
Raping Us All

We’ve never understood men who get off via forced intercourse … Sure rape fantasies (with willing partners) are fun, but seriously … where’s the turn-on in having sex with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you?  Anyway, we’ve never been bra-burners here at FITS (we’re on the other…

We’ve never understood men who get off via forced intercourse …

Sure rape fantasies (with willing partners) are fun, but seriously … where’s the turn-on in having sex with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you? 

Anyway, we’ve never been bra-burners here at FITS (we’re on the other side of the No. 1 “women’s issue,” as it turns out) but it ought to be glaringly self-evident that women have an inalienable right to decide for themselves which (if any) penises are to be permitted inside of them.

Unfortunately, that is too often not the case. Studies have shown roughly one in five women experience an “attempted or completed” rape during their college years – a number which frankly astounds us. Seriously, boys … it’s called “game.” Either pick some up or go back to jerkin’ your gerkin.

Because as much as your libidos are telling you otherwise, “no means no.”

Still there are talking heads within the (cable news) marketplace of ideas who would have you believe rape on college campuses is a non-issue – talking heads like Fox News’ host Bob Beckel.

“When’s the last time you heard about rape on a college campus?” Beckel asked during a recent episode of some talk show called “The Five.”

Take a look …

(Click to play)

Ummmm … what?

Here in South Carolina, the answer to Beckel’s question is simple: “Two days ago.”

Take a look …

rape alert

Yeah …

In fact there’s been a recent wave of violence on the USC campus – including several assaults targeting women.

“It’s bullshit,” one female USC student told us. “I’m not safe. I don’t feel comfortable even going to the library at night.”

This is exactly why there should be no restrictions whatsoever on the right of American citizens to carry concealed weapons wherever they want – including (and especially) on college campuses. And especially young women.

After all the best rapist is a dead rapist … and the more dead rapists, the less raping we’re likely to see.

More to the point, if government wants to continue eroding the right of its citizens to protect themselves from criminal sexual assaults like the one which took place this week on the USC campus, then it’s up to the citizens to take that right into their own hands. Literally.

Otherwise, we’re all getting raped ..


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Robert February 21, 2013 at 10:18 am

That show is one of the worst on Fox (other than getting to look at Bush’s hot ex press gal). Just dumb discussions all the time.

shifty henry February 21, 2013 at 10:18 am

There is an important distinction between rape and seduction – it’s called salesmanship.

Robert February 21, 2013 at 9:18 am

That show is one of the worst on Fox (other than getting to look at Bush’s hot ex press gal). Just dumb discussions all the time.

shifty henry February 21, 2013 at 9:18 am

There is an important distinction between rape and seduction – it’s called salesmanship.

RHood2 February 21, 2013 at 10:52 am

Not really in his defense, but campus police all over the country, including USC, do their best to hide info on campus rapes.

RHood2 February 21, 2013 at 9:52 am

Not really in his defense, but campus police all over the country, including USC, do their best to hide info on campus rapes.

vicupstate February 21, 2013 at 10:57 am

Is it okay for a certified mental case to get a gun and take it on campus at a private all girl school. Where has the coverage been on that FIts?

sid February 22, 2013 at 10:08 am

Um, no. That was an easy one. Got any other questions?

I believe there are efforts to address the problem exposed by the incident to which you refer.

Of course, what stories FITS chooses to cover are up to FITS, but I believe there is a process for suggesting stories. Did you bother to submit a suggestion?

Drew February 22, 2013 at 4:18 pm

Shitstain Sid speaks!

sid February 23, 2013 at 12:43 am

This is actually writing, Drew. I know you’re not very bright, but I would have thought you could at least tell the difference between speaking and writing. Perhaps if you spent more time on educating yourself, and less on stalking me, you might get somewhere in life. But I doubt it.

drew February 23, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Um. Shitstain Sid speaks on rape. Think he will try to pick up on Sarah again?

Ckull February 23, 2013 at 8:24 pm

I’d ratjer have sex with myself. That dude is creepy!!!!!

Ckull February 23, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Sid…time to go blow your momma…with a handgun. You are shit.

sid February 23, 2013 at 10:15 pm

I’m gonna bet you are an expert in that area.

Kronecker February 24, 2013 at 12:30 pm

Am I missing something Sid, or are you just attacking any and everyone nowadays? This comment is way overboard. Is there a reason you behave this way?

sid February 24, 2013 at 3:58 pm

Yes, it would appear you are missing a great deal. But that’s to be expected with you. I commented on the story, and comments based on the story. You and those like you have nothing substantive to offer, so you turn your attention to me. That’s been your MO for some time. Sad, but I like the fact that you are always thinking of me. I’d encourage you to try to get over me, but it seems to bring you much joy. Who am I to discourage you from experiencing joy?

