Thomas Ravenel: Reality TV Star

Former S.C. Treasurer Thomas Ravenel will be among the stars of a new Bravo reality television series entitled Southern Charm – one of several new programs the network is unveiling for 2013. Here’s a description of the show courtesy of Deadline Hollywood … The notoriously closed society of Charleston, South Carolina unlocks…

Former S.C. Treasurer Thomas Ravenel will be among the stars of a new Bravo reality television series entitled Southern Charm – one of several new programs the network is unveiling for 2013.

Here’s a description of the show courtesy of Deadline Hollywood …

The notoriously closed society of Charleston, South Carolina unlocks the gates of their centuries-old plantation homes for a real-life look at how modern-day Southern aristocracy lives.  Get charmed by the social scene which is bound by tradition and ostentation unlike any other culture in America, through a group of the city’s most charismatic gentlemen and their Southern belle equals.

Sources tell FITS filming for the show will begin next month – on location in Charleston. No word yet on whether the producers are availing themselves of South Carolina’s scantly-used film industry tax credits.

Also, no word yet on who else is starring in the show – which is being produced by Haymaker Productions with Aaron Rothman, Bryan Kestner, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Jason Weinberg, Peter Franchella and Al Szymanski as Executive Producers.

Ravenel – an occasional contributor here at FITS – runs a development company based in the Holy City. He splits his time between there, a plantation in Edisto and Wellington, Florida – where he plays polo.


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MyDaddyIsRich April 2, 2013 at 10:23 pm

Does he do blow on the show?

TeeRat April 3, 2013 at 1:15 pm

I hear he is always willing to contribute a few lines..

Dfish April 3, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Ha ha ha

MyDaddyIsRich April 2, 2013 at 10:23 pm

Does he do blow on the show?

TeeRat April 3, 2013 at 1:15 pm

I hear he is always willing to contribute a few lines..

Dfish April 3, 2013 at 2:26 pm

Ha ha ha

Sharing is caring April 2, 2013 at 10:24 pm

Myrtle Manor?

Sharing is caring April 2, 2013 at 10:24 pm

Myrtle Manor?

9" April 2, 2013 at 10:30 pm

remember when ,christopher reeve was involved in equestrian competition? was that sad or what?

9" April 2, 2013 at 10:30 pm

remember when ,christopher reeve was involved in equestrian competition? was that sad or what?

? April 2, 2013 at 11:05 pm

Nice fuschia shirt.

? April 2, 2013 at 11:05 pm

Nice fuschia shirt.

shifty henry April 2, 2013 at 11:10 pm

HALLELUJAH! The South HAS risen again!

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:22 am

Down, boy!

shifty henry April 3, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Are you interested in meeting her?

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 3:36 pm

As always, hilarity on point Shifty!

shifty henry April 3, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Thanks – smiles and chuckles are to be shared, except for maybe some folks

shifty henry April 2, 2013 at 11:10 pm

HALLELUJAH! The South HAS risen again!

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:22 am

Down, boy!

shifty henry April 3, 2013 at 12:50 pm

Are you interested in meeting her?

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 3:36 pm

As always, hilarity on point Shifty!

shifty henry April 3, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Thanks – smiles and chuckles are to be shared, except for maybe some folks

Liberal=Science=Equality April 2, 2013 at 11:34 pm

Wow! Too sexy for thar shirt…

lowcorider April 2, 2013 at 11:34 pm

The black guy is still in the joint.

Hot Air Balloon April 2, 2013 at 11:34 pm

Wow! Too sexy for thar shirt…

Lowcorider April 2, 2013 at 11:34 pm

The black guy is still in the joint.

Karl April 2, 2013 at 11:47 pm

haha this is too great!

Karl April 2, 2013 at 11:47 pm

haha this is too great!

Okra Gumbo April 2, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Thomas, from a rich family, was on the wrestling team at The Citadel.

So was a friend of mine, from a poor family, who attended an integrated high school and got through The Citadel thanks to a wrestling scholarship.

During their several years together on the team, Thomas would taunt my friend like this:

“We’ve had n****s working at my home since I was a boy. The n*****s cooked, cleaned, ironed the clothes, made us kids sandwiches. You have any n*****s working in your home?”

One day my friend had his fill of Ravenel’s better-than-thou taunts and beat the living shit out of him, even though Ravenel was 50 pounds bigger.

Ravenel got into my friend’s face again with this n****r shit, and again my friend beat the living shit out of him.

Later, after they’d graduated, Ravenel came upon my friend having lunch with a girl from his church at a restaurant on Market Street.

Ravenel invited himself to join them and my friend thought nothing of it. Pleasant conversation.

But afterwards, the girl told my friend that Ravenel had spent the entire time trying to feel her up under the table, that she felt like throwing her iced tea in Ravenel’s face, but “had never encountered anything so abusive and shocking before” and was “paralyzed.”

I wonder if the TV-show people know about the “back door” of this unabashed racist.

One can always tell more about a person by looking at the back door to his home — not the front.

Caleb April 3, 2013 at 12:16 am

Apple didn’t fall far from the tree…daddy Arthur Ravenel also hated blacks…told lots of jokes on them. AR’s first wife is charming, generous, and thoughtful but he cheated on her for years…and ditched her for younger tang. Father and son both self-absorbed egotists…bad human beings.

Uncle Remus April 3, 2013 at 6:27 am

This is upsetting to Uncle Remus. However can’t say I am surprised.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:18 am

I wonder if the TV-show people know about the “back door” of this unabashed racist.

Reality TV show, South Carolina, I figure most people already assume this. Only way it could be worse is Mississippi.

kem33 May 10, 2014 at 12:16 pm

We are talking about Bravo…The more tattered luggage filled with trash that you bring to the Network the better…they believe this is what viewers want! lol!

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 2:09 pm


CNSYD April 3, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Isn’t the first test for libel whether or not the statement(s) is true?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 2:35 pm


Barry April 3, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Thomas, I heard the same story from others on the citadel wrestling team — I think classes of ’86 or so — They say also that you ridiculed poor people = class mates = team members during trips on the bus and that they damn near threw you out the window they despised you so much because you are an arrogant bigot. They say you were a good wrestler but a sorry human being.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 3:19 pm


katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 3:31 pm

Methinks you doth protest to much. Defensiveness is a mark of
insecurity. If you had some good works to refute the stories, you could
simply point to your ‘reformation’ instead of defensively waving around a
libel threat. Since you were found to engage in conduct that evidences a
weak character, the believability factor of any allegations typical of a
person of weak character, is high. Why don’t you share or publish
something that shows you aren’t a slimy drug dealing weak character
shallow type deceiver anymore? Otherwise, blow off. Oh, you’re used to
that. If you’re really reformed, you wouldn’t be so defensive.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 4:10 pm

Are you saying that your good works is getting your opinion published? (Our) Good works isn’t our proclamation of our own opinion. Good works (or not so good) is the pedal to the metal action, and the results we reap thereof. Politicians, politicos, and certain emotionally led voters, believe what comes out of someone’s mouth is an indicator of works. It’s not. What comes out of someone’s mouth are merely words that are so cheap they are free, from which empty promises, lies, and deceit comes. Sorry dude, this ain’t it. Got anything else? Also, remember to people who are self aware that they don’t have to defend, a person who is vigorously defensive comes across as a punk, bully, or fearful that his/her own defects will be exposed. When you understand and accept: we are all flawed; you are secure in your own self; you are true to the unique purpose for which you were put here; and you don’t look outside for approval and validation, you won’t focus on defense. You will focus on living your own purpose. Your good works will flow from that.

Laurens Sucks April 3, 2013 at 4:17 pm

A. McAlister, Jr is from Laurens County, ref. mugshot fighting for remote in Charleston hotel – Nancy Grace mugshot -Democratic ties bigtime. Wife professor Piedmont Tech. ha-lariousoso

9" April 4, 2013 at 12:11 am

ever been to park seed? greenwood .beautiful place

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 4:27 pm

You’re right. Thanks

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 5:36 pm

you are quite welcome.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:17 pm

okay you didn’t ask but I can’t help myself, here’s some free advice. Your reputation wouldn’t be that bad if there wasn’t some basis. I’m not commenting on the accuracy of anything. So the soul searching question to ask yourself honestly – are you still chasing the wrong target? While it might satisfy your ego to do this new show, I’m sorry to say that type of environment won’t feed your soul and build your character, it s the same kind of environment in which your ego succumbed to temptation. TV land will feed your ego and the root cause of your past problems – looking outside of yourself for validation. The stuff that builds character, heart, and soul is exactly opposite of tv land. Don’t confuse the ego gratification you’ll get with the deep fulfillment that comes from knowing you’re on the path you were meant to be. Since you know you are susceptible, it’s not smart to put the same type of stuff in front of you. We become what we think about, and what we do. Be honest about what you’re about to do and why you’re doing it. Ego is a heavy feeder.

Barbar the elephant April 3, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Thomas Ravenel is the former State Treasurer of the State of South
Carolina and a successful businessman living in Charleston, S.C.

That’s how Ravenel describes himself in the epistle he advertises above. No mention of his own substance abuse law violation, peddling drugs to others, or betrayal of public trust in a S.C. statewide office. Slick.

9" April 3, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Knowing your history,I’m afraid to click this link.’Bet you got a couple viruses and several STD’s..

McCoy April 3, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Interesting little morality drama going on: Ravenel raging at two class mates who reveal how he behaved years ago – the “back door” Thomas. Grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and then used it to snort & sell crack. He is an embarrassment to S.C. — maybe the only felon the reality TV show will use to showcase Charleston?

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 4:23 pm

I consider Ravenel just a symptom, we the citizens are responsible for South Carolina’s role as laughingstock. We are just like Ravenel (see my comment below for elaboration) I see much raging and defense on this site, Ravenal is not alone in emotionally defending what the defender believes is a weakness or defect in themselves. Whenever anybody on this site bashes another with labels in response to an opposition of their position, they are doing so because of insecurity. It’s far easier to attack and distract with flailing nonsense instead of examining our own thinking and presenting balanced different view to the other person. Ravenel’s just doing what most folks do, he’s just got farther to go since he fell farther, apparently he hasn’t done much soul searching as to his own role/purpose learning, etc. from his experience.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 4:24 pm

I think it’s fair to say the attacks against Thomas here are political. I don’t think anyone here has met him. I haven’t either but believe everyone deserves a second chance. It’s ridicules to bring up what may have been an inappropriate joke from college in 1986. Everyone has done stupid shit in college and learned from it, as sometimes it’s easy to make mistakes trying to impress someone who ends up not being impressed. I’m not defending him. He admitted to his mistakes, did his time, and all of this nasty comments are unnecessary and from people who don’t know anything but base gossip and stereo types to prove their political point.

KP@GOOSECREEK April 3, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Thomas, I see that you’ve taken your medication and have calmed down. I heard your dad use the N word many, many times in the Gressette Building — and he had lots of N jokes. He also had jokes about mentally-retarded people, too. I’m sure you’re not like your dad any more and don’t still use that language. Now then, my ears were hearing imaginary N jokes and retarded people jokes from your father’s foul mouth, and that’s political, too, and we’ll just pretend that all negative observations about you are political and you’ve changed 180 degrees since college. And you’re no longer your father’s son.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 8:01 pm

I think it was wrong to use coke when he was in public office, but this conversation seems out of control, and as long as I’ve been aware, his dad is very popular, they named the bridge after him. I dunno.

John T. April 3, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Yes, it’s unlawful to snort coke in or out of public office.

The conversation is relevant because it involves a statewide elected official who was jailed for doing that who will now go on TV representing the City of Charleston to the rest of the country.

And politicians swap favors among themselves to have public buildings, parks, bridges, etc. named for themselves. The citizens did not name the bridge after Arthur Ravenel; the legislature did that after 8 years of lobbying for that name by Ravenel.

Earle Morris had a highway named after him but it got un-named after he went to jail.

James Clyburn had a school named after him but it lost $110 million.

Naming public places is typically 100 percent political, with the “namee” doing all the pushing — unless it is posthumous like the Kennedy Space Center.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 9:37 pm

I’m just interested in the reality show. No time to rehash old news or dwell on gossip.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 9:22 pm

I have to agree with John T’s point about relevancy, but not because of the tv show, but because it touches on a root cause of our country’s problems, a public official who is asserting his belief that he was justified in breaking our laws. As a private person it’s a completely different conversation. As a public servant, his assertions he could do what he did, typify the rampant arrogant disrespect of our rule displayed by most politicians. it’s not a personal issue, it’s indicative we no longer rule ourselves through the laws we pay public servants to enact, enforce, and administrate.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 9:51 pm

I agree holding a public office requires abiding by the law, especially chronic coke use, but I don’t think it’s necessary to be so mean about saying what i think, as people deserve a second chance. The AR Bridge was a productive and urgent project. I don’t agree with a lot of politicians and bridge and road projects can be very divisive, but that doesn’t mean I think they are bad people.

Guest April 3, 2013 at 4:54 pm
katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 5:41 pm

Understandably. Of course it is also true, that human beings are a complex paradox. With the exception of clinical malfunctions, housed in the same body is kindness and banal meanness, generosity and pettiness, sacrifice and selfishness, etc. Indeed, what we learn from and do about our past indiscretions, along with today’s kindness are both indicators of a person’s character. It is simplistic, and symptomatic of our country’s problems with bad government, to assume anything else about someone just because of philanthropy – like if they tell the truth, if they are strong and principled in character, if they will do the right thing even when nobody is looking, just because of a kind gesture. I’m not disputing he’s kind, I’m just saying he may always have been kind. If he engaged in the other behavior, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t kind. A person ‘kind’ in one instance can also be a bully, it is the flawed paradoxical nature of human flesh. I make no conclusion about Thomas as I’m not authorized, I’m simply pointing out human beings ought not to be labeled or judged by one act from one view.

HarleyB April 16, 2014 at 2:20 pm

Humans….gotta love them. Killing them gets you life!

Little Lulu March 1, 2014 at 10:23 am

Nope. It’s whether the writer believes them to be true.

kikster February 13, 2014 at 12:00 am

I don’t know if it would be more funny if is true and you just don’t remember, because you’ve done/said a ton of crazy sh1t, or if this isn’t true, and that is a super elaborate/weird rumor.

Happyness007 April 3, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Picturesque description of a two-legged toad.

Har har April 3, 2013 at 3:23 pm

That story is patently false; no one who wears a lavendar shirt like that would feel up a GIRL.

Har har April 3, 2013 at 3:23 pm


debbie8431 April 10, 2013 at 11:38 am

He did something like that to me once too. Tried to stick his tongue down my throat when I stopped by his table to say hi to our mutual friend. He has no boundaries. Maybe it’s changed since he went to prison, but I’m doubtful.

Okra Gumbo April 2, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Thomas, from a rich family, was on the wrestling team at The Citadel.

So was a friend of mine, from a poor family, who attended an integrated high school and got through The Citadel thanks to a wrestling scholarship.

During their several years together on the team, Thomas would taunt my friend like this:

“We’ve had n****s working at my home since I was a boy. The n*****s cooked, cleaned, ironed the clothes, made us kids sandwiches. You have any n*****s working in your home?”

One day my friend had his fill of Ravenel’s better-than-thou taunts and beat the living shit out of him, even though Ravenel was 50 pounds bigger.

Ravenel got into my friend’s face again with this n****r shit, and again my friend beat the living shit out of him.

Later, after they’d graduated, Ravenel came upon my friend having lunch with a girl from his church at a restaurant on Market Street.

Ravenel invited himself to join them and my friend thought nothing of it. Pleasant conversation.

But afterwards, the girl told my friend that Ravenel had spent the entire time trying to feel her up under the table, that she felt like throwing her iced tea in Ravenel’s face, but “had never encountered anything so abusive and shocking before” and was “paralyzed.”

I wonder if the TV-show people know about the “back door” of this unabashed racist.

One can always tell more about a person by looking at the back door to his home — not the front.

Caleb April 3, 2013 at 12:16 am

Apple didn’t fall far from the tree…daddy Arthur Ravenel also hated blacks…told lots of jokes on them. AR’s first wife is charming, generous, and thoughtful but he cheated on her for years…and ditched her for younger tang. Father and son both self-absorbed egotists…bad human beings.

Uncle Remus April 3, 2013 at 6:27 am

This is upsetting to Uncle Remus. However can’t say I am surprised.

