So Todd Kincannon Tweeted Something …

Former S.C. Republican Party attorney Todd Kincannon has landed smack dab in the middle of another Twitter controversy – this one involving an allegedly racist tweet he sent during Super Bowl XLVII. Is anybody really surprised by this? Kincannon is the Charlie Sheen of South Carolina politics, people – a…

Former S.C. Republican Party attorney Todd Kincannon has landed smack dab in the middle of another Twitter controversy – this one involving an allegedly racist tweet he sent during Super Bowl XLVII.

Is anybody really surprised by this? Kincannon is the Charlie Sheen of South Carolina politics, people – a fearless, filterless commentator who makes this website’s outspoken founding editor look positively tame and politically correct by comparison.

First, here’s what Kincannon tweeted …

Yeah …

Obviously Kincannon’s tweet was sent prior to the San Francisco 49ers post-power outage point surge – a 17-0 run which turned a Baltimore Ravens’ blowout into a thrilling game.

Aside from that, though, did Kincannon’s tweet really deserve the flood of exposure it received (exposure which Kincannon is no doubt relishing)? Probably not … although Kincannon is incredibly adept when it comes to maximizing the value of his “viral” tweets.

“The left has decided that Trayvon Martin was just this perfect little angel,” Kincannon told The Huffington Post. “He was a thug. He tweeted about drug use. This guy, he was a criminal, and the left has decided to make him some sort of martyr. That is what I don’t understand.”

There’s some truth to that … how much we’ll probably never know. But again … The Huffington Post? Covering a former state party official’s tweet? We don’t get it … nor do we get the allegation that this website is in cahoots with Kincannon because we didn’t jump on this “story” immediately.

“My friend in Los Angeles called me furious about (Kincannon),” one of our sources told us. “Yet the ‘blog of the state’ won’t write on it … odd.”

No, not odd … it’s more like numb familiarity.

What do we mean? Well, Kincannon tweets morning, noon and night – sometimes all night long. And he’s almost always tweeting with an eye on creating precisely the sort of controversy in which he is currently engaged. In fact he’s posted a whopping 120,538 tweets over the last few years, and it’s safe to say the inappropriate-to-appropriate ratio on those is pretty lop-sided …

So when Kincannon invokes a dead black kid performing fellatio, it doesn’t shock us the way it might shock some people who are digesting his observations for the first time.

Anyway, whatever you think of Kincannon’s tweet – or Kincannon himself – the fact we’re talking about him (again) means he’s winning. Or #Winning, as he would tweet.


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selective outrage February 6, 2013 at 8:53 am

If he were talking about a white kid, or a black kid who was known to be a member of a Young Republicans group, nobody on the left would give a damn. Obviously. It’s an issue because of the way the media made a pristine-pure civil rights martyr out of Trayvon. I personally found the comment repulsive, as I don’t like that kind of talk about dead kids, period – but let’s look at the reality of this: It is for purposes of propaganda, pure and simple.

selective outrage February 6, 2013 at 9:00 am

By “the reality of this” I mean the selective outrage over it.

Beverly S. Hill February 7, 2013 at 7:44 am

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Republican Party.

Keep talkin’, Pal, keep talkin’.

Strickland February 6, 2013 at 9:34 am

This is terrible because it plays into the national stereotype of South Carolina.

Saying nothing (and this comment here is an exception!) is often the best way for politicians to maintain reputations of decency or agreeableness.

? February 6, 2013 at 10:05 am

“the fact we’re talking about him (again) means he’s winning”

Is it just me or do you get this sense of “winning” being like the Charlie Sheen type of “winning”?

Thomas February 6, 2013 at 10:07 am

Forget whether it’s racist or whether it should have been “covered.” It was just an inappropriate, cold-hearted, mean-spirited thing to say (tweet). The young man is dead.

WorkingTommyC February 6, 2013 at 10:15 am

Kincannon is just another modern “Vulgarian.” He’s attempting to gain fame via notoriety as pointed out in the article. It’s the white trash path to fame and fortune for some. Not sure how it will work out for Todd, however. He could well be the next “Honey Boo Boo” for all I know.

same ol' same ol' February 6, 2013 at 10:30 am

Either that or an agent provocateur.

say what?!? February 6, 2013 at 10:54 am

Supposedly he is a practicing attorney

based on his tweets he either never works or has no time for clients

Susan February 6, 2013 at 11:34 am

So if Trayvon Martin tweeting about drug use makes him a thug deserving of death, what does the far more offensive Todd Kincannon tweets make him? It would at least make him even more deserving of the same fate as Trayvon, who was engaging in NO thug behavior the night he was killed.

interested February 6, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Susan says…”….Trayvon, who was engaging in NO thug behavior the night he was killed.”

You can say that with a straight face? And you actually believe yourself when you say it?

Susan February 6, 2013 at 2:13 pm

interested, you can’t invent the news to suit your own purpose. This kid was doing nothing wrong that night.

Crooner February 6, 2013 at 11:35 am

I don’t know that it’s racist. After all, Kincannon claims that there’s evidence Trayvon tweeted about drug use, so the allegation is specific to Trayvon.

It is, of course, wholly inappropriate on several levels. Obviously, in our country one can tweet whatever they want.

The travesty would be allow one who expresses his thoughts in this manner to continue to play any prominent role in SC politics.

Original Good Old Boy February 6, 2013 at 12:09 pm

I think he’s a joke who takes himself way too seriously. If it weren’t for being a horses ass, nobody would have ever heard of him. I guess if he can’t be famous, just be infamous.

I hope the guy enjoys it.