Kronecker February 24, 2013 at 7:40 pm

Dude, ditch the Aspergers and take a hint, will ya?

sid February 24, 2013 at 9:54 pm

What’s the hint? And why are you so lacking in anything even remotely resembling originality? Can’t you think up your own insults? I guess not.

So, are you going to comment on the story, or any of the comments related to the story, or do you just come here because of your fascination with me? Such a sad little man (?) you are.

Kronecker February 25, 2013 at 2:07 pm

Sid….I’m trying to help you….but it seems that I have failed. Do as you will.

sid February 25, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Failure is likely something with which you are very familiar.

If you are trying to help, then you should be able to explain your posts. Who is it you think I was “attacking”? What comment did you consider “way overboard”? And why are you focusing your limited attantion on me, rather than the story and the comments on the story?

My comments had been focused on comments regarding the story, until stalkers like you decided to comment about me. So, what is it you are really trying to accomplish?

Kronecker February 25, 2013 at 3:24 pm

To be blunt, I thought the comment that Cskull was an expert in having sex with himself was over the the top, just as your comments about failure to me above. I told you about the Cskull comment immediately after you wrote it. There is nothing nebulous about this issue.

And how the hell do you know anything about me? You’re insulting everyone, swinging wildly all over the place, and mostly missing. Then you call folks stalkers when they reply. It’s obvious why these folks don’t like you. Do as you wilt, but you get an F in conduct from me.

sid February 25, 2013 at 5:24 pm

Ahh, I see. So the comment from Ckull, which had nothing to do with anything other than taking a jab at me, was OK, but my response was not? Got it! Her/His attack was fine, but a well-placed retort from me was “way overboard”? You have a very interesting perspective.
Again, I don’t insult anyone unless they throw the first jab. You, on the other hand, just can’t get enough of poking your nose into other people’s business. Nobody was communicating with you, and you had nothing to offer regarding the article or comments about it. All you have is your fascination with little ol’ me.
I get that you are likely still smarting over a previous exchange we had, but your chastising me over how I respond to personal attacks is borderline obsessive.
But I only refer to those who stalk as stalkers, not anyone with whom I communicate. As with you, the label applies to someone who was not part of a particular discussion, but decides to vent his spleen in my direction because he doesn’t like me. That dislike is generally due to a previous encounter, where the person decided to try to insult me in some way, and I turned his tactic on him. Again, as with you.
I’m not really concerned with whatever fictional grades you choose to hand out. You are prone to tossing around insults on occasion, so you are more a hypocrite than helper
Apparently, I know quite a bit about you. I guess the failure reference hit a little close to home. Sorry.

Kronecker February 25, 2013 at 11:56 pm

You’re right. I shouldn’t worry about your issues. This conversation is pointless and now over. I wish you luck with your afflictions.

sid February 26, 2013 at 1:44 am

Of course I’m right. I always am when it comes to our exchanges. As for pointlessness, you regularly achieve that the moment you decide to share your thoughts. You would have been better served had you decided to not wade in over your head. Then again, most things appear to be over your dim little head. Toodles!

sid February 23, 2013 at 10:11 pm

Actually, this comment was about mental health, not rape. Once you are in full-blown stalker mode, your sad excuse for a brain shuts down even more than usual.

As for the female version of you, I rejected that pig a while back.

Carl Spackler February 24, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Shitstain Sid!!!

vicupstate February 21, 2013 at 9:57 am

Is it okay for a certified mental case to get a gun and take it on campus at a private all girl school. Where has the coverage been on that FIts?

sid February 22, 2013 at 9:08 am

Um, no. That was an easy one. Got any other questions?

I believe there are efforts to address the problem exposed by the incident to which you refer.

Of course, what stories FITS chooses to cover are up to FITS, but I believe there is a process for suggesting stories. Did you bother to submit a suggestion?

Drew February 22, 2013 at 3:18 pm

Shitstain Sid speaks!

sid February 22, 2013 at 11:43 pm

This is actually writing, Drew. I know you’re not very bright, but I would have thought you could at least tell the difference between speaking and writing. Perhaps if you spent more time on educating yourself, and less on stalking me, you might get somewhere in life. But I doubt it.

drew February 23, 2013 at 7:11 pm

Um. Shitstain Sid speaks on rape. Think he will try to pick up on Sarah again?

