Laurens SC Sheriff Facing Fraud Investigation

Laurens County, S.C. Sheriff Ricky Chastain – who last year admitted to knocking up a co-worker and driving her to Charlotte, N.C. for an abortion (in his patrol car, no less) – could be facing fraud charges in the aftermath of that incident. Wwwwwait .. it’s not okay to bang…

Laurens County, S.C. Sheriff Ricky Chastain – who last year admitted to knocking up a co-worker and driving her to Charlotte, N.C. for an abortion (in his patrol car, no less) – could be facing fraud charges in the aftermath of that incident.

Wwwwwait .. it’s not okay to bang a subordinate, impregnate them and then use taxpayer resources to facilitate their abortion? Hmmmm …

Ironically, Chastain isn’t in trouble for any of that … he’s facing scrutiny over allegations that he forced county taxpayers to subsidize an extended “recovery period” for his girlfriend following her abortion.

“She was out of work for a long time,” one source tells us. “Chastain ordered that she be paid, even though she was not at work.”

Barring rare complications, abortions generally do not require women to go on leave. So why did this woman get an extended vacation at taxpayers’ expense?

Sources in Laurens tell FITS that the local county council has been provided with documentation of the payments made to Chastain’s ex-lover – and the discrepancies between those checks and her extended time away from the office. However we’re told they are fearful of turning this information over to the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) for fear of retribution from Chastain.

Gotta love small town South Carolina politics, right?

Hopefully SLED will address this situation without having to rely on a request from the local government. Frankly, Chastain should have been relieved of his duties the moment he acknowledged using taxpayer resources on any facet of his affair.

Of course this is South Carolina, where that sort of thing is encouraged …


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Fed up with scum March 7, 2013 at 9:19 pm

and Here we go again. More fraud, corruption and hanky panky at taxpayer expense.

He is right at home in SC politics.

Move over, Richard Eckstrom, Mark Sanford, Bob Peeler and Nikki Haley you have more friends in low places.

Fed up with scum March 7, 2013 at 9:19 pm

and Here we go again. More fraud, corruption and hanky panky at taxpayer expense.

He is right at home in SC politics.

Move over, Richard Eckstrom, Mark Sanford, Bob Peeler and Nikki Haley you have more friends in low places.

Same ol' Same ol' March 7, 2013 at 9:53 pm

bling bling bling, we have a winner

Same ol' Same ol' March 7, 2013 at 9:53 pm

bling bling bling, we have a winner

baptistboy March 7, 2013 at 10:14 pm

County Council is just as corrupt. They refused to even try to have him removed. The Sheriff has crap on about half of them as well as their administration.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:13 pm

Well then, let’s hear the crap he’s got on ’em!

baptistboy March 7, 2013 at 10:14 pm

County Council is just as corrupt. They refused to even try to have him removed. The Sheriff has crap on about half of them as well as their administration.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:13 pm

Well then, let’s hear the crap he’s got on ’em!

Sickofthebashing March 7, 2013 at 11:35 pm

For heaven sake leave this mess him and his family ALONE it’s OVER!!!

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:17 pm

Not if he used taxpayer money it isn’t.

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 12:41 am

Ditto Please’s comment!! Chastain made the issue public when he used the vehicle he paid
for to drive her around for personal biz, and if the activities occured
during work hours. Don’t recollect if they did.

Sickofthebashing March 7, 2013 at 11:35 pm

For heaven sake leave this mess him and his family ALONE it’s OVER!!!

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:17 pm

Not if he used taxpayer money it isn’t.

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 12:41 am

Ditto Please’s comment!! Chastain made the issue public when he used the vehicle he paid
for to drive her around for personal biz, and if the activities occured
during work hours. Don’t recollect if they did.

katlaurenscounty March 7, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Fraud is a criminal charge. You know nothing about her accumulated vacation or other issues. You admit “Hopefully SLED will address this situation without a complaint from gov. So he’s facing a fraud investigation from…the tooth fairy…..????? Do your homework. SLED doesn’t initiate investigations on it’s own because somebody wants it to. A complaint has to be made by the local law enforcement or governing body. And a anonymous source’s speculation on the emotion of council? FEar of retribution from Chastain?? That is so moronic, Chastain is the one who benefits from Council’s protection and funding. County administrator and County Attorney ‘investigated’ chastain’s use of the County vehicle for personal use of county vehicle to take the woman out of state. Acceptable.

It happens to be the Council is corrupt. Based on documentation. Verifiable. Including the Council’s own emails, etc. It is likely chastain has lots of dirty deals hiding, also, But this article’s heresay of speculation is not a valid source of anything.

katlaurenscounty March 7, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Fraud is a criminal charge. You know nothing about her accumulated vacation or other issues. You admit “Hopefully SLED will address this situation without a complaint from gov. So he’s facing a fraud investigation from…the tooth fairy…..????? Do your homework. SLED doesn’t initiate investigations on it’s own because somebody wants it to. A complaint has to be made by the local law enforcement or governing body. And a anonymous source’s speculation on the emotion of council? FEar of retribution from Chastain?? That is so moronic, Chastain is the one who benefits from Council’s protection and funding. County administrator and County Attorney ‘investigated’ chastain’s use of the County vehicle for personal use of county vehicle to take the woman out of state. Acceptable.

It happens to be the Council is corrupt. Based on documentation. Verifiable. Including the Council’s own emails, etc. It is likely chastain has lots of dirty deals hiding, also, But this article’s heresay of speculation is not a valid source of anything.

jimlewisowb March 7, 2013 at 11:46 pm

“Chastain ordered that she be paid”

County Sheriffs, especially in the South, have always had reputations for being ruthless and above the law.

However for someone to receive a paycheck from the County and to perform no duties, excluding the possibility of personal servicing of the Sheriff, would seem to have to involve multiple levels of County Employees from more than one County Department.

