Is Mark Sanford A Burglar?

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford must appear in court two days after his U.S. congressional special election to address allegations that he trespassed on his ex-wife’s property in violation of a divorce order … but some South Carolina Democrats are suggesting he may have committed a much more serious crime….

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford must appear in court two days after his U.S. congressional special election to address allegations that he trespassed on his ex-wife’s property in violation of a divorce order … but some South Carolina Democrats are suggesting he may have committed a much more serious crime.

According to one prominent Democratic source, Sanford’s unsolicited February entrance into the home of his ex-wife Jenny Sanford could amount to a much more serious first-degree burglary charge – a felony that’s punishable by life imprisonment.


Here’s the statute …

South Carolina Code 16-11-311. Burglary; first degree

South Carolina Code > Title 16 > Chapter 11 > § 16-11-311 – Burglary; first degree

(A) A person is guilty of burglary in the first degree if the person enters a dwelling without consent and with intent to commit a crime in the dwelling, and either:
(1) when, in effecting entry or while in the dwelling or in immediate flight, he or another participant in the crime:

(a) is armed with a deadly weapon or explosive; or

(b) causes physical injury to a person who is not a participant in the crime; or

(c) uses or threatens the use of a dangerous instrument; or

(d) displays what is or appears to be a knife, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, or other firearm; or

(2) the burglary is committed by a person with a prior record of two or more convictions for burglary or housebreaking or a combination of both; or

(3) the entering or remaining occurs in the nighttime.

(B) Burglary in the first degree is a felony punishable by life imprisonment. For purposes of this section, “life” means until death. The court, in its discretion, may sentence the defendant to a term of not less than fifteen years.

Interesting … Sanford’s alleged trespassing is said to have occurred at night, although it’s obviously premature to speculate on whether he entered his ex-wife’s dwelling “with intent to commit a crime.” Meanwhile calls to the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) and the Sullivans Island Police Department (SIPD) – the law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction in this case – were not immediately returned.

Speaking of Sanford’s “intent,” his camp is expected to issue some sort of statement on the trespassing allegation soon … so stay tuned for that.

Meanwhile, the incident has evoked comparisons to the trial of former S.C. Rep. Thad Viers – who was indicted earlier this year on first degree burglary charges after allegedly entering the home of his ex-girlfriend without permission.

Sanford faces Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Busch on May 7 in a special election for the first district seat he previously held from 1995-2001. Prior to the trespassing story breaking, the former governor had reportedly taken a slim lead in the race.

UPDATE: Here is Sanford’s statement on the trespassing allegation, in which he acknowledges entering his ex-wife’s home without permission to watch the Super Bowl with his 14-year-old son, Blake. And here’s our coverage of that statement.


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southmauldin April 17, 2013 at 11:05 am

What a narcissistic clown. But he does have an R by his name, so that’s all that really matters in this sorry ass state.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:31 am

If he had a ‘D’ by his name…he’d be elected and re-elected over and over..
Prosecution does not apply to democrats (Seee: Benjamin, Toal, Edwards and Clinton)….

nitrat April 17, 2013 at 11:40 am

You’re drunk again, aren’t you, Big T(urd)?

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:52 am

You’re a broken, brain-dead CLICHE, w/ nothing real to say, again…

southmauldin April 17, 2013 at 11:05 am

What a narcissistic clown. But he does have an R by his name, so that’s all that really matters in this sorry ass state.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:31 am

If he had a ‘D’ by his name…he’d be elected and re-elected over and over..
Prosecution does not apply to democrats (Seee: Benjamin, Toal, Edwards and Clinton)….

nitrat April 17, 2013 at 11:40 am

You’re drunk again, aren’t you, Big T(urd)?

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:52 am

You’re a broken, brain-dead CLICHE, w/ nothing real to say, again…

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:06 am

Well played, well played…
FITS, Jenny, Harpo and the DNC pulled this off PERFECTLY…
Get Sanford as the GOP nominee and leading in the polls…THEN spill the beans that he is a self-absored nutjob…Masterful..
Of course: If the voters would have listened to me (a conservative, who beleives in the words of the GOP Platform)…This would have NEVER happened..

