Now Hiring: Scammers!

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s vaunted “SC Works” program wants to help you find a job … In fact the government-funded placement service recently forwarded one of our sources an invitation to apply for the position of “Agent Mgr” with an as-yet-unidentified entity. “Our agent managers are required to have dependable…

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s vaunted “SC Works” program wants to help you find a job …

In fact the government-funded placement service recently forwarded one of our sources an invitation to apply for the position of “Agent Mgr” with an as-yet-unidentified entity.

“Our agent managers are required to have dependable transportation and a strong work ethic,” the invitation states. “They must be experienced managers and be motivated self starters with a strong desire to succeed. We supply the training and tools needed to make this opportunity a reality. Your hours are somewhat flexible but the opportunity requires a full time commitment.”

Ok … so what’s the product?

Government-subsidized cell phones for the poor, naturally …

Or according to the invitation, “the distribution of a Govt. Cell Phone program.”

“Our work is primarily conducted in low income areas and is a combination of both inside and outside work with the majority being outside,” the invitation states. “We utilize corporate tents, table skirts, signage etc.”

And not surprisingly, the invitation expects applicants to be “very ‘hands on’ with the distribution of the phones.”

Awesome, right? And yeah, the job is straight commission with “Agent Mgrs” getting paid “according to the results you produce.”

As we noted in our original story addressing these free phones, wireless providers are “engaging in all sorts of nefarious schemes aimed at padding enrollment.”

Now you can be a part of that!

“It’s a great day in South Carolina,” people … to breed dependency.


(Banner via)

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2big2fall February 22, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Speaking of dependency, Will…maybe you can enlighten your readers as to how dependent you are on funding from sources such as Howard Rich (or others of that ilk).

You sure as hell aren’t supporting yourself with the pittance you receive in advertising.

Any day that Will Folks can kick the least among us is “a great day in South Carolina.”

I would rather see my tax dollars “wasted” on doing something… anything…to make the lives of those in poverty a little bit better… than to see drones filling the air over Pakistan (and God knows where else)….killing innocents to get one CIA manufactured “terrorist.”

What the hell do you do in your spare time? Go to grocery stores and harangue anybody you see whipping out a Food Stamp debit card? Have you ever spent time at a homeless shelter actually listening to someone? Try it sometime. It would do you a world of good to experience a little humility and connection to those who are less fortunate…

Jay February 22, 2013 at 3:02 pm

Why would you want to see your tax dollars wasted?

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 4:07 pm

Note the word “wasted” was in quotes. In the contest of what I wrote it is indicative of sarcasm. So many people nit pick every little bit of generosity towards the poor while ignoring the much, much greater scandal around say…GE filing a 57,000 page tax return in 2010 in which they not only paid zero taxes on $14 billion in reported income but got a $3.2 billion tax credit as well.

But, then again, that’s way too complicated for the average tea-bagger to comprehend. It is so much easier to stand in line at the grocery store and mumble angrily about some poor single mom who pays for her groceries with food stamps. Who knows? Maybe she works minimum wage at Wal-Mart and the management encourages her to apply for govt. assistance because they refuse to pay her a living wage.

lowcorider February 22, 2013 at 3:52 pm

Or drones over Columbia.

2big2fall February 22, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Speaking of dependency, Will…maybe you can enlighten your readers as to how dependent you are on funding from sources such as Howard Rich (or others of that ilk).

You sure as hell aren’t supporting yourself with the pittance you receive in advertising.

Any day that Will Folks can kick the least among us is “a great day in South Carolina.”

I would rather see my tax dollars “wasted” on doing something… anything…to make the lives of those in poverty a little bit better… than to see drones filling the air over Pakistan (and God knows where else)….killing innocents to get one CIA manufactured “terrorist.”

What the hell do you do in your spare time? Go to grocery stores and harangue anybody you see whipping out a Food Stamp debit card? Have you ever spent time at a homeless shelter actually listening to someone? Try it sometime. It would do you a world of good to experience a little humility and connection to those who are less fortunate…

Jay February 22, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Why would you want to see your tax dollars wasted?

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Note the word “wasted” was in quotes. In the contest of what I wrote it is indicative of sarcasm. So many people nit pick every little bit of generosity towards the poor while ignoring the much, much greater scandal around say…GE filing a 57,000 page tax return in 2010 in which they not only paid zero taxes on $14 billion in reported income but got a $3.2 billion tax credit as well.

But, then again, that’s way too complicated for the average tea-bagger to comprehend. It is so much easier to stand in line at the grocery store and mumble angrily about some poor single mom who pays for her groceries with food stamps. Who knows? Maybe she works minimum wage at Wal-Mart and the management encourages her to apply for govt. assistance because they refuse to pay her a living wage.

Lowcorider February 22, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Or drones over Columbia.

Tyrone Butternuts February 22, 2013 at 1:53 pm

Republicans, who claim to be Christians, love to kick the poor in the ass but do nothing about the filthy rich who store their money in offshore accounts and use every maneuver in the tax code to avoid paying taxes. This makes the poor “moochers” but makes the rich “clever” and “smart.”