A death row inmate filed a petition with the Courts because he was served a broken cookie. Case was heard

Another inmate filed a petition because his stomach hurt after eating chili. Case was heard

A third inmate filed a petition because he thought his thoughts were being broadcast on prison loudspeakers. Case was heard

Maybe there is one taxpayer in the County who has a fucking backbone who will drive down to Columbia, walk into the Supreme Court and file a petition requesting every elected/appointed official in the County be investigated for misuse of public funds.

I am confident if someone would do this, the Supreme Court Chief Toad will pull her lips off the vodka bottle at least long enough to say, Have you lost your Fucking Mind.

Well, it started out as a good idea right up to point it involved the Chief Toad.

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 12:12 am

Been there done that. Right about Chief Toad, being fanned and fawned by Toadie in training Wilson. Filed Petition, had to go to Columbia after while they ignored it wouldn’t put it on docket. Hilarious. While at Supreme Court, baliff smiling told me no Clerk were there, tried to block doorway. He was sweating, Saw clerk feet under door. Ducked around, starting roaming halls, heard people closing doors trying to hide. How dare citizen disturb drinking hours of Judges and porno watching of Clerks. Wilson refused to respond to review emails of County attorney secretly funnelling bribes into gov accounts, so allegations stand as is. Developing Fed action. No statue of limitations on certain crimes in SC. Not because I expect Fed judicial snakes any different. Because I have to have irrefutable fact before I declare all law null, unenforceable, advocate we all reject rule by elected roach scum, and get comfy for my long lock up.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:04 pm

So you personally have incriminating info in this situation, tried to give it to Supreme Court and AG Wilson, and were ignored? And if you do have that info, are you the source for this article?

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 12:37 am

Per my response way below, I objected to the author’s ridiculous unfounded assertions because of the speculative assumptions, not because I have any particulars on this instance. I don’t make any claim about this situation in any of my responses. My description of the SC Court’s refusal to hear the Petitions of the lower court’s shenanigans related to my case filed against County Council, Laurens County Economic Dev Council, County Attorney, about 5 other pub officials, other gov agencies. Emails of County Attorney directing the Treasurer of Presby College to funnel a secret contribution to Clinton City Manager for deposit into the Attorney’s GOVERNMENT escrow account, and LOTS of other blatant evidence of corruption and absolute disregard of laws of legislative enactment, FOIA and others, on my website. As I mentioned, no statute of limitations to certain crimes in SC. I have already alleged criminal conduct of the county attorney. Bottom line about Wilson, I informed him his refusal to consider my complaint, given the Judiciary’s public advertisement of the legal professsion’s ‘special duty’ to protect the public from crooked lawyers using their expertise to hide corruption of their paying gov clients, is itself a fact supporting the pervasive corruption of the legal profession.
All of the documents, including the emails of the County Council crooks, the shyster county attorney, correspondence to Wilson’s office, my review of Wilson’s acccountibility report and spokesman Powell’s public misreprentations, is on my website

Iknowthetruth March 10, 2013 at 1:20 pm

Don’t you think its a little more than cozy for Coleman to be Segars best friend and Coleman’s son was hired to head the Laurens County Economic Develpment Council…I think not. Kudos to you.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Thank you much. You can see many articles and postings aren’t digging in and reveal, or discuss, documents, procedures, rule of law, but there’s lots of emotional attacks. Lots of citizens rant that officials act above the law, but I don’t see many doing anything about it. Our rule, our law, our duties and our responsibility to do the work. Complaining feels good but can’t do anything..

worthyenemy March 8, 2013 at 10:07 am

Now this isn’t a attack on you or your opinion, but who the hell cares?
This is a Laurens County problem, and if the people of that county are so stupid that they keep this guy in office then they get what they deserve. I live in a county whre the sheriff is top notch (or at least as far as I know he is) so I’m okay. My point is… if he screws up we vote him out or raise enough hell that he’ll leave, that’s how this system should work. The reality is that politicians of SC aren’t the problem, it’s the idiots who keep putting these losers in office.

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 2:47 pm

Your assertion that majority opinion, aka voting, can ‘authorize’ a servant to ignore the law is uninformed, immature, and typical of people who seek groups because of fear. Do some research, dumbass. Federalist papers, Collectivism, unalienable rights, rule of law, self governing. You are saying that the minority must be subjugated to whatever the majority votes to approve. Obviously, you support Obamacare, concealment of giant PAC funding donors, removal of our gun rights if a majority ‘votes’ it in, and every other regulations, rules, etc. that are destroying our liberties. After all, the politicians who implemented these laws were ‘approved’ by majority vote. Political parties depend upon people like you to follow popular opinion instead of understanding what self governing means. News flash – my inherent unalienable authority to use my law to redress a servant’s disregard thereof, is not subject to ‘approval’ by majority vote of herd member fools. Even if I’m a minority of one.

worthyenemy March 8, 2013 at 3:24 pm

What the fuck are you talking about?

Have you just been waiting for the right opportunity to spout off with that bullshit? Bottom-line… Yes the minority has to accept what the majority votes on, that’s how this thing called democracy works. But you, the typical “the sky is falling” wacked out, paranoid, pedophile, rightwing loser, thinking everyone is out to destroy him sees the “big bad Obama machine” at work even in this situation that has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! Relax asshole, nobody’s gonna take your guns. Obamacare? PACs? Seriously what the fuck? This is about a public official who; 1. Got his MISTRESS pregnant. 2. Drove her to an ABORTION CLINC in his police cruiser to terminate the pregnancy (really how fucked up is that?). 3. Then gave her basically paid leave to KEEP HIS SECRET. Should he really keep his job? What is this guy agian… oh yeah your type of guy… a republican. I see why your heart bleeds for him, you are him. You are an ideologue, and that makes you a fool because you see the world “as it should be” and not the way it is, but the truth is deep down you’re a liar and a fucking fraud just like this Sheriff. You want liberty for you but to hell with everybody else, right? If the majority said tomorrow that abortion should be illegal (which would be the case) then what would your beef be? If the majority said that the 2nd amendment is iron clad and the govt. doesn’t have the right to take away our ability to defend ourselves (which would be the case) what then??? I thought so.. You’re full of shit.

