
This Billboard Ought To Do It!

Every time we see one of these billboards it cracks us up … “Black Republicans?” That’s a good one … The GOP (such as it has become) scored 7 percent and 5 percent of the black vote in the last two presidential elections, respectively. In 2004, “Republicans” got 11 percent…

Every time we see one of these billboards it cracks us up …

“Black Republicans?” That’s a good one …

The GOP (such as it has become) scored 7 percent and 5 percent of the black vote in the last two presidential elections, respectively. In 2004, “Republicans” got 11 percent of the black vote, up from 9 percent in 2000. Why such paltry digits? Good question … here’s part of the answer, but we think the real reason “Republicans” are failing with black voters is the same reason they are failing with all voters.

That reason? The party simply doesn’t stand for what it claims to stand for … which makes its crony capitalist country club exclusivity all the more baffling.

Anyway, we’re sure these billboards – and the c. 1995 website they link to – will solve everything.

Especially considering two of the three people on the billboard don’t look even remotely black.


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Cicero April 11, 2013 at 7:29 pm

Riiiight. It has nothing to do with the likes of Lee Atwater and the right’s dismal history of race since the 1950’s. African Americans simply don’t like crony capitalism, that must be all there is to it. Brilliant analysis as always.

Will Folks aka Sic April 11, 2013 at 7:41 pm

you missed it. we said the crony capitalist exclusivity was surprising GIVEN the low black support. never said it was causing the low black support.

lowcorider April 11, 2013 at 7:57 pm

Sic the other day you did a good piece on Atwater. I’ve been thinking of what are the current day racist abstracts used by the GOP which affects their minority recruitment efforts.
Voter ID
Voter fraud
Low information voters
Student loans
Voting rights act
School vouchers
Private school tax credits
Drug testing for benefits
On and on and on

Cicero April 11, 2013 at 8:16 pm

This makes zero sense. African Americans are staying away from the GOP because “simply doesn’t stand for what it claims to stand for.” What does it “stand for”? Free markets and less regulation? Those poll super high with African Americans. That’s why they HATE Barry. And the out-of-left-field linking of “crony capitalism” (whatever you think that is) is just randomly linking things together you don’t like. And your logic is air-tight: the party doesn’t stand for free markets, so it’s “baffling” it stands for crony capitalism. Again, just stringing words and concepts together. Classic Sanford!

Frank Pytel April 12, 2013 at 4:04 am

Your missing it Cicero. That’s what Sic is saying. ‘they don’t stand for what they claim to stand for’. They try to keep the right hand from knowing what the left hand is doing. Sic is spot on. Maybe you should read the article again.

ELCID April 12, 2013 at 1:17 pm

GOP stands for Free Markets and less regulations?????HUH!!!!!!

GOP non-enforcement of Anti-trust laws have destroyed free markets thru massive Wall Street Consolidation Deals, i.e., Alltel bought by Verizon one month before Obama came in and stopped ATT takeover of T-Mobile; Reagan destruction of the air line industry: 20+ to 5, Bush and Reagan consolidation of the Banking Industry. Yes, Clinton, that Democratic Crook, wiped out the Telecom Industry with the 1976 Telecom Act. Don’t Forget Bush 2 and the 2 massive stock market crashes cause by lack of regulations pushed by GOP Phil Graham’s Enron Bill (Yep, I know that crook Clinton signed the damn thing).

So don’t tell me that the GOP stands for anything more than Get Other People’s “Money.”

BigT April 12, 2013 at 8:02 am

STFU you IDIOT…you’re supporting Sanford…that B@$*@r*d is the King of what you whine about…

It’s insolated, never-had-to-work, out-of-touch yuppies like you and Sanford, who have No idea about real America…

Blacks people should hate patronizing idiots like you…F*@kin Dumb@$$#$, like you and Sanford, are offensive, regardless of party…
If you or Sanford ever lived with real people, you’d know that…

GOP Meat April 12, 2013 at 11:27 am

Who’s the gay guy?

