
Merry Christmas!

SEASONS‘ GREETINGS AND HAPPY HOLIDAZE! No matter what your faith (or lack thereof), there’s something special about Christmas … And while our family celebrates it the way Martin Luther intended … with a tree (two trees, actually) and bright white lights to symbolize the birth of Jesus Christ … we…


No matter what your faith (or lack thereof), there’s something special about Christmas …

And while our family celebrates it the way Martin Luther intended … with a tree (two trees, actually) and bright white lights to symbolize the birth of Jesus Christ … we know this season means different things to different people.

Certainly this website preaches ad nauseam when it comes to our ideological beliefs, but we’ve always done well to avoid preaching about our theological beliefs.  And we’re not going to start preaching on those beliefs today, except to say we believe Christ’s birth is the reason for the season – despite the best efforts of some to turn Christmas into something it’s not (and despite the best efforts of some “Christians” to ramp up their sanctimoniousness this time of year).

But whatever you believe (or don’t believe), there’s something to be said for a day when the whole world comes to a standstill to celebrate life, share gifts and spend time with the people they love.  And to help those in need.  It really is special, and if you can’t figure out why amid the flood of music, lights, gifts, food and festivities, then maybe you ought to acquaint yourself with the reason we referenced above.

We only get so many Christmases on this earth, so enjoy this one … remembering it truly is more blessed to give than to receive (unless of course we’re talking about some of Mrs. Sic Willie’s delectable holiday cookies).

Whatever Christmas means to you, though, we hope this day brings you great joy, peace and hope … and that the future brings you nothing but happiness and prosperity.

Thanks again for reading FITS!  From our family to you and yours, Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year!


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BigT December 25, 2012 at 2:41 pm

Merry Christmas to all…

And pray for our leaders. Stop the hate, and let’s pray that we turn away from evil revenge, and try to heal this sick and ailing nation…

Implore to our leader that a properous America has always lifted others…while a polarized nation only wastes the hard work of the doers, and makes the takers more bitter and self-loathing…

South Mauldin December 25, 2012 at 5:44 pm

Evil revenge? Like “he tried to kill my Daddy” Bush did with Saddam Hussein?

How’d that work out?

But Merry Christmas, T. Bet you got enough coal in your stocking to heat your house all winter.

BigT December 25, 2012 at 7:06 pm

Bush stopping an Evil Murderer was a deterrent. It is an investment, if you will, and sanctioned as good, just like stopping Hitler was.

But people who are failed, and must take from others, are like that because they do not understand investment. As you represent yourself.

That said: Matthew, of the New Testament, was an blood-sucking tax collector. Jesus had supper w/ him despite his sinful greed.

That lesson is ESPECIALLY relevant in today’s America, and especially in Washington DC.

Let’s pray the tax theif repents, and chooses to lead w/ good will…not the contempt, we’ve seen to this point.

Thebeachisback December 26, 2012 at 4:11 pm

Please, please run your car over a cliff!

9" December 25, 2012 at 3:58 pm

You know that song,’What Child Is This’?;that’s the gay one! Can I call ’em or what?

BigT December 25, 2012 at 5:19 pm

Sad that FITS breaks his neck to Apologize for what he claims to believe…

Analysis: From what we know publically, and what FITS has said: he has no doubt been handed a comfortable life from the propserity that comes from the order of a Christian family…

But: FITS, like so many one-generation-removed-from-sharecropping, South Carolinainas, who fancy themselves Enlightened, worships secularists. The secular, in the form of college facullty, push their anti-Christian bias, on those wannbe-sophisticates like FITS,….

The FITS “educated” are not quite brave enough to completely Spit on the wisdom that provided everything that has been handed to them…but they are not smart enough to figure out, the Left is merely selling a Failed doctrine of Liberalism…

Also: They subconciously know that sooner or later, the wages of sin is death…and while they may preach the faux-savior of the leftwing to feel smart…they are not so stupid, and irresponsible to their own children, that they will sacrifice them to the Dogs of hedonism…like Clinton, Obama and Mahr…

Saluda Rapids December 25, 2012 at 6:04 pm

As someone said at 2:41 pm, stop the hate.

BigT December 25, 2012 at 6:45 pm

Amen: S.R. Thank you for heeding. You will find it is far more a blessing to you, than it is me. But I am joyous.

Saluda Rapids December 25, 2012 at 9:19 pm

Fuck off, T.

fitsnews Author December 25, 2012 at 10:15 pm

Big T,

I love you, man. Merry Christmas.


BigT December 26, 2012 at 6:26 am

Same to you FITS. I will pray for you and your family, as I pray for mine.