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:18 am

I wonder if the TV-show people know about the “back door” of this unabashed racist.

Reality TV show, South Carolina, I figure most people already assume this. Only way it could be worse is Mississippi.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 2:09 pm


CNSYD April 3, 2013 at 2:30 pm

Isn’t the first test for libel whether or not the statement(s) is true?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 2:35 pm


Barry April 3, 2013 at 3:11 pm

Thomas, I heard the same story from others on the citadel wrestling team — I think classes of ’86 or so — They say also that you ridiculed poor people = class mates = team members during trips on the bus and that they damn near threw you out the window they despised you so much because you are an arrogant bigot. They say you were a good wrestler but a sorry human being.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 3:19 pm


katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 3:31 pm

Methinks you doth protest to much. Defensiveness is a mark of
insecurity. If you had some good works to refute the stories, you could
simply point to your ‘reformation’ instead of defensively waving around a
libel threat. Since you were found to engage in conduct that evidences a
weak character, the believability factor of any allegations typical of a
person of weak character, is high. Why don’t you share or publish
something that shows you aren’t a slimy drug dealing weak character
shallow type deceiver anymore? Otherwise, blow off. Oh, you’re used to
that. If you’re really reformed, you wouldn’t be so defensive.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 4:10 pm

Are you saying that your good works is getting your opinion published? (Our) Good works isn’t our proclamation of our own opinion. Good works (or not so good) is the pedal to the metal action, and the results we reap thereof. Politicians, politicos, and certain emotionally led voters, believe what comes out of someone’s mouth is an indicator of works. It’s not. What comes out of someone’s mouth are merely words that are so cheap they are free, from which empty promises, lies, and deceit comes. Sorry dude, this ain’t it. Got anything else? Also, remember to people who are self aware that they don’t have to defend, a person who is vigorously defensive comes across as a punk, bully, or fearful that his/her own defects will be exposed. When you understand and accept: we are all flawed; you are secure in your own self; you are true to the unique purpose for which you were put here; and you don’t look outside for approval and validation, you won’t focus on defense. You will focus on living your own purpose. Your good works will flow from that.

Laurens Sucks April 3, 2013 at 4:17 pm

A. McAlister, Jr is from Laurens County, ref. mugshot fighting for remote in Charleston hotel – Nancy Grace mugshot -Democratic ties bigtime. Wife professor Piedmont Tech. ha-lariousoso

9" April 4, 2013 at 12:11 am

ever been to park seed? greenwood .beautiful place

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 4:27 pm

You’re right. Thanks

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 5:36 pm

you are quite welcome.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:17 pm

okay you didn’t ask but I can’t help myself, here’s some free advice. Your reputation wouldn’t be that bad if there wasn’t some basis. I’m not commenting on the accuracy of anything. So the soul searching question to ask yourself honestly – are you still chasing the wrong target? While it might satisfy your ego to do this new show, I’m sorry to say that type of environment won’t feed your soul and build your character, it s the same kind of environment in which your ego succumbed to temptation. TV land will feed your ego and the root cause of your past problems – looking outside of yourself for validation. The stuff that builds character, heart, and soul is exactly opposite of tv land. Don’t confuse the ego gratification you’ll get with the deep fulfillment that comes from knowing you’re on the path you were meant to be. Since you know you are susceptible, it’s not smart to put the same type of stuff in front of you. We become what we think about, and what we do. Be honest about what you’re about to do and why you’re doing it. Ego is a heavy feeder.

Barbar the elephant April 3, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Thomas Ravenel is the former State Treasurer of the State of South
Carolina and a successful businessman living in Charleston, S.C.

That’s how Ravenel describes himself in the epistle he advertises above. No mention of his own substance abuse law violation, peddling drugs to others, or betrayal of public trust in a S.C. statewide office. Slick.

9" April 3, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Knowing your history,I’m afraid to click this link.’Bet you got a couple viruses and several STD’s..

McCoy April 3, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Interesting little morality drama going on: Ravenel raging at two class mates who reveal how he behaved years ago – the “back door” Thomas. Grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and then used it to snort & sell crack. He is an embarrassment to S.C. — maybe the only felon the reality TV show will use to showcase Charleston?

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 4:23 pm

I consider Ravenel just a symptom, we the citizens are responsible for South Carolina’s role as laughingstock. We are just like Ravenel (see my comment below for elaboration) I see much raging and defense on this site, Ravenal is not alone in emotionally defending what the defender believes is a weakness or defect in themselves. Whenever anybody on this site bashes another with labels in response to an opposition of their position, they are doing so because of insecurity. It’s far easier to attack and distract with flailing nonsense instead of examining our own thinking and presenting balanced different view to the other person. Ravenel’s just doing what most folks do, he’s just got farther to go since he fell farther, apparently he hasn’t done much soul searching as to his own role/purpose learning, etc. from his experience.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 4:24 pm

I think it’s fair to say the attacks against Thomas here are political. I don’t think anyone here has met him. I haven’t either but believe everyone deserves a second chance. It’s ridicules to bring up what may have been an inappropriate joke from college in 1986. Everyone has done stupid shit in college and learned from it, as sometimes it’s easy to make mistakes trying to impress someone who ends up not being impressed. I’m not defending him. He admitted to his mistakes, did his time, and all of this nasty comments are unnecessary and from people who don’t know anything but base gossip and stereo types to prove their political point.

KP@GOOSECREEK April 3, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Thomas, I see that you’ve taken your medication and have calmed down. I heard your dad use the N word many, many times in the Gressette Building — and he had lots of N jokes. He also had jokes about mentally-retarded people, too. I’m sure you’re not like your dad any more and don’t still use that language. Now then, my ears were hearing imaginary N jokes and retarded people jokes from your father’s foul mouth, and that’s political, too, and we’ll just pretend that all negative observations about you are political and you’ve changed 180 degrees since college. And you’re no longer your father’s son.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 8:01 pm

I think it was wrong to use coke when he was in public office, but this conversation seems out of control, and as long as I’ve been aware, his dad is very popular, they named the bridge after him. I dunno.

John T. April 3, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Yes, it’s unlawful to snort coke in or out of public office.

The conversation is relevant because it involves a statewide elected official who was jailed for doing that who will now go on TV representing the City of Charleston to the rest of the country.

And politicians swap favors among themselves to have public buildings, parks, bridges, etc. named for themselves. The citizens did not name the bridge after Arthur Ravenel; the legislature did that after 8 years of lobbying for that name by Ravenel.

Earle Morris had a highway named after him but it got un-named after he went to jail.

James Clyburn had a school named after him but it lost $110 million.

Naming public places is typically 100 percent political, with the “namee” doing all the pushing — unless it is posthumous like the Kennedy Space Center.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 9:37 pm

I’m just interested in the reality show. No time to rehash old news or dwell on gossip.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 9:22 pm

I have to agree with John T’s point about relevancy, but not because of the tv show, but because it touches on a root cause of our country’s problems, a public official who is asserting his belief that he was justified in breaking our laws. As a private person it’s a completely different conversation. As a public servant, his assertions he could do what he did, typify the rampant arrogant disrespect of our rule displayed by most politicians. it’s not a personal issue, it’s indicative we no longer rule ourselves through the laws we pay public servants to enact, enforce, and administrate.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 9:51 pm

I agree holding a public office requires abiding by the law, especially chronic coke use, but I don’t think it’s necessary to be so mean about saying what i think, as people deserve a second chance. The AR Bridge was a productive and urgent project. I don’t agree with a lot of politicians and bridge and road projects can be very divisive, but that doesn’t mean I think they are bad people.

Guest April 3, 2013 at 4:54 pm
katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 5:41 pm

Understandably. Of course it is also true, that human beings are a complex paradox. With the exception of clinical malfunctions, housed in the same body is kindness and banal meanness, generosity and pettiness, sacrifice and selfishness, etc. Indeed, what we learn from and do about our past indiscretions, along with today’s kindness are both indicators of a person’s character. It is simplistic, and symptomatic of our country’s problems with bad government, to assume anything else about someone just because of philanthropy – like if they tell the truth, if they are strong and principled in character, if they will do the right thing even when nobody is looking, just because of a kind gesture. I’m not disputing he’s kind, I’m just saying he may always have been kind. If he engaged in the other behavior, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t kind. A person ‘kind’ in one instance can also be a bully, it is the flawed paradoxical nature of human flesh. I make no conclusion about Thomas as I’m not authorized, I’m simply pointing out human beings ought not to be labeled or judged by one act from one view.

Happyness007 April 3, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Picturesque description of a two-legged toad.

Har har April 3, 2013 at 3:23 pm

That story is patently false; no one who wears a lavendar shirt like that would feel up a GIRL.

Har har April 3, 2013 at 3:23 pm


debbie8431 April 10, 2013 at 11:38 am

He did something like that to me once too. Tried to stick his tongue down my throat when I stopped by his table to say hi to our mutual friend. He has no boundaries. Maybe it’s changed since he went to prison, but I’m doubtful.

9" April 3, 2013 at 2:15 am

How far did he have to chase his queer butler to get that shirt?

9" April 3, 2013 at 2:15 am

How far did he have to chase his queer butler to get that shirt?

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 4:49 am

Another embarrassment for the South and the state.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 4:49 am

Another embarrassment for the South and the state.

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 6:12 am

Hasn’t T. Rav embarassed this state enough already?

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:21 am

Come on, you know the answer to that is always “no.” Just look at, well, just about any SC politician I guess?

vicupstate April 3, 2013 at 6:12 am

Hasn’t T. Rav embarassed this state enough already?

Smirks April 3, 2013 at 10:21 am

Come on, you know the answer to that is always “no.” Just look at, well, just about any SC politician I guess?

Coke whore April 3, 2013 at 7:05 am

What a douche bag.

Coke whore April 3, 2013 at 7:05 am

What a douche bag.

hobo April 3, 2013 at 8:10 am

That’s the gayest looking picture I’ve seen in a long time.

truth March 31, 2014 at 11:20 pm

Pretty faggy!!

hobo April 3, 2013 at 8:10 am

That’s the gayest looking picture I’ve seen in a long time.

Mark April 3, 2013 at 8:28 am

SC would have been better off with the whole south of broad in Charleston harbor. They are ALL dicks!! I would guess the pic is of him on his yacht at the exclusive yacht club. He thinks he’s cool but what a joke.

The Commodore April 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm

I believe Ravenel’s a member of the Carolina Yacht Club.

Memberships voted on once annually, using anonymous “black ball” method, to eliminate


Lowcountry white huguenot republican crack cocaine convict Ravenels welcome.

Black Ravenels — slave descendents:
Do not apply for membership, only for kitchen / dining / janitorial.

Mark April 3, 2013 at 2:45 pm

I personally would not use those words, but you are spot on. Most of the money in that place was made using the back of slaves. People love the south of broad district without knowing anything about it. I am a very proud South Carolinian and he is NOT representative of our state. Although they will show any POS on TV anymore.

Mark April 3, 2013 at 8:28 am

SC would have been better off with the whole south of broad in Charleston harbor. They are ALL dicks!! I would guess the pic is of him on his yacht at the exclusive yacht club. He thinks he’s cool but what a joke.

The Commodore April 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm

I believe Ravenel’s a member of the Carolina Yacht Club.

Memberships voted on once annually, using anonymous “black ball” method, to eliminate


Lowcountry white huguenot republican crack cocaine convict Ravenels welcome.

Black Ravenels — slave descendents:
Do not apply for membership, only for kitchen / dining / janitorial.

Mark April 3, 2013 at 2:45 pm

I personally would not use those words, but you are spot on. Most of the money in that place was made using the back of slaves. People love the south of broad district without knowing anything about it. I am a very proud South Carolinian and he is NOT representative of our state. Although they will show any POS on TV anymore.

barkbark April 3, 2013 at 11:15 am

Will Kathryn Dennis also be on the show?

barkbark April 3, 2013 at 11:15 am

Will Kathryn Dennis also be on the show?

interesting April 3, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Does this novel, titled “Southern Charm,” have any relation to the show? Sounds like it!

“And so she has. Mortimer, who under the piles of baby-doll dresses has a Columbia University diploma stashed somewhere, has written a novel. Southern Charm (Simon & Schuster) explores those little disruptions in the crystalline structure of an It girl’s life.”

“The book chronicles the ascent of a Charleston, South Carolina, debutante named Minty Davenport, on whose golden head the socialite’s crown—tarnished by a cheating husband, plotting rivals, and, to be sure, a few bad choices of her own—begins to weigh heavily. Beneath the gold-dusted surface of Southern Charm, Mortimer hints at the struggle she has waged over whether to abide by New York’s lingua franca of behavior and etiquette.”

“In the North, there are rules, like you’re only supposed to be in the paper three times—birth, marriage, and death,” Mortimer says. “In the South, there’s more freedom to let loose.”

Read more:

interesting April 3, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Does this novel, titled “Southern Charm,” have any relation to the show? Sounds like it!

“And so she has. Mortimer, who under the piles of baby-doll dresses has a Columbia University diploma stashed somewhere, has written a novel. Southern Charm (Simon & Schuster) explores those little disruptions in the crystalline structure of an It girl’s life.”

“The book chronicles the ascent of a Charleston, South Carolina, debutante named Minty Davenport, on whose golden head the socialite’s crown—tarnished by a cheating husband, plotting rivals, and, to be sure, a few bad choices of her own—begins to weigh heavily. Beneath the gold-dusted surface of Southern Charm, Mortimer hints at the struggle she has waged over whether to abide by New York’s lingua franca of behavior and etiquette.”

“In the North, there are rules, like you’re only supposed to be in the paper three times—birth, marriage, and death,” Mortimer says. “In the South, there’s more freedom to let loose.”

Read more:

insider April 3, 2013 at 12:53 pm

Kathryn Dennis part of the cast? Wouldn’t doubt it..

insider April 3, 2013 at 12:53 pm

Kathryn Dennis part of the cast? Wouldn’t doubt it..

Donald Wilkes April 3, 2013 at 1:33 pm

I do not give a dam what nobody says about him I STILL LIKE HIM!!!

CNSYD April 3, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Which dam is that? Hoover, Norris, etc.?

Little Bo Peep April 3, 2013 at 10:42 pm

Please, do not insult the true dams!

Donald Wilkes April 3, 2013 at 1:33 pm

I do not give a dam what nobody says about him I STILL LIKE HIM!!!

CNSYD April 3, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Which dam is that? Hoover, Norris, etc.?

Little Bo Peep April 3, 2013 at 10:42 pm

Please, do not insult the true dams!

Lorie Lee April 3, 2013 at 1:34 pm

wow…awesome . Always thought they should so a real housewives show here in Charleston.

Lorie Lee April 3, 2013 at 1:34 pm

wow…awesome . Always thought they should so a real housewives show here in Charleston.

Lorie Lee April 3, 2013 at 2:01 pm

i love bravo and often felt they should have a Real Housewives of Charleston!!!!!!! Good Luck!

Lorie Lee April 3, 2013 at 2:01 pm

i love bravo and often felt they should have a Real Housewives of Charleston!!!!!!! Good Luck!

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 2:06 pm

I’d love for all of you to write your names with your comments, rather than posting via an anonymous cover, so that Thomas can sue all of you for defamation.

Truth Dealer April 3, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Says the individual using the alias, “Thomas’ friend.”

Pat Hendrix April 3, 2013 at 5:20 pm

Anybody else find it ironic that there’s an accusation of defamation on fits news, a blog that traffics in the most salacious, unsubstantiated gossip? And doesn’t T-Rav regularly contribute to this blog?

In any event, I wasn’t aware that he wrestled at the Citadel. They’re usually pretty good. That’s the most surprising thing I’ve read here.

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 6:16 pm

i’m not the one defaming.

Truth Dealer April 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

All the more reason why you shouldn’t conceal your true identity. Go piss off somewhere douche.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 3:37 pm

yah, it’s much better he spends his time insecurely defending what he doesn’t have – a good name and respect from others – instead of actually earning said good name and respect.

Send lawyers, guns, and money April 3, 2013 at 4:24 pm

ALL of us? Even the guy who admires the fuchsia shirt?

? April 3, 2013 at 6:49 pm

Well, in his/her defense, I was being sarcastic about the shirt. If I go to jail over it, it will be worth it.

