SC Democrats Attack The Wrong Sanford

We didn’t think it was possible to screw up an attack on former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford. He’s the ultimate “easy target” in politics … right? South Carolina Democrats did just that this week, though, firing out a press release blasting Sanford as a “colossal hypocrite” in the race for…

We didn’t think it was possible to screw up an attack on former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford.

He’s the ultimate “easy target” in politics … right?

South Carolina Democrats did just that this week, though, firing out a press release blasting Sanford as a “colossal hypocrite” in the race for South Carolina’s first congressional district. Sanford, who held this seat from 1995-2001, is running against Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Busch in a special election for the seat vacated earlier this year by newly appointed U.S. Sen. Tim Scott.

Anyway … while we’re not going to argue with the “colossal hypocrite” characterization, Democrats completely missed the mark in attempting to make their claim stick.

In responding to Sanford’s insistence that Colbert-Busch return political contributions she’s received from labor unions, a press release from the S.C. Democratic Party accused Sanford of taking “thousands in union dollars” himself.

“Just when you thought Mark Sanford’s strained relationship with the truth couldn’t get any worse, we learn that he’s criticizing Elizabeth Colbert Busch for something he’s done,” SCDP chairman Dick Harpootlian said in the release. “Mark owes Elizabeth an apology for this ugly attack, but we won’t hold our breath for him to do the right thing. Only a colossal hypocrite like Mark Sanford thinks he can operate outside the truth and play by his own rules.”

Democrats went on to list $9,000 in contributions allegedly received by Sanford from 1998-2000.

The only problem? The contributions in question never went to Sanford – they went to Sanford Bishop (above, center) a Georgia Democrat.

The former governor’s campaign pounced, mocking Democrats via a press release that read “Now Hiring: Better researchers for the SCDP.”

“This is yet another example of Democrats playing fast and loose with the facts in an effort to distract from their candidate being beholden to the union that tried to shutter Boeing, and ship 1,000 jobs from Charleston off to Washington state,” Sanford campaign spokesman Joel Sawyer said. “Mr. Harpootlian owes voters, and for that matter Governor Sanford, an apology for disseminating this false and misleading information. And while he’s at it, maybe he can explain to voters why they are fielding a candidate for the First District who is so cozy with the very people who want to take jobs from South Carolinians.”

Democrats did apologize for the error … but so far they have offered no explanation for Colbert-Busch’s close ties to organized labor.

Colbert-Busch – sister of the famous faux comedian Stephen Colbert – enters the first district race with a slim lead over Sanford. A former six-figure taxpayer-funded bureaucrat, she’s nonetheless running TV commercials aimed at convincing voters that she’s a fiscally conservative independent.

Exchanges like this won’t help her cause, though …

It’s bad enough that Democrats fired and missed (badly), but this back-and-forth is especially damaging because it makes Colbert-Busch look like a tool of the far left as opposed to the “independent” she claims to be. In a district that leans heavily “Republican,” that’s not helpful. Also, the misfire provides some measure of insulation for Sanford against future attacks – which given his significant exposure to legitimate criticism could be very helpful.


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Smirks April 10, 2013 at 8:42 am

SC Democrats: Please stop taking attack ad advise from Joe Biden.

shifty henry April 10, 2013 at 9:00 am

Biden? ,,,,,,,, he’s still here?

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 8:42 am

SC Democrats: Please stop taking attack ad advise from Joe Biden.

shifty henry April 10, 2013 at 9:00 am

Biden? ,,,,,,,, he’s still here?

? April 10, 2013 at 9:00 am

She better answer the union charges….and if she’s “independent” all she has to do is say that Pootie Poot doesn’t run her campaign and she can’t stop him from sticking his feet in his exceptionally large mouth.

Isotope Soap April 10, 2013 at 6:21 pm

She did:
Today, Elizabeth Colbert Busch issued the following statement about former Governor Mark Sanford’s false attacks:

“If there is anyone out there who believes that a board member of the Chamber of Commerce – not to mention the chairwoman of the South Carolina Maritime Association, chairwoman of the International Trade Conference and one of the Journal of Commerce’s Top 20 Women in Transportation – is in the pocket of big labor, I have some oceanfront property in Wyoming for you. In my role at Clemson University, I have been delighted to work so closely with Boeing on research and development in this community, as well as working together to strengthen our workforce through science, technology, engineering and math education. I couldn’t be more pleased that a strong partner like Boeing is expanding here.

