
Nikki Haley’s Freudian Autocorrect Slip?

“THAD BEEN BARE BONED?” Anybody who has an iDevice (iPad, iPhone, iPod) knows all about autocorrect … the text correction feature that adjusts common misspellings and adapts to individual users by remembering words that they frequently type. Autocorrect is loathed by most iDevice users, but it’s also rarely disabled because…


Anybody who has an iDevice (iPad, iPhone, iPod) knows all about autocorrect … the text correction feature that adjusts common misspellings and adapts to individual users by remembering words that they frequently type.

Autocorrect is loathed by most iDevice users, but it’s also rarely disabled because … let’s face it … chubby fingers and tiny virtual keyboards are a bitch.

And speaking of … iPad freak (and S.C. Governor) Nikki Haley posted an entry on her Facebook page this week attempting to justify her administration’s decision to increase funding for the S.C. Department of Mental Health (SCDMH).   One of the few state agencies that hasn’t seen exorbitant budget increases in recent years, we’re not necessarily going to quibble with Haley over her push for more spending.

You’d think with all the new spending she’s approved since taking office there would be more than enough left over for SCDMH … but whatever.

What peaked our interest was the curiously placed “autocorrect” included in Haley’s entry …

At the start of our administration, we increased the mental health budget by $19 million because it Thad been bare boned. One in four people have a mental health issue. If treated, they can live perfectly normal productive lives. Every state needs to understand the importance of mental health treatments in their communities. (Emphasis added)

Ummmmm …

“Thad been bare boned?”

Why, yes … as a matter of fact.

Ask any state lawmaker who attended the 2006 American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conference in San Francisco and they’ll likely recall the exceedingly close proximity that existed on that trip between Haley and former S.C. Rep. Thad Viers.  And ask any of Haley’s former lovers – (one, two … five?) and they will no doubt confirm her affinity for “bare boning” (a.k.a. “raw dogging,” or unprotected sexual intercourse).

So yeah … Haley’s “autocorrect” clearly knew what it was typing.  On multiple counts!

Anyway, Haley endorsed Viers’ aborted bid for the state’s seventh congressional district and has reportedly maintained close ties with the former lawmaker – whose career ended earlier this year after he was accused of harassing an ex-girlfriend.

Haley has gone on the record saying she has been “100 percent faithful” to her husband Michael throughout their fifteen years of marriage, while Viers has pointedly denied rumors of an affair with Haley.


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BigT December 19, 2012 at 11:46 am

I’m sure Bevis and Butthead are LTAO, along with every other low-intelligence pervert, who is so hard up, he has to try to live sex vicariously…

Drunken Grownutz December 19, 2012 at 12:06 pm

… he has to try to live sex vicariously…

At least he has something to compare it to…

Smirks December 19, 2012 at 2:27 pm

Eheh… Ehehehheh… She said boned… Ehehehehh…

Citadel32 December 19, 2012 at 8:43 pm

Speaking of low intelligence, is this thread about the Wilson idiots?

CNSYD December 19, 2012 at 11:57 am

I was reading Sic Willie’s book on his affair with Haley last night and it said…..

coolhandluke December 19, 2012 at 12:00 pm

FITS when it comes to nikki haley, our governess, you really really have a sexual perverted problem. This blog was worthy of posting? Appears you might be bored, really bored and grasping for something, anything, maybe it’s between your legs? Do it, shut your eyes, get a mental image, and whack away and maybe enjoy a bit of vicarous pleasure. Why not follow up on the stupid ass liberal Chapin teacher, teaching young teens how to stomp on and disrespect the American flag? The district super and board should be ashamed of themselves allowing liberal, warp minded shit to hang around and attempt to damage the minds of more young men and women. Opps! Forgot, the liberal-mindedness of the board and super, so they might approved of his dispicable behavior. Have not seen or heard of the super and/or the board chairman disagreeing with his bahavior yet?

Citadel32 December 19, 2012 at 8:41 pm

Or the Lexington Ring. Has that fiction run its course?

fitsnews Author December 19, 2012 at 1:05 pm

Just having some fun … although there’s no question Sic Willie has a “sexual perverted problem.”

xx chromosome December 19, 2012 at 5:16 pm

@Fits-this is not news worthy. I think you are drunk…sleep it off and start over tomorrow.

Lance Riprock December 20, 2012 at 7:36 am

Learn that it is “piqued my interest”, not “peaked”. And you call yourself a wordsmith. Hah. Darla Moore has the same problem with the two words. I’ve seen it in print, just like here. Money, private school, whatever.

same ol' same ol' December 20, 2012 at 10:12 am

It may have been a play on words… we’ll never know.

J B Whatley December 19, 2012 at 1:42 pm

I think you are not being fair, everyone can make a little mistake, lighten up, it Christmas, so Merry Christmas everyone!!

J B Whatley December 19, 2012 at 1:43 pm

See, I made one, it should be “It’s” and not It!

interested December 19, 2012 at 1:59 pm

It’s really kind of sad that the guy has the power of the pen and only uses it to smear a scorning ex-lover. Allegedly.

jimlewis,owb December 19, 2012 at 2:00 pm

Everyone in the photo appears to be listening to a speaker.

Well, almost everyone.

GreenvilleLwyr December 19, 2012 at 3:11 pm

There was a great (photoshopped) picture showing her playing Angry Birds on that thing at one time.

insider guy December 19, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Just like all the times she brought her kids into Great Clips. All she would do is stay on those damn devices.

Carrot Top December 19, 2012 at 3:21 pm

Nothing like a six dollar haircut from a crackhead with bad BO.
Do you have no shame brother?

insider guy December 19, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Does she had ADHD?

Krusty the Clown December 19, 2012 at 3:38 pm

Is he the one with a dick head as big as an apple? FITS, when you gonna write your book? You driving your fan club crazy, like Elvis and the Beetles.

shifty henry December 19, 2012 at 5:16 pm

…. What is the favorite South Carolina state beetle?

—– John

insider guy December 19, 2012 at 4:21 pm

Hey Guv., you say one in four have a mental health issue. Kind of like pathological lying?

shifty henry December 19, 2012 at 5:18 pm

Just read her screen: “Dearest Will…..it’s OVER!”

Nate Valentine December 19, 2012 at 5:54 pm

This is some weak ass shit – she is over you, man.

William F. Buckley, Jr. December 19, 2012 at 6:38 pm

For immediate release: Another paragraph has been submitted by Mr. Folks for inclusion in his soon-to-be potboiler.

CNSYD December 19, 2012 at 9:40 pm

Page 1 is now complete.

William F. Buckley, Jr. December 19, 2012 at 10:50 pm

Will Folks decided that he needed a publicist to promote his forthcoming book. He hired me at $2,000 per month.

After the first month he called me. “What’s happening? There’s nothing written about me at all.”

I said, “They’re talkin’ about ya’, baby, they’re talkin’ about ya.”

Two more months go by, and $4,000 more, and no publicity. He’s pretty mad. He called me and asked, “Hey, what’s happening here?”

I said, “They’re talkin’ about ya’, baby, they’re talkin’ about ya.”

Three more months go by, and $6,000 bucks paid and not a thing to show for it. Will was so mortified and angry that he barged right into my office and said, “What’s happening? What’ve I got to show for my $12,000?”

I said, “They’re talkin’ about ya’, baby, they’re talkin’ about ya.”

He said, “Oh, yeah? So what’re they saying?”

I said, “They’re saying, ‘Whatever happened to Will Folks?'”


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