Michael Patrick Hendrix - April 3, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Thomas’s friend: Defamation requires the accusations to be false. I don’t think anybody is too worried. For instance, he is a felony. He did have to leave his office in disgrace. He did do time. He is a member of the Yacht Club that has no women or minority members. As for the wrestling biz, I don’t much give a shit. If you think that story is actionable, you’re a moron. The rest: He’s a douche, his shirt is fruity, he’s a spoiled brat, etc., are all opinions and not defamation.

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 6:19 pm

Michael Patrick Hendrix: i was referring to the accusation of Thomas being a racist. That is surely not opinion and is, in fact, defamation because it can be proven to be false. You rely on his leaving office in shame, that he is “a felony,” and a member of the Yacht Club — none of which prove or disprove the accusation of racism. Your argument doesn’t pass muster. Who’s the moron now?

rwwllms April 3, 2013 at 5:04 pm

So demands the loser using an anonymous cover herself. And expects us to take her seriously.

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Interesting how you use “us.” I’m not defaming and then using an anonymous name as my shield; rather, I was pointing out the obvious: only a coward would post an untrue statement that is meant to cause injury to a person’s reputation and then hide behind a shield. Be a man. Be a woman. Or just go back to the “us” crowd.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Unfortunately, Ravenel’s reputation can’t be more damaged than what he did on his own. You are defending that which he brought on himself. The accuracy or not of the claims are less important than the sentiments the claims express. Editing – as I posted above, a person’s good works stand for themselves. Haggling over the accuracy of the bashing won’t heal the wounds his breach caused. Only time and good works will.

rwwllms April 4, 2013 at 10:12 am

I’m not defaming anyone. Nor could I care any less about a convicted coke head (FACT).
My issue is with you coming here and attacking people for using nom-de-plumes when you’re doing the same thing.
You want others to use their real name then you set the example.
In other words – put up or shut up.

But then seeing as how you’re the friend of convicted felon Tommy Boy you’re most likely another whiny ass elitist that thinks they are better than the rabble around them. Go back to having sex with your polo pony and leave the real honest hard working people alone.

anonymous cover April 4, 2013 at 12:02 am

you first kind sir

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 2:06 pm

I’d love for all of you to write your names with your comments, rather than posting via an anonymous cover, so that Thomas can sue all of you for defamation.

Truth Dealer April 3, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Says the individual using the alias, “Thomas’ friend.”

Pat Hendrix April 3, 2013 at 5:20 pm

Anybody else find it ironic that there’s an accusation of defamation on fits news, a blog that traffics in the most salacious, unsubstantiated gossip? And doesn’t T-Rav regularly contribute to this blog?

In any event, I wasn’t aware that he wrestled at the Citadel. They’re usually pretty good. That’s the most surprising thing I’ve read here.

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 6:16 pm

i’m not the one defaming.

Truth Dealer April 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

All the more reason why you shouldn’t conceal your true identity. Go piss off somewhere douche.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 3:37 pm

yah, it’s much better he spends his time insecurely defending what he doesn’t have – a good name and respect from others – instead of actually earning said good name and respect.

Send lawyers, guns, and money April 3, 2013 at 4:24 pm

ALL of us? Even the guy who admires the fuchsia shirt?

? April 3, 2013 at 6:49 pm

Well, in his/her defense, I was being sarcastic about the shirt. If I go to jail over it, it will be worth it.

Michael Patrick Hendrix - April 3, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Thomas’s friend: Defamation requires the accusations to be false. I don’t think anybody is too worried. For instance, he is a felony. He did have to leave his office in disgrace. He did do time. He is a member of the Yacht Club that has no women or minority members. As for the wrestling biz, I don’t much give a shit. If you think that story is actionable, you’re a moron. The rest: He’s a douche, his shirt is fruity, he’s a spoiled brat, etc., are all opinions and not defamation.

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 6:19 pm

Michael Patrick Hendrix: i was referring to the accusation of Thomas being a racist. That is surely not opinion and is, in fact, defamation because it can be proven to be false. You rely on his leaving office in shame, that he is “a felony,” and a member of the Yacht Club — none of which prove or disprove the accusation of racism. Your argument doesn’t pass muster. Who’s the moron now?

rwwllms April 3, 2013 at 5:04 pm

So demands the loser using an anonymous cover herself. And expects us to take her seriously.

Thomas' friend April 3, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Interesting how you use “us.” I’m not defaming and then using an anonymous name as my shield; rather, I was pointing out the obvious: only a coward would post an untrue statement that is meant to cause injury to a person’s reputation and then hide behind a shield. Be a man. Be a woman. Or just go back to the “us” crowd.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Unfortunately, Ravenel’s reputation can’t be more damaged than what he did on his own. You are defending that which he brought on himself. The accuracy or not of the claims are less important than the sentiments the claims express. Editing – as I posted above, a person’s good works stand for themselves. Haggling over the accuracy of the bashing won’t heal the wounds his breach caused. Only time and good works will.

rwwllms April 4, 2013 at 10:12 am

I’m not defaming anyone. Nor could I care any less about a convicted coke head (FACT).
My issue is with you coming here and attacking people for using nom-de-plumes when you’re doing the same thing.
You want others to use their real name then you set the example.
In other words – put up or shut up.

But then seeing as how you’re the friend of convicted felon Tommy Boy you’re most likely another whiny ass elitist that thinks they are better than the rabble around them. Go back to having sex with your polo pony and leave the real honest hard working people alone.

anonymous cover April 4, 2013 at 12:02 am

you first kind sir

Beth April 3, 2013 at 3:24 pm

They can call it anyway that they like, but regardless he is a true sexy “Southern Gentleman”. You can not call it any other WY…. Just Saying……….

Beth April 3, 2013 at 3:24 pm

They can call it anyway that they like, but regardless he is a true sexy “Southern Gentleman”. You can not call it any other WY…. Just Saying……….

Aunt Pittypat April 3, 2013 at 3:28 pm

No one with any breeding would agree to appear on a reality TV show.

dwb619 April 3, 2013 at 7:16 pm

You are absolutely right.

Aunt Pittypat April 3, 2013 at 3:28 pm

No one with any breeding would agree to appear on a reality TV show.

dwb619 April 3, 2013 at 7:16 pm

You are absolutely right.

mph April 3, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Southern gentleman? Is that meant as irony?

They’re right when they say the rich are different: Guy is supposedly a “developer” but has time enough to slip down to Florida for binges of cocaine and orgies, er, I mean polo. Now he has time to embarrass himself and family to star on a reality show? I guess the fact another talentless, entitled man-child finding his way to the soulless money trench of reality TV should come as no surprise.

mph April 3, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Southern gentleman? Is that meant as irony?

They’re right when they say the rich are different: Guy is supposedly a “developer” but has time enough to slip down to Florida for binges of cocaine and orgies, er, I mean polo. Now he has time to embarrass himself and family to star on a reality show? I guess the fact another talentless, entitled man-child finding his way to the soulless money trench of reality TV should come as no surprise.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 5:10 pm Reply
Fleet April 3, 2013 at 5:10 pm Reply
TontoBubbaGoldstein April 3, 2013 at 5:20 pm

Testing. Trying to get my Gravatar to work.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 3, 2013 at 5:20 pm

Testing. Trying to get my Gravatar to work.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 3, 2013 at 5:40 pm

Gravatar test.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 3, 2013 at 5:41 pm

D’oh! WTF?

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 3, 2013 at 5:40 pm

Gravatar test.

TontoBubbaGoldstein April 3, 2013 at 5:41 pm

D’oh! WTF?

TimmyDrose April 3, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Sad. What I see, from most of the comments here, are a largely liberal bunch of intolerent candy asses hiding behind the safety and security of your keyboards, while spouting hatred and touting fear …Not to mention, without one ounce of data to prove or support your obviously exagerated accusations. Its funny how an anonymous moniker and a newly grown set of psuedo balls suddenly can give one the impromtu courage to utter words that, even you, yourselves, know you wouldnt in your wildest dreams consider saying in a face to face situation. (The fact that any of you would never admit such, not-with-standing).smh. Crawl back in your holes. Its one thing to be frustrated with your own lives as failures, and even moreso quite understandable, but it doenst give you the right to vent your frustrations out on Thomas. Jealousy is a double-edged sword…
Let ye, who is without sin…

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 9:17 pm

I think you’re missing the point, too. While the specifics might be inaccurate, Ravenal breached public trust. The attacks are from the damage he’s sown. He could have completely changed the timbre of this conversation if he demonstrated any interest in the source of the angst for the breach. Instead, he’s defending why it was okay for him to violate the law and our trust. While I’m not agreeing that emotional attacks are okay, I’m pointing out such attacks are mere symptoms. The technicalities of the accuracy or not are secondary to the reason for the attacks. Even if true about some folks saying stuff anonymously they wouldn’t say otherwise, it doesn’t make the root cause of the attacks – the anger at breach of trust – go away.

Citizen Kane April 3, 2013 at 10:36 pm

Agreed. Keep it logical and non-personal.

TimmyDrose April 4, 2013 at 7:36 pm

I refuse to waiste much more of my time arguing with an anonymous busybody, but if you really want to play, for the moment, I’ll oblige. For all I know, you may not even be a woman. For all points and purposes you (any, and all of you), could be some fat morphodite sitting in your mothers basement on some hellbent quest to condemn others while trying to figure out your own place in life. Like some twisted, pathetic attempt to make yourselves somehow feel better about your own shortcomings. And we all have them. Perhaps you’d do yourself a sevice if you spent some time in the gym or some other positive activity that would somehow, miraculously, breath a hint of melioration in your own lives. Many of you seem to have way too much time on your hands. You (whoever you are), have singlehandedly commandeered this thread and if you are a woman, based on your rants and tone, it sounds as though you havent been boinked in a year….Think about that for a minute. Are you so miserable with your own lives that youre compelled to seek solace in these meager attempts to attack someone else? Does it make you feel better to try to bring somebody else down? And for what? Do any of you really think you can hurt Thomas?… Think again. Do you really think your doing a public service with these rants? That youre somehow going to make the world a better place?… Really?….smh
If thats truly the goal…. If thats truly what youre trying to do…
Hell we all have secrets.
Start with yourselves.

katlaurenscounty April 5, 2013 at 6:27 pm

1) Anonymous – Fraid not. Posted links to my website, articles, and bio. I’ll post again if you want to dialogue with other than the crap you posted:

2) Didja notice you did the same thing you whiningly protested in others. You used bigoted, irrationally speculative attacks of political leanings, sexual proclivities (boinking. LOL!! excellent word choice), physical appearance, posing behind a facade of religious value (let ye who…). Your posts reek of relative or treasured ‘friend’ emotion. If you’re gonna do more of the same, Buzz off. I wouldn’t use my well trained and (per test results, supposedly) stacked mental capacity on that garbage any more than I would use a canon to kill a mosquito. It’s a waste of excellent resources, and who cares about a mosquito?

2) Commandeered? Yup, Damn Skippy! I have the duty, and the skills you can’t see (presuming you can even understand them) to do so when the subject is fundamental to our way of life and there’s an iota chance of something good towards the goal of fighting gov corruption – How did we elect an oath breaker, why does he believe his oath to up hold and protect our laws means nothing, and why didn’t he do something about a law he now says is unjust as his rationale for his oath breaking??? Maybe you’re a public official who routinely breaks his oath. Or, you luv one who does so you don’t care which spit on their oaths.

3) Didja notice your pompous self righteous assertion nothing can happen from this dialogue, is self evidently proven to be crap? I suspect it’s not the only thing in your life that’s self evidently flaccid and can’t ‘stand’ the scrutiny. Thomas removed some of his posts and edited others for much more open and rational responses. Obviously you were mistaken when you sputtered like you had an ‘inside track’ as to what everybody means, or thinks, or intends, or looks like, about anything.

4) Did you actually digest my posts, or did you just judge them improper because they’re written by a woman who stepped out of her ‘proper’ place? Rants? Wordy, yah. Preachy, yah. Tone that means something about boinking? Where did you get your bigoted, narrow minded idea that my ‘tone’ relates to boinking? Are you familiar with my normal tone? No. Do you know female engineers? Maybe. Do you know any females like me? Not a chance. Do you have data on the ‘tone’ of females like me, correlated to data on their quantity of boinking? NO. That leaves one source – your bigoted stereotype. OMG a female commandeering with logic and tenacity with less then properly female emotion and tone!! What’s next, she’ll decide to be the boinker instead of the boinked??? Quick, make her have the proper tone!!! Commence boinking!!!! Move the other females away till this one’s fixed !!!! Fetch the magnolia leaves!!! (shout out to hilarious post in other article) Wait, maybe she’s not even a real female !!!!!!

4) Get some aspirin, open your mind, dump the bigoted stereotypes. I routinely commandeered corporate territory/projects/assignments/the room/whatever else I wanted, while….r u sitting down?…getting boinked, and boinking, as I saw fit. Yup. I chose. The way wimpy men wish they could. I guess you understand the jealousy you accused others of. Okay breath deeply it will help. I served myself from a United Nations buffet of beefcake uniformed (mostly) Marine Corps boy toys, before I happily married one, whenever I got hungry, as a single woman located at target rich military bases – and miracle of miracles, I did so while commandeering and toning, in my professional work, like I do on these posts. Oh, waddya know, much to the great amusement and delight of these low heart rate, back from deployment, high and tight, beautiful, juicy, men, I did the same in my boinking work, with secure men who enjoyed being so commandeered.

You gonna come after my posts dude, get your big boy brain on. Bring more than these sissy punk brain bigoted hypocritical empty emotional ridiculous half wit attacks on others for doing the same thing you do. Figure out the difference between baby brain emotional whining and logic and reason. Use the latter to point out the unsound reasoning in my posts. Who knows, you might follow Thomas’ example and improve your own posts. Or stfu, buzz off, and stew in your own righteous hypocrisy.

TimmyDrose April 5, 2013 at 7:40 pm

Aww, did I strike a nerve? Tisk tisk…
1) It obviously seems so… As a fellow marine I truly feel for your husband/wife. (or could it be partner?) …the jury is still out on that one.
2) You have the duty?!! Who the hell are you, Joan of Arc? You really need to get out more.
3) How many adjectives can you put in one sentence? Surely you could have squeezed out a few more.
4) I see I was right, you havent been boinked in a year. Significant other doing a double tour?…and btw, Was it really necessary to burn your bra in your last post?
5) and lastly, the number {5} comes after the number 4…
p.s.while youre busy perpetuating the hate, try devoting some of your time to cleaning your mobile home. And have a nice weekend…whoever you are .
~and for the record, my dear lady ( and I use that term loosely), my hypocrisy only goes so far…

TimmyDrose April 5, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Oddly enough, Ms katlaurenscounty, I kind of like your style. You came back fighting….I like that. {tipping my hat} ….touche

katlaurenscounty April 5, 2013 at 8:52 pm

I feel the same about your last, LMAO at Joan of Arc/burn the bra/5,4, etc. Very lively! PS I’m too busy saving the world to clean the mobile home

TimmyDrose April 5, 2013 at 10:05 pm

very cool…send me a facebook request…that was fun…In-as-much , if you keep this up , with your retorts, they will have you on a reality show…
peace to the people
btw, awesome retort on your last, burning the bra, not-with-satnding

TimmyDrose April 3, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Sad. What I see, from most of the comments here, are a largely liberal bunch of intolerent candy asses hiding behind the safety and security of your keyboards, while spouting hatred and touting fear …Not to mention, without one ounce of data to prove or support your obviously exagerated accusations. Its funny how an anonymous moniker and a newly grown set of psuedo balls suddenly can give one the impromtu courage to utter words that, even you, yourselves, know you wouldnt in your wildest dreams consider saying in a face to face situation. (The fact that any of you would never admit such, not-with-standing).smh. Crawl back in your holes. Its one thing to be frustrated with your own lives as failures, and even moreso quite understandable, but it doenst give you the right to vent your frustrations out on Thomas. Jealousy is a double-edged sword…
Let ye, who is without sin…

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 9:17 pm

I think you’re missing the point, too. While the specifics might be inaccurate, Ravenal breached public trust. The attacks are from the damage he’s sown. He could have completely changed the timbre of this conversation if he demonstrated any interest in the source of the angst for the breach. Instead, he’s defending why it was okay for him to violate the law and our trust. While I’m not agreeing that emotional attacks are okay, I’m pointing out such attacks are mere symptoms. The technicalities of the accuracy or not are secondary to the reason for the attacks. Even if true about some folks saying stuff anonymously they wouldn’t say otherwise, it doesn’t make the root cause of the attacks – the anger at breach of trust – go away.