Ckull February 23, 2013 at 7:24 pm

I’d ratjer have sex with myself. That dude is creepy!!!!!

Ckull February 23, 2013 at 7:26 pm

Sid…time to go blow your momma…with a handgun. You are shit.

sid February 23, 2013 at 9:15 pm

I’m gonna bet you are an expert in that area.

Kronecker February 24, 2013 at 11:30 am

Am I missing something Sid, or are you just attacking any and everyone nowadays? This comment is way overboard. Is there a reason you behave this way?

sid February 24, 2013 at 2:58 pm

Yes, it would appear you are missing a great deal. But that’s to be expected with you. I commented on the story, and comments based on the story. You and those like you have nothing substantive to offer, so you turn your attention to me. That’s been your MO for some time. Sad, but I like the fact that you are always thinking of me. I’d encourage you to try to get over me, but it seems to bring you much joy. Who am I to discourage you from experiencing joy?

Kronecker February 24, 2013 at 6:40 pm

Dude, ditch the Aspergers and take a hint, will ya?

sid February 24, 2013 at 8:54 pm

What’s the hint? And why are you so lacking in anything even remotely resembling originality? Can’t you think up your own insults? I guess not.

So, are you going to comment on the story, or any of the comments related to the story, or do you just come here because of your fascination with me? Such a sad little man (?) you are.

Kronecker February 25, 2013 at 1:07 pm

Sid….I’m trying to help you….but it seems that I have failed. Do as you will.

sid February 25, 2013 at 1:59 pm

Failure is likely something with which you are very familiar.

If you are trying to help, then you should be able to explain your posts. Who is it you think I was “attacking”? What comment did you consider “way overboard”? And why are you focusing your limited attantion on me, rather than the story and the comments on the story?

My comments had been focused on comments regarding the story, until stalkers like you decided to comment about me. So, what is it you are really trying to accomplish?

Kronecker February 25, 2013 at 2:24 pm

To be blunt, I thought the comment that Cskull was an expert in having sex with himself was over the the top, just as your comments about failure to me above. I told you about the Cskull comment immediately after you wrote it. There is nothing nebulous about this issue.

And how the hell do you know anything about me? You’re insulting everyone, swinging wildly all over the place, and mostly missing. Then you call folks stalkers when they reply. It’s obvious why these folks don’t like you. Do as you wilt, but you get an F in conduct from me.

sid February 25, 2013 at 4:24 pm

Ahh, I see. So the comment from Ckull, which had nothing to do with anything other than taking a jab at me, was OK, but my response was not? Got it! Her/His attack was fine, but a well-placed retort from me was “way overboard”? You have a very interesting perspective.
Again, I don’t insult anyone unless they throw the first jab. You, on the other hand, just can’t get enough of poking your nose into other people’s business. Nobody was communicating with you, and you had nothing to offer regarding the article or comments about it. All you have is your fascination with little ol’ me.
I get that you are likely still smarting over a previous exchange we had, but your chastising me over how I respond to personal attacks is borderline obsessive.
But I only refer to those who stalk as stalkers, not anyone with whom I communicate. As with you, the label applies to someone who was not part of a particular discussion, but decides to vent his spleen in my direction because he doesn’t like me. That dislike is generally due to a previous encounter, where the person decided to try to insult me in some way, and I turned his tactic on him. Again, as with you.
I’m not really concerned with whatever fictional grades you choose to hand out. You are prone to tossing around insults on occasion, so you are more a hypocrite than helper
Apparently, I know quite a bit about you. I guess the failure reference hit a little close to home. Sorry.

Kronecker February 25, 2013 at 10:56 pm

You’re right. I shouldn’t worry about your issues. This conversation is pointless and now over. I wish you luck with your afflictions.

sid February 26, 2013 at 12:44 am

Of course I’m right. I always am when it comes to our exchanges. As for pointlessness, you regularly achieve that the moment you decide to share your thoughts. You would have been better served had you decided to not wade in over your head. Then again, most things appear to be over your dim little head. Toodles!

sid February 23, 2013 at 9:11 pm

Actually, this comment was about mental health, not rape. Once you are in full-blown stalker mode, your sad excuse for a brain shuts down even more than usual.

As for the female version of you, I rejected that pig a while back.