Will, you should pick better friends lest people judge you by the company you keep.

BigT February 6, 2013 at 12:16 pm

It’s in bad taste and vulgar…but you only see it as ‘racist’ if you’re a brain-dead drone, who cowers in the shadow of political correctness…

I thought FITS claims he is his own man, and ‘tells it like it is’…

This shows FITS is led by pop culture liberals, who tell him how, and what, to think…

Smirks February 6, 2013 at 12:27 pm

If he’s going for shock humor, he is seriously failing at it. Judging from his “reasoning” behind why the tweets are A-OK, though, it seems like he is just trying to be one giant attention whore.

At least Princess Di jokes can crack a smile.

? February 6, 2013 at 1:20 pm

What? Making dick sucking jokes about dead kids isn’t shockingly funny?

Huh…go figure.

CoolAireHeights February 6, 2013 at 1:09 pm

Personally, I’m not really that concerned as to whether this kid is dead or not…. since lots of good kids – of which this kid apparently wasn’t – sadly die each and everyday. In the end, all that matters is whether I – and my friends/family – raise better and smarter kids than this kid (was apparently raised). And related to that, that my kids learn to stay the heck away from where the Zimmermans and the Martins tread.

interested February 6, 2013 at 1:35 pm

This is a violation of the oath of civility Todd took years ago. It is also a violation of the rules of ethics for lawyers. Someone should file a complaint with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel – this will probably earn him a suspension.

? February 6, 2013 at 1:38 pm

“This is a violation of the oath of civility Todd took years ago. It is also a violation of the rules of ethics for lawyers.”


Does any attorney that makes a successful living follow either of these two (clearly arbitrary) edicts?

Original Good Old Boy February 6, 2013 at 2:02 pm

The civility oath applies only in the context of a lawyer’s practice — i.e. when you are in court, or dealing with opposing counsel or clients. It don’t believe it applies to offensive tweets that are addressed to nobody in particular.

And I’m not sure it’s an ethical violation to simply be a boorish ass, either, so long as you are being a boorish ass on your own time. That being said, he’s probably on their radar, and if a complaint is ever filed against him, he will regret his public profile.

Despite Todd’s cavalier attitude about his tweets, it will hurt him in the long run. Most potential clients google their prospective lawyers. Those google results will reveal the Travon tweets and several allegations about sexting to unreceptive women.

? February 6, 2013 at 2:07 pm

“And I’m not sure it’s an ethical violation to simply be a boorish ass, either, so long as you are being a boorish ass on your own time.”


“Most potential clients google their prospective lawyers.”


Anonymous February 7, 2013 at 12:53 pm

I believe there’s a catch-all provision, something about conduct which tends to adversely reflect upon the legal profession (as if that’s possible, given the profession’s present image and reputation). Kincannon has no business being a lawyer and continueing to cast lawyers into further disrepute.

Amused Observer of the Republican Sect February 6, 2013 at 4:10 pm

It really seems odd that the sect which counts among its adherents the vast majority of South Carolinians couldnt find someone superior to this character to run its affairs.

hhuuhh?? February 6, 2013 at 4:20 pm

The only relevent facts about the Trayvon Martin case: he would be alive if George Zimmerman had followed the instructions he was getting from the LE dispatcher; for some reason the same bunch of people who usually say people should follow instructions from law enforcement have ended up on the side of the guy who told the law to fuck off.

CoolAireHeights February 6, 2013 at 6:43 pm

Whatever, “hhuuhh?” The real relevant facts are that Zimmerman did society a favor by provoking a future violent criminal now and in an event that that future violent criminal couldn’t win. Yep, the sad fact is that for every thug killed, this country improves financially, intellectually, morally, etc., etc…

Soft Sigh from Hell February 6, 2013 at 7:25 pm

It’s not all to no avail. It helps keeps all those millions of religious, family oriented, socially conservative black Americans permanently beyond the reach of the Republican Party, a place where many could land otherwise.

CoolAireHeights February 6, 2013 at 8:14 pm

Soft Sigh, again, whatever. History has proven that most blacks play an excellent Machiavellian game of politics to a point that they’ll not be voting against – nor speaking out against – their own race. Thus, I really could care less about your “Xanadu” portrait of black Republicans in volume.

Soft Sigh from Hell February 6, 2013 at 8:22 pm

Trite, shallow.

And who possibly cares what you care about? I am simply glad your GOPer congeners are so open in their distaste for their black fellow Americans, so that very few of the latter are enticed to vote their natural conservatism. Maybe Kincannon is a Harpootlian (sp?) plant.

CoolAireHeights February 6, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Uh, not shallow, and, not full of it like you either. I’m simply a realist who understands the full fledged assault by tribalism (that 95% of African-descended humans embrace) on those of us who actually value self-reliance, independence, and true freedom. Further, I’m not so paternalistic nor racist as to believe that I – good ole’ whitey – can convince blacks to vote “conservative”. God knows that they’ve been given enough reasons, enough opportunities, and, enough lectures on the superiority of conservatism… and still, they vote otherwise. Thus, I no longer care. And, if that makes me a political minority (at least for now) and a nothing in you eyes, than so friggin be it!

Panther February 6, 2013 at 8:41 pm

If some rap star Obama supporter had written the same about some young white person, nobody would have said shit. Bet on it.

Beverly S. Hill February 7, 2013 at 7:42 am

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Republican Party.

Keep talkin’, Pal, keep talkin’.

Beverly S. Hill February 7, 2013 at 7:48 am

So what do you suppose Mrs. Kincannon does each night besides wake up SCREAMING?!?!?!?


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