Chris Nölff April 17, 2013 at 11:14 am

So FITS is working with the Illuminati, Free Masons, Oprah and the DNC to humiliate Sanford? You don’t say…

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

Like I told FITS, Dumb@$$…I cannot prove it..but this is MASTERFUL.
Heck: If I was FITS, I’d claim credit anyway. It looks like a plan of a genius..otherwise FITS looks like a Stupid Dupe of Sanford’s…
And: It’s ignorant (of you) to say there has to be a external scheme to humiliate Sanford.That imbecile is humiliating himself. Seems you’re the idiot claiming a conspiracy…

Smirks April 17, 2013 at 11:25 am

THEN spill the beans that he is a self-absored nutjob…

I don’t know, that was pretty evident before the special election.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:36 am

Youn have to admit this SEALS it…post-Sanford’s plea for forgiveness…

Liberal=Science=Equality April 17, 2013 at 11:25 am

“If the voters would have listened to you…”

Perry, Santorum, Gingrich, Romney would be president…?

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:29 am

And you’re claiming ANY of those would be worse than the @$$-hole in there now???..
You are a Dumb@$$, if you are..

Liberal=Science=Equality April 17, 2013 at 11:38 am

Guess I must be a dumbass if the reality is that Santorum could do a better job. Okay, genius…

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:51 am

I’d crawl over broken glass if it would put Santorum in over the Sanford-like Self-absorbed failure we have iin the White House now.
I don’t like unemployment, high gas prices, suffering Americans and the misery index that has marked Obama’s term-plus…

Liberal=Science=Equality April 17, 2013 at 12:02 pm

Yeah? I’ve no doubt about you crawling over broken glass.

Jan April 17, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Can’t let you get away with lies, Big T. Since Obama took office

Unemployment rate down

Stock Market up

Housing Prices up

Gas Prices lower than their highest under Bush.

Misery Index lower than under Bush

Annual deficit as a percentage of GDP down

Jobs created per month up

Whatever April 17, 2013 at 2:23 pm

OK, I get you are not an economist and don’t read the fine print of the whys and wherefores of those numbers. So, we will let it go. Continue to read the administration’s TPM.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 3:05 pm

If you believe the economy (or America) is better (off): You are the poster child for Liberal DENIAL…
I’ve NEVER seen democrats looking as STUPID as they do defending Obama. You are ignorant prostitutes who like getting knocked roubnd by your sadistic pimp…

No more 2nd chances per Jenny April 17, 2013 at 11:33 am

The beans have been spilling for four or more years that he is a self-absorbed nut job, T. And I bet Jenny sees this latest trumped allegation of possible felony/burglary as just some Democrat fodder all. She wanted to avoid this…like when she said “if you go see your mistress again, I will divorce you,” and he did and she did…well after giving him multiple “second chances.”

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:06 am

Well played, well played…
FITS, Jenny, Harpo and the DNC pulled this off PERFECTLY…
Get Sanford as the GOP nominee and leading in the polls…THEN spill the beans that he is a self-absored nutjob…Masterful..
Of course: If the voters would have listened to me (a conservative, who beleives in the words of the GOP Platform)…This would have NEVER happened..

Nölff April 17, 2013 at 11:14 am

So FITS is working with the Illuminati, Free Masons, Oprah and the DNC to humiliate Sanford? You don’t say…

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

Like I told FITS, Dumb@$$…I cannot prove it..but this is MASTERFUL.
Heck: If I was FITS, I’d claim credit anyway. It looks like a plan of a genius..otherwise FITS looks like a Stupid Dupe of Sanford’s…
And: It’s ignorant (of you) to say there has to be a external scheme to humiliate Sanford.That imbecile is humiliating himself. Seems you’re the idiot claiming a conspiracy…

Smirks April 17, 2013 at 11:25 am

THEN spill the beans that he is a self-absored nutjob…

I don’t know, that was pretty evident before the special election.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:36 am

Youn have to admit this SEALS it…post-Sanford’s plea for forgiveness…

Hot Air Balloon April 17, 2013 at 11:25 am

“If the voters would have listened to you…”

Perry, Santorum, Gingrich, Romney would be president…?

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:29 am

And you’re claiming ANY of those would be worse than the @$$-hole in there now???..
You are a Dumb@$$, if you are..

