Toxic Peelers

Wherever you stand on the issue of state government forcing municipalities to take human sewage sludge waste, there ought to be a full and fair debate on the issue. Why? Because there are legitimate examples of local governments (including notoriously corrupt Horry County, S.C.) behaving badly – using their ordinance-issuing…

Wherever you stand on the issue of state government forcing municipalities to take human sewage sludge waste, there ought to be a full and fair debate on the issue.

Why? Because there are legitimate examples of local governments (including notoriously corrupt Horry County, S.C.) behaving badly – using their ordinance-issuing power to compel businesses to use government-run landfills in an effort to kill off private sector competitors.

That’s wrong … but in the same vein it’s wrong to compel local landfills (all of which should be privately owned and operated, by the way) to take in human waste that the local population has decided it doesn’t want. That’s a violation of individual liberty – and home rule.

So … why can’t South Carolina lawmakers figure out how to craft legislation that gets government out of the landfill business while protecting the rights of those who live near landfill sites? Good question … maybe the fact our state is run by a bunch of corrupt, barely literate inbreds has something to do with it.

Anyway, whatever your views are on this issue (and odds are you don’t have any) … you’d like to think state government would reach a decision based on the best interests of South Carolina citizens (a decision consistent with market principles and individual liberties).

You wouldn’t like to think the state’s decision was motivated by familial relations. In fact government has passed laws expressly designed to prohibit such familial relations from dictating decisions of state.

Of course in the S.C. Senate – which is run by a bunch of corrupt “Republicans in Name Only” and their Democratic allies – rules are made to be broken.

Take “Republican” Majority Leader Harvey Peeler, whose Senate committee has been shepherding special interest legislation on this issue. Peeler’s goal? To gift wrap a big legislative win for his brother – former S.C. Lt. Gov. Bob Peeler, a “community affairs director” with one of the state’s mega-dumpers.

Let’s dispense with the silly titles, people. Bob Peeler – also a member of Clemson University’s constitutionally dubious board of trustees – is no “community affairs director,” he’s a lobbyist. In fact he registered as a lobbyist prior to receiving his Clemson appointment – and has continued to lobby without properly registering since

That’s a big no-no.

State law – specifically code section 2-17-110 (D) – prohibits members of state boards from lobbying. Meanwhile section 2-17-10 (13) specifically defines a lobbyist as a “person who is employed, appointed, or retained, with or without compensation, by another person to influence by direct communication with public officials or public employees.”

FITS has spoken with several lawmakers who claim they have had “direct communication” with Peeler on this waste bill.

Let’s assume for a moment that Bob Peeler will be able to successfully weasel his way out of this definition – and that South Carolina’s notoriously feeble state ethics commission (SCSEC) will permit him to do so. What about his powerful brother? Shouldn’t he be enjoined from taking any action which benefits his brother’s company?

Well, yes …

State law – specifically code section 8-13-700 – states that “no public official, public member, or public employee may knowingly use his official office, membership, or employment to obtain an economic interest for himself, a family member, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated.” And just in case there was any confusion regarding the definition of a “family member,” section 8-13-100 (15) clearly identifies one’s “brother” as fitting the bill.

Despite this prohibition, Peeler is not only shepherding this bill through his committee – he is one of its primary sponsors. According to reporter Sammy Fretwell of The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper, Peeler also raised his hand in support of an unrecorded voice vote to advance the legislation to the floor of the State Senate last week.

This is ridiculous.

Again … putting aside the merits of this legislation (which are dubious at best), we have a sitting state board member flagrantly violating the law by lobbying for this legislation and a sitting Senator flagrantly violating the law by pushing it through the S.C. General Assembly.

This is crony capitalism at its worst, people … and yet another example of the way “Republican-controlled” government in South Carolina really works.


Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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capitol fly March 25, 2013 at 10:07 am

The peelers are scum, always have been, always will be.

Harvey is known for his womanizing, Bob likewise. They could give a damn about what is good for the State, their wallet is where their heart is and what is up a womans skirt!

Bob was caught in an affair and then set out to destroy the investigator, who caught him and the woman’s (Donna Gulledge) husband and family. He and Harvey well known for their corruption, immorality and vendettas to destroy anyone who won’t play by their dubious rules.

Bob Peeler and his live in adulteress are also close associates of the “Lexington Ring”, or “Lexington Mafia”. Their activities are well known in and around Lexington, Columbia, Clemson and Gaffney.

Do what is right? They would not do right by their own children.

Your definition of “barely literate inbreds” fits this bunch to a letter.

