Four SC Cities Make Retirement List

AIKEN, BEAUFORT, BLUFFTON AND CHARLESTON AMONG “BARGAIN” RETIREMENT DESTINATIONS Four South Carolina cities have been listed as good places for retirees to spend their golden years – and good bargains for the retirees. According to MarketWatch‘s Catey Hill, “a growing number of people have been flocking to the (Palmetto) state…


Four South Carolina cities have been listed as good places for retirees to spend their golden years – and good bargains for the retirees.

According to MarketWatch‘s Catey Hill, “a growing number of people have been flocking to the (Palmetto) state for its mild winters and slower pace” as well as the fact that South Carolina doesn’t assess an estate tax and has low property taxes.

Wait … part of our tax code is actually competitive?  Eh … sort of.  Last time we checked, thirty states didn’t assess an estate tax – meaning they enjoy the same competitive advantage we do.  Also South Carolina property taxes have been held in check by tax hikes elsewhere – not to mention the preservation of our state’s abnormally high (and unusually regressive) income tax rate.

Just three months ago listed South Carolina as one of the ten worst states for retirees in America – citing elevated levels of crime and poverty and lower levels of life expectancy.  MarketWatch‘s Hill doesn’t touch on those concerns, although she does acknowledge that the Palmetto State “has its drawbacks.”

“Summers are often hot and humid, and Palmetto State summers can be dominated by the palmetto bug—the state’s version of an extra-large cockroach,” Hill writes. “While many of the state’s smaller cities and towns offer a good mix of cultural offerings, residents say much of the area offers relatively little in the way of shopping or night life.”

Extra large cockroaches?  No nightlife?  Like Belinda Carlisle said, “heaven is a place on earth,” people.

Anyway, to read MarketWatch’s reviews of Aiken, Beaufort, Bluffton and Charleston, click on the links below …




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CNSYD December 27, 2012 at 9:36 am

WHAT!! This list is obviously bogus. Everyone knows Lexington-Richland counties are the center of the universe. Just read FITSNEWS for confirmation.

Dat Boy is my hero! December 27, 2012 at 9:51 am

It is where Dat Boy comes to get beat every two years.
One for the thumb!

SC illiterate December 27, 2012 at 9:53 am

By looking at the picture and reading only the headline it appears that Sam Malone from Cheers has retired to SC. Don’t recognize his AARP counterpart.

SC Native December 27, 2012 at 9:55 am

AIKEN, for those who own polo horses and love fire ants. Who writes this crap?

BigT December 27, 2012 at 10:17 am

You’re Welcome to come as long as you don’t bring Rust Belt State Values to SC…

You are Failing because of Liberalism…

We’ve been growing in SC and prospering since the House and Senate went GOP…We don’t need liberals to push us backwards like they had us before and after The Civil War…

Want to progress—go Conservative. Want to implode, adopt liberalism…

Isotope Soap December 27, 2012 at 10:32 am

Midwestern people are more kind and honest than you, asshole.

djk754 December 27, 2012 at 7:52 pm

Yankee imperialist, go home.

Chris Memminger December 27, 2012 at 10:33 am

Big T I know a lot of people say mean things to you on this site but I wanted to take a minute to thank you for speaking what so many of us are thinking everyday. I am just so angry about everything and right about everyone else being wrong about everything but I just can’t ever put it into words. I have a ferocious, hateful anger in my soul that simmers and boils in a productive and sustainable way that will get this Country on the right track again. It is your posts that bring me solace that there are sane and motivated people out there who have the dedication to post on every thread on a SC political blog. With that kind of dedication and consistency of message I know we can beat the socialist plot to take our money and give it to other people. Your teachings have made clear to me that the only way to beat well organized idealogues is to fight fire with fire. I appreciate you eloquent use of capital letters and multiple periods and the way that I hang on your every word. Whatever you do, do not stop posting. You are changing hearts and minds and I know, based on the impact you have had on my life, that you will be successful.