Carl Spackler February 24, 2013 at 11:09 am

Shitstain Sid!!!

misstate February 21, 2013 at 11:11 am

what about all the date rapes on college campuses every weekend???

misstate February 21, 2013 at 10:11 am

what about all the date rapes on college campuses every weekend???

rebelfac February 21, 2013 at 11:29 am

Its not just students. Check out the parking lots and dark parking houses that ” faculty without administrative responsibilities” normally use! I sometimes work late when I grade and recently walked to my car holding a pepper spray can in my hand. I have a CWP and am a female full tenured professor here – I’d like to carry on campus. I can’t protect myself very well against a 200 lbs plus guy but I know I wont miss his knee caps.

Keens February 21, 2013 at 12:48 pm

Knee caps are pretty small targets… especially when moving. You must be incredible

Tom February 22, 2013 at 4:49 pm

So, rebelfac, you’ve just given Bill, Jr. an F in your class.. This F means that Bill, Jr. will lose his Football scholarship and will be asked to leave the university. You receive an irate call from Bill, Jr., who accuses you of ruining his life , demands you change the grade, and demands a meeting. I assume from your comments you are ok with him bringing his gun to the meeting.

sid February 23, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Hypothetical arguments tend to show a sign of weakness when it comes to the real issue.

That said, the hypothetical student would have to be 21, and have gone throught the permit process. Since the vast majority of the folks who go through this process have been shown to be safe, responsible, and law-abiding, there is no reason to believe this hypothetical student would not prove to be the same, and pose no threat.

On the other hand of your hypothetical situation, let’s say no guns are allowed, and the hypothetical football player does prove to be extremely angry and violent. Should he choose to turn that violence towards the professor, what chance do you think she would have?

Tom February 25, 2013 at 5:35 pm

You know sid, every defense to reasonable gun regulation the NRA puts up is a hypothetical. What if we register our guns and the government tries to take them. What if I give up my assault weapon and a band of terrorist drug dealers invade my home? I might need more than 30 rounds in a clip to defend my home from a criminal, even though I have never been robbed in my life.

Also, if what you say is true, why doesn’t the legislature allow people to bring concealed weapons onto the floor of the House and Senate. Why can’t I bring a concealed weapon into a courtroom. Why can’t I bring a concealed weapon into federal and state office buildings. Why can’t I walk into a bank with a concealed gun?

The real issue as you put it, is whether I should be forced to trust a person with a gun even if I don’t actually trust them, and do I have the right to know if the people approaching me, or coming onto my property, or into my place of business are armed, and do I have the right to refuse to deal with people while they are armed and do I have the right to restrict who can bring guns onto my property or into my place of business.

sid February 25, 2013 at 9:11 pm

Try to stay focused on the issue we are discussing. Your premise involved whether permit holders should be allowed to carry on campus, as rebelfac discussed. If you want to obfuscate the discussion by introducing other issues, that’s your choice. But it doesn’t make your original point any more compelling.

But to play your game, permit holders should be allowed to carry virtually anywhere they want. A permit holder cannot lawfully carry into any of the areas you mentioned because the law says they can’t. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to. Certain sensitive areas may be legitimately restricted, but the laws vary on a state-by-state basis. I don’t think banks or government office buildings are particularly sensitive, and some states allow carry in them.
That said, you have the right, as a property owner, to post your property, be it a business or other property. You can restrict people trespassing, carrying firearms (even with permits), driving, what they wear, whatever your little heart desires. Nobody says you can’t.
As for forcing you to trust people you may not trust, you are forced to do so all the time. You are forced to trust other drivers with whom you share the road will obey the law, and not force you into a ditch. You are forced to trust your server won’t spit in your food. You are forceed to trust law enforcement officers won’t abuse their authority. If it’s a trust issue, you’ve got a whole lot of areas where you should be complaining.
It sounds like you just have an irrational fear of guns and gun owners. Permit holders have proven themselves to be exceptionally trustworthy and responsible. They tend to be more law-abiding than the general public. Statistically speaking, you should be less trusting of people who don’t have carry permits.

rebelfac February 21, 2013 at 10:29 am

Its not just students. Check out the parking lots and dark parking houses that ” faculty without administrative responsibilities” normally use! I sometimes work late when I grade and recently walked to my car holding a pepper spray can in my hand. I have a CWP and am a female full tenured professor here – I’d like to carry on campus. I can’t protect myself very well against a 200 lbs plus guy but I know I wont miss his knee caps.

Keens February 21, 2013 at 11:48 am

Knee caps are pretty small targets… especially when moving. You must be incredible

Tom February 22, 2013 at 3:49 pm

So, rebelfac, you’ve just given Bill, Jr. an F in your class.. This F means that Bill, Jr. will lose his Football scholarship and will be asked to leave the university. You receive an irate call from Bill, Jr., who accuses you of ruining his life , demands you change the grade, and demands a meeting. I assume from your comments you are ok with him bringing his gun to the meeting.

sid February 23, 2013 at 6:21 pm

Hypothetical arguments tend to show a sign of weakness when it comes to the real issue.

