SC Cop Blotter: “Git ‘Er Done!” Or … Not
SUSPECT GOES OFF “HALF-COCKED” AFTER BEING EXCLUDED FROM GANG BANG We don’t post mYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
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Charlotte’s Creative Loafing’s “Police Blotter” is always funny as hell!!!
I get a free issue every time I’m up that way.
Overall, the New Society was a bad idea. The folks it was supposed to help are as lost as ever. The return on the investment of countless billions, over forty years, has been very small.
Amen amen amen. Where are all the liberal posts?
You are wrong my friend. NOT billions. It is actually a trillion+. I’m not exaggerating.
That picture looks like a Richland County police car in GTA4 or something.
Willie Boy is just fine with anti-white slurs like “redneck inbrededness” , so why isn’t this incident referred to as something, well, like a Gorilla Gangbang? Willie is too PC or chickenshit to offend the darker races.
Agreed. Those inbred rednecks might look pretty darn good one day when one is fleeing for his life from a lawless urban area.
The report doesn’t state the race of the complainant/victim. So he could well have been white, and the race of the guy who went off “half-cocked” could have been the redneck.
But you know what? Inbred redneckiness is as inbred redneckiness does.” In other words, trash is trash, regardless of race.
“Complainant/victim stated he is a light skinned black male with gold teeth and stays at the Groves Apartments.”
You sure this story is posted correctly.
Reads like another candidate has announced his qualifications for SC-1
Are the candidates going to be limited to only 24?
Will they be listed by qualifications, age, scandals, morals, or just by weight (fattest one first)?
The ballot will probably be prepared similar to a Consumer Reports rating chart, and with the little check-blocks for [Recommended] and [Best Buy]. HAH!
I LMAO. FITS is a Bass-Ackwards Rube. FITS so lacks any travel experince, or he’s too stupid to observe if he has left the state.
This Stupid Mo-Fo must think the rest of the nation is prim-and-pristine…and only here are there problems…
FITS…you would have gotten arrested in any other state, too..
And Sanford would be just as repulive to the voters, except the leftwing places that you so wish you could be like…
Mr. Obama will make sure that morons like these get to keep their guns…
some gangbangs require participants to be a particular size;maybe he didn’t measure up and compensating w/the gun,and shit
why didn’t he get some of that pregnant pussy;shit’s fine,unless she was too far along…