
“Accidental” Atonal Auditory Abortion

For the eleventy kabillionth time, we hate country music. Always have, always will. It’s music for slow people … “We don’t live in mobile homes and we’ve never experimented sexually with any of our relatives – which means we’re NOT country music fans,” we wrote a few years back. Accordingly,…

For the eleventy kabillionth time, we hate country music. Always have, always will. It’s music for slow people …

“We don’t live in mobile homes and we’ve never experimented sexually with any of our relatives – which means we’re NOT country music fans,” we wrote a few years back.

Accordingly, we only know of Brad Paisley by name. Until now, that is (unfortunately) …

Paisley is at the center of a major controversy because he violated country music’s Golden Rule: He wrote a song about something other than dead dogs, pick-up trucks, alcoholism, illegitimate children and cheating women with double names.

Paisley’s subject matter? Race relations.

First, here’s the song …

(Click to play)

And here is a sampling of its lyrics …

I’m just a white man comin’ to you from the southland
Tryin’ to understand what it’s like not to be
I’m proud of where I’m from but not everything we’ve done
And it ain’t like you and me can re-write history
Our generation didn’t start this nation
We’re still pickin’ up the pieces, walkin’ on eggshells, fightin’ over yesterday
And caught between southern pride and southern blame

They called it Reconstruction, fixed the buildings, dried some tears
We’re still siftin’ through the rubble after a hundred-fifty years
I try to put myself in your shoes and that’s a good place to begin
But it ain’t like I can walk a mile in someone else’s skin

Wait … what? “Caught between Southern pride and Southern blame?” Really?

Jeez … and yes, that’s LL Cool J chiming in at the song’s 3:40 mark, injecting his thoughts on the issue of present day race relations.

Dear Mr. White Man, I wish you understood
What the world is really like when you’re livin’ in the hood
Just because my pants are saggin’ doesn’t mean I’m up to no good
You should try to get to know me, I really wish you would
Now my chains are gold but I’m still misunderstood
I wasn’t there when Sherman’s March turned the south into firewood
I want you to get paid but be a slave I never could
Feel like a new fangled Django, dodgin’ invisible white hoods
So when I see that white cowboy hat, I’m thinkin’ it’s not all good
I guess we’re both guilty of judgin’ the cover not the book
I’d love to buy you a beer, conversate and clear the air
But I see that red flag and I think you wish I wasn’t here

Um … yeah.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again but we find it amazing that people are still playing the race card … and in Paisley’s case, the race apology card … in post-racial America. Did millions of white Americans not vote for a (sort of) black president? And did hundreds of thousands of white South Carolinians not elect an Indian-American as their governor?

Why are we still talking (or in this case crooning/ rapping) about people’s skin color? And trying to impose racist policies based on those colors?

As far as we’re concerned, individual liberty and free market fiscal conservatism are colorblind – meaning individuals who wish to make personal or economic decisions on the basis of race do so at their own expense. And as for the public sector, it goes without saying that equal protection means equal protection – not discrimination or preferential treatment.

So again … why is this still an issue?

Good question. All we know is when it comes to tapping into our white guilt, we’ll exercise our free market right to rewind the clock and play something worth listening to …

(Click to play)


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Jay April 10, 2013 at 10:20 am

More profiteering off of social and cultural stereotypes, nothing to see here.

Jay April 10, 2013 at 10:20 am

More profiteering off of social and cultural stereotypes, nothing to see here.

Anonymous April 10, 2013 at 10:24 am

The “free market” is not colorblind. It is very sensitive to the color of money. If you don’t have it; you’re discriminated against.

Anonymous April 10, 2013 at 10:24 am

The “free market” is not colorblind. It is very sensitive to the color of money. If you don’t have it; you’re discriminated against.

loisdeboid April 10, 2013 at 11:15 am

Yes, wouldn’t it be dreadful it the races got along? And isn’t it amazing that Brad Paisley has been elevated by this site into a policy maker? When ever I hear someone expressing outrage over people playing the “race card,” I know I’m talking to a racist without the guts to own up to it. Then it’s always followed up with drivel about us being a post-racial country. Horseshit. You sound like a bratty child saying “I know you are, but what am I?” You can’t rewind the clock, dude. Change happens. Compassion and understanding amongst individuals is not political. Get a grip.