That said, the hypothetical student would have to be 21, and have gone throught the permit process. Since the vast majority of the folks who go through this process have been shown to be safe, responsible, and law-abiding, there is no reason to believe this hypothetical student would not prove to be the same, and pose no threat.

On the other hand of your hypothetical situation, let’s say no guns are allowed, and the hypothetical football player does prove to be extremely angry and violent. Should he choose to turn that violence towards the professor, what chance do you think she would have?

Tom February 25, 2013 at 4:35 pm

You know sid, every defense to reasonable gun regulation the NRA puts up is a hypothetical. What if we register our guns and the government tries to take them. What if I give up my assault weapon and a band of terrorist drug dealers invade my home? I might need more than 30 rounds in a clip to defend my home from a criminal, even though I have never been robbed in my life.

Also, if what you say is true, why doesn’t the legislature allow people to bring concealed weapons onto the floor of the House and Senate. Why can’t I bring a concealed weapon into a courtroom. Why can’t I bring a concealed weapon into federal and state office buildings. Why can’t I walk into a bank with a concealed gun?

The real issue as you put it, is whether I should be forced to trust a person with a gun even if I don’t actually trust them, and do I have the right to know if the people approaching me, or coming onto my property, or into my place of business are armed, and do I have the right to refuse to deal with people while they are armed and do I have the right to restrict who can bring guns onto my property or into my place of business.

sid February 25, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Try to stay focused on the issue we are discussing. Your premise involved whether permit holders should be allowed to carry on campus, as rebelfac discussed. If you want to obfuscate the discussion by introducing other issues, that’s your choice. But it doesn’t make your original point any more compelling.

But to play your game, permit holders should be allowed to carry virtually anywhere they want. A permit holder cannot lawfully carry into any of the areas you mentioned because the law says they can’t. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to. Certain sensitive areas may be legitimately restricted, but the laws vary on a state-by-state basis. I don’t think banks or government office buildings are particularly sensitive, and some states allow carry in them.
That said, you have the right, as a property owner, to post your property, be it a business or other property. You can restrict people trespassing, carrying firearms (even with permits), driving, what they wear, whatever your little heart desires. Nobody says you can’t.
As for forcing you to trust people you may not trust, you are forced to do so all the time. You are forced to trust other drivers with whom you share the road will obey the law, and not force you into a ditch. You are forced to trust your server won’t spit in your food. You are forceed to trust law enforcement officers won’t abuse their authority. If it’s a trust issue, you’ve got a whole lot of areas where you should be complaining.
It sounds like you just have an irrational fear of guns and gun owners. Permit holders have proven themselves to be exceptionally trustworthy and responsible. They tend to be more law-abiding than the general public. Statistically speaking, you should be less trusting of people who don’t have carry permits.

Charlemagne, King of France February 21, 2013 at 11:59 am

there was an armed, violent rape at a school in this state last year…i think it was wofford or lander…football players from another school kicked in a door and raped the girls living in an apt at gunpoint

Charlemagne, King of France February 21, 2013 at 10:59 am

there was an armed, violent rape at a school in this state last year…i think it was wofford or lander…football players from another school kicked in a door and raped the girls living in an apt at gunpoint

Jan February 21, 2013 at 1:02 pm

This post is a meandering mess.

You start by stating you think rape fantasies are fun. But then you ask where’s the turn on in having sex with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you? So you think its fun to fake rape someone who is pretending she does not want to have sex with you? What could possibly go wrong there? I’m not sure where you are going with that line, but if you fantasize about forcibly dominating women you should discuss that with a mental health professional, and you should not be carrying a gun.

You then pretend to be shocked that something totally outrageous comes out of Faux News. As if that doesn’t happen every day. Do you really believe that was unplanned? Give me a break. All publicity is good publicity.

You then move on to imply that none of us have a right to know who is carrying a gun when they approach us or come into our house or our place of business. Really? If everyone is allowed to carry a gun, then they should have to display those guns, not conceal them. They should have to wear a holster like they did in the old west. For my own protection I have a right to know if a person I am encountering is carrying a gun. What if I am an officer trying to question a suspect? What if I am trying to collect a debt?. What if I am process server?. For that matter, what if I am suing someone who has wronged me?. What if I am dating a person who has a jealous ex? What if I am a bank teller, or a security guard for an armored truck company? What if I have to transport cash from my business to the bank? Do I not have the right to know that a person approaching me has a gun? Am I not at least entitled to have the government, assure me that people who are allowed to carry concealed weapons are mentally stable and not criminals?

