fall’s gay
marriage ban and then shifted to pushing for its legalization at the Capitol,
Minnesotans United has been building Republican alliances, hiring multiple lobbyists
with Republican ties.

Ken E. April 27, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Yes, Sanford is a great proponent of “Traditional Marriage”, just like Newt Gingrich.

Marla April 27, 2013 at 8:25 pm

Sanford is a hypocrite. It’s alright for him to do whatever he wants in the name of love,but to hell with everyone else.

Peasant April 27, 2013 at 9:41 pm

The son of a wealthy doctor with a $4.8 million estate (that went untaxed and deeded to his wife), his attitude is “bump you.”

to be or not to be April 28, 2013 at 9:57 am

No fan of Sanford, but in this country, $4.80 or $4.8 million estates normally go to the spouse. The spouses heirs might not have that advantage however. Move to NJ or NY and find out. And why not? You earn it, you save it, you invest it, you pay taxes on it through out your lifetime and your spouse will continue to pay taxes on it.

So get an education that will pay for your desired life style and stop feeling like a have-not. Your children and spouse will than you for it.

Beaufort Gal April 28, 2013 at 1:48 pm

The Sanford family sold their land to the Goverment. They never have to pay taxes on it and they and their heirs will always be able to live on it. It’s done by many families with great acreage. Pretty sure Jenny’s family money bought the SL home and probably made improvments on Mark’s share of Coosaw.

just curious April 28, 2013 at 10:05 am

How can it be deeded to Jenny when his brothers and sister are also owners? Know it’s untaxed,and realized something was askew when she filed a complaint that he was not carrying enough insurance on the the farm.

Wondering April 28, 2013 at 10:25 am

Would that be the property the Sanford family sold to the Government for $2.5 M? If the family is allowed to use it, they must have to carry insurance on the land. How would Jenny know the insurance is inadequate?

clarification? April 28, 2013 at 2:11 pm

Thought the $2.5m went to an easement on the property that could never be developed (a sweetheart deal to be sure as it makes the land more valuable and no doubt a result of his connections in government,) not the actual property itself. Also, the spouse mentioned above would be the “doctor’s wife” (Sanford’s mother) not Jenny.

Peasant April 28, 2013 at 2:46 pm

just curious, Dr. Sanford’s property was deeded to HIS wife, Mark Sanford’s MOTHER. Since then, the mother has gifted (tax-free to donor and donees) much of this property to Mark and put much of it in obtuse and confidential trusts (partnerships) that spin off money to Mark. Mark doesn’t have to work another day in his life.

playing to the ignorant? April 28, 2013 at 9:21 am

Unless God wants to come down and correct the faulty epi-markers on the genetic material that science has now revealed to be causative, homosexuals will always be among us, all over the world. We have to find some middle ground for everyone to thrive and be happy. Of course, maybe you know that already and you are just being facetious?

No more fags April 27, 2013 at 4:06 pm

I support Sanford because he opposes this gay marriage crap. Queers in the USA should move to Cuba. Go Mark!

Read this shit:

Post Courier

New conservative PAC urging Republicans to support gay


Associated Press

Posted: Saturday,
April 27, 2013 11:38 a.m.

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A national group of prominent GOP donors
that supports gay marriage is pouring new money into lobbying efforts to get
Republican lawmakers to vote to make it legal.

American Unity PAC was formed last year to lend financial
support to Republicans who bucked the party’s longstanding opposition to gay
marriage. Its founders are launching a new lobbying organization, American
Unity Fund, and already have spent more than $250,000 in Minnesota, where the
Legislature could vote on the issue as early as next week.

The group has spent $500,000 on lobbying since last month,
including efforts in Rhode Island, Delaware, Indiana, West Virginia and Utah.

Billionaire hedge fund manager and Republican donor Paul
Singer launched American Unity PAC. The lobbying effort is the next phase as
the push for gay marriage spreads to more states, spokesman Jeff Cook-McCormac
told The Associated Press.

“What you have is this network of influential Republicans
who really want to see the party embrace the freedom to marry, and believe it’s
not only the right thing for the country but also good politics,” Cook-McCormac

In Minnesota, the money has gone to state groups that are
lobbying Republican lawmakers and for polling on gay marriage in a handful of
suburban districts held by Republicans. So far, only one Minnesota Republican
lawmaker has committed to voting to legalize gay marriage: Sen. Branden
Petersen of Andover.

