Letter: Sanford Shirked His Duty In Congress

Dear Editor, We all remember the Jimmy Stewart movie, “Mister Smith Goes to Washington,” where the main character gets drawn into public office only out of a desire to do his civic duty. When running for his first of three terms in Congress, beginning in 1994, Sanford’s positioning was that…

Dear Editor,

We all remember the Jimmy Stewart movie, “Mister Smith Goes to Washington,” where the main character gets drawn into public office only out of a desire to do his civic duty.

When running for his first of three terms in Congress, beginning in 1994, Sanford’s positioning was that of an “everyman” seeking to reform a corrupt political system. He ran on term limits and governmental reform. He made a show of fighting against fringe benefits such as ice delivery to offices and the Congressional barbershop. He even went so far as to make sure that the voters knew that he was sleeping in his office to prove his fiscal responsibility.

Sanford has changed much since those early days. His record from that time begins to tell a story about the candidate we see running for office today.

During Sanford’s time in Congress, he consistently voted against bringing our own tax money back home to South Carolina. Examples of this behavior include his vote against the 1996 Military Construction bill (HR. 1817). With over $90 million going to SC bases, Sanford was the only Congressman from SC to vote “no.” Regarding this vote, Sanford even went so far as to say no bases in SC would be exempt from cuts.

He also voted against the 1996 Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill (HR. 3666) as well as the critical 1996 Comprehensive Terrorism Prevention Act Conference Report (S. 735). In fact, when looking to see just how bad Sanford was on issues of national defense and veterans’ issues, one cannot help but notice the number of times Sanford agreed with well documented and even self-described “democratic socialist,” then Congressman now Senator Bernie Sanders. (I – Vermont). Prime examples of their agreement was Sanford’s vote against the 1999 Defense Appropriations Bill (HR. 4103) and the 1999 Intelligence Appropriations Bill (HR. 3694).

In the process of looking into Sanford’s Congressional record, it quickly becomes clear that in his time in Congress he failed to do his duty to our state out of a concern for his own political career. He became an insider and a career politician: the very things against which he so virulently campaigned.

Now that Sanford wants to be in Congress again, he wants the voters to think of him as another “Mister Smith.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

The people of South Carolina’s first Congressional District must make a clear choice about the type of person they want representing them. Even though we should forgive his adultery, we should also remember that a man who has traded civic duty for careerism while consistently voting against our national security and veterans benefits has no business representing us.


John Osborne

The author is a military veteran and an undergraduate student at the University of South Carolina. He is currently unaffiliated with any political campaign, but participates in the Democratic Party, focusing on rural issues.

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CNSYD April 15, 2013 at 2:37 pm

Dead on!

SparkleCity April 15, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Mr. Osborne/CNSYD:

The “shirking” that Sanfraud performed in Congress pales in comparison to the shameful/disgraceful “shirking” the puke has ‘performed in reguards to his military obligations!!!!!
All the true details are there for anyone to see (including articles both “The State” and “Post & Courier” newspapers dating all the way back to when he was running for Govenor and out of the blue, used his political pull to get a commission in the USAF Reserves as a “Medical Information Officer” (maybe “FITS” had a handle in spinning his shameful actions dodging/shirking him being activated when the rest of his USAF Reserve unit out of Charleston AFB was activated).
Sadly noone seems to have much interest in exposing this shirking puke for what he really is.

lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 6:53 pm

Can’t believe he gets a pass on this. For all I know someone could drown in his tub and no one would care.

CNSYD April 15, 2013 at 2:37 pm

Dead on!

SparkleCity April 15, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Mr. Osborne/CNSYD:

The “shirking” that Sanfraud performed in Congress pales in comparison to the shameful/disgraceful “shirking” the puke has ‘performed in reguards to his military obligations!!!!!
All the true details are there for anyone to see (including articles both “The State” and “Post & Courier” newspapers dating all the way back to when he was running for Govenor and out of the blue, used his political pull to get a commission in the USAF Reserves as a “Medical Information Officer” (maybe “FITS” had a handle in spinning his shameful actions dodging/shirking him being activated when the rest of his USAF Reserve unit out of Charleston AFB was activated).
Sadly noone seems to have much interest in exposing this shirking puke for what he really is.

