Curtis Bostic’s “Green Belt” Problem

During his closing statement against former Gov. Mark Sanford in this week’s GOP runoff debate in South Carolina’s first congressional district, former Charleston County councilman brought up a project called the “Greenbelt Bank.” According to Bostic this “innovative” deal – which he claimed was funded exclusively with “private donations” –…

During his closing statement against former Gov. Mark Sanford in this week’s GOP runoff debate in South Carolina’s first congressional district, former Charleston County councilman brought up a project called the “Greenbelt Bank.”

According to Bostic this “innovative” deal – which he claimed was funded exclusively with “private donations” – was an example of his ability to “unify conservatives around conservative ideas,” a theme he repeated ad nauseam during the debate.

Bostic also mentions the Greenbelt Bank on his website.

“Curtis authored and then fought for the adoption of Charleston’s now widely popular Greenbelt Bank,” his webpage, states. “To date this innovative and highly successful program has garnered over $59 million dollars to facilitate the purchase of over 15,000 acres in parks and greenspace without using tax payer dollars.”

Here’s the problem …

A quick look at the program’s website reveals the extent to which Bostic’s “Greenbelt Bank” has been reliant on taxpayer revenue.

“The program is funded by the Transportation Sales Tax, which was approved in a county-wide referendum on Nov. 2, 2004,” the website states. “It is expected to raise $1.3 billion for Charleston County over 25 years. Of the $1.3 billion, $221 million is designated for Greenbelts.”

Not only that, the program is administered by a Charleston County bureaucrat whose salary and benefits are also funded by taxpayers.

Hmmm … so which website is correct? Bostic’s campaign site? Or the official Greenbelt site?

Let’s consult the official record, shall we?

According to the full text of the Charleston County ordinance – the one Bostic “authored and fought for” – the answer is clear. Proceeds from the tax hike are specifically earmarked “for financing the costs of greenbelts” with the “amount of the maximum total funds to be collected which shall be expended for these projects and purposes shall be no more than $221,571,200.”

So is Bostic lying?

In a word, “yes.”

Perhaps more damaging to his candidacy, Bostic’s support of the Greenbelt bank makes it abundantly clear that he was on board with Charleston County’s 2004 tax hike. During the debate against Sanford, Bostic countered claims that he supported excessive growth as a councilman by saying voters approved much of that new money and that his job was simply to “make sure it was spent efficiently.”

Clearly he was a proponent of the tax hike, too.


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Scrappy March 29, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Sanford-(R) SC

Scrappy March 29, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Sanford-(R) SC

D. Boone March 29, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Paul Thurmond (elected to McConnell’s old senate seat), just months after leaving County Council, made phone calls to his buddies on Council to use “Greenbelt Bank” money to buy swampland called the “Bulow Hunt Club” owned by a “client” of his.

Bulow had been on the market for three years without a nibble, the client’s wife was divorcing him, and the client needed the money ($5 million) fast.

Thurmond didn’t tell Council members or the public that he would pocket a cool $100,000 “consulting fee” on this unscrupulous waste of taxpayer money on swampland. Or that he forced the appraiser to “re-appraise” the land to be worth $1.1 million than it was worth on the original appraisal.

Tom O’Rourke, the county bureaucrat who runs what is now the Bulow County Park, privately said “this purchase of swampland stinks like a dead animal.”

But later — two days before the election — under pressure from Thurmond, O’Rourke made “robo” phone calls urging citizens to vote for Thurmond and stating that Bulow wasn’t really mosquito-infested swampland but a wonderful place to have a picnic.

And yes, as Will points out above, Council took all control over Greenbelt Bank spending shortly after the voters approved the resolution. Out of the hands of an independent board comprised of citizens.

The Greenbelt concept was kidnapped by crooks like Thurmond and O’Rourke.

Council manipulates this $200+ million like a rubber band.

Got swampland to sell in Charleston County?

Call Paul Thurmond or Tom O’Rourke and slip them a few thousand dollars.