How about go give Rush Limbaugh a blowjob and keep your fucking mouth shut..

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

I see this seems to be another avatar FITS is using to increase postings.Pedophile? Blowjob? Really? If this is a real person…are you that insecure or weak of mind, instead of rational arguments you foam at the mouth and try to ‘bully’ your opponent to ‘keep my fucking mouth shut’??? No doubt, if you are a man in reasonable health, you could beat me up if I don’t. As someone who asserts groups with superior numbers can rule groups with fewer numbers, you must be proud to use bigger physical strength to bully people of inferior strength into ‘shut their fucking mouth’ when you don’t want to hear it. Bullying is a sorry, weak play that can’t hide the pathetic, flabby emotional posturing you are using to hide your inability to reason (… if this is a real person who meant this post). You attacked emotions, party membership, and an opinion on the sheriff, that you say I have. But you are the dimwit who invented these things for me in the first place. I guess
you were so busy frothing about the first three words I posted you didn’t read any more. If you can find your way out of your bullying irrational flailing, reread my first post. Get the inventions out of your head. You might understand my point is about the process of
addressing the sheriff’s issues. Maybe you can explain how you it makes sense that you think this sheriff shouldn’t have the job, but he gets to keep it no matter how he breaks the law or misuses our money because he’s voted in.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:10 pm

OK, since you live there, when is the next election for sheriff of Laurens County? Why are the majority of people in Laurens County voting for him?

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 12:21 am

The majority didn’t vote for him. If I recollect correctly this past election, he received about 27%. The remainder was split between three, maybe more, petition candidates.

Please March 9, 2013 at 2:34 pm

So no runoff? Sound like you guys need to change your election process. That’s absurd.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 11:10 am

Perhaps. I don’t have an opinion on the matter. Until citizens are willing to hold elected officials accountable for ignoring the law, whoever is elected gets a blank check from the electorate. Which is why many people express the sheeple opinion that the minority of electorate, like me, who require servants to follow the law, have to submit to lawbreaking, because of some electorate who don’t even know what rule of law means.

billybob March 10, 2013 at 1:22 pm

This is because of Jackie Knots and the Supremes kicking people off the ballot dickhead.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 1:32 pm

It’s true people got kicked off, but people didn’t get kicked off by JK and Toadie. Citizens have the responsibility to do more than react to politicial events. They got kicked off because we didn’t notice the confusion in the laws until after citizens got tripped up. Can’t blame politicians for our assumptions they are doing everything right, especially when we have proof they do wrong any chance they get.

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:46 pm

Are you Linda Blair’s demon?

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 6:56 pm

your posts are hilarious, kind of like shifty henry…he did say he had another alias. Whoever you are, hilarious…

Buz Martin March 8, 2013 at 10:35 am

Not feeling the love for Chief Toad, Jim.

Sandra Johnson October 30, 2014 at 12:45 am

I have spoke out about corruption in laurens county .The court house documents are in a mess due to one surveyor , that i know .Ad Tech owner Foard H Tarbert highway 76 Clinton SC . This due is a crook , and the county knows his dirty dealing. He is one of the privileged citizens that can break the law, but not go to jail, only in good old laurens county.

CJS March 9, 2013 at 5:41 pm

And plenty of inmate lawsuits were for good causes, too. Like being denied medical treatment. Like being denied food. Like being denied to practice their religion.Like being beaten by a lynch mob of correctional officers for no reason. Like female inmates being RAPED by guards. Yeah Yeah Yeah.
If the law was applied to Jeal Toal the alcoholic, that drunk driving skank would be in prison right now where she belongs.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 11:27 am

According to some responses on this piece, since the ‘majority’ elected legislators, and legislators selected Toal, those of us who object ‘deserve’ it. Hogwash, but many sheeples are willingly misled into a submissive belief that rule of elected official = rule of law.

jimlewisowb March 7, 2013 at 11:46 pm

“Chastain ordered that she be paid”

County Sheriffs, especially in the South, have always had reputations for being ruthless and above the law.

However for someone to receive a paycheck from the County and to perform no duties, excluding the possibility of personal servicing of the Sheriff, would seem to have to involve multiple levels of County Employees from more than one County Department.

A death row inmate filed a petition with the Courts because he was served a broken cookie. Case was heard

Another inmate filed a petition because his stomach hurt after eating chili. Case was heard

A third inmate filed a petition because he thought his thoughts were being broadcast on prison loudspeakers. Case was heard

Maybe there is one taxpayer in the County who has a fucking backbone who will drive down to Columbia, walk into the Supreme Court and file a petition requesting every elected/appointed official in the County be investigated for misuse of public funds.

I am confident if someone would do this, the Supreme Court Chief Toad will pull her lips off the vodka bottle at least long enough to say, Have you lost your Fucking Mind.

Well, it started out as a good idea right up to point it involved the Chief Toad.

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 12:12 am

Been there done that. Right about Chief Toad, being fanned and fawned by Toadie in training Wilson. Filed Petition, had to go to Columbia after while they ignored it wouldn’t put it on docket. Hilarious. While at Supreme Court, baliff smiling told me no Clerk were there, tried to block doorway. He was sweating, Saw clerk feet under door. Ducked around, starting roaming halls, heard people closing doors trying to hide. How dare citizen disturb drinking hours of Judges and porno watching of Clerks. Wilson refused to respond to review emails of County attorney secretly funnelling bribes into gov accounts, so allegations stand as is. Developing Fed action. No statue of limitations on certain crimes in SC. Not because I expect Fed judicial snakes any different. Because I have to have irrefutable fact before I declare all law null, unenforceable, advocate we all reject rule by elected roach scum, and get comfy for my long lock up.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:04 pm

So you personally have incriminating info in this situation, tried to give it to Supreme Court and AG Wilson, and were ignored? And if you do have that info, are you the source for this article?