Cicero April 11, 2013 at 7:29 pm

Riiiight. It has nothing to do with the likes of Lee Atwater and the right’s dismal history of race since the 1950’s. African Americans simply don’t like crony capitalism, that must be all there is to it. Brilliant analysis as always.

Will Folks aka Sic April 11, 2013 at 7:41 pm

you missed it. we said the crony capitalist exclusivity was surprising GIVEN the low black support. never said it was causing the low black support.

Lowcorider April 11, 2013 at 7:57 pm

Sic the other day you did a good piece on Atwater. I’ve been thinking of what are the current day racist abstracts used by the GOP which affects their minority recruitment efforts.
Voter ID
Voter fraud
Low information voters
Student loans
Voting rights act
School vouchers
Private school tax credits
Drug testing for benefits
On and on and on

Cicero April 11, 2013 at 8:16 pm

This makes zero sense. African Americans are staying away from the GOP because “simply doesn’t stand for what it claims to stand for.” What does it “stand for”? Free markets and less regulation? Those poll super high with African Americans. That’s why they HATE Barry. And the out-of-left-field linking of “crony capitalism” (whatever you think that is) is just randomly linking things together you don’t like. And your logic is air-tight: the party doesn’t stand for free markets, so it’s “baffling” it stands for crony capitalism. Again, just stringing words and concepts together. Classic Sanford!

Frank Pytel April 12, 2013 at 4:04 am

Your missing it Cicero. That’s what Sic is saying. ‘they don’t stand for what they claim to stand for’. They try to keep the right hand from knowing what the left hand is doing. Sic is spot on. Maybe you should read the article again.

ELCID April 12, 2013 at 1:17 pm

GOP stands for Free Markets and less regulations?????HUH!!!!!!

GOP non-enforcement of Anti-trust laws have destroyed free markets thru massive Wall Street Consolidation Deals, i.e., Alltel bought by Verizon one month before Obama came in and stopped ATT takeover of T-Mobile; Reagan destruction of the air line industry: 20+ to 5, Bush and Reagan consolidation of the Banking Industry. Yes, Clinton, that Democratic Crook, wiped out the Telecom Industry with the 1976 Telecom Act. Don’t Forget Bush 2 and the 2 massive stock market crashes cause by lack of regulations pushed by GOP Phil Graham’s Enron Bill (Yep, I know that crook Clinton signed the damn thing).

So don’t tell me that the GOP stands for anything more than Get Other People’s “Money.”

BigT April 12, 2013 at 8:02 am

STFU you IDIOT…you’re supporting Sanford…that B@$*@r*d is the King of what you whine about…

It’s insolated, never-had-to-work, out-of-touch yuppies like you and Sanford, who have No idea about real America…

Blacks people should hate patronizing idiots like you…F*@kin Dumb@$$#$, like you and Sanford, are offensive, regardless of party…
If you or Sanford ever lived with real people, you’d know that…

GOP Meat April 12, 2013 at 11:27 am

Who’s the gay guy?

lowcorider April 11, 2013 at 7:33 pm

Then you have a white republican state senator who punks an 8th grader over his Black History month art project. Oh yeah that will get you plenty of black votes. But then if your gerrymandered district consist of Hilton Head and Sun City why would you consider a black person a constituent. Jus sayin.

Scrappy April 11, 2013 at 8:03 pm

Then the dumb ass challenges the school to a debate on capitalism! I don’t think he thought that one out. Nothing good will come out of this, might want to save that stuff for South of the Broad. This ain’t your audience Tom.

Lowcorider April 11, 2013 at 7:33 pm

Then you have a white republican state senator who punks an 8th grader over his Black History month art project. Oh yeah that will get you plenty of black votes. But then if your gerrymandered district consist of Hilton Head and Sun City why would you consider a black person a constituent. Jus sayin.

Scrappy April 11, 2013 at 8:03 pm

Then the dumb ass challenges the school to a debate on capitalism! I don’t think he thought that one out. Nothing good will come out of this, might want to save that stuff for South of the Broad. This ain’t your audience Tom.