Hot Air Balloon April 17, 2013 at 11:38 am

Guess I must be a dumbass if the reality is that Santorum could do a better job. Okay, genius…

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:51 am

I’d crawl over broken glass if it would put Santorum in over the Sanford-like Self-absorbed failure we have iin the White House now.
I don’t like unemployment, high gas prices, suffering Americans and the misery index that has marked Obama’s term-plus…

Hot Air Balloon April 17, 2013 at 12:02 pm

Yeah? I’ve no doubt about you crawling over broken glass.

Jan April 17, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Can’t let you get away with lies, Big T. Since Obama took office

Unemployment rate down

Stock Market up

Housing Prices up

Gas Prices lower than their highest under Bush.

Misery Index lower than under Bush

Annual deficit as a percentage of GDP down

Jobs created per month up

Whatever April 17, 2013 at 2:23 pm

OK, I get you are not an economist and don’t read the fine print of the whys and wherefores of those numbers. So, we will let it go. Continue to read the administration’s TPM.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 3:05 pm

If you believe the economy (or America) is better (off): You are the poster child for Liberal DENIAL…
I’ve NEVER seen democrats looking as STUPID as they do defending Obama. You are ignorant prostitutes who like getting knocked roubnd by your sadistic pimp…

No more 2nd chances per Jenny April 17, 2013 at 11:33 am

The beans have been spilling for four or more years that he is a self-absorbed nut job, T. And I bet Jenny sees this latest trumped allegation of possible felony/burglary as just some Democrat fodder all. She wanted to avoid this…like when she said “if you go see your mistress again, I will divorce you,” and he did and she did…well after giving him multiple “second chances.”

Jan April 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

If the Jenny’s complaint is true, and if there is a restraining order in place directing him not to enter the property without her consent, I think he is guilty of burglary under this statute.

The necessary elements of the crime are

1. Enters a dwelling without consent and with intent to commit a crime in the dwelling.

2. The entering or remaining occurs in the nighttime.

Violation of a restraining order is a crime. Therefore, he enter the dwelling with the intent to commit a crime in the dwelling; and the entry occurred at night.

Lets see if his connections can get him out of this the way they got him out of stealing state money to visit his lover in Argentina.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:35 am

He’s vs a ‘D’ now…Expect the law (all of the sudden) will FALL down on him like Molten Lava…
This Dumb@$$ will figure out he is only valuable as a GOP representative when he’s a piece of crap, who can hurt the Rs and help the Ds.
Best the GOP can do now is hope She wins..and then we put her out net time out…

Jan April 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

If the Jenny’s complaint is true, and if there is a restraining order in place directing him not to enter the property without her consent, I think he is guilty of burglary under this statute.

The necessary elements of the crime are

1. Enters a dwelling without consent and with intent to commit a crime in the dwelling.

2. The entering or remaining occurs in the nighttime.

Violation of a restraining order is a crime. Therefore, he enter the dwelling with the intent to commit a crime in the dwelling; and the entry occurred at night.

Lets see if his connections can get him out of this the way they got him out of stealing state money to visit his lover in Argentina.

BigT April 17, 2013 at 11:35 am

He’s vs a ‘D’ now…Expect the law (all of the sudden) will FALL down on him like Molten Lava…
This Dumb@$$ will figure out he is only valuable as a GOP representative when he’s a piece of crap, who can hurt the Rs and help the Ds.
Best the GOP can do now is hope She wins..and then we put her out net time out…

nitrat April 17, 2013 at 11:44 am

Isn’t it grand that all this Sanford stuff is bubbling up the day after Curtis didn’t look so hot in court?

nitrat April 17, 2013 at 11:44 am

Isn’t it grand that all this Sanford stuff is bubbling up the day after Curtis didn’t look so hot in court?

Carrie April 17, 2013 at 11:53 am

My God, this is very serious Those poor boys-they’ve been put on a merry-go-round and it hasn’t stopped yet. Divorced parents are the scum of the earth if they use their children to hurt one another. Apparently Jenny is not over being humiliated by Mark’s actions and this is humiliating if Mark gets charged with burglary or whatever.

FONZ April 17, 2013 at 3:11 pm

The children are the usual casualties in this sort of thing.
Just ask Danny Frazier’s kids, Bob Peeler’s kids, Richard Eckstrom’s kids, John Edward’s kids and the children of Kelly, Donna, Maria and Cynthia etc. It is all the same.

