SC Congressmen Endorse Larry Grooms

Two of Washington, D.C.’s staunchest pro-free market advocates have weighed in on South Carolina’s crowded first congressional district race – choosing to endorse the candidacy of fiscally conservative State Senator Larry Grooms. U.S. Reps. Mick Mulvaney and Jeff Duncan – both of whom have consistently ranked among the most aggressive…

Two of Washington, D.C.’s staunchest pro-free market advocates have weighed in on South Carolina’s crowded first congressional district race – choosing to endorse the candidacy of fiscally conservative State Senator Larry Grooms.

U.S. Reps. Mick Mulvaney and Jeff Duncan – both of whom have consistently ranked among the most aggressive taxpayer advocates in the nation – say Grooms is the candidate most likely to preserve the solid limited government reputation of the Palmetto State’s congressional delegation.

“South Carolina’s congressional delegation is known across the country and in Washington for being a united voice for conservatism,” Duncan said. “In fact, we’ve earned a reputation of working together, standing on principle and protecting South Carolina values. It’s important to ensure that the person who replaces Tim Scott be a reliable conservative, a proven fighter and a leader who will join our mission to cut wasteful Washington spending.”

“I’m convinced the best person for the job is Larry Grooms,” Duncan added.

“Conservatives like Jeff and I need Larry to stand with us on the most important issues facing our country,” Mulvaney said. “When it comes to reducing taxes, cutting wasteful Washington spending and protecting our liberties, I believe Larry Grooms is the right man for the job. Larry has been in the trenches, and he has proven his conservative credentials in the State Senate. We want Larry on our team.”

Mulvaney served with Grooms in the State Senate from 2009-2011, where both consistently received high marks from taxpayer advocacy groups for their voting records.

Grooms is one of sixteen candidates seeking the House seat vacated earlier this year by newly appointed U.S. Sen. Tim Scott.


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FairtaxMax February 21, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Wow, this is huge for Grooms. Possible deal sealer for me

FairtaxMax February 21, 2013 at 4:23 pm

Wow, this is huge for Grooms. Possible deal sealer for me

Sumter Conservative February 21, 2013 at 7:54 pm

If you’re a rational conservative in South Carolina, this pretty much takes the cake.

Sumter Conservative February 21, 2013 at 6:54 pm

If you’re a rational conservative in South Carolina, this pretty much takes the cake.

Jennifer Cohen February 21, 2013 at 7:57 pm

Political heavyweights. Wow. Changed my vote. That’s for sure.

Jennifer Cohen February 21, 2013 at 6:57 pm

Political heavyweights. Wow. Changed my vote. That’s for sure.

Jack in MtP February 21, 2013 at 8:11 pm

I was thinking about supporting Nash, not now though. After looking at the article FITS posted yesterday and now this. Geez. We as conservatives need to come together and support Grooms. And not risk sending a wannabe republican to Washington.

Jack in MtP February 21, 2013 at 7:11 pm

I was thinking about supporting Nash, not now though. After looking at the article FITS posted yesterday and now this. Geez. We as conservatives need to come together and support Grooms. And not risk sending a wannabe republican to Washington.

BigT February 21, 2013 at 8:14 pm

ANYBODY BUT SANFORD!!!!!!!..or any other FITS Moderate RINO self-called Libertarian…

BigT February 21, 2013 at 7:14 pm

ANYBODY BUT SANFORD!!!!!!!..or any other FITS Moderate RINO self-called Libertarian…

bogart February 21, 2013 at 8:59 pm

Anyone but Maria’s poet laureate,Mark Moonglow Sanford.

Petition for poet laureate February 22, 2013 at 11:13 am

Fabulous! Marjory Wentworth should be worried that she might be deposed if Sanford can’t find a job. Afterall, his works have been published world-wide.

bogart February 21, 2013 at 7:59 pm

Anyone but Maria’s poet laureate,Mark Moonglow Sanford.