“I think there will be some more. There are legislators out
there that are struggling with this,” said Carl Kuhl, a former political aide
to former GOP Sen. Norm Coleman and Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom
Emmer. Kuhl’s public affairs firm is contracted by Minnesotans United, the lead
lobby group for gay marriage in Minnesota and main recipient of American Unity’s
Minnesota spending.

Gay marriage’s fate in Minnesota may rest with the House,
where support is seen as shakier than in the Senate. A handful of votes from
Republicans could put it over the top. Nearly two dozen House Republicans
represent more socially moderate suburbs and might be candidates to vote yes.

House Speaker Paul Thissen, DFL-Minneapolis, said he has
encouraged advocates of the marriage bill to round up Republican votes, if
nothing else than to send a message to Minnesota residents that it’s not a
partisan proposition. But that will be politically risky; the main opposition
group to same-sex marriage, Minnesota for Marriage, has said it will seek
consequences for Republicans who stray on gay marriage.

Part of American Unity PAC’s original mission was to protect
Republican gay marriage supporters with political spending on their behalf.

Since forming the lobby group last month, the group also
spent money to win over Republican lawmakers in Rhode Island, where last week
all five Republicans in the state Senate jumped on the gay marriage bandwagon.
Rhode Island is on track to legalize gay marriage by next week, which would
make it the 11th U.S. state where gay marriage is legal.

There are also plans to lobby federal lawmakers on gay
rights issues.

“We intend to work on this effort until every American
citizen is treated equally under the law,” Cook-McCormac said. Other wealthy,
traditionally Republican donors giving money to the group include Seth Klarman,
David Herro and Cliff Asness.

Though only one current GOP officeholder in Minnesota is on
record supporting gay marriage, a handful of prominent Republicans have spoken
out in favor of it. They include former state auditor Pat Anderson and Brian
McClung, who was spokesman for former Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Prominent Republican
donors including former politician Wheelock Whitney and businesswoman Marilyn
Carlson Nelson have also lent support and donated money.

Since it first formed to campaign against last fall’s gay
marriage ban and then shifted to pushing for its legalization at the Capitol,
Minnesotans United has been building Republican alliances, hiring multiple lobbyists
with Republican ties.

Ken E. April 27, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Yes, Sanford is a great proponent of “Traditional Marriage”, just like Newt Gingrich.

Marla April 27, 2013 at 8:25 pm

Sanford is a hypocrite. It’s alright for him to do whatever he wants in the name of love,but to hell with everyone else.

Peasant April 27, 2013 at 9:41 pm

The son of a wealthy doctor with a $4.8 million estate (that went untaxed and deeded to his wife), his attitude is “bump you.”

to be or not to be April 28, 2013 at 9:57 am

No fan of Sanford, but in this country, $4.80 or $4.8 million estates normally go to the spouse. The spouses heirs might not have that advantage however. Move to NJ or NY and find out. And why not? You earn it, you save it, you invest it, you pay taxes on it through out your lifetime and your spouse will continue to pay taxes on it.

So get an education that will pay for your desired life style and stop feeling like a have-not. Your children and spouse will than you for it.

Beaufort Gal April 28, 2013 at 1:48 pm

The Sanford family sold their land to the Goverment. They never have to pay taxes on it and they and their heirs will always be able to live on it. It’s done by many families with great acreage. Pretty sure Jenny’s family money bought the SL home and probably made improvments on Mark’s share of Coosaw.

just curious April 28, 2013 at 10:05 am

How can it be deeded to Jenny when his brothers and sister are also owners? Know it’s untaxed,and realized something was askew when she filed a complaint that he was not carrying enough insurance on the the farm.

Wondering April 28, 2013 at 10:25 am

Would that be the property the Sanford family sold to the Government for $2.5 M? If the family is allowed to use it, they must have to carry insurance on the land. How would Jenny know the insurance is inadequate?

clarification? April 28, 2013 at 2:11 pm

Thought the $2.5m went to an easement on the property that could never be developed (a sweetheart deal to be sure as it makes the land more valuable and no doubt a result of his connections in government,) not the actual property itself. Also, the spouse mentioned above would be the “doctor’s wife” (Sanford’s mother) not Jenny.

Peasant April 28, 2013 at 2:46 pm

just curious, Dr. Sanford’s property was deeded to HIS wife, Mark Sanford’s MOTHER. Since then, the mother has gifted (tax-free to donor and donees) much of this property to Mark and put much of it in obtuse and confidential trusts (partnerships) that spin off money to Mark. Mark doesn’t have to work another day in his life.

playing to the ignorant? April 28, 2013 at 9:21 am

Unless God wants to come down and correct the faulty epi-markers on the genetic material that science has now revealed to be causative, homosexuals will always be among us, all over the world. We have to find some middle ground for everyone to thrive and be happy. Of course, maybe you know that already and you are just being facetious?