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 11:15 am

Not all country music is that bad, but God help anyone listening to the average country station nowadays…

loisdeboid April 10, 2013 at 11:15 am

Yes, wouldn’t it be dreadful it the races got along? And isn’t it amazing that Brad Paisley has been elevated by this site into a policy maker? When ever I hear someone expressing outrage over people playing the “race card,” I know I’m talking to a racist without the guts to own up to it. Then it’s always followed up with drivel about us being a post-racial country. Horseshit. You sound like a bratty child saying “I know you are, but what am I?” You can’t rewind the clock, dude. Change happens. Compassion and understanding amongst individuals is not political. Get a grip.

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 11:15 am

Not all country music is that bad, but God help anyone listening to the average country station nowadays…

tomstickler April 10, 2013 at 11:20 am

“post-racial America”?

None are so blind as those that will not see.

BigT April 10, 2013 at 12:02 pm

And you, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, are as blind a F*#kin Bat as I’ve ever seen…

tomstickler April 10, 2013 at 11:20 am

“post-racial America”?

None are so blind as those that will not see.

BigT April 10, 2013 at 12:02 pm

And you, and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, are as blind a F*#kin Bat as I’ve ever seen…

? April 10, 2013 at 11:32 am

“Just because my pants are saggin’ doesn’t mean I’m up to no good”

Pull your fucking pants up.

You may not be “up to no good”, but you are a lazy P.O.S. that has chosen to “show his ass” to the world and make me explain to my kids that happen to see you while your shifty ass is strolling down the street why it is you have so little self respect(and respect for others that haven’t done anything to you) as to not give a damn about showing your ass to the world.

If you feel that is part of “black culture” that is a fucking shame.

vicupstate April 10, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Maybe you are too young to remember fashion from the 70’s.

? April 11, 2013 at 10:31 am

Chicks without bras and dudes not cutting their hair is fine by me. But we aren’t living in the Garden of Eden, so I could do without the display of asswear(in public).

More importantly though, the message to all of society is really “fuck you, I’m showing my ass to you all”. So they shouldn’t be surprised when I say “fuck you” back.

There’s nothing “fashionable” about it.

At least the chicks without bras were fighting against men projecting societal norms on them or controlling their lives and long hair was really the same deal for men in general to society.

It truly was a statement.

When you choose to show your ass to the world for the same reason you’ve already lost the message because it’s YOUR ASS. The place where your shit comes from.

Not only that, I’d wager to say a significant portion of the black population doesn’t think LL Cool J is speaking for them when he claims it represents such.

At least a chick with no bra is sporting something that most people love(9″ and others excepted).

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 1:47 pm

I thought the mention of “now my chains are gold” was quite ironic, as these rappers tend to spend huge sums of money on shit they equate to slavery in their raps. Really? Part of me really wants to believe maybe they are trying to be some kind of hipster artist, portraying an image that their rap songs “glorify” in an attempt to show their fans how ridiculous such a lifestyle is, but clearly their message isn’t getting through if that’s the case.

Dressing like a normal human being and not engaging in behavior or mannerisms that further segregate you from others isn’t “being white,” it is “not being an asshole.” No one wants go “get to know” someone who engages in such stupid petty crap.

9" April 10, 2013 at 8:38 pm

Beautify America.Get A Haircut.

Mike at the Beach April 14, 2013 at 9:45 pm

You are absolutely right, it’s not “being white.” Nor is it “selling out” or becoming an “Uncle Tom.” It’s called joining the mainstream, dumbasses. Once in a while I think that it would be cool to go back to wearing flip-flops and board shorts all day and having shaggy hair like I did in college. I’m fairly certain, though, that my new client list would start shrinking (and my mortgage is the same every month). I’ll stick with the haircut and the suit, at least until I retire anyway.

? April 10, 2013 at 11:32 am

“Just because my pants are saggin’ doesn’t mean I’m up to no good”

Pull your fucking pants up.

You may not be “up to no good”, but you are a lazy P.O.S. that has chosen to “show his ass” to the world and make me explain to my kids that happen to see you while your shifty ass is strolling down the street why it is you have so little self respect(and respect for others that haven’t done anything to you) as to not give a damn about showing your ass to the world.