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 12:37 am

Per my response way below, I objected to the author’s ridiculous unfounded assertions because of the speculative assumptions, not because I have any particulars on this instance. I don’t make any claim about this situation in any of my responses. My description of the SC Court’s refusal to hear the Petitions of the lower court’s shenanigans related to my case filed against County Council, Laurens County Economic Dev Council, County Attorney, about 5 other pub officials, other gov agencies. Emails of County Attorney directing the Treasurer of Presby College to funnel a secret contribution to Clinton City Manager for deposit into the Attorney’s GOVERNMENT escrow account, and LOTS of other blatant evidence of corruption and absolute disregard of laws of legislative enactment, FOIA and others, on my website. As I mentioned, no statute of limitations to certain crimes in SC. I have already alleged criminal conduct of the county attorney. Bottom line about Wilson, I informed him his refusal to consider my complaint, given the Judiciary’s public advertisement of the legal professsion’s ‘special duty’ to protect the public from crooked lawyers using their expertise to hide corruption of their paying gov clients, is itself a fact supporting the pervasive corruption of the legal profession.
All of the documents, including the emails of the County Council crooks, the shyster county attorney, correspondence to Wilson’s office, my review of Wilson’s acccountibility report and spokesman Powell’s public misreprentations, is on my website

Iknowthetruth March 10, 2013 at 1:20 pm

Don’t you think its a little more than cozy for Coleman to be Segars best friend and Coleman’s son was hired to head the Laurens County Economic Develpment Council…I think not. Kudos to you.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Thank you much. You can see many articles and postings aren’t digging in and reveal, or discuss, documents, procedures, rule of law, but there’s lots of emotional attacks. Lots of citizens rant that officials act above the law, but I don’t see many doing anything about it. Our rule, our law, our duties and our responsibility to do the work. Complaining feels good but can’t do anything..

worthyenemy March 8, 2013 at 10:07 am

Now this isn’t a attack on you or your opinion, but who the hell cares?
This is a Laurens County problem, and if the people of that county are so stupid that they keep this guy in office then they get what they deserve. I live in a county whre the sheriff is top notch (or at least as far as I know he is) so I’m okay. My point is… if he screws up we vote him out or raise enough hell that he’ll leave, that’s how this system should work. The reality is that politicians of SC aren’t the problem, it’s the idiots who keep putting these losers in office.

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 2:47 pm

Your assertion that majority opinion, aka voting, can ‘authorize’ a servant to ignore the law is uninformed, immature, and typical of people who seek groups because of fear. Do some research, dumbass. Federalist papers, Collectivism, unalienable rights, rule of law, self governing. You are saying that the minority must be subjugated to whatever the majority votes to approve. Obviously, you support Obamacare, concealment of giant PAC funding donors, removal of our gun rights if a majority ‘votes’ it in, and every other regulations, rules, etc. that are destroying our liberties. After all, the politicians who implemented these laws were ‘approved’ by majority vote. Political parties depend upon people like you to follow popular opinion instead of understanding what self governing means. News flash – my inherent unalienable authority to use my law to redress a servant’s disregard thereof, is not subject to ‘approval’ by majority vote of herd member fools. Even if I’m a minority of one.

worthyenemy March 8, 2013 at 3:24 pm

What the fuck are you talking about?

Have you just been waiting for the right opportunity to spout off with that bullshit? Bottom-line… Yes the minority has to accept what the majority votes on, that’s how this thing called democracy works. But you, the typical “the sky is falling” wacked out, paranoid, pedophile, rightwing loser, thinking everyone is out to destroy him sees the “big bad Obama machine” at work even in this situation that has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! Relax asshole, nobody’s gonna take your guns. Obamacare? PACs? Seriously what the fuck? This is about a public official who; 1. Got his MISTRESS pregnant. 2. Drove her to an ABORTION CLINC in his police cruiser to terminate the pregnancy (really how fucked up is that?). 3. Then gave her basically paid leave to KEEP HIS SECRET. Should he really keep his job? What is this guy agian… oh yeah your type of guy… a republican. I see why your heart bleeds for him, you are him. You are an ideologue, and that makes you a fool because you see the world “as it should be” and not the way it is, but the truth is deep down you’re a liar and a fucking fraud just like this Sheriff. You want liberty for you but to hell with everybody else, right? If the majority said tomorrow that abortion should be illegal (which would be the case) then what would your beef be? If the majority said that the 2nd amendment is iron clad and the govt. doesn’t have the right to take away our ability to defend ourselves (which would be the case) what then??? I thought so.. You’re full of shit.

How about go give Rush Limbaugh a blowjob and keep your fucking mouth shut..

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 5:31 pm

I see this seems to be another avatar FITS is using to increase postings.Pedophile? Blowjob? Really? If this is a real person…are you that insecure or weak of mind, instead of rational arguments you foam at the mouth and try to ‘bully’ your opponent to ‘keep my fucking mouth shut’??? No doubt, if you are a man in reasonable health, you could beat me up if I don’t. As someone who asserts groups with superior numbers can rule groups with fewer numbers, you must be proud to use bigger physical strength to bully people of inferior strength into ‘shut their fucking mouth’ when you don’t want to hear it. Bullying is a sorry, weak play that can’t hide the pathetic, flabby emotional posturing you are using to hide your inability to reason (… if this is a real person who meant this post). You attacked emotions, party membership, and an opinion on the sheriff, that you say I have. But you are the dimwit who invented these things for me in the first place. I guess
you were so busy frothing about the first three words I posted you didn’t read any more. If you can find your way out of your bullying irrational flailing, reread my first post. Get the inventions out of your head. You might understand my point is about the process of
addressing the sheriff’s issues. Maybe you can explain how you it makes sense that you think this sheriff shouldn’t have the job, but he gets to keep it no matter how he breaks the law or misuses our money because he’s voted in.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:10 pm

OK, since you live there, when is the next election for sheriff of Laurens County? Why are the majority of people in Laurens County voting for him?

