
U.S. Unemployment Rate Declines

The U.S. unemployment rate declined from 7.9 percent in January to 7.7 percent in February as the ecYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

The U.S. unemployment rate declined from 7.9 percent in January to 7.7 percent in February as the ec
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vicupstate March 8, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Yo, Fits and Bill Wilson, every month 300,000 people turn 65. Google ‘Baby Boom’

nb March 8, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Great. More people to put a strain on social security…

Bubbas Brother March 9, 2013 at 10:10 am

Yo Vic, every month 350,000+ people turn 18… Google US birth rates

vicupstate March 9, 2013 at 9:31 pm

The birth rate in 1947 was 24 per thousand versus 14 per thousand in 1995.

vicupstate March 8, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Yo, Fits and Bill Wilson, every month 300,000 people turn 65. Google ‘Baby Boom’

nb March 8, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Great. More people to put a strain on social security…

The Colonel (R) March 9, 2013 at 10:10 am

Yo Vic, every month 350,000+ people turn 18… Google US birth rates

vicupstate March 9, 2013 at 9:31 pm

The birth rate in 1947 was 24 per thousand versus 14 per thousand in 1995.

Isotope Soap March 8, 2013 at 12:37 pm

“ZeroHedge also points out that February saw a record increase of 340,000 multiple job-holders …”

No surprise with all the minimum wage loving employers like Walmart. Rolling shit back, indeed!

BigT March 9, 2013 at 9:08 am

Obama has so SCREWED UP the economy. Salaries are Nose=-Diving and Unemployment rampant…familes have to Struggle to get by…
And good-for-nothing, sorry pieces of $#!* like you bash job-providers..
I’m not a violent person, but if I were, and you were near me spouting your Liberal, Sutpid Bull=-$#!t, I’d be compelled to Slap the $#!* out of your Ignorant, Communist @$$…So look out if you are in public running your mouth…others may not be as restrained as I am…and Rand Paul has emboldened us…
I can suffer FOOLS, but for so long. and you, and the idiots like you, are D@*n FOOLS…

Isotope Soap March 9, 2013 at 1:08 pm

So Walmart was paying its employees higher wages under Bush? These “job providers” have taken three jobs for every two jobs they create on the local level. Noticed the mom and pop businesses dissappearing? Their employees have been bitching forever about the treatment from this behemoth, shit machine. Maybe your head’s been up your ass too long that you haven’t noticed? Many of these “employed” workers are on social assistance. Here’s something from the state of Ohio:” The Department of Job and Family Services tapped into its centralized system that caseworkers use to issue benefits and reported to Hagan that 15,484 Wal-Mart workers and dependents received Medicaid benefits in June 2009, and 12,872 Wal-Mart workers and dependents got food stamps.”

Wonder why I give you so much shit, Bigums? You’re a goddamn hypocrite…and a pussy.

BigT March 9, 2013 at 2:48 pm

IS: After you looked so F&*&in stupid wth your “Glober” Claims…that I would not acept any of your Leftwing propaganda diquised as “research.”
You impress me a petulant, little yuppie-offspring PUNK, who has never had to produce in your coffee-shop profit life…
Wal-Mat thrives because it competes and earns a market share. No one is forced to work for them, and their emplyees routinely deny the leftwing claims aganst the company.
And there are many businesses (family owned) that do very well around a Wal-Mart…even if that was any of your F^&*in business…

You HATE Wal-Mart because they are not an @$$-kissin…Liberal bunch of freaks, like you and Obama prop up w/ MY tax money…So STFU..

Isotope Soap March 9, 2013 at 4:11 pm

Once again, Bigums, you have nothing.

The good news: It’s getting warmer and people need their yards mowed. :)

dwb619 March 9, 2013 at 8:23 pm

Don’t see many “family” owned businesses around a Walmart, most are franchised ,chain stores. In FACT, Walmart has historically put the “mom and pop” establishments out of business. Of course a “trained professional journalist” would know this.

There again, we ARE dealing with the big idio”T”.
Don’t do Walmart, don’t do Lowes.
Support your local family owned business!

BigT March 10, 2013 at 10:02 am

Do You F^&*in idiots nutjobs hate Best Buy, Staples, K-Mart and Outback too…

Franchises have just as much right to operate as anyone. in Lexington, there is a Wal-Mart…and there is family owned business all around…along w/ food Lion, SteinMart and Arby’s..

Just because your lord and savior Obama did not get the money from Wal-Mart he wants..you Dumb@$$#$ think you can Gestapo them out of business…

PanT March 10, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Wal-Mart is in steep competition with Arby’s! Thanks for the 411…

dwb619 March 10, 2013 at 3:54 pm

big idio”T”,
You sure have a very limited vocabulary for a “trained professional ” journalist.
How come?

Jan March 12, 2013 at 12:12 pm

Are you back to lying again? Unemployment rate is below where it was when Bush left office. Incomes up not down since the Bush Recession. Stock market way up since Obama took office. Gas prices lower than the highest price under Bush. Annual federal deficit as a percentage of GDP down every year since 2009. You are not even a good liar.


John Boy March 8, 2013 at 12:37 pm

“ZeroHedge also points out that February saw a record increase of 340,000 multiple job-holders …”

No surprise with all the minimum wage loving employers like Walmart. Rolling shit back, indeed!