At least if people are required to display the guns they carry a police officer or someone else carrying a gun has the right to shoot first and ask questions later when they are approached by that person. I assume you are ok with a person assuming that another person carrying a gun is a threat.

Then you go even further and imply that institutions, people, and businesses should not be allowed to say who can and cannot bring weapons onto their property. Again, really? I should not be allowed to tell you not to bring a gun onto my property? And what if I have a private office at a college. Do I not have the right to tell students they can’t bring a gun

This is all a bunch of BS. If a college does not allow guns on campus and you don’t like it, find a college that does. If your employer does not want you to bring a gun to work and you don’t like that find another job. If I don’t want people carrying guns into my place of business, and you don’t like it, find someone else to do business with. If I don’t want you bringing a gun into my home, and you don’t like it, don’t come into my home.

There are things people can do to protect themselves from violence besides carry a gun. In fact on one of those things is to avoid associating with people who feel the need to carry a gun. Especially someone who would bring a gun into your home or place of business without telling you and asking your permission.

La Gloria Cubana February 21, 2013 at 5:55 pm

Gosh Jan, such a goldmine of retort opportunities. Anyway, I’ll just quickly focus on your argument about the rights of colleges to decide whether they would or would not want to allow guns on their campus. Of course, you’ve clearly and slyly refused to delineate between a gun policy at public schools – whose policy should comply with the will of the majority of the electorate – and private schools – whose policy should comply with the will of the majority of the paying customers. More comical though is your statement about someone’s right to set their own policy in their own “private” office on a (presumably public) college campus. Uh yeah, whatever?! There is no such thing is a “private” office on a public school campus. Get this through your pea brain you f’ing loser, the taxpayers own everything in the domain of the public system. Thus, good luck trying to skirt the will of the electorate you tyranical b!tch.

El Goryio Gusano February 21, 2013 at 8:36 pm

Si! We, the armed taxpayers, should be allowed to burst into the USC presidente’s office, indeed his very home, at any time day or night, for WE the taxpayers OWN them!
Right, you just try that out, Companyera.

La Gloria Cubana February 21, 2013 at 9:50 pm

Well, dumba$$ you do own his house, office, etc. And yep, if the legislature passes a bill which allows CWP’s on USC’s campus, there is nothing that he’ll be able to do to prevent firearms from coming into “his” house. Anyway, it’s pretty funny when dumba$$ democrats don’t even understand or appreciate democracy.

Lick My Butternuts February 22, 2013 at 2:54 pm

You could use some anger management. You are out of control.

Smirks February 21, 2013 at 8:34 pm

A public college’s rules concerning concealed carry on campus should be subject to the will of the public. It is not a private entity that can do anything it wants.

A gun is far more effective a means of self protection than most anything else, and in certain situations may be the only thing capable of stopping something horrific. Especially when the bad guy is armed.

Just can’t agree with you on this, Jan.

Eli Jackson February 22, 2013 at 4:20 am

what a meandering mess this longass comment you made is

sid February 22, 2013 at 7:47 am

“This post is a meandering mess.”

That may be the most accurate thing you’ve ever written. I appreciate the warning, and your courage to post something you know to be so deeply flawed.

Drew February 22, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Shitstain Sid…making more friends. What a Shitstain.

Cat February 27, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Jan–you’re confusing the issue by getting hung up on his sexual fantasies and allowing his opinion to cloud your judgment. This article is a classic example of Sic Willie’s writing style. If it bothers you so much, then don’t read it. It’s the way he writes…get over it!

Jan February 21, 2013 at 12:02 pm

This post is a meandering mess.

You start by stating you think rape fantasies are fun. But then you ask where’s the turn on in having sex with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you? So you think its fun to fake rape someone who is pretending she does not want to have sex with you? What could possibly go wrong there? I’m not sure where you are going with that line, but if you fantasize about forcibly dominating women you should discuss that with a mental health professional, and you should not be carrying a gun.

You then pretend to be shocked that something totally outrageous comes out of Faux News. As if that doesn’t happen every day. Do you really believe that was unplanned? Give me a break. All publicity is good publicity.

