About Mark Sanford’s Signs …

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford has a reputation for frugality … unless of course you count that time he scheduled an “economic development” mission to South America for the sole purpose of knockin’ boots with his then-mistress (now fiance) Maria Belen Chapur. Sanford repaid taxpayers for some of the costs…

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford has a reputation for frugality … unless of course you count that time he scheduled an “economic development” mission to South America for the sole purpose of knockin’ boots with his then-mistress (now fiance) Maria Belen Chapur.

Sanford repaid taxpayers for some of the costs associated with that trip, but …

Anyway, when it comes to his own money, Sanford is a very tan version of Ebenezer Scrooge … which is why during his 2002 gubernatorial campaign staffers were forced to use both sides of Post-It notes (true story).

Sanford’s latest adventure in frugality? Sheathing plywood signs with black spray paint bearing witness to his “fiscal conservatism.”

We were provided with a picture of one of these signs on our Twitter page last week but didn’t take much notice of it because we assumed it was a random act of political graffiti. Apparently not …

A Sanford spokesman confirmed to FITS this week that the former governor’s campaign is behind the signs – using volunteers to paint and distribute them.

Hmmmm …

Standard 4X8 political road signs cost about $17 per unit – while a 4X8 piece of sheathing plywood runs about $13, according to the latest prices at Lowe’s. Sanford gets two signs for the price of one, though, as most of his signs are of the 4X4 variety. The former governor is saving additional money by reusing signposts he kept after his 2002 and 2006 gubernatorial campaigns.

Typically congressional campaigns purchase between 250-300 signs of this size each election.


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You know me February 27, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Mark needs to divulge details of the China trip, get things buzzing, and win because everybody is talking about him..

Carrie February 27, 2013 at 1:12 pm

He also needs to divulge details about his mistress, oops I mean his fiancee. Who were her parents, why did she or her ex-husband get a divorce when she was only 35 years old, how did her family or she become very wealthy, etc? We know everything about Jenny and she hid nothing. Is MBC hiding something or is this Mark’s idea of keeping her very mysterious? If she is going to be a wife of an American Congressman Mark better come forward and tell us more about her before the election. It may be a factor in helping the voters who to choose.

devil in the details February 27, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Very good points, since we know his allegiances have wandered in the past. Also, He should be clear about whether he is an Argentinian land owner and how much of his time will be spent every year in Argentina. Afterall, he is supposed to be representing a SC constituency (if he were to win.)

pilot man February 27, 2013 at 1:48 pm

Like a first-class mile high blow job?

You know me February 27, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Mark needs to divulge details of the China trip, get things buzzing, and win because everybody is talking about him..

Carrie February 27, 2013 at 1:12 pm

He also needs to divulge details about his mistress, oops I mean his fiancee. Who were her parents, why did she or her ex-husband get a divorce when she was only 35 years old, how did her family or she become very wealthy, etc? We know everything about Jenny and she hid nothing. Is MBC hiding something or is this Mark’s idea of keeping her very mysterious? If she is going to be a wife of an American Congressman Mark better come forward and tell us more about her before the election. It may be a factor in helping the voters who to choose.

devil in the details February 27, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Very good points, since we know his allegiances have wandered in the past. Also, He should be clear about whether he is an Argentinian land owner and how much of his time will be spent every year in Argentina. Afterall, he is supposed to be representing a SC constituency (if he were to win.)

pilot man February 27, 2013 at 1:48 pm

Like a first-class mile high blow job?

Tank February 27, 2013 at 12:28 pm

I would love to see one of his opponents make some campaign ads of MSNBC-era Keith Olbermann reading the love letters Marky Mark wrote to his beloved Maria.

Tank February 27, 2013 at 12:28 pm

I would love to see one of his opponents make some campaign ads of MSNBC-era Keith Olbermann reading the love letters Marky Mark wrote to his beloved Maria.

Does it play? February 27, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Looks like he recruited his sons to paint the signs. Hope he is paying them out of his million dollar war chest thereby returning some of the money to Sullivan blood. Could be he thinks it is a nuance-y move reminding voters of what he thinks they think he stands for…. If he is re-using old campaign signs, it must be making room in his garage for all Chapur’s stuff.

Does it play? February 27, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Looks like he recruited his sons to paint the signs. Hope he is paying them out of his million dollar war chest thereby returning some of the money to Sullivan blood. Could be he thinks it is a nuance-y move reminding voters of what he thinks they think he stands for…. If he is re-using old campaign signs, it must be making room in his garage for all Chapur’s stuff.

Gina February 27, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Being frugal is one thing, but it didn’t seem to bother him spending the taxpayers dollars to hang out with his mistress in Argentina. Only after it was publicized, did he volunteer to repay his expenses.

do as he sez not as he duz February 27, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Exactly right. Hope the voters remember that big little detail.

Gina February 27, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Being frugal is one thing, but it didn’t seem to bother him spending the taxpayers dollars to hang out with his mistress in Argentina. Only after it was publicized, did he volunteer to repay his expenses.

do as he sez not as he duz February 27, 2013 at 1:22 pm

Exactly right. Hope the voters remember that big little detail.

Mark Stump Jeffcoat February 27, 2013 at 1:15 pm

Saw one of the spray painted Sanford signs in Summerville Sunday afternoon.