Petition for poet laureate February 22, 2013 at 10:13 am

Fabulous! Marjory Wentworth should be worried that she might be deposed if Sanford can’t find a job. Afterall, his works have been published world-wide.

carrie February 21, 2013 at 10:06 pm

Why are you posting a Spanish ad? Are you expecting MBC to read your blog soom?

carrie February 21, 2013 at 10:07 pm


Better to laugh with than at February 23, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Check out the Weekly Standards parody on the Luv Guv and MBC, “Mark Sanford Wants to be your (SOUL) man in Washington.”

carrie February 21, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Why are you posting a Spanish ad? Are you expecting MBC to read your blog soom?

carrie February 21, 2013 at 9:07 pm


Better to laugh with than at February 23, 2013 at 3:27 pm

Check out the Weekly Standards parody on the Luv Guv and MBC, “Mark Sanford Wants to be your (SOUL) man in Washington.”

Gonzo February 21, 2013 at 10:30 pm

Grooms stands out as being a small businessman (owns three gas stations) — not being a fucking lawyer. For that, I give him twenty bonus points. Free. I take away ten points for his feeble-mindedness.

Gonzo February 21, 2013 at 9:30 pm

Grooms stands out as being a small businessman (owns three gas stations) — not being a fucking lawyer. For that, I give him twenty bonus points. Free. I take away ten points for his feeble-mindedness.

Conservative Patriot February 21, 2013 at 11:53 pm

I originally was a fan of Curtis Bostic, but no more. His stance on nullifying Obamcare, and living in a different district, these two endorsements are HUGE and completely changed my mind. If Duncan and Mulvaney think Larry is the right man then I do too. My vote is now for Larry Grooms.

BigT February 22, 2013 at 9:51 am

Gas price as high because we have an idiot in the White House, who has no energy policy, excpet to laugh at struggling, unemployed Americas, who are paying through the nose for his gas tax…
And we have IDIOTS who claim his incompetence has nothing to do w/ it…
You deserve him, we don’t…

Poon Banger February 22, 2013 at 12:30 pm

I did not see one thing about gas on this page.

Isotope Soap February 22, 2013 at 1:04 pm

Don’t worry about it. Bigums sees Jesus’ image on toast.

Conservative Patriot February 21, 2013 at 10:53 pm

I originally was a fan of Curtis Bostic, but no more. His stance on nullifying Obamcare, and living in a different district, these two endorsements are HUGE and completely changed my mind. If Duncan and Mulvaney think Larry is the right man then I do too. My vote is now for Larry Grooms.

BigT February 22, 2013 at 8:51 am

Gas price as high because we have an idiot in the White House, who has no energy policy, excpet to laugh at struggling, unemployed Americas, who are paying through the nose for his gas tax…
And we have IDIOTS who claim his incompetence has nothing to do w/ it…
You deserve him, we don’t…

Poon Banger February 22, 2013 at 11:30 am

I did not see one thing about gas on this page.

John Boy February 22, 2013 at 12:04 pm

Don’t worry about it. Bigums sees Jesus’ image on toast.

Philip Branton February 22, 2013 at 1:03 am

WOW…..three GAS Stations..?? SERIOUSLY..?? Most gas station and FUEL shieks stay in the background.!! They let puppets do their thing.

Just think about this …..GAS is going through the roof and the RINOS are pushing an OIL MAN to represent SC in DC..??

I DON’T think …so !!!

Heck, I may just mozy on down to Highway 17 and find a nice fine Lady who knows how to weave baskets and deal with fine customers and understands the value of ENERGY and our SLAVERY to Foreign OIL and centralized production instead of de-centralized energy production …..and write her name IN on my ballot..!!

(Mr. Grooms, lets just clear the air here and now. I am sure your a fine man. I am sure you mean well and you have worked hard. There are some very serious questions YOU need to ask yourself.
1) How is anyone going to trust YOU to go to DC and diversify our districts ENERGY production and de-centralize delivery and de-centralize the OIL industry grip on our state’s economy…!?!