Lowcorider April 15, 2013 at 6:53 pm

Can’t believe he gets a pass on this. For all I know someone could drown in his tub and no one would care.

jimlewisowb April 15, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Sanford could give a rat’s ass about being a “Mr. Smith”. The fucker apparently likes what he is and for whatever reason it is working for him

Charleston voters could give a rat’s ass about having a “Mr. Smith” in Washington and for whatever reason they have voted for Sanford and they will do the same in May

Politics of substance have been DOA for over 100 years

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 7:20 pm

… this message forwarded from my barn —
“hey there – don’t be so hard on us rats….we perform a public service”

jimlewisowb April 15, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Sanford could give a rat’s ass about being a “Mr. Smith”. The fucker apparently likes what he is and for whatever reason it is working for him

Charleston voters could give a rat’s ass about having a “Mr. Smith” in Washington and for whatever reason they have voted for Sanford and they will do the same in May

Politics of substance have been DOA for over 100 years

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 7:20 pm

… this message forwarded from my barn —
“hey there – don’t be so hard on us rats….we perform a public service”

BigT April 15, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Sanford is a Ron Paul L:ibertarian, not a Republican.
They have to rely on GOP voters, who understand that National Defense is the MAIN function of the federal government.
But if GOP voters realized how Sanford-Libertarians view our soldiers, they’d kick them out of the party.
I don’t care if Sanford is akin to Obama and Clinton, who loathe the military. Sanford just needs to be open and vocal about it..and take the consequneces.
Anything else is sneaky and dis-honest. Sanford would not want the voters to think that of him..would he? …
PS: I hope the fact that FITS is posting opposition, and Busch will not debate, is a sign, she has it won…(though I know that may be wishful thinking)….

SparkleCity April 16, 2013 at 8:38 am

You are aware that Sanfraud is/was a captain in the USAF Reserves aren’t you?
As far as I know, the shirking bastard is still wearing the uniform of a USAF officer and pulling drill once/month and has a cushy job as part of a “Homeland Security” unit that has virtually no chance of being deployed overseas. That is where hs has been pulling his active duty (last I heard/read anyway……)
The puke made sure of that

BigT April 15, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Sanford is a Ron Paul L:ibertarian, not a Republican.
They have to rely on GOP voters, who understand that National Defense is the MAIN function of the federal government.
But if GOP voters realized how Sanford-Libertarians view our soldiers, they’d kick them out of the party.
I don’t care if Sanford is akin to Obama and Clinton, who loathe the military. Sanford just needs to be open and vocal about it..and take the consequneces.
Anything else is sneaky and dis-honest. Sanford would not want the voters to think that of him..would he? …
PS: I hope the fact that FITS is posting opposition, and Busch will not debate, is a sign, she has it won…(though I know that may be wishful thinking)….

SparkleCity April 16, 2013 at 8:38 am

You are aware that Sanfraud is/was a captain in the USAF Reserves aren’t you?
As far as I know, the shirking bastard is still wearing the uniform of a USAF officer and pulling drill once/month and has a cushy job as part of a “Homeland Security” unit that has virtually no chance of being deployed overseas. That is where hs has been pulling his active duty (last I heard/read anyway……)
The puke made sure of that

bogart April 15, 2013 at 6:10 pm

Sanford may be a career politician,but that’s what his little sweet cakes likes,so a man has to do what a man has to do.Sure he lied about term limits,but that’s a small thing when it comes to love.Just thinking about Sanford and sweet cakes sharing that futon in his Congressional office makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

CNSYD April 15, 2013 at 6:44 pm

You actually believe Sanfraud slept on that futon? Bought any beachfront property in Arizona lately?

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 7:31 pm

….can a wolf change its spats?

bogart April 15, 2013 at 6:10 pm

Sanford may be a career politician,but that’s what his little sweet cakes likes,so a man has to do what a man has to do.Sure he lied about term limits,but that’s a small thing when it comes to love.Just thinking about Sanford and sweet cakes sharing that futon in his Congressional office makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

CNSYD April 15, 2013 at 6:44 pm

You actually believe Sanfraud slept on that futon? Bought any beachfront property in Arizona lately?

shifty henry April 15, 2013 at 7:31 pm

….can a wolf change its spats?

Carrie April 15, 2013 at 6:49 pm

Does anyone know if Mark has Argentinian passport? If he does, that would make him an
Argentinian and American as well. Can a person with a dual citizenship run for an elected office in USA? How about MBC, is she an American citizen and if she is, when did that happen?

Lisa April 15, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Grasping at straws again Carrie?

Carrie April 15, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Nope, just trying to put pieces of the puzzle together.

Carrie April 15, 2013 at 6:49 pm

Does anyone know if Mark has Argentinian passport? If he does, that would make him an
Argentinian and American as well. Can a person with a dual citizenship run for an elected office in USA? How about MBC, is she an American citizen and if she is, when did that happen?

Lisa April 15, 2013 at 7:51 pm

Grasping at straws again Carrie?

Carrie April 15, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Nope, just trying to put pieces of the puzzle together.

redneck liberal April 16, 2013 at 12:57 pm

fuk sanford and his country club supporters…they have done nothing for the state of south carolina period…..they believe in corporate welfare and screw the masses….he was born on third base and thinks he hit a homerun….take his whore soul mate and the kids he uses as pawns and disappear…

redneck liberal April 16, 2013 at 12:57 pm

fuk sanford and his country club supporters…they have done nothing for the state of south carolina period…..they believe in corporate welfare and screw the masses….he was born on third base and thinks he hit a homerun….take his whore soul mate and the kids he uses as pawns and disappear…


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