Mark J February 27, 2013 at 1:15 pm

Saw one of the spray painted Sanford signs in Summerville Sunday afternoon.

jimlewisowb February 27, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Not a bad move.

Perhaps he can take it a step further and after the election is over donate all the plywood to Habitat for Humanity.

Even used weathered plywood has some uses.

jimlewisowb February 27, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Not a bad move.

Perhaps he can take it a step further and after the election is over donate all the plywood to Habitat for Humanity.

Even used weathered plywood has some uses.

tacky signs February 27, 2013 at 3:06 pm

I think he should be fined for littering the roads,they’re awful.Sanford is a liar and a hypocrite,why should he be rewarded? He’s used God so much, I’m amazed that instead of signs he doesn’t have crosses with images of himself on the cross.

tacky signs February 27, 2013 at 3:06 pm

I think he should be fined for littering the roads,they’re awful.Sanford is a liar and a hypocrite,why should he be rewarded? He’s used God so much, I’m amazed that instead of signs he doesn’t have crosses with images of himself on the cross.

truth and consequences February 27, 2013 at 3:31 pm

Speaking of ‘elitist,bigoted liberals’.Who in the heck is running the media gig for the radical liberal, Elizabeth Colbert Busch? Someone alledging to be playing that role or something like it has a Facebook page loaded with profanity,bigoted comments and personal attacks against possible opponents and others.Classless however what would you expect from ‘elitist,bigoted liberals’ ? She certainly does not appear to be a ‘fit’ for this district or state.

Get real March 1, 2013 at 2:47 am

Wow, talk about desperate. Do honestly think anyone cares about a little profanity on a staffers FB profile? If this is the best you’ve got then District 1 is going to the Democrats.

truth and consequences February 27, 2013 at 3:31 pm

Speaking of ‘elitist,bigoted liberals’.Who in the heck is running the media gig for the radical liberal, Elizabeth Colbert Busch? Someone alledging to be playing that role or something like it has a Facebook page loaded with profanity,bigoted comments and personal attacks against possible opponents and others.Classless however what would you expect from ‘elitist,bigoted liberals’ ? She certainly does not appear to be a ‘fit’ for this district or state.

Get real March 1, 2013 at 2:47 am

Wow, talk about desperate. Do honestly think anyone cares about a little profanity on a staffers FB profile? If this is the best you’ve got then District 1 is going to the Democrats.

BinxBolling February 28, 2013 at 9:05 am

I’m not a Sanford fan, but that’s a pretty good idea. Of course, it also makes it very easy to make some spoof signs…

Off to Lowe’s I go. Any ideas? I’m thinking Appalachian Trail markers, maybe something about tourism in Argentina.

BinxBolling February 28, 2013 at 9:05 am

I’m not a Sanford fan, but that’s a pretty good idea. Of course, it also makes it very easy to make some spoof signs…

Off to Lowe’s I go. Any ideas? I’m thinking Appalachian Trail markers, maybe something about tourism in Argentina.

PoopCorn February 28, 2013 at 11:16 am

Sorry, but “I got a guy” who can make the plastic bandit signs much cheaper and I finally fired him (ornery old bastard he was) when I found a better source on the web. Lazy fuckers these guys are – just try hauling a stack of those OSB boards around in your car for a day at 3.69 per gallon. They should spend five minutes on the web and key on free shipping. He reminds me of the video poker baron who drives around in a civic but keeps the Mercedes in the hangar with the private Bell and only drives it when he goes to Florida. Or the time Sanfraud handed out $1 bills at Wal-Mart on Mt. Pleasant when running for Congress. At least he can repaint them to read Boiled Peanuts after he loses.

PoopCorn February 28, 2013 at 11:16 am

Sorry, but “I got a guy” who can make the plastic bandit signs much cheaper and I finally fired him (ornery old bastard he was) when I found a better source on the web. Lazy fuckers these guys are – just try hauling a stack of those OSB boards around in your car for a day at 3.69 per gallon. They should spend five minutes on the web and key on free shipping. He reminds me of the video poker baron who drives around in a civic but keeps the Mercedes in the hangar with the private Bell and only drives it when he goes to Florida. Or the time Sanfraud handed out $1 bills at Wal-Mart on Mt. Pleasant when running for Congress. At least he can repaint them to read Boiled Peanuts after he loses.

lowcorider February 28, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Tonight on Hee Haw, Mark joins Buck, Roy, and the crew for a raucous rendition of all those great Argentinian country classics. Heee Haaawwww.

Lowcorider February 28, 2013 at 4:36 pm

Tonight on Hee Haw, Mark joins Buck, Roy, and the crew for a raucous rendition of all those great Argentinian country classics. Heee Haaawwww.

upstate islander February 28, 2013 at 5:20 pm

They look like a Chick-Fil-A knock off

upstate islander February 28, 2013 at 5:20 pm

They look like a Chick-Fil-A knock off

hack February 28, 2013 at 7:08 pm

Gets the point across. Not a bad marketing move either. I like Sanford for the sole fact that everyone else hates him, including the State government.

hack February 28, 2013 at 7:08 pm

Gets the point across. Not a bad marketing move either. I like Sanford for the sole fact that everyone else hates him, including the State government.


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