BigT March 9, 2013 at 9:08 am

Obama has so SCREWED UP the economy. Salaries are Nose=-Diving and Unemployment rampant…familes have to Struggle to get by…
And good-for-nothing, sorry pieces of $#!* like you bash job-providers..
I’m not a violent person, but if I were, and you were near me spouting your Liberal, Sutpid Bull=-$#!t, I’d be compelled to Slap the $#!* out of your Ignorant, Communist @$$…So look out if you are in public running your mouth…others may not be as restrained as I am…and Rand Paul has emboldened us…
I can suffer FOOLS, but for so long. and you, and the idiots like you, are D@*n FOOLS…

John Boy March 9, 2013 at 1:08 pm

So Walmart was paying its employees higher wages under Bush? These “job providers” have taken three jobs for every two jobs they create on the local level. Noticed the mom and pop businesses dissappearing? Their employees have been bitching forever about the treatment from this behemoth, shit machine. Maybe your head’s been up your ass too long that you haven’t noticed? Many of these “employed” workers are on social assistance. Here’s something from the state of Ohio:” The Department of Job and Family Services tapped into its centralized system that caseworkers use to issue benefits and reported to Hagan that 15,484 Wal-Mart workers and dependents received Medicaid benefits in June 2009, and 12,872 Wal-Mart workers and dependents got food stamps.”

Wonder why I give you so much shit, Bigums? You’re a goddamn hypocrite…and a pussy.

BigT March 9, 2013 at 2:48 pm

IS: After you looked so F&*&in stupid wth your “Glober” Claims…that I would not acept any of your Leftwing propaganda diquised as “research.”
You impress me a petulant, little yuppie-offspring PUNK, who has never had to produce in your coffee-shop profit life…
Wal-Mat thrives because it competes and earns a market share. No one is forced to work for them, and their emplyees routinely deny the leftwing claims aganst the company.
And there are many businesses (family owned) that do very well around a Wal-Mart…even if that was any of your F^&*in business…

You HATE Wal-Mart because they are not an @$$-kissin…Liberal bunch of freaks, like you and Obama prop up w/ MY tax money…So STFU..

John Boy March 9, 2013 at 4:11 pm

Once again, Bigums, you have nothing.

The good news: It’s getting warmer and people need their yards mowed. :)

dwb619 March 9, 2013 at 8:23 pm

Don’t see many “family” owned businesses around a Walmart, most are franchised ,chain stores. In FACT, Walmart has historically put the “mom and pop” establishments out of business. Of course a “trained professional journalist” would know this.

There again, we ARE dealing with the big idio”T”.
Don’t do Walmart, don’t do Lowes.
Support your local family owned business!

BigT March 10, 2013 at 10:02 am

Do You F^&*in idiots nutjobs hate Best Buy, Staples, K-Mart and Outback too…

Franchises have just as much right to operate as anyone. in Lexington, there is a Wal-Mart…and there is family owned business all around…along w/ food Lion, SteinMart and Arby’s..

Just because your lord and savior Obama did not get the money from Wal-Mart he wants..you Dumb@$$#$ think you can Gestapo them out of business…

PanT March 10, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Wal-Mart is in steep competition with Arby’s! Thanks for the 411…

dwb619 March 10, 2013 at 3:54 pm

big idio”T”,
You sure have a very limited vocabulary for a “trained professional ” journalist.
How come?

Jan March 12, 2013 at 12:12 pm

Are you back to lying again? Unemployment rate is below where it was when Bush left office. Incomes up not down since the Bush Recession. Stock market way up since Obama took office. Gas prices lower than the highest price under Bush. Annual federal deficit as a percentage of GDP down every year since 2009. You are not even a good liar.


? March 8, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Yay, another bubble forming nicely on a wave of monthly money printing. I give it a year or so, tops…of course the inflation moves in the 2nd half of this year should be interesting.

Wonder how long till a bond crisis hits.

? March 8, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Yay, another bubble forming nicely on a wave of monthly money printing. I give it a year or so, tops…of course the inflation moves in the 2nd half of this year should be interesting.

Wonder how long till a bond crisis hits.

Crooner March 8, 2013 at 1:34 pm

It would be interesting to see figures on total payroll, rather than jobs.

Crooner March 8, 2013 at 1:34 pm

It would be interesting to see figures on total payroll, rather than jobs.

BigT March 9, 2013 at 6:32 am

But Obama told us Sequester would be the end of the world, and make HIS unemployment rate even WORSE…
Another Obama Lie…Anyone suprised?

BigT March 9, 2013 at 6:32 am

But Obama told us Sequester would be the end of the world, and make HIS unemployment rate even WORSE…
Another Obama Lie…Anyone suprised?

Comrade1917 March 9, 2013 at 8:53 pm

Good news, comrades!

H.R. 2494

To authorize and direct the Secretary of State and the Commissioner of Social Security to continue to work with the governments of the states of the former Soviet Union to encourage such states to adopt policies that would allow receipt of pensions for individuals who worked in any such state and earned a pension and currently reside in the United States, and for other purposes.

Comrade1917 March 9, 2013 at 8:53 pm

Good news, comrades!

H.R. 2494

To authorize and direct the Secretary of State and the Commissioner of Social Security to continue to work with the governments of the states of the former Soviet Union to encourage such states to adopt policies that would allow receipt of pensions for individuals who worked in any such state and earned a pension and currently reside in the United States, and for other purposes.


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