Citizen Kane April 3, 2013 at 10:36 pm

Agreed. Keep it logical and non-personal.

TimmyDrose April 4, 2013 at 7:36 pm

I refuse to waiste much more of my time arguing with an anonymous busybody, but if you really want to play, for the moment, I’ll oblige. For all I know, you may not even be a woman. For all points and purposes you (any, and all of you), could be some fat morphodite sitting in your mothers basement on some hellbent quest to condemn others while trying to figure out your own place in life. Like some twisted, pathetic attempt to make yourselves somehow feel better about your own shortcomings. And we all have them. Perhaps you’d do yourself a sevice if you spent some time in the gym or some other positive activity that would somehow, miraculously, breath a hint of melioration in your own lives. Many of you seem to have way too much time on your hands. You (whoever you are), have singlehandedly commandeered this thread and if you are a woman, based on your rants and tone, it sounds as though you havent been boinked in a year….Think about that for a minute. Are you so miserable with your own lives that youre compelled to seek solace in these meager attempts to attack someone else? Does it make you feel better to try to bring somebody else down? And for what? Do any of you really think you can hurt Thomas?… Think again. Do you really think your doing a public service with these rants? That youre somehow going to make the world a better place?… Really?….smh
If thats truly the goal…. If thats truly what youre trying to do…
Hell we all have secrets.
Start with yourselves.

katlaurenscounty April 5, 2013 at 6:27 pm

1) Anonymous – Fraid not. Posted links to my website, articles, and bio. I’ll post again if you want to dialogue with other than the crap you posted:

2) Didja notice you did the same thing you whiningly protested in others. You used bigoted, irrationally speculative attacks of political leanings, sexual proclivities (boinking. LOL!! excellent word choice), physical appearance, posing behind a facade of religious value (let ye who…). Your posts reek of relative or treasured ‘friend’ emotion. If you’re gonna do more of the same, Buzz off. I wouldn’t use my well trained and (per test results, supposedly) stacked mental capacity on that garbage any more than I would use a canon to kill a mosquito. It’s a waste of excellent resources, and who cares about a mosquito?

2) Commandeered? Yup, Damn Skippy! I have the duty, and the skills you can’t see (presuming you can even understand them) to do so when the subject is fundamental to our way of life and there’s an iota chance of something good towards the goal of fighting gov corruption – How did we elect an oath breaker, why does he believe his oath to up hold and protect our laws means nothing, and why didn’t he do something about a law he now says is unjust as his rationale for his oath breaking??? Maybe you’re a public official who routinely breaks his oath. Or, you luv one who does so you don’t care which spit on their oaths.

3) Didja notice your pompous self righteous assertion nothing can happen from this dialogue, is self evidently proven to be crap? I suspect it’s not the only thing in your life that’s self evidently flaccid and can’t ‘stand’ the scrutiny. Thomas removed some of his posts and edited others for much more open and rational responses. Obviously you were mistaken when you sputtered like you had an ‘inside track’ as to what everybody means, or thinks, or intends, or looks like, about anything.

4) Did you actually digest my posts, or did you just judge them improper because they’re written by a woman who stepped out of her ‘proper’ place? Rants? Wordy, yah. Preachy, yah. Tone that means something about boinking? Where did you get your bigoted, narrow minded idea that my ‘tone’ relates to boinking? Are you familiar with my normal tone? No. Do you know female engineers? Maybe. Do you know any females like me? Not a chance. Do you have data on the ‘tone’ of females like me, correlated to data on their quantity of boinking? NO. That leaves one source – your bigoted stereotype. OMG a female commandeering with logic and tenacity with less then properly female emotion and tone!! What’s next, she’ll decide to be the boinker instead of the boinked??? Quick, make her have the proper tone!!! Commence boinking!!!! Move the other females away till this one’s fixed !!!! Fetch the magnolia leaves!!! (shout out to hilarious post in other article) Wait, maybe she’s not even a real female !!!!!!

4) Get some aspirin, open your mind, dump the bigoted stereotypes. I routinely commandeered corporate territory/projects/assignments/the room/whatever else I wanted, while….r u sitting down?…getting boinked, and boinking, as I saw fit. Yup. I chose. The way wimpy men wish they could. I guess you understand the jealousy you accused others of. Okay breath deeply it will help. I served myself from a United Nations buffet of beefcake uniformed (mostly) Marine Corps boy toys, before I happily married one, whenever I got hungry, as a single woman located at target rich military bases – and miracle of miracles, I did so while commandeering and toning, in my professional work, like I do on these posts. Oh, waddya know, much to the great amusement and delight of these low heart rate, back from deployment, high and tight, beautiful, juicy, men, I did the same in my boinking work, with secure men who enjoyed being so commandeered.

You gonna come after my posts dude, get your big boy brain on. Bring more than these sissy punk brain bigoted hypocritical empty emotional ridiculous half wit attacks on others for doing the same thing you do. Figure out the difference between baby brain emotional whining and logic and reason. Use the latter to point out the unsound reasoning in my posts. Who knows, you might follow Thomas’ example and improve your own posts. Or stfu, buzz off, and stew in your own righteous hypocrisy.

TimmyDrose April 5, 2013 at 7:40 pm

Aww, did I strike a nerve? Tisk tisk…
1) It obviously seems so… As a fellow marine I truly feel for your husband/wife. (or could it be partner?) …the jury is still out on that one.
2) You have the duty?!! Who the hell are you, Joan of Arc? You really need to get out more.
3) How many adjectives can you put in one sentence? Surely you could have squeezed out a few more.
4) I see I was right, you havent been boinked in a year. Significant other doing a double tour?…and btw, Was it really necessary to burn your bra in your last post?
5) and lastly, the number {5} comes after the number 4…
p.s.while youre busy perpetuating the hate, try devoting some of your time to cleaning your mobile home. And have a nice weekend…whoever you are .
~and for the record, my dear lady ( and I use that term loosely), my hypocrisy only goes so far…

TimmyDrose April 5, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Oddly enough, Ms katlaurenscounty, I kind of like your style. You came back fighting….I like that. {tipping my hat} ….touche

katlaurenscounty April 5, 2013 at 8:52 pm

I feel the same about your last, LMAO at Joan of Arc/burn the bra/5,4, etc. Very lively! PS I’m too busy saving the world to clean the mobile home

TimmyDrose April 5, 2013 at 10:05 pm

very cool…send me a facebook request…that was fun…In-as-much , if you keep this up , with your retorts, they will have you on a reality show…
peace to the people
btw, awesome retort on your last, burning the bra, not-with-satnding

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Thanks to my good friend whoever you are!

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:36 pm

The standard was trust, the breach is the damage. The details are irrelevant. Cocaine is just one detail. Look at the cause, not the details. The accusations are just a symptom of a deeper wound. Repairing the damage from breach of public trust isn’t the same as between private persons.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 6:52 pm

You’ve given me some good advice.. I should be paying you.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:57 pm

Are you saying you believe your consumption of drugs is acceptable behavior for a person who’s doing the public’s work? You immediately denied breach of trust without knowing on what I based my belief. A snarky attack at what you think I think is defensive. Maybe I misunderstand. Snippy defenses doesn’t increase understanding.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm

My actions were indefensible and the following in no way mitigates that. That said, I was always sober on the job and was always the last person to leave the building. When I was indicted was in great shape running 5 miles per day.

Gary Johnson came out for drug legalization as Governor of N Mexico because he wanted to crack down on DUI deaths. You see, there was no budget to clamp down on DUIs bc money was being squandered on drug use violations where others weren’t at risk. Drug prohibition is a failure.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 7:28 pm

With all due respect, do you not realize that drugs hurt many people that are not directly involved in the use of drugs? Do you not see past yourself on this issue?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Drug abuse is bad. Drug prohibition is much, much worse. Did I do a good job as Treasurer? Please ask those who worked there with me. If they say I was a bad Treasurer then flay away at me. I too hate incompetence.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 8:38 pm

The fact that you are not apologetic for your past misdeeds, including drug dealing, make further dialog pointless. Have a good day.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 8:44 pm

I am quite sorry. Have a nice day.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 8:53 pm

No one expects anyone to be perfect, but folks expect people to be remorseful and repent for their misdeeds. You’ve blamed everyone but yourself, even to the extent of considering renouncing you citizenship, as was reported by this site, because what happened to you was “unfair” and that your rights were violated. Once again, have a good day.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 9:00 pm

You’re missing the point, again because your focused on defending. The fact that you are unwilling to consider anything but defending your choice is a separate and irrelevant to ‘perfection’. C’mon Thomas, perfection?? Look at the Sanford vote!!! Asserting an irrelevant point instead of seeking understanding, is a disregard of the chance you have right now, right here, to open yourself to a new point of view, which gives growth. It takes a generous spirit to try to see things from another point of view. It takes courage to drop defending. What you’re demonstrating is a dismissive disregard of why the public was hurt by your betrayal. Which furthers the distrust and hurt. That’s where the issue is. And insistently defending your decision to do drugs when all of us expected you not to, is demonstrative of unsuitability for public service. There’s no reason to be so defensive. My Lord your flesh isn’t going to explode and you can be enriched. It’s like any endeavor we get better with practice.

Damien April 3, 2013 at 9:33 pm

No, the word is that you were an excellent State Treasurer. BUT (and there is a BUT) you’re also a high-profile elected person like Elliott Spitzer, John Edwards, Bobby Jindall, Chris Christie. That’s why people who look up to say Chris Christie expect exemplary behavior, not just abiding with the letter of the law but the spirit of the law.

Today’s New York Times front-page article, “Lawmakers Tied to Bribery Plot in Mayoral Race” is about a whole cabal of HIGH LEVEL STATE politicians indicted for making and taking payoffs to help one guy run for mayor when Bloomberg retires. That’s reprehensible. Maybe not on point with taking unlawful drugs, but involves HIGH LEVEL OFFICIALS. They can’t just ignore the law.

Everybody must obey all laws.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Immoral laws should not be obeyed.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Technically, your point has merit as rebuttal of a statement ‘we must obey all laws’., which isn’t true. It is our duty and obligation to refuse to support and obey any man’s law that violates natural law and our humanity. Segregation and the slavery from whence those laws came, are repugnant to our humanity. Laws against drug use are not. Breaking the law whilst in public office arises out of one’s own need to indulge. Rosa Parks wasn’t self indulging.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:34 pm

So should Obama smoke? Should our legislators imbibe alcohol? Are these not indulgences?? I do agree with half of what you wrote. So we do have some common ground.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 10:53 pm

Interesting. I agree these are indulgences, but again, these are besides the point. These indulgences don’t break the law. My whole point is your disregard of the agreement you made when you took the job – no matter what basis – well excepting the whole violation of humanity thing. Did you know when you took the job you were going to ignore the existing laws and do drugs? If so, that it deceitful. The issue, Thomas is not the merit of the drug laws on which you defend your drug use. It is your assertion it was okay to deceive us. The people that voted for you believed you would respect the laws we paid for. Your personal decision to justify how you could break our laws is where the breach comes from. We have an agreement, voters and the ones we vote for. When you violate that agreement, you are telling us you can make up your own rules. That is where the anger comes from. The merit of drug laws is a distractor. Our country loves redemption, because we have all been knocked to our knees. But we have to believe in the redeemed. It’s based on a belief in the redeemed’s desire to understand. To understand the anger, you have to put aside your own defense.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:11 am

I do regret breaking the law. That said, I feel I need to put my energy toward repealing this policy which I think is the most destructive policy since slavery.

David Hume April 3, 2013 at 11:04 pm

Excellent point: What special rules or behavior, if any, should high-profile elected officials adopt?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Well, let’s see, how about having a healthy respect for individual liberty, limited government, free-enterprise and peace. An abhorrence for spending our children and grandchildren into oblivion and misleading the country into needless wars. None of these virtues seems to matter these days.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:20 am

Drug laws do violate natural law. For example, we should have freedom. We have freedom of speech not to protect our right to discuss the weather but the right to says things another might find quite egregious. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness as each individual determines it not as its dictated to him by the state so long as be does not violate the rights of others. These drug laws promote disrespect for all law and creates a huge barrier between the police and the ethnic communities where law enforcement selectively enforce these laws.

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 9:33 am

I have to conclude you are unmoveably, unshakeably determined to ‘prove’ you had good rationale to break our laws, absent any evidence you understand this conduct has earned you such animosity from voters who expected you wouldn’t act like your personal opinion gave you special authority to act above them (laws). Your snippy response to me about ‘you’ve already said you regret breaking the law 100 times, shall you do it 101″ is indicative of a deep defense and stiffness of mind that precludes further discussion. Good luck with your show, you’ll be in an environment that feeds ego and self justifies conduct. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 11:49 am


Guest April 4, 2013 at 10:55 am

You don’t consider the drug laws repugnant to humanity and a violation of natural law: really? Are you aware as long a drug has illegal status, such as marijuana or cocaine, it’s generally prohibited from being used in medical research for new potentially lifesaving drugs or vaccines. A lot of chemotherapies are made from plants and tree bark. Taxol, a common breast cancer chemo, thousands of women receive, is made from the Pacific yew tree bark; so, who’s to say cocaine and marijuana, or whatever substance can’t be developed into a drug? Oh, that’s right, the Feds do!

Not only does the government prohibit specific drugs research, they (FDA) also determined and limit what drugs you may use if you
have any health problems. Basically, here’s how it works: there’s a drug out there that can save your life, but you can’t have that drug until drugs a, b,and c have failed. Oh, then there’s another drug that might work, but it’s not approved for your specific problem, but you may appeal to the FDA for a waiver. So, by the time your appeal gets through FDA and if you’re not already dead: guess what? Your insurance isn’t going to pay for it. I say all that mockingly,but that’s truly how it works.

This is solely about government intervention: the government
has no business determining what drugs people use whether they’re recreational or for medical purposes. This is America: people shouldn’t have to leave the country or go out into the dark of night to obtain the medicine they need! So, indeed the “war on drugs” and our drugs laws are repugnant, infringe on our God given rights, and violate the basic principles which this country is founded!!!

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 12:37 pm

Your argument supports ineffective regulation of the law as a basis for invalidating the law. You can strengthen your argument with more data. Consider spending about 9 months digging into the entire FDA regulation process, like I did, including the Federal Acquisition Regulations, establishment of medical billing codes under public fraud these are ‘standards’ (you’ll have to study what a ‘standard’ is, go to Underwriter’s laboratory website to learn how real standards are developed, billing codes are proprietary to AMA who gets at least 50% of every health dollar for royalties), and fraudulent nature of the Health and Human racket under which medical devices and drugs are controlled by the government for pure profit of crony big business.

The logic of your argument as support for your claim drug restrictions are against natural law, is unsound. The objective of drug restriction laws is not against natural law. Government abuse of authority is.

Guest April 4, 2013 at 1:52 pm

I get your point, and I’m not a philosopher; nonetheless, I believe there’s some leeway in how natural law is interpreted.

David Hume April 3, 2013 at 11:02 pm

No. Rosa Parks was what C.S. Lewis calls, in Mere Christianity, a “social pioneer” — a person who fights for social change when denied basic rights that society keeps for the select. Like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King fought for social change when denied basic rights. Laws that deny us our basic human rights should be changed. Other laws, like those ordering us how to drive our cars, prohibiting us from kidnapping our enemies, or printing counterfeit money, are straightforward and should be obeyed by everyone.

You consider laws uniquely objectionable to you to be equally, universally bad for society. As someone wrote above, as Kant said, if everyone took this position, society would collapse.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:38 pm

Wrong. Driving is legal precisely because it is dangerous. We have rules and regulations in order to save lives. More people die from car wrecks than from illegal drug overdoses but as free Americans were allowed to embrace this risk everyday. Drugs need to be controlled and regulated as well. With prohibition they are controlled by the most violent criminals on earth.

MyDaddyIsRich April 3, 2013 at 11:23 pm

Rosa Ravenel standing up for Coke heads all over America. I am curious did this sudden realization that the drug war was unconstitutional happen before or after you got pinched?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:32 pm

I’ve always known they were oppressive and tyrannical and antithetical to the founding principles.

CNSYD April 4, 2013 at 11:20 am

Obviously you do not know the difference between principals and principles.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Luckily, there’s an edit button!