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 12:21 am

The majority didn’t vote for him. If I recollect correctly this past election, he received about 27%. The remainder was split between three, maybe more, petition candidates.

Please March 9, 2013 at 2:34 pm

So no runoff? Sound like you guys need to change your election process. That’s absurd.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 11:10 am

Perhaps. I don’t have an opinion on the matter. Until citizens are willing to hold elected officials accountable for ignoring the law, whoever is elected gets a blank check from the electorate. Which is why many people express the sheeple opinion that the minority of electorate, like me, who require servants to follow the law, have to submit to lawbreaking, because of some electorate who don’t even know what rule of law means.

billybob March 10, 2013 at 1:22 pm

This is because of Jackie Knots and the Supremes kicking people off the ballot dickhead.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 1:32 pm

It’s true people got kicked off, but people didn’t get kicked off by JK and Toadie. Citizens have the responsibility to do more than react to politicial events. They got kicked off because we didn’t notice the confusion in the laws until after citizens got tripped up. Can’t blame politicians for our assumptions they are doing everything right, especially when we have proof they do wrong any chance they get.

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:46 pm

Are you Linda Blair’s demon?

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 6:56 pm

your posts are hilarious, kind of like shifty henry…he did say he had another alias. Whoever you are, hilarious…

Boz Martin March 8, 2013 at 10:35 am

Not feeling the love for Chief Toad, Jim.

CJS March 9, 2013 at 5:41 pm

And plenty of inmate lawsuits were for good causes, too. Like being denied medical treatment. Like being denied food. Like being denied to practice their religion.Like being beaten by a lynch mob of correctional officers for no reason. Like female inmates being RAPED by guards. Yeah Yeah Yeah.
If the law was applied to Jeal Toal the alcoholic, that drunk driving skank would be in prison right now where she belongs.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 11:27 am

According to some responses on this piece, since the ‘majority’ elected legislators, and legislators selected Toal, those of us who object ‘deserve’ it. Hogwash, but many sheeples are willingly misled into a submissive belief that rule of elected official = rule of law.

The Blue Meanie March 8, 2013 at 12:20 am

You got this story all wrong. This is simply Chastain in persona for his new wrestling gig. His new shtick is called “The Abortionist”.

He enters the ring wearing bloody scrubs and chases his opponents around with Embryotomy scissors.

The Blue Meanie March 8, 2013 at 12:20 am

You got this story all wrong. This is simply Chastain in persona for his new wrestling gig. His new shtick is called “The Abortionist”.

He enters the ring wearing bloody scrubs and chases his opponents around with Embryotomy scissors.

Notaconcernedresident! March 8, 2013 at 6:51 am

It appears a few members of law enforcement and residents of South Carolina are in the news regarding their sexual antics recently, what with the story of police Detective Bales from the Forest Acres police department having his perverse games plastered all over YouTube. Is it something in the SC water? I doubt it. I think it is more a case of these men thinking they are above the law simply because they are law enforcers themselves. Trouble is, they play too close to the edge and will always eventually fall!!

Notaconcernedresident! March 8, 2013 at 6:51 am

It appears a few members of law enforcement and residents of South Carolina are in the news regarding their sexual antics recently, what with the story of police Detective Bales from the Forest Acres police department having his perverse games plastered all over YouTube. Is it something in the SC water? I doubt it. I think it is more a case of these men thinking they are above the law simply because they are law enforcers themselves. Trouble is, they play too close to the edge and will always eventually fall!!

Smirks March 8, 2013 at 9:07 am

Who needs soap operas when you live in SC?

Norman Lear March 8, 2013 at 12:10 pm

…and sitcoms when we have BigT?

BigT March 8, 2013 at 4:05 pm

What’s more interesting is that IS has to adopt other personas to try to make his points…
The dull and ignorant do nothing but copy…to attack those far more intelligent than them…
I figured the Climate Change Hoax that IS bought into like a D@*n fool would have broken him from using others to prop up his mind…Not so…

Gary Rice March 8, 2013 at 7:09 pm

You mean climate change isn’t real?

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:27 pm Reply
Smirks March 8, 2013 at 9:07 am

Who needs soap operas when you live in SC?

Norman Lear March 8, 2013 at 12:10 pm

…and sitcoms when we have BigT?

BigT March 8, 2013 at 4:05 pm

What’s more interesting is that IS has to adopt other personas to try to make his points…
The dull and ignorant do nothing but copy…to attack those far more intelligent than them…
I figured the Climate Change Hoax that IS bought into like a D@*n fool would have broken him from using others to prop up his mind…Not so…

Gary Rice March 8, 2013 at 7:09 pm

You mean climate change isn’t real?

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:27 pm Reply
BigT March 8, 2013 at 9:31 am

Anybody else think this crusade to out immorality is part of a Sanford/FITS campaign to say: “See, er’body else is doing it, so I ain’t so bad.”
Difference is: Sanford was the GOVERNOR, he left the state. And the DISGRACE that Selfish SOB caused his children, after he paraded them in front of the public to get his sorry, silver-spoon @$$ electeded…
Sanford’s Daddy left him Millions in a trust fund. That sorry POC left his kids in Shame..
IOW: It’s ain’t workin’ FITS. Let’s all HOPE Sanford is defeated SOUNDLY, this time, and everytime he tries to take any of our PUBLIC offices for more of his, and FITS’ plunder…

Buz Martin March 8, 2013 at 10:44 am

Quit hiding your real identity, son. Have the balls to show us who you really are and some people MIGHT start to take you at least half-way seriously.

Nah … even that won’t do it.

