
Columbia, S.C. Restaurant Closing

Our founding editor went to Dianne’s on Devine in downtown Columbia, S.C. precisely once … a Junior League holiday event in 2004 at which he sported his favorite Mudhoney T-Shirt and left the premises with not one but two married women. Seriously … we always thought the place was a…

Our founding editor went to Dianne’s on Devine in downtown Columbia, S.C. precisely once … a Junior League holiday event in 2004 at which he sported his favorite Mudhoney T-Shirt and left the premises with not one but two married women.

Seriously … we always thought the place was a brothel, not a restaurant.

Anyway, for those of you who know the difference, the owners of Dianne’s on Devine have posted a message to the restaurant’s Facebook page indicating they are closing up shop after two dozen years.

“With mixed emotions, we’ve closed Dianne’s on Devine after 24 years, 18 of which have been on Devine Street,” the message from owner Dianne Light reads. “I’ve loved serving you for special occasions, business meetings or just a nice evening out over the years. You all are like family to us.”

Cue tears from Junior Leaguers in 3, 2, 1 …


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Robert March 19, 2013 at 12:11 pm

This eatery was one of the finest ever in this skank of a town.

Robert March 19, 2013 at 12:11 pm

This eatery was one of the finest ever in this skank of a town.

Same ol' Same ol' March 19, 2013 at 12:22 pm

It’s sad that we have to hear this and we don’t get any more Lohan news.

Same ol' Same ol' March 19, 2013 at 12:22 pm

It’s sad that we have to hear this and we don’t get any more Lohan news.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Long overdue. I went there a year ago on a whim and had average service and average food at an above average price. I remember looking around and noticing that 80% of the diners were over 55 easily, if not more. Back in the early 90’s Diane had a shining star in a dim town, but never gave up on the classics or attempted to stay relevant with current trends. You simply cannot offer the same menu for a decade at a time, Columbia is branching out believe it or not. You have to keep up or get left behind. Places like Terra, MoMo’s, Russo’s, Solstice, and 116 State are eating the old guard’s lunch. I would say Al’s Upstairs is next, but that guy is loaded enough to float that place indefintely I’m sure. That Loftis family is shrewd with money, just ask Curtis!

Keep eating local and often and don’t keep going back to the same mediocre places to eat. You speak loudest with your wallet!

Robert March 19, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Terra??? talk about over priced nothing. Solstice is fair. 116 State is good food, for what they try to be. It is not “fine dining”. Al’s is good food, but has always been overpriced. Diane’s offered quality food and quality service for a reasonable price, depending on what you ordered. The steaks weren’t cheap, but very good. The eggplant parmigiana was the best in town, and you could not beat the $16 price and amount of food. Give up on the classics????? I’ll take classics anyday over hyped up new age cuisine.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 1:47 pm

We obviously had two entirely different experiences. I guess I was harder on Dianne’s than I meant to be though. I don’t think classic dishes should disappear, but based on my 3 total experiences there I wouldn’t say they were the best in town at it. Al’s had them beat on Italian staples. The steak I had was average at best, not overly expensive, but not something I would call a good value. I would have to adamantly disagree about Terra though. Been there a dozen times and the food was fresh, unique, and perfectly executed every time (even if I had to wait awhile a few times, but I’d rather wait and get it right). My last check was absolutely the same as an average Dianne’s check. I could sit at the bar at Terra and eat Mike’s spoonbread and collard greens every night of the week.

Squishy123 March 19, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I don’t eat anywhere where the staff spends more time finger-fucking my food than they do cooking it. Cook it, throw it on a plate with a baked potato and serve. If you put any of that faggot sauce on it, it’s going back airborne.

? March 19, 2013 at 2:19 pm

How do you think they get the faggot sauce on it? It’s not the finger fucking doing it.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 2:57 pm


? March 19, 2013 at 6:35 pm

It’s my classy side coming out, my apologies.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Long overdue. I went there a year ago on a whim and had average service and average food at an above average price. I remember looking around and noticing that 80% of the diners were over 55 easily, if not more. Back in the early 90’s Diane had a shining star in a dim town, but never gave up on the classics or attempted to stay relevant with current trends. You simply cannot offer the same menu for a decade at a time, Columbia is branching out believe it or not. You have to keep up or get left behind. Places like Terra, MoMo’s, Russo’s, Solstice, and 116 State are eating the old guard’s lunch. I would say Al’s Upstairs is next, but that guy is loaded enough to float that place indefintely I’m sure. That Loftis family is shrewd with money, just ask Curtis!

Keep eating local and often and don’t keep going back to the same mediocre places to eat. You speak loudest with your wallet!