Mark Twain April 4, 2013 at 12:29 am

Huckleberry Finn to Thomas Ravenel:

Tom, since when you concern yo’self with ne-groids like Rosa Parks? Tom, you’se remember dis here —

Sally (white mistress of the house): “We been expecting you a couple of days and more. What kep’ you? — boat get aground?”

Huck Finn: “Yes’m — she — ”

Sally: “Don’t say yes’m — say Aunt Sally. Where’d she get aground?”

Huck Finn: I didn’t rightly know what to say, because I didn’t know whether the boat would be coming up the river or down. But I go a good deal on instinct; and my instinct said she would be coming up — from down towards Orleans. That didn’t help me much, though; for I didn’t know the names of bars down that way. I see I’d got to invent a bar, or forget the name of the one we got aground on — or — Now I struck an idea, and fetched it out:

“It warn’t the grounding — that didn’t keep us back but a little. We blowed out a cylinder-head.”

Sally: “Good gracious! anybody hurt?”

Huck Finn: “No’m. Killed a nigger.”

Yelsewh April 4, 2013 at 1:12 pm

So now you’re Rosa Parks? Rosa Parks had the guts to violate an unjust law in the light of day. I agree that prohibition is pointless and if you had fired up a bowl or done a line on the front steps of the State House I’d support you 100%… but that isn’t what happened. The fact that you’re trying to ‘church up’ your cowardace as if you were some kind of activist is shameful.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:09 pm

They do hurt people. In fact I was talking to a lady who was very angry at me for one of my articles regarding drug prohibition. She said drugs almost destroyed her son’s life. Her son finally got help and is much better now. I asked the lady if it would have helped her son if the government had arrested and prosecuted and imprisoned her son? And after the son got out of prison, he’d have a hard time getting a job, borrowing money et cetera because of the criminal record. She said of course not. That would have made it much worse. So, I maintain that incarceration of individual drug users is wrong.

please April 3, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Yet you campaigned for Giuliani.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:39 pm

I gave money to Tim Scott, Mark Sanford, Jim DeMint et cetera and they all support drug prohibition (publicly).

A name April 3, 2013 at 11:19 pm

Does the parenthetical mean to suggest they hold different views privately? DO tell.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:29 pm


James Joyce April 4, 2013 at 12:07 am

Yes, Tommy. Rot a peck of pa’s malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by arclight and rory end
to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the aquaface.

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:12 pm

I see no evidence of that, the brains, that is. Still, I would be interested to know if any of them (Scott, Sanford, DeMint) have shared with you or anyone else that they publicly support laws that they privately believe are unconstitutional.

annefair April 4, 2013 at 4:30 pm

Leave Sanford out of that,his brain cells are iffy.

A name April 5, 2013 at 12:19 am

You keep editing your posts. Why is that?

Janet April 5, 2013 at 2:17 pm

He’s not editing he’s completely deleting and reposting to make himself look better. WTF

Jennifer April 5, 2013 at 4:03 pm

I love that; so right back at him! That’s hilarious.

Janet April 5, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Everyone should remove their comments and not acknowledge the jackass.

Jennifer April 5, 2013 at 10:43 pm

That’s not my intent, and I’m not suggesting anyone remove their comments. I think it is great Thomas edited his comments: he’s just smarter than the rest of us, including myself, that were fool enough to be lured in by someone, who’s conspicuously absent, using the moniker “Okra Gumbo.” Good for Thomas!

Fleet April 4, 2013 at 7:58 am

How about the victims of the crimes people commit to get drugs or money for drugs? How about the people caught in crossfires? How about the babies born addicted to drugs?
Why didn’t you let your views be know before you ran for office?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 11:46 am

You agree with me in deploring all the violence that drug prohibition causes.

Fleet April 4, 2013 at 9:19 pm

Not even close.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 8:10 pm

Maybe but I’m not asking about the merit of drugs or not.The question was if you believed it doing drugs is acceptable behavior for a public servant. Based on your answer, it appears you believe yes. Even if your argument substantiates good basis for people to do drugs, the public servant position requires occupants don’t do drugs. In my opinion, your personal development will be stymied until you stop defending your decision to ignore the rules of your job. I’m not saying a person can’t do what they want with their own body. I’m saying when you become a public servant you agreed to certain terms and conditions. Your decision to violate those terms was entirely your own, even if you didn’t agree with the terms. Defending your decision to break the rules demonstrates disrespect of the public servant job. This is where you have opportunity to grow as a person. Defending your conduct is tantamount to saying public servants can do what they want if they believe there is good reason and you can break any agreement you make if you see good reason.

Nomad April 3, 2013 at 9:12 pm

I support careful and controlled de-criminilazation of cannabis (like in Colorado, Washington, California, and other states) for non-medical use. I always thought it was hypocritical to make pot illegal while liquor and beer is far more dangerous while driving — and more addictive. But putting “anything” I want into my own body creates the Immanuel Kant dilemma: “What would happen if everyone did that?” Society would come apart at the seams. There are so many things we cannot do personally because they would destroy society, but you don’t understand that. For instance, would it be okay to cheat just a little bit on my taxes, or just a little bit on my medical school exam, or a little bit on that jet-engine overhaul?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 9:59 pm

So you’re saying that if we legalized heroin, everybody would become a heroin addict. 400 years ago, they said we couldn’t have religious freedom because everyone would pick the wrong religion and we’d all go to hell. They said that without a coercive religious authority, society would dissolve into chaos and disorder. John Locke, who’s philosophy underpins our founding documents, pointed out that the real disturbers of the peace are those who are intolerant. The purpose of government is to secure and protect our natural rights not from ourselves but from others who would violate them through force or fraud. Allow individual adults to make their own decisions and accept the responsibilities of their actions so long as they don’t violate the rights of others.

Nomad April 3, 2013 at 10:48 pm

So you’re saying that if we legalized heroin, everybody would become a heroin addict.

Nomad reply: I didn’t say or imply that. I did say that is cannabis was legalized society would be better off, but not that cannabis users would be addicted. I’ve got friends who are alcoholics (addicted to alcohol) and know of people who are heroin addicts. Using or selling coke legally isn’t even discussed in America because it’s known to cause heart attacks if pure, and can kill when cut with other compounds. Pot? Users can see, touch, examine pot. They can grow their own pot. One can buy how-to-grow-pot magazines at 7-11s and Kangaroo stations now. Pot does not bother or scare me. Coke scares me.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:06 pm

It’s far more dangerous mostly because of its illegality. 80% of illegal drug overdoses occur because of lack of quality control. Back in the days of alcohol prohibition ppl were dying or going blind because they were cutting gin with formaldehyde or industrial alcohol. Len Bias died bc his friends waited until his third seizure to take him to the hospital as they were afraid of getting into trouble.

9" April 3, 2013 at 11:49 pm

you’ve suffered too much…

please April 3, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Too bad you never saw fit to make that point when you were hustling to be a big shot in the GOP.

lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:04 pm

Oh to be above the law.

Pleaser April 3, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Remember he was the SC campaign manager for the big drug warrior Giuliani, of all people.

lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:34 pm

The black guy is still in the joint.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:10 pm

I got a worse sentence than the black guy even though he was the seller and I was the customer. We both got 10 months but I also got a $250,000 fine. His fine was around $200. None of his other customers got into trouble.

Hang Man April 4, 2013 at 12:04 am

Hand me my mandolin. I’ll play you a dirge. . .

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:54 pm

The law is written by imperfect human beings. Over 80% of the population over the age of 47 have also ignored these prohibition laws. I’m not excusing my behavior. It was clearly wrong. I just don’t think we should criminalize it. Adultery is wrong but we don’t criminalize it.

L.T.P., USMC April 3, 2013 at 9:03 pm

Crazy, Thomas. You broke the law. You bought and distributed CRACK COCAINE. Good grief. What kind of example is that to young people — hell, any people? Federal and state substance abuse laws are “unconstitutional”? Are you okay? Are you seeing a therapist? Do you intend to repeat this line of thought on television?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:31 pm

First, Semper Fi, second I’ve never had anything to do with Crack. Thirdly, with alcohol prohibition, we passed a constitutional amendment banning the sale, manufacturing and distribution of alcohol. The enabling legislation was the Volstead Act. We later repealed it. It’s the only amendment that’s ever been repealed it was so disastrous. With today’s drug prohibition, we never went though the Constitutional Amendment process, we just started passing laws. Therefore the laws are unconstitutional. I understand that in this day in age there’s little respect for the Constitution but I’m not in that camp.

Learned Hand April 3, 2013 at 10:39 pm

“With today’s drug prohibition, we never went though the Constitutional
Amendment process, we just started passing laws. Therefore the laws are

— I think any first-year law student could write a blistering rebuttal to that claim.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:47 pm

One may say what they will about the teetotalers, but they at least respected the Constitution. You’re right though, ever since Roosevelt’s court packing scheme of ’37, the notorious switch in time that saved nine, there’s virtually nothing the government can’t do.

Learned Hand April 3, 2013 at 11:50 pm

“. . .there’s virtually nothing the government can’t do.”

— I disagree.

The federal government and all fifty state governments have constitutions with three branches, executive, legislative and judicial, with checks and balances that worked fine except once (the Civil War).

Regarding Roosevelt’s “court-packing” of the Supreme Court, it was Congress that refused to allow the number of justices to be increased. ROOSEVELT’S COURT-PACKING SCHEME FAILED.

More recently, Pres. Nixon resigned in the face of almost certain impeachment and removal from office, and Pres. Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice but was acquitted by a thin margin of the U.S. Senate and completed his term.

Thomas, I’m really surprised at your ignorance of the constitution and U.S. history.

What DID you study at the Citadel?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:02 am

It failed but the Supremes got the message and started rubber stamping the New Deal legislation and ultimately opened the floodgates through which the regulatory, redistributive state has been flowing to the the point where the Leviathan state controls practically every Aspect of our lives.

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:06 pm

“there’s virtually nothing the government can’t do. Apparently, you’re ok with that. ”
Apparently, you were too, until it affected you.

Hadley V. Baxendale April 3, 2013 at 11:15 pm

Maybe he was high when he wrote it.

TimmyDrose April 4, 2013 at 7:42 pm

but apparently you cant

Jenna Talbot April 4, 2013 at 9:30 am

I can’t believe you made this comment. The drug you were arrested for, aside from all the violent acts committed by the distributors, can, in fact, cause the user to commit criminal acts because of their addiction. Would you want a cocaine addict managing your bank accounts? Cocaine addiction leads to alot of scary things within a home, I’m sure in time it would have ventured over into work as well. I could understand supporting legalization of marijuana, but come on, you make a complete ass of yourself by trying to say cocaine should be ok. I really can’t get over the fact that you said this, and to think that at 1st I was kind of siding with you, now I realize that you really don’t have a moral compass by which you recognize your mistakes, instead you say they wouldn’t be mistakes if we lower out moral compasses. You’re basically blaming the law for you breaking it. Wow, like I said, I’m shocked…

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 9:36 am

keep reading, he had a wonderful opportunity to understand the anger of the people who voted him in and expand his own point of view. It appears he chose to keep his rationalization that his own opinion of the law justified his breaking of it.

John Cecil April 4, 2013 at 10:35 am

I could support the legalization of marijuana, but not convinced all drugs should be legal. Spain or Portugal have legalized all drugs for the past ten years and offer treatment to abusers which has been a huge success but still in the US there is such a education gap and culture gap that I suspect it would be a disaster, although I would be open to research and opinions. I’m not even that familiar with the US drug laws but for consumption of coke users should be given a second chance. Nothing wrong with saying you made a mistake, it’s not like he got off scott free, and really don’t think he should have been incarcerated for first time offense, but sometimes being high profile means a tougher sentence. People will also point out that he ran on a republican platform who are the ones who imposed these harsh drug laws and waged the war on drugs etc, and only after he got caught did he challenge the merit of the laws of his own party. However, I think it time everone will put this behind them, I know I have. I also doubt TR can make a political comeback but the media will be attracted to him if they think their viewers will watch and he could be a catalyst in a change of drug laws or maybe not and he should just let it go and move on. Either way this has become a distraction for me, although I’m interested in the reality show.

Jenna Talbot April 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

I’m going to go read about Portugal, that sounds so interesting. And my main issue isn’t that he was doing cocaine, “made a mistake” but moreso that he presented himself as a law abiding upstanding public figure when he was in office, never once spouting the beliefs he is spouting now. Sure the eye opening experience of the legal system first hand probably lends to that, but that’s the point, he stood in front of the whole state at one time and never revealed he used drugs or was pro decriminilzation, and I’m sure that if after his arrest he was allowed/accepted back into his former position, he would be standing here today swearing it was a one time thing & how sorry he was for making it. He would t have come out an started a campaign against the drug laws like he is now. And that’s what bothers me, the idea that he isn’t honest & doesn’t take responsibility. The statement he made says “the law is wrong, not my actions”. He can’t even understand why what he did is a breach of trust to the people he was representing, the residents of sc. Instead he says we shouldn’t be bothered because it was his personal life. I just can’t understand his privileged way of thinking. And every time he tried to explain it, all I’m hearing is “it’s not fair I got arrested, screw the fact that I broke a law, it’s just not fair to treat ME like that”

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Tell me how Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs would have benefitted or how society would have benefited had they been persecuted, prosecuted, incarcerated and publicly vilified for their drug use. Political figures, how about Clinton, W, and Obama. While in Portugal you may want to study how when they decriminalized all drugs, the drug abuse problem went down.

trey_beasley April 5, 2013 at 3:18 pm

I am in total agreement. People he was NOT a drug dealer. Do you not know it is better to buy in bulk?

John Cecil April 4, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Yeah it’s really something to consider, Portugal having legalized drugs. They offer treatment to addicts and they aren’t penalized if they don’t take it. And yes drug use has declined. Maybe they don’t have the meth problem yet though? That shit seems pretty scary. Anyway, I appreciate your views as well and think it’s an honest reaction. I hope Thomas appreciates them as well. If I really don’t care about someone I ignore them, but giving honest feedback most of the time isn’t appreciated. I admit that I do admire his convictions of decriminalizing drugs, although I think he will need to admit he made a mistake, and still somehow manage to be credible. A lot of people deal with alcohol problems, or even eating problems, so I tend to look at it like that. At this point, though, I think we need to have sound public policy and I think at least marijuana should be legalized. I even think tabacco should be criminilized based on it’s addiciton and health consequences but that’s just opinion based on all these other substances being illegal. A lot of it doesn’t make sense and is counter productive.

Jenna Talbot April 4, 2013 at 11:10 am

See that’s the thing, he was sworn into his office to uphold the law & he didn’t. And then to compare himself to Rosa Parks is even more disturbing! Sure, both broke a “law”, but that’s where the comparison ends. Rosa parks intentionally broke a law to end discrimination for all black people. I doubt that Ravenel chose to buy & use cocaine & get arrested purely as a way to start his “war” on drug prosecutions. In fact, he probably only got shocked into this thinking he has now after he realized his political & familial stature couldn’t get him a “get out of jail free” card. Then, of course, I’m sure as a by product, he came in contact with people who he now sees as unfairly treated because he is now one of them. This social battle he claims he’s fighting now, was never his intention in the beginning, so he could never claim that his battle & rosa parks are the same.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Using your logic, we should assail the motives of the woman who started MADD. Where was she before her son was killed by a drunk driver?

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Seems accurate.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:08 pm

You wouldn’t be happy unless I’m wallowing in misery it seems. Hate to disappoint but I’m doing quite well thank you. I’m more concerned about the true misery your moralistic policy of prohibition is causing everyday to millions of Americans mostly from ethnic backgrounds who are being pilloried by the worst government policy since slavery.

Beg your pardon April 4, 2013 at 1:39 pm

I’m more concerned about the true misery your moralistic policy of prohibition is causing everyday to millions of Americans mostly from ethnic backgrounds who are being pilloried by the worst government policy since slavery.


Minorities including descendents of the THOUSANDS of SLAVES your family owned?

You are “concerned” about misery among your fellow man…

I see you lounging on an expensive yacht in Charleston harbor….