BigT March 8, 2013 at 2:33 pm

I will give you credit, Boz: To be such an IDIOT, it really is significant that you show yourself. Of course, that may be just another facet of your bliss and ignorance.

Gary Rice March 8, 2013 at 7:11 pm

BigT is too cleaver for us.

BigT March 8, 2013 at 9:31 am

Anybody else think this crusade to out immorality is part of a Sanford/FITS campaign to say: “See, er’body else is doing it, so I ain’t so bad.”
Difference is: Sanford was the GOVERNOR, he left the state. And the DISGRACE that Selfish SOB caused his children, after he paraded them in front of the public to get his sorry, silver-spoon @$$ electeded…
Sanford’s Daddy left him Millions in a trust fund. That sorry POC left his kids in Shame..
IOW: It’s ain’t workin’ FITS. Let’s all HOPE Sanford is defeated SOUNDLY, this time, and everytime he tries to take any of our PUBLIC offices for more of his, and FITS’ plunder…

Boz Martin March 8, 2013 at 10:44 am

Quit hiding your real identity, son. Have the balls to show us who you really are and some people MIGHT start to take you at least half-way seriously.

Nah … even that won’t do it.

BigT March 8, 2013 at 2:33 pm

I will give you credit, Boz: To be such an IDIOT, it really is significant that you show yourself. Of course, that may be just another facet of your bliss and ignorance.

Gary Rice March 8, 2013 at 7:11 pm

BigT is too cleaver for us.

Buz Martin March 8, 2013 at 10:50 am

It is starting to seem as though getting elected to public office in SC is just another way to get pussy. Since there is obviously some kind of natural (?) Viagra in the water supply statewide, the people might not even mind that so much, if it weren’t for the ones who want taxpayers to subsidize their pussyhoundism and the results thereof. Shameful. Even for South Carolina.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:18 pm

Agree with ya, Buz. I couldn’t care less who’s screwin’ who (unless it’s me), but I’m not interested in paying for it.

Boz Martin March 8, 2013 at 10:50 am

It is starting to seem as though getting elected to public office in SC is just another way to get pussy. Since there is obviously some kind of natural (?) Viagra in the water supply statewide, the people might not even mind that so much, if it weren’t for the ones who want taxpayers to subsidize their pussyhoundism and the results thereof. Shameful. Even for South Carolina.

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:18 pm

Agree with ya, Buz. I couldn’t care less who’s screwin’ who (unless it’s me), but I’m not interested in paying for it.

Fleet March 8, 2013 at 1:03 pm

The sheriff before this clown was Jim Moore, who is a honest man. I guess that was his problem.

5.11goodbuddy March 8, 2013 at 8:27 pm

Bullcrap. Sheriff Moore was an idiot. He would constantly go around asking “what are people saying about me?”. Total weasel.

preacherman March 8, 2013 at 8:59 pm

Yeah right! What planet are you from. Ricky may like to poke everything but he does 10X better than than doucebag.

dangright March 9, 2013 at 12:19 am

Jim Moore was the worst sheriff in LC history. Chastain is the second worst.

Fleet March 9, 2013 at 6:54 am

Y’all have the sheriff y’all deserve then.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Inherent in this statement is that any elected official can do things against the law, and if the majority agree, too bad. So if a County Council, Congress, President, decides to implement an ordinance. federal law, executive order, that makes it illegal for anyone to write a critical letter, the people who didn’t support the elected council members ‘deserve it?In fact, this happened in our country. The Alien and Sedition acts were passed when John Adams was president. It was illlegal for anyone to criticize the gov. A belief that a minority ‘deserves’ what a majority might vote in, is why american citizens stood by while other citizens of japanese decent were interned without cause. It is also how Hitler rose to power (read book Hitler’s Willing Executioners). And let’s not forget the role of ‘popular vote’ in ‘legalizing’ the ownership of human beings. True freedom starts by unfettering the mind from the seductive lure of group think. When citizens agree that elected officials can break the law because a majority agrees, we no longer rule ourselves by law. We are ruled by opinion of a majority.

pilot3 March 9, 2013 at 12:22 am

There has never been a sheriff in Laurens county that has been honest in the past 30 years. Moore was incompetent.

Fleet March 8, 2013 at 1:03 pm

The sheriff before this clown was Jim Moore, who is a honest man. I guess that was his problem.

5.11goodbuddy March 8, 2013 at 8:27 pm

Bullcrap. Sheriff Moore was an idiot. He would constantly go around asking “what are people saying about me?”. Total weasel.

preacherman March 8, 2013 at 8:59 pm

Yeah right! What planet are you from. Ricky may like to poke everything but he does 10X better than than doucebag.

dangright March 9, 2013 at 12:19 am

Jim Moore was the worst sheriff in LC history. Chastain is the second worst.

Fleet March 9, 2013 at 6:54 am

Y’all have the sheriff y’all deserve then.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 1:45 pm

Inherent in this statement is that any elected official can do things against the law, and if the majority agree, too bad. So if a County Council, Congress, President, decides to implement an ordinance. federal law, executive order, that makes it illegal for anyone to write a critical letter, the people who didn’t support the elected council members ‘deserve it?In fact, this happened in our country. The Alien and Sedition acts were passed when John Adams was president. It was illlegal for anyone to criticize the gov. A belief that a minority ‘deserves’ what a majority might vote in, is why american citizens stood by while other citizens of japanese decent were interned without cause. It is also how Hitler rose to power (read book Hitler’s Willing Executioners). And let’s not forget the role of ‘popular vote’ in ‘legalizing’ the ownership of human beings. True freedom starts by unfettering the mind from the seductive lure of group think. When citizens agree that elected officials can break the law because a majority agrees, we no longer rule ourselves by law. We are ruled by opinion of a majority.

pilot3 March 9, 2013 at 12:22 am

There has never been a sheriff in Laurens county that has been honest in the past 30 years. Moore was incompetent.

