SC Most “Interesting” State For Politics

FROM THE BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT FILE … “Interesting …” It’s a word that could mean any number of things. For example people frequently say “interesting” in responding to information that really isn’t. The word is also used to describe people who are, um, “special” – which applies to pretty much the…

south carolina interesting state


“Interesting …”

It’s a word that could mean any number of things. For example people frequently say “interesting” in responding to information that really isn’t. The word is also used to describe people who are, um, “special” – which applies to pretty much the entire population of ass backward South Carolina.

Whatever your definition, South Carolina has been named the most “interesting” state in the nation for politics by reporter Aaron Blake of The Washington Post. Here’s an anonymous description of the state’s political scene written by “AmandaSC …”

Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun. Civil War. Fort Sumter. Confederate Flag. Ben Tillman. Strom Thurmond. Lee Atwater. First in the South. McCain vs. Bush. Lindsey Graham. Fritz Hollings. Charleston. Stephen Colbert. Appalachian Trail. Andre Bauer. Mark Sanford. Jenny Sanford. Nikki Haley. Tim Scott. Jim DeMint. Alvin Greene.

Clearly South Carolina is the most interesting and has been for years. Where else can a person like Alvin Greene be connected by ‘six degrees of separation’ from statesmen like Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, all by using relevant political persons/hot issues of the past 30 years? That’s right: Nowhere.

After all, the quote that has been true for the past 150 years, as stated by former congressman and anti-secessionist James Petigru in 1860: ‘South Carolina: Too small to be a republic, too large to be an insane asylum.’

Well … isn’t that “interesting.”

Or not …

Frankly, we’d have described the Palmetto State as follows …

Welcum to South Cack-i-lacky, where they put somethin’ in the water made us all (‘specially de politicians) horny as hell. It’s a great day for bumpin’ uglies (and breeding dependents) baby! Now listen here, we’re dumb as bricks, broke as jokes and fat as whales … and our big, buttered-up inbred asses all live up in trailer parks or gubmint housing with our F150s and Escalades. But while we may be lib’ral when it cums to ignorants and taters-n-gravy, we luuuuuuv dem “conservative” Republicans who keep our kids stoopid and our property, sales an income taxes high. We love them socialized medicine men, too – like Newt Gingrich and that Morman feller who was s’posed to beat our Muslim Kenyan prez-o-dint. But we ‘specially love politicians like Nikki Haley and Hugh Leatherman who bring us the jobs! Cause we can stack some boxes! And build them “mack daddy planes” that don’t seem to fly so good.  

South Cack-i-lacky! Fuck a duck (we would if we could)! 

Better? We thought so too …


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ceilidh10 January 14, 2013 at 9:36 am

Too darn funny !

The great thing about South Carolina is that it is a small state.

The bad thing about South Carolina is that it is a small state.

BigT January 14, 2013 at 9:42 am

Yeah, we, in SC, LOVE Freedom and HATE Tyrants…

Very American…and Rare for idiots like FITS, Obama and the establishment leftwing @$$-Kissing media…

WE Built this country to get away from Slave-Masters like you. And we’ll fight to keep it…

So FITS…you may get on your knees to your liberal gods to draw eyes now…but your @$$ WILL be kicked in the end…Mark that down…

Hitler, Stalin and Jim Crowe All found out what you are too STUPID get…We will be enslaved by NO ONE…

junior justice January 14, 2013 at 10:00 am

Aren’t you upset that Fits didn’t give you credit for that second quote above?

Sarge January 14, 2013 at 11:56 am

Some people in SC do not hate tyrants. There is no other description for Queen Jean and the way she treats her inferior judciary and the lawyers of this state. The Democrats and Jean owned lawyer legislators can’t worship her enough.

CNSYD January 14, 2013 at 9:44 am

As much as Sic Willie loves to dump on SC, SC is not unique.