D. Boone March 29, 2013 at 12:38 pm

Paul Thurmond (elected to McConnell’s old senate seat), just months after leaving County Council, made phone calls to his buddies on Council to use “Greenbelt Bank” money to buy swampland called the “Bulow Hunt Club” owned by a “client” of his.

Bulow had been on the market for three years without a nibble, the client’s wife was divorcing him, and the client needed the money ($5 million) fast.

Thurmond didn’t tell Council members or the public that he would pocket a cool $100,000 “consulting fee” on this unscrupulous waste of taxpayer money on swampland. Or that he forced the appraiser to “re-appraise” the land to be worth $1.1 million than it was worth on the original appraisal.

Tom O’Rourke, the county bureaucrat who runs what is now the Bulow County Park, privately said “this purchase of swampland stinks like a dead animal.”

But later — two days before the election — under pressure from Thurmond, O’Rourke made “robo” phone calls urging citizens to vote for Thurmond and stating that Bulow wasn’t really mosquito-infested swampland but a wonderful place to have a picnic.

And yes, as Will points out above, Council took all control over Greenbelt Bank spending shortly after the voters approved the resolution. Out of the hands of an independent board comprised of citizens.

The Greenbelt concept was kidnapped by crooks like Thurmond and O’Rourke.

Council manipulates this $200+ million like a rubber band.

Got swampland to sell in Charleston County?

Call Paul Thurmond or Tom O’Rourke and slip them a few thousand dollars.

Curtis Custard March 29, 2013 at 12:41 pm

Not to mention this screams Agenda 21.

vicupstate March 29, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Your post screams “right wing nut’.

What is wrong with the community collectively deciding to set aside certain land areas for preservation? How is this any different than doing so for Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon?

The voters approved this tax increase. If the money has been misspent, that is a diffrent matter, but there is nothing wrong with the basic concept.

Moman50 March 29, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Fits doesnt like it when voters VOTE for MORE government.Ruins the Right Wing line!

Curtis Custard March 29, 2013 at 12:41 pm

Not to mention this screams Agenda 21.

vicupstate March 29, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Your post screams “right wing nut’.

What is wrong with the community collectively deciding to set aside certain land areas for preservation? How is this any different than doing so for Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon?

The voters approved this tax increase. If the money has been misspent, that is a diffrent matter, but there is nothing wrong with the basic concept.

Moman50 March 29, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Fits doesnt like it when voters VOTE for MORE government.Ruins the Right Wing line!

BigT March 29, 2013 at 12:55 pm

I hope these IDIOT-based charges against Bostic, mean he’s beating Sanford. Grooms needs to come out and support Bostic, and EVERY true Conservative is NEEDED…
Conservatives have been greatly damaged by moderate-libertarian, tainted, selfish Republicans, like Sanford…
Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Katon Dawson, Karl Rove, National GOP office… etc….They are poor character career political whores…who make everybody associated w/ them look bad…
Please put Sanford out of poltics, at least as an elected official. Let’s show em we’re not as Stupid as FITS and Sanford always claim we are…

Roger March 30, 2013 at 10:07 am

Grooms support Bostic? HAHA. There is a reason he is staying neutral. Read between the lines. The only candidate from the primary to endorse Bostic was John Kuhn and that is just because he has a personal vendetta against Sanford. Kuhn will endorse Colbert-Busch over Sanford too. The rest of them know Bostic is a big-spending liberal.

BigT March 29, 2013 at 12:55 pm

I hope these IDIOT-based charges against Bostic, mean he’s beating Sanford. Grooms needs to come out and support Bostic, and EVERY true Conservative is NEEDED…
Conservatives have been greatly damaged by moderate-libertarian, tainted, selfish Republicans, like Sanford…
Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Katon Dawson, Karl Rove, National GOP office… etc….They are poor character career political whores…who make everybody associated w/ them look bad…
Please put Sanford out of poltics, at least as an elected official. Let’s show em we’re not as Stupid as FITS and Sanford always claim we are…

Roger March 30, 2013 at 10:07 am

Grooms support Bostic? HAHA. There is a reason he is staying neutral. Read between the lines. The only candidate from the primary to endorse Bostic was John Kuhn and that is just because he has a personal vendetta against Sanford. Kuhn will endorse Colbert-Busch over Sanford too. The rest of them know Bostic is a big-spending liberal.