BeaufortTiger April 11, 2013 at 7:51 pm

That billboard has been sitting just off I-26 westbound near St. Matthews for at least two years. This is news?

FITS needs to get out of Lexington and Richland counties more often.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 11, 2013 at 7:57 pm

I’ve noticed a few others of similar vein in the nearby Orangeburg area over the past few years. I’ve idly wondered who was behind them.

BeaufortTiger April 11, 2013 at 7:51 pm

That billboard has been sitting just off I-26 westbound near St. Matthews for at least two years. This is news?

FITS needs to get out of Lexington and Richland counties more often.

Soft Sigh from Hell April 11, 2013 at 7:57 pm

I’ve noticed a few others of similar vein in the nearby Orangeburg area over the past few years. I’ve idly wondered who was behind them.

EarlLikesCock April 11, 2013 at 9:33 pm

I think these were put up by Jim Pratt who ran against Clyburn 3 years ago. He works for this billboard company and lives in St Matthews.

EarlLikesCock April 11, 2013 at 9:33 pm

I think these were put up by Jim Pratt who ran against Clyburn 3 years ago. He works for this billboard company and lives in St Matthews.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 7:57 am

A better billboard would tell blacks to GET YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR @$$#$ and contribute to America. Contrary to the $#!* you’re fed: ‘WE DID BUILD IT’….

Sadly, as WE fought for Blacks to be free, but liberals told them they could do nothing wrong…and Whites could do nothing right…

As long as IDIOTS like FITS, and all the media Promote Abject Hate and Racism of White Americans, there will be an incentive for Blacks to vote democrat and for Hand-outs and extra rights, based on Racism…

Racism will collapse on itself, just like Slavery and Jim Crow Crashed on the democrat party..

mph April 12, 2013 at 11:19 am

And here (Big T sock puppet) you have the real reason black folks will never vote Republican. I’m about 90% sure Big T is one of Folk’s alter egos, but this is what Republicans think of blacks. Not people struggling through the worst job market in 70 years. Not the black women I see sitting at the bus stop after cleaning the hospital all night. Nah, Obama phones, welfare queens, too many babies, shiftless and violent.

Yeah, why wouldn’t they throw in with you guys?

BigT April 12, 2013 at 12:26 pm

FITS could not hold any package associated w/ me, on his BEST day..and my WORST…
Also: Has your RACIST @$$ EVER seen a tired, hardworking white man, or woman???
You are Sickingly so much the cliché.
All poverty, all hard times and all struggling is Hoarded by you Bitter, Close-minded Bigots for blacks…and your hate is only toward Conservatives, almost all white.
We freed black people…yet you still HATE us.
You cling to 20% unemployment, food stamps and government housing… even after Conservatives gave hundreds of thousands of lives to free blacks…
And our economy provides opportunity, where Obama has failed you over and over…
You are the epitome of not only a fool..but you are a D@*n Fool….you are left to drown in your ignorance and hatred of God and good things…

mph April 12, 2013 at 2:35 pm

I’ll take the bait.

I’m a white, middle class dude that grew up in a working class family. And unlike you, I don’t have time (Big T is unemployed? – disability? Sock Puppet?) to post 75-100 times a day on a blog. Speaking of that, given the amount of time you spend writing, you should be better at it. Hang in there, bubba, you’ll get it.

I can’t let this go:

“even after Conservatives gave hundreds of thousands of lives to free blacks”

Wow. The northern abolitionists were modern-day conservatives? You should present a paper at the AHA Conference next year. You’ll be breaking new ground. If you can learn to punctuate above a 4th grade level, I see a Pulitzer in your future.

Putting that aside, you think black folks should vote in 2013 for Republicans because the party’s policies in the mid-19th century? Ha, and I’ll tell my environmentally conscious friends to vote R because of Teddy Roosevelt’s programs.

