Nikki Haley Approval: 43.5 Percent

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s poll numbers remain weak, but the results of a new Winthrop University poll show her position stabilizing. The first-term “Republican” – who registered a dismal 34.6 percent approval rating back in December 2011 – has seen that number climb by nearly 10 points over the last sixteen months….

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s poll numbers remain weak, but the results of a new Winthrop University poll show her position stabilizing.

The first-term “Republican” – who registered a dismal 34.6 percent approval rating back in December 2011 – has seen that number climb by nearly 10 points over the last sixteen months. Haley’s job approval is now 43.5 percent – up one point from February – while 36.6 percent say they disapprove of her performance (down from 38.4 two months ago).

Meanwhile 69 percent of Republicans in the Palmetto State approve of Haley’s performance, compared to only 15.4 percent who disapprove. In December 2011, Haley’s approval rating among GOP voters was an abysmal 52.5 percent.

Haley’s approval rating in her home state is now identical to that of U.S. President Barack Obama (although 46.5 percent of South Carolinians disapprove of Obama’s performance – a much higher level of disdain).

What do these results mean for Haley? Well, she’s gone several months without a major miscue … which these numbers reflect. However, she remains an exceedingly “iffy” bet for reelection – particularly if a third party candidate enters the 2014 race on the “Republican” side.

Haley’s two biggest problems? Her past missteps and the increasingly gloomy prognosis for the national economy.

Expect the governor’s well-funded political opponents to open their saddlebags in an effort to remind voters of her high-profile scandals – most notably the “Savannah River Sellout” and the #SCHacked debacle.

Also with South Carolina’s labor participation rate at a record low – expect any further slippage on the employment front to fall squarely on the shoulders of this self-proclaimed “Jobs Governor.”

For those of you keeping score at home, the Winthrop poll surveyed 1,069 South Carolina adults from April 6-14. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.


Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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Trout r limited April 17, 2013 at 8:21 am

It’s like Survivor on TV. They keep the idiots and assholes around because they are the easiest to manipulate and a breeze to get rid of once they have served their purpose. Art imitating life per se.

Smirks April 17, 2013 at 8:24 am

I thought it was like Survivor because the best ones get voted out so the shitty players don’t have to compete to win.

GullibleWhites April 17, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Haley is anti-White infiltrator, but Gullible Whites are clueless. this is not an ideological battle of left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is ethnic warfare against white people.

Why do hostile globalist elite defend Israel as a Jewish ethnostate with Jewish only immigration, but ravage white majority Europe/North America into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Gulag with dystopian non-White colonization?

Why do gullible Whites cuckold for murderous Jewish/Crypto-Jewish commissars, who butcher White soldiers in bankrupting wars, confiscate White people’s guns, infiltrate/subvert our banks & spying agencies, indoctrinate White kids in academia/mass media, & plunder White jobs, wages?

East Asia is 99% yellow. Africa is 90% Black. West Asia is 99% Brown. But 3rd world colonizers are annihilating Whites, just as China is annihilating Tibet. Genocidal Jewish commissars murdered 100 million White Europeans since 1917. Jews exterminated countless tribes since Old Testament.

“Native” Americans are not native. They invaded from East Asia. They slaughtered countless women/children. Muslims, Jews, China, India, Mayans, Africans all are guilty of slavery, genocide. From Greeks till today, Whites have been victims of Jewish, Turkic, Muslim, African slavery, genocide, imperialism.

Gullible Whites should reject subversive anti-White ideologies – libertarianism, feminism, liberalism, socialism, & reject hostile slanders of racism, collectivism.

Love to all humanity, but White people must unite & organize to defend & advance their families, their fertility, their interests, their homelands. Urgent reading list: , , ,

Soft Sigh from Hell April 17, 2013 at 6:32 pm

I don’t think I have ever before encountered someone who hated Mayans.
What next, the Inuit?

Trout r limited April 17, 2013 at 8:21 am

It’s like Survivor on TV. They keep the idiots and assholes around because they are the easiest to manipulate and a breeze to get rid of once they have served their purpose. Art imitating life per se.

Smirks April 17, 2013 at 8:24 am

I thought it was like Survivor because the best ones get voted out so the shitty players don’t have to compete to win.

