
Labor Nominee’s “Black Panther” Problem

Forrest Gump apologized when he interrupted a “Black Panther party,” but U.S. President You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

Forrest Gump apologized when he interrupted a “Black Panther party,” but U.S. President
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jimlewisowb March 18, 2013 at 9:21 am

” McCain …. Graham ….. don’t roll over and play dead ”

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Thought the cockroaches were already dead

jimlewisowb March 18, 2013 at 9:21 am

” McCain …. Graham ….. don’t roll over and play dead ”

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Thought the cockroaches were already dead

lowcorider March 18, 2013 at 9:33 am

Oh so you’re afraid of those two black guys in Philly. So instead of crying like old women why don’t you grow some balls.

ghost of jedgarhoover March 18, 2013 at 10:14 am

I did just that, and THIS is INTIMIDATION

Doug White March 18, 2013 at 10:43 am

ummmmmmm….did someone forget to mention to you that ole J. Edgar loved the feeling of ballsac smacking him the face repeatedly for hours? Probably not….probably why you feel such a kinship to him….nevermind…..

Lowcorider March 18, 2013 at 9:33 am

Oh so you’re afraid of those two black guys in Philly. So instead of crying like old women why don’t you grow some balls.

ghost of jedgarhoover March 18, 2013 at 10:14 am

I did just that, and THIS is INTIMIDATION

Doug White March 18, 2013 at 10:43 am

ummmmmmm….did someone forget to mention to you that ole J. Edgar loved the feeling of ballsac smacking him the face repeatedly for hours? Probably not….probably why you feel such a kinship to him….nevermind…..

BigT March 18, 2013 at 10:36 am

Silly FITS: When you”re Obama, and have a corrupt Lap-dog media…you have no problems..
Obama let our ambassador and 3 others get Brutally Attacked, sodomized and Killed…and he got away w/ it in the middle of a campaign…
Obama has Crapped all over our economy, and familes, especially his voters, are Suffering…but he just laughs, plays golf..and his idiots defend him as if their pitiful liberal lives depended on Obama having more parties…
Obama does what he wants..and if you are black in America, you have your own set of special rules, because Dumb@$$#$ buy the fables and myths of leftwing haters and bullies, who have convinced the ignorant, we owe them what ever they tell us…

I'm Black March 18, 2013 at 2:09 pm

I’m black. So tell me about those special rules I’ve been missing out on .. and spare me the affirmative action answer. It has never factored in my business

BigT March 18, 2013 at 3:13 pm

OJ KILLED 2 people and walked because he was black and they were white..
Black Panthers intimidate voters, it’s OK as long as they are Black…
Home Depot (among others) tells its applicants on radio commericals, that minoriities have a better chance to get a job than whites…(Its’ an EOE and AA company)…
Blacks are hired at a higher number of Federal jobes (where they do nothing and get paid well)….
Trayvon Martin was BLOWN Away for being a Thug…now the NAACP is persecuting the guy who defended himself, because Blacks want BLOOD…
Need I go on….

Smirks March 18, 2013 at 3:25 pm

OJ KILLED 2 people and walked because he was black and they were white..

Yeah, OJ hates them honkies all right. Jesus, you’re a joke. That’s quite the over-simplification of the entire trial, as to be expected from a Big(o)T.

OJ walked because he was filthy rich, and when he got in trouble when he was pretty much flat broke, he couldn’t buy his freedom.

Home Depot (among others) tells its applicants on radio commericals, that minoriities have a better chance to get a job than whites…(Its’ an EOE and AA company)..

Wow, man, you’re really starting to sound like that one white supremacist posters talking about how Jews are trying to empower minorities to weaken the white race or some shit. Pretty sure Home Depot is just interested in hiring cheap help to man their stores and make a buck. Stating they are “equal opportunity” suddenly means they are only looking for minorities? Yeah, sure thing.

Trayvon Martin was BLOWN Away for being a Thug

A thug with an ice cold… can of tea and some skittles, being followed by a gun-toting angry guy who disregarded 911 operators telling him not to engage the “suspect” who happened to have every right to be there that night?

Even Zimmerman’s own lawyers had a hard time explaining some of the shit he’s pulled in and out of the courtroom and the judge has at times lost his patience with his shenanigans.

