Dems To Sanford: Keep Walking
National Democrats have a simple message for former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford: “Keep Walking.RYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
National Democrats have a simple message for former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford: “Keep Walking.R
“Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, a former six-figure taxpayer-funded bureaucrat”. And what was Sanfraud’s taxpayer-funded salaries at his last two government jobs?
The difference is we elected Sanfraud to those jobs – Colbert Busch was given her jobs.
So is everyone else working in a state or gov job……what’s your point?
yes, and weren’t we stupid? maybe we should give her a chance to succeed or show her true colors and then replace her in 2014?
Career politicians are far more dependent on the government teat than many government workers would be. Also, given a stupid enough voting population, shitty politicians don’t get fired.
Sanford never amounted to anything in Congress or as Governor. It stands to reason the only reason why he is running now is because he prefers to make bank via a seat given to him by incompetent voters, although Fox News is willing to pay his sorry ass to flap his gums on TV, providing him the equivalent do-nothing “work” in the private sector.
Gerrymandering kind of robs the “earned” part of many a politician’s job anyways.
Jim: [consoling Bart]:
What did you expect?
“Welcome, sonny”?
“Make yourself at home”?
“Marry my daughter”?
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers.
These are people of the land.
The common clay of the new West.
You know. . . morons.
What an absurd statement. We made a mistake. Surely we don’t want to do it again. This guy is no mystery–we know what we will get. Why do that again?
The difference is we elected Sanfraud to those jobs – Colbert Busch was given her jobs.
So is everyone else working in a state or gov job……what’s your point?
yes, and weren’t we stupid? maybe we should give her a chance to succeed or show her true colors and then replace her in 2014?
Career politicians are far more dependent on the government teat than many government workers would be. Also, given a stupid enough voting population, shitty politicians don’t get fired.
Sanford never amounted to anything in Congress or as Governor. It stands to reason the only reason why he is running now is because he prefers to make bank via a seat given to him by incompetent voters, although Fox News is willing to pay his sorry ass to flap his gums on TV, providing him the equivalent do-nothing “work” in the private sector.
Gerrymandering kind of robs the “earned” part of many a politician’s job anyways.
Jim: [consoling Bart]:
What did you expect?
“Welcome, sonny”?
“Make yourself at home”?
“Marry my daughter”?
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers.
These are people of the land.
The common clay of the new West.
You know. . . morons.
What an absurd statement. We made a mistake. Surely we don’t want to do it again. This guy is no mystery–we know what we will get. Why do that again?
The anonymous Republican woman seems to think voter’s let sanford off the hook. We didn’t , just a small subset did.
Really Vic, and just who is ‘we’? The ’small subset’ is the 20 or 30 morons who post on this website hourly 24/7.
“We’ would be the voters of the STATE that have NOT gotten the chance to show our disapproval for our former Governor’s actions. Hopefully a larger pool of SC-1 voters will do it for all of us.
If you would be so kind as to identify these morons, I am sure willie will take steps to cease their posting privileges
No doubt willie will agree for a blog to be viable it needs to eliminate habitual moron posters and rely solely on sporadic moron posters
The anonymous Republican woman seems to think voter’s let sanford off the hook. We didn’t , just a small subset did.
Really Vic, and just who is ‘we’? The ’small subset’ is the 20 or 30 morons who post on this website hourly 24/7.
“We’ would be the voters of the STATE that have NOT gotten the chance to show our disapproval for our former Governor’s actions. Hopefully a larger pool of SC-1 voters will do it for all of us.
If you would be so kind as to identify these morons, I am sure willie will take steps to cease their posting privileges
No doubt willie will agree for a blog to be viable it needs to eliminate habitual moron posters and rely solely on sporadic moron posters
The DAMAGE a Cheating man (or either spouse) does to children is immeasurable.
We have a ‘Me-First’ Screw everybody mentality among too many people (ESPECIALLY Parents)…
Sanford is an EXAMPLE of the WORST of America 2013. To put him as a representative in a leadership role is TRUE Folly…
And we all will end up paying for the priviledges this silver-spoon dweeb sucks from us……
BigTwat is a cunt, just sayin. You take up too much space faggot.