Legal beagle March 25, 2013 at 11:13 am

The abuse cited here is only a small part of their activities. After being caught in his affair, Bob Peeler went to Chief SLED complaining about his paramour’s Police commission which was duly revoked without cause and Private Investigator was investigated by SLED without cause, causing both to retain attorneys.

Peeler and his paramour then sought help from “Lexington Mafia”, Sheriffs Dept., Chief Dep., Solicitors office, Sled and without cause had a State Grand Jury investigation initiated, a witch hunt ,trying to find anything to discredit or damage the paramour’s husband.

The Grand Jury findings, groundless acuasitions.

Talk about abuse of power and abuse of process, at taxpayer expense.

Paramours husband was removed from his job, at the State. Of course, no one will admit to their underhanded activity; but, was “well respected” and had an exemplary record of achievements.

They will stoop, at nothing, because they have been allowed to get away with so much and at taxpayer’s expense.

capitol fly March 25, 2013 at 10:07 am

The peelers are scum, always have been, always will be.

Harvey is known for his womanizing, Bob likewise. They could give a damn about what is good for the State, their wallet is where their heart is and what is up a womans skirt!

Bob was caught in an affair and then set out to destroy the investigator, who caught him and the woman’s (Donna Gulledge) husband and family. He and Harvey well known for their corruption, immorality and vendettas to destroy anyone who won’t play by their dubious rules.

Bob Peeler and his live in adulteress are also close associates of the “Lexington Ring”, or “Lexington Mafia”. Their activities are well known in and around Lexington, Columbia, Clemson and Gaffney.

Do what is right? They would not do right by their own children.

Your definition of “barely literate inbreds” fits this bunch to a letter.

Legal beagle March 25, 2013 at 11:13 am

The abuse cited here is only a small part of their activities. After being caught in his affair, Bob Peeler went to Chief SLED complaining about his paramour’s Police commission which was duly revoked without cause and Private Investigator was investigated by SLED without cause, causing both to retain attorneys.

Peeler and his paramour then sought help from “Lexington Mafia”, Sheriffs Dept., Chief Dep., Solicitors office, Sled and without cause had a State Grand Jury investigation initiated, a witch hunt ,trying to find anything to discredit or damage the paramour’s husband.

The Grand Jury findings, groundless acuasitions.

Talk about abuse of power and abuse of process, at taxpayer expense.

Paramours husband was removed from his job, at the State. Of course, no one will admit to their underhanded activity; but, was “well respected” and had an exemplary record of achievements.

They will stoop, at nothing, because they have been allowed to get away with so much and at taxpayer’s expense.

Right March 25, 2013 at 10:15 am

The “mega-dumper” Bob Peeler works for is Waste Management

Right March 25, 2013 at 10:15 am

The “mega-dumper” Bob Peeler works for is Waste Management

jimlewisowb March 25, 2013 at 10:32 am

Realize it will never happen but it would be appropriate if members of the three branches of Government had to drink bottled water from a well next to one of these landfills

As one low country Senator proclaimed to a constituent who complained about the stink of pig shit coming from a “legal” hog operation, “I have no problem with pig shit as long as it is in your backyard, not mine”

The sons of bitches cockroaches currently crawling the halls of the State Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Governor’s Office would take the pennies off their own dead Mother’s eyes

jimlewisowb March 25, 2013 at 10:32 am

Realize it will never happen but it would be appropriate if members of the three branches of Government had to drink bottled water from a well next to one of these landfills

As one low country Senator proclaimed to a constituent who complained about the stink of pig shit coming from a “legal” hog operation, “I have no problem with pig shit as long as it is in your backyard, not mine”

The sons of bitches cockroaches currently crawling the halls of the State Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Governor’s Office would take the pennies off their own dead Mother’s eyes

shifty henry March 25, 2013 at 10:49 am

How’s it going today, bro?

shifty henry March 25, 2013 at 10:49 am

How’s it going today, bro?

CNSYD March 25, 2013 at 11:13 am

“Clemson University’s constitutionally dubious board of trustees”

Well I am sure that since this board setup has been in existence for over a hundred years that the GA and the Supreme Court have vetted it many times over the decades. Right?

Or perhaps there is noting to vet. If a member is violating state law, that is not the fault of the setup. It is the fault of the member.

So once again, Sic Willie’s Clemson agenda falls on its face.

A face in the crowd March 25, 2013 at 12:39 pm

CNSYD: How many times will you need to be corrected about the Clemson Board of Trustees? Yes, they have been in existence for more than 100 years, and yes, courts have upheld their system of governance. But in order to escape damages in a recent lawsuit, the Clemson board and administration compromised their own authority, spending more than $1 million in legal fees to claim they are an arm of the state and cannot be sued. You are so typical of the cult mindset at Clemson. Just ignore the facts, keep people ignorant of what goes on there, and everything will be fine.