But what have you DONE, like charitable work, for your fellow man, lately, Thomas?

answer April 4, 2013 at 3:50 pm

I guess the answer is nothing since he will not respond

Guest April 4, 2013 at 4:23 pm
Stone cold March 4, 2014 at 2:13 am

I just saw this, so do forgive for my tardiness. I must say Ravenel I understand and agree with most of what your are saying to people here in rebuttal. I myself come from one of the oldest if not the oldest families so I get where you are coming from however I would be remiss if I did not correct you on a couple of issues. I think you are misinformed as to what ethnic backgrounds indeed are…

How you used the term “ethnic” terminology is very reckless. Using the terminology like ethnic is true for all people whether you are English, French, German, African, Asian etc. there is no cultural identification for what is ethnic. It is a term used for all who have a certain cultural identity there are no parameters or borders.

I just wanted to say that as I get what you mean but it comes across as being very culturally in sensitive in the least and bigoted from those who will crucify you for less.

I think you are best served just being the best of you. You seem to be a man of good intentions who loves life. There is no fault in that single or married… Who cares be your honest self. Be most of all kind , be giving of yourself and people will love you despite faults we all have them. Love and be loved.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm

By deploring all the violence associated with drugs you have unwittingly agreed with me that we should end the prohibition of drugs which create the violence in the first place. There are 20,000 drug gangs in America and many young and innocent children are being slaughtered in their crossfire. When was the last time Anheuser Busch and Jack Daniel Distilleries had a shoot out? Well, because they are dealing in legal commerce they don’t have to resolve conflicts through the point of a gun;they resolve them through the court system.

Jenna Talbot April 11, 2013 at 1:08 am

Thomas, please stop talking, it’s doing nothing for your defense. And the the reason for that, is that you don’t have the moral capacity to understand that your actions were illegal, you broke the trust of the public for which you served & to this day, you blame it on the laws, rather than your privileged upbringing. Once again, you talk all this talk about marijuana, yet you were using cocaine. There’s no way in hell Id ever condone that, not after watching someone close to me be destroyed, as well as the destruction he caused his family in the process. You have no clue my stance on marijuana, and you can’t even pick up from my clearly stated posts, that your repeated “defense” of your actions is what’s bothering me, as well as others I’m sure. Please, get off your high horse & take your spanking like a real man & stop all that whiney baby crap you’re pulling right now. You forget, the majority of your public doesn’t live in that world you live in, we live in reality, we can’t understand why you think you can do something like this and the blame it on the law. PS, that ridiculous comment you made about the woman who started mADD is just more proof of how much of an ass you really are. That woman never committed a crime! Don’t you get it, you broke the law!!! Omg, please don’t even respond to this, well, go ahead, I know you’re too pigheaded to help yourself, but I’m not coming back to read it, your thinking is to painful to know. Like Nietzsche said “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you”…

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:05 pm

How many people’s rights did Rudy Giuliani violate in his enforcement of these laws?

I might have a wee bit of respect for you if you hadn’t been willing to put these principles aside in your pursuit of political power. If indeed you had these principles before you got busted.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:27 pm

Why didn’t the woman who started MADD do anything for her cause before her son was killed by a drunk driver? Why not rage against her?

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:40 pm

Good God. First of all, you actively supported the drug laws you now deplore.

Secondly, you were an elected official charged with upholding the public trust.

Thirdly, that lady never, to my knowledge, killed anyone while driving drunk.
See the difference?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:48 pm

I never, ever supported any of our oppressive and counter-productive drug laws.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:52 pm

She was personally affected though by drunk driving. I was personally affected by our prohibition laws. MLK was personally affected by racial discrimination. I’m in a good place to speak out about prohibition precisely bc I know first hand how barbaric the system is.

Bandwidth April 4, 2013 at 1:43 pm


MLK was assassinated on this date in 1968, at 6:01 in the evening.

What the hell do you know about persecution? You’ve lived the life of Riley.

9" April 4, 2013 at 4:36 am

you got that right ,bitch.only the sleaziest people in the world do, ‘reality tv’…
you’re so lowdown,you could crawl under a duck and not touch a feather…

Don't Stop Now-Go on April 4, 2013 at 8:43 am

Please, do share. I don’t have a dog in this fight but I would like to know what you’ve been up to. It sounds cool. Just give us the top 9 worst things that you’ve done.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:28 pm


kc April 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm

” When I think of all the bad things I’ve done in my life, using cocaine wouldn’t break into the top ten.”

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm

That, I believe.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Thanks to my good friend whoever you are!

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:36 pm

The standard was trust, the breach is the damage. The details are irrelevant. Cocaine is just one detail. Look at the cause, not the details. The accusations are just a symptom of a deeper wound. Repairing the damage from breach of public trust isn’t the same as between private persons.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 6:52 pm

You’ve given me some good advice.. I should be paying you.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 6:57 pm

Are you saying you believe your consumption of drugs is acceptable behavior for a person who’s doing the public’s work? You immediately denied breach of trust without knowing on what I based my belief. A snarky attack at what you think I think is defensive. Maybe I misunderstand. Snippy defenses doesn’t increase understanding.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 7:12 pm

My actions were indefensible and the following in no way mitigates that. That said, I was always sober on the job and was always the last person to leave the building. When I was indicted was in great shape running 5 miles per day.

Gary Johnson came out for drug legalization as Governor of N Mexico because he wanted to crack down on DUI deaths. You see, there was no budget to clamp down on DUIs bc money was being squandered on drug use violations where others weren’t at risk. Drug prohibition is a failure.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 7:28 pm

With all due respect, do you not realize that drugs hurt many people that are not directly involved in the use of drugs? Do you not see past yourself on this issue?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Drug abuse is bad. Drug prohibition is much, much worse. Did I do a good job as Treasurer? Please ask those who worked there with me. If they say I was a bad Treasurer then flay away at me. I too hate incompetence.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 8:38 pm

The fact that you are not apologetic for your past misdeeds, including drug dealing, make further dialog pointless. Have a good day.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 8:44 pm

I am quite sorry. Have a nice day.

Fleet April 3, 2013 at 8:53 pm

No one expects anyone to be perfect, but folks expect people to be remorseful and repent for their misdeeds. You’ve blamed everyone but yourself, even to the extent of considering renouncing you citizenship, as was reported by this site, because what happened to you was “unfair” and that your rights were violated. Once again, have a good day.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 9:00 pm

You’re missing the point, again because your focused on defending. The fact that you are unwilling to consider anything but defending your choice is a separate and irrelevant to ‘perfection’. C’mon Thomas, perfection?? Look at the Sanford vote!!! Asserting an irrelevant point instead of seeking understanding, is a disregard of the chance you have right now, right here, to open yourself to a new point of view, which gives growth. It takes a generous spirit to try to see things from another point of view. It takes courage to drop defending. What you’re demonstrating is a dismissive disregard of why the public was hurt by your betrayal. Which furthers the distrust and hurt. That’s where the issue is. And insistently defending your decision to do drugs when all of us expected you not to, is demonstrative of unsuitability for public service. There’s no reason to be so defensive. My Lord your flesh isn’t going to explode and you can be enriched. It’s like any endeavor we get better with practice.

Damien April 3, 2013 at 9:33 pm

No, the word is that you were an excellent State Treasurer. BUT (and there is a BUT) you’re also a high-profile elected person like Elliott Spitzer, John Edwards, Bobby Jindall, Chris Christie. That’s why people who look up to say Chris Christie expect exemplary behavior, not just abiding with the letter of the law but the spirit of the law.

Today’s New York Times front-page article, “Lawmakers Tied to Bribery Plot in Mayoral Race” is about a whole cabal of HIGH LEVEL STATE politicians indicted for making and taking payoffs to help one guy run for mayor when Bloomberg retires. That’s reprehensible. Maybe not on point with taking unlawful drugs, but involves HIGH LEVEL OFFICIALS. They can’t just ignore the law.

Everybody must obey all laws.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Immoral laws should not be obeyed.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Technically, your point has merit as rebuttal of a statement ‘we must obey all laws’., which isn’t true. It is our duty and obligation to refuse to support and obey any man’s law that violates natural law and our humanity. Segregation and the slavery from whence those laws came, are repugnant to our humanity. Laws against drug use are not. Breaking the law whilst in public office arises out of one’s own need to indulge. Rosa Parks wasn’t self indulging.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:34 pm

So should Obama smoke? Should our legislators imbibe alcohol? Are these not indulgences?? I do agree with half of what you wrote. So we do have some common ground.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 10:53 pm

Interesting. I agree these are indulgences, but again, these are besides the point. These indulgences don’t break the law. My whole point is your disregard of the agreement you made when you took the job – no matter what basis – well excepting the whole violation of humanity thing. Did you know when you took the job you were going to ignore the existing laws and do drugs? If so, that it deceitful. The issue, Thomas is not the merit of the drug laws on which you defend your drug use. It is your assertion it was okay to deceive us. The people that voted for you believed you would respect the laws we paid for. Your personal decision to justify how you could break our laws is where the breach comes from. We have an agreement, voters and the ones we vote for. When you violate that agreement, you are telling us you can make up your own rules. That is where the anger comes from. The merit of drug laws is a distractor. Our country loves redemption, because we have all been knocked to our knees. But we have to believe in the redeemed. It’s based on a belief in the redeemed’s desire to understand. To understand the anger, you have to put aside your own defense.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:11 am

I do regret breaking the law. That said, I feel I need to put my energy toward repealing this policy which I think is the most destructive policy since slavery.

David Hume April 3, 2013 at 11:04 pm

Excellent point: What special rules or behavior, if any, should high-profile elected officials adopt?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:45 pm

Well, let’s see, how about having a healthy respect for individual liberty, limited government, free-enterprise and peace. An abhorrence for spending our children and grandchildren into oblivion and misleading the country into needless wars. None of these virtues seems to matter these days.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:20 am

Drug laws do violate natural law. For example, we should have freedom. We have freedom of speech not to protect our right to discuss the weather but the right to says things another might find quite egregious. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Happiness as each individual determines it not as its dictated to him by the state so long as be does not violate the rights of others. These drug laws promote disrespect for all law and creates a huge barrier between the police and the ethnic communities where law enforcement selectively enforce these laws.

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 9:33 am

I have to conclude you are unmoveably, unshakeably determined to ‘prove’ you had good rationale to break our laws, absent any evidence you understand this conduct has earned you such animosity from voters who expected you wouldn’t act like your personal opinion gave you special authority to act above them (laws). Your snippy response to me about ‘you’ve already said you regret breaking the law 100 times, shall you do it 101″ is indicative of a deep defense and stiffness of mind that precludes further discussion. Good luck with your show, you’ll be in an environment that feeds ego and self justifies conduct. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 11:49 am


Guest April 4, 2013 at 10:55 am

You don’t consider the drug laws repugnant to humanity and a violation of natural law: really? Are you aware as long a drug has illegal status, such as marijuana or cocaine, it’s generally prohibited from being used in medical research for new potentially lifesaving drugs or vaccines. A lot of chemotherapies are made from plants and tree bark. Taxol, a common breast cancer chemo, thousands of women receive, is made from the Pacific yew tree bark; so, who’s to say cocaine and marijuana, or whatever substance can’t be developed into a drug? Oh, that’s right, the Feds do!

Not only does the government prohibit specific drugs research, they (FDA) also determined and limit what drugs you may use if you
have any health problems. Basically, here’s how it works: there’s a drug out there that can save your life, but you can’t have that drug until drugs a, b,and c have failed. Oh, then there’s another drug that might work, but it’s not approved for your specific problem, but you may appeal to the FDA for a waiver. So, by the time your appeal gets through FDA and if you’re not already dead: guess what? Your insurance isn’t going to pay for it. I say all that mockingly,but that’s truly how it works.

This is solely about government intervention: the government
has no business determining what drugs people use whether they’re recreational or for medical purposes. This is America: people shouldn’t have to leave the country or go out into the dark of night to obtain the medicine they need! So, indeed the “war on drugs” and our drugs laws are repugnant, infringe on our God given rights, and violate the basic principles which this country is founded!!!

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 12:37 pm

Your argument supports ineffective regulation of the law as a basis for invalidating the law. You can strengthen your argument with more data. Consider spending about 9 months digging into the entire FDA regulation process, like I did, including the Federal Acquisition Regulations, establishment of medical billing codes under public fraud these are ‘standards’ (you’ll have to study what a ‘standard’ is, go to Underwriter’s laboratory website to learn how real standards are developed, billing codes are proprietary to AMA who gets at least 50% of every health dollar for royalties), and fraudulent nature of the Health and Human racket under which medical devices and drugs are controlled by the government for pure profit of crony big business.

The logic of your argument as support for your claim drug restrictions are against natural law, is unsound. The objective of drug restriction laws is not against natural law. Government abuse of authority is.

Guest April 4, 2013 at 1:52 pm

I get your point, and I’m not a philosopher; nonetheless, I believe there’s some leeway in how natural law is interpreted.

David Hume April 3, 2013 at 11:02 pm

No. Rosa Parks was what C.S. Lewis calls, in Mere Christianity, a “social pioneer” — a person who fights for social change when denied basic rights that society keeps for the select. Like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King fought for social change when denied basic rights. Laws that deny us our basic human rights should be changed. Other laws, like those ordering us how to drive our cars, prohibiting us from kidnapping our enemies, or printing counterfeit money, are straightforward and should be obeyed by everyone.

You consider laws uniquely objectionable to you to be equally, universally bad for society. As someone wrote above, as Kant said, if everyone took this position, society would collapse.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:38 pm

Wrong. Driving is legal precisely because it is dangerous. We have rules and regulations in order to save lives. More people die from car wrecks than from illegal drug overdoses but as free Americans were allowed to embrace this risk everyday. Drugs need to be controlled and regulated as well. With prohibition they are controlled by the most violent criminals on earth.

MyDaddyIsRich April 3, 2013 at 11:23 pm

Rosa Ravenel standing up for Coke heads all over America. I am curious did this sudden realization that the drug war was unconstitutional happen before or after you got pinched?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:32 pm

I’ve always known they were oppressive and tyrannical and antithetical to the founding principles.

CNSYD April 4, 2013 at 11:20 am

Obviously you do not know the difference between principals and principles.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Luckily, there’s an edit button!

Mark Twain April 4, 2013 at 12:29 am

Huckleberry Finn to Thomas Ravenel:

Tom, since when you concern yo’self with ne-groids like Rosa Parks? Tom, you’se remember dis here —

Sally (white mistress of the house): “We been expecting you a couple of days and more. What kep’ you? — boat get aground?”

Huck Finn: “Yes’m — she — ”

Sally: “Don’t say yes’m — say Aunt Sally. Where’d she get aground?”

Huck Finn: I didn’t rightly know what to say, because I didn’t know whether the boat would be coming up the river or down. But I go a good deal on instinct; and my instinct said she would be coming up — from down towards Orleans. That didn’t help me much, though; for I didn’t know the names of bars down that way. I see I’d got to invent a bar, or forget the name of the one we got aground on — or — Now I struck an idea, and fetched it out:

“It warn’t the grounding — that didn’t keep us back but a little. We blowed out a cylinder-head.”

Sally: “Good gracious! anybody hurt?”

Huck Finn: “No’m. Killed a nigger.”

Yelsewh April 4, 2013 at 1:12 pm

So now you’re Rosa Parks? Rosa Parks had the guts to violate an unjust law in the light of day. I agree that prohibition is pointless and if you had fired up a bowl or done a line on the front steps of the State House I’d support you 100%… but that isn’t what happened. The fact that you’re trying to ‘church up’ your cowardace as if you were some kind of activist is shameful.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:09 pm

They do hurt people. In fact I was talking to a lady who was very angry at me for one of my articles regarding drug prohibition. She said drugs almost destroyed her son’s life. Her son finally got help and is much better now. I asked the lady if it would have helped her son if the government had arrested and prosecuted and imprisoned her son? And after the son got out of prison, he’d have a hard time getting a job, borrowing money et cetera because of the criminal record. She said of course not. That would have made it much worse. So, I maintain that incarceration of individual drug users is wrong.

please April 3, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Yet you campaigned for Giuliani.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:39 pm

I gave money to Tim Scott, Mark Sanford, Jim DeMint et cetera and they all support drug prohibition (publicly).

A name April 3, 2013 at 11:19 pm

Does the parenthetical mean to suggest they hold different views privately? DO tell.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:29 pm


James Joyce April 4, 2013 at 12:07 am

Yes, Tommy. Rot a peck of pa’s malt had Jhem or Shen brewed by arclight and rory end
to the regginbrow was to be seen ringsome on the aquaface.