Too funny.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 7:57 am

A better billboard would tell blacks to GET YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR @$$#$ and contribute to America. Contrary to the $#!* you’re fed: ‘WE DID BUILD IT’….

Sadly, as WE fought for Blacks to be free, but liberals told them they could do nothing wrong…and Whites could do nothing right…

As long as IDIOTS like FITS, and all the media Promote Abject Hate and Racism of White Americans, there will be an incentive for Blacks to vote democrat and for Hand-outs and extra rights, based on Racism…

Racism will collapse on itself, just like Slavery and Jim Crow Crashed on the democrat party..

mph April 12, 2013 at 11:19 am

And here (Big T sock puppet) you have the real reason black folks will never vote Republican. I’m about 90% sure Big T is one of Folk’s alter egos, but this is what Republicans think of blacks. Not people struggling through the worst job market in 70 years. Not the black women I see sitting at the bus stop after cleaning the hospital all night. Nah, Obama phones, welfare queens, too many babies, shiftless and violent.

Yeah, why wouldn’t they throw in with you guys?

BigT April 12, 2013 at 12:26 pm

FITS could not hold any package associated w/ me, on his BEST day..and my WORST…
Also: Has your RACIST @$$ EVER seen a tired, hardworking white man, or woman???
You are Sickingly so much the cliché.
All poverty, all hard times and all struggling is Hoarded by you Bitter, Close-minded Bigots for blacks…and your hate is only toward Conservatives, almost all white.
We freed black people…yet you still HATE us.
You cling to 20% unemployment, food stamps and government housing… even after Conservatives gave hundreds of thousands of lives to free blacks…
And our economy provides opportunity, where Obama has failed you over and over…
You are the epitome of not only a fool..but you are a D@*n Fool….you are left to drown in your ignorance and hatred of God and good things…

mph April 12, 2013 at 2:35 pm

I’ll take the bait.

I’m a white, middle class dude that grew up in a working class family. And unlike you, I don’t have time (Big T is unemployed? – disability? Sock Puppet?) to post 75-100 times a day on a blog. Speaking of that, given the amount of time you spend writing, you should be better at it. Hang in there, bubba, you’ll get it.

I can’t let this go:

“even after Conservatives gave hundreds of thousands of lives to free blacks”

Wow. The northern abolitionists were modern-day conservatives? You should present a paper at the AHA Conference next year. You’ll be breaking new ground. If you can learn to punctuate above a 4th grade level, I see a Pulitzer in your future.

Putting that aside, you think black folks should vote in 2013 for Republicans because the party’s policies in the mid-19th century? Ha, and I’ll tell my environmentally conscious friends to vote R because of Teddy Roosevelt’s programs.

Too funny.

Smirks April 12, 2013 at 8:44 am

If a large percentage of black people suddenly started voting for Republicans, it wouldn’t matter in a lot of cases anyways because of the gerrymandered districts.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 8:54 am

In a way, you have a point, Smirks. Blacks HATE Republicans in SC, but Republicans don’t need them….We own government statewide.

For Republicans, who have seen the state progress exponentially under Republican rule, Demanding that Blacks CONTRIBUTE would free them. But w/ the media and FITS preaching ignorance, I don’t see that happening…

FITS and Sanford can try to Lliberlaize” themselves from the GOP by pandering to blacks w/ liberal slogans.

democrat leaders are content to keep a majority of blacks living in poverty, where poor social behavior leads them to STDs at high rates, more welfare, inferior emphasis on education and neglected children.

If keeping voters ignorant keeps democrats in power…they’ll keep doing it. Republicans need to preach TRUTH…and let those who ignore it continue to Suffer under the liberals..The price of Stupidity has always ended in slavery. And that’s the price blacks are paying to the democrat party and moderate apologists, like FITS…

mph April 12, 2013 at 11:23 am

“Demanding that Blacks CONTRIBUTE would free them.”

So says the guy that has time to post dozens of times a day. *Wink.