Chip Pennington April 27, 2013 at 5:36 pm

Sanford will prevail. Dems don’t vote in special elections and conservatives will vote conservative. Won’t discount Mark yet. ECB is a liberals liberal hiding as a moderate that has been lifelong bureaucrat. She is a big govt proponent and must be desperate to have hired Leslie Turner who pretends to be a republican and a civic leader.

Chip Pennington April 27, 2013 at 5:36 pm

Sanford will prevail. Dems don’t vote in special elections and conservatives will vote conservative. Won’t discount Mark yet. ECB is a liberals liberal hiding as a moderate that has been lifelong bureaucrat. She is a big govt proponent and must be desperate to have hired Leslie Turner who pretends to be a republican and a civic leader.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 27, 2013 at 6:38 pm

What really matters, in the case of a representative, is how they vote. Period.

I have no doubt that Mark Sanford will vote more in line with my constitutional, small government philosophy than will ECB.

Is he a deeply flawed individual? Sure.

Here’s the thing, though. While it might surprise Big T, many leftists are honest, honorable, , well meaning people. But, in my opinion, their world view is wrong…..and their votes will reflect this. Would I rather have a representative without Sanford’s many flaws and failings? Absolutely. But…..that is not an option in this election.

In a historical context, I believe that the (allegedly) corrupt and not so bright Warren G. Harding was a much better president than the intelligent, idealistic, high charactered Woodrow Wilson.

Sorry….but that’s the world we live in.

SparkleCity April 29, 2013 at 10:36 am

So what you are saying is if Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy was running for SC-1 and was in lockstep with your dogma you would vote for them as well???

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 29, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Hey, I love playing the Reductio Ad Absurdum card as much as anyone…..

Seems you coulda done better than a Chicago Democrat *coughs* and a west coast, VW driving liberal, though. I mean…..give some props to Peewee Gaskins.

But, you see…all of these guys are dead and ineligible to run for office. Actually, in this race, as in many others, the corpse of a serial killer WOULD be preferable to ECB, most other liberal Democrats,as well as Lindsey Graham.

But to stretch your analogy a bit further….YES, I would rather have Ed Gein representing me (if he was in lockstep with my political dogma–we have very different tastes in furniture….), than Mother Theresa voting liberal Democratic party line.

SparkleCity April 29, 2013 at 11:38 pm

I’ve seen/heard/known your types before and “as long as he/she votes my way is all I care about” attitude is about as far from reality as one can get.

Maybe you and “ol Ed can operate a taxidermy shop together as part of your virtual world.

That is about as much progress as you will make.and this country will eventually fail due to the likes of you.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 27, 2013 at 6:38 pm

What really matters, in the case of a representative, is how they vote. Period.

I have no doubt that Mark Sanford will vote more in line with my constitutional, small government philosophy than will ECB.

Is he a deeply flawed individual? Sure.

Here’s the thing, though. While it might surprise Big T, many leftists are honest, honorable, , well meaning people. But, in my opinion, their world view is wrong…..and their votes will reflect this. Would I rather have a representative without Sanford’s many flaws and failings? Absolutely. But…..that is not an option in this election.

In a historical context, I believe that the (allegedly) corrupt and not so bright Warren G. Harding was a much better president than the intelligent, idealistic, high charactered Woodrow Wilson.

Sorry….but that’s the world we live in.

SparkleCity April 29, 2013 at 10:36 am

So what you are saying is if Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy was running for SC-1 and was in lockstep with your dogma you would vote for them as well???

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 29, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Hey, I love playing the Reductio Ad Absurdum card as much as anyone…..

Seems you coulda done better than a Chicago Democrat *coughs* and a west coast, VW driving liberal, though. I mean…..give some props to Peewee Gaskins.

But, you see…all of these guys are dead and ineligible to run for office. Actually, in this race, as in many others, the corpse of a serial killer WOULD be preferable to ECB, most other liberal Democrats,as well as Lindsey Graham.

But to stretch your analogy a bit further….YES, I would rather have Ed Gein representing me (if he was in lockstep with my political dogma–we have very different tastes in furniture….), than Mother Theresa voting liberal Democratic party line.