I know it’s a BIG score when I bring out this level of genius…Yall are use to resistance…
What I do not understand is HOW you defend Haley – she is no different – at least Sanford admitted to his adultery. Haley cannot even come clean. I know personally what a cheating spouse can do to children. But unless you have EVER been in those shoes, you too should keep on walking. I would not vote for Sanford and after reviewing Haley’s phone records posted by this website owner against the same type of records that helped me bust my ex-slut (on multiple counts of adultery), Haley is absolutely NO different. It is amazing how so called Republicans condemn One adulterer and then VOTE for another.
Let me assure you also, that Jenny Sanford is a complete silver spoon stuck up B. What she is doing by publicizing these charges along with her attorney [which is going to get them in a bunch of trouble at the next Family Court hearing for (a) discussing a matter that has been sealed by the Court and (b) disparaging Mark Sanford in an open forum] is also doing irreprarable damage to her kids – but the sad part is that she does not give a damn either – her whole life is like my “X’s” life – her one goal in life is to make my life as miserable as possible. Men have a tendency to at least forgive – women on the other hand never forget and have a tendency to always want to get even (even when they are the innocent or guilty party) – by the way, there is absolutely NO divorce that is 100% blame on one of the spouses (and I am smart enough to admit that even though I had grounds).
Yeah, Sanford admitted to his infidelities, when he got caught and couldn’t weasel his way out of it. I’m inclined to believe Haley has slept around but honestly there’s no definitive evidence other than a few guys (some of them seriously hideous looking) confessing she hid their salamis.
And Haley is going to ride that (pun most definitely intended) until the day comes she is completely busted.
Let me assure you that proof is in those phone records. She is guilty of adultery but Republicans will continue to vote for her – there is one thing that I have learned about adulterers – they are fantastic liars – but I suppose I could be wrong about Haley – she has never lied to us taxpayers!!!
PS – Sanford never got busted – he got busted on a return trip where the reporter busted him in Atlanta – unless she bought an international ticket and stood next to the customs exit or arriving gate, she had no proof other than he was out of the country. Haley is such a gifted liar, she would probably have said something along the lines that she was out of town trying to promote a confidential job making deal here in SC (but I am sure she probably did not fly business class!!). Mark Sanford was not bright enough to open his mouth without inserting foot.
Remember that Haley is so honest, she refused to share with us her government paid email and phone records (and she makes sure she does not use them now) – but that’s right, she allowed reporters to review for a few minutes and loaded them with spam and did not allow them to take photos or make copies – but Haley is certainly honest Abe (LOL!!).
But go back to what I said at the end of my statement – no marriage breakup is 100% the fault of one party – someone that says otherwise is not a wise person.
Sanford only came clean after being BUSTED. He ‘CROSSED THE LINE’ lots (he admits after caught) before the last affair that took his marriage…
Also: I don’t defend Haley : I just try to be fair, and not BASH her becuse she has an “R” by her name…like so many do…
That said: There is NO PROOF Haley cheated.
Just because a political opponent makes a claim…I have NO reason to believe it, especially considering the character and track record of her accusers.
Your post is right on!
The DAMAGE a Cheating man (or either spouse) does to children is immeasurable.
We have a ‘Me-First’ Screw everybody mentality among too many people (ESPECIALLY Parents)…
Sanford is an EXAMPLE of the WORST of America 2013. To put him as a representative in a leadership role is TRUE Folly…
And we all will end up paying for the priviledges this silver-spoon dweeb sucks from us……
BigTwat is a cunt, just sayin. You take up too much space faggot.
I know it’s a BIG score when I bring out this level of genius…Yall are use to resistance…
What I do not understand is HOW you defend Haley – she is no different – at least Sanford admitted to his adultery. Haley cannot even come clean. I know personally what a cheating spouse can do to children. But unless you have EVER been in those shoes, you too should keep on walking. I would not vote for Sanford and after reviewing Haley’s phone records posted by this website owner against the same type of records that helped me bust my ex-slut (on multiple counts of adultery), Haley is absolutely NO different. It is amazing how so called Republicans condemn One adulterer and then VOTE for another.