Carrie April 17, 2013 at 11:53 am

My God, this is very serious Those poor boys-they’ve been put on a merry-go-round and it hasn’t stopped yet. Divorced parents are the scum of the earth if they use their children to hurt one another. Apparently Jenny is not over being humiliated by Mark’s actions and this is humiliating if Mark gets charged with burglary or whatever.

FONZ April 17, 2013 at 3:11 pm

The children are the usual casualties in this sort of thing.
Just ask Danny Frazier’s kids, Bob Peeler’s kids, Richard Eckstrom’s kids, John Edward’s kids and the children of Kelly, Donna, Maria and Cynthia etc. It is all the same.

Dr. Phil April 17, 2013 at 11:55 am

Sanford is quoted somewhere saying he’s worried about his hair thinning out. Maybe’s looking for his special scalp shampoo. He looks like he’s 65 and balding.

Dr. Phil April 17, 2013 at 11:55 am

Sanford is quoted somewhere saying he’s worried about his hair thinning out. Maybe’s looking for his special scalp shampoo. He looks like he’s 65 and balding.

shifty henry April 17, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Come on, guys – Sanford probably just wanted to get his monogrammed briefs!

shifty henry April 17, 2013 at 12:01 pm

Come on, guys – Sanford probably just wanted to get his monogrammed briefs!

Constantine April 17, 2013 at 12:19 pm

He’s a turd burglar that’s for sure.

Constantine April 17, 2013 at 12:19 pm

He’s a turd burglar that’s for sure.

Sailor April 17, 2013 at 12:40 pm

This post is about Sanford, so why are you showing a picture of Big T??

Sailor April 17, 2013 at 12:40 pm

This post is about Sanford, so why are you showing a picture of Big T??

Synthetic April 17, 2013 at 2:15 pm

First and foremost, she is and looks to be a cold hearted BITCH. If he truly went to watch the Superbowl with his son, I am sure that his son in invited him into the house. Since Ms. Sanford left her son alone at the house, she clearly was OK with him inviting someone into their home. Please note that in no one do I forgive Sanford’s adultery – the same way that I will not forgive Haley (if an honest person cannot look at the phone records produced on FITS between WIll and Haley and not believe there was some sort of affair going on then you are truly delusional. I was able to figure out who my “X” was screwing merely by looking at phone records (which were very similar to the aforementioned phone records).
Would I vote for Sanford – no
Would I vote for Haley – no
Simply because someone that commits adultery (especially if that someone has children) could give a shit less about you and me.
I busted my “X” on 6 cases of adultery (and there were more – pls note that several of these were after we were separated but in this state it is all treated the same) – and let me assure you that my “X”, Haley and Sanford share one item in common – they are all great liars.
But someone made those sealed court records public and I can assure you it was not Mark Sanford – it was Jenny Sanford and she wants total retribution. She hates Mark Sanford with every soul of her human body and it pisses her off even more that their boys more than likely still love him. They heard the arguments behind closed doors. Just like my marriage – everything was not perfect – am I glad that I am divorced – absolutely – who would want to be married to a genital herpes infected whore – but I hate it for my kids relative to what my “X” put them through. And most “X” spouses that were not the guilty party feel the same way.

Too much speculation April 17, 2013 at 2:33 pm

I understand what you are saying, but I think this was just the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. Jenny has a history of putting up with his antics to a point and then she finally says, “Enough!” The legal recourse was probably the only means available to safeguard herself against his further abuses. Maybe he has a history of backing out on his plans with his sons and then decides to be magnanimous with these impromptu, unscheduled gestures? For all we know, with her being away she may have offered to let him be with his son at his own place but his son refused or had other plans.

