Ken Ard: Ignorance Is Bliss

DISGRACED FORMER LT. GOVERNOR MULLS RETURN TO POLITICS Former S.C. Lt. Gov. Ken Ard (RINO-Pamplico) – who resigned his office in disgrace back in March after being indicted on campaign finance charges – was the subject of an expansive profile piece in The Florence Morning News over the weekend. Why?  We…


Former S.C. Lt. Gov. Ken Ard (RINO-Pamplico) – who resigned his office in disgrace back in March after being indicted on campaign finance charges – was the subject of an expansive profile piece in The Florence Morning News over the weekend.

Why?  We have no clue …well,  other than every weekend is a “slow” news weekend when you live in the God-forsaken Pee Dee region of South Carolina.

Maybe this is phase two of Ard’s image reclamation effort – the first being his radio show, “Good Morning Pee Dee.”  In fact the piece – or rather pieces (here and here) – includes a discussion about Ard resuming his political career.  Apparently his hot wife Tammy wants him to run again “because he’s so good at it.” Also Eddie Floyd – the local “RINO” kingmaker – is on board with the notion.

Sheesh … although far be it from us to deprive Tammy of anything she wants.

Tammy Ard: Wants hubby to run again.

Ard says he has “no intention” of ever running for public office again, but he doesn’t expressly rule it out.  He even says that politics “needs people like me.”

“Politics has become something you rehearse and you audition and you go to law school and you work for the right senator and the right congressman and you clerk at the right desk then you go to Columbia,” Ard told reporters Traci Bridges and John Sweeney, “We’ve created a mindset so dissimilar to Main Street.”

Mmmm-kay …

“I’m ashamed of what I did,” Ard continues, “but I tell you politics is better off with people like me – people who have lived where the rubber hits the road.”


Ard was brought down by a cash for contributions scheme – one exposed exclusively by FITS.  Basically, he was caught giving his own money to various individuals in exchange for them cutting checks to his campaign – which is ridiculous because state law allows candidates to spend as much money as they want on their own campaigns.  Ard was also busted billing all sorts of personal expenses to his campaign account.

Anyway, in his “exclusive” Morning News interviews Ard claims he cooked up the “cash for contributions” scam himself – and didn’t know it was illegal.

“When I ran for lieutenant governor, very early on, I found out quickly I didn’t have the ability [to raise funds],” he said.  “I didn’t know how to do it. I mean, I just couldn’t ask someone to give me money, and I was calling not only people that I knew but people that I didn’t know, and as the filing period would draw closer, I started brainstorming.”

Yeah … there’s your problem.  When you’ve got no brain, nothing good is ever going to come from that.

Before being brought down by his recent scandal Ard was nothing but a two-bit tax-and-spend redneck masquerading as a “Republican.”  And let’s be honest, that’s all this bumpkin is ever going to be.  He’s corrupt, sure, but he’s also astoundingly stupid – even by South Carolina standards.

If Tammy Ard really wants to be a political power spouse, we’ve got some free advice for her: Get a divorce.


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OhNoNotAgain December 17, 2012 at 9:49 am

The Flo-mo will tout anything Pee Dee, regardless of ethics.

jimlewis,owb December 17, 2012 at 9:58 am

Sanford and Ard 2014, A Ticket to Prosperity

“Don’t vote for unknowns, vote for Sanford and Ard”

“We are certifiable double dealing, back stabbing , black hearted, cork screwing, hypocritical Cockroaches”

? December 17, 2012 at 10:01 am

“Yeah … there’s your problem. When you’ve got no brain, nothing good is ever going to come from that.”


“If Tammy Ard really wants to be a political power spouse, we’ve got some free advice for her: Get a divorce.”

lmao! Even worse. Is someone on their man period today?

At least tubby scored a hot wife though. Maybe he’s hung like a donkey.

OhNoNotAgain December 17, 2012 at 10:07 am

If you read it on, there is an interesting note. The reporters doing the story, one is an admitted long-time family friend, the other is a frequent guest on Ard’s radio show, and that reporter is an avowed egoist who gets stroked by things like this.
Sad day for SC journalism.

