Nikki Haley’s Approval Rating Climbs

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s approval rating among all South Carolinians has climbed by nearly four points over the last two months, according to February polling data released by Winthrop University. Haley’s approval rating currently stands at 42.5 percent – up from 38.4 percent in December. Meanwhile her disapproval rating is…

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s approval rating among all South Carolinians has climbed by nearly four points over the last two months, according to February polling data released by Winthrop University.

Haley’s approval rating currently stands at 42.5 percent – up from 38.4 percent in December. Meanwhile her disapproval rating is 38.4 percent – down from 41.3 percent two months ago. Among registered voters, Haley’s approval rating is 43.7 percent – up from 40 percent in December – while her disapproval dropped from 42.4 percent to 39.1 percent.

Any way you cut it, that’s a solid step forward on the public opinion front for the state’s scandal-scarred chief executive.

Last April, a Winthrop poll found Haley’s approval rating at 37.3 percent among all South Carolinians – with 36.5 percent disapproving.  Meanwhile in a December 2011 Winthrop survey, Haley’s approval rating was 34.6 percent – with 43 percent disapproving.

What prompted Haley’s uptick?

Most Palmetto politicos are attributing the governor’s improved position to her historic choice of Tim Scott to replace Jim DeMint in the U.S. Senate. Others suggest Haley’s numbers were lower than they ordinarily would have been back in December due to fallout from the massive security breach that took place at her Department of Revenue (SCDOR).

While Haley’s numbers have improved, they remain weak for a Republican incumbent in one of the “reddest states in America.” Also as multiple consultants from both parties have told FITS, focus group research reveals the governor’s support to be relatively weak.

“Her voters aren’t motivated,” our Republican consultant told us back in November.  ”And they express many of the same doubts (regarding) her character that Democrats and independents express.”

The Winthrop poll surveyed 1,038 South Carolina residents from February 9-17. Its margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.



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Moe February 20, 2013 at 9:06 am

Why? What has changed? …Savannah River sell out
..DOR security breach
….total incompetent appointments
….lies, lies and more lies
I see the same idiot, I’v seen for the last 3 years!!!!

This just shows how short the electorate’s memory is.

It certainly has not climbed with the people I’ve talked with.

Moe February 20, 2013 at 8:06 am

Why? What has changed? …Savannah River sell out
..DOR security breach
….total incompetent appointments
….lies, lies and more lies
I see the same idiot, I’v seen for the last 3 years!!!!

This just shows how short the electorate’s memory is.

It certainly has not climbed with the people I’ve talked with.

LD February 20, 2013 at 9:22 am

Maybe it is the “FITS” backlash

shifty henry February 20, 2013 at 10:11 am

—- are you saying she is getting “STIF – ed”..?

LD February 20, 2013 at 8:22 am

Maybe it is the “FITS” backlash

shifty henry February 20, 2013 at 9:11 am

—- are you saying she is getting “STIF – ed”..?

BigT February 20, 2013 at 9:35 am

Both polls are totally useless. The Nov. 2014 ballot box is what matters.
This Winthrop “survey” is just a toy for liberals to play with…
I contend Haley’s recent choice to talk about pouring more money into public schools, instead of trying to push for the fairness of school choice is helping her get some moderates. But the moderates and lefties will abandon her in an election….
Also: I think Nikki is positioning herself for National office…but she may not even make it out of a GOP Primary.
Remember: Sanford thought he would be coronated and took his eye off the ball. Now he is one of the most rotten and sad examples of poltical road-kill on record.
Gov. Haley would be smart to play to the base who elected her…not the middle.

