Take A Bite Out Of Educrat Unions

South Carolina doesn’t have “educrat unions …” or at least that’s whatYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

South Carolina doesn’t have “educrat unions …” or at least that’s what
You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

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southmauldin March 18, 2013 at 5:51 pm

How is his sock-off with Donehue going? Any clear leader?

southmauldin March 18, 2013 at 5:51 pm

How is his sock-off with Donehue going? Any clear leader?

baker March 18, 2013 at 6:03 pm

No government role in education at all? No public schools?

baker March 18, 2013 at 6:03 pm

No government role in education at all? No public schools?

BIN News March 18, 2013 at 7:43 pm

sic(k) willie, “…you ignorant slut!”

sic(k) willie hates it when our Funding Editor uses that great quote from SNL to describe him, because he knows it fits him perfectly.

Actually, sic(k) willie is not ignorant. He just seems ignorant by parroting Howie the Vouch Clown’s broken down rhetoric about the voucher scam.

And, in between the voucher scam rhetoric he is always looking to make up an excuse to attack honest and responsible school teachers and administrators.

sic(k) willie may not be an “ignorant slut,” but he certainly is a “voucher slut.”

BIN News
Flair and Balanced

Right March 18, 2013 at 10:39 pm

I think he’s just a plain old slut, by his own admission.

BIN News March 18, 2013 at 7:43 pm

sic(k) willie, “…you ignorant slut!”

sic(k) willie hates it when our Funding Editor uses that great quote from SNL to describe him, because he knows it fits him perfectly.

Actually, sic(k) willie is not ignorant. He just seems ignorant by parroting Howie the Vouch Clown’s broken down rhetoric about the voucher scam.

And, in between the voucher scam rhetoric he is always looking to make up an excuse to attack honest and responsible school teachers and administrators.

sic(k) willie may not be an “ignorant slut,” but he certainly is a “voucher slut.”

BIN News
Flair and Balanced

Right March 18, 2013 at 10:39 pm

I think he’s just a plain old slut, by his own admission.

Fleet March 18, 2013 at 10:37 pm

Let me go slow…There is no collective bargaining for state employees in South Carolina, therefore, they aren’t “unions” since they can’t use tactics that unions use, like strikes. Is this so hard to understand? They are powerless organizations.
It was also “slick” that you use a photo of teachers striking in another freaking state to use to try to prove your non-existent point.

Right March 18, 2013 at 10:49 pm

“It was also “slick” that you use a photo of teachers striking in another
freaking state to use to try to prove your non-existent point.”

I think that was so BigT could understand. He needs visuals.

dwb619 March 19, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Just a cheap, sleezy ,cheap shot. Plays well in South Carolina.

FunkyChicken March 19, 2013 at 8:59 am

It is just Willie. He is not taken seriously. This is a commercial website. Willie, when not being arrested for domestic violence or proudly writing about his heroin habit, sells stories on this website to those who are attempting to push their agenda. His business is to sell stories like commercials, so do not accuse him of having an original idea. I am glad you are calling him out, but remember he is not taken seriously. I will give Willie credit for allowing us to post our ideas here as well.

dwb619 March 19, 2013 at 12:04 pm

Thank you, you beat me to it. Seems like some like to beat on the non-existent horse.
Having said that, let me add this:

Fleet March 18, 2013 at 10:37 pm

Let me go slow…There is no collective bargaining for state employees in South Carolina, therefore, they aren’t “unions” since they can’t use tactics that unions use, like strikes. Is this so hard to understand? They are powerless organizations.
It was also “slick” that you use a photo of teachers striking in another freaking state to use to try to prove your non-existent point.

Right March 18, 2013 at 10:49 pm

“It was also “slick” that you use a photo of teachers striking in another
freaking state to use to try to prove your non-existent point.”

I think that was so BigT could understand. He needs visuals.

dwb619 March 19, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Just a cheap, sleezy ,cheap shot. Plays well in South Carolina.

FunkyChicken March 19, 2013 at 8:59 am

It is just Willie. He is not taken seriously. This is a commercial website. Willie, when not being arrested for domestic violence or proudly writing about his heroin habit, sells stories on this website to those who are attempting to push their agenda. His business is to sell stories like commercials, so do not accuse him of having an original idea. I am glad you are calling him out, but remember he is not taken seriously. I will give Willie credit for allowing us to post our ideas here as well.

dwb619 March 19, 2013 at 12:04 pm

Thank you, you beat me to it. Seems like some like to beat on the non-existent horse.
Having said that, let me add this:

Right March 18, 2013 at 10:44 pm

Smirks said it best in a response a few days ago, so I’ll just copy and paste his statement again right here. This should be repeated every time FITS posts an article on public education, be it on teachers’ orgs, vouchers, or whatever mess Howie tells him to write that day:

“Public schooling is an investment the people make to guarantee a
certain level of education to children. The reason being is that
education can be expensive and a child shouldn’t be denied an education
just because their parents can’t afford to pay for it. The public school
system runs and should run regardless of whether or not you have kids
and regardless of whether or not you put your kids into public

Lives change. People who once homeschooled their kids may suddenly
find themselves unable to. People may plan to homeschool their kids to a
certain age and then put them in a public school. People may put them
in private schooling and suddenly become unable to afford it. People may
decide or discover their private school isn’t adequate, or is even
doing worse than the public school their kid would be going to.

