SC-1: Ruh-Roh, Ray Nash

Former Dorchester County, S.C. Sheriff Ray Nash says he’s a “conservative.” No surprise there, right? He’s a “Republican” running for Congress in South Carolina, making self-identification as a “conservative” practically an involuntary response. Nash also lists “rampant fiscal irresponsibility” as one of the major problems with the federal government. Heard that…

Former Dorchester County, S.C. Sheriff Ray Nash says he’s a “conservative.” No surprise there, right? He’s a “Republican” running for Congress in South Carolina, making self-identification as a “conservative” practically an involuntary response. Nash also lists “rampant fiscal irresponsibility” as one of the major problems with the federal government.

Heard that before? Of course …

But does this former Sheriff – who recently finished a three-year stint as a criminal justice advisor at the U.S Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan – have a record to match his rhetoric?

No … at least not according to a 2009 report issued in the wake of his twelve-year tenure as Dorchester’s Sheriff. According to the report’s findings, Nash’s office was replete with waste and mismanagement.

Among the low-lights?

  • 7,000 unissued arrest warrants
  • Failure to update sex offender registry
  • Improper storage of explosives
  • Uninstalled information technology upgrades
  • Failure to supervise patrol shifts
  • $1,000 spent on monthly gym memberships
  • $3,000 in detention center funds spend on Nash’s retirement party
  • $4,500 spent to replace firearms given to officers as “parting gifts”

Hmmmmm …

Nash was questioned about the report by The Summerville Journal-Scene but refused to discuss its findings. As far as we know he still hasn’t addressed them.

And while candidate Nash called for an audit of every agency of the federal government at a recent debate, Sheriff Nash “tried everything in his power … not to allow an audit on his own department.”

In fact he branded the effort as “nothing more than a thinly veiled, politically motivated witch hunt that is inappropriately funded at taxpayer expense.”

Again, hmmmmm …

So, will this report impact Nash’s candidacy for the first congressional district seat vacated earlier this year by newly appointed U.S. Sen. Tim Scott?

Don’t look now, but we think it just did …


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Boomer February 21, 2013 at 12:37 am

Another talker in the race. This is about like Bostic not even living in the district. Even if he’s squeaky clean, which he obviously isn’t, why anyone would want to vote for a “Sheriff” to go represent them at the Federal level is beyond me.

Boomer February 20, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Another talker in the race. This is about like Bostic not even living in the district. Even if he’s squeaky clean, which he obviously isn’t, why anyone would want to vote for a “Sheriff” to go represent them at the Federal level is beyond me.

Headache February 21, 2013 at 9:58 am

At this stage, I’m inclined to take my chances with Teddy Turner.

Sanford’s public office transgressions leave him too damaged; he thinks he is going to set the world on fire, and he doesn’t realize that that world has passed him by. The carousel is filled with people more appealing, as knowledgeable, and articulate, without the baggage. The rest of the SC-1 candidates are seasoned political chameleons, also like Sanford in this election cycle, who will say anything to pander for the vote using all the well-worn phrases.

Boomer, they elected a guy in Real Estate development (?) to represent them. I don’t see “Sheriff” necessarily as a dis-qualifier.

Curtis B February 21, 2013 at 11:04 am

Teddy Turner?? Are you kidding me?? The guy is a racist who sticks his foot in his mouth way too often. We don’t need another embarrassment to SC.

jimlewisowb February 21, 2013 at 11:19 am

Curtis B

Not quite sure if it is time to close the door on Teddy.

Considering that the rest of our Washington Cockroaches have their heads up their ass, a foot in the mouth may be an acceptable alternative.

Headache February 21, 2013 at 11:20 am

Curtis, just not buying that Turner is a racist any more than you or I. Let’s stop throwing guilt money at problems and let’s start honestly talking about them and acknowledging them, and then find credible, workable solutions.

Headache February 21, 2013 at 8:58 am

At this stage, I’m inclined to take my chances with Teddy Turner.

Sanford’s public office transgressions leave him too damaged; he thinks he is going to set the world on fire, and he doesn’t realize that that world has passed him by. The carousel is filled with people more appealing, as knowledgeable, and articulate, without the baggage. The rest of the SC-1 candidates are seasoned political chameleons, also like Sanford in this election cycle, who will say anything to pander for the vote using all the well-worn phrases.

Boomer, they elected a guy in Real Estate development (?) to represent them. I don’t see “Sheriff” necessarily as a dis-qualifier.