You seem to be very angry at black people for some reason.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Did OJ or did he not WALK after Killing 2 people..???
And black CLERGY jumped up and down, celebrating (I saw it on CNN when the verdict was read)….it’s a sad picture of America that STILL sickens me…
If you can defend or CONDONE the BRUTAL Slaughter of 2 people, and their killer Walking because is is black…you are so FILTHY and eaten up w/ HATRED for white people, and the Worship of Skin color… you are one LOW, in-human Son of a B!*#h…end of story…

Black Lion March 18, 2013 at 4:03 pm

OJ was black? I only seen him hanging with crackers…

Face it: People put sports heros beyond reproach regardless of race. OJ, Kobe, …and we’re seeing poor Pistorius…

BigT March 18, 2013 at 4:23 pm

When you allow Blacks to walk because of your racial HATE and Bigotry..you will make all kinds of excuses..so you can exist in your own little Fantasy world…
OJ argued “Innocent” because I’m Black..and he won…and liberlas and Blacks cheered w/ Glee over the injustice of it…you did not care about those lives, because they were White…and you don’t care if whites are killed by blacks. not your agenda…
Quit lying that you are RACISTS and Hateful, unjust people…it’s who you are…

BigT March 18, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Smirks: You Liberals talk about how you CARE about people. and want justice.
But You are one LOWLIFE, immoral Piece of $#!* if you defend OJ and the RACIST Jury that let him go because he was black and Killed WHITE people…
You are like Obama: who insulted the grandmother who raised him, as a “Typical White Woman”….and you elect him president, despite his overt Racial Hatred and bigotry…
You people are DISGUSTING

BigT March 18, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Smirks: You’re as BIG a RACIST as the olden-days democrats…except you make excuses for Blacks who are guilty…it’s DISGUSTING…

You really need to go to the rain forest, you shrine to Obama or whatever you pray to, and ask forgivness.

Racism and Hate will always collpase on itself…it will catch you…and destroy you…

BiTch Slap March 18, 2013 at 3:42 pm

4 police officers beat a black man in L.A, get off ’cause they’re white.

Phil Spector shots woman, goes to prison ’cause he’s white?

Your race card needs revoking,

Toady March 18, 2013 at 4:49 pm

“Need I go on….”

Looks like it! There’s more posts from you on this ticket…

Torch March 18, 2013 at 6:12 pm

The KKK member comments on the Black Panters.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 10:36 am

Silly FITS: When you”re Obama, and have a corrupt Lap-dog media…you have no problems..
Obama let our ambassador and 3 others get Brutally Attacked, sodomized and Killed…and he got away w/ it in the middle of a campaign…
Obama has Crapped all over our economy, and familes, especially his voters, are Suffering…but he just laughs, plays golf..and his idiots defend him as if their pitiful liberal lives depended on Obama having more parties…
Obama does what he wants..and if you are black in America, you have your own set of special rules, because Dumb@$$#$ buy the fables and myths of leftwing haters and bullies, who have convinced the ignorant, we owe them what ever they tell us…

I'm Black March 18, 2013 at 2:09 pm

I’m black. So tell me about those special rules I’ve been missing out on .. and spare me the affirmative action answer. It has never factored in my business

BigT March 18, 2013 at 3:13 pm

OJ KILLED 2 people and walked because he was black and they were white..
Black Panthers intimidate voters, it’s OK as long as they are Black…
Home Depot (among others) tells its applicants on radio commericals, that minoriities have a better chance to get a job than whites…(Its’ an EOE and AA company)…
Blacks are hired at a higher number of Federal jobes (where they do nothing and get paid well)….
Trayvon Martin was BLOWN Away for being a Thug…now the NAACP is persecuting the guy who defended himself, because Blacks want BLOOD…
Need I go on….

Smirks March 18, 2013 at 3:25 pm

OJ KILLED 2 people and walked because he was black and they were white..

Yeah, OJ hates them honkies all right. Jesus, you’re a joke. That’s quite the over-simplification of the entire trial, as to be expected from a Big(o)T.

OJ walked because he was filthy rich, and when he got in trouble when he was pretty much flat broke, he couldn’t buy his freedom.