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:12 pm

I see no evidence of that, the brains, that is. Still, I would be interested to know if any of them (Scott, Sanford, DeMint) have shared with you or anyone else that they publicly support laws that they privately believe are unconstitutional.

annefair April 4, 2013 at 4:30 pm

Leave Sanford out of that,his brain cells are iffy.

A name April 5, 2013 at 12:19 am

You keep editing your posts. Why is that?

Janet April 5, 2013 at 2:17 pm

He’s not editing he’s completely deleting and reposting to make himself look better. WTF

Jennifer April 5, 2013 at 4:03 pm

I love that; so right back at him! That’s hilarious.

Janet April 5, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Everyone should remove their comments and not acknowledge the jackass.

Jennifer April 5, 2013 at 10:43 pm

That’s not my intent, and I’m not suggesting anyone remove their comments. I think it is great Thomas edited his comments: he’s just smarter than the rest of us, including myself, that were fool enough to be lured in by someone, who’s conspicuously absent, using the moniker “Okra Gumbo.” Good for Thomas!

Fleet April 4, 2013 at 7:58 am

How about the victims of the crimes people commit to get drugs or money for drugs? How about the people caught in crossfires? How about the babies born addicted to drugs?
Why didn’t you let your views be know before you ran for office?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 11:46 am

You agree with me in deploring all the violence that drug prohibition causes.

Fleet April 4, 2013 at 9:19 pm

Not even close.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 8:10 pm

Maybe but I’m not asking about the merit of drugs or not.The question was if you believed it doing drugs is acceptable behavior for a public servant. Based on your answer, it appears you believe yes. Even if your argument substantiates good basis for people to do drugs, the public servant position requires occupants don’t do drugs. In my opinion, your personal development will be stymied until you stop defending your decision to ignore the rules of your job. I’m not saying a person can’t do what they want with their own body. I’m saying when you become a public servant you agreed to certain terms and conditions. Your decision to violate those terms was entirely your own, even if you didn’t agree with the terms. Defending your decision to break the rules demonstrates disrespect of the public servant job. This is where you have opportunity to grow as a person. Defending your conduct is tantamount to saying public servants can do what they want if they believe there is good reason and you can break any agreement you make if you see good reason.

Nomad April 3, 2013 at 9:12 pm

I support careful and controlled de-criminilazation of cannabis (like in Colorado, Washington, California, and other states) for non-medical use. I always thought it was hypocritical to make pot illegal while liquor and beer is far more dangerous while driving — and more addictive. But putting “anything” I want into my own body creates the Immanuel Kant dilemma: “What would happen if everyone did that?” Society would come apart at the seams. There are so many things we cannot do personally because they would destroy society, but you don’t understand that. For instance, would it be okay to cheat just a little bit on my taxes, or just a little bit on my medical school exam, or a little bit on that jet-engine overhaul?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 9:59 pm

So you’re saying that if we legalized heroin, everybody would become a heroin addict. 400 years ago, they said we couldn’t have religious freedom because everyone would pick the wrong religion and we’d all go to hell. They said that without a coercive religious authority, society would dissolve into chaos and disorder. John Locke, who’s philosophy underpins our founding documents, pointed out that the real disturbers of the peace are those who are intolerant. The purpose of government is to secure and protect our natural rights not from ourselves but from others who would violate them through force or fraud. Allow individual adults to make their own decisions and accept the responsibilities of their actions so long as they don’t violate the rights of others.

Nomad April 3, 2013 at 10:48 pm

So you’re saying that if we legalized heroin, everybody would become a heroin addict.

Nomad reply: I didn’t say or imply that. I did say that is cannabis was legalized society would be better off, but not that cannabis users would be addicted. I’ve got friends who are alcoholics (addicted to alcohol) and know of people who are heroin addicts. Using or selling coke legally isn’t even discussed in America because it’s known to cause heart attacks if pure, and can kill when cut with other compounds. Pot? Users can see, touch, examine pot. They can grow their own pot. One can buy how-to-grow-pot magazines at 7-11s and Kangaroo stations now. Pot does not bother or scare me. Coke scares me.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:06 pm

It’s far more dangerous mostly because of its illegality. 80% of illegal drug overdoses occur because of lack of quality control. Back in the days of alcohol prohibition ppl were dying or going blind because they were cutting gin with formaldehyde or industrial alcohol. Len Bias died bc his friends waited until his third seizure to take him to the hospital as they were afraid of getting into trouble.

9" April 3, 2013 at 11:49 pm

you’ve suffered too much…

please April 3, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Too bad you never saw fit to make that point when you were hustling to be a big shot in the GOP.

Lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:04 pm

Oh to be above the law.

Pleaser April 3, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Remember he was the SC campaign manager for the big drug warrior Giuliani, of all people.

Lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:34 pm

The black guy is still in the joint.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 11:10 pm

I got a worse sentence than the black guy even though he was the seller and I was the customer. We both got 10 months but I also got a $250,000 fine. His fine was around $200. None of his other customers got into trouble.

Hang Man April 4, 2013 at 12:04 am

Hand me my mandolin. I’ll play you a dirge. . .

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:54 pm

The law is written by imperfect human beings. Over 80% of the population over the age of 47 have also ignored these prohibition laws. I’m not excusing my behavior. It was clearly wrong. I just don’t think we should criminalize it. Adultery is wrong but we don’t criminalize it.

L.T.P., USMC April 3, 2013 at 9:03 pm

Crazy, Thomas. You broke the law. You bought and distributed CRACK COCAINE. Good grief. What kind of example is that to young people — hell, any people? Federal and state substance abuse laws are “unconstitutional”? Are you okay? Are you seeing a therapist? Do you intend to repeat this line of thought on television?

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:31 pm

First, Semper Fi, second I’ve never had anything to do with Crack. Thirdly, with alcohol prohibition, we passed a constitutional amendment banning the sale, manufacturing and distribution of alcohol. The enabling legislation was the Volstead Act. We later repealed it. It’s the only amendment that’s ever been repealed it was so disastrous. With today’s drug prohibition, we never went though the Constitutional Amendment process, we just started passing laws. Therefore the laws are unconstitutional. I understand that in this day in age there’s little respect for the Constitution but I’m not in that camp.

Learned Hand April 3, 2013 at 10:39 pm

“With today’s drug prohibition, we never went though the Constitutional
Amendment process, we just started passing laws. Therefore the laws are

— I think any first-year law student could write a blistering rebuttal to that claim.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:47 pm

One may say what they will about the teetotalers, but they at least respected the Constitution. You’re right though, ever since Roosevelt’s court packing scheme of ’37, the notorious switch in time that saved nine, there’s virtually nothing the government can’t do.

Learned Hand April 3, 2013 at 11:50 pm

“. . .there’s virtually nothing the government can’t do.”

— I disagree.

The federal government and all fifty state governments have constitutions with three branches, executive, legislative and judicial, with checks and balances that worked fine except once (the Civil War).

Regarding Roosevelt’s “court-packing” of the Supreme Court, it was Congress that refused to allow the number of justices to be increased. ROOSEVELT’S COURT-PACKING SCHEME FAILED.

More recently, Pres. Nixon resigned in the face of almost certain impeachment and removal from office, and Pres. Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice but was acquitted by a thin margin of the U.S. Senate and completed his term.

Thomas, I’m really surprised at your ignorance of the constitution and U.S. history.

What DID you study at the Citadel?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:02 am

It failed but the Supremes got the message and started rubber stamping the New Deal legislation and ultimately opened the floodgates through which the regulatory, redistributive state has been flowing to the the point where the Leviathan state controls practically every Aspect of our lives.

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:06 pm

“there’s virtually nothing the government can’t do. Apparently, you’re ok with that. ”
Apparently, you were too, until it affected you.

Hadley V. Baxendale April 3, 2013 at 11:15 pm

Maybe he was high when he wrote it.

TimmyDrose April 4, 2013 at 7:42 pm

but apparently you cant

Jenna April 4, 2013 at 9:30 am

I can’t believe you made this comment. The drug you were arrested for, aside from all the violent acts committed by the distributors, can, in fact, cause the user to commit criminal acts because of their addiction. Would you want a cocaine addict managing your bank accounts? Cocaine addiction leads to alot of scary things within a home, I’m sure in time it would have ventured over into work as well. I could understand supporting legalization of marijuana, but come on, you make a complete ass of yourself by trying to say cocaine should be ok. I really can’t get over the fact that you said this, and to think that at 1st I was kind of siding with you, now I realize that you really don’t have a moral compass by which you recognize your mistakes, instead you say they wouldn’t be mistakes if we lower out moral compasses. You’re basically blaming the law for you breaking it. Wow, like I said, I’m shocked…

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 9:36 am

keep reading, he had a wonderful opportunity to understand the anger of the people who voted him in and expand his own point of view. It appears he chose to keep his rationalization that his own opinion of the law justified his breaking of it.

John Cecil April 4, 2013 at 10:35 am

I could support the legalization of marijuana, but not convinced all drugs should be legal. Spain or Portugal have legalized all drugs for the past ten years and offer treatment to abusers which has been a huge success but still in the US there is such a education gap and culture gap that I suspect it would be a disaster, although I would be open to research and opinions. I’m not even that familiar with the US drug laws but for consumption of coke users should be given a second chance. Nothing wrong with saying you made a mistake, it’s not like he got off scott free, and really don’t think he should have been incarcerated for first time offense, but sometimes being high profile means a tougher sentence. People will also point out that he ran on a republican platform who are the ones who imposed these harsh drug laws and waged the war on drugs etc, and only after he got caught did he challenge the merit of the laws of his own party. However, I think it time everone will put this behind them, I know I have. I also doubt TR can make a political comeback but the media will be attracted to him if they think their viewers will watch and he could be a catalyst in a change of drug laws or maybe not and he should just let it go and move on. Either way this has become a distraction for me, although I’m interested in the reality show.

Jenna April 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

I’m going to go read about Portugal, that sounds so interesting. And my main issue isn’t that he was doing cocaine, “made a mistake” but moreso that he presented himself as a law abiding upstanding public figure when he was in office, never once spouting the beliefs he is spouting now. Sure the eye opening experience of the legal system first hand probably lends to that, but that’s the point, he stood in front of the whole state at one time and never revealed he used drugs or was pro decriminilzation, and I’m sure that if after his arrest he was allowed/accepted back into his former position, he would be standing here today swearing it was a one time thing & how sorry he was for making it. He would t have come out an started a campaign against the drug laws like he is now. And that’s what bothers me, the idea that he isn’t honest & doesn’t take responsibility. The statement he made says “the law is wrong, not my actions”. He can’t even understand why what he did is a breach of trust to the people he was representing, the residents of sc. Instead he says we shouldn’t be bothered because it was his personal life. I just can’t understand his privileged way of thinking. And every time he tried to explain it, all I’m hearing is “it’s not fair I got arrested, screw the fact that I broke a law, it’s just not fair to treat ME like that”

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Tell me how Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs would have benefitted or how society would have benefited had they been persecuted, prosecuted, incarcerated and publicly vilified for their drug use. Political figures, how about Clinton, W, and Obama. While in Portugal you may want to study how when they decriminalized all drugs, the drug abuse problem went down.

trey_beasley April 5, 2013 at 3:18 pm

I am in total agreement. People he was NOT a drug dealer. Do you not know it is better to buy in bulk?

John Cecil April 4, 2013 at 1:17 pm

Yeah it’s really something to consider, Portugal having legalized drugs. They offer treatment to addicts and they aren’t penalized if they don’t take it. And yes drug use has declined. Maybe they don’t have the meth problem yet though? That shit seems pretty scary. Anyway, I appreciate your views as well and think it’s an honest reaction. I hope Thomas appreciates them as well. If I really don’t care about someone I ignore them, but giving honest feedback most of the time isn’t appreciated. I admit that I do admire his convictions of decriminalizing drugs, although I think he will need to admit he made a mistake, and still somehow manage to be credible. A lot of people deal with alcohol problems, or even eating problems, so I tend to look at it like that. At this point, though, I think we need to have sound public policy and I think at least marijuana should be legalized. I even think tabacco should be criminilized based on it’s addiciton and health consequences but that’s just opinion based on all these other substances being illegal. A lot of it doesn’t make sense and is counter productive.

Jenna April 4, 2013 at 11:10 am

See that’s the thing, he was sworn into his office to uphold the law & he didn’t. And then to compare himself to Rosa Parks is even more disturbing! Sure, both broke a “law”, but that’s where the comparison ends. Rosa parks intentionally broke a law to end discrimination for all black people. I doubt that Ravenel chose to buy & use cocaine & get arrested purely as a way to start his “war” on drug prosecutions. In fact, he probably only got shocked into this thinking he has now after he realized his political & familial stature couldn’t get him a “get out of jail free” card. Then, of course, I’m sure as a by product, he came in contact with people who he now sees as unfairly treated because he is now one of them. This social battle he claims he’s fighting now, was never his intention in the beginning, so he could never claim that his battle & rosa parks are the same.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Using your logic, we should assail the motives of the woman who started MADD. Where was she before her son was killed by a drunk driver?

katlaurenscounty April 4, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Seems accurate.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:08 pm

You wouldn’t be happy unless I’m wallowing in misery it seems. Hate to disappoint but I’m doing quite well thank you. I’m more concerned about the true misery your moralistic policy of prohibition is causing everyday to millions of Americans mostly from ethnic backgrounds who are being pilloried by the worst government policy since slavery.

Beg your pardon April 4, 2013 at 1:39 pm

I’m more concerned about the true misery your moralistic policy of prohibition is causing everyday to millions of Americans mostly from ethnic backgrounds who are being pilloried by the worst government policy since slavery.


Minorities including descendents of the THOUSANDS of SLAVES your family owned?

You are “concerned” about misery among your fellow man…

I see you lounging on an expensive yacht in Charleston harbor….

But what have you DONE, like charitable work, for your fellow man, lately, Thomas?

answer April 4, 2013 at 3:50 pm

I guess the answer is nothing since he will not respond

Guest April 4, 2013 at 4:23 pm
Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm

By deploring all the violence associated with drugs you have unwittingly agreed with me that we should end the prohibition of drugs which create the violence in the first place. There are 20,000 drug gangs in America and many young and innocent children are being slaughtered in their crossfire. When was the last time Anheuser Busch and Jack Daniel Distilleries had a shoot out? Well, because they are dealing in legal commerce they don’t have to resolve conflicts through the point of a gun;they resolve them through the court system.

Jenna April 11, 2013 at 1:08 am

Thomas, please stop talking, it’s doing nothing for your defense. And the the reason for that, is that you don’t have the moral capacity to understand that your actions were illegal, you broke the trust of the public for which you served & to this day, you blame it on the laws, rather than your privileged upbringing. Once again, you talk all this talk about marijuana, yet you were using cocaine. There’s no way in hell Id ever condone that, not after watching someone close to me be destroyed, as well as the destruction he caused his family in the process. You have no clue my stance on marijuana, and you can’t even pick up from my clearly stated posts, that your repeated “defense” of your actions is what’s bothering me, as well as others I’m sure. Please, get off your high horse & take your spanking like a real man & stop all that whiney baby crap you’re pulling right now. You forget, the majority of your public doesn’t live in that world you live in, we live in reality, we can’t understand why you think you can do something like this and the blame it on the law. PS, that ridiculous comment you made about the woman who started mADD is just more proof of how much of an ass you really are. That woman never committed a crime! Don’t you get it, you broke the law!!! Omg, please don’t even respond to this, well, go ahead, I know you’re too pigheaded to help yourself, but I’m not coming back to read it, your thinking is to painful to know. Like Nietzsche said “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you”…

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:05 pm

How many people’s rights did Rudy Giuliani violate in his enforcement of these laws?

I might have a wee bit of respect for you if you hadn’t been willing to put these principles aside in your pursuit of political power. If indeed you had these principles before you got busted.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:27 pm

Why didn’t the woman who started MADD do anything for her cause before her son was killed by a drunk driver? Why not rage against her?

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:40 pm

Good God. First of all, you actively supported the drug laws you now deplore.

Secondly, you were an elected official charged with upholding the public trust.

Thirdly, that lady never, to my knowledge, killed anyone while driving drunk.
See the difference?

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:48 pm

I never, ever supported any of our oppressive and counter-productive drug laws.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:52 pm

She was personally affected though by drunk driving. I was personally affected by our prohibition laws. MLK was personally affected by racial discrimination. I’m in a good place to speak out about prohibition precisely bc I know first hand how barbaric the system is.