You then move on to imply that none of us have a right to know who is carrying a gun when they approach us or come into our house or our place of business. Really? If everyone is allowed to carry a gun, then they should have to display those guns, not conceal them. They should have to wear a holster like they did in the old west. For my own protection I have a right to know if a person I am encountering is carrying a gun. What if I am an officer trying to question a suspect? What if I am trying to collect a debt?. What if I am process server?. For that matter, what if I am suing someone who has wronged me?. What if I am dating a person who has a jealous ex? What if I am a bank teller, or a security guard for an armored truck company? What if I have to transport cash from my business to the bank? Do I not have the right to know that a person approaching me has a gun? Am I not at least entitled to have the government, assure me that people who are allowed to carry concealed weapons are mentally stable and not criminals?

At least if people are required to display the guns they carry a police officer or someone else carrying a gun has the right to shoot first and ask questions later when they are approached by that person. I assume you are ok with a person assuming that another person carrying a gun is a threat.

Then you go even further and imply that institutions, people, and businesses should not be allowed to say who can and cannot bring weapons onto their property. Again, really? I should not be allowed to tell you not to bring a gun onto my property? And what if I have a private office at a college. Do I not have the right to tell students they can’t bring a gun

This is all a bunch of BS. If a college does not allow guns on campus and you don’t like it, find a college that does. If your employer does not want you to bring a gun to work and you don’t like that find another job. If I don’t want people carrying guns into my place of business, and you don’t like it, find someone else to do business with. If I don’t want you bringing a gun into my home, and you don’t like it, don’t come into my home.

There are things people can do to protect themselves from violence besides carry a gun. In fact on one of those things is to avoid associating with people who feel the need to carry a gun. Especially someone who would bring a gun into your home or place of business without telling you and asking your permission.

La Gloria Cubana February 21, 2013 at 4:55 pm

Gosh Jan, such a goldmine of retort opportunities. Anyway, I’ll just quickly focus on your argument about the rights of colleges to decide whether they would or would not want to allow guns on their campus. Of course, you’ve clearly and slyly refused to delineate between a gun policy at public schools – whose policy should comply with the will of the majority of the electorate – and private schools – whose policy should comply with the will of the majority of the paying customers. More comical though is your statement about someone’s right to set their own policy in their own “private” office on a (presumably public) college campus. Uh yeah, whatever?! There is no such thing is a “private” office on a public school campus. Get this through your pea brain you f’ing loser, the taxpayers own everything in the domain of the public system. Thus, good luck trying to skirt the will of the electorate you tyranical b!tch.

El Goryio Gusano February 21, 2013 at 7:36 pm

Si! We, the armed taxpayers, should be allowed to burst into the USC presidente’s office, indeed his very home, at any time day or night, for WE the taxpayers OWN them!
Right, you just try that out, Companyera.

La Gloria Cubana February 21, 2013 at 8:50 pm

Well, dumba$$ you do own his house, office, etc. And yep, if the legislature passes a bill which allows CWP’s on USC’s campus, there is nothing that he’ll be able to do to prevent firearms from coming into “his” house. Anyway, it’s pretty funny when dumba$$ democrats don’t even understand or appreciate democracy.

Lick My Butternuts February 22, 2013 at 1:54 pm

You could use some anger management. You are out of control.

Smirks February 21, 2013 at 7:34 pm

A public college’s rules concerning concealed carry on campus should be subject to the will of the public. It is not a private entity that can do anything it wants.

A gun is far more effective a means of self protection than most anything else, and in certain situations may be the only thing capable of stopping something horrific. Especially when the bad guy is armed.

Just can’t agree with you on this, Jan.

Eli Odell Jackson February 22, 2013 at 3:20 am

what a meandering mess this longass comment you made is

sid February 22, 2013 at 6:47 am

“This post is a meandering mess.”

That may be the most accurate thing you’ve ever written. I appreciate the warning, and your courage to post something you know to be so deeply flawed.

Drew February 22, 2013 at 3:20 pm

Shitstain Sid…making more friends. What a Shitstain.

Cat February 27, 2013 at 12:57 pm

Jan–you’re confusing the issue by getting hung up on his sexual fantasies and allowing his opinion to cloud your judgment. This article is a classic example of Sic Willie’s writing style. If it bothers you so much, then don’t read it. It’s the way he writes…get over it!

? February 21, 2013 at 1:38 pm

College women carrying guns solves way more problems than it creates. Teach them self reliance/personal responsibility so they can defend themselves against the sickos.

dumbassery February 23, 2013 at 5:22 pm

Seriously? We’re the ones being attacked and we’re supposed to have “personal responsibility?”

? February 25, 2013 at 3:39 am

Congrats on choosing the perfect name for yourself.

dumbassery February 26, 2013 at 10:57 am

I figured it was appropriate for all the ignorant comments posted on this site, congrats for being one of them.