CNSYD March 25, 2013 at 1:55 pm

If I need correction, it won’t come from a dolt such as yourself. You mix apples and oranges once again. The composition of the BOT has nothing to do with the lawsuit of your boy. How did all that work out for your boy anyway?

A face in the crowd March 25, 2013 at 7:03 pm

Clemson’s board structure was based on the status of the university as a municipality, and in order to keep the board and administration from having to admit guilt in the recent lawsuit, attorneys ran to the state for protection. The precedent has now been set, and when the time comes, the board will not be able to use the municipality argument in claiming legitimacy. As far as “my boy” goes, I have never met him, but a better question is, How did it work out for everyone else? The university attorney from that period died of a massive coronary, Barker just had five bypasses, management at the university is in constant turnover, and the school has already failed part of its 2013 accreditation review.

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 8:51 am


Are you licensed to practice medicine in SC? You just told us that the source of the coronary problems of two people are directly connected to Troutman’s suit. How many employees are there at Clemson? What is the turnover rate? How does that compare with like institutions? Did those “managers” who left leave due to retirement, the end of their TERI, or for a promotion and/or higher paying job elsewhere?

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 9:02 am


Are you licensed to practice medicine in SC? You just told us that the coronary problems of 2 individuals was a direct result of the Troutman suit.

What is the total employment of Clemson? What is the turnover rate? How does that rate compare with like institutions? Did these “managers” leave due to retirement, end of their TERI or because they got a position elsewhere at a higher rate of pay?

Plumb Line March 25, 2013 at 9:02 pm

All total, Clemson paid over 2.1 million dollars for legal expenses against Troutman. Clemson never publically disclosed the legal cost paid for Clemson by the State Insurance Reserve Fund which was $1,191,755.54. Clemson only reported the legal cost paid by Clemson which was $932,007.46. By spin and evasion Clemson managed to keep the total legal costs of $2,123,782.90 out of reach of the press. What does it say when you pay that much to avoid a courtroom?

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 8:57 am

It says you got what you wanted and paid for. It also tells the Troutman’s of the world that you won’t roll over for them. Where is Troutman employed these days?

Plumb Line March 25, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Simply put, SC law states that an officer of an arm of the state cannot be appointed for life. Clemson’s Life Trustees are in violation of the law.

Here is more for the know-it-alls that don’t know-it-all. South Carolina’s current
Constitution was adopted and made effective on December 31, 1895. In Article
XVII, Miscellaneous Matters, Section 11, “Schedule,” of the 1895 constitution,
specific measures were set forth to address all laws enacted prior to it. The
constitution of 1895 states that laws “inconsistent with this Constitution”
were to “cease upon its [the constitution’s] adoption.” The Constitution of
1895 does not include a Grandfather Clause that allows exceptions to it.

One such law that was enacted prior to the Constitution of 1895 and is inconsistent with
it is “The Act of Acceptance of 1889” which served to establish Clemson
University. That law allowed the board of trustees of Clemson to include seven
“life trustees” and empowered them to collectively choose and name their
successor “life trustees.”

The South Carolina Constitution, however, expressly prohibits life time
appointments for any officer serving in any state agency. Section 1B of Article
XVII, Miscellaneous Matters, states, “No person shall be elected or appointed to office in this State for life …”

South Carolina law per Title 8, “Public Officers,” holds that the “trustees of the various colleges of the State” are “…all officers of the State.”

All public officers of the state are required by Article III of the State Constitution to take an oath swearing to“…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of this State… ”

Paradoxically, all life trustees on the Board of Trustees of Clemson University have sworn an oath that they will discharge their duties in accordance with the laws of South Carolina and that they will “…preserve, protect and defend the constitution of this State…” The life trustees attest to their oath by their signature.

The bottom line is that the life trustees are in violation of the constitution and SC law, and the matter should be taken before the SC Supreme Court for adjudication.

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 9:09 am

WOW! 118 years after the SC Constitution was adopted in 1895 you have seized upon a mismatch with an act passed in 1889. Does the Constitution state that it supersedes all previous actions of the state and legislature? How is it that you are so learned that you are obviously the first to ever question this situation. Has it never been questioned before?

I presume that you will personally see that this matter is brought forthwith before the Supreme Court. The ball is in your court.

CNSYD March 25, 2013 at 11:13 am

“Clemson University’s constitutionally dubious board of trustees”

Well I am sure that since this board setup has been in existence for over a hundred years that the GA and the Supreme Court have vetted it many times over the decades. Right?