“I’m not surprised at Mark Sanford’s false attacks on my character, because I am receiving overwhelming support from across the political spectrum – Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike. We’re getting support from so many different corners because the people of South Carolina want a tough, independent businesswoman to bring that same attitude to Washington and solve our country’s problems. I have refused to take any special interest pledges because my only pledge is to the people of South Carolina – and that is exactly why so many diverse groups are backing me.”

? April 10, 2013 at 9:00 am

She better answer the union charges….and if she’s “independent” all she has to do is say that Pootie Poot doesn’t run her campaign and she can’t stop him from sticking his feet in his exceptionally large mouth.

Isotope Soap April 10, 2013 at 6:21 pm

She did:
Today, Elizabeth Colbert Busch issued the following statement about former Governor Mark Sanford’s false attacks:

“If there is anyone out there who believes that a board member of the Chamber of Commerce – not to mention the chairwoman of the South Carolina Maritime Association, chairwoman of the International Trade Conference and one of the Journal of Commerce’s Top 20 Women in Transportation – is in the pocket of big labor, I have some oceanfront property in Wyoming for you. In my role at Clemson University, I have been delighted to work so closely with Boeing on research and development in this community, as well as working together to strengthen our workforce through science, technology, engineering and math education. I couldn’t be more pleased that a strong partner like Boeing is expanding here.

“I’m not surprised at Mark Sanford’s false attacks on my character, because I am receiving overwhelming support from across the political spectrum – Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike. We’re getting support from so many different corners because the people of South Carolina want a tough, independent businesswoman to bring that same attitude to Washington and solve our country’s problems. I have refused to take any special interest pledges because my only pledge is to the people of South Carolina – and that is exactly why so many diverse groups are backing me.”

CNSYD April 10, 2013 at 9:01 am

Certainly happy to see that the family riff has been settled. Sic Willie is back to telling us that ECB’s brother is Stephen Colbert.

CNSYD April 10, 2013 at 9:01 am

Certainly happy to see that the family riff has been settled. Sic Willie is back to telling us that ECB’s brother is Stephen Colbert.

nitrat April 10, 2013 at 9:16 am


The Democrats just need to set staffers to work reading the Sanford era LAC reports on the managerial incompetence of his cabinet appointees + the cabinet agencies that exploded in managerial idiocy less than 2 years after he left office, like SCDOT, SCDOR, SCDEW, etc – due to long term “executive” neglect by Mr. Private Sector. Expose the lie that he was a “good” governor…every employee of every cabinet agency knows what a farce that is.

They also need to research Marky’s congressional junkets during his previous suckling at the federal teat. That’s how he met Maria, right?

One of my favorite LAC reports was about his SCDMV having such messed up financial records neither the agency or LAC could determine if vendors had been paid twice or not. That cabinet appointee went on to head up the SCBCB, as I recall…wish I could remember her name.

Inquiring voters want to know April 10, 2013 at 9:50 am

There is such an inbred-edness about politics in general. Why aren’t these questions ever posed except on blog sites? Is there a quid pro quo going on here? Or “he’s suffered enough” mentality by others in the fold? You would think an opponent would seize on the very apparent implosion of the cabinet agencies after his stewardship. And, as far as his philandering on the taxpayer dime, it’s obvious that didn’t happen overnight, and on a solitary junket to South America! Also why isn’t he asked to explain about C-Street? Or what his interests in Argentina (business, etc…) other than future in-laws, or how much time he will spend there and DC while representing SC-1?

Carrie April 10, 2013 at 10:30 am

That’s what I’ve been saying all along about Chapur-if she is going to marry your congressman, shouldn’t you know more about her background? How did she acquire her wealth? From her family or on her own? Why does she want to be very private? I know falling in love is a very powerful emotion and you can lose your reasoning powers temporarily. I still cannot believe that Sanford would talk like he did to the whole world about his love for his mistress and throw a wife who helped him win every office that he held and bore him four sons under the bus. That still infuriates me and others as well. Since they are both TV correspondents, it is possible that the others will not talk about them. The question is-is she going to be an asset or a liability while he is serving in the Congress (that is if he is elected)?

lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 7:53 pm

Sanford’s wife and children were real folks who loved and trusted their husband and father. He abandoned them and treated them like dirt. Such a person does not deserve the publics trust.

nofanofdan April 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Mark appointed special friend Susan DeVenny to head up First Steps. See what the LAC had to say about her competence and treatment of disabled little kids in Baby Net, another program Mark gave to his Suzie.

nitrat April 10, 2013 at 9:16 am


The Democrats just need to set staffers to work reading the Sanford era LAC reports on the managerial incompetence of his cabinet appointees + the cabinet agencies that exploded in managerial idiocy less than 2 years after he left office, like SCDOT, SCDOR, SCDEW, etc – due to long term “executive” neglect by Mr. Private Sector. Expose the lie that he was a “good” governor…every employee of every cabinet agency knows what a farce that is.