If you feel that is part of “black culture” that is a fucking shame.

vicupstate April 10, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Maybe you are too young to remember fashion from the 70’s.

? April 11, 2013 at 10:31 am

Chicks without bras and dudes not cutting their hair is fine by me. But we aren’t living in the Garden of Eden, so I could do without the display of asswear(in public).

More importantly though, the message to all of society is really “fuck you, I’m showing my ass to you all”. So they shouldn’t be surprised when I say “fuck you” back.

There’s nothing “fashionable” about it.

At least the chicks without bras were fighting against men projecting societal norms on them or controlling their lives and long hair was really the same deal for men in general to society.

It truly was a statement.

When you choose to show your ass to the world for the same reason you’ve already lost the message because it’s YOUR ASS. The place where your shit comes from.

Not only that, I’d wager to say a significant portion of the black population doesn’t think LL Cool J is speaking for them when he claims it represents such.

At least a chick with no bra is sporting something that most people love(9″ and others excepted).

Smirks April 10, 2013 at 1:47 pm

I thought the mention of “now my chains are gold” was quite ironic, as these rappers tend to spend huge sums of money on shit they equate to slavery in their raps. Really? Part of me really wants to believe maybe they are trying to be some kind of hipster artist, portraying an image that their rap songs “glorify” in an attempt to show their fans how ridiculous such a lifestyle is, but clearly their message isn’t getting through if that’s the case.

Dressing like a normal human being and not engaging in behavior or mannerisms that further segregate you from others isn’t “being white,” it is “not being an asshole.” No one wants go “get to know” someone who engages in such stupid petty crap.

9" April 10, 2013 at 8:38 pm

Beautify America.Get A Haircut.

Mike at the Beach April 14, 2013 at 9:45 pm

You are absolutely right, it’s not “being white.” Nor is it “selling out” or becoming an “Uncle Tom.” It’s called joining the mainstream, dumbasses. Once in a while I think that it would be cool to go back to wearing flip-flops and board shorts all day and having shaggy hair like I did in college. I’m fairly certain, though, that my new client list would start shrinking (and my mortgage is the same every month). I’ll stick with the haircut and the suit, at least until I retire anyway.

NOBODY April 10, 2013 at 11:33 am

So, a bunch of whiteys voted for a couple of mixed-race politicians. . .so fucking what? There were plenty of people throwing around common racial epithets at the same time. America is not post-racist yet.

NOBODY April 10, 2013 at 11:33 am

So, a bunch of whiteys voted for a couple of mixed-race politicians. . .so fucking what? There were plenty of people throwing around common racial epithets at the same time. America is not post-racist yet.

BigT April 10, 2013 at 12:01 pm

The loafing and Begging is over Race Baitiing Blacks and liberals that empower you. Time to Contribute to your Country..to pay back for all the Blood spilled for your freedom…
Black Racists and Liberals have been GIVEN EVERYTHING they asked for…
And Dumb@$$#$, like FITS, are still asking: How can I better serve you god-Obama?
It’s time for Racist Blacks and the liberals that empower them, to STFU, except to ask: What can I do to re-pay you for making this country more fair tro blacks than it is whites..
If I were a Brotha: I would not have any respect for the likes of FITS, Sanford, liberals and ALL the other Panderers and Partonizers…
It’s time to GIVE BACK to this great nation if you are Black. You’ve gotten enough handed to you…Quit tearing America apart…

BigT April 10, 2013 at 12:01 pm

The loafing and Begging is over Race Baitiing Blacks and liberals that empower you. Time to Contribute to your Country..to pay back for all the Blood spilled for your freedom…
Black Racists and Liberals have been GIVEN EVERYTHING they asked for…
And Dumb@$$#$, like FITS, are still asking: How can I better serve you god-Obama?
It’s time for Racist Blacks and the liberals that empower them, to STFU, except to ask: What can I do to re-pay you for making this country more fair tro blacks than it is whites..
If I were a Brotha: I would not have any respect for the likes of FITS, Sanford, liberals and ALL the other Panderers and Partonizers…
It’s time to GIVE BACK to this great nation if you are Black. You’ve gotten enough handed to you…Quit tearing America apart…

Conway Titty April 10, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Tell me Fits, if it is something you claim to not know much about, and don’t care about, why write about it?