Let me assure you also, that Jenny Sanford is a complete silver spoon stuck up B. What she is doing by publicizing these charges along with her attorney [which is going to get them in a bunch of trouble at the next Family Court hearing for (a) discussing a matter that has been sealed by the Court and (b) disparaging Mark Sanford in an open forum] is also doing irreprarable damage to her kids – but the sad part is that she does not give a damn either – her whole life is like my “X’s” life – her one goal in life is to make my life as miserable as possible. Men have a tendency to at least forgive – women on the other hand never forget and have a tendency to always want to get even (even when they are the innocent or guilty party) – by the way, there is absolutely NO divorce that is 100% blame on one of the spouses (and I am smart enough to admit that even though I had grounds).
Yeah, Sanford admitted to his infidelities, when he got caught and couldn’t weasel his way out of it. I’m inclined to believe Haley has slept around but honestly there’s no definitive evidence other than a few guys (some of them seriously hideous looking) confessing she hid their salamis.
And Haley is going to ride that (pun most definitely intended) until the day comes she is completely busted.
Let me assure you that proof is in those phone records. She is guilty of adultery but Republicans will continue to vote for her – there is one thing that I have learned about adulterers – they are fantastic liars – but I suppose I could be wrong about Haley – she has never lied to us taxpayers!!!
PS – Sanford never got busted – he got busted on a return trip where the reporter busted him in Atlanta – unless she bought an international ticket and stood next to the customs exit or arriving gate, she had no proof other than he was out of the country. Haley is such a gifted liar, she would probably have said something along the lines that she was out of town trying to promote a confidential job making deal here in SC (but I am sure she probably did not fly business class!!). Mark Sanford was not bright enough to open his mouth without inserting foot.
Remember that Haley is so honest, she refused to share with us her government paid email and phone records (and she makes sure she does not use them now) – but that’s right, she allowed reporters to review for a few minutes and loaded them with spam and did not allow them to take photos or make copies – but Haley is certainly honest Abe (LOL!!).
But go back to what I said at the end of my statement – no marriage breakup is 100% the fault of one party – someone that says otherwise is not a wise person.
Sanford only came clean after being BUSTED. He ‘CROSSED THE LINE’ lots (he admits after caught) before the last affair that took his marriage…
Also: I don’t defend Haley : I just try to be fair, and not BASH her becuse she has an “R” by her name…like so many do…
That said: There is NO PROOF Haley cheated.
Just because a political opponent makes a claim…I have NO reason to believe it, especially considering the character and track record of her accusers.
Your post is right on!
I read the National Republican muckity-muck feel it’s all a win-win. Since they have backed out of financially supporting Sanford for this run BUT he still wins, well OK, guess so…. If EBC wins, then in 2014 they hit her hard and concentrated with the money they pulled back from Sanford, with a less high risk candidate who they feel would win hands down without all the baggage and drama.
If that happens, and ECB loses in 2014, fine and good. If Sanford wins, once again SC will be the freaking laughing stock of the USA.
I read the National Republican muckity-muck feel it’s all a win-win. Since they have backed out of financially supporting Sanford for this run BUT he still wins, well OK, guess so…. If EBC wins, then in 2014 they hit her hard and concentrated with the money they pulled back from Sanford, with a less high risk candidate who they feel would win hands down without all the baggage and drama.
If that happens, and ECB loses in 2014, fine and good. If Sanford wins, once again SC will be the freaking laughing stock of the USA.
Not a bad jab, but as much as anyone could rag on what a worthless POS Sanford is, he’s going to have a legitimate shot at winning. A crying shame, really.
Not a bad jab, but as much as anyone could rag on what a worthless POS Sanford is, he’s going to have a legitimate shot at winning. A crying shame, really.