ReturnToEthics March 8, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Chastain admitted to bribing his girlfriend’s family $14,000 to coverup his scandalous behavior. They even showed the check on WSPA tv news.
Personally, I think that some cash may have flowed between him and some of the county council members to keep this from being investigated by another law enforcement agency.
Why are they all so determined not to ask SLED to come in and find out what really went on?
Could it be that they DO NOT want the truth to come out?
What else can it be?

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:15 pm

According to DAP above, it’s Councilman McDaniel…

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 1:10 am

You are so right on. I have documented verification that some members of the Council work very hard to hide the truth behind PUBLIC FRAUD and misrepresentation. And the County Attorney misuses the law perpetuates PUBLIC FRAUD (this is a crime, I’ve been saying this for years, if it’s not true i should be sued for slander. But truth is an absolute defense and I’d LOVE any if them to try it so we can have a nice big fat public trial to bring all this out – AGAIN) to protect their corruption. The County Attorney hired himself to represent both the County, and the Clinton Economic Development agency (he’s already on staff of both), He paid himself, to do title work, and be escrow agent for the City and County to buy ‘public’ property for PC’s use, with monies the CA told told the Treasurer of Presbyterian College to secretly funnel into the CA’s bank account through the Clinton City Manager. PC took out an ‘Education Act Bond to fund their secret ownership or bribe of the purchase of public property. WAY WAY ILLEGAL. The City Manager coincidentally, left the state. Wonder if this state’s lack of criminal statutes can bring him back? This is just the tip of the iceburg for these crooks. But because they have the expert help of an attorney who is protected by the Attorney General and the governor’s incompetent leadership, they routinely get away with it. Yah, and I”m the wacko. How dare I require public servants follow the law. According to one person who posted, I have to just go along because these people got voted in. County Attorney’s corruption documents, emails, AG’s refusal to review my report to him, on my website

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:26 pm Reply
ReturnToEthics March 8, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Chastain admitted to bribing his girlfriend’s family $14,000 to coverup his scandalous behavior. They even showed the check on WSPA tv news.
Personally, I think that some cash may have flowed between him and some of the county council members to keep this from being investigated by another law enforcement agency.
Why are they all so determined not to ask SLED to come in and find out what really went on?
Could it be that they DO NOT want the truth to come out?
What else can it be?

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:15 pm

According to DAP above, it’s Councilman McDaniel…

katlaurenscounty March 9, 2013 at 1:10 am

You are so right on. I have documented verification that some members of the Council work very hard to hide the truth behind PUBLIC FRAUD and misrepresentation. And the County Attorney misuses the law perpetuates PUBLIC FRAUD (this is a crime, I’ve been saying this for years, if it’s not true i should be sued for slander. But truth is an absolute defense and I’d LOVE any if them to try it so we can have a nice big fat public trial to bring all this out – AGAIN) to protect their corruption. The County Attorney hired himself to represent both the County, and the Clinton Economic Development agency (he’s already on staff of both), He paid himself, to do title work, and be escrow agent for the City and County to buy ‘public’ property for PC’s use, with monies the CA told told the Treasurer of Presbyterian College to secretly funnel into the CA’s bank account through the Clinton City Manager. PC took out an ‘Education Act Bond to fund their secret ownership or bribe of the purchase of public property. WAY WAY ILLEGAL. The City Manager coincidentally, left the state. Wonder if this state’s lack of criminal statutes can bring him back? This is just the tip of the iceburg for these crooks. But because they have the expert help of an attorney who is protected by the Attorney General and the governor’s incompetent leadership, they routinely get away with it. Yah, and I”m the wacko. How dare I require public servants follow the law. According to one person who posted, I have to just go along because these people got voted in. County Attorney’s corruption documents, emails, AG’s refusal to review my report to him, on my website

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:26 pm Reply
katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Laurens County Administrator is being investigated by SLED. Here are the emails from SLED.

SLED doesn’t investigate unless local gov makes complaint. This ‘anonymous’ stuff won’t do squat. County Council and Sheriff enjoy quid pro quo.

The only way I got SLED to investigate the County Administrator was write up a detailed complaint.

katlaurenscounty March 8, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Laurens County Administrator is being investigated by SLED. Here are the emails from SLED.

SLED doesn’t investigate unless local gov makes complaint. This ‘anonymous’ stuff won’t do squat. County Council and Sheriff enjoy quid pro quo.

The only way I got SLED to investigate the County Administrator was write up a detailed complaint.

DAP March 8, 2013 at 3:08 pm

Ed McDaniel was banging the same girl earlier, but he must have used rubbers. Ricky — not as smart.

doggy10 March 8, 2013 at 10:14 pm

So DAP, both the sheriff and a councilman was doing the same girl?

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:14 pm

And the LC soap opera unfolds… Also, who’s dumb enough not to use a condom these days. Oh, yeah, Ricky Chastain.

DAP March 8, 2013 at 3:08 pm

Ed McDaniel was banging the same girl earlier, but he must have used rubbers. Ricky — not as smart.

doggy10 March 8, 2013 at 10:14 pm

So DAP, both the sheriff and a councilman was doing the same girl?

Please March 8, 2013 at 11:14 pm

And the LC soap opera unfolds… Also, who’s dumb enough not to use a condom these days. Oh, yeah, Ricky Chastain.

Peace March 8, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Wow, this amazing guy might have committed fraud? Shocking!!!

Peace March 8, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Wow, this amazing guy might have committed fraud? Shocking!!!

Hugh March 8, 2013 at 8:24 pm

Ricky should have just cum in her mouth, but then that brings up the question whether she would have swallowed. Really infuriates me when dames don’t swallow but spoil everything by stopping and spitting out. That’s it, that dame had it coming to her.

Hugh March 8, 2013 at 8:24 pm

Ricky should have just cum in her mouth, but then that brings up the question whether she would have swallowed. Really infuriates me when dames don’t swallow but spoil everything by stopping and spitting out. That’s it, that dame had it coming to her.