Conway Titty April 10, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Tell me Fits, if it is something you claim to not know much about, and don’t care about, why write about it?

A Humble Chef April 10, 2013 at 1:49 pm

The guy that wants to “check you for ticks” instead of getting laid and the whitest black rap artist ever did a misguided “duet” about race relations. You cannot convince me this wasn’t exclusively done to get in the news.

On a side note, the only thing they need is Three Doors Down and Bubba Sparxxx to open up for them on tour and they would draw every mobile home dweller in a 100 mile radius of each show!

A Humble Chef April 10, 2013 at 1:49 pm

The guy that wants to “check you for ticks” instead of getting laid and the whitest black rap artist ever did a misguided “duet” about race relations. You cannot convince me this wasn’t exclusively done to get in the news.

On a side note, the only thing they need is Three Doors Down and Bubba Sparxxx to open up for them on tour and they would draw every mobile home dweller in a 100 mile radius of each show!

lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 5:57 pm

Tom Davis to get lesson on race relations very soon as he has doubled down on his recent punking of an 8th grader. He will be debating a local black school board member. He gonna show them black boys who de boss.

Lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 5:57 pm

Tom Davis to get lesson on race relations very soon as he has doubled down on his recent punking of an 8th grader. He will be debating a local black school board member. He gonna show them black boys who de boss.

9" April 10, 2013 at 6:07 pm

paisley isn’t ‘country’.i could make you a list…this is pop/country with one of the last great guitarists,alive,and i’ve seen them all-‘slow people’ don’t pick this fast:


9" April 10, 2013 at 6:07 pm

paisley isn’t ‘country’.i could make you a list…this is pop/country with one of the last great guitarists,alive,and i’ve seen them all-‘slow people’ don’t pick this fast:


9" April 10, 2013 at 8:31 pm

when obama won the first ,and then the second election,which fits ,with his clairvoyant powers of reading the zeitgeist of the nation,got wrong.the racism ,especially here in lexington county and on this blog,is palpable .hating ‘country music’,doesn’t mean you’re not a racist/redneck.it means you’re ignorant and uninformed,and don’t have an educated opinion on the music…

try getting a gig in a good country band.they’ll leave you in the dust


9" April 10, 2013 at 8:31 pm

when obama won the first ,and then the second election,which fits ,with his clairvoyant powers of reading the zeitgeist of the nation,got wrong.the racism ,especially here in lexington county and on this blog,is palpable .hating ‘country music’,doesn’t mean you’re not a racist/redneck.it means you’re ignorant and uninformed,and don’t have an educated opinion on the music…

try getting a gig in a good country band.they’ll leave you in the dust


lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 11:41 pm

Post racial America. You wanna check with Sen Tom Davis about that.

Lowcorider April 10, 2013 at 11:41 pm

Post racial America. You wanna check with Sen Tom Davis about that.

Southern and proud! April 11, 2013 at 9:07 am

I love country music always have and always will. It’s shameful to see someone judge a whole category based on “some” of the people. We do not sleep with family members nor do all of us drink, country music isn’t like most that talk about bitches and hoes! It’s about real life things that happen. Some funny some heartfelt some tragic some sad. It’s a genera where the average person can relate. I don’t live in a mobile home, but if I did what’s that have to do with what kinda person I am. I think people should carry a mirror and everyone someone starts to judge someone they don’t know personally they should look at the mirror

Southern and proud! April 11, 2013 at 9:07 am

I love country music always have and always will. It’s shameful to see someone judge a whole category based on “some” of the people. We do not sleep with family members nor do all of us drink, country music isn’t like most that talk about bitches and hoes! It’s about real life things that happen. Some funny some heartfelt some tragic some sad. It’s a genera where the average person can relate. I don’t live in a mobile home, but if I did what’s that have to do with what kinda person I am. I think people should carry a mirror and everyone someone starts to judge someone they don’t know personally they should look at the mirror

9" April 16, 2013 at 2:39 pm Reply
9" April 16, 2013 at 2:39 pm Reply

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