SparkleCity April 29, 2013 at 11:38 pm

I’ve seen/heard/known your types before and “as long as he/she votes my way is all I care about” attitude is about as far from reality as one can get.

Maybe you and “ol Ed can operate a taxidermy shop together as part of your virtual world.

That is about as much progress as you will make.and this country will eventually fail due to the likes of you.

Roe v. Wade April 27, 2013 at 9:39 pm

Just received a postcard from National Right to Life endorsing Sanford and condemning ECB.

The last time I checked, Sanford hasn’t adopted any unwanted unaborted children.

He expects these kids’ mothers — white and black, mostly poor, uneducated, and UNMARRIED — to “handle it.”

How many of you rabid anti-abortion conservatives want to pony up to the plate and adopt one, two, or three of these babes?

What hypocrites.

Sanford lead hypocrite.

Roe v. Wade April 27, 2013 at 9:39 pm

Just received a postcard from National Right to Life endorsing Sanford and condemning ECB.

The last time I checked, Sanford hasn’t adopted any unwanted unaborted children.

He expects these kids’ mothers — white and black, mostly poor, uneducated, and UNMARRIED — to “handle it.”

How many of you rabid anti-abortion conservatives want to pony up to the plate and adopt one, two, or three of these babes?

What hypocrites.

Sanford lead hypocrite.

sukinstuff April 29, 2013 at 1:22 am

When are we going to learn more of the Comptroller and the on an off again relationship with Kinky, I mean Kelly Payne?

sukinstuff April 29, 2013 at 1:22 am

When are we going to learn more of the Comptroller and the on an off again relationship with Kinky, I mean Kelly Payne?

Wyndie April 29, 2013 at 7:34 am

I just got back from a weekend trip to Folly and I saw 3 Sanford signs for every Colbert-Busch sign. I know this is not a real sample, but I was still surprised.

Wyndie April 29, 2013 at 7:34 am

I just got back from a weekend trip to Folly and I saw 3 Sanford signs for every Colbert-Busch sign. I know this is not a real sample, but I was still surprised.

Philip Branton April 29, 2013 at 11:00 am

What a great display of the “Art of Informational War Fare” upon a local American population..! Ben Franklin would be irate..!! Martin Luther King would be in deep “meditation”..!!

Elizabeth Colbert-Busch is a sitting duck just like Catherine Ceips…!!

Obviously, by observing her media use, she has not learned anything from her brother..!! Much less “Ashley Wilkes”…!!!

(…….Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie……)

Its going to be fun to watch Elizabeth have her “Gone with the Wind” moment when she wonders why she LOST..??

Philip Branton April 29, 2013 at 11:00 am

What a great display of the “Art of Informational War Fare” upon a local American population..! Ben Franklin would be irate..!! Martin Luther King would be in deep “meditation”..!!

Elizabeth Colbert-Busch is a sitting duck just like Catherine Ceips…!!

Obviously, by observing her media use, she has not learned anything from her brother..!! Much less “Ashley Wilkes”…!!!

(…….Scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war, Atlanta burning, the Union Army carrying off everything from her beloved Tara, the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war. Scarlett is beautiful. She has vitality. But Ashley, the man she has wanted for so long, is going to marry his placid cousin, Melanie. Mammy warns Scarlett to behave herself at the party at Twelve Oaks. There is a new man there that day, the day the Civil War begins. Rhett Butler. Scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with Ashley to choose her instead of Melanie……)

Its going to be fun to watch Elizabeth have her “Gone with the Wind” moment when she wonders why she LOST..??

E.B. White April 29, 2013 at 11:58 am


Op-Ed Contributor

Confessions of a Word Snob


Published: April 29, 2013

Also on my Cannot Abide List: “Hardscrabble.” I loathe this dumb cliché, which I associate with my early years at Newsweek. Anyone who hadn’t grown up in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles was deemed to have suffered a “hardscrabble upbringing.”

Entire American states, such as West Virginia and South Carolina, were hardscrabble, mainly because no Newsweek staffer would ever dream of setting foot there.

E.B. White April 29, 2013 at 11:58 am


Op-Ed Contributor

Confessions of a Word Snob


Published: April 29, 2013

Also on my Cannot Abide List: “Hardscrabble.” I loathe this dumb cliché, which I associate with my early years at Newsweek. Anyone who hadn’t grown up in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles was deemed to have suffered a “hardscrabble upbringing.”

Entire American states, such as West Virginia and South Carolina, were hardscrabble, mainly because no Newsweek staffer would ever dream of setting foot there.


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