Home Depot (among others) tells its applicants on radio commericals, that minoriities have a better chance to get a job than whites…(Its’ an EOE and AA company)..

Wow, man, you’re really starting to sound like that one white supremacist posters talking about how Jews are trying to empower minorities to weaken the white race or some shit. Pretty sure Home Depot is just interested in hiring cheap help to man their stores and make a buck. Stating they are “equal opportunity” suddenly means they are only looking for minorities? Yeah, sure thing.

Trayvon Martin was BLOWN Away for being a Thug

A thug with an ice cold… can of tea and some skittles, being followed by a gun-toting angry guy who disregarded 911 operators telling him not to engage the “suspect” who happened to have every right to be there that night?

Even Zimmerman’s own lawyers had a hard time explaining some of the shit he’s pulled in and out of the courtroom and the judge has at times lost his patience with his shenanigans.

You seem to be very angry at black people for some reason.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Did OJ or did he not WALK after Killing 2 people..???
And black CLERGY jumped up and down, celebrating (I saw it on CNN when the verdict was read)….it’s a sad picture of America that STILL sickens me…
If you can defend or CONDONE the BRUTAL Slaughter of 2 people, and their killer Walking because is is black…you are so FILTHY and eaten up w/ HATRED for white people, and the Worship of Skin color… you are one LOW, in-human Son of a B!*#h…end of story…

Black Lion March 18, 2013 at 4:03 pm

OJ was black? I only seen him hanging with crackers…

Face it: People put sports heros beyond reproach regardless of race. OJ, Kobe, …and we’re seeing poor Pistorius…

BigT March 18, 2013 at 4:23 pm

When you allow Blacks to walk because of your racial HATE and Bigotry..you will make all kinds of excuses..so you can exist in your own little Fantasy world…
OJ argued “Innocent” because I’m Black..and he won…and liberlas and Blacks cheered w/ Glee over the injustice of it…you did not care about those lives, because they were White…and you don’t care if whites are killed by blacks. not your agenda…
Quit lying that you are RACISTS and Hateful, unjust people…it’s who you are…

BigT March 18, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Smirks: You Liberals talk about how you CARE about people. and want justice.
But You are one LOWLIFE, immoral Piece of $#!* if you defend OJ and the RACIST Jury that let him go because he was black and Killed WHITE people…
You are like Obama: who insulted the grandmother who raised him, as a “Typical White Woman”….and you elect him president, despite his overt Racial Hatred and bigotry…
You people are DISGUSTING

BigT March 18, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Smirks: You’re as BIG a RACIST as the olden-days democrats…except you make excuses for Blacks who are guilty…it’s DISGUSTING…

You really need to go to the rain forest, you shrine to Obama or whatever you pray to, and ask forgivness.

Racism and Hate will always collpase on itself…it will catch you…and destroy you…

BiTch Slap March 18, 2013 at 3:42 pm

4 police officers beat a black man in L.A, get off ’cause they’re white.

Phil Spector shots woman, goes to prison ’cause he’s white?

Your race card needs revoking,

Toady March 18, 2013 at 4:49 pm

“Need I go on….”

Looks like it! There’s more posts from you on this ticket…

Torch March 18, 2013 at 6:12 pm

The KKK member comments on the Black Panters.

Coming for your guns March 18, 2013 at 10:40 am

Why are far right wing conspiracy theories showing up in my news feed?

Right March 18, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Because FITS has a conspiracy theory problem. It’s what you write about when you can’t get interviews with normal people because you have lost your credibility.

Coming for your guns March 18, 2013 at 10:40 am

Why are far right wing conspiracy theories showing up in my news feed?

Right March 18, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Because FITS has a conspiracy theory problem. It’s what you write about when you can’t get interviews with normal people because you have lost your credibility.

CorruptionInColumbia March 18, 2013 at 10:44 am

“Let’s just hope that pro-Obama U.S. Senators like John McCain (RINO-Arizona) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) don’t roll over and play dead…”

Do you mean to tell me they can do anything else but that, well except in Lindsey’s case? He also likes to bend over and grab his ankles, like he wants the rest of us to do.