What the “school choice” crowd is asking for isn’t choice. You have
your choice. What you want is your money back for not choosing public
schooling, but you still get to keep the choice of public schooling.
Public schools still have to run, they still have to provide an
education, they still have to maintain buildings and pay teacher
salaries, and at any given point in time, they have to allow your child
to attend, even if you skipped out on paying the public school system
for the last ten years. They have to make sure they have the classroom
space. They have to have the teachers ready and available. They have to
have the desk, the books, the locker for your kid. They have to have the
electricity on, internet access, working electronics to aid in teaching
your child. It is flat out wrong for you to demand YOUR tax dollars
back until suddenly YOU decide to put your kid into the system and make
use of a bunch of shit YOU didn’t help pay for. THAT is the “choice” the
voucher crowd asks for, and it is a giant steaming load of horse shit.

If anything, the people that won’t have or no longer have children
have a far better case to demand their money. THEY have no choice. THEY
must pay into a system they cannot use (albeit they possibly did use or
could have used at an earlier point in their lives). THEY don’t hover
over the heads of the public school system with a potential added burden
that could drop at any time.

You may not like it, in fact, you may downright hate it, but public
schools are your safety net. They are the social floor that your child
cannot fall beneath, the one line of defense between some education and
no education, and will be made available to you no matter if you are
filthy rich or dirt poor. One day you may need it. One day it may be the
only thing that you can use to educate your child. The least you could
do is demand the system be improved, if not fixed, and strive to make it
better not only for those in public school, not only for those who
don’t have a choice, but for those who do have a choice who may one day
lose that choice. The least you could do is instead of demanding your
tax dollars back and choosing not to give a fuck what happens to the
system you abandoned is to actually take an interest in what is being
done to make the “incredible waste and inefficiency” go away.

Vouchers don’t make the public school system better, they allow
certain people to ignore the state of the public school system and rob
funding from it that everyone else has to pay into. This speculative
shit about it introducing “competition” and “free market” whatever into
the public school system is absolute crap, that by taking funding from
public schools they’ll somehow be inclined to miraculously improve even
though nothing else has been done. They won’t. Public schools fail kids,
but public schooling itself doesn’t “fail” and disappear, much to the
horror of those who are left behind on the sinking Titanic while the
voucher crowd boards the lifeboats they secured for themselves. Bad
public schools will still run, they’ll just run even worse than they did


Right March 18, 2013 at 10:44 pm

Smirks said it best in a response a few days ago, so I’ll just copy and paste his statement again right here. This should be repeated every time FITS posts an article on public education, be it on teachers’ orgs, vouchers, or whatever mess Howie tells him to write that day:

“Public schooling is an investment the people make to guarantee a
certain level of education to children. The reason being is that
education can be expensive and a child shouldn’t be denied an education
just because their parents can’t afford to pay for it. The public school
system runs and should run regardless of whether or not you have kids
and regardless of whether or not you put your kids into public

Lives change. People who once homeschooled their kids may suddenly
find themselves unable to. People may plan to homeschool their kids to a
certain age and then put them in a public school. People may put them
in private schooling and suddenly become unable to afford it. People may
decide or discover their private school isn’t adequate, or is even
doing worse than the public school their kid would be going to.

What the “school choice” crowd is asking for isn’t choice. You have
your choice. What you want is your money back for not choosing public
schooling, but you still get to keep the choice of public schooling.
Public schools still have to run, they still have to provide an
education, they still have to maintain buildings and pay teacher
salaries, and at any given point in time, they have to allow your child
to attend, even if you skipped out on paying the public school system
for the last ten years. They have to make sure they have the classroom
space. They have to have the teachers ready and available. They have to
have the desk, the books, the locker for your kid. They have to have the
electricity on, internet access, working electronics to aid in teaching
your child. It is flat out wrong for you to demand YOUR tax dollars
back until suddenly YOU decide to put your kid into the system and make
use of a bunch of shit YOU didn’t help pay for. THAT is the “choice” the
voucher crowd asks for, and it is a giant steaming load of horse shit.

If anything, the people that won’t have or no longer have children
have a far better case to demand their money. THEY have no choice. THEY
must pay into a system they cannot use (albeit they possibly did use or
could have used at an earlier point in their lives). THEY don’t hover
over the heads of the public school system with a potential added burden
that could drop at any time.