Curtis B February 21, 2013 at 10:04 am

Teddy Turner?? Are you kidding me?? The guy is a racist who sticks his foot in his mouth way too often. We don’t need another embarrassment to SC.

jimlewisowb February 21, 2013 at 10:19 am

Curtis B

Not quite sure if it is time to close the door on Teddy.

Considering that the rest of our Washington Cockroaches have their heads up their ass, a foot in the mouth may be an acceptable alternative.

Headache February 21, 2013 at 10:20 am

Curtis, just not buying that Turner is a racist any more than you or I. Let’s stop throwing guilt money at problems and let’s start honestly talking about them and acknowledging them, and then find credible, workable solutions.

jimlewisowb February 21, 2013 at 10:13 am

“politically motivated witch hunt”

No it ain’t Ray Ray

It is more like an Easter Egg hunt and instead of dyed eggs we have found a lying incompetent bastard cockroach pretending to be an Angel from Conservative Heaven

jimlewisowb February 21, 2013 at 9:13 am

“politically motivated witch hunt”

No it ain’t Ray Ray

It is more like an Easter Egg hunt and instead of dyed eggs we have found a lying incompetent bastard cockroach pretending to be an Angel from Conservative Heaven

Richard Gozinya February 21, 2013 at 11:01 am

The only silver lining I can think of is the state law that allows a retiring office to keep his (or her) firearm. Then I can understand a replacement cost. Each pistol is a couple hundred dollars (maybe as much as $500?) so I’m OK with that, sort of like the “gold watch.”

The rest of it is crap. Let’s see what is on the job description for a Sheriff in SC… Umm, fund raising for your re-election, check. Glad handing contributors, check. Hmm, I have some free time, why don’t we arrest some people, got any warrants? I swear, if you work at the Sheriff’s Department, you’re in police work. Go arrest people, put them in your jail. Clear up your warrants.

$3,000 in detention center money on a retirement party? You’re an elected Sheriff, hit up your community that loved you enough to put you in office for the retirement party. Its not complicated… Wait, maybe it is.

Richard Gozinya February 21, 2013 at 10:01 am

The only silver lining I can think of is the state law that allows a retiring office to keep his (or her) firearm. Then I can understand a replacement cost. Each pistol is a couple hundred dollars (maybe as much as $500?) so I’m OK with that, sort of like the “gold watch.”

The rest of it is crap. Let’s see what is on the job description for a Sheriff in SC… Umm, fund raising for your re-election, check. Glad handing contributors, check. Hmm, I have some free time, why don’t we arrest some people, got any warrants? I swear, if you work at the Sheriff’s Department, you’re in police work. Go arrest people, put them in your jail. Clear up your warrants.

$3,000 in detention center money on a retirement party? You’re an elected Sheriff, hit up your community that loved you enough to put you in office for the retirement party. Its not complicated… Wait, maybe it is.

Darth February 21, 2013 at 11:08 am

graded out highest with FreedomWorks… and for those in the district that know him, like Kuhn and Sanford, reforms he’s sought have found opposition, including from wife beaters that cliam to have slept with darling Nikki, so

Darth February 21, 2013 at 10:08 am

graded out highest with FreedomWorks… and for those in the district that know him, like Kuhn and Sanford, reforms he’s sought have found opposition, including from wife beaters that cliam to have slept with darling Nikki, so

DemsForLimehouse February 21, 2013 at 1:09 pm

For all those who a being duped by Teddy. First off 90% of our deficit problem is related to to entitlements he said unequivocally last night that any reform to social security and medicare was off the table and so was opposed to the sequester. Also on what basis do you believe he is an actual conservative? A commercial? Isn’t there another way to check if he has in fact been a conservative for 20 years like he claims?

CNSYD February 21, 2013 at 4:12 pm

Did you sign up for or volunteer to participate in the Social Security and/or Medicare system? Didn’t think so. Does Uncle Sam get payroll tax from you to fund the systems. In return for your non voluntary participation did Uncle Sam promise to send you money at a future date and provide you with medical benefits? If so, aren’t you “entitled” to them? If the systems are eliminated or benefits reduced without a return of your funds (plus interest), hasn’t a fraud been perpetrated?

DemsForLimehouse February 21, 2013 at 12:09 pm

For all those who a being duped by Teddy. First off 90% of our deficit problem is related to to entitlements he said unequivocally last night that any reform to social security and medicare was off the table and so was opposed to the sequester. Also on what basis do you believe he is an actual conservative? A commercial? Isn’t there another way to check if he has in fact been a conservative for 20 years like he claims?