Screenplay to Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
(Stanley Kubrick, 1964). Useful advice for Marko on the Appalachian Trail:
Survival Kit contents, check.
In them you will find:
one 45 caliber automatic,
two boxes of ammunition,
four days concentrated emergency rations,
one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills,
one miniature combination Rooshan phrase book and Bible,
one hundred dollars in rubles,
one hundred dollars in gold,
nine packs of chewing gum,
one issue of prophylactics,
three lipsticks,
three pair of nylon stockings
— shoot, a fellah could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff….
Screenplay to Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
(Stanley Kubrick, 1964). Useful advice for Marko on the Appalachian Trail:
Survival Kit contents, check.
In them you will find:
one 45 caliber automatic,
two boxes of ammunition,
four days concentrated emergency rations,
one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills,
one miniature combination Rooshan phrase book and Bible,
one hundred dollars in rubles,
one hundred dollars in gold,
nine packs of chewing gum,
one issue of prophylactics,
three lipsticks,
three pair of nylon stockings
— shoot, a fellah could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff….
Will these politicians never learn. You WILL get caught, and when you do, it’s over. BTW, Mark is losing his hair faster than I realized.
Totally wrong for Republicans. Republicans do not care about sex scandals unless it involves Democrats or gay people. This is one of the many things they are total hypocrites about. Just look at this nut. A national public sex scandal and dereliction of duty, but the GOP still welcomed him with open arms.
Will these politicians never learn. You WILL get caught, and when you do, it’s over. BTW, Mark is losing his hair faster than I realized.
Totally wrong for Republicans. Republicans do not care about sex scandals unless it involves Democrats or gay people. This is one of the many things they are total hypocrites about. Just look at this nut. A national public sex scandal and dereliction of duty, but the GOP still welcomed him with open arms.
if this lying sack of shit is put back in office, then once again, anything goes. yet another guy who is a big hypocrite.
if this lying sack of shit is put back in office, then once again, anything goes. yet another guy who is a big hypocrite.
If Jesus Christ ran as a democrat in this state he’d lose.
Ain’t going to happen Jack
JC can’t produce a picture ID and without a picture ID he can’t register to vote and if he is not a registered voter he can’t run
All it would take would be for him to perform another miracle.
Then why do yall keep nominating Satan???
JC couldn’t run as a Dem because the Jews would crucify him before he landed the nomination. :)
Ain’t enuff down chere
Because none of the democrats would vote for him.
Remember: you tried to take the word: ‘God’ out of your party platform at the convention..
I’m not a democrat. “I” didn’t do it.
And if Stalin ran as a Republican, he’d win – and win big.
If Jesus Christ ran as a democrat in this state he’d lose.
Ain’t going to happen Jack
JC can’t produce a picture ID and without a picture ID he can’t register to vote and if he is not a registered voter he can’t run
All it would take would be for him to perform another miracle.
Then why do yall keep nominating Satan???
JC couldn’t run as a Dem because the Jews would crucify him before he landed the nomination. :)
Ain’t enuff down chere
Because none of the democrats would vote for him.
Remember: you tried to take the word: ‘God’ out of your party platform at the convention..
I’m not a democrat. “I” didn’t do it.
And if Stalin ran as a Republican, he’d win – and win big.
After all that lowlife bastard did & now he’s concerned about the boy’s li’l psyche being scarred from watching the Super Bowl alone???!!!
After all that lowlife bastard did & now he’s concerned about the boy’s li’l psyche being scarred from watching the Super Bowl alone???!!!
I can not understand why people are voting for Sanford.
I can not understand why people are voting for Sanford.
I personally wish Sanford had not run but coming from a bunch of folks that booed the very name of God he is head and shoulders above that crowd. Sanford is a sinner that asked for forgiveness the Democrats are wolves hid in sheep clothing like Obama!
I personally wish Sanford had not run but coming from a bunch of folks that booed the very name of God he is head and shoulders above that crowd. Sanford is a sinner that asked for forgiveness the Democrats are wolves hid in sheep clothing like Obama!