GullibleWhites April 17, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Haley is anti-White infiltrator, but Gullible Whites are clueless. this is not an ideological battle of left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is ethnic warfare against white people.

Why do hostile globalist elite defend Israel as a Jewish ethnostate with Jewish only immigration, but ravage white majority Europe/North America into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Gulag with dystopian non-White colonization?

Why do gullible Whites cuckold for murderous Jewish/Crypto-Jewish commissars, who butcher White soldiers in bankrupting wars, confiscate White people’s guns, infiltrate/subvert our banks & spying agencies, indoctrinate White kids in academia/mass media, & plunder White jobs, wages?

East Asia is 99% yellow. Africa is 90% Black. West Asia is 99% Brown. But 3rd world colonizers are annihilating Whites, just as China is annihilating Tibet. Genocidal Jewish commissars murdered 100 million White Europeans since 1917. Jews exterminated countless tribes since Old Testament.

“Native” Americans are not native. They invaded from East Asia. They slaughtered countless women/children. Muslims, Jews, China, India, Mayans, Africans all are guilty of slavery, genocide. From Greeks till today, Whites have been victims of Jewish, Turkic, Muslim, African slavery, genocide, imperialism.

Gullible Whites should reject subversive anti-White ideologies – libertarianism, feminism, liberalism, socialism, & reject hostile slanders of racism, collectivism.

Love to all humanity, but White people must unite & organize to defend & advance their families, their fertility, their interests, their homelands. Urgent reading list: , , ,

Soft Sigh from Hell April 17, 2013 at 6:32 pm

I don’t think I have ever before encountered someone who hated Mayans.
What next, the Inuit?

Smirks April 17, 2013 at 8:23 am

“Meanwhile 69 percent of Republicans in the Palmetto State approve of Haley’s performance”

lol… Pretty “coincidental” number, right?

That’s all that matters people. That number says she can win her primary. Only 15.4% disapprove? Wow. Even if you take all the blunders and sellouts from her record, there is nothing noteworthy about her administration. No progress in trimming gubmint, no real tax relief, no real influx of jobs, nothing. Then again, if SC were voting for status quo and mediocrity we wouldn’t have half of the fuck-ups and assholes we do now.

Better buy lube, she’s getting her second term. Sanford’s pick gives us another 8 “wonderful” years of leadership.

Will Folks aka Sic April 17, 2013 at 8:56 am

Can confirm the governor is a big fan of that number. And excels when in that particular position.

Sailor April 17, 2013 at 10:22 am

So write the bloody book and give us all the details!!

mph April 17, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Stomach churning. Do you think when she loses, God help us, her husband will give you a visit or will that cut into the Fox News/Lobbying/Lecture fees down the road?

Smirks April 17, 2013 at 8:23 am

“Meanwhile 69 percent of Republicans in the Palmetto State approve of Haley’s performance”

lol… Pretty “coincidental” number, right?

That’s all that matters people. That number says she can win her primary. Only 15.4% disapprove? Wow. Even if you take all the blunders and sellouts from her record, there is nothing noteworthy about her administration. No progress in trimming gubmint, no real tax relief, no real influx of jobs, nothing. Then again, if SC were voting for status quo and mediocrity we wouldn’t have half of the fuck-ups and assholes we do now.

Better buy lube, she’s getting her second term. Sanford’s pick gives us another 8 “wonderful” years of leadership.

Will Folks aka Sic April 17, 2013 at 8:56 am

Can confirm the governor is a big fan of that number. And excels when in that particular position.

Sailor April 17, 2013 at 10:22 am

So write the bloody book and give us all the details!!

mph April 17, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Stomach churning. Do you think when she loses, God help us, her husband will give you a visit or will that cut into the Fox News/Lobbying/Lecture fees down the road?

BigT April 17, 2013 at 8:43 am

The Bigger News: FITS NEWS is an Arm of Harpo and the democrat party.

Better story: We GOT played by FITS, the DNC and Jenny.

They jockey Sanford and wait ’til he wins a primary, then go public w/ his Nut-Job behavior.

Who cares about Haley’s numbers now: It’s like Obama effing up even more now than before. There is no election for a long time…

This poll just gives broken-record Idiots like FITS something to get off on.

