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SCDP Slams Haley For CPAC Appearance

Today, Governor Nikki Haley leaves the state to once again serve Governor Romney instead of the peopYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

Today, Governor Nikki Haley leaves the state to once again serve Governor Romney instead of the peop
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Buz Martin March 15, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Yeah, Pootie-Poot, she’s a disaster, and the tea party and most everyone in the state despises her now. Most of her support among pols comes from people who are terrified she will out them for their own corruption if they go against her. BUT YOU ARE NO BETTER! There is virtually no difference between status-quo Dems and status-quo Repubs in the state of South Carolina. You are sickening symbiots — partners in screwing over the people and small businesses of the state and representing only special interests while you line your own pockets. So spare us your bullshit. We know she has sold SC down the river in her own way. Unfortunately, not enough people know how you and many other Dems in the state have done so as well.

Buz Martin March 15, 2013 at 1:00 pm

what new tricks do you have up your sleeve to help the serial
drunk-driving MB Mafia crony double-murderer (and permanent paralizer of
one) Michael Hilton avoid justice? If you had succeeded in knifing
Gloria Tinubu in the back, and in getting Preston Brittain to run for
SC-7, might that have assured that particular whitebread elitist of a win over his
relative-by-marriage Tom Rice — and might you and Hilton be home free
for sure? Wouldn’t that be lovely? You are a disgusting pig of a
crony-capitalist phoney and hypocrite.

Buz Martin March 15, 2013 at 1:59 pm

what new tricks do you have up your sleeve to help the serial
drunk-driving MB Mafia crony double-murderer (and permanent paralizer of
one) Michael Hilton avoid justice? If you had succeeded in knifing
Gloria Tinubu in the back, and in getting Preston
Brittain to run for SC-7, might that have assured that particular
whitebread elitist of a win over his relative-by-marriage Tom Rice —
and might you and Hilton be home free for sure? Wouldn’t that be lovely?
You are a disgusting pig of a crony-capitalist phoney and hypocrite.

Boz Martin March 15, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Yeah, Pootie-Poot, she’s a disaster, and the tea party and most everyone in the state despises her now. Most of her support among pols comes from people who are terrified she will out them for their own corruption if they go against her. BUT YOU ARE NO BETTER! There is virtually no difference between status-quo Dems and status-quo Repubs in the state of South Carolina. You are sickening symbiots — partners in screwing over the people and small businesses of the state and representing only special interests while you line your own pockets. So spare us your bullshit. We know she has sold SC down the river in her own way. Unfortunately, not enough people know how you and many other Dems in the state have done so as well.

Boz Martin March 15, 2013 at 1:00 pm

what new tricks do you have up your sleeve to help the serial
drunk-driving MB Mafia crony double-murderer (and permanent paralizer of
one) Michael Hilton avoid justice? If you had succeeded in knifing
Gloria Tinubu in the back, and in getting Preston Brittain to run for
SC-7, might that have assured that particular whitebread elitist of a win over his
relative-by-marriage Tom Rice — and might you and Hilton be home free
for sure? Wouldn’t that be lovely? You are a disgusting pig of a
crony-capitalist phoney and hypocrite.

Boz Martin March 15, 2013 at 1:59 pm

what new tricks do you have up your sleeve to help the serial
drunk-driving MB Mafia crony double-murderer (and permanent paralizer of
one) Michael Hilton avoid justice? If you had succeeded in knifing
Gloria Tinubu in the back, and in getting Preston
Brittain to run for SC-7, might that have assured that particular
whitebread elitist of a win over his relative-by-marriage Tom Rice —
and might you and Hilton be home free for sure? Wouldn’t that be lovely?
You are a disgusting pig of a crony-capitalist phoney and hypocrite.

nitrat March 17, 2013 at 10:53 am

Yep, Trikki’s off fund raising while Horry County burns again….following in Marky’s footsteps.

nitrat March 17, 2013 at 10:53 am

Yep, Trikki’s off fund raising while Horry County burns again….following in Marky’s footsteps.

You know me March 18, 2013 at 12:11 pm

My God, we have Honey Booboo for governor.

barbie March 27, 2013 at 12:20 am

Wonder if we can make a citizen’s arrest? Gomer Pyle did it….

You know me March 18, 2013 at 12:11 pm

My God, we have Honey Booboo for governor.

barbie March 27, 2013 at 12:20 am

Wonder if we can make a citizen’s arrest? Gomer Pyle did it….

Monnie March 21, 2013 at 10:58 am

Our Governor needs to stay in South Carolina and quit wasting time and money going to other states to party with the big boys. She has our state a mess and she needs to get it cleaned up. I wonder how many soft drinks and chips she will have on her trips.

Monnie March 21, 2013 at 10:58 am

Our Governor needs to stay in South Carolina and quit wasting time and money going to other states to party with the big boys. She has our state a mess and she needs to get it cleaned up. I wonder how many soft drinks and chips she will have on her trips.

spraywiper March 23, 2013 at 10:49 am

Haley is destroying the state of South Carolina. People wake up and get rid of her.

spraywiper March 23, 2013 at 10:49 am

Haley is destroying the state of South Carolina. People wake up and get rid of her.


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