John Cecil March 29, 2013 at 5:06 pm

The problem with the 2004 half cent sales tax was that 526 was not listed on the ballot, yet the funds were reallocated in 2005 for the local match. Furthermore, if you voted to approve green space how is putting a highway through the county park, land that was deeded to the city by the Dill sisters in their will to be a wildlife refuge, consistent with improving green space? Clearly this bait and switch was planned all along to avoid listing the true cost of 526 or the tax would not have passed.

9" March 30, 2013 at 12:34 am

you sound a little hot and bothered.would you like to do brunch tomorrow? my dime…

John Cecil March 31, 2013 at 12:09 pm

^1 lowlife scum

9" March 31, 2013 at 11:12 pm

does that mean ‘yes’ ,and you like it really dirty or you’re just pissed cause you’re too ‘small’ for me?

John Cecil March 29, 2013 at 5:06 pm

The problem with the 2004 half cent sales tax was that 526 was not listed on the ballot, yet the funds were reallocated in 2005 for the local match. Furthermore, if you voted to approve green space how is putting a highway through the county park, land that was deeded to the city by the Dill sisters in their will to be a wildlife refuge, consistent with improving green space? Clearly this bait and switch was planned all along to avoid listing the true cost of 526 or the tax would not have passed.

9" March 30, 2013 at 12:34 am

you sound a little hot and bothered.would you like to do brunch tomorrow? my dime…

John Cecil March 31, 2013 at 12:09 pm

^1 lowlife scum

9" March 31, 2013 at 11:12 pm

does that mean ‘yes’ ,and you like it really dirty or you’re just pissed cause you’re too ‘small’ for me?

lowcorider March 29, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Sanford has a morality problem.

Scrappy March 30, 2013 at 9:02 pm

He does or did. Fortunately I don’t care who he fucks as long as its not the taxpayer.

Lowcorider March 29, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Sanford has a morality problem.

Scrappy March 30, 2013 at 9:02 pm

He does or did. Fortunately I don’t care who he fucks as long as its not the taxpayer.

John Cecil March 29, 2013 at 10:23 pm

If Bostic is so concerned about a Democrat winning the seat, he has no one else to blame except Jim Demint and Tim Scott for not finishing their terms. Instead he and his supporters choose to blame Colbert Busch supporters. I want the most qualified person to win, which happens not to be Bostic, who is a good ole boy who says what ever is convenient at the time. The half cent sales tax was a bait and switch good ole boy slush fund for developers and special interest. If he said the green belt funds were private money that is blatant lie. Now this guy thinks a democrat winning would be evil and the work of the devil or something. That’s not what I consider Christian values. #fail

John Cecil March 29, 2013 at 10:23 pm

If Bostic is so concerned about a Democrat winning the seat, he has no one else to blame except Jim Demint and Tim Scott for not finishing their terms. Instead he and his supporters choose to blame Colbert Busch supporters. I want the most qualified person to win, which happens not to be Bostic, who is a good ole boy who says what ever is convenient at the time. The half cent sales tax was a bait and switch good ole boy slush fund for developers and special interest. If he said the green belt funds were private money that is blatant lie. Now this guy thinks a democrat winning would be evil and the work of the devil or something. That’s not what I consider Christian values. #fail

9" March 30, 2013 at 12:28 am

I’m interested in his belt,his zipper,and his pants…

9" March 30, 2013 at 12:28 am

I’m interested in his belt,his zipper,and his pants…

John Quick March 31, 2013 at 8:01 pm

I’m holding my nose and voting for…………..Marky…..just stay in the USA

BigJohn39 March 31, 2013 at 8:01 pm

I’m holding my nose and voting for…………..Marky…..just stay in the USA


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