
Ace Sanders Show Headed To The NFL

AND WHY NOT? Last November we traveled to Charlotte, N.C. to watch the Denver Broncos humiliate the You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

AND WHY NOT? Last November we traveled to Charlotte, N.C. to watch the Denver Broncos humiliate the
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Tank McNamara January 20, 2013 at 8:54 pm

As much as I’d like him to stay, I can’t see where he can do anything else to improve his status Iin the draft. I wish him nothing but the best.

BigT January 21, 2013 at 6:12 am

A FITS NEWSFLASH: Obama Re-elected Despite His Horrible Economy….

This Ace news is very STALE…this happened days ago.

Also: I LMAO. Tebow adavanced Denver more in the playoffs and he had a higher winning percentage for the Broncos than Manning…but Manning cost the Stupid Broncos $15 Million more a year…To LOSE!!!!

Idiot (and religious BIGOT) Elway should be FIRED…

Hate fails in the end…hope FITS and Obama worshipers take notice…

Saluda Rapids January 21, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Elway (no evidence of being a religious bigot, but we do have evidence that you are) knows that Manning is a great NFL QB and Tebow sucks dick. That should explain it for a simpleton such as yourself.

Making any kind of comparison between the two QB’S shows that idiocy follows you in all walks of life.

BigT January 21, 2013 at 5:30 pm

Not sure we know about Tebow, and how good, or bad, he could be…he got very little chance..but he took his team more into the playoffs than Manning did at Denver…

Still: Closed-minded RELIGIOUS Bigots like you DEMAND a chance for your ignorant special intrest groups…but you make sure a man is Silenced because you cannot handle a strong Christian…

Hate and stupidity will catch up w/ you…just wait…

Saluda Rapids January 21, 2013 at 8:12 pm

It’s not based on religion. You’re not that stupid, you know Manning is better, so we will set that aside. But Tebow is not an NFL QB. Period. Deal with it. Root for Flacco…he’s a good Catholic boy. Or do you hate Catholics, too?

You hated Mitt Romney because YOU are the religious bigot. Just like the other effing rock heads who voted for Newt Gingrich in the SC Primary. And your hate and stupidity caught up with you in November.

But I will pray for you.

Smirks January 21, 2013 at 8:24 am

What happened to Manning? Brady? lol… FITS sure can pick ’em.

Good luck to Sanders and Lattimore though.

law anyone January 21, 2013 at 11:53 am

Ace is not even close to a 4.3. I wish him the best, but Trindon Holliday was All-American for the LSU Track team. Ace doesn’t even run track at USC.

That said, he’s still capable of busting one at any time. Just fact checkin’.

Mike Traynor January 21, 2013 at 12:07 pm

Love Ace. Good luck, man.

Judy Chop, Casual Hero January 21, 2013 at 8:40 pm

I can pull King Arthur’s sword out faster than Ace can run the 40yard dash. Just saying man…

chop yourself January 24, 2013 at 11:05 am

If you dont think Ace is fast you are an idiot

PEYON MANNING=CHOKER January 22, 2013 at 5:13 am

YEP, peyton manning is a career CHOKER! how many times has he gone one and done in the playoffs? and his greatest accompishment is beating the rex grossman-led bears, EASILY the worst team EVER to play in the super bowl- AND IT WAS A SOMEWHAT CLOSE GaME! LOL, youre bragging about the broncos beating the panthers?/???/? a week after your hero chokes AGAIn? LMFAO! if holliday hadnt returned 2 kicks for TDs, it wouldnt even have been a game. peyton manning: most overrated great white hype in ALL OF SPORTS! i attribute almost all of his success to marvin harrison, reggie wayne, dalls clark, pollard, and those 2 defensive ends. peyton manning is nothing but a regular season videogame qb, WHO CHOKES ON COCK come playoff time. the media of course promotes him becaue he is a faithful corporate shill. he souldve quit after the back problems. his brother cooper will have more motor skill control than him in a few years. cant wait untl he junior seaus himself.

Darryl Crawford January 30, 2013 at 11:19 am

I grew up with Ace Sanders dad and trust me speed is in his blood line. His Dad played with Deion Sanders at Florida State and was also the quarteback that got our High School(Manatee) their first state champion. I live in North Carolina now and I have been following Ace for the past three years and I definitely think he is ready for hte NFL. True talent and speed will get you to the nexl level.


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