Robert March 19, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Terra??? talk about over priced nothing. Solstice is fair. 116 State is good food, for what they try to be. It is not “fine dining”. Al’s is good food, but has always been overpriced. Diane’s offered quality food and quality service for a reasonable price, depending on what you ordered. The steaks weren’t cheap, but very good. The eggplant parmigiana was the best in town, and you could not beat the $16 price and amount of food. Give up on the classics????? I’ll take classics anyday over hyped up new age cuisine.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 1:47 pm

We obviously had two entirely different experiences. I guess I was harder on Dianne’s than I meant to be though. I don’t think classic dishes should disappear, but based on my 3 total experiences there I wouldn’t say they were the best in town at it. Al’s had them beat on Italian staples. The steak I had was average at best, not overly expensive, but not something I would call a good value. I would have to adamantly disagree about Terra though. Been there a dozen times and the food was fresh, unique, and perfectly executed every time (even if I had to wait awhile a few times, but I’d rather wait and get it right). My last check was absolutely the same as an average Dianne’s check. I could sit at the bar at Terra and eat Mike’s spoonbread and collard greens every night of the week.

Squishy123 March 19, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I don’t eat anywhere where the staff spends more time finger-fucking my food than they do cooking it. Cook it, throw it on a plate with a baked potato and serve. If you put any of that faggot sauce on it, it’s going back airborne.

? March 19, 2013 at 2:19 pm

How do you think they get the faggot sauce on it? It’s not the finger fucking doing it.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 2:57 pm


? March 19, 2013 at 6:35 pm

It’s my classy side coming out, my apologies.

9" March 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

junior league ? so,that’s why you were on drugs…

9" March 19, 2013 at 1:07 pm

junior league ? so,that’s why you were on drugs…

BigT March 19, 2013 at 2:23 pm

It’s funny seeing some of these local rubes, who have never been out of Columbia, run it down.
You think it makes you look sophisticated to bash your home. FITS does the same.
It just makes you look stupid for staying here if you hate it so much…and are used to so much better (as you claim)….
PS: Dianne’s used to be the Bomb. But many good things run their course…an institution is gone…

BigT March 19, 2013 at 2:23 pm

It’s funny seeing some of these local rubes, who have never been out of Columbia, run it down.
You think it makes you look sophisticated to bash your home. FITS does the same.
It just makes you look stupid for staying here if you hate it so much…and are used to so much better (as you claim)….
PS: Dianne’s used to be the Bomb. But many good things run their course…an institution is gone…

Philip Branton March 19, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Dear Mr. Folks………we have to say a mighty “Thank YOU” for mentioning this closing. You are very astute to know how VALUABLE this place has been for one of your most loyal readers…!! Are you SURE its closing though..?? You know what they say…..a restaurant is nothing without loyal customers..SO….we wonder where you think these fine “Summit Club brunchers” will be hangin’ out to swizzle their happy time..??

Way ta go Fits…..!!!!

BigT March 19, 2013 at 3:23 pm

Stay calm. I’m sure they’ll still be Coffee Houses where liberals pontificate about a Gestapo Green Police, free sex-changes and open marriage for all (pets included) abortion even before pregnancy, $15-a-gal. gas and endless terms for Obama….

? March 19, 2013 at 6:38 pm

Ya know, I know you don’t like me but I have to give credit where credit is due. You make me laugh sometimes. Both with you and at you.

Philip Branton March 20, 2013 at 8:28 am

Big (T)………

Someday we will share a bag of Cromer’s nutz with WIllie at the ball park and laugh and ask ol’ Willie why he never had a FITSNEWS brunch at DIane’s for all his readers….???

Mr. Cromer's March 26, 2013 at 9:14 am

Thanks for mentioning Cromer’s. We hope you’ll come in soon and pick-up some Pnuts and Popcorn!

Philip Branton March 19, 2013 at 2:54 pm

Dear Mr. Folks………we have to say a mighty “Thank YOU” for mentioning this closing. You are very astute to know how VALUABLE this place has been for one of your most loyal readers…!! Are you SURE its closing though..?? You know what they say…..a restaurant is nothing without loyal customers..SO….we wonder where you think these fine “Summit Club brunchers” will be hangin’ out to swizzle their happy time..??

Way ta go Fits…..!!!!

BigT March 19, 2013 at 3:23 pm

Stay calm. I’m sure they’ll still be Coffee Houses where liberals pontificate about a Gestapo Green Police, free sex-changes and open marriage for all (pets included) abortion even before pregnancy, $15-a-gal. gas and endless terms for Obama….

? March 19, 2013 at 6:38 pm

Ya know, I know you don’t like me but I have to give credit where credit is due. You make me laugh sometimes. Both with you and at you.