Sam Hill March 18, 2013 at 10:44 am

Mention the KKK and libs wet their pants. If the KKK did what the black racists did there would be a race war going on.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 11:03 am

We chased down the KKK and pretty much put them out of business..
The government sides w/ the Black KKK Panthers, and defends their lawlessness…
In America, if you are in a liberal special intrest group, the laws lets you get away w/ crime…

cuvinny March 18, 2013 at 11:46 am

Lol, the KKK just change their name to The Tea Party

BigT March 18, 2013 at 12:31 pm

And you don’t have o change yours to Ignorant Dumb@$$…..it’s obvious…

dwb619 March 18, 2013 at 2:27 pm

That wuz fer you,big idio”T”!

CorruptionInColumbia March 18, 2013 at 10:44 am

“Let’s just hope that pro-Obama U.S. Senators like John McCain (RINO-Arizona) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-S.C.) don’t roll over and play dead…”

Do you mean to tell me they can do anything else but that, well except in Lindsey’s case? He also likes to bend over and grab his ankles, like he wants the rest of us to do.

Sam Hill March 18, 2013 at 10:44 am

Mention the KKK and libs wet their pants. If the KKK did what the black racists did there would be a race war going on.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 11:03 am

We chased down the KKK and pretty much put them out of business..
The government sides w/ the Black KKK Panthers, and defends their lawlessness…
In America, if you are in a liberal special intrest group, the laws lets you get away w/ crime…

cuvinny March 18, 2013 at 11:46 am

Lol, the KKK just change their name to The Tea Party

BigT March 18, 2013 at 12:31 pm

And you don’t have o change yours to Ignorant Dumb@$$…..it’s obvious…

dwb619 March 18, 2013 at 2:27 pm

That wuz fer you,big idio”T”!

Bill March 18, 2013 at 10:59 am

Much Ado about nothing: Ridiculous!!
Confirm the guy and move on. The country has more important business than chasing this stupid analogy.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Yeah: You’re right. Black RACISTS in the Obama administration. Nothing new here. Obama insulted the Grandmother who raised his sorry @$$ as a “Typical White Woman”…and nobdody bats an eye…
Race Hate Bigots in DC ain’t nothing new…ask Obama…

Bill March 18, 2013 at 10:59 am

Much Ado about nothing: Ridiculous!!
Confirm the guy and move on. The country has more important business than chasing this stupid analogy.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 12:43 pm

Yeah: You’re right. Black RACISTS in the Obama administration. Nothing new here. Obama insulted the Grandmother who raised his sorry @$$ as a “Typical White Woman”…and nobdody bats an eye…
Race Hate Bigots in DC ain’t nothing new…ask Obama…

2big2fall March 18, 2013 at 12:11 pm

The Dept. of Labor is a joke. I filed an FOIA request with them back in Oct. of last year for an article I am writing. Last summer the National Federation of the Blind held a nationwide protest against Goodwill Industries over the usage of the 14c provision of the wage and hours act which allows employers to pay “disabled” employees next to nothing. The employee has to undergo what is called a “time study” to determine his or her functioning level. Turns out that certain Goodwills were paying less than 25 cents per hour to these individuals.

I filed my FOIA request to get info regarding our Lowcountry franchise, Palmetto Goodwill. Five months and four certified letters later the DOL is still dragging its feet and sending me useless, out-of-date information. Seems like our local Goodwill CEO has got someone protecting him up there in DC.

2big2fall March 18, 2013 at 12:11 pm

The Dept. of Labor is a joke. I filed an FOIA request with them back in Oct. of last year for an article I am writing. Last summer the National Federation of the Blind held a nationwide protest against Goodwill Industries over the usage of the 14c provision of the wage and hours act which allows employers to pay “disabled” employees next to nothing. The employee has to undergo what is called a “time study” to determine his or her functioning level. Turns out that certain Goodwills were paying less than 25 cents per hour to these individuals.

I filed my FOIA request to get info regarding our Lowcountry franchise, Palmetto Goodwill. Five months and four certified letters later the DOL is still dragging its feet and sending me useless, out-of-date information. Seems like our local Goodwill CEO has got someone protecting him up there in DC.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Anyone see the woman in Ohio, who voted SIX times for Obama??