Bandwidth April 4, 2013 at 1:43 pm


MLK was assassinated on this date in 1968, at 6:01 in the evening.

What the hell do you know about persecution? You’ve lived the life of Riley.

9" April 4, 2013 at 4:36 am

you got that right ,bitch.only the sleaziest people in the world do, ‘reality tv’…
you’re so lowdown,you could crawl under a duck and not touch a feather…

Don't Stop Now-Go on April 4, 2013 at 8:43 am

Please, do share. I don’t have a dog in this fight but I would like to know what you’ve been up to. It sounds cool. Just give us the top 9 worst things that you’ve done.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 12:28 pm


kc April 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm

” When I think of all the bad things I’ve done in my life, using cocaine wouldn’t break into the top ten.”

kc April 4, 2013 at 12:02 pm

That, I believe.

Vance April 3, 2013 at 7:31 pm

Most things are better kept private.

Vance April 3, 2013 at 7:31 pm

Most things are better kept private.

annefair April 3, 2013 at 7:36 pm

So will this be” downtown” Myrtle Maner?

annefair April 3, 2013 at 7:36 pm

So will this be” downtown” Myrtle Maner?

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 8:14 pm

I’m just interested in the reality show, like who else will be on there? I don’t think anyone is interested in old news to try and score a political punch with the upcoming election.

John Cecil April 3, 2013 at 8:14 pm

I’m just interested in the reality show, like who else will be on there? I don’t think anyone is interested in old news to try and score a political punch with the upcoming election.

lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Haley, Sanford, Ravenel…sic your momma ever tell you that you’re known by the company you keep.

Lowcorider April 3, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Haley, Sanford, Ravenel…sic your momma ever tell you that you’re known by the company you keep.

Stephanie April 3, 2013 at 10:34 pm

Thomas’s mother (?Louise?) lives at the Bishop Gadsden Home in Charleston.

At least that’s where I saw her recently.

When the subject of Thomas came up, she said, “Oh, please don’t talk with me about Thomas. Or Arthur. Those are two despicable men. Bad, bad, bad. Let’s change the subject.”

Holy smokes.

If Arthur’s MOTHER feels that way about him, how am I supposed to think?

I figure, “Sheesh, these are really rotten apples.”

A bad father and husband must have taught his son all the bad things in life.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Stephanie, I get along great with both mom, dad and step mom.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 11:02 pm

Without commenting on specific content, I commend your deeper non-defensive response than your initial responses.

Stephanie April 3, 2013 at 10:34 pm

Thomas’s mother (?Louise?) lives at the Bishop Gadsden Home in Charleston.

At least that’s where I saw her recently.

When the subject of Thomas came up, she said, “Oh, please don’t talk with me about Thomas. Or Arthur. Those are two despicable men. Bad, bad, bad. Let’s change the subject.”

Holy smokes.

If Arthur’s MOTHER feels that way about him, how am I supposed to think?

I figure, “Sheesh, these are really rotten apples.”

A bad father and husband must have taught his son all the bad things in life.

Thomas Ravenel April 3, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Stephanie, I get along great with both mom, dad and step mom.

katlaurenscounty April 3, 2013 at 11:02 pm

Without commenting on specific content, I commend your deeper non-defensive response than your initial responses.

DinkyPink April 3, 2013 at 11:17 pm

This is probably better than the show!

Phil Donahue April 3, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Yes. This is certainly a good first-person exercise in civics and ethics. Interesting.

DinkyPink April 3, 2013 at 11:42 pm

And a good introduction to a new course offered here, “Why people wanting respect should not feed the trolls 101”

DinkyPink April 3, 2013 at 11:17 pm

This is probably better than the show!

Phil Donahue April 3, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Yes. This is certainly a good first-person exercise in civics and ethics. Interesting.

DinkyPink April 3, 2013 at 11:42 pm

And a good introduction to a new course offered here, “Why people wanting respect should not feed the trolls 101”

Vanguard16 April 4, 2013 at 7:53 am

I thought this ass clown was leaving the country and giving up his US citizenship??

lowcorider April 4, 2013 at 10:50 am

No shit. Only claim to fame is Daddy’s name and the guy is defending drug use like it’s patriotic. Obviously never stood on the yellow footprints at PI.

Chesterfield April 4, 2013 at 1:23 pm

His dad Arthur was a joke, too. Once I asked Arthur Ravenel what he’d done in World War II and if he’d seen any action. Ravenel laughed and said he got drafted just before the end of the war, got put on a Coast Guard ship bound for Japan, and then got sent back to Mobile, Alabama before they got through the Panama Canal. He said the only “action” he saw was “loads of pussy” he bought in New Orleans, then “more pussy” he got in Gulfport. Patriotic? No, I’d say more like pussy-otic, draft-dodger, coward. He’s the one the bridge is named after.

Vanguard16 April 4, 2013 at 7:53 am

I thought this ass clown was leaving the country and giving up his US citizenship??

Lowcorider April 4, 2013 at 10:50 am

No shit. Only claim to fame is Daddy’s name and the guy is defending drug use like it’s patriotic. Obviously never stood on the yellow footprints at PI.

Chesterfield April 4, 2013 at 1:23 pm

His dad Arthur was a joke, too. Once I asked Arthur Ravenel what he’d done in World War II and if he’d seen any action. Ravenel laughed and said he got drafted just before the end of the war, got put on a Coast Guard ship bound for Japan, and then got sent back to Mobile, Alabama before they got through the Panama Canal. He said the only “action” he saw was “loads of pussy” he bought in New Orleans, then “more pussy” he got in Gulfport. Patriotic? No, I’d say more like pussy-otic, draft-dodger, coward. He’s the one the bridge is named after.

lowcorider April 4, 2013 at 7:55 am

Well it would seem that Ravenel is still snorting the shit. Hate to think such bullshit was coming from a sober mind.

Lowcorider April 4, 2013 at 7:55 am

Well it would seem that Ravenel is still snorting the shit. Hate to think such bullshit was coming from a sober mind.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 1:33 pm

I’ve actually enjoyed the dialogue I’ve had with many of you. I leave you with my final words which you can find at the end of this attached document. Have a wonderful day!

DinkyPink April 4, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Thomas. Word of advice. If you want respect. Do not comment on these boards as if you were one of us lowly people. You know we attack, so keep your fingers out of our cage.

Bus Boy # 6 April 4, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Yes, it’s lunch time in Charleston.

Thomas is retiring to Magnolia’s on East Bay Street for a $35 lunch including wine.

As for the “lunch bag” crowd: “Let them eat cake.”

Right, Thomas?

See you on TV.

Thomas Ravenel April 4, 2013 at 1:33 pm

I’ve actually enjoyed the dialogue I’ve had with many of you. I leave you with my final words which you can find at the end of this attached document. Have a wonderful day!

DinkyPink April 4, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Thomas. Word of advice. If you want respect. Do not comment on these boards as if you were one of us lowly people. You know we attack, so keep your fingers out of our cage.

Bus Boy # 6 April 4, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Yes, it’s lunch time in Charleston.

Thomas is retiring to Magnolia’s on East Bay Street for a $35 lunch including wine.

As for the “lunch bag” crowd: “Let them eat cake.”

Right, Thomas?

See you on TV.

Missy Cowell April 4, 2013 at 3:04 pm

Times like this I wish to bury my head in the sand and wish I didn’t live in the same place as these idiots making the headlines.

Missy Cowell April 4, 2013 at 3:04 pm

Times like this I wish to bury my head in the sand and wish I didn’t live in the same place as these idiots making the headlines.

Bu$hleaguer April 4, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Hey fag you still owe me $120 for that aspirin I sold you as ecstasy.

Bu$hleaguer April 4, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Hey fag you still owe me $120 for that aspirin I sold you as ecstasy.

Charleston2013 April 4, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Thomas, did you wash a white and a blue shirt together in hot water?

Charleston2013 April 4, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Thomas, did you wash a white and a blue shirt together in hot water?

Disgusted April 4, 2013 at 6:02 pm

What a douche bag!

Disgusted April 4, 2013 at 6:02 pm

What a douche bag!

Jokes April 4, 2013 at 9:36 pm

You know they named the bridge after his dad. They named the white lines down the bridge after T Rav!

Jokes April 4, 2013 at 9:36 pm

You know they named the bridge after his dad. They named the white lines down the bridge after T Rav!

flipflopmom April 5, 2013 at 1:11 am

I heard he is gay, which speaks much higher for him than the Cocaine usage. I do not know him personally, but agree that South Carolina does not need anymore negative representation, in politics, our schools, or reality T.V.

flipflopmom April 5, 2013 at 1:11 am

I heard he is gay, which speaks much higher for him than the Cocaine usage. I do not know him personally, but agree that South Carolina does not need anymore negative representation, in politics, our schools, or reality T.V.

trey_beasley April 5, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Wow, why all the hate? He has lead a quite colorful life. He dresses well and has great taste.
Thomas and I have meet on numerous occasions, sharing a close mutual friend. He never extended his friendship to me. Whenever I would run into him downtown, he never said hello, pretending not to know me. I was quite young then and sensitive. In my opinion, this was bad behavior. He always came off as arrogant and superior, not good qualites. I would always hear these stories about what a funny, swell guy he was from this mutual friend. This was over ten years ago, so I was a kid and it hurt my feelings a bit. I have grown thicker skin. I would watch the show if it aired in Sweden. Perhaps I’ll even try to download as I think he is an interestting guy.
People do change. Thomas if you are ever in Stockholm look me up. It was be nice to have a coffee. Only if you think I cool enough now :).

m.p. April 6, 2013 at 9:27 am

He hasn’t changed one bit. I’ve meet him 200 times and every time he pretends not to know me. He’s still a dick and always will be.

no thanks April 7, 2013 at 10:29 am

Holy shit! If you want to talk to T-Rav so much,facebook him.

trey_beasley April 5, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Wow, why all the hate? He has lead a quite colorful life. He dresses well and has great taste.
Thomas and I have meet on numerous occasions, sharing a close mutual friend. He never extended his friendship to me. Whenever I would run into him downtown, he never said hello, pretending not to know me. I was quite young then and sensitive. In my opinion, this was bad behavior. He always came off as arrogant and superior, not good qualites. I would always hear these stories about what a funny, swell guy he was from this mutual friend. This was over ten years ago, so I was a kid and it hurt my feelings a bit. I have grown thicker skin. I would watch the show if it aired in Sweden. Perhaps I’ll even try to download as I think he is an interestting guy.
People do change. Thomas if you are ever in Stockholm look me up. It was be nice to have a coffee. Only if you think I cool enough now :).

m.p. April 6, 2013 at 9:27 am

He hasn’t changed one bit. I’ve meet him 200 times and every time he pretends not to know me. He’s still a dick and always will be.

no thanks April 7, 2013 at 10:29 am

Holy shit! If you want to talk to T-Rav so much,facebook him.

Real Southern April 19, 2013 at 8:08 pm

You Really are kidding…..What BFL& Such a Fake+Lier…..That definitely NOT true S.G……

Real Southern April 19, 2013 at 8:08 pm

You Really are kidding…..What BFL& Such a Fake+Lier…..That definitely NOT true S.G……

Real Southern April 19, 2013 at 8:14 pm

There are soooo Many Real stories I/my family could tell about Mr.T Rex…..,but one day maybe he too will loose 1 of his limbs….

Real Southern April 19, 2013 at 8:14 pm

There are soooo Many Real stories I/my family could tell about Mr.T Rex…..,but one day maybe he too will loose 1 of his limbs….

Ive been with Thomas! May 6, 2013 at 3:53 pm

Yes, heard he likes to pack the “fudge”….Guess when you can’t get it from the women anymore (unless he buys them!), you have to go with what you get!

Ive been with Thomas! May 6, 2013 at 3:53 pm

Yes, heard he likes to pack the “fudge”….Guess when you can’t get it from the women anymore (unless he buys them!), you have to go with what you get!

graywinteriors July 24, 2013 at 10:50 pm

I am a born and bred South Carolinian. I had a brief encounter with this guy who is nothing but an embarassment to my home state. I married a Virginia man, maternally a Carter of Shirley Plantation. He could wrestle TR into a knot today. He attended the finest schools and wrestled in college. He would NEVER use the N word… Charleston needs to get over it’s bullshit. Has he ever worked Wall Street as my husband ???
Shut the fuck up TR… Go back to rehab. You sicken me.

graywinteriors July 24, 2013 at 10:50 pm

I am a born and bred South Carolinian. I had a brief encounter with this guy who is nothing but an embarassment to my home state. I married a Virginia man, maternally a Carter of Shirley Plantation. He could wrestle TR into a knot today. He attended the finest schools and wrestled in college. He would NEVER use the N word… Charleston needs to get over it’s bullshit. Has he ever worked Wall Street as my husband ???
Shut the fuck up TR… Go back to rehab. You sicken me.

Rusty Cohen February 4, 2014 at 10:05 pm

Charleston isn’t nearly as stupid or racist as the people in this show are. Where I grew up,most ladies and gentlemen were too intelligent and polite to lower ourselves to use racial slurs – although I believe the slur my mother would have whispered about the people who did rhymed with ‘slight brash’. No one insults others about things they dont control – like skin color or IQ – , except people too stupid or lazy to come up with a legitimate insult (such as “Hey, isn’t he the guy who went to rehab and narked out his dealerfriend in exchange for a lessor sentence? ” or “Isn’t that the bozo who got busted when he was state treasurer? Didn’t the government guys up there working with him tell him it was illegal???”)
As Mama used to say “Thank GOD Character and integrity can’t be bought, darling. It’s what separates us from the HITLERS and the illiterates”. It really is. Money can’t buy intelligence or empathy – or – obviously – charm. It is hardly charming to sit around all day drinking and bragging like new money about how rich one is. Well-bred people don’t brag.:

My Two Cents March 11, 2014 at 2:03 am

Thomas Ravenel is a known generational racist, and a self-absorbed felonious drug addict, who is, ironically, an embarrassment to his fellow self-absorbed, overindulgent trust-fund alcoholic friends. This show gives new meaning to Southern “Belle”. The women behave more like Southern Jezebels. The show is a slow moving train wreck, and an embarrassment to Charleston, SC.

Sandra March 16, 2014 at 6:10 pm

Well who wants to be his baby making machine here, apparently he has tried Danni and Kathryn (who they think Is pregnant but they don’t know by whom). Might want to put an aspirin between the knees there. And then the one girl with the spikey hair says, oh my I don’t know what I’d change, start with the hair do, it’s horrible.
Then they guys mom says she’s just happy when he brings one home that’s standing upright for a change.
The only reason I can think of that a guy that’s 51 dates a 22 year old girl is for sex or making babies or both. So he ends his association with his cocaine friends but remains friends with all the alcoholics. Yes this show is just full of class, simply amazing.

Sandra March 17, 2014 at 1:58 pm

Well, my personal opinion is that there is nothing charming about alcoholism or substance abuse. On one of the previews they were showing the one ladies heated toilet. All I could think of was the day after drinking, heating a pile of stinky poop in the little toilet room there and sitting in the funk of heated poop.
And then in the car one of them said oh you will never make it to my momma’s table if you talk about the bathroom and no manners going to the bathroom. Well it’s charming to have heated hung over poop???????
Makes me gag just thinking of it.

Sandra March 18, 2014 at 10:13 am

Okay, I can’t get the full show here online. But I love this comment from Jenna:
“It’s nobody’s business how I afford my home”
Smiles. She made it everybody’s business when she decided to do the reality show.
Same stuff different day!!!!!!!

Sandra March 18, 2014 at 10:16 am

And here’s another thing too,
“If I didn’t have Southern manners, I’d just tell her to F off”
Well just the fact that she said that on the side, tells me she don’t have Southern manners. I mean here is this guy and he’s trying to start a business, him and his girl, could be something she could possibly invest in and make money, but she comes up with that comment.

Bryan March 19, 2014 at 10:24 am

This dude seems a tad long in the tooth compared to the rest of the cast.

auah March 31, 2014 at 11:37 pm

Is he a faggot? : /

COMOJO April 19, 2014 at 2:51 pm

I think Cameron is adorable and at least Craig has morals and integrity enough to not break bro-code. Add in that they both actually work. Shep’s clothes look old, really old.


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