And Remember: You cannot serve 2 Masters.

Thebeachisback December 26, 2012 at 4:14 pm

He can’t even live by his own words because he is A stupid, stupid pitiful excuse for a human being. Where is Mrs T when you need her! Help! T’s Putin the street in his underwear yelling “shitter’s full”!

Thomas December 25, 2012 at 6:44 pm

Very cool, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Now for a word about Santa Claus as best delivered by my favorite futures trader:

Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas, who died on December 6, AD 343. Saint Nicholas is well-known by his Dutch moniker, “Santa Claus”. Don’t be fooled by the crass, commercialized image. Saint Nicholas was a stone-cold butt-kicker for Christ and His Church.
Early in the Fourth Century, there was a terrible heresy in the Church put forth by a very persuasive man named Arius. Arius contended that Christ was not fully divine, but a creature, created by the Father. This heresy was threatening to schism the Church. (Back then everyone understood the truth that any schism whatsoever was totally and completely evil and thus unacceptable – the Church is ONE. Christ has ONE Bride, not a harem. There is ONE Truth. Not multiple “truths”. As soon as you start saying that there are “multiple truths”, what you have done is denied Truth Itself, of which there is only ONE.)

So, the First Council of Nicea was called in AD 325 to hash this out and put the Arian heresy down once and for all. Arius was at the Council, of course, and was called upon to defend his position on the inferiority of Christ. Being a bishop, Nikolaos of Myra (in present-day Turkey) was naturally in attendance. Arius’ nonsensical, destructive and insulting lying contentions about Our Lord became too much for Bishop Nikolaos, who stood up and proceeded to haul off and go all Manny Pacquiao on Arius with a left jab directly to Arius’ piehole.

Everyone was alarmed by Bishop Nikolaos’ righteous beatdown of Arius, and he was immediately summarily stripped of his bishopric. In those days, the two things that designated a man a Christian bishop were a personal copy of the Gospels and a pallium, which is like a stole. Now you may taken aback by the “personal copy of the Gospels” thing. Well, of course! How could a bishop NOT have the Gospels? But you must remember that the printing press wasn’t invented until AD 1439. Before that, if you wanted a book, it had to be written out BY HAND. And what were you going to write on? Try vellum. Every piece of vellum had to be harvested from an animal and made. So you see, for a man to have a personal copy of any written text was a HUGE, and frankly EXPENSIVE, deal. So, poor Nikolaos was stripped of his Gospel and his pallium AND thrown in the hoosegow.

Now here is where it gets really good.

While Nikolaos was in the clink, he received a visit from both Our Lord and the Virgin Mary. Jesus asked Nikolaos, “Why are you here?” And Nikolaos replied, “Because I love You, my Lord and my God.” At this, Jesus then presented Nikolaos with his copy of the Gospels, and Mary put his pallium back on him, thus restoring his rank as a bishop. When Nikolaos was discovered sitting calmly in his cell, still under guard, with his Gospel and his pallium, which the other bishops had locked away themselves far from Niklaos’ prison cell, Nikolaos was released, welcomed back by his brother bishops, and rejoined the Council. The heresy of Arianism was struck down once and for all, and the Nicene Creed (which we still recite at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today) was authored.

The anti-Arian part is this:

“. . . Et in unum Dominum Iesum Christum,
(And [I believe] in one Lord Jesus Christ)

Filium Dei Unigenitum,
(the only begotten Son of God)

Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula.
(And born of the Father, before all ages.)

Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
(God of God: Light of Light:)

Deum verum de Deo vero,
(true God of true God)

Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri
(Begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father)

Per quem omnia facta sunt.”
(by Whom all things were made.)

I post this because it speaks directly to our question of love and defense of Truth and defense of those we love. Arius was attacking Christ and His Church with his heresy just as viciously as if he had been leading an army – and Nikolaos stepped into the breach to defend his Beloved. PHYSICALLY. The reason Nikolaos stepped in was because Arius was attacking CHRIST, and His Bride, the Church, which is made up of Niklaos’ fellow human beings – whose immortal souls were being put at risk by Arius. We are in no way taught by Christ to stand by and watch as our loved ones are attacked. The miracle in Nikolaos’ cell is proof of this. Nikolaos did the right thing by going all Pacquiao on Arius and dropping him on his heretical keister before God and everyone.

“Why are you here?”

“Because I love You, my Lord and my God.”

Go Santa.

-Anne Barnhardt


Converted December 26, 2012 at 2:59 pm

May the peace of Christ be with you!

Jeffy01 December 25, 2012 at 10:52 pm


TontoBubbaGoldstein December 27, 2012 at 10:56 am

Merry New Year!

