
About Those Jobs …

Unemployment in America is down from its recessionary peak, yet it remains chronically high. Then thYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

Unemployment in America is down from its recessionary peak, yet it remains chronically high. Then th
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BigT January 31, 2013 at 7:06 am

Obama is a LIAR..and by beating aeound the bush, FITS is accomplice…either through FITS’ stupidity or dishonesty…

That said: Place where Obama is being Vehmently Reisted, the economy has some bright spots. Lexington County voted 70% AGAINST Obama…and it is bringing in REAL (not government) jobs…

Texas may be the most Anti-obama state in the Union…and it’s faring better. the pattern is Strong and Clean…but idiots don’t care about reality of truth…

That shows us: As soon as we get rid of Obama (in 2016 unless he’s impeached) we can expect recovery and healing nationally…probably not before…

Still: in places where Liberalsim reigns..California, NY and the Rust Belt…expect them to suffer..and they actually DESERVE it, because they elected Obama…

shifty henry January 31, 2013 at 7:52 am

……….. read and initialed

Common Sense January 31, 2013 at 7:59 am

Fucking idiot. You must be the only sad sack loser mo fo who isnt doing better..stock market market doubled, housing is taking off etc..everyone else is doing better but the purest losers ala T..keep whining you fucking idiot and the rest of of will enjoy the recovery. Remember winners win and whiners whine and we know what you are…

BigT January 31, 2013 at 8:25 am

Stock market mostly helps those w/ money to invest on speculation…if you have no job, I doubt the stack marker matters. And most in the middle have had to take their money out of the stock market to live in the Miserable Obama Depression…

As for hosuing…prices are WAY Down…people are selling at big loses because they cannot wait any longer…

That is not good when you take that kind of a hit…and there are no jobes…

Obama has focused on taking guns and gay rights…while kids of working parents starve…That’s DISGUSTING…

? January 31, 2013 at 7:22 am

“Seriously … what part of lending $2.4 trillion to people who couldn’t afford to own homes did these politically correct housing officials think was a good idea?”

Yes, and the irony is the continued “stimulus” includes significant purchase of MBS’s ever month…they are trying to blow the real estate bubble back up.

It looks like they are having some short term success too in areas where median income is higher(like D.C.-wonder why everyone there makes so much?).

Anyway, they are simply spraying more fuel on the fire long term…there’s no way they will sustain another housing bubble for more than 5 years….I doubt 3 personally.

There’s a good chance GDP fell because the accounting methods used to report 3rd qtr. growth via the “gov’t spending” part of the GDP equation was curiously stacked in an unusual manner(just in time for the November election!) to show growth…and that was unwound a bit for the 4th qtr.

As I’ve mentioned before though, the “gov’t spending” portion of the equation is total bullshit anyway…not that 98% of the population knows what the GDP is let alone how it’s calculated.

The MSM/propaganda machine spits out “good” or “bad” implications based on mostly useless GDP #’s and the sheeple nod their heads and go “bahhhh…goooood!” or “bahhhh….baaaaad!” to each other after watching the bobble heads on TV or listening to them on radio. Their handlers are pleased.

shifty henry January 31, 2013 at 7:53 am

………… read and initialed

shifty henry January 31, 2013 at 8:05 am

……….. two things to celebrate today—-



Ohnonotagain January 31, 2013 at 8:05 am

That last paragraph starts out OK, but you write as if there is incontrovertible proof of the final statement in it, and there is not. I know it is accepted as fact, but there is enough evidence on both sides of the issue to suggest that the tax “burden” isn’t really the cause behind companies’ decisions to contract or not expand.

BigT January 31, 2013 at 8:26 am

Where’s Obama’s jobs plan…Did I miss that????

Isotope Soap January 31, 2013 at 11:57 am

You said there’s a boon in Lexington County…why don’t you start there, Bigums?

johnt January 31, 2013 at 9:19 am

Overlooked in the politics is the fact that we are in the middle of a computer revolution which may be more significant than the industrial revolution. Computers/robots have replaced all kinds of jobs from receptionist and file clerk to assembly line workers and technicians. The good news is that companies can provide good and services which are better and less costly than before (which is why the stock market is doing well and inflation is mild). The bad news is that when machines displace workers, the workers either become unemployed or migrate to lower paying jobs.

The industrial revolution generated all kinds of social change, revolution, and new political/economic philosophies. I can’t wait to see what the computer revolution brings.

james the foot soldier January 31, 2013 at 9:59 am

I feel so sorry for the Po Mo Fo Lo Info voters now faced with HIGHER taxes and FEWER jobs.


Common Sense January 31, 2013 at 2:55 pm

at least its way better than the end of the Bush years..

Booyah February 3, 2013 at 12:33 am

There is zero reason to offer high pay when the market will bear low pay.

That’s not a “scandal”, it’s reality for much of the world and now the US too.

“Find a way to make jobs desperate for people to fill them, ” is pants-on-head retarded.

There is no way to do that, because EFFICIENCY means investing in ways to use fewer workers, not finding ways to employ more of them.

Even China, an example being Foxconn, is investing in robots because they are even more efficient than armies of Chinese serfs.



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