Read: Gothic Politics in the Deep South by Robert Sherrill

same ol' same ol' January 14, 2013 at 9:51 am

Yeah, we’re unique, just like everyone else.

BigT January 14, 2013 at 9:53 am

Good point: Small-minded people, who have either never been elsewhere, or they are not bright enough to see…always fancy their nest as unique and the worst…

FITS shows his Rubish nature by bashing SC, more than anything else he does…

FITS, and so many of his minions, so want to be Colbert, Stewart or Mahr…they think Bashing their nest is sophistcated and endears them to pop culture…They’d Crap if they knew their idols would laugh at them…and treat them like they try to treat Conservatives…

You’re just a pawn to ensure the elite get paid…

shifty henry January 14, 2013 at 9:56 am

….. somebody already said it:

“An honest politician is one who when he’s bought – stays bought”


“A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles”

“The highest calling to the lowest falling”

“In politics nothing is contemptible”

sweepin January 14, 2013 at 10:03 am

If your heart ain’t in SC, then get your ass out.

what? January 14, 2013 at 2:05 pm


junior justice January 14, 2013 at 10:18 am

NEWS FLASH! —- from Associated Press

—— “It has now been confirmed that BigT, despite his statements to the contrary, was NOT the only American who voted against POTUS”

embarrassed for her January 14, 2013 at 10:26 am

Will Folks, comic gold, man.

BigT January 14, 2013 at 10:32 am

Wow: There’s Trailers in SC…I bet we’re the only state that ahs them…

We shore is stupid…And we’re the only Stupid States…

Hey FITS: Half the States voted AGAINST your god and idol, Not just SC…Why aren’t you Bashing those????

Catholic Boy January 14, 2013 at 10:58 am

See what can happen if you don’t wear a condom…

not in the ring January 14, 2013 at 10:38 am

“South Carolina is too small to be a republic and too large to be an insane asylum”……..James L Petigru

just wanted to repeat that and let the sad truth of it sink in for everyone

BigT January 14, 2013 at 10:44 am

If it was not for Cliche..Liberals would be silent…

Ass Masters January 14, 2013 at 12:18 pm

It’s spelled cliché, Dumbstick.

junior justice January 14, 2013 at 1:02 pm

How did you put the (‘) over the (e)?

Ass Masters January 14, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Depends on what you’re using. On an iPhone or IPad, just hold the vowel down a few seconds and it should give you the option.

Ass Masters January 14, 2013 at 1:21 pm

BigT is probably still using Windows 95…

Recovering Lobbyist January 14, 2013 at 12:59 pm

I am so proud. But then I moved here from Michigan. The difference between South Carolina and Michigan? Michigan has unions, South Carolina has jobs.

Recovering Lobbyist January 14, 2013 at 12:59 pm

I wish I had chosen Texas.

Soft Sigh from Hell January 14, 2013 at 7:55 pm

I forget who first said it but I have always liked, “In South Carolina, politics is a contact sport.”

toyota kawaski January 15, 2013 at 8:31 am

Welcum to South Cack-i-lacky, where they put somethin’ in the water made us all (‘specially de politicians) horny as hell. It’s a great day for bumpin’ uglies (and breeding dependents) baby! Now listen here, we’re dumb as bricks, broke as jokes and fat as whales … and our big, buttered-up inbred asses all live up in trailer parks or gubmint housing with our F150s and Escalades. But while we may be lib’ral when it cums to ignorants and taters-n-gravy, we luuuuuuv dem “conservative” Republicans who keep our kids stoopid and our property, sales an income taxes high. We love them socialized medicine men, too – like Newt Gingrich and that Morman feller who was s’posed to beat our Muslim Kenyan prez-o-dint. But we ‘specially love politicians like Nikki Haley and Hugh Leatherman who bring us the jobs! Cause we can stack some boxes! And build them “mack daddy planes” that don’t seem to fly so good.

South Cack-i-lacky! Fuck a duck (we would if we could)!

I always knew Fits was really posting as Cooter-Brown


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