BigT February 20, 2013 at 8:35 am

Both polls are totally useless. The Nov. 2014 ballot box is what matters.
This Winthrop “survey” is just a toy for liberals to play with…
I contend Haley’s recent choice to talk about pouring more money into public schools, instead of trying to push for the fairness of school choice is helping her get some moderates. But the moderates and lefties will abandon her in an election….
Also: I think Nikki is positioning herself for National office…but she may not even make it out of a GOP Primary.
Remember: Sanford thought he would be coronated and took his eye off the ball. Now he is one of the most rotten and sad examples of poltical road-kill on record.
Gov. Haley would be smart to play to the base who elected her…not the middle.

jimlewisowb February 20, 2013 at 10:17 am

Boots, short skirt, firm tawny beige thighs that scream I could squeeze you until you blow a fucking nut

jimlewisowb February 20, 2013 at 9:17 am

Boots, short skirt, firm tawny beige thighs that scream I could squeeze you until you blow a fucking nut

Lazy Days on the Cooper February 20, 2013 at 10:21 am

Is she “holing” public office? Pick your asshole for office. No one stands out for brains or talent. SC lacks leadership. Everyone is on the take, enjoying his or her 15 minutes of fame. Make sure you ask for forgiveness, then grab the money and fees and fame, and run for it.

Lazy Days on the Cooper February 20, 2013 at 9:21 am

Is she “holing” public office? Pick your asshole for office. No one stands out for brains or talent. SC lacks leadership. Everyone is on the take, enjoying his or her 15 minutes of fame. Make sure you ask for forgiveness, then grab the money and fees and fame, and run for it.

neil February 20, 2013 at 10:37 am

“Scandal scarred” aka Will Folks psychotic and self serving infatuation with this woman and his attempts to make everything she does a scandal. Example: Nikki Haley walks out of her house. Will Folks take: Gov Haley (RINO-Lexington) kills steps on and kills millions of ants while strolling to her taxpayer funded Mercedes. See also, Will Folks demeaning National Guard members because Mike Haley is sleeping with Will’s dream girl.

neil February 20, 2013 at 9:37 am

“Scandal scarred” aka Will Folks psychotic and self serving infatuation with this woman and his attempts to make everything she does a scandal. Example: Nikki Haley walks out of her house. Will Folks take: Gov Haley (RINO-Lexington) kills steps on and kills millions of ants while strolling to her taxpayer funded Mercedes. See also, Will Folks demeaning National Guard members because Mike Haley is sleeping with Will’s dream girl.

Sailor February 20, 2013 at 11:38 am

When I saw “The Governor gets a bounce”, I thought she had fallen on her ass!

Sailor February 20, 2013 at 10:38 am

When I saw “The Governor gets a bounce”, I thought she had fallen on her ass!

lawzoo February 20, 2013 at 11:44 am

Who among the(R)’s (whoever they are) could beat her in at the Primary? No one.
Forget the Demos.

She’s in until 2019 unless an (R) wins in 2016 (very doubtful) and she gets uhhhhh
!!! Secretary of Commerce !!

lawzoo February 20, 2013 at 10:44 am

Who among the(R)’s (whoever they are) could beat her in at the Primary? No one.
Forget the Demos.

She’s in until 2019 unless an (R) wins in 2016 (very doubtful) and she gets uhhhhh
!!! Secretary of Commerce !!

lawzoo February 20, 2013 at 11:47 am

She also qualifies for the valuable GILF position.

lawzoo February 20, 2013 at 10:47 am

She also qualifies for the valuable GILF position.

dwb619 February 20, 2013 at 12:37 pm


dwb619 February 20, 2013 at 11:37 am


TEA Bagged To Death February 20, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Can’t wait for her to go the way of Palin and die off.

TEA Bagged To Death February 20, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Can’t wait for her to go the way of Palin and die off.

G'ville February 21, 2013 at 2:27 am

Her Guv’s office is in full political mode. The Mansion receives political guest daily. her State house office recruits “steering committee members” daily. She has a well executed and conceived political plan and it is paid for with your tax dollars.

You cannot do a thing about it. It is the SC way. You work, pay taxes and a handful of greedy bastards take the money, use it for their purposes and smile at you as they do it.

G'ville February 21, 2013 at 1:27 am

Her Guv’s office is in full political mode. The Mansion receives political guest daily. her State house office recruits “steering committee members” daily. She has a well executed and conceived political plan and it is paid for with your tax dollars.

You cannot do a thing about it. It is the SC way. You work, pay taxes and a handful of greedy bastards take the money, use it for their purposes and smile at you as they do it.


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