Jan April 17, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Or maybe Mark left him at mom’s house because he was spending time with his soulmate and could not be bothered with the kid, until the second half. Sanford is a scumbag.

synthetic April 17, 2013 at 10:30 pm

My “X” – you know the one that I busted cheating with 6 partners (and probably more) and was the guilty adulterous party in our divorce still to this day (7+ years latter), hates me to the core. She tells my kids that she will call the cops on me if I drive on their road and she goes ape shit if I walk on her apartment porch to ring the door bell. One time while waiting for the boys outside, I parked in her “marked parking space” (unknowingly) and she started taking pictures of my car. She stopped when I started snapping pictures of her actions with my phone.
Let me assure you that women can be mean SOBs and let me assure you that Ms. Sanford has not moved on and probably never will. I did notice in the election night stage event that the boys did not seem happy to be on the same stage with Sanford’s fiance, but I can assure you that Ms. Sanford has been feeding the boys with every evil thought about her X and his fiance.
Both are cold hearted and honestly deserve each other – the issue is that they are raising boys in this environment. If his son invited him in, he was not trespassing. She probably just hates the fact that he spends anytime whatsoever with them.
She is a bitch and he is a bastard – poor kids

Synthetic April 17, 2013 at 2:15 pm

First and foremost, she is and looks to be a cold hearted BITCH. If he truly went to watch the Superbowl with his son, I am sure that his son in invited him into the house. Since Ms. Sanford left her son alone at the house, she clearly was OK with him inviting someone into their home. Please note that in no one do I forgive Sanford’s adultery – the same way that I will not forgive Haley (if an honest person cannot look at the phone records produced on FITS between WIll and Haley and not believe there was some sort of affair going on then you are truly delusional. I was able to figure out who my “X” was screwing merely by looking at phone records (which were very similar to the aforementioned phone records).
Would I vote for Sanford – no
Would I vote for Haley – no
Simply because someone that commits adultery (especially if that someone has children) could give a shit less about you and me.
I busted my “X” on 6 cases of adultery (and there were more – pls note that several of these were after we were separated but in this state it is all treated the same) – and let me assure you that my “X”, Haley and Sanford share one item in common – they are all great liars.
But someone made those sealed court records public and I can assure you it was not Mark Sanford – it was Jenny Sanford and she wants total retribution. She hates Mark Sanford with every soul of her human body and it pisses her off even more that their boys more than likely still love him. They heard the arguments behind closed doors. Just like my marriage – everything was not perfect – am I glad that I am divorced – absolutely – who would want to be married to a genital herpes infected whore – but I hate it for my kids relative to what my “X” put them through. And most “X” spouses that were not the guilty party feel the same way.

Too much speculation April 17, 2013 at 2:33 pm

I understand what you are saying, but I think this was just the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. Jenny has a history of putting up with his antics to a point and then she finally says, “Enough!” The legal recourse was probably the only means available to safeguard herself against his further abuses. Maybe he has a history of backing out on his plans with his sons and then decides to be magnanimous with these impromptu, unscheduled gestures? For all we know, with her being away she may have offered to let him be with his son at his own place but his son refused or had other plans.

Jan April 17, 2013 at 4:52 pm

Or maybe Mark left him at mom’s house because he was spending time with his soulmate and could not be bothered with the kid, until the second half. Sanford is a scumbag.

synthetic April 17, 2013 at 10:30 pm

My “X” – you know the one that I busted cheating with 6 partners (and probably more) and was the guilty adulterous party in our divorce still to this day (7+ years latter), hates me to the core. She tells my kids that she will call the cops on me if I drive on their road and she goes ape shit if I walk on her apartment porch to ring the door bell. One time while waiting for the boys outside, I parked in her “marked parking space” (unknowingly) and she started taking pictures of my car. She stopped when I started snapping pictures of her actions with my phone.
Let me assure you that women can be mean SOBs and let me assure you that Ms. Sanford has not moved on and probably never will. I did notice in the election night stage event that the boys did not seem happy to be on the same stage with Sanford’s fiance, but I can assure you that Ms. Sanford has been feeding the boys with every evil thought about her X and his fiance.
Both are cold hearted and honestly deserve each other – the issue is that they are raising boys in this environment. If his son invited him in, he was not trespassing. She probably just hates the fact that he spends anytime whatsoever with them.
She is a bitch and he is a bastard – poor kids

kc April 17, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Good thing for him Jenny wasn’t packing a gun.

kc April 17, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Good thing for him Jenny wasn’t packing a gun.

Ralph Hightower April 21, 2013 at 3:53 pm

Laws are laws. Sanford violated the terms of their divorce decree. If Sanford cannot follow law, why should we think that he is capable of creating law?

Ralph Hightower April 21, 2013 at 3:53 pm

Laws are laws. Sanford violated the terms of their divorce decree. If Sanford cannot follow law, why should we think that he is capable of creating law?


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