You may not like it, in fact, you may downright hate it, but public
schools are your safety net. They are the social floor that your child
cannot fall beneath, the one line of defense between some education and
no education, and will be made available to you no matter if you are
filthy rich or dirt poor. One day you may need it. One day it may be the
only thing that you can use to educate your child. The least you could
do is demand the system be improved, if not fixed, and strive to make it
better not only for those in public school, not only for those who
don’t have a choice, but for those who do have a choice who may one day
lose that choice. The least you could do is instead of demanding your
tax dollars back and choosing not to give a fuck what happens to the
system you abandoned is to actually take an interest in what is being
done to make the “incredible waste and inefficiency” go away.

Vouchers don’t make the public school system better, they allow
certain people to ignore the state of the public school system and rob
funding from it that everyone else has to pay into. This speculative
shit about it introducing “competition” and “free market” whatever into
the public school system is absolute crap, that by taking funding from
public schools they’ll somehow be inclined to miraculously improve even
though nothing else has been done. They won’t. Public schools fail kids,
but public schooling itself doesn’t “fail” and disappear, much to the
horror of those who are left behind on the sinking Titanic while the
voucher crowd boards the lifeboats they secured for themselves. Bad
public schools will still run, they’ll just run even worse than they did


nitrat March 18, 2013 at 11:09 pm

A lie is a lie is a lie. We do not have public employee unions in this state.
Obviously, you want to destroy what credibility you have with gratuitous lies. (you know, Thomas Jefferson):

1786 August 13. (to George Wythe) “I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised, for the preservation of freedom and happiness…Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish & improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils [tyranny, oppression, etc.] and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.”[2]

nitrat March 18, 2013 at 11:09 pm

A lie is a lie is a lie. We do not have public employee unions in this state.
Obviously, you want to destroy what credibility you have with gratuitous lies. (you know, Thomas Jefferson):

1786 August 13. (to George Wythe) “I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised, for the preservation of freedom and happiness…Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish & improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils [tyranny, oppression, etc.] and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.”[2]

lowcorider March 18, 2013 at 11:57 pm

Ok sic here’s the deal. From now on whenever you think you’re going to run a story slamming public education, just run a T&A story instead. We will be happy, you’re hit count improves, I mean no one hates titties. Well maybe one but whenever he sees titties I’m sure he blames Obama. Ok so you got it. Lay off the teachers, post more titty pictures. Easy enough.

Lowcorider March 18, 2013 at 11:57 pm

Ok sic here’s the deal. From now on whenever you think you’re going to run a story slamming public education, just run a T&A story instead. We will be happy, you’re hit count improves, I mean no one hates titties. Well maybe one but whenever he sees titties I’m sure he blames Obama. Ok so you got it. Lay off the teachers, post more titty pictures. Easy enough.

Go Cocks March 19, 2013 at 9:00 am

Correct me if I am wrong, but membership in these organizations is entirely voluntary. Thus, all Delleney wants to accomplish is to make it illegal for me or someone else to voluntarily elect to use a payroll deduction to contribute to SCASA, SCSBA or SCEA. Payroll deductions for my parking pass – fine. Payroll deduction for healthcare – fine. Payroll deduction for supplemental life insurance – fine. Payroll deduction for supplemental disability insurance – fine. But god forbid we contribute to a job related advocacy organization because it offends Delleney’s political sensibilities.

Go Cocks March 19, 2013 at 9:00 am

Correct me if I am wrong, but membership in these organizations is entirely voluntary. Thus, all Delleney wants to accomplish is to make it illegal for me or someone else to voluntarily elect to use a payroll deduction to contribute to SCASA, SCSBA or SCEA. Payroll deductions for my parking pass – fine. Payroll deduction for healthcare – fine. Payroll deduction for supplemental life insurance – fine. Payroll deduction for supplemental disability insurance – fine. But god forbid we contribute to a job related advocacy organization because it offends Delleney’s political sensibilities.

Bubbas Brother March 19, 2013 at 9:04 am

Lets see, we have a State Rep promoting a bill banning doctors from asking about guns in the home and another barring “non-regulatory” deductions from a paycheck. I wonder which approaches a core function of government?

If you don’t like Dr. Feelgood asking you about firearms, change doctors. If you don’t want “mandatory dues” being deducted from your paycheck, change, well what do you change when unemployment hovers around 10%?

The Colonel (R) March 19, 2013 at 9:04 am

Lets see, we have a State Rep promoting a bill banning doctors from asking about guns in the home and another barring “non-regulatory” deductions from a paycheck. I wonder which approaches a core function of government?

If you don’t like Dr. Feelgood asking you about firearms, change doctors. If you don’t want “mandatory dues” being deducted from your paycheck, change, well what do you change when unemployment hovers around 10%?


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