Philip Branton March 20, 2013 at 8:28 am

Big (T)………

Someday we will share a bag of Cromer’s nutz with WIllie at the ball park and laugh and ask ol’ Willie why he never had a FITSNEWS brunch at DIane’s for all his readers….???

Mr. Cromer's March 26, 2013 at 9:14 am

Thanks for mentioning Cromer’s. We hope you’ll come in soon and pick-up some Pnuts and Popcorn!

Dice Man March 19, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Went there precisely once about ten years ago. It already had the patina of a blue-haired eatery well beyond its prime.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 6:38 pm

Exactly my thoughts. It’s the kind of place that had I lived around the corner I would’ve found a few palatable dishes and been a semi-regular out of convenience, but I don’t and have any intention of going out of my way to get there. Too many good new places to try to waste time at a “fine” dining restaurant with dusty decor, too many christmas lights, and sticky vinyl covered menus. I do tend to be a little harder on places since I was a chef in Cola for ten years, but I think I’m fair. I think it’s great that they closed, not because I have anything against them, but because it opens up a fantastic location for a new place. Hopefully either Dianne has something fresh in the works or someone that won’t screw it up will get something going.

? March 19, 2013 at 6:41 pm

“sticky vinyl covered menus”
You nailed one of biggest pet peeves/indicators when I go into a place. I’ve been in plenty of moderate to high priced places that have menus that aren’t clean.

? March 19, 2013 at 6:42 pm

edit: one of MY

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 7:06 pm

I used to work for a guy that was an amazing restaurant manager. He ended up being very successful doing consulting work in SC, GA, and FL. He said there are three tell-tale signs that an establishment is on top of their game. 1) No cobwebs or clutter in any part of the entrance 2) No burnt out lightbulbs 3) Clean, brand new-like menus not covered in vinyl. I doubt there is any surefire system of knowing if a place is worth your money, but when applied to fine dining specifically his has to be close. If you really start paying attention, you’d be surprised how few places pay attention to the details….and it starts with management.

SparkleCity March 19, 2013 at 10:47 pm

If the bill is more than 50 bucks for two people (not counting a cocktail an/or wine for wifey & me, it’s too fucking high and is WAY overrated.

Kinda “ditto” on the new age bullshit. It’s all about flavor, price and quality/quantity (without busting my wallet). Not how many cute swirls somebody squirts across my dessert.

A Humble Chef March 20, 2013 at 9:55 am

I hate to break it to you, but that budget isn’t going to get you very far anymore! Food in general is at an all time high, and the industry expects around a 9% increase overall by the end of the year. There was a 7% average increase last year. Big chains can negotiate better prices due to their ability to go straight to the suppliers, but the small business guys and most finer establishments are stuck with the highest prices for everything. If Olive Garden is good enough for your wife, then you’re in the clear though!

SparkleCity March 21, 2013 at 10:47 pm

We rarely frequent chain places. Can’t remember the last time we ate in one.

Actually when we dine out it is local establishments. And we are dining out less but when we do we hardly go above $20 per individual. Around $25 each is our breaking point as a rule.

There are a number of local places in GSP where you can do that (even Charlotte if you know where to go). I ain’t gonna say where they are because then every damn jerk starts showing up….

We’re talking good beef,fish,chicken. We usually have one cocktail/wine each and if it’s fish, I have beer with that, house Merlot or Cabernet if its beef. Again, I don’t consider the drinks as part of my criteria for the $50 rule.

I sure as hell ain’t spending over $5 for a cocktail or $10 for a glass of wine let alone a damn bottle of the stuff. I know of a few places that still offer carafes and that is a plus IMHO.

Hardly ever do we go above $60 for everything and again, we don’t dine out quite as much as a number of years ago. Not so much due to the economy but it is getting higher as you posted and I just don’t think it’s worth it.

Squishy123 March 20, 2013 at 9:47 am

Then how do places like Rockaways stay open, they broke all three of your signs.

A Humble Chef March 20, 2013 at 9:53 am

“when applied to fine dining”

thanks for playing

Dice Man March 19, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Went there precisely once about ten years ago. It already had the patina of a blue-haired eatery well beyond its prime.

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 6:38 pm

Exactly my thoughts. It’s the kind of place that had I lived around the corner I would’ve found a few palatable dishes and been a semi-regular out of convenience, but I don’t and have any intention of going out of my way to get there. Too many good new places to try to waste time at a “fine” dining restaurant with dusty decor, too many christmas lights, and sticky vinyl covered menus. I do tend to be a little harder on places since I was a chef in Cola for ten years, but I think I’m fair. I think it’s great that they closed, not because I have anything against them, but because it opens up a fantastic location for a new place. Hopefully either Dianne has something fresh in the works or someone that won’t screw it up will get something going.