2) How is anyone going to trust you to be socially aware and transparent to your districts voters when you do NOT have any consistent presence in any comment section in any news publication that has been observed in the last DECADE..!! What news and information are you getting and where is it coming from..!?

3) Considering YOU own a few gas stations if the comment that was offered below was true, we are sure that you understand how old gas tanks can leak. We are sure that you are aware of how the EPA can be manipulated. How are we going to trust YOU to be prudent when it comes to industrial concerns in Nigeria and how that has trickle up and down ramifications from Tripoli to Kabul to Bogata and how it impacts our NATIONAL Security..!?!

Larry, if you think I am picking on YOU specifically…YOUR WRONG….I would ask any candidate similar questions and in same tone. The theater in DC is full of politicians…. what we need to know is if you know how to ACT like “Outlaw Josey Wells” and know how and when and where …to SPIT..!! Mr. Grooms…..Mr Al Franken went to DC and has obviously forgotten how make citizens smile. How are we to be assured that YOU are not going to go to DC and forget what Fort Sumter means…!? Mr. Grooms ….does any customer at any of your PUMPS have a CHOICE between locally grown ALGAE bio-diesel fuel produced by a BLACK Farmer and foreign (out of state) diesel fuel at ANY PRICE..!?! If a customer does NOT have a CHOICE then does that not make them SLAVES to the manipulated offerings at the pumps.?

Mr Grooms……..What are you fighting for? Really…..because I do NOT know. Immigration..?? Medicaid Fraud…?? Military Industrial complex revolving door..!? GOD..??

I have not seen an illegal immigrant get to our district without using foreign OIL to get here……

I have not seen any one on medicaid get to a hospital in an ambulance without using FOREIGN OIL to get there……

I have not seen how our military industrial complex or 99.9 % of its workers move anywhere at anytime without using FOREIGN OIL to get there…….

Larry….its not the “economy” smartee…….its the OIL…!!!! Don’t make me get out Google Earth and have to app…….. YOU a MAP….!!!!!….)

Kevin S February 23, 2013 at 3:26 am


a coherent logical set of questions is much preferred to a disjointed, unintelligible series of “questions”.

you get taken more seriously when you make sense.

Philip Branton February 22, 2013 at 12:03 am

WOW…..three GAS Stations..?? SERIOUSLY..?? Most gas station and FUEL shieks stay in the background.!! They let puppets do their thing.

Just think about this …..GAS is going through the roof and the RINOS are pushing an OIL MAN to represent SC in DC..??

I DON’T think …so !!!

Heck, I may just mozy on down to Highway 17 and find a nice fine Lady who knows how to weave baskets and deal with fine customers and understands the value of ENERGY and our SLAVERY to Foreign OIL and centralized production instead of de-centralized energy production …..and write her name IN on my ballot..!!

(Mr. Grooms, lets just clear the air here and now. I am sure your a fine man. I am sure you mean well and you have worked hard. There are some very serious questions YOU need to ask yourself.
1) How is anyone going to trust YOU to go to DC and diversify our districts ENERGY production and de-centralize delivery and de-centralize the OIL industry grip on our state’s economy…!?!

2) How is anyone going to trust you to be socially aware and transparent to your districts voters when you do NOT have any consistent presence in any comment section in any news publication that has been observed in the last DECADE..!! What news and information are you getting and where is it coming from..!?

3) Considering YOU own a few gas stations if the comment that was offered below was true, we are sure that you understand how old gas tanks can leak. We are sure that you are aware of how the EPA can be manipulated. How are we going to trust YOU to be prudent when it comes to industrial concerns in Nigeria and how that has trickle up and down ramifications from Tripoli to Kabul to Bogata and how it impacts our NATIONAL Security..!?!