Don’t shrug, Atlas, you might drop the world.

a black guy April 12, 2013 at 11:46 am

The majority of blacks are in poverty???? This underscores your racist view of the world, one where black folks are poor and dependent and dumb. That is not the case, even in a poor state like South Carolina. As a whole, there is more white poverty in South Carolina than black poverty. But the black poverty rate — 35 percent — is disproportionate, nearly twice the rate of whites, which is 17 percent. But leave it to you to paint black folks with the same brush of dependency. Big T is the reason black folks don’t vote Republican.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 12:32 pm

So now, according to you, we can switch Affirmative Action and college assistance in favor of Whites, right???…since more whites are poor???

Also: Look at the data, and the most government-dependent portions of SC. Their leaders are Ds…and then see how RACIST and Monolithic, blacks vote.

Do that: And I think you get your answer…but I have NO question that you are too blind, and cling to ignorance too much, to admit the truth…

a black guy April 15, 2013 at 1:27 pm

^^^ proof Big T is not smart enough to argue with a black guy. Poor fella doesn’t understand raw numbers versus proportions. Such a pity.

Smirks April 12, 2013 at 8:44 am

If a large percentage of black people suddenly started voting for Republicans, it wouldn’t matter in a lot of cases anyways because of the gerrymandered districts.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 8:54 am

In a way, you have a point, Smirks. Blacks HATE Republicans in SC, but Republicans don’t need them….We own government statewide.

For Republicans, who have seen the state progress exponentially under Republican rule, Demanding that Blacks CONTRIBUTE would free them. But w/ the media and FITS preaching ignorance, I don’t see that happening…

FITS and Sanford can try to Lliberlaize” themselves from the GOP by pandering to blacks w/ liberal slogans.

democrat leaders are content to keep a majority of blacks living in poverty, where poor social behavior leads them to STDs at high rates, more welfare, inferior emphasis on education and neglected children.

If keeping voters ignorant keeps democrats in power…they’ll keep doing it. Republicans need to preach TRUTH…and let those who ignore it continue to Suffer under the liberals..The price of Stupidity has always ended in slavery. And that’s the price blacks are paying to the democrat party and moderate apologists, like FITS…

mph April 12, 2013 at 11:23 am

“Demanding that Blacks CONTRIBUTE would free them.”

So says the guy that has time to post dozens of times a day. *Wink.

Don’t shrug, Atlas, you might drop the world.

a black guy April 12, 2013 at 11:46 am

The majority of blacks are in poverty???? This underscores your racist view of the world, one where black folks are poor and dependent and dumb. That is not the case, even in a poor state like South Carolina. As a whole, there is more white poverty in South Carolina than black poverty. But the black poverty rate — 35 percent — is disproportionate, nearly twice the rate of whites, which is 17 percent. But leave it to you to paint black folks with the same brush of dependency. Big T is the reason black folks don’t vote Republican.

BigT April 12, 2013 at 12:32 pm

So now, according to you, we can switch Affirmative Action and college assistance in favor of Whites, right???…since more whites are poor???

Also: Look at the data, and the most government-dependent portions of SC. Their leaders are Ds…and then see how RACIST and Monolithic, blacks vote.

Do that: And I think you get your answer…but I have NO question that you are too blind, and cling to ignorance too much, to admit the truth…

a black guy April 15, 2013 at 1:27 pm

^^^ proof Big T is not smart enough to argue with a black guy. Poor fella doesn’t understand raw numbers versus proportions. Such a pity.

peytonmanningsucks April 12, 2013 at 9:42 am

“That reason? The party simply doesn’t stand for what it claims to stand for …”

Well, that and the fact they hate black people.

peytonmanningsucks April 12, 2013 at 9:42 am

“That reason? The party simply doesn’t stand for what it claims to stand for …”

Well, that and the fact they hate black people.

Tank April 13, 2013 at 9:54 am

Recalls the poll during the Presidential election in which Obama was favored over Romney 95%-0%.

Tank April 13, 2013 at 9:54 am

Recalls the poll during the Presidential election in which Obama was favored over Romney 95%-0%.


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