Maybe the only reason we put that idiot back in was because of Multiple voters in Penn and Ohio..

Of note: The Devil in The History Channel’s “The Bible” looks EXACTLY like Obama….and the show is enjoying GREAT Success…

Gives me some hope for our county…maybe it was massive FRAUD, like he Black Panthers, that re-eleced Obama…

BigT March 18, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Anyone see the woman in Ohio, who voted SIX times for Obama??

Maybe the only reason we put that idiot back in was because of Multiple voters in Penn and Ohio..

Of note: The Devil in The History Channel’s “The Bible” looks EXACTLY like Obama….and the show is enjoying GREAT Success…

Gives me some hope for our county…maybe it was massive FRAUD, like he Black Panthers, that re-eleced Obama…

Eugene Hawkins March 18, 2013 at 2:24 pm

The DOL stated in 2010 that you cannot discriminate against “LBGT families”. Bisexual is inclusive. A married bisexual (regardless of genders involved) that acts on their bisexual inclinations is something that constitutes an open marriage. This is just one of many aspects this administration can impose on American society by rule of appointees. Remember, “Foward”, “evolve”, “fundamently change”. Nominating someone supportive of a racist organization should be no problem for the Chief in Command.

Smirks March 18, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Your post makes absolutely no sense.

Right March 18, 2013 at 3:36 pm

Uh, what?

Eugene Hawkins March 18, 2013 at 2:24 pm

The DOL stated in 2010 that you cannot discriminate against “LBGT families”. Bisexual is inclusive. A married bisexual (regardless of genders involved) that acts on their bisexual inclinations is something that constitutes an open marriage. This is just one of many aspects this administration can impose on American society by rule of appointees. Remember, “Foward”, “evolve”, “fundamently change”. Nominating someone supportive of a racist organization should be no problem for the Chief in Command.

Smirks March 18, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Your post makes absolutely no sense.

Right March 18, 2013 at 3:36 pm

Uh, what?

MyDaddyIsRich March 18, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Who were they intimidating? How many black panthers do you think there are? 5?

MyDaddyIsRich March 18, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Who were they intimidating? How many black panthers do you think there are? 5?

jillibrown March 18, 2013 at 3:52 pm

So these folks have a problem with the black panther nontroversy? The two black guys standing out front of a voting place in a black neighborhood? Those same black guys that were seen opening the doors for voters? That nontroversy? Good lord.

Reagan Youth March 18, 2013 at 3:54 pm

It’s BigT’s most cherished cliche around here.

cuvinny March 18, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Remember how Romney and Pubs were so certain they would win Penn. and the election? Well those two black guys are what prevented it.

Right March 18, 2013 at 8:12 pm

LMAO! +1 cuvinny!

jillibrown March 18, 2013 at 3:52 pm

So these folks have a problem with the black panther nontroversy? The two black guys standing out front of a voting place in a black neighborhood? Those same black guys that were seen opening the doors for voters? That nontroversy? Good lord.

Reagan Youth March 18, 2013 at 3:54 pm

It’s BigT’s most cherished cliche around here.

cuvinny March 18, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Remember how Romney and Pubs were so certain they would win Penn. and the election? Well those two black guys are what prevented it.

Right March 18, 2013 at 8:12 pm

LMAO! +1 cuvinny!

jillibrown March 18, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Do people do any fact checking here?

Here’s the problem. The DOJ dropped those charges in May 2009. Perez wasn’t confirmed until October 2009. The reason, of course, was that Republicans delayed the vote
as they bargained for more answers on the New Black Panther story. But
even had Perez been confirmed right after his hearings, in June, he
would have arrived after the decision was made to drop the case.

Another right-wing conspiracy fail. People the folks on this site think you’re stupid!

jillibrown March 18, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Do people do any fact checking here?

Here’s the problem. The DOJ dropped those charges in May 2009. Perez wasn’t confirmed until October 2009. The reason, of course, was that Republicans delayed the vote
as they bargained for more answers on the New Black Panther story. But
even had Perez been confirmed right after his hearings, in June, he
would have arrived after the decision was made to drop the case.

Another right-wing conspiracy fail. People the folks on this site think you’re stupid!


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