Jay February 22, 2013 at 3:08 pm

How does calling out a program being looted by entitlement grabbers constitute “kicking the poor”? Doubt Reagan could have ever imagined this program being so grossly misused and abused when he originally signed off on it. I only have one phone, why do other people need 3 or 4? I say we develop a one button phone that dials emergency services. No camera, no text, no interwebs… just emergency services. If someone needs other features, let them upgrade for $15 a month (something already being offered if you’d rather have unlimited talk, text, data, internet, etc). Otherwise, let them save for a $9.99 pre paid phone. Someone please direct me to the Bureau of Kumbaya so that I may obtain some of these warm and fuzzy feelings I’m supposed to be experiencing from paying someone elses way in life.

nitrat February 22, 2013 at 6:46 pm

yeah, just like he never knew what Ollie was doing selling those weapons to Iran and sending the Money to fight the Sandanistas.

Jay February 22, 2013 at 3:14 pm

I love these retard fake names people on here use.

Charlemagne, King of France February 22, 2013 at 4:50 pm

Im going to make a new account and call it “retard fake name”

Jennifer Levine February 22, 2013 at 3:26 pm

I agree with Tyrone. It would be nice to see an article on corporate dependency and tax breaks/loopholes for the rich on here sometime. But that’s not going to happen, because it doesn’t fit the narrative of “Free Markets make the best decisions.” Yeah. “Free” markets are controlled by the wealthy and used to their own advantage. To see that, you’ll need to get your head out of your ass, FITS.

? February 22, 2013 at 3:58 pm

“”Free” markets are controlled by the wealthy and used to their own advantage.”

I don’t entirely disagree with you Jennifer, but you must understand those markets are not free obviously. The question that strikes to the heart of the matter is how the wealthy leverage said wealth to control markets, people, etc.

That, IMHO, is because they use their money to control gov’t, which has a monopoly on all sorts of things- and pull its levers to benefit themselves disproportionately.

Jennifer Levine February 22, 2013 at 5:04 pm

I don’t misunderstand. I used “free” in quotation marks and discussed how they were controlled. I know they’re not free. That’s why I said, “‘Free’ markets are controlled by the wealthy and used to their own advantage.”

The American economy is a mixed market system with plenty of regulations.

We agree that “they use their money to control gov’t, which has a monopoly on all sorts of things- and pull its levers to benefit themselves disproportionately.”

A result of that lever pulling is tax loopholes for the ultra-rich while the regular people pay up. Additionally, they control non-govt. related aspects of the market as well through disproportionate wealth. The venture capitalism of Bain is an example.

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 4:19 pm


After a week of reading the predictable dreck on this site and laughing at Will’s oh-so-obvious alter ego BigT, I can’t wait for Friday evening to roll around so I can tune in to ETV and enjoy a spirit-lifting, mind- building hour with Bill Moyers…a man whose agenda includes only truth, justice for all, and exceptionally fine journalism.

Tyrone Butternuts February 22, 2013 at 12:53 pm

Republicans, who claim to be Christians, love to kick the poor in the ass but do nothing about the filthy rich who store their money in offshore accounts and use every maneuver in the tax code to avoid paying taxes. This makes the poor “moochers” but makes the rich “clever” and “smart.”

Jay February 22, 2013 at 2:08 pm

How does calling out a program being looted by entitlement grabbers constitute “kicking the poor”? Doubt Reagan could have ever imagined this program being so grossly misused and abused when he originally signed off on it. I only have one phone, why do other people need 3 or 4? I say we develop a one button phone that dials emergency services. No camera, no text, no interwebs… just emergency services. If someone needs other features, let them upgrade for $15 a month (something already being offered if you’d rather have unlimited talk, text, data, internet, etc). Otherwise, let them save for a $9.99 pre paid phone. Someone please direct me to the Bureau of Kumbaya so that I may obtain some of these warm and fuzzy feelings I’m supposed to be experiencing from paying someone elses way in life.

nitrat February 22, 2013 at 5:46 pm

yeah, just like he never knew what Ollie was doing selling those weapons to Iran and sending the Money to fight the Sandanistas.

Jay February 22, 2013 at 2:14 pm

I love these retard fake names people on here use.

Charlemagne, King of France February 22, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Im going to make a new account and call it “retard fake name”

Jennifer Levine February 22, 2013 at 2:26 pm

I agree with Tyrone. It would be nice to see an article on corporate dependency and tax breaks/loopholes for the rich on here sometime. But that’s not going to happen, because it doesn’t fit the narrative of “Free Markets make the best decisions.” Yeah. “Free” markets are controlled by the wealthy and used to their own advantage. To see that, you’ll need to get your head out of your ass, FITS.

? February 22, 2013 at 2:58 pm

“”Free” markets are controlled by the wealthy and used to their own advantage.”

I don’t entirely disagree with you Jennifer, but you must understand those markets are not free obviously. The question that strikes to the heart of the matter is how the wealthy leverage said wealth to control markets, people, etc.