Or perhaps there is noting to vet. If a member is violating state law, that is not the fault of the setup. It is the fault of the member.

So once again, Sic Willie’s Clemson agenda falls on its face.

A face in the crowd March 25, 2013 at 12:39 pm

CNSYD: How many times will you need to be corrected about the Clemson Board of Trustees? Yes, they have been in existence for more than 100 years, and yes, courts have upheld their system of governance. But in order to escape damages in a recent lawsuit, the Clemson board and administration compromised their own authority, spending more than $1 million in legal fees to claim they are an arm of the state and cannot be sued. You are so typical of the cult mindset at Clemson. Just ignore the facts, keep people ignorant of what goes on there, and everything will be fine.

CNSYD March 25, 2013 at 1:55 pm

If I need correction, it won’t come from a dolt such as yourself. You mix apples and oranges once again. The composition of the BOT has nothing to do with the lawsuit of your boy. How did all that work out for your boy anyway?

A face in the crowd March 25, 2013 at 7:03 pm

Clemson’s board structure was based on the status of the university as a municipality, and in order to keep the board and administration from having to admit guilt in the recent lawsuit, attorneys ran to the state for protection. The precedent has now been set, and when the time comes, the board will not be able to use the municipality argument in claiming legitimacy. As far as “my boy” goes, I have never met him, but a better question is, How did it work out for everyone else? The university attorney from that period died of a massive coronary, Barker just had five bypasses, management at the university is in constant turnover, and the school has already failed part of its 2013 accreditation review.

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 8:51 am


Are you licensed to practice medicine in SC? You just told us that the source of the coronary problems of two people are directly connected to Troutman’s suit. How many employees are there at Clemson? What is the turnover rate? How does that compare with like institutions? Did those “managers” who left leave due to retirement, the end of their TERI, or for a promotion and/or higher paying job elsewhere?

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 9:02 am


Are you licensed to practice medicine in SC? You just told us that the coronary problems of 2 individuals was a direct result of the Troutman suit.

What is the total employment of Clemson? What is the turnover rate? How does that rate compare with like institutions? Did these “managers” leave due to retirement, end of their TERI or because they got a position elsewhere at a higher rate of pay?

Plumb Line March 25, 2013 at 9:02 pm

All total, Clemson paid over 2.1 million dollars for legal expenses against Troutman. Clemson never publically disclosed the legal cost paid for Clemson by the State Insurance Reserve Fund which was $1,191,755.54. Clemson only reported the legal cost paid by Clemson which was $932,007.46. By spin and evasion Clemson managed to keep the total legal costs of $2,123,782.90 out of reach of the press. What does it say when you pay that much to avoid a courtroom?

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 8:57 am

It says you got what you wanted and paid for. It also tells the Troutman’s of the world that you won’t roll over for them. Where is Troutman employed these days?

Plumb Line March 25, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Simply put, SC law states that an officer of an arm of the state cannot be appointed for life. Clemson’s Life Trustees are in violation of the law.

Here is more for the know-it-alls that don’t know-it-all. South Carolina’s current
Constitution was adopted and made effective on December 31, 1895. In Article
XVII, Miscellaneous Matters, Section 11, “Schedule,” of the 1895 constitution,
specific measures were set forth to address all laws enacted prior to it. The
constitution of 1895 states that laws “inconsistent with this Constitution”
were to “cease upon its [the constitution’s] adoption.” The Constitution of
1895 does not include a Grandfather Clause that allows exceptions to it.

One such law that was enacted prior to the Constitution of 1895 and is inconsistent with
it is “The Act of Acceptance of 1889” which served to establish Clemson
University. That law allowed the board of trustees of Clemson to include seven
“life trustees” and empowered them to collectively choose and name their
successor “life trustees.”

The South Carolina Constitution, however, expressly prohibits life time
appointments for any officer serving in any state agency. Section 1B of Article
XVII, Miscellaneous Matters, states, “No person shall be elected or appointed to office in this State for life …”

South Carolina law per Title 8, “Public Officers,” holds that the “trustees of the various colleges of the State” are “…all officers of the State.”

All public officers of the state are required by Article III of the State Constitution to take an oath swearing to“…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of this State… ”

Paradoxically, all life trustees on the Board of Trustees of Clemson University have sworn an oath that they will discharge their duties in accordance with the laws of South Carolina and that they will “…preserve, protect and defend the constitution of this State…” The life trustees attest to their oath by their signature.

The bottom line is that the life trustees are in violation of the constitution and SC law, and the matter should be taken before the SC Supreme Court for adjudication.