Frank Pytel December 26, 2012 at 5:38 am

Merry Christmas

T, Senseless, Sic, ?, Jan, Carpe, Smirks;.

Merry Christmas one and all.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Frank Pytel December 26, 2012 at 5:42 am

Merry Christmas TATA NANO

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

Big Daddy December 26, 2012 at 6:52 am

Happy Holidays FITS! And by the way, here on the 26th, Happy Kwanzaa….

Hope you and your family have a good holiday season. Keep the informative articles coming in the New Year.

Fat Naked White Senat ah December 26, 2012 at 1:03 pm

I still got a cup of hot coffee from the Spinxter while making the morning rounds checking on things before the kids got up,

The garbage truck drove by our window while we were opening gifts, at 11:00 a.m.,

The grocery store was running, Dominos had some dudes out waving pizza signs at high noon on the sidewalk,

Well, you get the picture. I’m just damn glad I could stay away from this depressing ass website for a day, but that was yesterday.

God, I miss the days of the blue laws. Not for the religious reasons, just so we could all pretty much stand down for a day.

And now I’m pretty damn sure that FITS AND BIG T are one and the same.

Ching Ching.

King Dong Long December 26, 2012 at 1:53 pm

I hear ya!

Rice Bowl December 26, 2012 at 1:05 pm

I feel like I’m a good Christain doing God’s work, but all Muslims are evil. I’ve had some black friends but feel most of them are racist assholes taking from others. I was bullied really bad as a kid but somehow find myself doing the same. I was once a down and out alcoholic bum and now I work and no longer drink. I don’t understand why if I can do it, why can’t everyone else. I’ll never understand this due to my own life is mine and nobody elses. I can only be empathetic to people like me. I seem crazy to others, but I’m not all bad. Wonder why I troll on here 24/7 for fulfillment while I could be doing something positive and more Christlike? Maybe I’ll stop watching and listening to Fox, Rush and Drudge?

If that is you BigT, I sincerely hope you think about some shit and get help this year. Have yourself a good holiday and put the hate away. Let’s have more of the guy on this page and not the other posts.

Crooner December 26, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Thanks for the nice pic. The boy looks just like you, but with hair. The girl, thankfully, does not.

SubZeroIQ December 26, 2012 at 7:07 pm

To Thomas and FITS:
First, FITS, I thought you were Jewish and had married a Christian. I did not know you converted.
Was I wrong? You had posted something about Israel saying “My people.”

Well, MY people, are the Coptic Orthodox Christians, their cousins the Safardim, and the Egyptians who were originally Christian but got Islamized over the centuries, the first-generation immigrants to the U.S., the native Americans, and all the world.

But that segs to two things. To Thomas: Physical violence DIRECTLY and BLATANTLY disobeys and insults Christ: “Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.” Is is “PEACE on earth,” not “WAR on earth.”

The PRIME refuter of the Arian Heresy was not a physical punch, but the prayful scholarship and eloquence of SAINT ATHANASIUS OF ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT.

The Europeans NEVER accepted Jesus Christ for what he truly was and basically wanted to “teach” God what God should be and do. When God would have none of it, the idiot Nietze pretended “God is dead.” Well, Nietze is DEAD. God is eternal.

Fits, God bless the children. Please remember what I had often tried to tell you. Before you write anything, ask yourself whether your children will be proud to read it some day.

Next, “the world” does NOT stop on December 25th. Of course, not all the world is Christian. But among Christians, the Maronites and the Armenians celebrate Christmas on January 6. The Eastern Orthodox (including the Russians and the Copts) celebrate Christams on January 7.

But even in Europe, America, and Australia, the world does NOT stop AND WE SHOULD GIVE THANKS TO THOSE WHO WORK ON CHRISTMAS, specially, the medical care providers.
Medical emergencies increase over the holidays, and we should give special thanks to the healthcare providers. When I was in active clinical practice, I often worked on Christmas and was impressed at how the hospitals looked no different on Christmas day.
I am also grateful for all the others who work on Christmas day.

In Egypt, I had gone to private school and always had January 7 off. But when I went to medical school, because in my days there was no day off for Christian holidays or Sundays, it was an easy decision for me: it is more Christian to do one’s duty on the Sabbath.
God bless.

Thomas December 26, 2012 at 8:02 pm

Yes, there are Seven Rites in His Catholic Church


I belong to the Latin Rite. God bless you and yours. I hope you did not think I was speaking of you when I said Jean Toal was “wide open” in her lack of prudence and objectivity in how she conducts the affairs of her office. Thanks for any and all information in this regard.


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