That, IMHO, is because they use their money to control gov’t, which has a monopoly on all sorts of things- and pull its levers to benefit themselves disproportionately.

Jennifer Levine February 22, 2013 at 4:04 pm

I don’t misunderstand. I used “free” in quotation marks and discussed how they were controlled. I know they’re not free. That’s why I said, “‘Free’ markets are controlled by the wealthy and used to their own advantage.”

The American economy is a mixed market system with plenty of regulations.

We agree that “they use their money to control gov’t, which has a monopoly on all sorts of things- and pull its levers to benefit themselves disproportionately.”

A result of that lever pulling is tax loopholes for the ultra-rich while the regular people pay up. Additionally, they control non-govt. related aspects of the market as well through disproportionate wealth. The venture capitalism of Bain is an example.

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 3:19 pm


After a week of reading the predictable dreck on this site and laughing at Will’s oh-so-obvious alter ego BigT, I can’t wait for Friday evening to roll around so I can tune in to ETV and enjoy a spirit-lifting, mind- building hour with Bill Moyers…a man whose agenda includes only truth, justice for all, and exceptionally fine journalism.

stickler February 22, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Great news! Now we can call them “Nikki-phones” instead of “Obamaphones,” right?

Smirks February 22, 2013 at 4:23 pm

Nikki-phones come with an automatic email deletion feature, zero encryption for super fast speeds, a secret contacts feature for those occasional meetings in the SUV at an abandoned parking lot, a calculator function for those extra hard “accounting” issues, and an “It’s a great day in South Carolina!” ringtone. Passwords are not yet supported.

tomstickler February 22, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Great news! Now we can call them “Nikki-phones” instead of “Obamaphones,” right?

Smirks February 22, 2013 at 3:23 pm

Nikki-phones come with an automatic email deletion feature, zero encryption for super fast speeds, a secret contacts feature for those occasional meetings in the SUV at an abandoned parking lot, a calculator function for those extra hard “accounting” issues, and an “It’s a great day in South Carolina!” ringtone. Passwords are not yet supported.

Trolling for Comments February 22, 2013 at 3:16 pm

I see where Bloomberg is reporting that essentially 100% of bank profits came from taxpayer handouts – about .03 cents of each tax dollar. But bankers, and venture capitalists like Romney living off the gov’t it doesn’t have the same visceral appeal as Obama Phones and Welfare queens, I guess.

Jennifer Levine February 22, 2013 at 3:28 pm

Exactly. Something you will never see reported here.

? February 22, 2013 at 3:44 pm

Not necessarily true. It just depends on where you get your news. Both sides of the current paradigm like protecting their respective welfare queens. (whether it’s corporate, white or black trash, Warren Buffet, Romney, etc.)

Trolling for Comments February 22, 2013 at 2:16 pm

I see where Bloomberg is reporting that essentially 100% of bank profits came from taxpayer handouts – about .03 cents of each tax dollar. But bankers, and venture capitalists like Romney living off the gov’t it doesn’t have the same visceral appeal as Obama Phones and Welfare queens, I guess.

Jennifer Levine February 22, 2013 at 2:28 pm

Exactly. Something you will never see reported here.

? February 22, 2013 at 2:44 pm

Not necessarily true. It just depends on where you get your news. Both sides of the current paradigm like protecting their respective welfare queens. (whether it’s corporate, white or black trash, Warren Buffet, Romney, etc.)

Taxpayer1939 February 22, 2013 at 6:14 pm

FITS Don’t you know better than be crittical of those who have free phones with unlimited texting. They only fillup the page with drivel and demands for more and more and more and more. Sorry I can’t take this as far as they will go I have to pay for my phone and work to do (sorry for that four letter word WORK).

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 4:53 pm

D-O-R-K would have been a more appropriate four letter word to describe what you do.

Taxpayer1939 February 22, 2013 at 5:14 pm

FITS Don’t you know better than be crittical of those who have free phones with unlimited texting. They only fillup the page with drivel and demands for more and more and more and more. Sorry I can’t take this as far as they will go I have to pay for my phone and work to do (sorry for that four letter word WORK).

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 3:53 pm

D-O-R-K would have been a more appropriate four letter word to describe what you do.

tk February 23, 2013 at 2:42 pm

anyone care to know where the money comes from to fund this program? it isn’t pulled from our tax base. it comes from the USF (Universal Service Fund) charge that is subsidized through all open phone lines. in essence it’s a tariff that was put in place in the 1930’s. so don’t bellyache that your tax dollars are being wasted. IDIOTS!

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 4:49 pm

TK, Please do not confuse Will’s readers with the truth! It is way too painful and difficult to digest.

tk February 23, 2013 at 1:42 pm

anyone care to know where the money comes from to fund this program? it isn’t pulled from our tax base. it comes from the USF (Universal Service Fund) charge that is subsidized through all open phone lines. in essence it’s a tariff that was put in place in the 1930’s. so don’t bellyache that your tax dollars are being wasted. IDIOTS!

2big2fall February 23, 2013 at 3:49 pm

TK, Please do not confuse Will’s readers with the truth! It is way too painful and difficult to digest.


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