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Smirks April 8, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Again, an honest question would be, how feasible is it for a lot of the lost labor force to reenter the market? How much of the labor participation lost was old folks who see their careers as over anyways? What about the fact that labor participation has been falling since 2001? Can an economic disaster not make that worse?

People who need the employment don’t ordinarily just “give up looking” because their bills don’t just suddenly go away. They don’t get this magical indefinite unemployment check that pays 90% of what they used to make and get to live off the gubmint for the rest of their lives. Ask someone who has been shitcanned and looking for a job for the past year or two if they “simply do not want a job anymore.” Ask someone who is considered too old to hire, or someone who is passed over because of their gap in employment, if they just don’t want to work. Watch out, you might have to dodge a swing or two.

This “makers versus takers” shit is absolutely retarded. What is much more obvious is that Congress couldn’t give two shits about the lower and middle classes. All that matters is that corporations and rich people are getting the tax breaks/shelters they want and the laws passed that they want.

How about an article about Obama fucking over old people by looking at chained CPI for Social Security? Oh, wait, shortchanging old people in retirement might make them “want a job” again, right? You know, just like if they get fucked over with their Medicare vouchers? Grab your motorized wheelchair grammy, you need to get back to work if you want to afford your insulin and electricity this month!

Smirks April 8, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Again, an honest question would be, how feasible is it for a lot of the lost labor force to reenter the market? How much of the labor participation lost was old folks who see their careers as over anyways? What about the fact that labor participation has been falling since 2001? Can an economic disaster not make that worse?

People who need the employment don’t ordinarily just “give up looking” because their bills don’t just suddenly go away. They don’t get this magical indefinite unemployment check that pays 90% of what they used to make and get to live off the gubmint for the rest of their lives. Ask someone who has been shitcanned and looking for a job for the past year or two if they “simply do not want a job anymore.” Ask someone who is considered too old to hire, or someone who is passed over because of their gap in employment, if they just don’t want to work. Watch out, you might have to dodge a swing or two.

This “makers versus takers” shit is absolutely retarded. What is much more obvious is that Congress couldn’t give two shits about the lower and middle classes. All that matters is that corporations and rich people are getting the tax breaks/shelters they want and the laws passed that they want.

How about an article about Obama fucking over old people by looking at chained CPI for Social Security? Oh, wait, shortchanging old people in retirement might make them “want a job” again, right? You know, just like if they get fucked over with their Medicare vouchers? Grab your motorized wheelchair grammy, you need to get back to work if you want to afford your insulin and electricity this month!


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