Billy K Mulligan December 17, 2012 at 10:16 am

Note to Ard: Next time don’t hire Fatbory Cahaly if you intend on doing it the honest way. Or maybe you’ll need his goon squads – if so – be sure to sub-contract that part out.

Whatever December 17, 2012 at 10:33 am

Will Folks, you just wish you were HALF the man that Ken Ard is. For whatever reason you have been after him from day one. Your filthty mind and obsession with his wife is insane. One day big slick willie you will get whats due to you. I dont know of one person in politics today that would have the balls to admit his wrong doings like Ken Ard has done. And NO WHERE did he say he would return to politics. His wife may have hinted to this but Ken’s answer was NO. See how you go putting words in people’s mouth. Put your money where your big fat mouth is and STHU!!!! Keep your happy ass in Columbia and leave the Pee Dee alone! I would love to see a face to face radio show with you and Ken. He would chew you up and spit you out!

GreenvilleLwyr December 17, 2012 at 1:25 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, Sammy Ard FTW!

Sailor December 17, 2012 at 10:38 am

I think Tammy should run. She’s hot!!

BigT December 17, 2012 at 10:45 am

A man spends his Money the way the Government says he can’t…

Liberals already own the media…They do not WANT any competition, even if you pay for it yourself….

Ard did something stupid…but the Government is Obscene…

And FITS is just as Gestapo as the Leftwing Money laws that seek to take our non-liberals…

Saluda Rapids December 17, 2012 at 12:06 pm

You’ll vote for this shit-kicker again b/c you have no brain, just like most of the morons who go to the polls in this state. Sheep being led to slaughter.

And there you go again….Gestapo. You TeaBag nuts are all alike.

dwb619 December 17, 2012 at 1:22 pm

You Republicans sure elect some STUPID politicians, that includes NIMRATA!

jed December 17, 2012 at 10:57 am

“What I mean was, I knowed it was against some rules, I just didn’t know it was against no LAW.”

Smirks December 17, 2012 at 11:13 am

The laws aren’t meant for those in power, honest mistake on Ard’s part thinking he had any kind of position of power for them not to apply to him.

Smirks December 17, 2012 at 11:09 am

I love how disgraced politicians can actually consider returning to politics in this state. We don’t vet who we elect for shit and they know it.

Who wants to take bets on how long before Knotts considers running again?

Whatever December 17, 2012 at 11:21 am

If your balls are big enough, I challange you to ask to be a guest on his show!!! Run Willie Run….Dont think we will ever see that, you are too much of a coward!

Nolff December 17, 2012 at 11:53 am

By looking at his wife, Ard is out of his league. His wife has no use for him unless he’s in a position of power.

Silvio Dante December 17, 2012 at 12:07 pm

She loves a big hitter with pitcher’s mound power.

Whatever December 17, 2012 at 2:50 pm

Ken Ard’s own words to you Will Folks. He’s not concerned about you and your entourage one bit!!!

“I’ve never concerned myself with the noise of my critics, only the silence of my friends,” he said. “There will always be those that form their opinions by what they read or hear. I can’t control that nor do I spend any time worrying about it. But my friends were never silent. They supported me and my family in a way that I will never forget. Living is messy, we all hit speed bumps and I just hope I’m half the friend that so many people were to us.” ~~Ken Ard~~

La Migra December 17, 2012 at 3:05 pm

“I’ve never concerned myself with the noise of my critics, only the silence of my friends, who are only silent after I cut a SBD…and then it’s a really uncomfortable and akward silence.”

yup yup yup December 17, 2012 at 8:27 pm

The wife has nice titties, so yes, Ard, run again so we can view her titties some more. (Haven’t you had enough of this, you crook? Get yourself an honest job mowing lawns.)

Lance Riprock December 18, 2012 at 11:57 am

Quien es mas calor, Tammy Ard o Melissa Edge? Any hot pix of either?


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