Lewis December 27, 2012 at 10:48 am

They obviously did not check the property taxes in Beaufort County, SC. This report is a fraud and a sham. Must have been produced by the SC PRT.

norman December 27, 2012 at 10:56 am

Beaufort county personal property taxes are low and many of the homes in the county are reasonable. When you buy in the resort areas and the so called plantations expect to pay.

BradWarthenSucks December 27, 2012 at 11:18 am

Who retires to Beaufort, besides Marines who were stationed at MCAS-Beaufort?

Old Bike Dude December 28, 2012 at 7:45 am

Hey jack!

same ol' same ol' December 27, 2012 at 12:12 pm

Fire ants, I hate goddamned fire ants.
Other than that and the oven-like summers, it ain’t such a bad place.

Recovering Lobbyist December 27, 2012 at 1:24 pm

What is retirement?

Old Bike Dude December 27, 2012 at 3:42 pm

Yep they all moved here and they all want it their way.

djk754 December 27, 2012 at 7:53 pm

Charleston, a bargain?

Boyd Lemon December 28, 2012 at 11:44 am

Where you retire is important, and more and more retirees are choosing cities and small towns in the south. But I want to call to the attention of baby boomers and anyone planning retirement or recently retired that emotional planning is important too. Going from a full time job to no job may seem ideal, but it is an enormous and difficult adjustment. Too many retire people end up feeling useless, with no purpose. Many suffer from episodic depression as a result, making what could be the best time of their lives, the worst time. Prepare yourself by finding a passion to pursue during retirement.

Boyd Lemon-Author of “Retirement: A Memoir and Guide” (December 1, 2012); Eat, Walk, Write: An American Senior’s Year of Adventure in Paris and Tuscany (2011); and 5 other books. Information, reviews and excerpts:

same ol' same ol' December 28, 2012 at 8:54 pm

Thanks Boyd, some very insightful comments. I’m only a couple of years away from retiring myself and am already struggling with what I’m going to do. I actually went to work on two of my days off over the holidays and thought, man, I’m going to miss this place. I suppose I’m fortunate to be one who enjoys their job. I think I’ll look at it like a career change and be sure I do something constructive. I’m certain I couldn’t stay at home all the time with my wife. We’d end up in divorce, for sure.

Boyd Lemon December 29, 2012 at 7:53 am

Some of these comments are outrageously rude, people. There is no reason for personal attacks. Vent your anger somewhere else. The personal attacks detract from whatever message you are trying to send.

same ol' same ol' December 29, 2012 at 11:04 am

You come here often, Boyd? It’s the nature of the site. I just ignore it and move on. It does actually say unfair, imbalanced at the top of the page. As crude, rude and uncivilized as some folks can get around here, some of it is downright funny. Of course, my peeps call me coarse and vulgar so I would naturally find humor there.

Booyah December 31, 2012 at 8:24 am

“Thanks Boyd, some very insightful comments. I’m only a couple of years away from retiring myself and am already struggling with what I’m going to do. I actually went to work on two of my days off over the holidays and thought, man, I’m going to miss this place. I suppose I’m fortunate to be one who enjoys their job. I think I’ll look at it like a career change and be sure I do something constructive. I’m certain I couldn’t stay at home all the time with my wife. We’d end up in divorce, for sure.”

Hobbies and travel. If you had a technical job, now you can pursue similar hobbies. Retirement takes a couple of years to adjust to.

I went back to college am taking courses for fun I’d not had time to take before.
No pressure, you can do what you enjoy, and you’ll find many retiress doing continuing education. Don’t “retire and expire”, find challenges.

Boyd Lemon December 31, 2012 at 8:48 am

Booyah: You are beginning to plan wisely, taking some of the steps I recommend in my book.

Boyd Lemon-Author of Retirement: A Memoir and Guide (December 1, 2012); Eat, Walk, Write: An American Senior’s Year of Adventure in Paris and Tuscany (2011); and 5 other books. Information, reviews and excerpts: Amazon Author Page:


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