Will Folks aka Sic April 17, 2013 at 8:55 am

You were up late last night and up early this morning, Big T. Whatever you are smoking, will you share? Oh wait … the side effects. Never mind.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 10:41 am

C’mon FITS…You jockeyed Sanford to win the Primary. Then the day after the voters put the WORST-Weakest representative for the GOP in the race vs the dem…Jenny and the media go public with this Nutjob behavior (even though it had been going on beforehand.)…Plus: The report that Sanford had fallen short on court-ordered child support to his son’s college fund…
Unlike so many of the leftwing nutjobs, I’ll admit I cannot prove it…but it palyed PERFECTLY for the democrats in a seat they stood NO chance in w/o some manipulation…

BigT April 17, 2013 at 8:43 am

The Bigger News: FITS NEWS is an Arm of Harpo and the democrat party.

Better story: We GOT played by FITS, the DNC and Jenny.

They jockey Sanford and wait ’til he wins a primary, then go public w/ his Nut-Job behavior.

Who cares about Haley’s numbers now: It’s like Obama effing up even more now than before. There is no election for a long time…

This poll just gives broken-record Idiots like FITS something to get off on.

Will Folks aka Sic April 17, 2013 at 8:55 am

You were up late last night and up early this morning, Big T. Whatever you are smoking, will you share? Oh wait … the side effects. Never mind.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 10:41 am

C’mon FITS…You jockeyed Sanford to win the Primary. Then the day after the voters put the WORST-Weakest representative for the GOP in the race vs the dem…Jenny and the media go public with this Nutjob behavior (even though it had been going on beforehand.)…Plus: The report that Sanford had fallen short on court-ordered child support to his son’s college fund…
Unlike so many of the leftwing nutjobs, I’ll admit I cannot prove it…but it palyed PERFECTLY for the democrats in a seat they stood NO chance in w/o some manipulation…

jimlewisowb April 17, 2013 at 9:28 am

Yep, already stocking up on Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. Think I’ll get the 64 oz. bucket this time around

jimlewisowb April 17, 2013 at 9:28 am

Yep, already stocking up on Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. Think I’ll get the 64 oz. bucket this time around

Wanabejedi April 17, 2013 at 9:31 am

What is sad is that 43.5% approve. She doesn’t hold up on her political rhetoric at all and her ability to run an organization through her executive abilities rivals that of Gob Bluth from arrested development. Seriously why do people like her? (btw not a democrat, I’m a lifelong libertarian).

Geoffrey Butler April 17, 2013 at 1:25 pm

As a libertarian, surely you’d agree that SC Democrats are absolutely awful. They’re socially conservative and fiscally redistributive. Could you get any worse?

I’m sure we can do better, but that’s a matter for primaries, not general elections.

wanabejedi April 17, 2013 at 7:40 pm

so tell me how socially conservative fiscally re distributive doesn’t describe our sc house. If anything it shows me the failure of the Republican party. It sucks.

Wanabejedi April 17, 2013 at 9:31 am

What is sad is that 43.5% approve. She doesn’t hold up on her political rhetoric at all and her ability to run an organization through her executive abilities rivals that of Gob Bluth from arrested development. Seriously why do people like her? (btw not a democrat, I’m a lifelong libertarian).

Bonchamps April 17, 2013 at 1:25 pm

As a libertarian, surely you’d agree that SC Democrats are absolutely awful. They’re socially conservative and fiscally redistributive. Could you get any worse?

I’m sure we can do better, but that’s a matter for primaries, not general elections.

wanabejedi April 17, 2013 at 7:40 pm

so tell me how socially conservative fiscally re distributive doesn’t describe our sc house. If anything it shows me the failure of the Republican party. It sucks.

Tony Deisla April 17, 2013 at 9:32 am

I’m just curious, why are her approval numbers so low? Is SC a deep red conservative one party state?

Tony Deisla April 17, 2013 at 9:32 am

I’m just curious, why are her approval numbers so low? Is SC a deep red conservative one party state?

wtf April 17, 2013 at 6:28 pm

I know a large group of SCDEW “soon to be former employees” that don’t approve of Haley!

wtf April 17, 2013 at 6:28 pm

I know a large group of SCDEW “soon to be former employees” that don’t approve of Haley!


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