? March 19, 2013 at 6:41 pm

“sticky vinyl covered menus”
You nailed one of biggest pet peeves/indicators when I go into a place. I’ve been in plenty of moderate to high priced places that have menus that aren’t clean.

? March 19, 2013 at 6:42 pm

edit: one of MY

A Humble Chef March 19, 2013 at 7:06 pm

I used to work for a guy that was an amazing restaurant manager. He ended up being very successful doing consulting work in SC, GA, and FL. He said there are three tell-tale signs that an establishment is on top of their game. 1) No cobwebs or clutter in any part of the entrance 2) No burnt out lightbulbs 3) Clean, brand new-like menus not covered in vinyl. I doubt there is any surefire system of knowing if a place is worth your money, but when applied to fine dining specifically his has to be close. If you really start paying attention, you’d be surprised how few places pay attention to the details….and it starts with management.

SparkleCity March 19, 2013 at 10:47 pm

If the bill is more than 50 bucks for two people (not counting a cocktail an/or wine for wifey & me, it’s too fucking high and is WAY overrated.

Kinda “ditto” on the new age bullshit. It’s all about flavor, price and quality/quantity (without busting my wallet). Not how many cute swirls somebody squirts across my dessert.

A Humble Chef March 20, 2013 at 9:55 am

I hate to break it to you, but that budget isn’t going to get you very far anymore! Food in general is at an all time high, and the industry expects around a 9% increase overall by the end of the year. There was a 7% average increase last year. Big chains can negotiate better prices due to their ability to go straight to the suppliers, but the small business guys and most finer establishments are stuck with the highest prices for everything. If Olive Garden is good enough for your wife, then you’re in the clear though!

SparkleCity March 21, 2013 at 10:47 pm

We rarely frequent chain places. Can’t remember the last time we ate in one.

Actually when we dine out it is local establishments. And we are dining out less but when we do we hardly go above $20 per individual. Around $25 each is our breaking point as a rule.

There are a number of local places in GSP where you can do that (even Charlotte if you know where to go). I ain’t gonna say where they are because then every damn jerk starts showing up….

We’re talking good beef,fish,chicken. We usually have one cocktail/wine each and if it’s fish, I have beer with that, house Merlot or Cabernet if its beef. Again, I don’t consider the drinks as part of my criteria for the $50 rule.

I sure as hell ain’t spending over $5 for a cocktail or $10 for a glass of wine let alone a damn bottle of the stuff. I know of a few places that still offer carafes and that is a plus IMHO.

Hardly ever do we go above $60 for everything and again, we don’t dine out quite as much as a number of years ago. Not so much due to the economy but it is getting higher as you posted and I just don’t think it’s worth it.

Squishy123 March 20, 2013 at 9:47 am

Then how do places like Rockaways stay open, they broke all three of your signs.

A Humble Chef March 20, 2013 at 9:53 am

“when applied to fine dining”

thanks for playing

west_rhino March 20, 2013 at 9:46 am

Wasn’t that Griff’s long ago? Too many nights at Griff’s or Group after working a show at Workshop Theater in the mid-80s to recall…

west_rhino March 20, 2013 at 9:46 am

Wasn’t that Griff’s long ago? Too many nights at Griff’s or Group after working a show at Workshop Theater in the mid-80s to recall…

Miss Viola Honeybunch March 20, 2013 at 10:15 am

Oh, my palpitating heart is broken! Where will we go now for our gossip-gathering and high teas? Where is the humanity? Why do you boys make fun of us? We only want a nice place to hang out while our hair dries and we ogle you young studs and make obscene comments (if you only knew what you are missing by ignoring us!)

Miss Viola Honeybunch March 20, 2013 at 10:15 am

Oh, my palpitating heart is broken! Where will we go now for our gossip-gathering and high teas? Where is the humanity? Why do you boys make fun of us? We only want a nice place to hang out while our hair dries and we ogle you young studs and make obscene comments (if you only knew what you are missing by ignoring us!)

Jeffrey Sewell March 21, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Dianne, a better steak, conversation and experience will never be the same on
Devine, Vee and I send our best regards and well wishes!!

Jeffrey Sewell March 21, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Dianne, a better steak, conversation and experience will never be the same on
Devine, Vee and I send our best regards and well wishes!!

chickenoregg March 23, 2013 at 7:56 pm

Nobody went to Diane’s any more. It was too crowded.

chickenoregg March 23, 2013 at 7:56 pm

Nobody went to Diane’s any more. It was too crowded.


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