9" March 9, 2013 at 12:55 am

can he he stick his tongue far enough up my asshole so it vigorously stimulates my prostate and makes me cum?

9" March 9, 2013 at 12:55 am

can he he stick his tongue far enough up my asshole so it vigorously stimulates my prostate and makes me cum?

The People Are Coming March 9, 2013 at 5:36 pm

Just like Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon, who also violated both criminal statutes and civil rights statutes. If he is not punished for his crimes, then those responsible for handing down punishment and ejection from office must be thrown under the bus with him. It is imperative that all of this widespread out of control corruption in SC must come to an end. Even if force is necessary to stop it. Nobody is above the law. But plenty in law certainly operate above it. And to those I say, your days are numbered. You will be sent to prison.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 4:35 pm

I hope you’re right. But if past history is the best predictor of future performance, nothing will happen until all politicians are completely beyond our reach. Most citizens aren’t willing to take any risk to hold specific servants accountable. FITS doesn’t report on individual activities, so the works of citizens like that one fellow who got the City Administrator charged with assault for trying to bully him out of FOIA, aren’t very evident. Because we rely on servants to help with other servants, we don’t know how to do anything on our own anymore. We won’t be able to win by physical revolution this time. Politicians control massively superior weapon strength, they possess all tactical advantages, and they control all energy, communication, and other infrastructure. We can’t win when so many people irresponsibly cling to the fallacy of ‘majority rule’ by which we blithely let officials rule us with popular opinion instead of reasoned respect for law.

The People Are Coming March 9, 2013 at 5:36 pm

Just like Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon, who also violated both criminal statutes and civil rights statutes. If he is not punished for his crimes, then those responsible for handing down punishment and ejection from office must be thrown under the bus with him. It is imperative that all of this widespread out of control corruption in SC must come to an end. Even if force is necessary to stop it. Nobody is above the law. But plenty in law certainly operate above it. And to those I say, your days are numbered. You will be sent to prison.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 4:35 pm

I hope you’re right. But if past history is the best predictor of future performance, nothing will happen until all politicians are completely beyond our reach. Most citizens aren’t willing to take any risk to hold specific servants accountable. FITS doesn’t report on individual activities, so the works of citizens like that one fellow who got the City Administrator charged with assault for trying to bully him out of FOIA, aren’t very evident. Because we rely on servants to help with other servants, we don’t know how to do anything on our own anymore. We won’t be able to win by physical revolution this time. Politicians control massively superior weapon strength, they possess all tactical advantages, and they control all energy, communication, and other infrastructure. We can’t win when so many people irresponsibly cling to the fallacy of ‘majority rule’ by which we blithely let officials rule us with popular opinion instead of reasoned respect for law.

jaddodd March 10, 2013 at 8:36 am

Wow, this blog is nothing but foul mouth and disrespectful. Sad the way some people express themselves.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Not all of us. Disrespectful is a positive tool when directed to politicians who forget they are servants. Foul language…eh…in public forums like this, is hostile and not neccessary as a matter of routine, should be reserved for those particular instances where the additional drama/emphasis is suitable. As grown ups, none of our ears will burn and the use of cursing for certain emphasis has been written about by real professional journalists. Although, having spent a career in the military/aerospace complex, it a commonplace expression of ‘toughness’ I admit I resort to myself sometimes when the drama of cursing isn’t called for.

jaddodd March 10, 2013 at 8:36 am

Wow, this blog is nothing but foul mouth and disrespectful. Sad the way some people express themselves.

katlaurenscounty March 10, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Not all of us. Disrespectful is a positive tool when directed to politicians who forget they are servants. Foul language…eh…in public forums like this, is hostile and not neccessary as a matter of routine, should be reserved for those particular instances where the additional drama/emphasis is suitable. As grown ups, none of our ears will burn and the use of cursing for certain emphasis has been written about by real professional journalists. Although, having spent a career in the military/aerospace complex, it a commonplace expression of ‘toughness’ I admit I resort to myself sometimes when the drama of cursing isn’t called for.

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Sheriff Chastity?

Sheriff Cha-stain?

Comrade1917 March 10, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Sheriff Chastity?

Sheriff Cha-stain?

shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 11:37 pm





shifty henry March 10, 2013 at 11:37 pm





SC Patriot Girl March 11, 2013 at 11:35 am

Laurens Co. GOP actually called for Chastain’s resignation when this story originally broke, which he refused to do. Later, LCGOP passed a resolution with a plan to vet candidates running on the R ticket and require them to sign a statement that they had read the state Republican Party Platform and were in agreement with it. FITS, along with other news outlets that did shoddy research and printed out-right lies, twisted this SIMPLE thing into a fake “purity pledge.” LCGOP ended up slammed nationally and was made a laughingstock, thanks to FITS and other crappy news sources that seem incapable of doing thorough research and are committed to printing truth.

SC Patriot Girl March 11, 2013 at 11:35 am

Laurens Co. GOP actually called for Chastain’s resignation when this story originally broke, which he refused to do. Later, LCGOP passed a resolution with a plan to vet candidates running on the R ticket and require them to sign a statement that they had read the state Republican Party Platform and were in agreement with it. FITS, along with other news outlets that did shoddy research and printed out-right lies, twisted this SIMPLE thing into a fake “purity pledge.” LCGOP ended up slammed nationally and was made a laughingstock, thanks to FITS and other crappy news sources that seem incapable of doing thorough research and are committed to printing truth.

JustTheTruth! March 11, 2013 at 1:23 pm

I hope that SLED also investigates the City of Laurens. Looks like to me that the only people that get contracts around the public square or recreation departments are the mayor’s immediate family members.
How does the mayor get by with this?

JustTheTruth! March 11, 2013 at 1:23 pm

I hope that SLED also investigates the City of Laurens. Looks like to me that the only people that get contracts around the public square or recreation departments are the mayor’s immediate family members.
How does the mayor get by with this?


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