Larry, if you think I am picking on YOU specifically…YOUR WRONG….I would ask any candidate similar questions and in same tone. The theater in DC is full of politicians…. what we need to know is if you know how to ACT like “Outlaw Josey Wells” and know how and when and where …to SPIT..!! Mr. Grooms…..Mr Al Franken went to DC and has obviously forgotten how make citizens smile. How are we to be assured that YOU are not going to go to DC and forget what Fort Sumter means…!? Mr. Grooms ….does any customer at any of your PUMPS have a CHOICE between locally grown ALGAE bio-diesel fuel produced by a BLACK Farmer and foreign (out of state) diesel fuel at ANY PRICE..!?! If a customer does NOT have a CHOICE then does that not make them SLAVES to the manipulated offerings at the pumps.?

Mr Grooms……..What are you fighting for? Really…..because I do NOT know. Immigration..?? Medicaid Fraud…?? Military Industrial complex revolving door..!? GOD..??

I have not seen an illegal immigrant get to our district without using foreign OIL to get here……

I have not seen any one on medicaid get to a hospital in an ambulance without using FOREIGN OIL to get there……

I have not seen how our military industrial complex or 99.9 % of its workers move anywhere at anytime without using FOREIGN OIL to get there…….

Larry….its not the “economy” smartee…….its the OIL…!!!! Don’t make me get out Google Earth and have to app…….. YOU a MAP….!!!!!….)

Kevin S February 23, 2013 at 2:26 am


a coherent logical set of questions is much preferred to a disjointed, unintelligible series of “questions”.

you get taken more seriously when you make sense.

Teddy's Nanny Err Wife February 22, 2013 at 2:05 am

Because God told them to, see Larry is tight with Jesus, God help me… Help me, help me save this country… right after I get back from picking up some of that one-cent sales tax money from the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce/Coastal Kickback F**ks…

Jesus, God, Guns, Family!!! help me, help me…

Teddy's Nanny Err Wife February 22, 2013 at 1:05 am

Because God told them to, see Larry is tight with Jesus, God help me… Help me, help me save this country… right after I get back from picking up some of that one-cent sales tax money from the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce/Coastal Kickback F**ks…

Jesus, God, Guns, Family!!! help me, help me…

? February 22, 2013 at 12:23 pm

Nothing says “conservative” like finger bling.

Philip Branton February 22, 2013 at 1:05 pm

LOL….very observant …poet

Gillon February 22, 2013 at 5:06 pm

I believe that’s a Clempsun ring. Talk about bling.

? February 22, 2013 at 11:23 am

Nothing says “conservative” like finger bling.

Philip Branton February 22, 2013 at 12:05 pm

LOL….very observant …poet

Gillon February 22, 2013 at 4:06 pm

I believe that’s a Clempsun ring. Talk about bling.

We DID Get Fooled Again February 22, 2013 at 10:51 pm

Grooms has an amazing personal story, coming from very meager beginnings
to where he is today by hard work and determination. He is an
extremely dynamic speaker, touting all the conservative principles that
conservatives want to hear.

However, in the 2012 elections, he had the opportunity to stand behind his message of responsible and transparent government in our state, but chose instead to protect his
own political future by lying down with the dogs. When asked to endorse a true conservative over a 28-year RINO Columbia-establishment good ol’boy, Mr. Grooms said, (paraphrasing) “I agree with what you stand for and I am glad you are running, but I can’t endorse you because we (the State Senate) agreed not to campaign against one another.”

Rep. Duncan, if you’re looking for someone to stand on principles, I’m not sure this is your guy.

We DID Get Fooled Again February 22, 2013 at 9:51 pm

Grooms has an amazing personal story, coming from very meager beginnings
to where he is today by hard work and determination. He is an
extremely dynamic speaker, touting all the conservative principles that
conservatives want to hear.

However, in the 2012 elections, he had the opportunity to stand behind his message of responsible and transparent government in our state, but chose instead to protect his
own political future by lying down with the dogs. When asked to endorse a true conservative over a 28-year RINO Columbia-establishment good ol’boy, Mr. Grooms said, (paraphrasing) “I agree with what you stand for and I am glad you are running, but I can’t endorse you because we (the State Senate) agreed not to campaign against one another.”

Rep. Duncan, if you’re looking for someone to stand on principles, I’m not sure this is your guy.


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