CNSYD February 21, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Did you sign up for or volunteer to participate in the Social Security and/or Medicare system? Didn’t think so. Does Uncle Sam get payroll tax from you to fund the systems. In return for your non voluntary participation did Uncle Sam promise to send you money at a future date and provide you with medical benefits? If so, aren’t you “entitled” to them? If the systems are eliminated or benefits reduced without a return of your funds (plus interest), hasn’t a fraud been perpetrated?

? February 21, 2013 at 1:58 pm

“nothing more than a thinly veiled, politically motivated witch hunt that is inappropriately funded at taxpayer expense.”

Well, at least we know that you’ve supplied some tax payer funded weapons to former tax feeders; we might be able to enlist them to hunt these witches down to help save some taxpayer money. It’s the least they can do, right?

? February 21, 2013 at 12:58 pm

“nothing more than a thinly veiled, politically motivated witch hunt that is inappropriately funded at taxpayer expense.”

Well, at least we know that you’ve supplied some tax payer funded weapons to former tax feeders; we might be able to enlist them to hunt these witches down to help save some taxpayer money. It’s the least they can do, right?

Jay February 21, 2013 at 4:45 pm

All hat, no cattle.

Jay February 21, 2013 at 3:45 pm

All hat, no cattle.

nitrat February 21, 2013 at 5:28 pm

How in the hell did an corrupt incompetent like this get a federal contract to work in Afghanistan?
DeMint??? Graham???
Since Nash is such a reknowned Jesus Freak, I bet DeMint had a hand in it. He never did a thing for South Carolina, but I’m sure he would not hestitate to push an idiot like this.
Like the first story I saw here on this fool, I’m going to send this one to a McClatchy reporter who has been doing a series about contractor corruption in Afghanistan. Never heard back from her. But. this one is going, too.

nitrat February 21, 2013 at 4:28 pm

How in the hell did an corrupt incompetent like this get a federal contract to work in Afghanistan?
DeMint??? Graham???
Since Nash is such a reknowned Jesus Freak, I bet DeMint had a hand in it. He never did a thing for South Carolina, but I’m sure he would not hestitate to push an idiot like this.
Like the first story I saw here on this fool, I’m going to send this one to a McClatchy reporter who has been doing a series about contractor corruption in Afghanistan. Never heard back from her. But. this one is going, too.

Byl Alfred February 21, 2013 at 8:56 pm

Yo, Fitz the link to the report brings up nothing but a pic of Sheriff Nash. Please post the report if you have it. I’d like to read it.

Byl Alfred February 21, 2013 at 7:56 pm

Yo, Fitz the link to the report brings up nothing but a pic of Sheriff Nash. Please post the report if you have it. I’d like to read it.

Moman50 February 21, 2013 at 10:01 pm

Another second tier candidate,like Bostic.Finishes Sixth or seventh.

Moman50 February 21, 2013 at 9:01 pm

Another second tier candidate,like Bostic.Finishes Sixth or seventh.

Daniel February 21, 2013 at 10:20 pm

Of course this “audit” was done by Ray Nash’s long-time arch nemesis who replaced him as Sheriff after Nash chose not to run for re-election.

Daniel February 21, 2013 at 9:20 pm

Of course this “audit” was done by Ray Nash’s long-time arch nemesis who replaced him as Sheriff after Nash chose not to run for re-election.

Moses February 21, 2013 at 10:40 pm

Ray is well known for wrongly subjecting county jail prisoners to sermonizing by fanatic evangelistic preachers. He was rebuked for that and stopped it. Bostic isn’t much better; he’s an extremist, fanatical Christian believing in “creationism.” Honest. He teaches it at his church Sunday School. As smart as Bostic may be, he’s crazy. God forbid what he’d do to jews, spics, wops, slant-eyes, mexicans, queers or environmentalists.

Moses February 21, 2013 at 9:40 pm

Ray is well known for wrongly subjecting county jail prisoners to sermonizing by fanatic evangelistic preachers. He was rebuked for that and stopped it. Bostic isn’t much better; he’s an extremist, fanatical Christian believing in “creationism.” Honest. He teaches it at his church Sunday School. As smart as Bostic may be, he’s crazy. God forbid what he’d do to jews, spics, wops, slant-eyes, mexicans, queers or environmentalists.

Billy Hall March 1, 2013 at 10:27 am

Ray Nash addresses all of the issues of this report and responds to his critics in this new video. Watch it here!

Billy Hall March 1, 2013 at 10:27 am

Ray Nash addresses all of the issues of this report and responds to his critics in this new video. Watch it here!


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