CNSYD March 26, 2013 at 9:09 am

WOW! 118 years after the SC Constitution was adopted in 1895 you have seized upon a mismatch with an act passed in 1889. Does the Constitution state that it supersedes all previous actions of the state and legislature? How is it that you are so learned that you are obviously the first to ever question this situation. Has it never been questioned before?

I presume that you will personally see that this matter is brought forthwith before the Supreme Court. The ball is in your court.

Recovering Lobbyist March 25, 2013 at 11:31 am

Turn solid waste disposal over to the mega landfill companies spending millions lobbying the legislature. It is the libertarian thing to do, after all But 20 years down the road when consumers are being screwed by the mega landfills, and local governments have lost their collective asses on the landfills they built with borrowed money and are out of the enterprise, just remember how we got there.

Recovering Lobbyist March 25, 2013 at 11:31 am

Turn solid waste disposal over to the mega landfill companies spending millions lobbying the legislature. It is the libertarian thing to do, after all But 20 years down the road when consumers are being screwed by the mega landfills, and local governments have lost their collective asses on the landfills they built with borrowed money and are out of the enterprise, just remember how we got there.

Capitol fly on the wall March 25, 2013 at 12:54 pm

I know them well. They are a cancer destroying everytining they touch.

Capitol fly on the wall March 25, 2013 at 12:54 pm

I know them well. They are a cancer destroying everytining they touch.

Pinkie and the brain March 25, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Peeler looks alot like Roger Waters…..

Pinkie and the brain March 25, 2013 at 4:35 pm

Peeler looks alot like Roger Waters…..

Jeffy01 March 25, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Ashley Landes will be asking SLED to investigate?

Jeffy01 March 25, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Ashley Landes will be asking SLED to investigate?

Polluted Pelion March 25, 2013 at 7:02 pm

Watch for lots more uproar over sludge in the next few years.

Polluted Pelion March 25, 2013 at 7:02 pm

Watch for lots more uproar over sludge in the next few years.

Former Senate Employee March 25, 2013 at 10:37 pm

If you are female and work in or around the Capitol Complex, or Clemson, you know to be very wary of the Peeler boys. Harve and Bob are one in the same when it comes to chasing skirts. The two Donnas must be either in denial, dumb as dirt, or a part of the open marriage swingers crowd.

justbarbie March 27, 2013 at 12:09 am

All women associated with the Peelers are gold digging idiots. Only one reason anybody would be after these two nasty, ugly dogs….Wonder how many times those girls have sat home alone wondering where their “men” were and who was with them???? OR maybe it’s the men who should be wondering what “the little women” are doing….or who they’re doing….while they’re not home. BTW I don’t think Mama Peeler ever heard of Accutane or any other acne treatment for that matter. Laser surgery does miracles for craters in your face guys! The women you’re shackin up with are very familiar with plastic surgery and can point you in the right direction I’m sure.

Former Senate Employee March 25, 2013 at 10:37 pm

If you are female and work in or around the Capitol Complex, or Clemson, you know to be very wary of the Peeler boys. Harve and Bob are one in the same when it comes to chasing skirts. The two Donnas must be either in denial, dumb as dirt, or a part of the open marriage swingers crowd.

justbarbie March 27, 2013 at 12:09 am

All women associated with the Peelers are gold digging idiots. Only one reason anybody would be after these two nasty, ugly dogs….Wonder how many times those girls have sat home alone wondering where their “men” were and who was with them???? OR maybe it’s the men who should be wondering what “the little women” are doing….or who they’re doing….while they’re not home. BTW I don’t think Mama Peeler ever heard of Accutane or any other acne treatment for that matter. Laser surgery does miracles for craters in your face guys! The women you’re shackin up with are very familiar with plastic surgery and can point you in the right direction I’m sure.

Stephan March 26, 2013 at 8:06 am

Gotta love SC political leaders – and landfills. Seems the GOP leaders of SC want to expand the landfill from Florence to Jasper County and then up to Ashevill, and back over to Florence. Goodness knows they’re doing a great job. A state with the highest rates of uninsured children, Medicare usage, infant deaths, sexually transmitted diseases, high school drop outs and crap corruption.

Stephan March 26, 2013 at 8:06 am

Gotta love SC political leaders – and landfills. Seems the GOP leaders of SC want to expand the landfill from Florence to Jasper County and then up to Ashevill, and back over to Florence. Goodness knows they’re doing a great job. A state with the highest rates of uninsured children, Medicare usage, infant deaths, sexually transmitted diseases, high school drop outs and crap corruption.


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