They also need to research Marky’s congressional junkets during his previous suckling at the federal teat. That’s how he met Maria, right?

One of my favorite LAC reports was about his SCDMV having such messed up financial records neither the agency or LAC could determine if vendors had been paid twice or not. That cabinet appointee went on to head up the SCBCB, as I recall…wish I could remember her name.

Inquiring voters want to know April 10, 2013 at 9:50 am

There is such an inbred-edness about politics in general. Why aren’t these questions ever posed except on blog sites? Is there a quid pro quo going on here? Or “he’s suffered enough” mentality by others in the fold? You would think an opponent would seize on the very apparent implosion of the cabinet agencies after his stewardship. And, as far as his philandering on the taxpayer dime, it’s obvious that didn’t happen overnight, and on a solitary junket to South America! Also why isn’t he asked to explain about C-Street? Or what his interests in Argentina (business, etc…) other than future in-laws, or how much time he will spend there and DC while representing SC-1?

Carrie April 10, 2013 at 10:30 am

That’s what I’ve been saying all along about Chapur-if she is going to marry your congressman, shouldn’t you know more about her background? How did she acquire her wealth? From her family or on her own? Why does she want to be very private? I know falling in love is a very powerful emotion and you can lose your reasoning powers temporarily. I still cannot believe that Sanford would talk like he did to the whole world about his love for his mistress and throw a wife who helped him win every office that he held and bore him four sons under the bus. That still infuriates me and others as well. Since they are both TV correspondents, it is possible that the others will not talk about them. The question is-is she going to be an asset or a liability while he is serving in the Congress (that is if he is elected)?

Lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 7:53 pm

Sanford’s wife and children were real folks who loved and trusted their husband and father. He abandoned them and treated them like dirt. Such a person does not deserve the publics trust.

nofanofdan April 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm

Mark appointed special friend Susan DeVenny to head up First Steps. See what the LAC had to say about her competence and treatment of disabled little kids in Baby Net, another program Mark gave to his Suzie.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 9:57 am

“independent” she claims to be

About the only thing said about ECB that has been correct

Politically, ECB is independent of any damn brains

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 9:57 am

“independent” she claims to be

About the only thing said about ECB that has been correct

Politically, ECB is independent of any damn brains

Demo lite April 10, 2013 at 10:49 am

It is not surprising that the unbalanced, unfair, editor of this website will lean Sanford’s way in every story from now until the polls close. ECB is by far the better choice. If you don’t learn from history it will repeat itself. Sanford was called to resign by his own party. He lied to his office, his wife, his sons and now he is lying to the people of SC-1 by telling them he is a changed person. He is the same egotistical person that puts himself before his children. Parading his dirty laundry and his mistress out for all to see. Just announced today Weiner is making a comeback and why the f%%K not because people don’t care that these scumbags should not be allowed any position of leadership or authority, EVER!

Demo lite April 10, 2013 at 10:49 am

It is not surprising that the unbalanced, unfair, editor of this website will lean Sanford’s way in every story from now until the polls close. ECB is by far the better choice. If you don’t learn from history it will repeat itself. Sanford was called to resign by his own party. He lied to his office, his wife, his sons and now he is lying to the people of SC-1 by telling them he is a changed person. He is the same egotistical person that puts himself before his children. Parading his dirty laundry and his mistress out for all to see. Just announced today Weiner is making a comeback and why the f%%K not because people don’t care that these scumbags should not be allowed any position of leadership or authority, EVER!

lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 7:49 pm

Mark Sanford is a former 6 figure taxpayer supported bureaucrat as well as noted adulterer, liar, and cheat. Not to mention he abandoned his state and his wife and children.

Lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 7:49 pm

Mark Sanford is a former 6 figure taxpayer supported bureaucrat as well as noted adulterer, liar, and cheat. Not to mention he abandoned his state and his wife and children.


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