? February 26, 2013 at 11:57 am

Maybe you should learn to be more clear in your intent instead of pussy footing around. In the mean time, reflect on the 9 “up” votes versus your zero…or more importantly reflect on your inability to determine time preference in learning self reliance/personal responsibility- meaning the time to do it is BEFORE a rape event, when you have the ability to not become a victim.

? February 21, 2013 at 12:38 pm

College women carrying guns solves way more problems than it creates. Teach them self reliance/personal responsibility so they can defend themselves against the sickos.

dumbassery February 23, 2013 at 4:22 pm

Seriously? We’re the ones being attacked and we’re supposed to have “personal responsibility?”

? February 25, 2013 at 2:39 am

Congrats on choosing the perfect name for yourself.

dumbassery February 26, 2013 at 10:57 am

I figured it was appropriate for all the ignorant comments posted on this site, congrats for being one of them.

? February 26, 2013 at 11:57 am

Maybe you should learn to be more clear in your intent instead of pussy footing around. In the mean time, reflect on the 9 “up” votes versus your zero…or more importantly reflect on your inability to determine time preference in learning self reliance/personal responsibility- meaning the time to do it is BEFORE a rape event, when you have the ability to not become a victim.

9" February 21, 2013 at 2:00 pm Reply
9" February 21, 2013 at 1:00 pm Reply
Smirks February 21, 2013 at 8:23 pm

Once you have your permit, concealed carry should be limited as little as possible. I totally agree with concealed carry on campus, especially given the fact that thugs and freaks are all over campus nowadays.

I would want my daughter to have a chance to defend herself from bastard garbage like this rapist. Zero questions.

Smirks February 21, 2013 at 7:23 pm

Once you have your permit, concealed carry should be limited as little as possible. I totally agree with concealed carry on campus, especially given the fact that thugs and freaks are all over campus nowadays.

I would want my daughter to have a chance to defend herself from bastard garbage like this rapist. Zero questions.

Mr. Topgame. February 22, 2013 at 9:35 am

This is why God invented Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. With three schools in the midlands. Ladies, go train.

Mr. Topgame. February 22, 2013 at 8:35 am

This is why God invented Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. With three schools in the midlands. Ladies, go train.

rebelfac February 25, 2013 at 2:51 pm

I don’t know how much advising you do Tom but I along time ago learned never to be in a room alone with a student. Door is always open and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. The only time I actually had to call for campus police was for a parent not a student…and he left in a hurry after i placed the call.

What annoys me is that I actually once thought someone was following me. After calling USC campus police I was told they “don’t escort faculty to their cars”…I got the pepper spray.
And if you think I am the only female with pepper spray at USC you would be surprised.
I go to the range once a month and you would be surprised who you meet there….more woman than you think pack heat.

rebelfac February 25, 2013 at 1:51 pm

I don’t know how much advising you do Tom but I along time ago learned never to be in a room alone with a student. Door is always open and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. The only time I actually had to call for campus police was for a parent not a student…and he left in a hurry after i placed the call.

What annoys me is that I actually once thought someone was following me. After calling USC campus police I was told they “don’t escort faculty to their cars”…I got the pepper spray.
And if you think I am the only female with pepper spray at USC you would be surprised.
I go to the range once a month and you would be surprised who you meet there….more woman than you think pack heat.

Robert February 25, 2013 at 3:49 pm

Other than a brutal forced rape, how do women prove it these days? College girls and many high school girls are free and easy giving it out (wish I was 19 again). So how do they prove a date rape these days like they did years ago?

Robert February 25, 2013 at 2:49 pm

Other than a brutal forced rape, how do women prove it these days? College girls and many high school girls are free and easy giving it out (wish I was 19 again). So how do they prove a date rape these days like they did years ago?

I Gotta Know February 26, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Will, who is the chick in the pic?

I Gotta Know February 26, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Will, who is the chick in the pic?

Elliot Echlov February 28, 2013 at 1:07 am

If you are on the USC campus, there is a free shuttle service that will take you from point to point, 8pm-12am, Monday thru Thursday. Call 7-DUCK (73825) for a ride. Alpha Phi Omega has operated this service for over 40 years at USC.

Elliot Echlov February 28, 2013 at 1:07 am

If you are on the USC campus, there is a free shuttle service that will take you from point to point, 8pm-12am, Monday thru Thursday. Call 7-DUCK (73825) for a ride. Alpha Phi Omega has operated this service for over 40 years at USC.


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